Frustrated But Nowhere To Go! | Bishop Dale C. Bronner | Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

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this is bishop dale broader thank you so much for joining our youtube channel today if this is a blessing to you i want to encourage you to like it and then click the subscribe button and then turn on notification hit that little notification bell so that you never ever miss another one of our videos and then if you're in the metro atlanta area on a sunday check out one of our exhilarating services at 8 30 a.m 11 a.m or six o'clock p.m one of you would turn in your attention in the scriptures saint john chapter 6 beginning with verse 60 through verse 68 i'm reading from the new living translation trust that this will speak to you in a meaningful way notice verse 60 many of his disciples said this is very hard to understand how can anyone accept it jesus was aware that his disciples were complaining so he said to them does this offend you then what will you think if you see the son of man ascend to heaven again and the spirit alone gives eternal life human effort accomplishes nothing and the very words i have spoken to you are spirit and life but some of you do not believe me for jesus knew from the beginning which ones didn't believe and he knew who would betray him then he said this is why i said that people can't come to me unless the father gives them to me at this point many many of his disciples turned away and deserted him then jesus turned to the 12 and asked are you also going to leave and simon peter replied lord to whom would we go you have the words that give eternal life and i'm speaking today from the subject simply frustrated but nowhere to go frustrated but nowhere to go have you ever felt that life had you sort of backed into a corner that you've been dealt a particular hand a particular set of circumstances and you're frustrated with the hand that you've gotten but you've got no place to go i mean at the end of the day you just say it is what it is this is what i have to work with i wouldn't want this particular hand i didn't particularly choose this hand with these particular set of circumstances that i have but this is what i have to work with frustrated but nowhere to go can you imagine that if the disciples of jesus christ got frustrated how much more will we be frustrated in our life and they were walking with jesus and they got frustrated and just as a little backdrop to this jesus had just finished a discourse with them sharing with them saying that except you eat my flesh and drink my blood you don't have any part in me and they misunderstood him because they assumed as though he was talking about some kind of voodoo kind of human cannibalism and there's like i'm not with that and the bible says many of his disciples deserted him and walked with him no more and so now jesus turns to the twelve and he says you're going to leave me also they misunderstood what he said they were frustrated but then peter said where are we going you're the only one with eternal life you've backed me into a corner jesus you put me in a very precarious position here i don't know i mean i've got some circumstances here they're not ideal i could do without this if i could change some things i'd change a whole lot but i'm stuck with the hand that i've been dealt this it is what it is and what do i do now frustrated but nowhere to go there are some people that are in bad marriages frustrated but can't afford to divorce don't have enough to be able to pay bills live separately frustrated but nowhere to to go it's so interesting but here's the thing that i've lived long enough to realize is that wherever there are people there's going to be friction and frustration now this is grown folks church today wherever there are people there will be friction and there will be frustration so if there are people they're going to be friction if if if you leave one job and go to another job listen if they're if there are people on that job there will be friction there will be frustration at times not all the time but at times there will be frustration there will be friction and you may wonder why in the world would god give us friction and frustration anyway why allow us to deal with frustration may i say this to you when god wants to change you he starts by getting your attention through putting you in a situation beyond your control so when god gets ready to change your life he interests you introduces you to frustration he puts you in a situation that is beyond your ability to control it and you get frustrated you get frustrated you know you can even think that well if i get my own business i'll be my own boss well you're not exactly your own boss because you still have to answer to uncle sam and when you have to deal with the irs you're frustrated back taxes frustrated payroll taxes all kind of stuff rules regulations you get ready to build something you got to deal with government regulation even though you owe your own boss so nobody is truly just totally independent if you're in this world and if you have to deal with people you're going to be introduced to frustration and you're frustrated but no place to go well how do you do this we have to be able to learn creatively how to function in this world so that frustration does not make us completely ineffective i want you to understand very clearly what frustration is frustration is a deep chronic sense or state of insecurity and dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs this is what frustration is this is the definition of frustration we we know how people are you know there are some people that who are single and trying to live holy they get sexually frustrated they have unfulfilled needs this is grown from church now i mean just just i mean is it you know if it's not real it's not true i mean you know it's it's we're just trying to get keep it real is that is that okay we got people that are sexually frustrated people that are frustrated due to their relationships frustrated that are due to their finances frustrated due to their health situation and to compound the frustration isn't it crazy that your relationship is jacked up your health is jacked up your finances are jacked up your emotions are jacked up your hormones are jacked up i mean you got frustration hitting you on every side you just bam it's not just from one side it's hitting you on every side and you're feeling the brunt of this thing that we call frustration and we wonder god what in the world am i what am i doing wrong i mean what's what's what's the matter with me uh the word frustration comes from a a a word frustrated and it actually the word frustra which is the root of frustration means in era or in vain so when you really put it all together the word frustrating from which this word frustration comes it has its bases in its meaning meaning to deceive all frustration has deception in it so when we get frustrated there is this feeling that what god has said was going to come to pass in my life is not going to happen so we get frustrated because the circumstances are defying what we are working for and believing for so we get frustrated because there is the temporary deception that this is not going to happen so we get frustrated we get frustrated with our spouse we get frustrated with the spouse to be you get frustrated with your children you get frustrated with co-workers you get frustrated with employers you get frustrated with the government you get frustrated with your doctor you get frustrated with the people who are taking too long at the light in front of you you get frustrated with people at walmart in the grocery store that are in front of you and can't make up their minds whether they want this or that and taking too long and it's like my god didn't you realize that you were getting up here and get in line why don't you wherever there are people you will be frustrated don't you get frustrated when people know how you operate and then they deal with you and then they're not ready they come there and they frustrate you you know what was expected of you why didn't you do what was expected of you that's what frustrates parents you know what to do i told you to clean this house up when i left this house better and then you get back and it's jacked up and you are frustrated i'm so glad that the bible is real and it connects with us right where we meet life life is very real to us and so the frustra it means in error or in vain because the devil gets us frustrated to make you think that everything that you've been teaching your children is in vain he makes you feel that your child is not listening to you everything that you've told your child is going in one ear and out of the other everything you told your spouse is going in one ear and out of the other you know because you've told them please honey please don't do this to me because i've asked you before i have asked you before this upsets me when i've asked you before it's not like they don't know so you get frustrated because i have i asked you before it's not you are not ignorant you know me by now [Applause] you knew this was going to get on my nerve you know this upsets me every time we dealt with this time and time again and i don't understand why you keep do i'm fr and we are frustrated out of our wits we want to scratch something we want to pull hair out we want to do something because we are frustrated we we we feel like everything i've been saying to you is in vain because you're not getting it and so we end up frustrated because there is this deception that what we're doing is not working because you're praying for a situation to get better and it's getting worse and we get frustrated or in error or deceived to believe that prayer is not meaningful to think that prayer is not powerful to think that prayer doesn't work see it's a deception it's a deception so that you'll stop doing it so whenever you know the devil wants to frustrate you we get so frustrated because we've been praying for this joker and instead of the joker getting better he's getting worse and so we get frustrated and then the devil wants to say that your praying is in vain and this is why the bible says praying always with all kinds of prayer you know continuing in prayer praying without ceasing ceasing so the best way the devil can get us to cease praying is to deceive us and to make us think that what we are praying is not making a difference but prayer is the mitochondria of the christian life this is a thing that gives us power and strength but even when it doesn't look like it i'm just telling you we got some folks that were unsaved and doing all kind of crazy stuff but they had a praying grandmama they had somebody that wouldn't give up on them they were keeping their them on the altar and say lord jesus god that son of mine that daughter of mine my grandson my granddaughter and we were standing in faith and we were believing praying praying even when we saw nothing look like it was getting better but we wouldn't allow frustration here's the thing that helps me to hold on is that frustration frustration is always temporary frustration is not permanent it is only temporary it is only temporary you got to breathe through it you got to breathe through it i know ladies when you were dating and you used to go out and you used to get your little business on on friday night and on saturday night so now you have flashbacks and on friday night when you sit there by yourself you get in a little heat frustrated but frustration is temporary if i can busy myself during this time if i can get myself occupied if i can get my mind right if i can just get through this thing because frustration is temporary it will pass or you feel like oh my god boy they called me tonight okay yeah yeah yeah but listen frustration is temporary it will pass it'll pass you can live through the moment of that temptation that is that is working with your hormones that is working with your emotions that has you frust flustered and frustrated and deceived into thinking that this thing will always be this way but frustration is always temporary say that with me frustration is always temporary it is not permanent it is temporary it is the deception the frustration the deception of frustration to make you think that it is permanent that he will never change that she will never change that it will never change but it is temporary it is temporary and when you get a perspective frustration frustrated people feel like it's never going to get better it's temporary it is temporary it's just a temporary frustration it's a temporary frustration you can live through it and so we are often wondering what is it that god is doing but whenever god wants us to do something we will run into difficulty where we need god's help we will run into difficulty because god wants us to need him he know he doesn't want you to have a life of ease that you can live comfortably in the world without god there is no peace or rest to the wicked or to the weary and so that means that there are a few things there is first declaration you know when you you get ready to to do something there is declaration you have to declare what you're going to do the thing decreed declared shall be established so we that's first declaration that's first declaration then after you declare it then comes distress you tell people yeah i'm gonna have my own business yo yeah yeah i'm gonna be my own boss yeah yeah dog yeah i'm gonna yeah you start declaring it but then you come into distress yes i'm going to have a child oh yes yes i'm going to be a mother oh yes i'm going to be a mother and then when your child wakes up in the night that they just woke up at 11 38. now here's 117 hitting up again i just fed you and there'd be a bit you know 117 then 238 here they are back up again then 4 28. here they are again you get into distress it's okay if you're doing that for one night but the next night they're not going to give you a break either they're going to put you through the next night and the next night but remember it's temporary they they do grow up they do grow up now when you're going through when you're getting up in the night two and three times with a baby you feel like they will never grow up thank god they do grow up my wife and i are empty nesters we have five children but they do grow up they do eventually grow up i'm so glad that we didn't quit because they do grow up but there's a declaration and then there's distress and then there is development because in the midst of whatever distresses you it will develop you it will develop you because out of your stress when your muscles you go into a gym your muscles get distressed with the machine but then in the midst of it stressing your muscles it actually develops you it develops you it develops you because the person will say you know what yeah i'm gonna get my body back i'm here i'm gonna get my school figure back you declare that then you go in the gym and now you're you know and you can't try to you can't really come on the distress and duress and still be cute that's not the time for all your mascara and stuff you know you got you got to have you know you have to get duded up afterwards but when you're going through distress you're just trying to get through it you're just trying to get through it distressed and you're developing because the distress the very thing that stresses you is building your muscles the very thing that stresses you is building your muscles every time you birth something you're getting ready to go to distress every time you open up another location in a business you're going to distress you're going to bring another level of stress in your life another whole another set of problems in your life but it's going to develop you see it's one thing to develop one store one location and get that thing running really well but now you compound something when you think about franchising because now it's easy if i'm here and if i can run and oversee my own operations but now i got two locations three locations four locations i mean i watched my dad to do it we had five retail locations then we opened up a sixth one then we opened up a seventh retail location here in atlanta and it was different you have to change your mindset when you go from operating one thing which is a mom-and-pop operation and you can be there and watch the cash register but when you got seven different registers it stresses you to come up with a different system but how in the world do i do this because i can't be in seven places at one time and i only have six children [Applause] and they're not all old enough to put on the register yet so what do i do how do i do that and it it stresses you but in the stress of figuring that out it develops you that now i've got to come up with a whole another different level of thinking are you am i helping anybody whenever i don't care whatever it is is with whether it's in an entrepreneurial endeavor whether it is it is trying to manage some a dream a goal a vision in your own life once you declare it it puts you in distress which gives now creates the opportunity to develop so there is declaration distress development and then deliverance or demonstration so you're right before the stage of deliverance when you're in the development while you're you you you're doing that and you know it's it's amazing that there's a reason that once people have developed their bodies in the in the gym they want it to be on on display so they're gonna buy something to wear something to put on display demonstration the deliverance that has come out i mean if you've been carrying this thing for a while once you deliver it people like well let me see the baby wrapped in it's swaddling clothes they they want to see the baby because you've been declaring i'm gonna have a baby i'm have a baby i got a dream i'm working on something now you've gone into distress you've gone through the development to be able to give birth to this thing but once you deliver that people want to see the baby let me see what is this you've been talking about and then they see it they see it god's trying to get you to the deliverance and always anybody who's got deliverance or demonstration i promise you they have been through distress and the distress if they didn't quit brought them to development it will develop you it will develop your thinking it'll develop how you do business it will develop you because you've got to now develop others around you in order to do it i mean so it develops you in brand new ways it's the way that it is declaration distress development every time there's a problem it means that you need to develop in order to be able to solve it you develop you can never solve a problem on the same level of thinking that created it you work through the distress of the problem it develops you and then delivers into you a new system of operation and that's what we always need is a new system we need a new system of operation that's what god is doing you know i bumped into a lady the other day and i asked her said how are you doing i knew she'd been going through some things and she said i'm fine i'm fine i'm absolutely i'm fine and and i i i probed some other questions and when i really got to the root of it i saw what her find was her fine was frustrated insecure neurotic and emotionally unstable yes she was absolutely fine frustrated insecure neurotic and emotionally unstable so man when you ask her how she's doing i'm trying there is more behind that fine well whatever how she would do it jesus you fine you have to know a person you have to know a person men and let me just tell you this you're asking your wife for permission to do something you know her then she really doesn't want you to do it and when she says okay fine trust me bro don't don't do it don't do it it's a trap what she said it was no no no no she's frustrated insecure neurotic and emotionally unstable don't do it word to all the brothers don't do it don't do it don't don't do it but i'm so glad that this bible is such an honest book it is an honest book it has real stories with real life real experiences real human failure and real redemption by god who loves us i'm so glad this is a real book it's a real book the apostle paul that wrote two-thirds of the new testament here he saw this his spiritual children making a mess of the things that they had been taught and there was so much sexual immorality and division in the church that paul begins to take on a very frustrated tone in his writings in the scriptures you know i i'm so glad because i was praying for the condition of america and our moral depravity in this country and it just disturbed me and and i guess in my own mind i was blaming it on on all of the the evils that we have available to us through the internet and social media and uh the lewdness of pictures and sites and selfies and and the nudity and all of that that is so readily available at the click of a button the moving of a mouse and all of that to open us up into a whole world i was blaming facebook and snapchat and instagram and twitter and all of these little secret kind of things where you can send naked pictures and then they'll disappear within seconds and i'm blaming all of this saying that this is the result of it and then god says no no what is has already been this is not about technology this is about sin nature in human beings and this is not the first time that a society has been morally depraved and filled with moral profligacy and sexual immorality and then he took me to the book he says let's go here and take a look at the corinthian church they were spiritually gifted more than they all they spoke in tongues they had prophecy they had the gift of miracles they were working i meant this church was loaded with the gifts of the spirit and they were sleeping with everybody going and coming they had so much sexual immorality without the internet without the internet you don't need an internet to stir up your human no no grandma was having her roll in the hay behind the barn she didn't have to go into a chat room or she she would say honey you don't meet me over there behind the pine tree behind mr wilson's house oh they had their meeting places it may not have been snapchat but they had a place where they were oh they were chatting all right they would go to a revival meeting and they would look at their eyes and say when i when i do like that you know we gonna slip out of the back door we gonna go you you know how to meet me you know where a little secret place is oh no no no don't think that whoever invented the internet invented said that that was just a platform they had their own ways of chatting they could i'm telling you some of them sisters back in that day they could have a whole conversation you talking about telepathic communication they can look at you and tell you baby i like what i see and if you want a piece of this you can meet me and i will we can get up and exchange our business a few minutes after this they can have a whole conversation with you and never type a word to anybody they had a way of letting you know baby i like what i see and i'm willing to give all of this to you whatever whenever whatever you want some of this you just you know [Applause] you feel me before we had all of this you feel me you could look from across the room and they would be like who is that you be checking somebody out and communicating talking about snapchat or you ain't got to snap it on instagram bam [Applause] oh you knew what the look was about oh you you knew what it was about you know what time it is but this is what the apostle paul was dealing with before the technology of the internet and before they had electricity or they had electricity all right [Applause] [Music] they were feeling each other the apostle paul was frustrated and he was very open about his disappointments and his dissatisfaction in human nature this is human nature it's nothing new it's nothing new david had a problem with it solomon had a problem with it jeroboam had a problem with it rehoboam had a problem with it are you listening to me i'm just telling you it's nothing new abraham had a problem with it isaac had a problem with it jacob had a problem with it moses had a problem with it it's nothing new and here paul is frustrated with people because wherever they're people there's going to be frustration and friction sometimes second corinthians chapter 12 verse 20 and 21 the new living translation notice what it says this is paul being very honest paul said i'm afraid that when i come i won't like what i find and you won't like my response i'm afraid that i'll find quarreling jealousy anger selfishness slander gossip arrogance and disorderly behavior yes i'm afraid that when i come again god will humble me in your presence and i will be grieved because many of you have not given up your old sins you have not repented of your impurity sexual immorality and eagerness for lustful pleasure this is the apostle paul dealing with a spiritually gifted church gifted but carnal gifted but wrapped up in sexual sin gifted but lusting without the internet lust happens in the mind not over the airways it happens in the mind it was happening before facebook ever got here it was happening before aol it was what happened before yahoo in snapchat it was happening before we had a twitter it was happening before any before you two it was happening before netflix and hulu it was already lust was already in the world it had already been conceived and in the midst of all of this kind of moral profligacy and sexual sensuality god still had a plan to be able to redeem his people and to speak to them and bring out of that a remnant of folks that would be faithful my friend steven furtick says that faithfulness is not a feeling it is a choice you can make even in the midst of great frustration it's a choice it's not a feeling faithfulness is a choice faithfulness is a choice tithing is a matter of faithfulness more than of a faith tithing it's it's more of a matter of faithfulness it's a decision more than even faith you decide to be faithful you decide to be faithful and i just think about the fact that the apostle paul was frustrated with the church at corinth but he was he remained faithful to christ he remained faithful to his calling in the same way you can be frustrated with your spouse and still remain faithful to your marriage you can be frustrated with your children and still remain faithful to teach your children and to raise them up in the godly ways of the lord you can be frustrated as a teacher with your students and still be faithful to teach god is is can be frustrated with his people and yet still faithful to us because faithfulness is a choice say that with me faithfulness is a choice say that again faithfulness is a choice saying once again faithfulness is a choice getting up and being at work on time is a choice it is a choice to be at work on time and to give an honest day's work for an honest day's wage faithfulness is a choice being on time is a choice it's a choice it's a choice being faithful is a choice it's not a feeling it's a choice you choose it you choose it so even when other folks are messing up around you you said that's not me that's not my example that is not my example i'm going to do what's right i'm going to do what i'm paid for you can goof off and do what you want to do if they ask me i'm gonna snitch on you oh they knew the bishop was a snitch you know you know i'm not gonna do my work and then you know you will not you don't want me to turn it in because you don't have yours i'm sorry don't punish me for doing what's right you know i had a lot of attitudes against me because the bishop was going to have his work all the time not some of the time all the time and come on and grade on the curve with my paper grade on the curve my teachers use my paper as the key so come on and grade on the curve i just want to remind you don't be weary in doing what's right don't be weary and doing what's right be faithful be faithful even when you get frustrated you can be frustrated but faithful paul was frustrated but faithful jesus got frustrated with his disciples but he was faithful you have you ever you know can now if this is not frustration i don't know what it is jesus says you know except you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no part of me and then many of his disciples got up and left him and jesus in his frustration he turns to the other disciples who would remain he's that y'all want to go to you when you want to go to that was a statement out of frustration and then here his disciple peter says you know lord you have the words of eternal life where would we go where are we going i'm frustrated but i ain't got nowhere to go i don't have a place to go because if i leave this church i'm gonna go to another church with some people who have issues i mean why am i you know you know unfold that word of faith where else you're going [Applause] you're gonna find human beings wherever you go and the very thing that you're running from you'll find yourself running to blessed and multiplied no no i mean will you leave two you know jesus said he's just frustrated he says you're gonna leave me too he said you won't you won't be the you you're worth the first you won't be the last you you want to go to jesus was saying in so many words can i give you a modern day translation let the door hit you with a good lord split you [Applause] and i mean he's just challenging them jesus was frustrated with people i mean the people that you're banking on to help you to do what god has called you to do and they're cutting the food arguing over some stuff that they don't even understand they're leaving you out of a misunderstanding leaving you because they don't even understand your heart and understand your vision and understand what you're trying to do to help people and to reach folks for the you know trying to build a business trying to serve a community trying to stay truthful to something trying to do something as a positive people and they don't even understand and then they talk about you know we're going to stay here you know we had folks that worked in our business and said we're going to make this man rich what are you going to work for somebody else make them rich and he said well you leave me also will you lead frustrated just frustrated frustrated but no place to go because whatever you leave from you're going to run to if you don't resolve the issue that's an unresolved issue in your own heart in your own mind that's why if you don't resolve that issue if you don't get over that issue you whatever you run from you'll find yourself running too and impatience is inevitable for people who only live in the present impatience is inevitable for people who only live in the present and this is why you have to have faith that what you're doing pays off and you need love you need love you need faith in times of frustration you need faith in times of frustration you need hope in times of frustration and you need love in times of frustration because you have to have faith that what you're doing is right and doing right pays off and you have that you have to have hope that things will get better have hope that i'm working towards something that's going to turn out to be greater even though right now it doesn't look like it but i've got hope my hope keeps me from giving up my hope keeps me from quitting and my love you gotta have love in times of frustration cause love keeps you from killing the people that are disappointing you it really does love keeps you from stopping caring for people you have to keep caring for people you have to love people that's why you need faith hope and love jesus told them here in verse 60. he said you're offended at me and we discovered that they were offended through misunderstanding because they assumed the disciples were offended through misunderstanding the remedy is to get clarity get clarity assumption is the lowest level of knowledge that you can operate on ask questions listen and then reply back with what you understand them to be saying and he asked them in verse 61 he says does this offend you does this offend you what i've just said the word offend there does this make you stumble does this make you stumble is what i'm saying going to cause you to trip does this make you stumble because jesus said except you eat my flesh and drink my blood and they didn't even understand jesus was saying i want you to have communion with me communion communion you know jesus often taught in parables so that peoples whose hearts were not right couldn't understand what he was saying parables were a code language so that you had to understand the heart of the king in order to understand his message notice in matthew chapter 13 verse 34 and 35 jesus always used stories and illustrations like these when speaking to the crowds in fact he never spoke to them without using such parables this fulfilled what god had spoken through the prophet i will speak to you in parables i will explain things hidden since the creation of the earth of the world because true disciples are never afraid to have communion with jesus so that they become one communion say communion communion common union so that you have common union we have fellowship one with another common union it had nothing to do with cannibalism it was about common union communion communion common union coming together it is the root of the word communication communication communication the root of communication is a word that means common ground we cannot communicate unless we have common ground you see if i were here speaking another language that you didn't understand we wouldn't be able to communicate it is our language despite our racial differences despite our backgrounds socioeconomically it is our language that gives us a common ground and allows me to be able to communicate it is the language it is the language and so jesus spoke in a language that only people who had a heart right toward god could even understand the language that gave them common union that's why the disciples who walked off and left him they had no communion with him they were around him but didn't understand his language albert einstein as you know he was german a brilliant man perhaps one of the most brilliant thinkers of the 20th century and when he died he had a nurse around him that was serving him when he raised up and gave his last words he uttered them in german and the woman didn't speak german and his last words were lost because he was surrounded by somebody who couldn't speak his language and how detrimental is it to have a vision in your heart and you're surrounded by people that can't even understand your language the most critical words that one of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century had to say and here he rises up on his deathbed and utters his last words cliffs predicts martinique and she said what you say missed it all surrounding yourself with people that don't know your language you got to be surrounded by somebody who speaks your language who understands what you're talking about when you say that i need to pray through and i need somebody to help me to say that this thing almost slew me you got to have somebody that knows what you're talking about when you said that i was vexed in my spirit and i was quickened by the holy ghost you got to have somebody that understands your language of what you're talking about you got to have people that know what it means to pray through that understand your language you got to have somebody that understands what you're dealing with let me just remind you that when people walk out of your life let them go let them go let them go you're not losing what you never had anyhow let them go they were not in communion with you anyway let them go let them go it simply means that they were not critical to the fulfillment of your destiny if people can walk away from you god will never place your destiny in the in the life of another two-legged human being that walks out of your life to say now you can't fulfill your destiny no no god lets your destiny rest in your own willingness to obey god and as long as you say yes to god if they walk out god will cause the right person to walk in he will he will he will stop trying to get people to run with you who are not headed in your direction [Applause] [Music] because some people are not loyal to you they are loyal to their need of you and once their need of you changes their loyalty does do [Applause] very few things are forever very few things are forever if you think about it there's hell in hello i know there are some people that you wish you had never met because there's hell in hello there's good and goodbye some of your best days your most joyous days is seeing somebody walk out of your life that was causing nothing but what i mean that's why when we get to heaven it's going to be howdy howdy you'll never get by but but there are some things that when people have been troubled to you it's bye bye i don't know about you but there's always some good and goodbye goodbye pain goodbye headache goodbye lump in the breast goodbye bye bye goodbye a person that is a pain in the i mean the neck i mean when that when when things that hurt you leave you that's good and goodbye there is lie in belief isn't that interesting there is over in lover few things are forever there is x in next there's if in life i mean you know there's just few things are forever there are few things that are forever there are few things that are forever and this is what disturbs me when i see people get caught up in their realities in a world that is in cyberspace it's a make-believe world because there are too many people that are living for likes but longing for love most people quit because they look at how far they have to go instead of how far they've already come and when you walk with somebody that's going to be loyal to you jesus got a group of 12 disciples and he was looking for loyalty loyalty is about people that will stay true to you behind your back and when they can no longer see you they'll still remain true to the cause some people only say the right things when you're in the presence when they know you can hear them but you really prove loyalty by remaining true behind a person's back an enemy is anybody who weakens your influence in your absence are you listening that's an enemy a real enemy it's somebody who weakens your influence in your in your absence you know when the boss man ain't around and then they talking about you negatively they they're assigning wrong motive an enemy is somebody who weakens your influence in your absence i mean you need somebody that's loyal to you to say you know what i thank god that god put this vision in her i thank god that he put this vision in here in him or else we wouldn't have a place to work i'm thankful for this job it may not be everything that i've ever wanted but i'm thankful that i've got something that keeps my lights on my cell phone on gas in my vehicle it may not be everything but it is something it's helping me and i'm thankful for this person maya angelou reminded us she said when people show you who they are believe them believe them believe them and listen when you look for somebody to give your heart loyalty loyally to look for authenticity look for authenticity a genuineness look for integrity look for integrity look for consistency and look for loyalty when you're really looking for somebody to give your heart loyally to look for authenticity genuineness integrity honesty look for consistency and look for loyalty and listen there's so much in the world to get us frustrated health issues financial issues relationship issues issues with government entities the weather just frustrated stuff that is beyond your ability to control because you plan an outdoor event and then it rains and frustrated with issues that you cannot control whenever you are frustrated stop whenever you're frustrated stop this is an acronym and this acrostic here the s means to sit down sit down because when you get frustrated the thing that we do is we get riled up frustrated people get up and they start they start talking loud veins come out of their neck and it's hard for them to sit still they want they just start pacing they just did you get like what in the world that's why when people tell you disturbing stuff they said you might want to sit down to hear this sit down sit down just in your posture sit down remember the psalmist told us in in psalm 23 he leads me beside the still waters he restores my soul he makes me lie down to lie down in green pastures and you want to think about what is it that helps you to calm down is it music is it getting in a in a nice tub with aromatherapy and candles is it going out in nature sitting in among the trees looking at the grass getting fresh air is it taking a nice walk is it working out in the gym is it going to the mountains what calms you down find that thing when you're frustrated stop sit down calm down calm down some people get theirs in a glass and it just mellows them out some people roll the stuff i'm not advocating but find something that is legal and moral legal and moral legal and moral that calms you down going for a walk taking a bicycle ride find something legal and moral that calms you down sit down whenever you're frustrated sit down sit down the t think think start thinking what is my being frustrated solving is this rational or is this am i reacting out of my perceptions out of my feelings who is this helping and who is it hurting you have to sit down and think about this because when you get frustrated it discombobulates your thinking capacity that's why you have to sit down gather your compulsion and start thinking frustrated people do stupid things they do stupid things without engaging their thinking they're frustrated and then they get involved in domestic violence because they're hitting somebody because of their feelings and not their thinking sit down and then think what is this going to solve how does this set an example for my children if they find out how i handle this situation think through the process sit down think the oh he is observed observed never put anything in front of you that you do not want in your future observe you become what you behold you become what you behold observe observe the bible talks about it in hebrews looking unto jesus looking observing looking unto jesus the author and the finisher of our faith you have to observe something observe good examples observe somebody that's been frustrated and how they handled it observe different alternatives different options different opportunities that exist for you observe start looking around while you're frustrated say what are some other approaches there are other companies that are dealing with this the other people dealing with situations similar to this how are they solving this problem start observing what others are doing there are solutions there are options observed sit down think observe study research observe observe then you come to the p plan because failure to plan is a plan for failure you don't get what you want in life you get what you prepare for you have to plan it you have to plan it plan it schedule it to happen create a plan that while i'm frustrated this is what will happen so that i don't respond out of a reaction i don't want to just let this be a reaction i want this to be a response responses always require thinking and planning you have to think and plan a response but a reaction is action without thinking it's reflex it's reflex it's acting out of your flesh but you have to plan you have to come up with a plan how do i do this and at the end of the day at the end of the day when you're frustrated out of your wits because of relationship issues because of financial issues because of health issues because of timing having to jump through hoops you're frustrated because of the weather you're frustrated because of things that you have no ability to be able to control you're frustrated and you wonder god what in the world do i do you stop and just remember this is the thing that that helps me at the greatest times of my own personal frustration i remember romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together for the good of them that love god and who are the called according to his purpose and we know not we think not we hope we know that all things all things say all things he didn't just say the good things all things the good and the bad the positives and the negatives the ups and the downs in sickness and in health in in riches and in poverty all things all things all things all things work together for my good all things are working for my good say that with me all things are working for my good say it again all things are working for my good say it again all things are working for my good god has all things working for your good and listen every battery has polarity a positive end and a negative end the negative never short-circuits your positive in fact it is the negative that empowers the positive to work all life is born out of death all light comes out of darkness so one empowers the other don't assume that because something negative has happened that it will short circuit the positive god takes all things and he works them the bitter stuff with the sweet and he makes just the right kind of taste god can refresh you with the sweetness of the good and the bitterness of the bad and he works it all together in just the right proportion to be able to refresh your life and to restore your life and i i'm comforted by this that whenever i am frustrated i'm saying god i don't understand why this is happening right now but i do realize that i've declared some things and i'm in distress right now and you're developing me to bring a deliverance and a demonstration of your glory and your power and my life and i need you god i need you i need you i need you and i i rest assured god that all things are working together for my good for my good to strengthen me to develop me to make me a witness to allow my life to be an encouragement to somebody else not to quit to watch what they can do even without all of the credentials and without all the education to watch god your goodness in my life to take me god that even when i've made bad choices and i've made mistakes and when i have sinned and i've disappointed you that nothing god is beyond your ability to be able to redeem my god whatever whatever whatever god cannot change in your past he will redeem he is a redeemer a blessed redeemer and i wouldn't trust people to even share the gospel with me who've never made a mistake you have no authority to speak grace to me if you not had to be a recipient of god's grace but i am confident by the very fact that all have sinned and come short of the glory of god and that we are in desperate need of his grace and my very fact that i can declare god's grace to you says that i am a recipient of that grace myself and that he has washed me and he has cleansed me and he has sanctified me he's got something a work of restoration in my own heart and my life and this is why i'm able to speak with the conviction in my own soul and believe that god can redeem anybody at any time the arm of the lord is not short that it cannot save [Music] god is still sitting on the throne and he rules that he super rules and he's redeeming people and he'll take the good things and the bad things the positives and the negatives the ups and the downs and he'll work it for your good working it for your good working it for your good and you take the people that walked out of your life that you were using as a crutch and said now i am strengthening you you may walk with a limp but you will walk it will be a testimony people will know that something happened but it didn't stop you and they'll know that you you kept on even though you got injured in the process even though you got hurt in the process even though you were afflicted in the process but out of your test comes your testimony out of your battle comes your victory out of your mess comes your message god says i've got something that out of this story comes your glory you know god god really wants to do something amazing in you and if you trust him if you trust him at the very times that you're frustrated saying god i don't know what i'm going to do because i feel like kicking something hurting something i feel like pulling my hair out i feel like like doing something that i may later on regret but i'm frustrated god because people have let me down they've disappointed me and people have walked out of my life and they have betrayed me because i trusted them and nothing hurts worse than to be betrayed by people that you trusted and only those that you love and trust have the power to even betray you when we're in that place and we say god i need you i need you i need you i need you i need you jesus i need you jesus i need you frustrated but no place to go when you're frustrated i want to encourage you to go to the rock that's higher than you may i just remind you that when you're frustrated it is not the time to pray long prayers it's not the length of the prayer it's the strength of the prayer [Applause] and there are some people in this room that have learned how to pray short prayers because there's some prayers you can be hurting so badly that it becomes a one word prayer jesus and just in calling that name it says more than you can even articulate when you're in trouble are you behind the wheel of a car and your car's about to crash into somebody you lift your hands off the wheel in jesus you can be hurting you can't even put a prayer into a sentence but all that you can is cry jesus [Music] and you can have a pain in your heart from somebody that has hurt you so badly that all that you can get out is jesus and you can watch somebody suffering in a hospital bed and you feel so helpless and all you can say is jesus and the bible said that whoever shall call upon the name of the lord whoever whoever whoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be rescued shall be delivered shall be set free frustrated nowhere to go render up that is higher than you when you see situations beyond your ability to control realize that god has everything in his hands under his control god is in control whether you realize it or not even when he permits evil to pro profligate in the world god is in control he's ruling and super ruling and he's good and he's faithful and we love him and we honor him we love him and honor him and he's an awesome god he's an awesome god he's an awesome god we hope that you enjoyed that message don't forget to like and subscribe and then press the notification bell so that you don't miss another one of our videos and if you want to partner with us click the give now button thank you for what you do
Channel: woffamily
Views: 90,289
Rating: 4.9067216 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Church, Sermon, Encouragement, Hope, Message
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 45sec (3585 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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