The Way to Miracles | Bishop Dale C. Bronner | Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

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this is bishop dale broader thank you so much for joining our youtube channel today if this is a blessing to you i want to encourage you to like it and then click the subscribe button and then turn on notification hit that little notification bell so that you never ever miss another one of our videos and then if you're in the metro atlanta area on a sunday check out one of our exhilarating services at 8 30 a.m 11 a.m or 6 o'clock p.m what a wonderful day it is to celebrate the goodness of jesus and all that he means to us he's an awesome awesome god and we serve him and bless him and give him glory and honor our scriptural text today comes from saint mark chapter 6 verse 30-33 i'm reading from the worldwide english translation today notice that these words the apostles came back to jesus and they told him all that they had done and taught and jesus said to them come away with me let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while and many people were coming and going and they could not even eat so they went away in a boat to a lonely place by themselves the people saw them going and many people knew them the people ran from all the towns and got there ahead of them i want to talk today from the subject the way to miracles the way to miracles the way to miracles in the earlier part of this chapter jesus experienced some of the worst rejection that he could experience it is to be rejected from people that know you well jesus was rejected from people in his own hometown here in mark chapter six and in fact the bible says uh he could there in his hometown do no mighty works and it explains to us in verse six there uh that he marveled at their unbelief they didn't believe him because everybody was too familiar with him this was a case of people being so familiar with the vessel that they couldn't recognize the gift of god that was in the vessel they committed the sin of familiarity so he wasn't able to really bless them the bible says that he could there do no mighty works the original uh greek there says save he laid his hands on a few people with minor ailments but he could do no mighty works there because of the unbelief so did that cause jesus to just give up absolutely not he didn't just give up jesus started teaching where there is unbelief you've got to correct the faulty belief system so the bible says he went on a circuit teaching he went on a circuit teaching and not only did he do that but then jesus multiplied himself because he's like i'm one person and they rejected jesus in that place and so now jesus is saying what if i teach others what i have and impart to them what i'm doing then it'll be hard to just stop one person now they've got to try to stop it in all of those that i influence so now he's multiplying something in the lives of others and i love something that f scott fitzgerald said he says never let a single defeat uh be uh a final defeat don't don't don't don't confuse were his words don't confuse a single defeat with a final defeat so it is as though jesus was defeated in his own hometown in that he could not do mighty works there he didn't let what he couldn't do among people who didn't believe in him stop him from the folks that would believe in him down the road don't define yourself by your last failure a singer singular failure is not a final failure it just means that you've got to go someplace else to make it work and that's what jesus did jesus kept on stepping he kept on stepping he did not define himself by the people who rejected him and there are some people that are still uh affected today still dysfunctional because of things that happen in the foundational years of their life the folks who were in their hometown who knew them best who didn't believe in them and rejected them and saw no worth and saw no value in them and they took on that definition and lived out its prophecy in their life and so it became somewhat self-fulfilling prophecy but jesus refused to do that jesus multiplied uh himself in this sixth chapter of mark here when the bible is talking about these disciples as they come to him we see him in verse 30 here they come to him and they're excited because jesus uh is is is their mentor he's their uh their their father as it were in in ministry and he has empowered them and he sent them out and now they're coming back with the reports of what has happened they're coming back and telling of the miracles of the signs and the wonders that have been done they're telling about how they talked and what they taught the people they're giving a report to their mentor to to the one who has coached them into the work that they're now doing and they're coming back with a good report and they couldn't wait to get with jesus and tell them what had happened but here i i want you to see that if you've experienced rejection at some early place in your life don't sit there and soak get up and serve the world what's in you get up and serve the world what's in you when jesus was rejected by people in his own hometowns and i hear so many people who live a limited reality because they start talking about their mama and their dad and their grandma and their granddad and their uncles and what their cousins were doing don't let your family define who you are we come from a lineage before your family before big mama was here was the great i am the father god who had a seed we are born of an incorruptible indestructible ever-living seed of the word of god you've got something different in you it doesn't matter whether your mom and your daddy made it or not whether they fail we don't take on the definition of who they are we we've come from someone who actually made all of mankind we get our definition of of who we are by who he is in us so don't take on that identity don't take on that failure you got to be able to move and become who god has called you to be who he has made you to be get your definition of who you are from the great master so don't don't just sit and serve and i want you to get a key here as to how jesus got out of a slump he got out of a slump of people rejecting him by getting up and doing something he didn't sit there and start whining and saying well you know nobody i mean i grew up around here in natural d people know me they know i'm the carpenter son and everything and you know they don't want to give nobody no chance you know and uh you know the other prophet from out of town they always talk about how great they are and nobody recognized my gift no no jesus jesus went on and he found some guys and he said hey hey follow me he got some people that were not from his hometown who didn't know his history but who understood his destiny you got to connect with people who understand where you're going and not where you've been your power is not really in what happened to you your power is in the thing that what happened to you created in you as i said don't sit in sulk uh get up and serve get up and serve there's a there's a there's a breaking power in your getting up and serving it says you didn't win you didn't break my spirit because i'm gonna get up and serve what's in me and listen don't just ask the world what what does the world want or what does the world need here's the question to ask what makes you come alive what makes you come ask yourself what makes me come alive because what the world needs it's people who have come alive to their purpose and if you find the person who has come alive to that purpose the world will be the path to your door when you have come alive to your purpose is looking for people that have come alive the purpose and jesus gave purpose to people who then came alive they weren't in his hometown but they were from elsewhere and they recognized the divinity of god in his life and they celebrated that and and it became a blessing so don't don't sit and sulk rise and serve and here's here's let me state it this way most people want to sit and eat but the disciples are calls to rise and serve we want to sit and eat but when you're a disciple of jesus you're called to set and to serve to set sct to set and to serve you you know how when you're gonna have dinner somebody has to set the table the disciples had to set in this sixth chapter of mark he's setting them up for a miracle you have to be set up for the miracle it was the greatest miracle that really defined christianity the biggest miracle of the old testament that defines sort of who the god of abraham isaac and jacob was by which god's name became great was a miracle when moses parted the red sea and my god can you imagine that when the power of god and god split the waters and congealed them the bible says in psalms that he congealed to congeal means to freeze he froze the water he caused an east wind to blow all night long and flow froze the water a blast of his nostrils froze the water in their place and they walked through on dry land and then what was frozen melted and all of a sudden it drowned to pharaoh's army and that became one of the most notable miracles of the old testament but the one the most notable miracle of the new testament was not the opening of the blind eyes it was a multiplication of the fish and the bread so that the fish became the secret symbol for christianity so when they they wanted to identify as a christian they put the thing of the fish it was in reference to the miracle of the multiplication of the fishes and the loaves this is the sixth chapter of saint mark and he's a wonderful a miracle worker he's a wonder worker he multiplied the fish and the bread there were five thousand men present not counting the women and the children and jesus took a little bro broad jesus says what do we have he asked the question then he said go and see he said what do you have go see and they went and they found a little boy's lunch with two fish and five loaves two fish and five loaves and jesus then gave the command to the disciples to set the people in groups of fifty he had to set them and then they had to serve them and here's here's the blessing you're talking about the way the miracle everybody wants a miracle and nobody wants to serve but serving is what brought the miracle into manifestation they had to serve their way into the miracle the miracle didn't happen when it left jesus hand the miracle happened when the bread left the hands of the disciples into the hands of the people it was when you serve what you got from jesus that multiplication happens had they never served the people the miracle wouldn't have happened if you sit there will be no multiplication but when you serve god will begin to multiply i just came to remind somebody today that you are not here to sit you're here to serve you got to find a place to serve you got to say lord use me lord whatever you got in my life your blessing your happiness your joy it doesn't come because you got a gucci and louis vuitton and all of that kind of craziness with pocket books and shoes and jewelry and bling bling and all of this kind of stuff that's not what makes you happy that'll make you happy for two or three days but if you really want it you're gonna have to find something a purpose that you can serve a cause that you can serve a mission that you can serve we have a great commission we're trying to serve our mission but we got to serve the mission the great commission when you serve him miracles happen it is saying that whatever that god fed you with let him break some of that off as you give it to others i'll multiply the same thing that saved you the same thing that redeemed you the same thing that healed you the same word that lifted you out of a put of depression the same thing that brought you on a low self-esteem that same word has healing power transformative power delivering power it can change your life but the miracle doesn't happen because it leaves jesus hands it happens because it leaves yours the miracle happened when it left the hands of the disciples so we are called to set and to serve to set and to serve to set and to serve and that's where the miracle happens that's what jesus multiplied but i want you to notice in verse 30 here the the 12 apostles that came to jesus that gave them a great report of the wonderful things that god had done through them and the marvelous things that they taught they talked about the victories the experiences it blew their mind but i want you to realize this that after this greatest time of coming back to jesus because see the bible says that jesus gave them power over unclean spirits to heal the sick to cleanse the lepers to raise the dead he gave them power he gave them power and they go out and in his name they begin to watch this miracle working power come into manifestation and they come back and they're sending to jesus they said gee man jesus guess what you know i spoke a word a laying person got up out of a wheelchair this person starts seeing this this happened and that happened and they start bragging about all the great things that happened they're talking about the tremendous harvest but jesus knew that the most vulnerable time in a person's life is not after their greatest loss but their greatest win you see when you're training for the olympics your mind is focused when you're preparing for the job interview when you're working trying to study for the entrance exam when you're trying to get your credit report right to be able to qualify for the loan to get in the house but it's after the approval that you want to celebrate that's when the guards come down that's when you're more susceptible to demon spirits it's when you're winning it's right after your biggest win not after your biggest loss it's after your biggest win because then you begin to take things for granted that i got this and man you should see this and so you start getting into your feelings you start feeling yourself and smelling yourself and now all of a sudden jesus is saying i know that you just had some great wins because you've been seeing the manifestation of what i told you was going to happen and you're excited about it but jesus was saying you know what you're at the greatest point of vulnerability right now and jesus said come away with me come away with me he gave them an invitation to come away with him now they just had their greatest victories and jesus said you know what i want you to come away with me and here's what i want you to see is that jesus invited the twelve apostles to come away with him to number one be restored because whenever you minister to people you give out to people something leaves out of you so you need to be restored be restored be restored let me give you three dimensions of restoration that i i felt god saying to me personally in the whole restoration process the way that you come apart and jesus invited them come apart with me he didn't just say i want you to go by yourself he said i want you to come with me alone you and me come with me alone take a break with me not from me with me take a break with me this is very critical take a break with me you've just had a great victory but now take a break with me because you need a time to restore what you've just poured out and here's what i find is that people who are givers and pleasers rarely take the time to replenish and restore what has been taken out of them they're givers and givers and serving and serving and they neglect themselves and i want you to hear i want you to hear jesus is talking to you he says come away with me because you need a time to restore how do you restore you you have to restore restore the whole root of restore here is rest you have to rest it includes at least three dimensions to me that the holy spirit brought out in my heart rest was the first part of restoration or restore restored he calls us to restore to restore rest you have to rest to restore energy you have to rest to restore energy and then a second dimension of of restoring is refreshments refreshments it's putting something back in your system in order to refresh you that you know when you've gone running and sweating you you lose electrolytes and stuff and you have to restore this this chemical balance and salts back into your body you have to have certain things that refresh you and restore the balance of the body and the mind you have to have refreshments one is rest of what you take a break from another is refreshments what you add to yourself that renew and replenish what has been taken out of you so you you have that as as he's saying i want you to restore you need to rest you need to have refreshments you need to have refreshments and he brings us he brings us as he's just walking with us he says i want to call you away so that you can come with me because i want you to be able to restore the third dimension of that is to release a part of restoration if i'm going to restore something i i need to release everything that has been toxic in my life i need to release the negative opinions of others i need to release negative emotions that i've been carrying if you want to have a restoration back to to becoming yourself you know how some people assaulted their different things have happened to them you got to release all of this stuff that you've been carrying that has made you where you are no longer yourself release the toxic the toxicity of negative opinions negative impression he says i want you to release that you have to to restore means that you rest you have to rest from your labors you have to have refreshments adding to yourself the nutrients and the elements that help you to become whole once again replenished as it were but then you have to release these negative opinions of others release the chatter of what people have been saying about you in social media release that release that and it is through those three elements that we come to a place of restoration so when you restore you rest when you restore you refresh and when you restore you release out of your body the thing that have been making you toxic you release it you let it go that's the first thing so jesus invited the 12 apostles to come away with him to be restored secondly to reflect and gain perspective because they had just gone out on a mission and they'd followed the word of the lord and and now jesus is saying hey i want you to reflect and gain perspective what just happened tell me about your journey and and here's the here's the process here reflection turns experience into insight reflection turns experience into insight so i think that jesus invited the disciples to come away with him to have time to reflect on what just happened and he wanted to bring to their attention what happened what went well what were your strengths your you know the whole swat what your your strengths and your weaknesses your opportunities and your threats he wanted them to to gain perspective don't just live life and live life and have experiences and you never stop to evaluate what happened let's see what happened most people look at their failures to try to figure out what they did wrong why don't you look at your wins and figure out what you did right so you can do it again i think he was inviting them to come and reflect and gain perspective because they were just celebrating wins and he's like this was not an accident i want you to understand what you did right so you can do it again let's reflect on that so you can do it again if you don't know what you did you can't do it again and so he says let's take a time to reflect and gain perspective let's reflect and gain perspective do you understand that that is the most important element of the time out solution you put a child in timeout you explain to them before you put them in timeout what they did that was unacceptable so they can think and reflect about that behavior and how they can do better next time how they can make a better choice it's not about punishing the child it's about growing the child so that they can reflect on the experience that was unacceptable that they just did and now you can help them to gain perspective so that they become better so jesus invite invited the 12 disciples i believe i believe in order to restore in order for them to be able to reflect and to gain perspective and then thirdly to rejoice and to express their thanks and their honor to the one who was working through them i think that's what it was about it was about expressing uh to rejoice you know let's rejoice over what god has just done god just healed people he just cast out devils i mean he just miracle after miracle rejoice and give thanks and honor to the one who was working through them he was pointing them back to god that this is not you you're a human being you're a vessel it's god's power it is god's power it is god's power this is not you so when jesus invites them to come away with him he's inviting them to be able to restore to get rebuilt to replenish to reflect and to gain experience and then to rejoice those three things restoration reflection and rejoicing he's you come away with jesus to be restored to be able to reflect and to gain perspective to see what you need to do better and what you did right that was winning and then to rejoice and to express thanks and honor to the one who's working through you and that's what helps us to grow so he said don't just live life don't just have a great time of god using you take time to be restored take time to reflect and take time to to rejoice because jesus wanted them to know that their only vessels and that it was god's word and his power that was working through them and it reminded us of this charles stanley told his son andy stanley in order to keep him in humility he said and he says whatever you have he says god can take it away in a minute god can take it away in a minute god can take it away in a minute you can lose everything you got in a minute you can go through one legal suit and you might be wiped out you go through a sickness and it can wipe you out everything you have could be wiped out in a minute you better you can always live with the consciousness of that it could always be lost in a minute so never take him for granted never take him for granted when you start succeeding most people when they start when they start winning they start putting god on a back burner let me remind you prayer is not prayer is not a toolkit for broken down situations in life prayer is a way of life it's a way of life it's a way of life jesus uh gave us a tremendous power and he talked about it in mark 16 and verse 20 and the disciples went everywhere notice this these same disciples they went everywhere and preached and the lord worked through them notice that the lord worked through them the lord worked through them just like he works through you confirming what they said by many miraculous signs god was working through them confirming what they said confirming what they said because god was working through them i i love this understanding that you must know this about the nature of god god is a god who works miracles and demonstrates his power in the earth psalm 77 and verse 14 you are the god who performs miracles you display your power among the peoples all of the people groups in the world but he reminds us you are the god who performs miracles may i remind you today that god is the god who performs miracles and we're talking about the way to miracles the way to miracles the wage and miracles may i tell you the real secret of the way to miracles is to come away with jesus do you know before they got that miracle of the multiplication of the fishes and the loaves they had just come out of a retreat with jesus that's what preceded the miracle everybody wants the miracle but it's what happens before the miracle that makes it happen it's not the meeting it's the meeting before the meeting are you listening it's what happens before the miracle everybody wants the miracle but they don't want to do what is necessary in the preparation they don't want to pay that price it's coming away with jesus and may i remind you that when jesus invites you to come away with him he's inviting you to come away from your telephone from the television from your wi-fi from the internet from playstation from nintendo from netflix he's inviting you come away come away come away from grubhub come away from amazon prime come come away you don't have access to any of that not when you go with jesus when you go with jesus you you don't you don't you don't have your uber eats no no not not not they didn't have access to that not when they went away with jesus when he was asking them to come away he was saying come away from all of your technology come away from all of your man-made stuff here come come away come out into a natural place into nature and i want you to be able to be restored i want you to leave all of your technology don't don't bring that in here because i want to talk to you and i don't want to have to go through a system to be able to talk to you i want to talk to you spirit to spirit i want to be able to communicate my thoughts i want you to be able to reflect without getting a notification i want to be able to talk to you without your pulling your phone out you can't even eat a meal before you're pulling it i want to come apart come away come away with me get away from your access so you can come away and be still and let me just remind you of this truth that the busier that you are the more you need quiet time the busier that you are the more you need quiet time let me say that again the busier that you are the more you need quiet time the busier that you are the more you need quiet time jesus said just come away with me come away come away with me and and one of my favorite quotes of lorraine hansby is this she said that the thing that makes you exceptional if you are at all is inevitably that which also must make you lonely the thing that makes you exceptional if you are at all is inevitably that which must also make you lonely whatever you're going to be exceptional in it's going to be a lonely journey because you don't have to attend to that and not to friends it's like if you're going to be exceptional you you cannot binge watch tv series and shop online not if you're going to be exceptional the very thing that makes you exceptional is also that which will make you lonely jesus said i need you to come come away with me come away from all of that busy stuff that you're doing running and ripping and serving everybody else and givers are so guilty of this and pleasers are so guilty of this because they failed to take care of themselves because they think that there is some nobility in serving others to the neglect of themselves and you won't last long if you keep doing that jesus is reminding us i know you're good and your intentions are good but he says come away come away from all of that with me jesus got him away from the crowd because when when you serve the crowd the crowd always has needs and they will never be thinking i wonder what they're going through when they got a need they're just trying to get their needs met the crowd that they had to feed they were just hungry they didn't care where you got the food and who who use whose credit card it went on all they knew is that they wanted to eat and they're just sitting down and waiting to be served but the disciples were setting them in an organized way in groups of 50 groups of 100 setting them in organized way and then serving the people and that's where the miracle took place but that didn't happen before they had spent a retreat with jesus jesus told them to get on on a boat in other words get in a ship relationship partnership he said get in get in the ship and and go come away with me come away with me and be restored and uh you'll see here that as you walk with certain people jesus was in inviting them to take a wilderness walk with him who you walk with determines what you see how you think and how you feel who you walk with determines what you see how you think and how you feel who you walk with and let me give you this whenever you walk with somebody something supernatural happens that is inexplicable something uncommon happens when you just walk with another person it's an unspoken thing that happens whenever you walk with someone you adjust to their pace or they adjust to your pace and now i want to ask you whose pace are you walking because whenever you walk with somebody you either have to speed up to keep up with them or they slow down to keep up with you whose pace are you walking jesus said come apart with me and there are some people that are so stressed out and they have so much nervous anxious energy and you know i'm a very even keel kind of a person i carry my composure with me still water runs deep and if somebody else starts walking with me they'll start picking up my chill mode because i'm not going to rush because you're in a hurry my wife can attest to that sometimes when i'm driving and we're running late somewhere and she's wants me to put the pedal but she's rolling with me and so she's got to adjust to my to my pace because i'm not going to be stressed out trying to get somewhere and putting my raising my blood pressure come away with me calibrate yourself to my peace uh whenever you walk with somebody your strides will synchronize after a while you don't have to even discuss it there's no discussion that says hey are you going to slow down am i going to speed up nobody has that conversation it happens automatically but in your time of reflection you need to ask yourself what just happened did i slow down or did i speed up jesus said i want you to come apart with me i want you to walk with me he's he's inviting us we're talking about the way to miracles and you're in a hurry trying to get something multiplied and jesus said if you pull back i'll teach you the slingshot principle that the farther back you pull the greater velocity and intensity you'll be released and other folks that kept on trucking tired you'll be able to sail past them i will give you divine acceleration [Applause] it's amazing i want you to know i think that when jesus invited these disciples these 12 apostles to come and to spend time with him after they just had the greatest victory coming off of the mission field jesus was reminding them that i am your source i want you to spend time with the source that's how burnout happens people get burned out when they do the stuff without returning to the source and it's the source the very reason why we're doing it i believe that we need to come in to spend time with jesus you know why because jesus is the truth and the more time that you spend with the truth the easier it is for you to recognize what is not truth he was inviting them come spend time with the truth because the more time that you spend with truth the more time the more easy it is for you to recognize what is not truth it is not that the devil stops going to church know the devil joins the church do you know why the devil joins the church because the devil has found it to be more productive for him to sow tares than it is to uproot wheat and the true children of god we're the wheat he doesn't try to pluck us up out of the place where we're planted he sows tares and so the devil comes and sows a tear into your life and the tare will tear you from your fellowship with him it will corrupt pollute contaminate the purity of what you have our greatest threat is not his coming in to come against us the devil uses the tactic of infiltration he conquers more through infiltration than he ever will through confrontation he joins the ranks he plants a sedition in the marriage so now the husband is against the wife the wife is against the husband he didn't tear them apart from each other he came among them and sowed a tare in one or both and now they're at odds with a tare they're struggling with a demonic work jesus said if you'll come and walk with the truth you'll see clearly what is not truth this is not even about us this is not about you this is not about me this is the the work of the an enemy has done this the bible says that while men slept the enemy came and sold tares he doesn't even spend his time trying to uproot the wheat he just sows tears among them to corrupt the wheat to choke out the life supply to the wheat but i want you to realize jesus is saying to you come come apart with me spend some time with me come back to me when was the last time that you spent time with jesus just you and jesus when was the last time that you went apart with jesus yes it is true that there must be isolation before there is elevation there must be separation before there is exaltation i want you to understand very clearly we have to come apart and spend some time with jesus you know why because our flow depends on jesus's poor and if he's no longer pouring my flow will dry up i have to stay connected to the vine i am not divine i'm connected to the vine and if i don't stay connected to the vine jesus won't keep pouring into me and if he's not pouring into me there is no flow of his spirit through me our flow is dependent upon his poor he pours to fill us not just so that we will be filled so that we can fill others and we become an instrument in the hand of god and he's just calling us he's just calling us saying i want you to come away with me come away with me come away with me come away with me before you become a disciple that watches the proliferation of a miracle in progress because you're serving before you become a storehouse spend time with the storehouse and he's just saying come apart with me and out of that fellowship with jesus something will inevitably be birthed you know why when jesus gave this invitation he didn't give this invitation to the masses this was a very intimate gathering and what i want you to understand is that intimacy precedes multiplication intimacy precedes multiplication come away with me it's not until a man and a woman become intimate with each other that they can create or procreate or multiply that happens through intimacy with each other and when you have intimate time with jesus you're going to get a divine concept conception happens as a result of intimacy you don't do intimacy in a crowd intimacy is where you come away jesus said come away with me it was a time of intimacy where something would be birthed in them and then something would be birthed through them they would conceive something and carry something with him and that would make the difference and my question to you is can you endure the gestational process in order to birth what god is trying to get through you can you endure the gestational process in order to birth what god is trying to get through you birthing is a process the gestational period a woman she conceives a seed through an intimate relationship she goes through gestation for nine months conception happens in a moment but the gestational process when people become fearful and frustrated and impatient they abort and so much of the purposes of god have been aborted in the lives of people that have gotten frustrated and impatient with god and my thing is can you can you endure the gestational process in order to birth what god wants to get through your life he's saying i want you to just come and spend some time with me spend time with me maybe what you thought was rejection was god's call to separation and isolation so that you could go to a higher level somehow isolation becomes the laboratory out of which the ingenuity the creativity of your next dimension will be birthed i remember a number of years ago i was to speak for one of our big hair shows for the church service there and we probably had 3 000 people there that morning and i went off to the hotel to spend the night alone and i wrestled all night i didn't rest but it was a call away with him and it was frustrating and it was aggravating to me and i said lord you know i have to speak in the morning you know what time it is i'm worn out can't we do this another time but there was an unrest in my soul i as i lay there i could not sleep i'm watching 1 38 on the clock i saw 225 come up on the clock 3 38 i'm still awake 4 25 how you doing and before you know it i go into the deepest sleep right before it's time to get up anybody ever have that experience and i'm like why lord why now i don't feel like getting up but it's time to get up and i've got to speak for an 8 30 service and i've been up all night wrestling all night just me and jesus i spent the night with him i don't even remember what i talked about i was so worn out i don't i don't remember i could go back in my notes and find it but i don't remember what i talked about but what i do remember is that right in the middle of my message a blind woman's eyes popped open she screamed to the top of her voice and all that i know is that because i went away with him and what opened her eyes was not the opinion of a man it had nothing to do with isages and exegesis it had everything to do with something that was god infused as a result of spending time with him even when it seemed inopportune for me and sometimes you might not know why god won't let you rest but just know that what comes out of your intimacy with jesus christ when it's just nobody but you and jesus nobody but you and jesus you can be crying at home in your bathtub in your shower riding in the car i don't know who i'm talking to here today but maybe maybe the trouble that you're in was an isolation call that he said hey come here come here because you're right on the precipice of one of the greatest miracles of your life and that what is happening in you really is not about you it's about what i'm trying to get through you it's about this thing that you've been carrying it's about the vision it is about god's purpose it is about your assignment for this next dimension there's a crowd that is waiting on what is coming out of the intimacy and out of the hurt that you went through and survived there are other people hurting people there's a hurting hungry multitude hungry for what you've got on the inside of you hungry for what you know hungry for what you have overcome they are hungry to know him and he says i have brought you aside so that you would come into a relationship with me so that you be empowered by my spirit that it's not by might nor by power but it is by my spirit it is so that we come to a place of realization in the economy of god that our eyes are looking upon him again remembering the truth of the word of god in psalm 77 14 you are the god who performs miracles you display your power among the peoples god you are the god who performs miracles you display your power among the peoples i want you to know that god is still a god of miracles he still has the fishes and the bread and i want you to hear me by the spirit of the living god because while you're sitting there mealy-mouthing griping and complaining lord give me more give me more give me more what you need is not more what you need is what you have in your hands to be blessed by his hands and when you get a blessing by his hand of what's already in your hands it starts multiplying multiplying multiplying multiplying and jesus said i just want you to spend time with me so that i sanctify what's in your hand you don't need more you need right you need right you need right you need right you need truth you need authenticity what's in your hand now he says i'll bless it i'll touch it i will bless what is in your hand i'll bless what's in your hand and what fed you and what got you through is getting ready to feed a whole generation it's getting ready to feed a multitude if you'll get them to sit down if you'll set if they will sit while you serve if they'll sit while you serve while you serve what i put in you while they'll serve what you've had out of fellowship with me i'm just telling you if you really want to know the way to miracles is to be able to spend time with him and it is out of your spending time with elohim with jehovah sharma and jehovah rapha in el shaddai in jehovah's hit canoe in jehovah rohi when you take the time to get to know him in just a few of the dimensions of him we will never know the fullness of god he's inexhaustible he's beyond our ability to totally find him out as much time as i have spent with him when i spend time with him i find other dimensions of him that i did not know previously [Music] but i declare to you the name of jesus that no matter how good he's been he's not done here the disciples came back rejoicing saying lord look at this and jesus said if you come away with me you haven't seen anything yet and they witness after that the time that they spent intimately with jesus the greatest miracle that they ever witnessed in their earthly walk in their ministry with jesus and what proceeded the day of multiplication of fish and bread to feed a multitude and when they serve don't ever think that you can serve people and god's gonna leave you empty the bible says that you read the story then the sixth chapter of matthew of mark there were 12 baskets of leftovers there were 12 apostles to each one that served they didn't just get a piece of fish and a bread they got a whole basket and it's impossible to serve him and not god not bless you in the overflow you don't have to be ashamed of the blessing he gave everybody everything that they need nobody was left wanting anything but he blessed every apostle that made themselves a servant he gave them a basket full a whole basket a whole basket there's a power in coming and taking time of jesus there is a power the bible talks about in the book of acts how when peter was in jail the church that he belonged to prayed for peter all night and while the church was in intimacy interceding for peter god heard their prayer and in response to a praying church while they prayed the bible says an angel of the lord appeared in the maximum security prison where peter was was held not only was he chained to the stalks hands and feet he was chained between two soldiers and then there were guards on the outside of that and jesus appeared in a maximum security prison and there's a guard on his right hand that he's chained to and a guard on his left and when jesus shows up in the prison everybody's bands were loosed they slipped off he had to slap peter and wake him up peter thought he was dreaming [Music] the angel said shh follow me and it came to the door the door flung open by itself when you're walking in the will of god god will open doors for you he will open doors if you're walking if you're following the bid of the spirit god will open doors that are locked under normal circumstances and they had to come out of maximum security they came to the next door the bible says that that door just opened up on its own and peter when he's outside of the prison now he pinches himself because he thought he was dreaming and then he goes to the house the house church and knocks on the door and a little girl comes to the door and he said it's peter she said no no no no that that can't be it must be his spirit an angel you must be his angel the little girl goes in and reports and she said it's peter at the door and the very church has been praying miraculously for peter's safety because he was on death row they had made a decree that they were going to kill him and god miraculously delivered him out god brought him out there was a bounty on his head and he was in maximum security and the very man that put him in prison said to all of those that he got out on their watch he says put them to death the soldiers that he was chained to it was beyond their control that was over their pay grade god brought him out and that same god brought him out because of a praying church that became intimate with jesus they went away with jesus they spent the night with jesus and the lord made a nighttime escape of his servant peter god delivered peter this is the same peter that was so impetuous that he cut off malcus the high priest's ear in defense of jesus this is the same peter that stood up and preached on the day of pentecost and 3 000 souls were added to the kingdom of god you will absolutely be surprised that when somebody becomes intimate with jesus and starts praying the doors will open chains will fall off and the glory of god will be experienced in the lives of people but he's looking for somebody that will come away from their distractions and from their technology and from all of the external accoutrements of life and its fineries and comforts and spend some time with jesus and if you really want a miracle spend the night with jesus you'll get up with this baby you'll get up with a divine conception because you've been intimate with him it is impossible to spend time with him and come up empty she will put life in your womb a womb is dead until it receives life and when you spend time [Music] with the one who is life [Music] and the one who is truth somehow that life and truth comes into you and a divine answer then comes through you and god is just looking for people who are ready to see the miracle not everybody who wants a miracle and who needs a miracle is willing to spend the time with jesus and these disciples these apostles spent time away with jesus and the whisper of his spirit is still calling to his true disciples today saying come away with me you can talk to everybody else you find time to do everything else you want to do come away with me come away with me before he gives us the call to come up hither he calls us away with him then he lifts us he calls us away with him and my question is will you answer the call to just walk with jesus and adjust to his space to say lord i i want to be sensitive to your timing i want to come away with you because it is coming away with jesus that always precedes the miracle i pray you got something from the word of the lord today about your head if you're joining us to the live stream today thank you so much for joining us and i want you to know that jesus [Music] wants you to take a sabbatical with him he's calling for you you're too busy everybody is reaching out to you you're too accessible jesus said i want i want to bring you somewhere where your signal to the distractions of the world and its notifications to you are not able to be received i want you to be attuned to my frequency of my voice so that as i speak to you you will hear me and you'll receive my faults and something will be conceived in you and you'll carry it and birth it and what you get from jesus is not for you is through you to serve another generation i pray that it is your prayer lord i make myself available to you fill me do something great in me then do something through me that will feed starving people who are famished who are frustrated who are forgotten are abused lord as i love the sheep may you continue to grace me to feed them and what comes from your heart and your hand i receive so that i may give it to the hearts of your people dear lord jesus make me an instrument of thy peace so that peace might proliferate in the earth use us god for your glory when you cause every storm that has been raging within to cease you're right in the storm with us but now dear lord master lord of the wind may you command it to be still so that peace floods over our soul our households our business our lives god may you bring renewal to your people in this hour i pray god that you will restore us restore us restore us god restore us may you bring a divine rest into our lives may you feed us with bread from heaven that will refresh us may you restore us god empowering us to release every toxic negative thought father i pray in the name of jesus over your precious people today that you not only restore us god but that you will let the power of your glory rest in us god even as we rejoice over the great things that you have already done for us we thank you for that we honor you for it we celebrate that and you god thank you thank you for everything that you are doing in us and for us even coming away right now just to be with you lord show us the hurting multitude to whom we are called whether it's in our neighborhood on our job in a school in our sphere of influence on the platform which you've given us wherever it is god may it be for our good and for your glory may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven amid all of the chaos that surrounds our world the unrest the disharmony may the peace of god rule in our hearts by christ jesus thank you for new revelation that you birth in us thank you for the the revelation the unveiling of the next assignment for our next season and thank you for the discomfort that you bring in this season that is a precursor to the next season that you're calling us to thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you lord thank you just for calibrating our pace to yours may we slow down may we feel the restoration of jesus may we reflect and gain your perspective oh god and may we rejoice in you both now and forevermore in jesus name amen well i pray that you've been blessed on this independence day thank you for getting up and coming to the house of the lord and revealing your faith thank you for the time that we've had just to walk and have him to talk with us as we walked along this journey may god bless you may you have a wonderful joyous day may his light shine through you and may a word of encouragement in life be in you may you just ask god to help you to be able to recognize a need for which you are empowered to meet and when one comes in proximity of the other god will pull things out of you that people so desperately need i'm grateful that you were not here by accident coincident nor chance i do believe that it's by the divine providential rule of god in your lives and as we come apart instead of seeking all of the professional help and there's nothing wrong with that but seek him first spend time with jesus and he will prepare you for perhaps the greatest miracle of your life because the best is truly yet to come god bless you have a wonderful wonderful week and we will see you next week we hope that you enjoyed that message don't forget to like and subscribe and then press the notification bell so that you don't miss another one of our videos and if you want to partner with us click the give now button thank you for what you do
Channel: woffamily
Views: 115,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Church, Sermon, Encouragement, Hope, Message
Id: tjYgMO18jRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 30sec (4110 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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