A Time For Change | Bishop Dale C. Bronner | Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

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this is bishop dale broader thank you so much for joining our youtube channel today if this is a blessing to you i want to encourage you to like it and then click the subscribe button and then turn on notification hit that little notification bell so that you never ever miss another one of our videos and then if you're in the metro atlanta area on a sunday check out one of our exhilarating services at 8 30 a.m 11 a.m or 6 o'clock p.m well our scriptural lesson today comes from second chronicles chapter 15 verse one through seven i'm reading from the new living translation of scripture notice that these words then the spirit of god came upon azariah the son of odd and he went out to meet king asa as he was returning from the battle listen to me asa he shouted listen all you people of judah and benjamin the lord will stay with you as long as you stay with him whenever you seek him you will find him but if you abandon him he will abandon you for a long time israel was without the true god without a priest to teach them and without the law to instruct them but whenever they were in trouble and turned to the lord the god of israel and sought him out they found him during those dark times it was not safe to travel problems troubled the people of every land nation fought against nation and city against city for god was troubling them with every kind of trouble but as for you be strong and courageous for your work will be rewarded i'm talking today simply from the subject a time for change a time for change a time for change um sometimes when i when i quote particular people i it does not mean that i believe in everything that they believe in but i recognize truth uh wherever uh it is it is it's found uh someone said that even a broken clock is wrong twice a day i mean if it's not even working just think about it if you got a a watch that is stopped and let's say if it stopped at 11 o'clock it's going to be 11 o'clock in the morning it's going to be 11 o'clock at night so it's going to be right twice a day even though it's not working so uh because i've sometimes quoted people that from other strange religions and something but i recognize truth wherever it is i recognize truth it doesn't mean you know sometimes i mean i mean a wino a drug addict can speak truth to you it doesn't mean that because people are wrong that they don't know right uh it doesn't mean that there's no right in them there is some bad and the best of us and there is some good and the worst of us and uh one of the things that deep rock chopra said is that all great changes are preceded by chaos i want you to think about that for a moment all great changes are preceded by chaos has your life ever been chaotic because you messed up relationships because you messed up money your credit is jacked up you've had to file bankruptcy or on the verge of it and you've gone from job to job from relationship to relationship there are health issues that you have isn't it amazing that change is preceded by chaos things seem to be chaotic and disorderly in your life and out of that chaos god begins to make sense out of the craziness and he uses the chaos in our life to give us a wake-up call to say hey hey hey something needs to change in what you're doing and how you're doing it because if you stay on the road where you are you're going to kill yourself and he's trying to alert us that something needs to change and that's why we're talking about a time for change uh i'm i've realized over the years that people change when they learn enough that they want to change they learn enough that they want to change then people will change when they learn enough that they want to change sometimes if you don't know that there's something better you don't even have the desire to change but once you learn enough that then now you want to change because i know that there is better there's a saying that says that he who never travels thinks that his mother is the world's best cook but there may be somebody that can throw down better than your mama but if you never go and try anybody else's food you see so when you learn enough that you want to change that's when we change then i realize that we change when we receive enough that we are able to change sometimes you want to change but you just haven't received enough to be able to change sometimes you'd love to change houses change neighborhoods change automobiles some people want to change lovers but you haven't received enough to be able to change when and so we change oftentimes when we receive enough that we are able to change but then thirdly we change when we hurt enough that we have to change and that's when pain when out of the chaos out of the stuff that we have messed up in relationships in dealings we heard enough that we have to change now you know when a man breaks down and goes to the doctor brother is sick and he's been sick for a while i mean he then laid it home for three days waiting on it to clear up and by the time he goes straggles in and the infection has spread everywhere because when when a brother when we break down and actually have to go in you know it's it's it's serious it's serious so but when you heard enough that you have to change then we change people will change when they learn enough that they want to change when they receive enough that they're able to change and when we heard enough that we have to change then we change here uh the the nation of israel i want you to understand the story here about king asa and where he was here the prophet of the lord comes there and begins to say to him listen as long as you say but god god will stay with you uh you know as as you as you obey god and king asa was a good man he he had a righteous heart toward god if you're discovering the chapters before that king asa was a man that that honored god and and when he came into power he tore down all of the false idols all of the groves that were in the mountain tore all of them down and uh and and commanded the people to honor the lord he brought in god's law and he had a wonderful heart toward god he honored god and for 35 years they had peace and in the 36th year of his reign all of a sudden now here comes a war and and i want you to notice the war didn't just happen with anybody it happened with their their relatives do you know that sometimes your worst trouble can come from people that's related to you people that share your same dna your same bloodline you know that they can vex your soul anytime that people are close enough to help you they're also close enough to hurt you and so his trouble didn't come from strangers they came from his estranged brothers his cousins because as you remember the whole nation of israel used to be one nation and then it was split it became israel and then the southern kingdom is judah asa king asa is the king of judah the southern part and now israel the northern part goes to war with them they go to war with them they go to war with them and king asa has honored god all of his time he's had a good heart he's torn down the groves and all of a sudden now he's in war with his brother but he had had peace it's in that's that's a real remarkable sign that's not a coincidence that a leader can be in power for 35 years and have no disturbance there's peace in the land because the man was honoring god and god blessed the land and he favored them and god gave them peace god gave them peace it's it's something that uh god was coming to him and telling them though that listen there are some people that's that's getting out of hand here it says listen as long as you stay with god god's going to stay with you he'll bless you he'll keep continuing to to be with you and bring you his his blessings i mean growth is is painful change is painful but what is more painful than growth and change and change is staying in a place where you don't belong that's a painful thing when you when you're in a wrong position and you refuse to change and you need to change but you refuse to change that's worse than the pain of change it's worse than growing pains now i want you to notice it that their sound to be like there are some things that god is saying here to king asa that are almost inconsistent with his character he's prophesying through a prophet here azariah prophesying to the king here and notice what he's saying to him he says listen as long as you stay with god god will stay with you and you know i could hear somebody say well i thought that god said that i'll never leave you nor forsake you did he say that or did he not say of course he said that but now he's prophesied to the king he said listen as long as you stay with god he'll stay with you but if you abandon him he'll abandon you let me help you to understand this there's not a conflict there it's not really saying that god will abandon us and leave us you know how you can be with somebody and and love them but you don't agree with everything that they agree with and so it's a it's god's way of saying i'm whipped you but i'm not with that you know what i'm talking about everybody knows what that that is where you love somebody and they they they live a certain kind of way and you're not with that i'm with you but i'm not with that i support you but i don't support that and so god is saying as long as you stay with the things that that are dear to my heart that are in my will for you i'm with you i'm with you but i'm not with that god can't ever be with a lie god can't ever be with an evil agenda god can't ever be with oppression so he's saying as long as you're with things that are a part of my will i'm with you i am with you but i'm not with your agenda that is against my will that's all that he's saying that as long as you stay with the things of god god will stay to you with you he cannot change god cannot change he's a he's an unchanging entity he's perhaps the only thing in our whole world and universe that never changes is god let me give you some some other things that are connected to god that really don't change some things that never change here they are the nature of god it never changes god's nature never changed whatever god was in the old testament that's that's him in the new testament we think that god just became love in the new testament no no god was love in the old testament and he told us that he loved us and he told us to love him love the lord your god with all your heart mind so that you know he's told us in the old testament you shall love the lord your god don't put anybody before him the nature of god never changes the bible never changes the bible never changes basic human nature never changes the moral law never changes the way of salvation never changes there are certain things that never ever change these are these are five immutable things they just never change the nature of god the bible basic human nature the moral law and the way of salvation they never change they never change but here king ace he comes into power has a very loyal heart toward god for 35 years he enjoyed peace and in that 36th year the prophet hanani comes to king asa with a message and the only reason that he comes with him with a message is because when their cousins went to war he's remember king asa is over the tribe of judah the southern part of israel the folks in the northern part came to war against the southerners and so king acer goes and makes a pact with the king of syria to say hey come help me to fight israel and god got upset and he didn't get i'm asking you before i go down here before i even call and make my before jesus i want you to go before me i want jesus deal with whatever it is you better go to the lord first i meant before you go to a divorce attorney you better talk to jesus you better talk to jesus god didn't have a problem with his getting help but it's a matter of priorities god says you you'll have nobody before me and if you're going when you get in trouble and you turn and run to some other two-legged human being to try to bail you out instead of going to god god says hey wait wait i got a problem and i want you to see what god said to him through the prophet hanani in ii uh chronicles chapter 16 and verse nine notice what he says the lord searches all the earth for people who have given themselves completely to him he wants to make them strong he wants to make them strong and so he says asa you did a foolish thing so from now on you will have wars now remember he's enjoyed peace for 35 years and now he goes and seeks another king before he ever entreats the lord because the principle that you'll learn here is that disobedience brings wars if a child disobeys a parent is going to bring a war if an employee disobeys the employer it's going to bring a war disobedience brings wars brings wars and and do you know that king asa this same king that had such a dear and a loyal heart who got thrown off later in his life the bible says that he became diseased in his feet diseased in his feet and the bible says when he got diseased in his feet he sought the physicians and not the lord and he died now he didn't die because he sought a physician he died because he sought the position before he ever sought the lord and god was saying listen listen you've already made that mistake when you went to the king of syria now here you are again you're in trouble you've you've got a life and a death situation and you go to man again to try to bail you out in a situation where i'm the only one who can help you and so god says i i just want you to turn to me god says i don't have any tricks up my sleeve i want to help you i love you i want to help you i want to help you don't run to other people when you need to come to me so god was saying i want to help you that's why i said it's time for change it's time for change it's time for change god was saying i want to help you and he says because of this this is your time is up you'll see that man can only go with you so far and asa ended up dying not because he went to the doctor but because of the priority remember the scripture tells us in psalm 119 verse 105 that my word is a lamp unto your feet and a light to your path my word is a lamp unto your feet and a light to your path my word is a lamp to your feet he got diseased in his feet because he wouldn't seek the lord he went and sought human beings but whenever you do have a a problem just remember that problems are an invitation to prayer and a deeper relationship with god notice that very clearly if you've got a problem in your life problems are an invitation to prayer and a deeper relationship with god whenever problems come god is saying i'm inviting you to prayer i'm inviting you to a deeper relationship with me problems are an invitation to prayer and the deeper relationship with god be an invitation an invitation now i want you to notice this in the second chronicles chapter 15 and verse 6 notice it says nation fought against nation and city against city for god was troubling them with every kind of problem now i want you to notice this they were there were there were global problems and there were local problems and and notice it says for god was troubling them with every kind of problem now if it's the devil that is troubling you rebuke the devil bind him up use your scriptural authority over the devil he's under your feet jesus said behold i give unto you authority over every dunamis power of the enemy and nothing by any means shall be able to hurt you so if it's the devil rebuke him because oftentimes the devil is a source of our problem if it is the devil rebuke him if it's yourself sometimes our problems are due to our own foolishness and our own stupid decisions and you know and that was one time the devil was sitting out on the on the steps of the church just crying said oh i'm crying oh god i don't know oh god oh god the devil's crying talking to god god says what's the matter devil these are those people and they're blaming stuff on me that i didn't do can you imagine there are some problems that are in our life because the devil did it but there are other problems that we're in because we did it but here it wasn't the devil and it wasn't the people it was god god says i'm the one who's sending you problems i know you thought that god is great and god is good and only good stuff comes from god but the bible says god sent the trouble what do you do to whom do you appeal when god is the source of the trouble that's coming in your life and trust me if god does send trouble in your life he has a purpose he's not just trying to he's not trying to hurt you he's trying to help you he's trying to bring us to that place of submission to where we have to tap out and we say lord i surrender to you well we come to him for help he said you know god's he knows that as long as things are are going well for you and money is flowing in and you know you getting all the kind of attention that you want to get god says i know you're not going to change until i mess some stuff up in your life and then you realize that you have got to look up and some people don't look up until they've been knocked down and and so what what happens if the devil is not you you know you got the pr god is sending problems into your life and then you rebuke the devil and the problems are still there and then you try to say you know what i need to get myself together i'm going to get stronger goals and i'm going to do this and i'm going to do that and then when your goals and your willpower and your own self-determination is not enough to do the job it's god is saying this is not about you this is about me and he says i'm going to give you some problems that above your pay grade and above the people that you can reach out to with influence to try to move on your behalf god says i'm going to give you some stuff that nobody else can help handle but mean so what happens that god was doing global things he says you know nation against nation and city against city and he says and god was the one who was actually sending these problems he was troubling them with every kind of problem god was doing that what do you do when god is the source of your trouble to whom do you appeal i mean who are you going to tell on him where are you going whenever you experience trouble here's here's the thing whenever you experience trouble whenever you experience crisis whenever you experience problems ask yourself what do i need to change what do i need to change god's generally trying to get your attention to change something it's generally to change something i love what the words of socrates he said that the secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new there are some people when they need to change they keep bringing up your history it's not about your history and what you did back there it's about building the new we've all made mistakes god doesn't want to dwell on your mistakes and your failure that's not what god is into to try to make you feel guilty and unworthy and trashy and all of that god's energy is not spent on your past god says i have a future for you i'm building something ahead of you that is going to be greater than what you are a woman by the name of jocelyn murray she says it is not triumph which defines a man but tragedy not triumph not not when you're on top of the mountain but it's how you handle your valleys she says triumph always brings out the best in men but tragedy shows men what they're made of and so sometimes when you go through difficulty through hard times it begins to show you what you are made of and so god sends problems he sends trouble he sends crisis because crises rearrange your priorities crises rearrange your priorities and you see king asa simply needed his priorities rearranged he went and sought king the king of syria he went and sought physician not that either one of them was wrong but the priority the priority that was their mistake he went to man before he went to god if you're in a situation god is troubling your life and you ask what do i need to change apologize when you're wrong and change your behavior when you're forgiven apologize when you're wrong just admit it and quit it admit it and quit it admit it and quit it apologize when you're wrong change your behavior when you're forgiven most folks don't have a problem for you know forgiving you but they don't want that same behavior to to continue to persist apologize when you're wrong change your behavior when you're forgiven if somebody forgives you change your behavior don't apologize for stepping on somebody's foot and then come back and step on it uh two minutes later apologize and change your behavior i i love something about how god doesn't hold us as hostage to our past notice first john chapter three verse two dear friends now are we the children of god when are we the children of god now now are we the children of god not when you died get to heaven not when you become perfected not when you do this now are we the children of god and what we will be has not been made known but we know that when christ appears we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is we shall be like him you know so he's not about he's not about your past god is saying you know i've got something so much greater for you in the future may i say this to you god is not he is concerned with who you are becoming not who you have been why would god waste his time on who you have been what all you have done wrong in the past god is concerned with who you are becoming not who you have been when the woman was caught on adultery he wasn't concerned about her being an adulterer he was concerned about the missionary that was going to be in her after she was forgiven and could be changed and washed by the blood god sees the best in you he sees your future he sees a successful person that that's that has triumphed over something not locking you in the identity of your past and may i just say that the right perspective the right perspective transforms your burdens into opportunities just the right perspective the right perspective transforms burdens into opportunities when you look at it what what is looks like a burden to one person is an opportunity to another i mean it's like one man's trash is another man's treasure and you'll start seeing an opportunity in what looks like a negative situation and that's just by the right perspective and that's why you have to ask god god help me to see this like you see it give me the right the proper perspective because if you got the right perspective on it you'll have the right attitude whenever you see people with a bad attitude it's because they have the wrong perspective they're looking at the wrong things there are some positive things there are some opportunities there are some blessings in disguise i would often hear my father say that that uh problems are nothing more than blessings in disguise because they will unveil something in you to be able to solve the problem and it brings a transformation on the inside of you may i realize help you to understand this change involves about three major elements change involves information information is for the mind information is for the mind if you're writing that down just put information and then put in parenthesis the mind it's uh but information doesn't produce change by itself because information does not deal with our soul it does not deal with our imagination it does not deal with our social context there are a lot of things that just because you get information doesn't mean that it transforms you i mean i have the information that the speed limit on most of our roads around here it's 55. i understand that sometimes 65. just because i know that the speed limit is 65 doesn't make me drive 65 because my car can go faster than that and if you're running late i mean i know what the speed limit in but does that make me drive the speed limit just because i know what the speed limit is because that doesn't do anything to my heart information doesn't change your heart it's not just information information is for the mind change involves information but secondly change involves reformation reformation deals with systems and structure systems and structure reformation when king acer came into office he brought reformation to the tribe of judah to judah he brought reformation he says listen we're going to tear down all of these idol places in the mountains in the high places we're going to tell all of that stuff down he brought spiritual reformation but reformation is not enough information is for the mind reformation is for systems and structure systemic change reformation but it's not enough to just change laws and make racism illegal you can't legislate a person's heart you can't so change also not involves information it not only involves reformation but it involves transformation transformation is for the heart you understand information is for the mind reformation is for systems and structure but transformation is for the heart that's the work of the spirit of god god deals with people in their heart when god transforms the heart then the racist realizes that all men are created equal and this is a as a god creation made in the image and after the likeness of god and you begin to treat them in that way so but you can't legislate that but it all works together information begins to bring the awareness it brings the awareness to the mind and then we can change structures and systems and and then as we meditate on these things like you meditate on the word of god when god's word first comes to you it starts off as information you meditate on it and it distills down into the heart and becomes revelation which has transformational power because in that god says that the word is like a seed a seed a seed you know what you do with a seed like a farmer a farmer imparts a seed into the soil he imparts the seed into the soil in fact the word impart comes from two different words meta which means change and dydemi which means to give metadomy to give change impart it means to give change whenever there is an impartation it gives change transformation when you impart a seed into the ground it no longer remains recognizable as a seed because most of us who are not experienced in agriculture and horticulture we wouldn't know what the fruit is going to look like just based on looking at the seed we don't know i mean i i can't i don't know what a collard green seed looks like from a turnip seed i don't know but if you let it grow up i'll tell you i will be i do know once i and no wonder jesus said you shall know them by the fruit that they bear you know it by the fruit you recognize the seed by the fruit we are born again of an incorruptible indestructible ever-living seed of the word of god but the way that they recognize that we've got the seed of god in us is that the fruit of our character says that they walks like jesus he talks like jesus i this this that he responds to things the way that jesus would so this is about inviting a whole spirit of change to come in our life i want you to ask yourself will i change or will i die some people would rather die than change this you know they're just the way i am i don't believe all my life and just because you've been a certain way all of your life does not mean you have the power to change once you learn better once you receive better and once you hurt enough that you're able to change i love something that charles darwin said he said it is not the strongest of the species that survive nor the most intelligent but the one most responsive to change if we're going to survive you have to be responsive to change i know some people that have totally ignored the revolution of technology and uh and i've had to tell these guys listen you either change or you die you change or you die you that's you do have an option you change or you die if you keep on doing it and here we are in a supersonic jet age and some people are still in in with a horse and buggy you change or you dive you're going to be competitive in the business world you have to change or die you change or die and there's some things that never change but there's certain stylistics and methodologies that have to change in order to be able to keep up it's amazing but when you want to change something when you want to change something here's a few things that you need to do you identify and understand what you want or need to change identify and understand what you want and need to change when you want to change something and just identify and understand what you want or need to change secondly believe that you can change it with god's help believe that you can change it with god's help just believe that you can change it with god's help the third thing is to change your focus change your focus fourth thing is to look for a role model look for a role model find somebody else who's already modeling what it is that you're trying to become the fifth thing is to choose the right company to be around the reason that i'm i'm saying that if you're trying to change you also have to have a support community that's the reason that most people have relapses is because they don't have a community around them to be able to support them and they end up relapsing because they are still surrounded by the other friends that used to do the same thing that they're doing most change is a matter of associations rather than actions because if you keep hanging around the same folks it'll lead you back into the same behaviors so choose the right company to be around when you're changing and number six is to look for the new beginning in every ending look for the new beginning in every ending every ending has a new beginning if you lose one job there's a new one there's another door there's another door you lose one relationship there is another door look for the new beginning in every ending and then the seventh thing that i would say is to practice gratitude practice it practice expressing your gratitude each day it shifts how you feel it makes you a more positive person about life it makes you more pleasant to be around it changes you and makes you just a you know a delightful person just by practicing gratitude and it allows you to focus on the blessings that you already have sometimes the blessing is the stuff that god kept from you what you didn't get and then you look back to god and you say lord i thank you you know when bad things happen to you write that in sand but when good things happen write them in stone in stone i use stone as an acronym here's what stone stands for stone are the successes the successes that you've enjoyed successes that you've enjoyed whether it's an achievement a promotion a win an award uh good character whatever the successes that you've enjoyed the t is the trouble that you have overcome anybody ever been to abuse and overcome trouble uh you know when when you are writing this in stone right in stone the trouble that you've overcome you know lord you've been good this is what you've helped me to overcome you know whether it's health challenges whether it's rumors and opinions of man relationship challenges the trouble that you've overcome the opportunities that god gave you thank god you know write that in stone the opportunities that god gave you a lot you didn't have to do this but you did you gave me opportunities the inn are needs that god supplied you ever had a need and then god supplied it whether it was food or shelter or companionship or health whatever it was needs that god supplied and then the e are enemies that have been destroyed you know god is able i mean you know he's able to take care of your enemies he is i mean and sometimes it's not the outward enemy sometimes it's the enemy within it's the enemy of low self-esteem the enemy of depression the enemy of failure from the past is the enemy of a sense of a personal sense of inadequacy it's just getting rid of the the enemies it's the enemies that have been destroyed that's that's what brings us into this place of remembrance of expressing our gratitude toward god and may i just remind you that as as god did with with israel i want you to notice how he started and he was telling them if you stay with god god will stay with you if you seek him you'll find him but if you abandon him he'll abandon you and i want you to notice what the bible says he says for a long time israel was without the true god and you know why they were without the true god he tells you because they were without a priest to teach they were without a teaching priest and they were without the law to instruct them they had no priest they had no law they had no teaching priest and they had no law how shall they heal without a preacher how shall they believe on him whom they've not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher and how shall they preach except they be sent not everybody who's preaching the gospel has been sent some just got up and went but how shall they hear they were without god because they had nobody declaring proclaiming teaching there was no teaching priest not teaching his own ideas but teaching the law of god and because of that they were without god and if you raise your family mothers and fathers have to become teaching priests teaching the law or we'll raise a nation that lives as though there is no god we're in a time now where there is a need a time for change and let me just walk you through a quick process that god will allow trouble to come your way that he sent that he orchestrated that he permitted to come into your life i thought god was good yes he is good but god will let trouble come to you so that you'll recognize your need of him and sometimes you have to lose good stuff to find the real stuff [Applause] and so sometimes your very first place in being able to change is coming to a place of disgust dissatisfaction is a precursor for change so when god gets ready to change you he makes you dissatisfied where you are why would you change when you're on top of the world so he allows that to be a dissatisfaction a disgust thomas edison was working on an important experiment in his lab in his home because he was so wrapped up in his work and money was tight for him the gas company came and turned his gas off right in the middle of an important experience he was totally disgusted with it with the gas company he owed him fifteen dollars and they shut his gas off right in the middle of an experiment when he needed it to have a breakthrough to be able to earn money and to pay his bills the gas companies shut his gas off and out of that disgust god birth a desire when you become disgusted with where you are and what you have then god fills you with the desired for better so there has to come desire and the proof of desire is pursuit if you say you desire something but you're too lazy to go after it you don't want it when you get really disgusted you go after the change and god's trying to bring us to a place where we might be disgusted with our life and where we are and what we're experiencing and he's just inviting you to a deeper relationship with him say come on i want to change you but i want you to desire something more than what you've been experiencing there's more to life out of the disgust there's a birthing of desire from the desire the desire leads you to a decision decision is the beginning of change nothing changes until you make a decision all change begins with a decision i'm not going to do this anymore i'm going to start doing that change begins with a decision it begins with a decision thomas edison working in the middle of his experiment he gets disgusted because they turn his gas off and now he's in the dark now he gets the desire how do i how i how do i become their competition and now he makes a decision i'm going to make a light bulb and i won't need to use gas light anymore i'll be able to see from a different source it was his disgust that led him to a desire that brought him to a decision that then caused him to make a determination a righteous resolve to say i'm not going to let anything turn me around one father had his son come home in the 10th grade he'd failed an exam in the science class and he was so distraught over and he says dad i i'm dropping out of school this this is not for me and the father is seeing his son make a decision about his future based on a current failure and the father says to his son he says son do you remember winston churchill he said yeah sure yes of course he says do you remember thomas edison he said yes yeah duh and then he asked him son do you remember john mccringle and his son looked up and said john john mccringle no i don't remember him the father looked in the eyes of his 10th grader and said he quit and he says if you quit nobody will remember you either it sometimes takes you to become disgusted to have new desires to come in you because whenever you get disgusted you start desiring something else a different place of comfort but you have to make a decision to get there and there must be a dogged determination that come hell of high water i'm not going to let anything stop me i'm not going to let my past how dare you try to use that i am not what i have done i am what i have overcome now are you the sons of god and it does not yet appear that means god says i've got bigger plans in you than you can imagine than you can even think ephesians chapter 3 verse 20. i can i'm able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think god's future for you is bigger than anything that you can imagine and i just want you to know that he's calling you he's calling you he said listen it's time to make a change they were in a dark place in the world where king acer was the bible says that they it was dangerous to travel we've got that same thing globally now happening and this is not just a local thing this is a a global thing and a national thing and a local thing it's on every side and god's deepest thing is to say listen as the land heals the worst thing that you could do is to stay in the place where you were he says i want you to change i don't want you to fall back into old behavioral patterns everything that you know that you were doing before the pandemic that should have stopped now that things are sort of coming back into some level of normalcy don't go back to that turn us back to you oh god and we will be restored renew us oh god as of the days of old but there ought to be a new normal for you don't go back to your old slothful ways don't go back to your ways of neglect and abandonment and abuse don't go back may i remind you that when god heals you he never sends you back to the thing that made you sick he calls you out the only reason that he heals you is to restore you so that you begin to think differently so that you become disgusted in the place where you are so that you desire to be in a different place and you make different decisions to say this time jesus i'm going to give you a chance and you have a determination that no matter what i'm going to follow you lord because he loves you he cares for you this is i don't have a dog in this fight this is about what jesus can do for you not to lure you like a carrot on a stick but this flows out of a love relationship and god is a restorer he's a restorer but it's a time for change and this is a time for introspection you know in your own life in your own heart what needs to change because if you keep living the way that you're living right now it's not going to end well with you god is saying i've brought crisis problems into your life to get your attention and make you think about what really is important and to begin to re-align your priorities and god is saying i will not take second place god will be lord of all or not lord at all he doesn't give us an opportunity to be able to just use him as a convenience for whenever we feel like it's okay may i remind you that god still loves sacrifice and when people demonstrate that god i honor you even if it costs you i commend you for getting up and coming to an early service that's a sacrifice nobody just roll out of bed and put on clothes this morning by accident it was by intentionality god sees that and he honors that he honors that he honors that let me remind you of this that the greater the sacrifice the greater the blessing the greater the sacrifice the greater the blessing the greater the sacrifice the greater the blessing when you are present with god your presence speaks your presence says god i i respect you i honor you i'm thankful to you if god means something to us show up when you show up if your mama means something show up if your daddy means something show up [Applause] so he says i'm just calling you i'm not trying to hurt you i'm not trying to destroy you i'm not trying to bring misery into your life i'm trying to bring change and it's to lift us to a better state than you've ever been all of the days of your life and there's a better group that god wants to bring around you and then let you become a champion for other people that were as you because you know people who are in the same place where you were and now it becomes your mission and assignment that god the change that you have done in me now god used me to work that change in the lives of others that's what happened in my own life i'm not telling you something that didn't happen to me as a young child i didn't just get in this i first heard the voice of the lord jesus when i was seven years old he changed my life forever he spoke to me it transformed my household my five other brothers my mother my father the house was changed because god spoke to a seven-year-old and started his work in my life never too young for god to start using you what i'm telling you doesn't come off of a script that comes out of a life and all that i can tell you as a prophet of the lord is that this is a time for change this is a time for change you change or you die that's not a threat it's a promise you change or you die you change or you die and i just heard the lord say this when you change according to my will you die to yourself so that you can live and the will of god lives through you you give up the low life to receive the higher life this is restoration time says the lord it's a time for change this is a time for change it's a new day it's a new decision and god's birthing new desires in your heart so that you change and there comes a determination that i'm gonna follow jesus i don't care who else goes to hell i'm not going behind them i want to be with jesus i want to serve jesus i want to have him to be a part of who i am to think through my thoughts to move through my actions to live in me to give purpose and meaning to my life god used me for your glory for your glory for your glory lord may the light that shines on you be able to shine in dark places may he use you as a beacon light of hope to other people that cannot see the light may they see the change that he has wrought in your life and may they begin to desire it and said jesus i don't understand why they can go through what i've gone through and yet they got a smile on their face they've gone through pain they've dealt with death i don't understand that jesus but whatever it is that they've got i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it and you can have it even now it belongs to you i pray in the name of jesus that he makes you a teaching priest teaching the law teaching the statutes of jesus teaching the way of god teaching the way of holiness i pray in the name of jesus that we become agents of change every place that we are to transform the world where he has called us [Music] bow your heads those of you that are joining us through the live stream today i pray in the name of jesus for you it's a time for change a time for change don't depend on yourself don't lean to your own understanding you don't have to figure it all out i understand that you've been staying up worried and stressed out cast your cares upon him let it go ah she killed my mother let it go let it go let it go let it go let it go you can't control it anyway let it go let it go in the name of jesus let it go be willing to let it go if it's yours it'll come back god will bring it back but he's transforming you in the process [Music] if you're watching today i'm telling you he's calling you he's calling for change in you this is not playing church this is about a real relationship with jesus this is not about religion this is about relationship with jesus the christ the transformational work this is not information this is not reformation this is transformation it touches something down in our hearts it touches something in the soul it is saying god transform me make me like you lord mold me i'm on the potter's wheel mold me and make me lord i'm here yielded to you lord have your way in my life i dare you to give god that kind of permission in your life today for him to have his way in your life for him to transform you for him to change you you can't do it by yourself i know you'd love to run and talk to therapists and there's nothing wrong with therapists and psychologists and psychiatrists there's nothing wrong with them but there is something wrong if you run to them and medication and what it can do for you before you seek the lord because what if god is the source of your trouble man can't fix it man can't fix it and maybe just maybe god has rocked your world so you turn and look up toward him maybe you've fallen down so you would look up and then you're looking up when you get up what was shattered god begins to pull you back together it's time i pray that you're disgusted with low living i pray that you are disgusted with low living we're just pleasing your flesh we're living like a dog eat dog kind of a world i pray that you become disgusted with the way that you've been living so that you desire a change an authentic change of the spirit of god began to wash over you and bring a peace my god he's a god of restoration and he wants to restore you he wants to restore you he wants to restore you we hope that you enjoyed that message don't forget to like and subscribe and then press the notification bell so that you don't miss another one of our videos and if you want to partner with us click the give now button thank you for what you do
Channel: woffamily
Views: 145,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Church, Sermon, Encouragement, Hope, Message
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 46sec (3346 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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