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[Music] you I everyone welcome back to my channel thank you so much for subscribing for commenting or liking fully supportive thank you it is the first time welcome to my channel lady miss Daphne and make sure that you subscribe if you're not subscribed so welcome to is there anything from back again and I apologize I wasn't here last week but I pray that this word is definitely a wedding season for you this week even as we enter into the month of August I pray that the Holy Spirit may speak to you and transform you through his power through this word so let's go straight into the Word of God let's go to the book of Genesis chapter 41 verse 1 to 16 would say then it came to pass at the end of two full years that Pharaoh had a dream and behold he stood by the river suddenly they came up out of the river seven cows finally came in fact and they fed in the middle then behold seven hundred cows came up after them out of the river ugly and gaunt and stood by the other cows on the bank of the river and the ugly and wart cows ate up the seven fine-looking and fat cows so Pharaoh awoke he slept and dreamed a second time and suddenly seven heads of grain came up on one stock pump and good and behold seven pinheads belated by the east wind sprang up after them and the seventh in has devoured the seven plump and foods so Pharaoh awoke and indeed it was a dream now it came to pass in the morning that his spirit was troubled then he said in quote for the magician's of Egypt and oh it's wise man and fight all these dreams and there was no one who could interpret them fro Pharaoh then the chief Butler thought to Pharaoh saying I remember my Foster's day when if I was angry with his servants and put me in custody in the house of the captain of God both me and the chief Baker we each had a dream in one night he and I each of us dreamed according to the interpretation of his own dream and there was a young Hebrew man with us there a servant of the captain of God and we told him and he interpret our dreams for us to each man he interpreted according to its own dream and it came to pass just as he interpreted for us so it happened he restored me to Memphis and he handed the fire code Joseph and they brought quickly our Shaylee to change these clothing came to fail and first said to Joseph I have had a dream and there's no one who can interpret it but I heard instead of you that you can understand a dream to interpret it so Joseph answered Pharaoh saying it is not in me God will give fowl an answer of peace amen amen you see there's nothing as dangerous as working this life without discernment there's nothing as tragic as working on this earth and not living or doing the things that God is calling you to do not being a solution to things that need answers you see you and I are put here on earth to be a solution and an answer to a situation a problem whether it's in your family whether it's in a city a country whether its global whether it's in your school at your job you are the solution because God lives in you the Spirit of God lives inside of you so therefore you have to be a solution to the problems that the world is facing the problems that the world is caring today the birth pains that the world has today you are the solution and I'm driven by the end of this video your passion will be ignited by the end of this video you'll begin to realize and perceive and understand to interpret the problems that you have a solution for in whatever situation in your life so here we see Joseph Joseph was interpreting dreams and hoping that people give a word so that he can be taken out of prison but what said that's way to who he is let's wait two more years when Joseph cannot do any more things in his own strength let's wait two more years when Joseph has no other hope but to look at me to look at my heart my hand you see sometimes God puts us in situations whereby we become completely hopeless we cannot depend on anybody house people leave you people forget you people reject you I don't know if you're in a situation right now but people have rejected you people have left you people have abandoned you you see their situations and seasons in life where people have to abandon us for the sake of us being pruned into greatness you see the why they are abandoning you the reason why those people are rejecting you the reason why people have to rely on you and fight you the reason why people have to backstab you so that your greatness that is inside of you can begin to bubble its side until he erupts and the whole world sees the greatness that was hidden inside of your children God sometimes don't pray these prayers like God get me out of this situation God is pruning you he's tree to make you great he's trying to make you depend on him he's trying to make you see he's trying to make your eyes to see that he is the only hope only light the only word that works he's trying to make you to depend on the Word of God he's trying to make you to depend on the Scriptures and not depend on what people say God wants you to depend on him alone you seen those that'll be remains three greats have to be people that depend on God because their situations in that moment of greatness their situations whereby when you have that seats you have to know that these people are just yes people therefore I need to depend on God's wisdom God's Direction God's understanding God's strength you see even in the places of greatness you have to depend on God just as you did in the places on witness the places of being hidden it was to four years for Joseph the Bible tells us that after two four years Pharaoh had a dream child of God there are people that are going to be given dreams and visions that you need to interpret there are people that are going to be given business ideas that you need to say yes this is a good idea - yeah things that situation that I'm going to be raised up that your gift is an answer in a solution to the Bible tells us that Pharaoh had a dream and behold it stood by the river this is after two four years God gave Pharaoh a dream you see God is not a respecter of people is not a respecter of persons it can begin to give people things that you are able to interpret he's able to give people things even people in your family that you need to be an attitude don't think because it's a family member they have nothing to give me because it's my friend in school they have nothing to give me God is calling you to be a sooner in that family members life you don't know what can happen tomorrow maybe that is your window and that is your door to the six of onam maybe that is your window and the door to the city of victory child of God understand according to the spirit around understand according to the holy spirit go and began to raise up a situation that needed an Joseph to a dream Joseph had been having dreams as a child as a 17 year old he was having dreams even before that Joseph gifts to us in dreams and it's a pretty dreams under the spirit of the Living God you see you and I have a gift inside that has power you and I have a gift inside that is a solution to somebody else's problem this is why it's so important to discover your gift child of God you would have to discover your gift you need to know what God is placed inside of you and sometimes people are walking in being a gift sometimes you're walking your gift but you don't yet understand it this is because you don't allow the Holy Spirit to make you to understand how important it is don't compare yourself to other people don't compare yourself to other prophets don't compare yourself to other authors God is calling you to a right certain kind of books because there's a crisis here on earth and you need to write certain kind of books that are solutions to the crisis don't think because so-and-so hasn't written a book about this so-and-so hasn't made a title how do people think what will people think God is calling you to be away maker this is a season of wave makers this is a season way buy things that were gonna done before I'm being done by people that are willing to say yes I am willing God and willing to go I'm willing to do what your calling calling me to do I'm willing to use this gift I've been using this gift for myself I've been dreaming dreams for myself I've been dreaming dreams so much family I've been dreaming dreams for my family but I'm willing to know dream dreams for nations and kingdoms I'm able to be a way make are you willing to say yes to being a we make because God is raising up Pharaoh and the two four years has come you see the time has come when by Pharaoh he's being raised up you're sleeping in that bed maybe you rent a little one-bedroom house you're sleeping in they're not even thinking where your life is going you're thinking where's my life going God wait am I going what is my life what is my purpose here on earth but God is raising up a pharaoh before you even through your gift no matter how small and a gift is no matter how little you look at yourself in your own eyes God is able to use you God was able to use people who were shepherds Sherman boys became kings or fans became queens child of God but is able to use you in this season all you need to do is to be willing and obedient Wow who had a dream and behold he stood by the river and we're told that these were two dreams first year the dream of the cows the big ones and the fat ones then God had to confirm the dream by giving him another dream of grain that had clubheads and grain back their heads God was confirming the matter you see when we have two dreams that are from God it means that this thing is established this thing cannot be changed this is what God was trying to tell Pharaoh not every dream that Pharaoh had was from God but this particular one was from God you see God is searching God is looking for somebody that can be a solution to animation a solution to the Kingdom of the United Kingdom a solution to the United States of America a solution to Sudan a solution to King a solution to South Africa God is looking for a man and a woman who are willing to be solutions when God says I want you to go there you go there you don't go around asking your friends should I go too far Saturn is calling me should I really go I mean I've heard fairies in witchcraft is in Satanism should I really be eating with Pharaoh conversating with Pharaoh God says go to fact God says go in that Kingdom where they practicing witch hunt because I am with you I am the light that shines in you the Spirit of God is inside you the power of God that makes you greater is inside of you do not fear where I'm sending you a child of God he may be sending you need to with places that practice strange things places that do strange things and my places where people do weird things at nights child of God he is with you he is making you a solution we need to rise above the fear of darkness fear of witchcraft fear of witches and wizards God has made you great God is giving you power to trample over serpents and scorpions God is giving you power through the Holy Spirit to avail over the power of the enemy through the blood and through the cross you have power over the works of the enemy do you realize how powerful you are even as God is sending you in places that are unfamiliar territories that seem strange do you understand the power that is inside of you the power that is in you Pharaoh had a dream I was looking for people looking for somebody who can be an answer a solution to the dream you see many times we think that there was a crisis in Egypt concerning food and concerning rain and meat and food but the real crisis here was interpreting the dream of Pharaoh this was the biggest crisis of Egypt and that time you see without the interpretation of the dream there is no food without the interpretation of dream of the dream there is no understanding that there's going to be a food shortage can you interpret the crisis that God is calling you to be a solution for you see there's a crisis in your family that God is calling you to child of God will you say yes I will come oh your family there's tragedies in your family and God is calling you to be the solution the waymaker the one that sets the pace of change in your family can you realize can you discern and see that there's a crisis in your family a crisis that you need to interpret and attention you see it's not about the lack of finances in your family there's a deeper crisis that you need to interpret a crisis concerning giving the people in your family are selfish they don't give this is why there's a financial crisis God is calling you to interpret the crisis in your family you see there needed to be an interpretation of the at Faro and there was a crisis to interpret the dream the dream needed to be interpreted can you just show the crisis at your job and your workplace you see if you are not the answer if you don't be kind of solution they'll never be changing that workplace if you don't become the answer and the solution that company is going to go down don't think because they are not paying me enough I'm just gonna do average stuff because they are making me work overtime without paying me how can I do all my best how can I work with all my heart but you see child of God you have to interpret the crisis God is saying work with all your heart as unto me because I'm about to raise you up in this job place I want you to take over this company even though they're not paying you but I put you there for the crisis at hand you see sometimes we may not understand certain things you may be working in that company but it's going to affect the whole entire city if you don't become the solution the company or the job that you're working at if you don't become the ads and the solution is going to affect the entire city child of God understand the interpretation of the crisis don't just look at the physical things because there's a deeper issue that you need to discern and perceive Pharaoh was looking for somebody to perceive to interpret to explain the dream to illustrate what's going on why am I having two dreams that are like why am I having such strange dreams and one cannot these magicians and all these people these witches and these wizards how is it that none of these people can interpret this dream every other time that I have a dream people explain it to me people interpret for me people give me solutions and answers but this time it seems that no one is giving me the answer maybe you are the dreamer maybe you are the Pharaoh and you need to find your Joseph today can you find your Joseph and the answer on our way is my Joe's a child of God if you're filled with the Holy Spirit of God it's time to ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to your Joseph because there's dreams that God is giving you and without a Joseph there's going to be chaos in your life without a Joseph there's going to be a this child of God don't think of yourself very highly maybe you have a high position but you need that Joseph that is it the prison you need that Joseph that is a shade I'm Joseph that looks dirty and Joseph that doesn't have any class compared to you that Joseph that's not very educated like you that Joseph that doesn't baby look as good as you you need your Joseph for the things that are coming ahead you need your Joseph for the things that God is putting a hand in your life you need your Joseph because your Joseph will take you to the next level your Joseph will be a solution to the crisis in your life the Bible tells us that after family had this dream you woke up in the morning and his spirit was troubled you know we don't hear about Pharaoh spirit prior to this I mean this one now in deep issue that affected even his spirit it went deeper than the soul it went deeper than the flesh maybe was even sick maybe even had a stomach ache you see it went deeper than the flesh he began to affect his very spirit it affected his heart and his heart became sick you see God can begin to make people to have a restlessness until they come into contact with you because you are the solution you don't need to go around begging people for stuff because God is able to make people restless until they speak with you until they talk with you until they give you the opportunity until they call you to come over you see God is able to the network on your behalf child of God you don't need to beg anybody you don't need to kiss anybody's feet except the feet of the king of kings in worship you don't need to beg anybody God in the season is raising up your fan and your Pharaoh is going to be restless until your name has been spoken until your name has been called what is your name child of God because God is about to make people call for you God is about to make people book you God is about to make people seek you because you are the solution you are the answer to their problem you are the answer to the crisis the crisis of interpreting an issue the crisis of seeing and discerning and explaining illustrating the issue at hand here issues that concern families and generations issues that concern friendships issues that concern marriages you see in the season God is raising are people that are going to be solutions for marriages because marriages are dying marriages are dead and God is raising our people there are going to be solutions and answers people will begin to see things differently and and marriages will begin to be restored people who are able to interpret the crisis of marriages in the Christendom as well as in the world people that are able to interpret the crisis in cities and nations and countries people that are able to interpret the crisis in traditional churches in churches that no longer had the Spirit of God moving inside child of God I hope that you're ready to be the answer in the solution to the crisis or Farrell troubled in his spirit it became a big issue that made him sick in his spirits you see we have to understand this really deeply he was troubled troubled understand what this means trouble is trouble any good trouble is tormenting do you realize that they're people that have been tormented right now because you have not yet provided the solution or the interpretation to the crisis in their life do you know that their cities right now that are being tormented because you are not walking as a solution to that city could be that God has raised you up to be an intercessor but because you don't pray for that city that city is crying out it is trouble that it is being tormented because you refuse to be the answer he refused to be the solution child of God do you look down on yourself maybe you look down yourself and you say I'm not good enough it's not able to use me look at my background look at my race look at my gender look at my age is God able to use me as a crisis in marriages you see I have this passion but I do I just don't know if I'm able you don't know but God knows God knows and he has called you to be a solution to the crisis the fact that you're thinking of it the fact that it burns inside of you the fact that this desire and this passion you cannot switch it off is because God has put it inside of you so that you can rise up say yes to it and start to walk in it according to his spirit leading you according to his word you see in the world is what will made you to walk correctly the Spirit of the Lord leading you is what will make you to interpret the journey correctly child of God never look down on yourself that's very dangerous never look down on yourself never compare yourself to anybody never look for approval from people because God has called you go ahead has raised you up for such a time as this is just not for Esther it's just not for Mordecai it's just not for Joseph but it's for those who have the Spirit of the Lord living inside of them you see the reason why the spirit of the law is inside you because you need to demonstrate his power you see your life is an answer your life is a story your life is an influence in this world never ever look down yourself because Jesus Christ died for you you're good enough for him you're good enough for him to rise up from the dead for you you're good enough to be a solution on this earth never let anybody tell you that you too small this idea is too small you know whatever you think is very little it's not really gonna make any impact it will make an impact according to the will of God concerning your life there are people troubled right now nations crying with both hands because you are the nurse that is meant to bring out the child the baby you carry the wisdom and the understand you carry the skills to bring out babies out of dishes to bring up children and blessings out of your family so that people can see and walk and enjoy these blessings in your family in your city at your job in friendships in marriages you are the one that God has chosen shout of God you are the one that God has chosen to be a solution in an answer to the crisis at hand Farah began to look for people magicians looking for Wiseman to interpret the dream but this was a God kind of dream you see the things of the Spirit are very high the things of the spoon go beyond witchcraft and wizards they go beyond magicians there's certain things they're too high for witchcraft to reach for people who are liars to reach there's certain things that are beyond the senses certain things that are beyond the physical realm do certain things that only need God's Spirit because they come straight from the throne of God a mead the interpretation of God's Spirit this is why you and I we need the Holy Spirit you cannot do it without the Holy Spirit the issue and the crisis at hand means the Holy Spirit you see you will not succeed in that situation that situation that is meant to be a crisis maybe to your marriage your marriage has become a crisis that you need to interpret but without the Holy Spirit power of God we thought the Holy Spirit is the counselor the Spirit who reveals all truth without the Holy Spirit who is the helper you see you will not succeed in that marriage the crisis cannot end that to the Holy stream intervenes until you give room to the Holy Spirit the crisis cannot be interpreted you see you need the Holy Spirit to perceive the crisis you need the Holy Spirit to see the crisis to see that is because of what was planted 20 years ago in this marriage is because of the world and the mindset that was being used in this marriage five years ago that my sit mr. Li plucked up that mindset is to be rude and out it is because of them I said you see the Holy Spirit will begin to show you the issue the crisis the root of the crisis you see the root of the crisis in this situation wasn't food it was the dream that pharaoh had can you see and proceed the root of the crisis because it is only the Holy Spirit that can show you the roots to the crisis you want to be a way maker but without the Holy Spirit leaving your steps without the Holy Spirit directing your way you cannot reach the places that God wants you to reach you need go on in the crisis you need God to interpret the crisis you need the power of God to speak over the crisis you need the wisdom of God to know where and how and why you need to go through that fire need to go through that issue in that situation under the pillar of the Holy Spirit you see the Holy Spirit is a person the Holy Spirit is just not the power of God but he is a person the Holy Spirit is God we need to begin to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit you see for some of you there's a crisis where by me the wisdom of God maybe you've been giving birth just at home you've been helping people give birth you've been a midwife just in your own house but God is not calling you to be a midwife for churches Midwife for cities and kingdoms child of God you're going to need the wisdom of God you're going to need the power of God but because this thing cannot be done in your own strength a crisis that God begins to bring up needs the Holy Spirit power God it needs people that can walk under the power of the Holy Spirit yes the differences that are happening son that I even demonically influenced that need the power of God there's crisis in your family that means the power of God I'm going to be the vessel that the power of God can use are you going to be the best so that the Spirit of God can begin to pour out fully without a blockage with a hot boundary God wants to use you without boundaries God was to move your heart forever that he wishes whatever that he wants God is looking for hearts that he can send and move in any direction not bad being resistance child of God can you be the solution to the crisis can you be the interpreter of the crisis the root of the crisis the root of the crisis was Pharaoh's dream before there was a food shortage they needed to be an interpretation that there's going to be a food shortage in a few years there's going to be a food shortage that is going to take seven years to happen before the crisis they needs to be somebody that can interpret that there is going to be a shortage in my family if I don't do things right in this courtship you see if I save my kisses for marriage if I save my body for marriage if I say to myself for marriage the price is at hand the prices that happened in my past in the crisis that can happen in the future can be stopped through my obedience through the works of righteousness through holiness in Jesus Christ you see there's a crisis you need to attend to it's God able to move your heart wait once maybe he wants you to do things a little bit differently but you're saying I cannot I like to follow trends I like to follow cultures I like to follow what the other kids are doing other kids are having fun having parties the other kids are going clubbing and they're sleeping around I cannot do what you're asking me to do god this is too difficult for me is that what you say maybe you're very young in your saying god I cannot do this I cannot walk this kind of walk because everybody else is walking a different kind of work but God is saying there's a crisis you see if you don't walk the walk that God is calling you to walk there's going to be serious situations in your family in your future family your future generation there's going to be issues that are going to affect generations it's very important that we begin to listen to God when he's saying something to you don't try to debate with God this is God Almighty this is God Almighty than God of the heavens and the earth who are you to debate with God whether they should be obedient or whether they should not be obedient because there is a crisis at hand there's a crisis in the future there's a crisis that can even affect your whole entire town through your disobedience she's out of God it's time to say yes yes I will interpret this crisis through my life yes I will interpret this crisis I will illustrate and explain it do the way that I live the way that I do things living and walking the walk the walk of righteousness walking the walk in the Word of God I choose to let my life be a book that people can read because my life is the solution to the crisis in this world the Bible tells that no one could interpret the dream no one could interpret the crisis that was at hand but there was a man as a chief Baker a man who had come into contact with Joseph you see the way that you treat people now is very important the way that you treat people behind their backs is very important the way that you speak to them is it real or is it fake imagine if Joseph had not spoken to this chief Baker if Joseph had ignored the sign on their faces because the Bible tells us that Joseph who went to these people and he saw that they looked sad you see if Joseph had not discerned that this chief Baker was sad this chief Baker would not have told Joseph the dream and Joseph would not have interpreted the crisis of the chief Baker you see the interpretations that you had in the past the interpretations that you did in the past can open a window and a door for you tomorrow the way that you discerned somebody else's problem the way that you became a solution to somebody else's problem yesterday can open a door for you tomorrow this is why we shouldn't just think about ourselves it shouldn't just be about me me me as you walk this road let it be about other people can you buy someone else flowers without them buying you flowers first or do you wait for people to do things for you first when somebody else is said why don't you ask them you look sad today is everything okay you're just not yourself today is everything all right child of God it's very important the way that we treat people on a daily basis the way that we do things on a day-to-day basis can open doors for us or closed doors for us tomorrow the chief Baker had a crisis of his own two years ago that Joseph was a solution to and because Joseph was a solution to his crisis he was able to recommend you Joseph to Pharaoh child of God I pray that people may recommend you in the seasonal harvest the people that you've been answers to people that you've been solutions to even people that have forgotten you I pray that those people may remember you in this season that those people may recommend you to the people that are going to usher you into the place of relevance into your seat of honor into your place that has your name written you see no weeping fashion against you shall prosper I guess the recommendations that these people are going to make concerning your name your name will be spoken off your name will not before because you did something selflessly you did something without thinking of getting something back the things that you've been doing for other people now it's your time to reap the harvest the prayers you've been making for others the seed that you've been giving financially the things they've been doing for your friends the way that you've been treating your friends even though son I've been backstabbing you even though son have rejected you but today a child of God let it be noted that it is the time of harvest it is your time to reap it is your time of being recommended in places of honor in seas of Honor in places that only the Holy Spirit of God can put you in Joseph's name was recommended by the chief Baker to Pharaoh he began to explain the situation I was in a situation two years ago I was desperate I was in a prison I had done things to you Pharaoh but there was a young man who was concerned about my welfare even though he was in the prison even though he had his own issues this man took time out of his day to speak to me this man took time out of his schedule to interpret my dreams you need to speak to this guy because this guy cannot only interpret dreams but he's a man that is concerned about the welfare of other people he's a man that is not selfish he's a man that sees beyond opportunities you see some of you have people around your life that are only nice to you because they know that you have opportunities but God is a reward in your heart it is your heart that he's looking at in the season he is looking at your heart and he's going to reward your because you've been faithful not because you wanted something back but because you were nice to these people because you wanted them to do something free but because it was just genuine you weren't genuine in friendships you and genuine in that relationship you were genuine in your finances you were genuine in your prayers you see there are people that go to God only when they want something they cannot even worship these people they only go to God when they're in trouble but you had a different mindset even though you have all these problems around you even though you have all these Warfare's but you go to God because you want to worship Him you desire to adore him you desire to praise his name because he is worthy to be praised you are one of those that doesn't go because you want something from me but because you want to show how much you love him do your praise so God is rewarding you in the season because of your heart josephs reward had arrived you see it was more than interpreting the dream of the chief Baker it was how he behaved how he treated the chief Baker how have you treated those in your past you know sometimes the reason why doors are closed is simply because of the way that Christians treat other people it's simply the mindset that certain Christians carry in terms of how they treat other people the reason why some doors are closed it's simply because of how you're treating other people how do you treat other people found the whole story about Joseph and immediately he said Col Joseph let it be called and brought up quickly out of the dungeon out of that dungeon that place of darkness that place of hopelessness that place of being confined you see in the timing of God in the fullness of time it will happen stop doing things in your own strength start running after every prophet because in the fullness of time it is coming to pass Joseph knew that he was going to be king because God gave him dreams at the age of 17 Joseph was having dreams that his brothers were bowing before him Joseph had an understanding that his future was very bright Joseph knew that he was going to be famous Joseph knew that he was going to be king you see Joseph knew these things this is why he was saying to the chief Baker's say a word for me to fat stick to fire on my behalf you see he had a knowing and inclination and understanding that his future is not ordinary his future is very bright ice-cold from greatness you know that your call to greatness you know that your life is not ordinary but stop chasing opportunities let God be God because in the fullness of time it is coming to pass you see when God begins to move you in position it is his hand that does it you just find yourself going with the flow going with the move you just find yourself in that boat they may be a storm or that boat but you see the hand of God is moving that boat to the place and the shore of prominence the place and the shore of Nations it is God that it's going to move you to the place just go with the flow stop saying hi to them because they don't carry they are not the Pharaoh they don't carry your blessing they don't carry the door they are not the door go with the flow of God go with the movement of God go with the hand of God because it's taking you where you need to go sometimes God will even move you to a different place a different City because he's moving you in the flow you need to come to your place of relevance it's sometimes your place of relevance does it look like anything that is really going to be relevant for Joseph it was the dungeon Joseph would have never thought that this is my place of relevance but this was his place of relevance that Doug prison that dungeon under the earth the dungeon was actually under the earth it was ended under the earth child of God maybe you're here there today but you are in the place of relevance it's not about the situation it's not about where you are but it's about being in the place of relevance it's about being in the mid-to of the will of God that's why it's important it doesn't matter that you've been single for five years doing the place of relevance because in the fullness of time your husband is coming in the fullness of time your spouse is arriving I hope that you're ready you've been looking at the dungeon maybe you've not been decorating yourself you've not been decorating the place because it's a dungeon but in the fullness of time the spouse is coming I hope you have been preparing to be a wife because in the fullness of time the spouse is coming in the fullness of time your name is going to be called out of the dungeon out of the dark place but the dark place of relevance into light into where you can see the trees where you can breathe the freshness on the air where you can see the birds sing you see you're going to be pulled out out of that dungeon and it's Joseph was being pulled out out of the dungeon you had to be shaved they needed to be a make over we are told before that Joseph was very good-looking Joseph was a handsome man and he had body so they need to be a make over to renew that beauty that handsomeness they need to be of a new more God is renewing those ashes beauty for Ashes beauty for Ashes for you God is restoring you you think that those years they stole so much out of you maybe now your wrinkles your stress maybe you even have anxiety those years in the dungeon have maybe given you things and emotions that you never thought you could have before emotions of fear emotions of dread and torment but God is wiping it all the way it's been white it's been wiped away it's been wiped clean now it's the time to experience in joy that overcomes that torment joy that will heal you of anxiety you see sometimes God will put you in a place whereby there's so much joy then begins to wipe up things I there's no room for anxiety because of where God is taking you in the season but can you interpret the crisis can you interpret the crisis under the power of the Holy Spirit as you come out of the dungeon and you have a make over there is now change the husband is coming the job has come the finances are moving you somehow in the place of relevance but there's still a crisis who knows maybe you've come to the kingdom for such a time as this you think during the presence of Pharaoh that there is no work that needs to be done and there's work that needs to be done you think because you're now out of the dungeon you can just hang around people and have small compositions on the way to Pharaoh but there's no time for small talk small talk with people that have nothing to do with your destiny small talk with fake friends there is no time to play around because there's a crisis that you need to interpret there's a baby that you need to deliver there are prayers that you need to make because nations are crying your voice speaks there are things and changes that need to change in your family there's a crisis that you need to attend to so you need to focus focus in the season focus on the work ahead focus on the crisis focus on what the Holy Spirit is telling you because on that journey too far the Holy Spirit will begin to speak to you you'll begin to speak into your heart and into your spirit so you need to focus focus because there's a work ahead there's an interpretation that used to be made so we see that Joseph had a makeover and family began to tell the dream to Joseph if I begin to say I've had a dream that there is no one who can interpret it but I've heard it said of you that can understand a dream to interpret it so Joseph answered Pharaoh saying it is not in me God will give Pharaoh an answer of peace as you interpret the dream is to interpret the crisis in your life remember that it is God and gives you power it is God who gives you power to get wealth it is God what makes you to have strength in that job in that career don't forget the name of God because the name of God is what will make you succeed don't forget the Spirit of the Lord but because it is he that would give you the interpretation and we just want to pray now whatever crisis that is in your life today that they may be perception understanding discernment and wisdom important into your life today that you begin to walk in it because there's a crisis that you need to attend you the Holy Spirit will begin to help you let's just pray glory to glory to your name King of Kings glory to your name oh it's father we thank you thank you for that word King of Kings thank you for that truth that is in season Oh God for your people that are called by the name Oh God Almighty even as we join our faith together we give thanks to your gonna give thanks for your people Lord you have called all got to be solutions and answers to the crisis at hand a crisis in their family a crisis and work a crisis in their job a crisis in the church a crisis interest a crisis in cities and towns and nations and kingdoms Oh God a crisis in marriages father a crisis in different situations or God even a crisis in places like Hollywood Oh God crisis or God even in counts in positions or God that carried darkness farther in cultures or God that practiced strange things father you've raised your people to be fearless or got to attend to the crisis Lord we pray by the power of your spirit Holy Spirit power of God we depend on you we can do nothing of how we have nothing without your Holy Spirit power of God your people they are nothing without you they can do nothing without your strength without your wisdom without your leading without your truth and I pray Holy Spirit that you open your eyes to see oh god the crisis to understand it to perceive it to discern what it really looks like in all truth of what it is Holy Spirit to be fearless as they understand that crisis if they begin to survey the crisis Oh God through the lens of your eyes father let there be no fear no fear but boldness courage to walk in that to walk through the crisis to attend to the crisis to be a solution in answer to the crisis Holy Spirit power of God empower your people to walk on guard towards the crisis towards their fellow who needs their help father help your people also to be people that are selfless people that are able to treat people in the physical realm in a way Yoga that is pleasing in your sight father thus we pray in the name of Jesus the thing that is above every other day Holy Spirit power of God we thank you for making your people solutions to the crisis through your power through your Holy Spirit thank you for that true them that were that you'll begin to speak to the Holy Spirit that they may not be deceived Oh God even if they speak to Pharaoh Oh God for years and different kind of man a different kind of woman will be to understand your ways but Holy Spirit let they be favored favor upon your people favor that covers them like a shield even in the sight of Ferren Lord let it let your people do things that are that are impossible to do in their own strength even as you did for Samson even as you did for King so even as you did for David lower than they be supernatural power upon your people in the season for the sake of interpro this crisis oh god we pray in the name of Jesus the name that is above if we had the name Lord I also pray that you send your ministering angels or God to aid your people and ease their way as they walk to their family even as those that are like Pharaoh Lord that they may find their Joseph father this we pray in the name of Jesus little angels Oh God give good success along the way let them prepare the way final and recommendations be inspired by the Holy Street recommendations of your people their names must be cold or Gandhian names must be spoken a Holy Spirit power of God let it be so in the name of Jesus that is why we thank you for your ministering angels that have gone before your people to prosper their way even as the angels that went to prosper the way of Isaac when he was looking for a wife whether Abraham was looking for a wife for Isaac Lord you sent your angel to prosper he's away I thank you that in the same way you sent your angel to prosper the way of your child today I thank you for your power in them by your spirit thank you only spirit power but for empowerment for truth for motivation for courage for boldness for fearlessness for selflessness and for power and might that can only come from you that is supernatural that only comes from your throne father we give you glory we give you honor and we say you depend on you because you are God and there is no other God honor and glory belong to you forever and ever this we pray in the name of Jesus the name that is above every other name amen it ain't so god bless you now so excited for what he's calling you to do in ways that take you remember you're not ordinary because God is in you God Almighty lives in you and God is leading you to these great positions these great territories and these different things that is calling you to do so continue to trust in him and you are the answer to the crisis we get to say to yourself I am the solution I am the answer under the power of God to the crisis at hand in Jesus name so god bless you Elsie take care [Music]
Channel: Dephne Aviyah
Views: 25,027
Rating: 4.9624295 out of 5
Keywords: GOD IS CALLING YOU TO BE A SOLUTION TO A CRISIS, Be a solution, be an answer, wisdom wednesdays, wisdom wednesday, joseph the dreamer, joseph and the egypt crisis, joseph and pharoah
Id: gN60u_vr4aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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