My Life Before Meeting Christ - dealing with satanists & witchcraft - DEPHNE'S SALVATION STORY

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hi everyone welcome to my channel thank you so much for tuning in today and I wanted to do a different kind of video I feel glad to do this to maybe help somebody and encourage somebody whatever season that you have today whatever you're facing and some of you may see the Daphne on this channel but you don't really know me in a sense and some of you asked me definitely can you please share about your salvation how you met the Lord how you came to have the faith you have today and to be honest it's quite difficult to share this because there's so much that I would need to be transparent on but I I will do this video today and sort of help somebody really know the depth of the love of Christ from my experience my life and from what I know about Christ maybe I can open your eyes to see how God loves you and how God is so good to each and every one so I'm gonna share with you about my life before I met Jesus Christ so this is my salvation story growing up I came from a family that would go to the Catholic Church I wasn't really saved but I grew up going to church the Catholic Church as a kid I can remember going there probably until I was like maybe 10 or 11 years old so this is where my parents went to mainly my mom so this is where I'd go the Catholic Church but I wasn't saved I didn't know Jesus Christ didn't know anything about salvation you just go to church really as a way of going to church and so growing up I didn't really have a great life because I struggled a lot with dealing with witchcraft um I don't know some of you might not understand the African culture and some of the things that happen and it's not every time but but growing up I had relatives that way into witchcraft in every night they would come what would happen at night is how to see some of the relatives coming in my room and they would my remember one particular relative I saw her coming in my room she literally just walked through the door and then she had a snake around her waist and she was completely naked and she told me to turn over and I just turned over automatically and I don't know what she was doing to me what happens with witchcraft is there is that they check they control you so God would give me grace to see as a child I want to see so many things that maybe people cannot see with the natural eye he gave me the ability to see and this is how I would see and I would wake up in in tell my mom you know mom I saw this person coming I was very afraid to sleep at night because I knew that they were gonna come for me so it was very challenging and very scary going growing up because you don't know if you're gonna wake up because sometimes you'd feel someone you know grabbing your throat and you can't breathe and you can't wake up you can't scream this is the stuff that was happening to me almost every night I think from the time I was born to maybe when I was like 15 years old so this was happening almost every night then I remember we went to see like a prophet I mean I didn't know God I didn't know Jesus Christ or anything like that and then this person said that God loves you so much and some people and some people have been trying to kill you but God loves you so much and he has been keeping you and he's the one that is keeping you so you need to you need to praise God and 19 anything about Jesus Christ or God or praising God but I was just so grateful and I remember going back home in just thanking God even though I didn't know him you know just thanking him for saving me and keeping me so that was one aspect of my life dealing with those kind of things it was very difficult and then growing up again we traveled a lot I traveled a lot as a kid me and my family we won't struggle financially so they would go to South Africa from Zimbabwe and sell these like sculptures and so we will travel on the road for three days in the car and you know I've been to a zombie army too I've been to Botswana I've been to almost every city in South Africa and we would travel there for three days in the car and you know sometimes we travel you just think are we gonna get there because we would have nothing no money nothing and we would get there with zero zero amounts of money you know we're just traveling just hope that we get there so we can sell these sculptures to tourists and what we'll do would actually sleep outside so would go to garages and then pop the car there and take out our blankets and lay our blankets on the floor so let's actually sleep outside on the floor and if it's raining more than go in the car and sleep in the car and then this is what we did everyday because obviously we couldn't afford you know accomodation or like hotels and things like that we couldn't afford that so we'll basically sleep outside and then we particularly traveled to Stellan bush and we traveled to nice night in South Africa we also travel to yeah I think those are the two cities that would sell these sculptures at because those are the places that most of the tourists will come a lot of Germans a lot of British people Americans yeah those kind of people Dutch people and what we'll do is we'll just display these things in random places I don't know if you'd go in town sometimes you might find people selling things in van locations maybe selling hats or selling funny little things and this is what we will do we would just find a random location that is probably allowed to sell stuff on and then we'll dumb to lay out all these sculptures and these sculptures where giraffes they were hippos there were some of them were elephants beautiful sculptures are probably insert pictures so you can see what they look like and yes I would sleep outside and wake up very early in the morning take showers in the garages if the garage had a shower this is where we took the shower in the public shower and we wouldn't get up very early in the morning 5:00 a.m. get ready by 6:00 or by 6:00 a.m. we travel to the location that we're gonna sell these things make sure that we've displayed everything by 8:00 a.m. to get ready for customers to come and these people these places were not sheltered places so that the Sun will be directly on you so you know we didn't really have things like sunscreen or anything like that so would literally the Sun will be beating down on us and I just thank God that you know we never get it we never got anything like cancer because I can't believe we would sit in the Sun all day selling these sculptures and when we sell this this is where we get money to pay this is why my parents got money to pay for school fees pay for food pay for rent and all the bills in back in Zimbabwe so would go there I usually would go with them during the school holiday so I would spend maybe a month there living there sleeping outside so we'd spend a month there and and I just thank God that no one ever I just thank God because the crime rate in South Africa has really risen but there was one point where my mother was held at knifepoint and she basically had to give up all the money that she had made selling these couches so at least her the president didn't kill her because these days there's so much crime in South Africa this was aspect of my childhood so we'll go back to the mom we travel in the in the car for three days and I remember one particular time we were driving and the Lord had given me dreams the Lord would speak to me though I didn't know him God would speak to me a lot through dreams and visions and one particular time because you will be the car driving for three it took three days to drive to South Africa from from Zimbabwe so one particular time I enjoyed raw meat falling on top of the car literally raw meat falling on top of the car and I knew that something was something bad was gonna happen when I had that dream and I told my parents is what I've Drive tandem the second night again I dropped the same thing and so we were rushing to get to the border because between South Africa and between South Africa there's a border basically called Beit bridge there are borders that you have to cross before you get to South Africa so they were borders between Zimbabwe and Botswana if I can remember and another board abuse unit between Botswana in South Africa I think the border for sebab was beta bridge yeah so we were rushing to get to beta bridge before it closes if you don't get there but before then you'd have to sleep there and wait for them to open in the morning so we were rushing so that we can get through and just drive home out of nowhere we just saw a cow in the road because when you're driving to these places they'll be random animals in the road and we saw a cow in the road and my dad just swerved you know he just swerved it it really was the Lord who really delivered us because we would have all died would have all died there and then the journeys we've taken to South Africa in the car for three days there are so many journeys and the Lord just delivered us each and every time he really took care of us we really lived a life of grace even though you know baby we don't we didn't really know God God really and so much mercy on us and yeah this is how much I pretty much spent most of my life going to South Africa sleeping outside so that we can make money for food and school fees and all those things and my both my parents lost their jobs and this is where the financial problems started and yeah so going back to some oh boy you know I was a very thin I'll be very thin because I was always getting sick because of obviously the things that were happening to me spiritually and of course due to witchcraft so that was pretty much most of my childhood then my parents divorced and my mom came to England and then later on I followed to England and this is why I'm here now in England me and my mom lived in a bed seat so it's just like a house where there's the kitchen and the bedroom in the same place and then there's a little bathroom so this is where we lived together and I went to college and I went to university here when I first came here I really hated it because it was so different from what I knew and in my heart I was determined I need to go back I need to go back to some bar I need to go back to Zimbabwe and I was willing to do anything to go back because had to leave all my friends and everything that I knew so it was very difficult for me learning new things learning the way of living here understanding the way that because I got very sick again when I came here because of even the food was very different the food in Zimbabwe is organic but the food here is full of different things so all that was just very different for me so that's how I came here - if that's how he in England but it was very difficult because at the time I was very hard looking for a job because I couldn't get anything later on when I got saved I began to realize why because the Lord began to open my eyes but I came here and then went to sixth form I went to college and then I went to university by the time I'd gone to college I began to have depression I began to be really sad I don't know I don't know I just became sad because you know as a teenager you really trying to discover yourself so I was in this new environment you know in this new environment with different kinds of people different things happening and I became and I became depressed and I would drink a lot I remember sometimes I'd go to college and I'll be drinking because drinking I did this because I wanted to be more confident in myself and more confident to even look at people more confident to speak to people because I sort of had no confidence at all I was depressed and I had suicidal thoughts as well so I remember thinking of ways that I can take my life back in 2006 I became very suicidal very depressed and just empty and so sad and I began to wonder there's gotta be more to life there has to be more to life you know I just felt so empty I remember I would go to the club and I'd be literally standing in the club looking at the people dancing and I knew I knew that they had to be more to life I would look at the people and I just knew that this was not my place there had to be more to my life there to be more to me there to be more to this life that they have to be there's to be a reason and a purpose I just knew that this is not where I want to be this is not the place this is not how I want my life to be because I've been going to the club drinking you know my life was just a mess and so I think the first the last few months before I got saved the Lord began to speak to me and I remember this dream I'll never forget in this dream I was sitting in a classroom with my mind and best friend who was a Muslim and we were sitting in the class and I just happened to look at the windows the classroom had really large windows and I was looking at the windows and you could actually see the sky right through the windows the sky I was really blue and you could see the clouds and then it's all just looking at the sky and the clouds through the window I saw this bird sort of swiftly it was swiftly coming towards the window I remember it so swiftly coming through the window and I realized that the bird was actually a dove is it got closer I recognize that oh it's a dove and it actually flew through the window and flew right through to my desk and it stood on my desk and I noticed that the Dove had a letter in its mouth and so I took the letter from its mouth and I read the letter the funny thing when I woke up I couldn't remember what the letter was saying and as soon as I read the letters like the dream immediately changed and I was now walking in the dream and I was walking to a church and then I woke up I never really understood what it meant I didn't understand what the Dove meant I did not got anything but a few but this is there around the time that I started to have no interest in clubbing no interest in drinking even those addicted to drinking I didn't really have no interest I would still drink but I I knew that what I was doing was fruitless it was hopeless even though I'd suicidal thoughts I I began to ask a lot of questions to myself I began to search for answers I wanted I wanted to find purpose I wanted to find happiness I wanted to find life and I the best friend at the time was Muslim and she tried to convert me to to be a Muslim so she gave me the Koran and I the Koran so I read um I read most of it but I don't know something in me was just not moved I just wasn't led to convert I you know I asked a lot of questions I would ask her a lot of questions but I just was not moved to that and and then around that time 2006 I met my my beloved and you know we became friends and he would invite me to his church go here and there and we sort of lost contact and then we got into contact again and he invited me to a all-night prayer um at ki CC in London there was an all-night prayer for New Year's on New Year's Eve they call it a cross over so they had a cross over and he invited me and his cousin sister and another friend that band and yeah he drove all the way to London and we went he asked my mom but we might ask my mom for bit permission to go and she said yeah she can go and so we went and they did an article and on the outer call I was so afraid I had no confidence I had to know so I had really low self esteem so I was thinking to myself oh my gosh I can't really walk on up all that way because everyone will be looking at me everyone is gonna be staring at me I got gonna really walk up all that way this is what I was thinking in my mind but although I was being convicted within myself to walk up to go up and give my life to Christ and then all of a sudden the frame that we had come with said to me do you want me to walk with you and that was amazing that was God you see sometimes God won't give you grace to do certain things even though you cannot in your own strength salvation is a life of grace and God showed me is Grace at that moment by allowing the friend that would come with to want to walk with me to the outer I mean who does that it's only God we can do it's so she walked with me to the outside she left me there and dad that's when I gave my life to Jesus in @midnight just after midnight 2007 the 1st of January 2007 so I'm ten years old now with the Lord and um that's how I met Jesus Christ and I remember that night I'll never forget the way that I felt I'll never forget how clean how clean I mean I can't describe it I felt clean and it's like in my mind or in my hand it's like um it was like water was flushing in my head it's like it was continued flushing through me and I felt so refreshed I can't explain I don't know how you you know let me know in the comment section how you felt when you gave your life to Christ I'd love to know that's how I felt and it's it's a moment I'll never forget it's the greatest moment of my life I'm just so grateful so gave my life to Christ and I gave my life to Christ that night it's the best night of my life and I remember coming home feeling so refreshed and and I thought you know this is the beginning of a sweet life this is the beginning of a great life I've done everything I need to do in it KIC see they gave you booklets that have a lot of some questions and scriptures that you can read which is really good I like that concept prescriptions that you can read so that you can sort of learn about Jesus so you don't ask you questions and then you'd have to read through verses to find the questions so I actually did the whole book and I finished it I was quite an sinners actually and I've always been someone who asks a lot of questions I just want to know and knowing no and in the first in the first week when I gave my life to Christ I had a dream and in the dream there was a clock in the sky the clock was ticking taking like this the clock would appear in the sky ticking and I remember feeling so terrified thinking but I've just given my life to Christ why do I feel so terrified and I heard a voice speak saying that time is really short there's the voice spoken I knew you wasn't God and that was the that was the first dream in the second night again I had the same dream but this time God was saying that I need to live my life for him and you know when you just put again you don't understand these things because you think you know you've pretty much done everything you know you're gonna go to heaven now everything is all good not knowing that you need to live for the Lord you need to really make him the lord and master of your life it's more you need to now make him the lord and master of your life need to take up your cross daily and follow him this is nothing I didn't understand that you know throughout the years the Lord has really taught me so much and even though the witchcraft that things that happen to me little by little God began to deliver me and one of those things that is I couldn't find a job because they didn't want me to progress in my life so I couldn't find a job and I remember one particular time I was oh I had a dream and in the dream I saw a worm coming out of my leg a worm coming out of my leg and I began to pull this worm with my hands I pulled it and the worm was so long I remember just pulling and pulling and pulling this worm and thinking oh my gosh how long is this thing pulling and pulling and pulling I think I think I took about five minutes in the dream just pulling this worm I tell he was completely out of my leg and that same week I got I got a job I got a job that same week you know that job was in TK Maxx I worked I worked in TK Maxx and I learned so much in that job I'm really grateful for that season of my life when I worked in there I learned so much about color-coordinating about clothing and not even knowing the gifts that I had at that time you know being in Christ he has taught me so many things you know there was a time when even Satanists followed me they were trying to get me you know the enemy was after my life but God delivered me from all those things he taught me to read the Holy Spirit began to teach me to read the Word of God and pray the Psalms this is why I love to pray the Word of God because I know the power that is in the Word of God you know some people may think I don't really want to pray the Word of God there isn't really any power but the Word of God is really alive and active and I began to pray the Word of God because after the period where by the Satanists followed me that was one of the most terrifying periods of my life because I began to be very paranoid when I when I go to places I would look over my shoulder look over my back because of what I'd experienced these Satanists that followed me and they were trying to get me you know I'll tell you that experience actually the Satanists were after me it was a man and a woman and they were trying to kill me though they tried to corner me and I was basically in a bookshop and they tried to corner me both of them in that bookshop so they were drawing close to me try to corner me between them and obviously I don't know what they were doing but then I saved Jesus and as soon as I say Jesus I could see that they seemed to be blinded both of them just seemed to be blinded and I just been born again I just been one year old in the Lord and these things were happening to me and when I say Jesus them it's like something bright came to them and so they became blinded they were like this they couldn't see me so now they were just standing here I was able to maneuver myself out of that bookshop and I remember when I was walking out of the shop there was like a and escalate and going up and I could see them I could see the man tried to peep to see where I am and because he couldn't see you could see like this because obviously God said he ain't got it set his angels to fight for me I don't know what you're going through today maybe you are facing a lot of spiritual battle but I want you to know that in the name of Jesus there is power in the name of Jesus there is deliverance then they thought the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run into it never forget that there's power in the name of Jesus trust in the name of Jesus and so God has delivered me from so many things and I this is basically my story growing up we would sleep outside I mean won't travel to these places in South Africa you know we faced our lives were in danger this is the life that we had and on top of that I had to deal with witchcraft you know I had to do with these people trying to kill me in my sleep at night I'll do it seeing which is coming into my room and how to see snakes going into my into my blankets literally sleep with the lights open every night because I was afraid but God delivered me from all those things and now my sleep is sweet I have a peaceful sleep and I'm no longer afraid you know I've traveled the world alone I would never imagined that I would travel to places alone because I was so afraid so paranoid because I've Satanist or followed me when I became saved I also discovered my gifts I discovered my purpose in who I was in Christ and I loved the Lord so much and I would never I'll never look back I would never go back to my old life everything that I have today is because of the Lord it is goodness and I just love him with all my heart because he loves me and I know the love that yes for me I am sure and I'm boast in the love of Christ and I am sure the love of Christ you have to be sure of the love of Christ I want to encourage you to develop your relationship with the Lord and discover his personal love for you have a relationship with him today if you're born again but you living your life surrendered to him I want to encourage you surrender your life before him I don't know what difficulties you have maybe you're very poor maybe you have problems I don't know what problems you have but there's nothing that the Lord cannot deliver you from and you know that's basically my life well you guys see me so happy it's really the joy of the Lord you know some people think my smiling is fake it's not a fake what you see is what you get my Joy's from the Lord and nothing you know one we ever take that away from me this is why I'm so happy this is why this is why I have joy this is why I have peace and those things cost more than silver and gold those things mean more than silver I'm going because I didn't have that I wasn't it just I was depressed I was a paranoid I was fearful I had hope I had low self-esteem I have no confidence but in Christ he has given me all those things that I never had and he's taken away my burdens he's taken away my problems and he's still dealing with me I'm not perfect the Lord is still dinner with me and that's basically my salvation story and I just want to encourage you with my story my testimony that hopefully can help you whatever that you're facing today and for those who wanted to know about my salvation this is this isn't a story so love you so much god bless you and Jesus loves you so much and if you don't know Jesus Christ you want to give you a life to him let's just pray together you are you ready to give your life to today are you ready to make Jesus Christ your Lord and your master if you're ready and if you say yes let's just pray Lord in the mighty name of Jesus you are the King of Kings you are the Lord of lords this person that is watching this video they want to give their life to you Jesus Christ they are tired of the life that they are living today father I thank you that you have died for their sins O Lord and I thank you that many are called into your kingdom father and this person I pray that you begin to draw them by your spirit even now in name I pray just say the Lord Jesus forgive me of all my sins be the lord and master of my life today in all the days of my life I believe that you are the son of God and that you died and rose again for me I thank you for this life that is eternal that is now in me for your life in me is my light Jesus Christ fill me with your Holy Spirit right now in Jesus name Amen thank you Father in the name of Jesus may protect them and cover them as they have given you as they have given their life to you O Lord cover them and protect them from the evil one O God and I thank you for this life Oh father begin to lead them to the right church we get to lead them to the right friends and the right pastors Oh God remove everything that is not like you from their lives father I pray this in the name of Jesus the name above every name amen and amen god bless you so much you and I hope that this video is a blessing in your life love you so much and I'll see you on Monday take care bye grab a copy of my latest corruptable beauty on Amazon Kindle and iBooks [Music]
Channel: Dephne Aviyah
Views: 186,481
Rating: 4.9152966 out of 5
Keywords: my salvation story, why i love jesus and hate religion, why i love jesus, why i love God, my life before meeting christ, my damascus encounter, dephne madyara salvation story, dephne's salvation story
Id: Tm9kLuXJmAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2017
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