Moving On! | Bishop Dale C. Bronner | Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

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this is bishop dale brother thank you so much for joining our youtube channel today if this is a blessing to you i want to encourage you to like it and then click the subscribe button and then turn on notification hit that little notification bell so that you never ever miss another one of our videos and then if you're in the metro atlanta area on a sunday check out one of our exhilarating services at 8 30 a.m 11 a.m or six o'clock p.m our scriptural lesson for today is coming from 2nd samuel chapter 12 verse 15 through 20 you'll notice that these words in the new living translation after nathan returned to his home the lord sent a deadly illness to the child of david and uriah's wife david begged god to spare the child he went without food and lay all night on the background the elders of his household pleaded with him to get up and eat with them but he refused and then on the seventh day the child died and david's advisors were afraid to tell it he wouldn't listen to reason while the child was ill they said what drastic thing will he do when we tell him the child is dead and when david saw them whispering he realized what had happened is the child dead he asked yes they replied he's dead and then david got up from the ground washed himself put on lotions and changed his clothes and he went to the tabernacle and worshipped the lord and after that he returned to the palace and was served food and ate i'm speaking today from the subject simply moving on moving on this is david you know that this child of david and bathsheba that died died because the child was conceived the wrong way it was an illegal arrangement david had gotten himself in an entanglement that god was not pleased with at all and the fruit of david's sin had to die one way that we know that god did not acknowledge the legitimacy of their marriage which had come through an ill-gotten way by having the husband clandestinely put to death notice the scripture says that after nathan returned to his home the lord sent the lord sent the deadly illness to the child of david and uriah's wife it didn't say david's wife it said uriah's wife see god knew the sin that had been committed and how they tried to cover the blood even though it wasn't on his hand it came from his heart and so he was guilty of it and he begged god he begged god god don't let my child die don't let my child die don't let my child die but to whom do you appeal when god is the one who's sending trouble god has a purpose in it and he's working something that will ultimately be for david's good and what i want you to understand is that if you've done something wrong and if judgment comes for it if if retribution comes uh from it and now you're praying and god has built it into the system or god has sent something a penalty your way and you're asking god for uh to to be excused from consequences uh please understand that when god has willed something to happen in your life god's will cannot be prayed away by human beings because prayer never changes the will of god prayer only facilitates god's will you pray to bring god's will in the earth we jesus taught us to pray thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven so he never taught us to pray against the will of god just as a note praying against god's will never works you can't change god's mind he's omniscient he's already thought of whatever you were going to try to talk him out of so you can't really change the mind of god god is god the scripture says god says i change not because he's so thorough he's the same yesterday today and forever god is consistent god is a god who operates by principle so he's not fickle he's not changing he's not shifting one minute one day and another thing another he didn't react out of an emotion god is a god that that dealt with the principles that he had already laid in in his word so god knows things that we don't know and remember that even though what you might go through might be painful is still for your good and god will will use uncomfortable situations painful situations storms to help to develop our character in him he has a purpose in it all he makes us better through it if we'll keep our hearts right and trust him in the process it's it's just a about that smooth seas never made good sailors i i love something that c.s lewis said he said hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny you look at anybody who has an extraordinary destiny i promise you that they've been through something they paid a price to be where they are and you're looking at them and said oh i wish this i wish that i wish the other you don't know the price that they had to pay for what they have and of where they are the sacrifices that had to be made to be where they are we want the results but we don't necessarily want the process and the sacrifice in order to get it and now when it appears that uh that david rebounded rather quickly from his loss because you see remember when he found out that the child was sick i mean for a whole week i mean he's he's in sackcloth and ashes and uh and he's trying to repent and he's pleading with god god please don't let my child die please don't let my child die please don't let my child die and then when they finally told him the child is dead i mean he he noticed the child was dead you know they were whispering something was suspicious about it and so the bible says he just he got up and he moved on but it it wasn't as quickly as you may think change is a process not an event change is a process not an event change is a process not an event it's a process you go through a process of changing change is a is about a metamorphosis that happens in your life you're changing over time and and here's what i want you to realize there are some people that based on what died in their life it could have been a relationship that died it could have been a business that died it could have been a dream that died but oftentimes our prison is not a place our prison is a perspective it is a mindset and what locks most people into their prison is a perspective it is a mindset is how they think about something it's how something made them feel they are locked into something because of a perspective or a mindset and so this is why the transformational power has to now come in david's life because change is not an event it's a process and he needs to be processed through this he grieved for a whole week seven days on the ground he's crying out to god he's going through process it hurts when something that you love is dying that you're losing something that you deeply care about you you're having a hissy fit with god saying lord don't let don't take this away from me i love this don't take this away from me and god is saying if i don't take this away from you i'll make you think that what you did is okay and i'm going to develop your character david through this i love you david but i'm going to make you better as a result of this you've got a good life but i'm gonna make that life even better and it may not feel good right now and you may not understand what i'm doing nor why i'm doing it but if you're just hang with me david i'll show you that things will work out for your good and and it did it it eventually worked out for his good but i want you to understand just by looking at this life and this whole process of what happened with david and his losing his child i want you to see that you will go through uh a few phases whenever you break up with your past whenever you break up with your past whenever you lose something that was dear to you whether it was a dream whether it was a relationship uh whether it was some uh business that you that you birthed or organization some kind of ministry whatever it is you you will go through a few phases whenever you break up with your past and whatever it is that that's hanging over you that sometimes becomes your prison because they're people that get stuck in a past relationship stuck in what somebody said to them in a past relationship you know if i leave you ain't nobody gonna want you and and and then that becomes somebody's mantra in their own mind and they're hearing this over and over again and and they can't move on from that uh let me walk you through quickly just the the the phases phase one is emotional turmoil emotional turmoil and and this this phase is deeply emotionally charged when you're processing through a loss in your life you may experience tears and anger and anxiety and sadness and thoughts of taking revenge and all kinds of stress all kinds of feelings of regret you go through emotional turmoil if you had a breakup of a relationship if you've had a severance of a relationship with a family member a friend a job that you loved whatever it is moving from a city you're going to experience tears and fears and and sadness and all kinds of thoughts of of taking revenge but emotions are normal when things happen to you emotions are normal now let me give you a piece of advice here express those emotions in a safe place with safe people say safe place that listen whenever you're you're wounded you don't expose wounds to just all kinds of germs you need to be in a safe place with safe people if you get hurt the internet trust me is not a safe place because some of the people that check on you and ask you how you're doing are not really concerned about you they're just nosy and they want to they want to have some stuff to talk about to gossip about with someone else so when you're going through turmoil and you're hurting find a safe place with safe people that can help you to process your emotions you don't have to be crying all day at work and every place you go you send them in a coffee shop crying listen find a safe place with safe people and cry your eyeballs out feelings can be painful but the truth of the matter is they will pass and you might need to block access to certain things because sometimes if you're going back to your ex's social media page you're going to see some happy pictures of you all together or whatever and and it may trigger some things and now you're all into your feelings all over again so while you're being processed through an emotional situation block that i mean you have to protect yourself i mean have you ever noticed that if you if you stump your toe you hurt your foot you have to watch where you step because it looks like everything is trying to attack that hurt foot the hurt leg the hurt shoulder the hurt arm i mean it's just it's like it becomes magnetic to stuff so you have to protect whatever is hurt while it heals that's why they put splinters on things so that you don't re-injure something in the process of trying to heal that's why you need a safe place with safe people a safe place with say people so phase one is emotional turmoil somebody dies you lose something you break up with somebody there is emotional turmoil that's normal find a safe place with safe people phase two is adjustment adjustment you're getting adjusted you adjust to life outside of the old relationship whatever it is from your past you have to break up with your past you have to move on you adjust to life outside the old relationship and so you have to find new ways to be able to to relax and then to even enjoy yourself and you have to keep structure around your time if you break up in a relationship you're most vulnerable often times whenever you did your dating whenever your date night used to be it might be the weekend and so now you've got to create some new routines for yourself of where you're improving yourself on the weekend it has nothing to do with the other uh past you you're creating you're adjusting to a new reality it's an adjustment that's phase two phase three is self-doubt self-doubt you go through self-doubt when you're trying to break up with your past you're coming into a place of self-doubt now when you're in self-doubt you're wondering you know did i did i do the right thing maybe maybe had i been a little more understanding maybe had a little been a more patient maybe had i worked on this and had i worked on that you start uh thinking about different things but think about the good things that you brought to the relationship in your past whenever you're going through self-doubt think about the good things that you brought to the relationship in your past so because your emotions may have settled but now your insecurities begin to bubble up from underneath and you start asking questions self-doubt will anybody else ever want me will i ever find love again you know am i ever going to you know to meet the right one am i going to be on my own alone forever you start going through the self-doubt that's a normal phase of being processed out of the pain of of of the loss of your past phase four is acceptance and this is where you begin to accept life as it is now acceptance acceptance acceptance emotions can still catch you off guard but this is where you begin to accept life as it is now when you get into this place of acceptance reality sets in and now you you you get to a place where i don't care what my ex is doing i don't have time to be you know driving by your house to see whose car is in front of it i have a life i'm not going to stress myself over what i have no power to control uh you know that's who you are i mean when people show you who they are believe them accept it it's it may be a heart appeal to swallow that's who you are but i deal with that and i'm not going to be running behind you like a private investigator you you're you're inviting harm to your own soul when you do that here's phase five growth see when you process yourself through pain you actually end up growing i mean this is the place where you you've learned about a lot about yourself and you're finally able to forgive the wrongs that you've done or that were done to you and and then you find yourself strengthened as a person in this growth stage you are better and wiser than before you are better and wiser than before i mean that's why maya angelou said i wouldn't take nothing from a journey because it might not have been an easy smooth journey but it was the trouble it was the roughness in the journey that developed the person that taught them how to pray that taught them how to depend upon the lord that taught them how to trust in jesus in times of uncertainty but i want you to see here from the scriptures that after uh david dealt with this devastating loss in his life he didn't stay there he moved on he didn't stay there he moved on after david messed up he followed this strategy and i want to just walk through the biblical story here to pull out of here we're going to just exegete out what uh david did that helped him through the process here's the first thing that happened he looked up so look up look up this is the first strategy david employed this strategy he looked up so look up the moment that you've been down down over what you lost down over what has changed down over what didn't meet the reality that you expected the the ideal that you had in your mind whenever you're down look up look up just look up see the bible said and we know that he looked up because the scripture said there in verse 19 that when david saw saw them whispering remember he was he was face down on the ground but he saw them whispering he's on the ground and he saw them whispering he realized what had happened the only reason that he saw them is because he was looking up he was down but he was looking up the first key is when you're going through uh something that is that is painful in your life look up look up look for the bright side look on the bright side and then he asked him you know is the child dead and then they confirmed his suspicion but we know that he he did that because he looked up he looked up looking up gets your hope up looking up gets your hope up looking up it gets your hope up so even if you're down and there's nothing else that you can do just look up that's step one just look up look up find something that you can hope in find a hope find a hope if you're down look for the hope in the situation we are never hopeless we're never hopeless there's a hope for a better a better day for a better reality a better future a trouble doesn't last always thank god that joy does come in the morning we have that blessed hope you know you have you ever been not feeling well and you took something at night to try to help you feel better and and you say oh huh i can't wait till morning comes out i'm gonna feel better in the morning when this passes i'm gonna be better that's a hope if you're down look up this first thing just look up just look up just look up just look up here's the second thing that he did get up because david got up the bible says that he got up he got up from the ground verse 20 says that he then david got up from the ground get up get up get up get up get up in other words here reposition yourself you have to reposition yourself for where you want to go don't sit there and sulk over what happened to you reposition yourself you lose a job reposition your yourself repositioning yourself is about retooling yourself it is about using the relationships that you have the connections that you have praying it's getting a new attitude about yourself you are reposition yourself sometimes it's moving to another city that's a part of repositioning yourself instead of staying down in the same position sulking because depression makes you want to stay where you are it locks you in a prison you're not in a prison though it is a perspective that things are going to always be this way look up and then get up then get up i love it a little tagline that bishop jake's daughter cora says in all of her in her her social media things she says don't give up get up don't give up get up don't give up get up and every time that you're you're on the right road and things are difficult don't give up get up remember that and if any of you all have seen any of my billboards around town keep looking up keep looking up keep looking up keep looking up because you have a tendency to move in the direction in which you look if you keep looking back you end up going back lot's wife looked back she didn't just look back after she looked back she went back because when you look you start longing and that's why it's so important about the direction in which you look so you have to look up and then you get up you look up and then you get up this is a process that david went through david was on the ground for seven days in sackcloth and ashes mourning pleading with god and he looked up and then he got up then he got up and if you can look up you can get up just just look at it just look at it just look at it get something on the next level and look at it just look at it you know look at somebody who's already where you want to be just look at it and say lord that's where i'm going that's where i'm going that's where i'm going if you've gotten out of shape go back to your college pictures your high school pictures or wherever you have the shape go back to that just look at it look at it and say girl i'm coming for you i'm coming after you i'm you come come come on back here call her out that fine girl is in there you see this covered up that's all call her out but you have to reposition yourself because a single act of courage just the single act of courage can be the tipping point for something extraordinary in your life i mean if you're going to have faith faith requires that you take a step remember the woman that had the issue of blood for 12 years and she said if i may but touch the hem of his garment and she came in the in the press behind she took a step she took a step of faith she took a step of faith if you keep saying that you have faith where's your step she took a step she changed her position she repositioned herself had she been at home just wondering and said you know i wish somebody would come by here and see about me and then no no she took a step she took a step a step of faith she got up she got up as an act of her faith she got up and she took a step to press to get to jesus and to touch him she took a step she took a step and just remember god can only bless what you'll do psalm chapter 1 talks about that and it shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper god can only bless what you are willing to do that's why you got to bust a move don't just look up get up get up get up take a step bust a move bust a move here's the third thing wash up wash up the bible says there in verse 20 then david got up from the ground and washed himself he washed himself wash up look up get up wash up look up get up wash up wash up he ridded himself of the guilt he ridded himself of the shame he ridden himself of toxic negative emotions that little negative voice has said you know you can't do anything right you know that's why they left you anyway he washed himself he ridded himself of the dirt he ridded himself of the foul odors sometimes the foul odor is a bad attitude you know bad attitudes stink he washed himself he washed himself he washed himself and uh i love something that joseph campbell says he says we must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us you have to be willing to let go of the life that you planned so that you can have the life that is waiting for you he had to let go the life that was birthed in sin what was born in sin had to die so that he could have the life that was waiting for him because bettor was waiting for him and uh so he had to he had to wash himself he had to just get some things out of himself plato said that there are two things that a person should never be angry at what they can help and what they cannot because anger is a negative emotion that doesn't do anything but makes the person who carries it miserable so let it go you're angry over what they did you're angry over how they left you angry but angry anger has no positive fruit when you dwell on it yeah you you know if you're going to be angry be angry only for a moment put a time limit on anger and say what you need to say and then be finished with it wash yourself of it wash yourself david washed himself he looked up he got up and he washed up he washed up because staying angry about an issue only prolongs that issue in your life and makes your life more miserable in the process so wash up wash up look up get up wash up number four anoint up anoint up the king james version of this particular chapter in the second uh samuel chapter 12 and verse 20 says then david arose from the earth and washed and anointed himself anointed himself in other words he put on ointments or the new living translation says lotions but there's a reason that you anoint yourself you anoint yourself so you don't look like what you've been through let me say it to you this way don't wear what you've been through on your face everybody shouldn't be able to look at you i i you know if i if you work in a breakfast restaurant when i come in i don't want to be able to see on your face that you and your your mate your partner had a fight last night i i'm just trying to have breakfast i i don't want to see that please don't bring that to the table don't serve me your attitude and your disgust and your frustration i didn't come in there for that you know i i you know i wa you know get up and anoint yourself anoint yourself put some oil on you don't don't look like what you've been through you don't have to show all of that to the world because they're not gonna do anything but talk about girl you know she she'll look bad she must be going through some don't wash yourself i mean look up get up wash up and anoint up put your arch your eyebrows i'm telling you whatever you need to do to make yourself i mean whatever whatever you need to do whatever you need to do you you can be really hurting on the inside but but just don't don't carry it with you because then you'll invite people into your pity party and then they'll start talking about it and opening up your hurt all over again i'm not talking about trying to be fake i'm trying to talking about how to get healed i mean when i come out if i've got a if i've got a sore an infection if i've had surgery you're not going to see my marks there's going to be a bandage over it and if i can put some clothing over it i'm going to do that too because i don't want every to every 20 feet that i go somewhere what happened what happened and now you got to rehash the whole story and now i'm get hurt and start crying and i cried with mary and i cried with sue and then i cried with john and i cried with billy and then i called mom and cried and called my sister and cried and and you you're emotionally exhausted anoint yourself anoint yourself anoint yourself and remember find a safe place with safe people you anoint yourself don't look like you've been through what you've been through there's a time to be able to dry your tears and to said god i have to anoint myself i don't have anybody else to come in here and lay hands and anoint me anoint yourself in the name of jesus anoint yourself be the priest of your own vessel there and anoint yourself in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost jesus be your shield all about me be my rock be my healer in the name anoint yourself speak that word speak that word over you speak that word arise and shine for thy light has come and the glory of the lord is risen upon thee anoint yourself anoint yourself david anointed himself he he he looked up he got up he washed up because you don't want to anoint anything that's dirty that's why god doesn't anoint flesh the anointing always came on the garment came on the garment because flesh can't fully be sanctified no matter how much you wash it so the anointing came on the cloth the clothing it ran on the clothing of the person because god doesn't anoint flesh it's not the flesh it's the spirit of the man the fifth thing dress up david changed his clothes second samuel 12 20 david changed his clothes remember he was in morning clothes when they were mourning about something and imploring the lord with fasting and all of that they they would have on sackcloth and ashes he took off his morning clothes and put on his reigning clothes r-e-i-g-n reigning clothes he's a king remember he's a king king's rule and ring on their throne he changed his clothes he changed his clothes he changed his clothes i want you to notice the importance of of changing your clothes john chapter 11 verse 44 notice this is the story of lazarus being raised from the dead the dead man came out his hands and feet wrapped with strips of lining and a cloth around his face and jesus said to them take off the grave clothes and let him go jesus raised him but you need community to help you change your clothes take off his graves clothes his grave clothes take off his grave clothes and let him go may i tell you what grave clothes are grave clothes represent the things that you used to do when you were spiritually dead grave clothes they represent the things that you used to do when you were spiritually dead grave clothes represent addictions and worldly things that we hold on to take off your the grave clothes grave clothes represent things in your past that keep you from growing and becoming more like christ take off your grave clothes and david had on grave clothes he had on morning clothes he had to change his clothes i mean this is not deep it's it's not complicated it's it's simple but not everything that's simple is easy so remember he he looks up he gets up he washes up he anoints up and then he dresses up now and and you can put him in your own term you know if you want to say wash up you know you can say take a shower take a bath and anoint up you you know you lotion down you know and then they dressed up you you dressed up he changed his clothes he changed his clothes but notice what the bible talks about isaiah chapter 61 verse 3 to a point unto them that mourn in zion to give unto them beauty for ashes beautiful ashes the oil of joy for mourning and then notice this the garment garment that's the different clothes the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness god says i want you to take off those morning clothes put on the garment of praise put on the garment of praise for that depression that you're dealing with just get up in the morning and praise him uh the praise has nothing to do with how you feel you know we don't praise god because we feel like praising god we praise god because god is worthy of our praise he was worthy before you got here while you're here he'll be worthy after you're gone he's still worthy he's worthy and that reassures us in the greatness of god it is it reestablishes our faith when you praise god something wakes up on the inside of you i mean you praise god and it it it's hard to stay in a negative place while you're praising god somehow you get a backsplash of just feeling better and lifted when you get into praising god it shifts your focus off of your problem to the problem solving when you begin to praise god you begin to think more about the healer than you do the sickness you begin to think more about the one that has the power to restore you and to bring you back then you do the setback i'm just telling you that when you praise him something gets up in your faith you begin to come alive to god but david changed his clothes he changed his clothes and so you have to change your clothes so don't wear don't wear what you've been through change your clothes change your clothes the sixth thing that david did after he changed his clothes then he worshipped up worship up worship up worship up second samuel chapter 12 verse 20 after he got up from the ground and washed himself and put on lotions and changed his clothes the bible says he went to the tabernacle and worshiped he went to the tabernacle and worshiped now i want you to think about this david is a king he's got the baddest house in all of israel he lives in a palace but he knows that the palace that he lives is not the tabernacle of the lord no matter how fine it is it is not bethel it's not the house of god there is a power in coming to god's house i'm just that there there is there is after david went through all of that after he got up off the ground he looked up and he got up and he washed up and he anointed up and after he changed his clothes david went to the tabernacle and worshipped the lord nothing positive had happened for him and he worshipped god because god was worthy god is still worthy even in your in your sorrow he's still worthy he's still worthy but he worshipped god even when he had experienced hurt and loss he still found it within himself to worship god because i think it shifted his focus in his whole praising his changing his clothes as to what he had left he still had a beautiful palace he still had a wife he still had a future ahead of him he was young his future his whole life was ahead of him and he was mourning over his first child that he'd lost and here's what you know the bible talks about in in genesis chapter 28 how david i mean how uh jacob found the stairway to heaven so to speak and he called that place bethel the house of god it is different from a palace genesis 28 and verse 16 through 19 notice when jacob awoke from his sleep he thought surely the lord is in this place and i was not aware of it and he was afraid and said how awesome is this place this is none other than the house of god this is the gate of heaven early the next morning jacob took the stone that he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it and he called that place bethel which means house of god though the city used to be called loves he got up and went to the house of god and worship that was number six and number seven the seventh thing that david did and being able to move on from his grief to move on from his loss to move on from his mistake from the failure from the sin that was in his life as he moved on the seventh thing that he did was to eat up second samuel 12 20 says this and after that he returned to the palace after he came back from worshiping he returned to the palace and was served food and ate because he had been fasting for seven days refusing to eat because grief has a way of taking away your appetite grief can rob your appetite but now he's in recovery and recovery involves eating healthily in order to restore what has been lost and here's what i'd say to you when you've experienced the loss rise up and feed yourself for where you're going feed yourself for where you're going feed yourself mentally or intellectually for where you're going feed yourself spiritually for where you're going feed yourself financially for where you're going feed yourself uh you know in all of these different places feed yourself relationally for where you're going there's some folks that you live with there's some folks you play with and for where you're going you're not trying to take playmates feed yourself for where you are where you're going what's feeding your spirit what are you feeding your body what kind of relationships are you inviting into your life that feeds you spiritually that feeds you emotionally that give you a place of connection and you have to realize this champions eat differently than other folks champions eat differently and one of the things that i really want you to understand is this david didn't just get up from a loss and move from his loss he got up and moved with his loss because when you have something in somebody in your life that you really love though they died though that relationship ended it doesn't mean that your love for them ended you still carry them with you if you love somebody and they their loss in your life you don't just move from that you move with them you carry them in your thoughts in your memories and just to even let you know that that is true once you go through the so-called healing process some days just out of the clear blue a thought will hit you you'll have a flashback and you'll be in tears all over again but i thought i buried them i thought that was over you don't just merely move from something that you love you move you move with them if you've lost a mother or father you didn't just move from them you move you carry them with you you carry everything that you've been through with you you learn from it you're strengthened by the memory of their presence the good times that you had together the things they taught you how you grew together how they made you a better person how you added value to their life you carry that with you nobody can take that away what has the ability to separate you from the love of god not even death you don't just move from it you move with it you say i've had a loss david never forgot that it kept him humble the pain of that made david well he didn't ever want to have that kind of arrangement ever again in his life and to what we have from scripture he never went back to that he never went to a relationship like that that was out of order it had to hurt with such a pain he carried that he lived with that the rest of his life it didn't mean that it made him a victim it made him wise it made him strong it made him a man of integrity after god's own heart it didn't locate him in a sin he wasn't defined by the sin of that adulterous relationship david was known as a man after god's own heart you know why because he didn't define himself where he fell he kept moving he got up he got up he got up but he didn't get up and act as though nothing happened he went through process he looked up and he got up and he washed up and he anointed up and he dressed up and he worshipped up and then he ate up and fed himself for where he was going the only reason that he ate was because he was going somewhere he was going somewhere he was on a journey he he kept moving moving on moving on how do you move on from what has happened you walk through those same simple steps that david walked through it's a pattern and it will work for you and i want you to see here in luke chapter 9 and verse 56 jesus had been in a city and he could do no mighty works there the bible says and then verse 56 says and they went to another village jesus kept moving he was rejected there he didn't spend time mourning over it trying to convince those folks he just simply went to another village he went to another village he went to another village don't sit whatever sit goes bad i've taught you that whatever sit whatever sits goes bad you let your mind sit it'll go bad you sit down your legs go to sleep whenever you whatever you let a car sit the battery will die whatever sits goes bad whatever sits too long it goes bad it you have to keep moving you have to keep moving if you want to keep moving you got to keep moving the older that we get i mean if you want to keep moving you got to keep you got to keep moving you got to keep moving you got to keep moving you got to go to another village you can't live in the hurt of who left you and what happened to you here and let that paralyze you you've got to keep moving you got to heal through that you go through process you feel the grief of the pain of who broke up with you and now you're by yourself but you have to learn you can carry your own party with you joy is an attitude and i'm telling you when you've got the right kind of attitude you'll draw the right kind of people into your life they'll recognize you by the garment of praise that you've got on and keep moving and you keep moving and you keep moving whatever it is you you keep moving and i want you to see that the story didn't just end with david just sinning and then now looking up and getting up and washing up and anointing up and dressing up and going to the house of god to worship up and then eating up david went into his wife again he moved on and he gave his wife another child and that child his name was solomon out of his greatest pain came his greatest wisdom you never do know that what you have just gone through that hurt you the most actually leads toward a path of birthing your greatest wisdom he produced a child that is regarded to this day as the wisest man who ever lived because that next baby that bathsheba gave birth to because david fixed his life with god he fixed his heart and then god graced him to birth a solomon the wisest thing that ever lived he went to another village he moved on and unless you let go of what you've been mourning over you cannot possess the life that is waiting for you it's time church now to move on whatever we've been grieving over whatever we've been hurt over whatever we've been salty about it's time to move on move on i don't know about you but i'm moving on don't stay in a low place go through your grieving process find your safe place with safe people talk through it cry through it but make your adjustments and you'll find that that thing is going to lead you ultimately to a path of growth growth and productivity and your great your greatest wisdom is yet to be born your greatest wisdom your greatest wisdom your greatest wisdom comes out of your deepest failure you learn much more from your mistakes than you do from your successes and that's why some people are so wise is because they've made so many mistakes and now they're able to help others to benefit from all of the poor choices and the impulsive decisions that they made but the good news is that you don't have to get stuck where you fall look up get up wash up anoint up dress up worship up and eat up and feed yourself for where you're going your solomon is calling hallelujah to the lamb of god we hope that you enjoyed that message don't forget to like and subscribe and then press the notification bell so that you don't miss another one of our videos and if you want to partner with us click the give now button thank you for what you do
Channel: woffamily
Views: 81,598
Rating: 4.9235749 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Church, Sermon, Encouragement, Hope, Message
Id: 5pFSDpwGYfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 51sec (3051 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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