Trust the Process | Bishop Dale C. Bronner | Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

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if you won't turn in your Bibles to second Corinthians second Corinthians chapter 4 fairly familiar passage of scripture and we'll find there out the word of the Lord for today verse 8 through 18 in the New Living Translation we are pressed on every side by troubles but we are not crushed we are perplexed but not driven to despair we are hunted down but never abandoned by God we get knocked down but we are not destroyed through suffering our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies yes we live under constant danger of death because we serve Jesus so that the life of Jesus will be evident in our dying bodies so we live in the face of death but this has resulted in eternal life for you but we continue to preach because we have the same kind of faith the psalmist had when he said I believed in God so I spoke we know that God who raised the Lord Jesus will also raise us with Jesus and present us to himself together with you all of this is for your benefit and as God's grace reaches more and more people there will be great Thanksgiving and God will receive more and more glory that is why we never give up though our bodies are dying our spirits are being renewed every day for our present troubles are small and won't last very long yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever so we don't look at the troubles we can see now rather we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen for the things we see now will soon be gone but the things we cannot see will last forever when I talk today simply from the subject trust the process trust the process please remember that there is no progress without process God has a process in everything that he does for us he processes us not because process feels good most of the time process doesn't feel good it's an uncomfortable situation it is difficult but just as he mentioned that these these light afflictions they are temporary they are temporary and the thing that I want you to know today is that the temporary will eventually yield to the timeless that there is a way of what you experiencing right now don't judge all of your life by what's happening in the moment because your life is more than half than what's happening right now at the moment shouldn't spoil your whole day I see people that that bump into a nasty cantankerous person and if you live long enough you're gonna find difficult people folks that's put in the world just to be a pain in your side a porn in your neck some of you all would use other terminology that I don't I don't use but I could talk to a few people who are here that could express in your language you know what really what I'm talking about but the temporary will eventually yield to the timeless so you don't let difficult people trifling people negative people criticizing people your experience with them for five minutes don't let that ruin your whole day you have to learn how to book in and say you know what you have to just stop it from coming into your spirit to where you carry the offense of something stupid and insensitive and inconsiderate that another person said or did against you and you allow what one screwball did in your day to ruin the whole day you have to be able to say you know what I'm glad that's over now and let me move on to some greater experiences that God has in store for me don't ever make the temporary the permanent you have to keep them the perspective but God has a process you have to learn to trust the process you have to learn to trust the process listen when God is trying to develop patience in you guess how he does it by putting you in situations when you're an impatient he will bring it to where you of just you know it's like I mean hurry up I just I mean hurry up this you know he'll send you down to a government office and he'll use that as a process to develop patience in you let patience have her perfect work it has a work to do it's a part of the process so you have to trust the process and let me say this to you here the Apostle Paul writing to the church at Corinth the church at Corinth was a spiritually gifted church they were abundant in the gifts of the Spirit but yet they had terrible carnality as well and now the Apostle Paul is is is talking to them and in he's saying we're dealing with such deep persecution we're troubled on every side but we're not crushed and perplexing but we're not driven to despair and cast down but we're not destroyed I mean he was going through this this whole thing about all of the negativity that they were dealing with and how God was preserving them in the midst of it but pouring his heart out and I just want you to understand that the presence of God is perhaps the very best place for you to process your pain and your disappointment the presence of God is perhaps the best place for you to process your pain and your disappointment the psalmist Psalm 61 verse 2 notice what he said from the ends of the earth I cry to you when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I there are some times that your heart is going to be overwhelmed and that's when you need to be led to the rock that is higher than you you got to go to Jesus Jesus is that rock that followed them in the wilderness you got to be able to go to the higher place whenever you are hurting whenever you're in pain whenever you are disappointed and let down and offend it by human beings you got to go to that rock that is higher than you are it is the best place in the world for you to be able to process your pain and your disappointment take it to Jesus verse I'm not saying that you don't need to talk to people and share it with others that that love you and are concerned about you and can help you through the process but don't take it to others before you've taken it to the king I'm no Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall and Humpty Dumpty had a great fall and they call all the king's horses and all the king's men why didn't they call the king [Applause] to help put him back together again you got to call the king touch them out I said call the king you got to be able to say I need to go to a rock that is higher than i I've gotta I gotta pull rank on you right now because you messing with God's child and and the Lord said it is better for you to put a millstone about your neck and throw yourself over into the midst of the sea you have to sort of threaten people every now and then I said don't let me pull rank on you don't let me bring my daddy in this don't know because I'm going to the wrong I'm deaf you're messing with the wrong one you're messing with the wrong one there's more to me than what you see there's an invisible power that is behind me there is a a God who is my defender and because I trust in him I trust in him anybody know what I'm talking about what it means to trust in Jesus and you have a backup that people really cannot see but God has your back trust the process trust the process trust the process because God becomes the defender of those who refuse to defend themselves God will be their defender he is their defender just real realized as a process and you don't always understand why you have to go through what you have to go through but you have to go through in order to get to it's about a process it's about a process I love the words of John Newton who said that everything is necessary that God sends our way and nothing can be necessary that he withhold if God will hold something from your life you don't need it and if God sends it it is necessary it is necessary God guides by what he provides but he also guides by what he withhold and you have to realize that when God would hold something that you're asking for God knows something about that situation that you don't know you better thank the Lord some time that he didn't give you every childish and immature thing that you were praying for I meant some people that you were praying for Lord give me someone to and you thought so-and-so was so cute and had it all going on and now you see them liers down the road and they broke down and jacked up you better thank God that he didn't answer every crazy prayer that you prayed in your immaturity in your lack of spiritual discernment you better just thank God that God didn't give you everything that you asked for when God would hold some things it's it's about guiding you into a place through a process through a process because God may sauces and he sins provisions and God sends experiences in your life based on your future and not your feelings what you'd understand that that God will send things into your life based on your future and not your feelings and practically everything in your past was getting you ready for your future you have to trust the process trust the process trust the process realize that the past does not define you it prepares you it doesn't define you it prepares you it's a part of a process that everything that you went through was to get you ready for who you are right now you know more now than you've ever known all the days of your life you are more prepared now you have more prepared mouths and I'm just going to tell you this your failures teach you much more than your successes you had to go through that you have to fall to learn how to stand you have to follow to learn how to walk it's a part of the the process the process Joseph's brothers prepared him for Egypt it didn't feel good when you have your own brothers you know to sell you into slavery and plot to kill you and do all of that but notice how Joseph responded to his brothers in Genesis chapter 50 verse 20 and 21 Joseph said to them you intended to harm me but God intended it all for good he brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people now don't be afraid I will continue to take care of you and your children so he reassured them by speaking kindly to them and you see here's what Joseph had to do Joseph had to remind them that I didn't let how you treated me define me and he says I'm not going to treat you the way that you treated me I'm gonna treat you as I have grown to become so he treated them out of the maturity of who God grew him up to be through all of the negativity and the evil stuff that was plotted against him he was like Maya Angelou who said I wouldn't give nothing for my troubles because your troubles help to make you who you are and I want to say this to you stop fighting your preparation stop fighting what God is using in your life to prepare you for your next level you've got got to always climb up a hill every time that you go from one level to another level you're gonna go through crisis you're gonna go through a period of tremendous discomfort you go from comfort to discomfort to greater comfort trust the process comfort to discomfort to greater comfort every time that God gets ready to take your life to another level you go through that the the corridor of transition which is terribly uncomfortable because it is uncertain and you're going through this thing but God has a plan trust the process stop fighting the preparation stop fighting what the adversity that God has put on your journey to build the strength that you're gonna need to survive on the next level because God can't bring you up to the next level if you just let the way that a person look at you ruin the rest of your day if you let what somebody else said about you god can't even promote you into a leadership position if you concern about the opinions of people he's got to get you into a place where you know I don't care whether you like me or not as long as you respect me that God has called me to do this and I'm following what Jesus has called me to do even if you attack me I've got to move on I've got to move on because I know not everybody is gonna like every decision that I make not everybody's gonna like everything that I do and everything every direction that I move but you've got to be confident in God to say god I'm gonna follow you and no matter what what it costs me I'm gonna follow you Jesus I'm gonna give you my heart I'm gonna give you my life I'm gonna give you all of my creativity I'm gonna give you everything so don't fight what God sends in your life to prepare you she prepared David for the throne God said if a man would take this much care with sheep if he would risk his life and fight a lion if he would risk his life and fight a bear too Tech sheep what will he do with my people God says that's the kind of person that I want the Sheep became his proving ground the the Sheep the king the thing that showed whether he had the right hard enough and this is why if you're faithful over that which is least if you take care of the little money that you've got if you take care of the few people who are in your care under your stewardship God will then trust you with more he'll trust you with more just trust the process trust the process trust the process don't despise what God will use to prepare you for what is ahead don't despise it because you will be tempted to quit when it gets difficult and when it gets challenging and when people criticize you and when the money gets tight you will be tempted to quit when you have to jump through various hoops and when it takes a lot of time and you get frustrated and you're dealing with tests and temptations and trials and and all of these things are happening you'll be tempted to quit but don't quit just remember the truth of James chapter one and verse 12 notice what he says blessed is the one who persevere 's under trial because having stood the test that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those that who love him the question is this can you stand to be blessed can you stand to be blessed can you stand can you persevere to be blessed can you stand to be blessed see some people are saying bless me Lord bless me Lord but you've got to be able to stand the blessing because here is a spiritual principle that Jesus taught us Jesus taught us this principle that blessings come with persecution because if you get blessed by God now somebody's gonna look at you and start saying you know oh you know what she thinks he all their blessings come with persecution people are gonna assign wrong motives to you blessings come with persecution the question is can you stand to be blessed can you stand to be criticized can you stand to be talked about because blessings come with persecution blessings come with persecution blessings comes with another level of trial it comes and if you got to be blessed to be a mother it comes at the trial of having to get up in the night and that baby is always on your lap and when they get to a place where they are no longer on your lap they're on your heart can you stand to be blessed can you stand to be blessed if you're blessed with a business it's a blessing to be able to have our business but now comes a burden of responsibility in trying to carry the thing that is the blessing there's a burden that comes with it before a blessing is born a burden is carried and you carry it as a as a burden and then you bless it you carry it out and then the question is can you stand to be blessed can you stand to be blessed whatever it is can you stand to be blessed can you stand to be blessed because if you'll get in a blessed position and people say you know how she got the job she didn't slept away there she sees she and they will accuse you of things that that are not even true and the question is can you stand to be blessed can you stand because there is a cost of discipleship the question is are you willing to pay that price Jesus talked about that when he said to us in Matthew chapter 16 verse 24 through 26 he said jesus said to his disciples if any of you wants to be my follower you must give up your own way you must give up your own way you must give up your own way did I mention that you must give up your own way take up your cross and follow me and if you try to hang on to your life you'll lose it but if you give up your life for my sake you'll save it and what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul is anything worth more than your soul I meant lying and cheating and scheming and manipulating and finagling to be able to get a big house and cars and jewelry and all of is that really worth your soul would you compromise your integrity your character at the expense of your soul can you can you afford the cost of it and let me just remind you there are no shortcuts to any place worth going there are no shortcuts to any place worth going can you afford the cost of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ Jesus said to us in so many words you must give up the lower level of life if you want the higher level that's all that he's saying he's not just saying you know that I want you to literally die but he's saying I want you to give up your way give up the lower level of life in order to gain the higher level you got to give up how you've been doing things if you want to be able to have the best way you've got to give up your way the lower way if you want the higher way you can't get the higher way while you still got the lower way if you want the new shoes you got to pull off the old shoes that's all he's saying to us you got to take off what you've been walking in if you want to walk in a better way that's all he's saying you got to be willing to give up the low life if you want to be able to have the high life my highlight that's all he's saying to us and I want you to realize that God has tools to help process you and to fashion you because he's like the master Potter he's like an artisan who is creating fashioning a work of art and God uses various tools on us he talks about that in Jeremiah chapter 23 and verse 29 he says is not my word like a fire declares the Lord and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces so you don't feel good when God is taking putting you in a fire and then taking a hammer and breaking things off of your life and then you lose relationships and then you start losing possessions but isn't it amazing how God can let you lose some things and then you find the real thing see it's God's process trust the process trust the process it'll look like you start losing stuff but what it is is God is chiseling away from you things that don't fit the image of who he has called you to be that's why you lose relationships and you lose some friend and you lose some contact with some family members because God is chiseling you into a new person and this does not fit the image of who you are it's nothing personal it's just that this doesn't fit the image all of it is a part of the valuable hunk of marble but the great sculptor is taking the tool of the hammer and he's breaking the rock in peace and valuable chunks of your marble are falling off because they do not fit the image of who God has called you to be and you see there are some things that God will use the fire to help you process especially when your life gets out of focus say focus it's interesting the word focus actual is a Latin word is the word in in Latin is actually focus and guess what it literally means guess what the word focus literally means it means fireplace fireplace it actually means fire fireplace the hearth where the fireplace is or place of convergence focus means the place of fire whenever whenever please hear me about the spirit whatever whenever you lose your focus is because you've lost your fire and he's saying that the family is so jacked up today because they have lost the fireplace in the family room if no other place in the house had a fireplace it was the family room you didn't have fireplaces in your bedroom you had it where the family gathered where you did life it was the focus it was the fireplace it was the place that was the center of activity for the family they were not disjunct in their own rules watching their own TV looking on their own cellphone and watching their own computer and surfing the net they talked to each other it was the center of activity where they had fellowship one with another and they could get down into each other's lives and not be isolated from the world and the attacks there are bay undergirded one another's life they talk to each other they they did have the distractions of television you didn't have a television in your family room back in that day you had this as the family room that was the gathering place where you sat and you talked and you laugh and you shared things with one another and you were not just set up in isolated chimp chambers in your own house this was the sitter of activity it was the fireplace it was the focus and I'm just here to remind you that we have gotten off of the focus there are more dreams that go unfulfilled because of broken focus get back to the center of activity get back to the convergence place get back to the place of fire that made you once come alive for you're excited meant that you had a son or a daughter and now you're glad when they get away from you when they get out of your presence because their mouth is too cantankerous they are too disrespectful and you don't want to see their attitude but get back get back to the place of focus because something has robbed us of that fireplace we've lost our fire whenever you lose your fire you lose your focus focus produces a fire in you whenever you focus on who God called you to be whatever you focus on what God called you to do your fire kicks back in it it's like god I hear you I hear you I know what I want I see this thing I can taste it Who am I talking to in this place today I declare to you in the name of Jesus I'm telling you he's calling us back to the fireplace to the fireplace where your real purpose is where you're calling you when you're a naughty kids get back to the fireplace to the fireplace he's calling us back to a place of focus took some matters here focus focus focus it's the center of activity it's the police of convergence it's a place where you have conversations one with another you die in isolation you're healed in community get back to the fire police get back to the fire police I just want you to know that God is the original disrupter you lose your focus God or set something on fire he'll set something on fire so you bring your focus back Hosea chapter seven verse eight he says the people of Israel mingle with the godless foreigners making themselves as worthless as a half-baked cake he says listen he said Israel he says Ephraim you've got messed up because you've mingled with people that don't even have your values who are pagan and you have learned their works that's what he talked about in Psalm 106 in verse 35 so you mingle yourself Ephraim Israel you have gotten mixed up with people who don't even share you your spiritual values your convictions your moral value your integrity your principles of truth you have mingled you've you've so blended yourselves into a cake that you are indistinguishable because you have gotten all wrapped up in the dole of who they are and now you're so blended into the culture and you cannot even tell the difference between the secular and the sacred and he says you are as a cake that is not turned you only done on one side and what he's saying to them he's giving them a picture of a of a cake being touched by fire where you're done on the outside it looks like oh you've got a touch from God but on the inside you have let it go through you you're not done you like a cake that is unturned who am I talking to in this place I I just want you to realize that God says I need to touch that let the fire get you done through and through you know even when you didn't have fancy thermometers to be able to know when the cake was done they would take a whole piece of room strong out of the room any better no those days and stick it down in the middle of that cake and middle of that bread and you pull it out and if it came clean you knew don't get me any gooey pancakes don't give me any bread fix it I don't want your bread if it is not cookin I hear pancakes this morning I saw the setup back they looked awfully light [Applause] lissa Israel you are like a cake that's not done all the way through you just yeah the external accoutrement way it looks like you've been touched you know how to dress up to look like church folks but on the inside you are raw and undone and you've not been purged by the fire of God you've not been touched by His Holiness you don't really have a passion trust the process trust the process trust the process you had a process today God has you in process he uses fire to get you done stop trying to jump out of the oven because it's hot it's supposed to be hot it's killing infection and bacteria God's got a purpose for your fire don't lose the father said in Malachi chapter 3 and verse 3 he said he will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver and he will purify the Levites and he will refine them like gold and silver and then the Lord will have men who will bring offerings in righteousness see the purifier silver in gold you need fire and you add zinc or you add nitric acid to it and and then the alloys and the other impurities they will rise and then you skim off those impurities and what you're left with is solid silver solid gold will remain intact because fire exposes what's not real fire exposes what's not real you gotta have people that can walk with you through the fire not just in the good time but folks show you who they really are when you get sick they they show you when when you lose your job for several months it you find out who your real friends are because fire always exposes what's real and let me just say to you the hitting rock bottom is an integral part of the process to how God oftentimes changes our life when we reach rock bottom you know our habits seeing the compound on one another and then all of our coping mechanisms then spiral out of control that's how you know that you have reached rock bottom Pearl Bailey said that you never find yourself until you face the truth you never find yourself until you face the truth and rock bottom is is oftentimes a defining moment it's a turning point for a lot of people it's a turning point it's a turning point I mean why why is rock bottom a turning point is it because of the epiphany that you have in terms of the experiences not generally it's because you reach this point where you begin to think this wing I never want to feel this way again I never want to feel this way again I never want to feel this way again and this is not just an idea this becomes a resolve this becomes your firm determination to do something I never want to feel this way again I never want to get into this shape again that's when you know you've hit rock bottom where you have this kind of resolve that no matter what it takes I never want to feel this way again I never want to go through that again and sometimes you have to just be done not mad not upset just done Jeff Dawg you got to be able to look at it and say I'm just done I'm finished with you I'm done I've said I'm just done I've already finished that never again will you bring me to that place to where I'm that low again I don't like how I felt when I was at rock bottom I woke up when I hit the bottom but never again never never again you see knowledge normally leads you to conclusions but emotions lead you to action and when you get to that place that I never want to feel this way again and never want to feel this way emotions normally lead to action emotions emotion if you don't like the way you feel you ready to bust a move and change and when you decide that you honestly never want to feel a certain way again you set out on a journey to change how you think you set out on a journey to change what you do and you set out on a journey to reinvent who you are and this is what God brings us he brings us into a place there where he's trying to help us to see him I'm making you into something but it's not what I'm making you into is so great that it cannot be done overnight it can only be done over time it cannot be done overnight it can only be done over time and when you begin to think about various things that are good to us in the world they are really made by process they are made by process when you think about the grape the grape must be crushed in order to make the wine it has to go through a crushing the diamond is formed by pressure pressure forms the diamond you cannot get a diamond without pressure the olive must be pressed in order to get the oil you cannot have olive oil without the pressing of the olive and the seed must endure darkness in order for it to come into blossom when you go through as a seed darkness is a part of the process and there are some of you who are in this place today that you have been planet-like a seed and you're in darkness because you can't see what God is doing and it feels uncomfortable and it's it's unnerving it's a scary situation because you're in the dark the seed unravels in the dark the very place of your transformation happens in discomfort it is when as the seed begins to crack and disembowel and the stuff that is on the inside but what causes it to open up is that it is planted in darkness and moisture then causes it to crack open and at the very time if you don't understand the process of God you got to trust them when it feels like you're falling apart from the inside but God lets you sing seemingly fall apart from the inside in order to get you rooted because something has got to come out of you to get your rooted and then you must see that you are a work in progress God's not finished with you yet some of you are that grape and you will be a costly wine a fine wine but you don't make fine wine overnight and you don't make it without the crushing of the grapes don't despise the crushing some of you feel like a rock but you're really a diamond it takes friction to polish and you don't even understand why am i under so much pressure oh my god welcome so much brushes so much so much to do so many people that can exceed the follow instructions what trial after another pressure pressure pressure the diamond is formed under pressure I wonder what God is forming in you maybe there's an on auntie that's supposed to flow out of your life and you've seen somebody operating in the anointing and something on the inside of you says I need to pour out my anointing but you got to be pressed you've got to go to the crushing under the foot of somebody there's a cost for the anointing it looks easy it looks fun it brings glory to God but my god can you afford the pressing of the olive in order to get the or you don't get all without a pressing and you cannot become a tree and bear fruit without going in darkness because you wonder why is it that nobody is calling me why are they not beating a path to my door why don't I get a lot of likes on my social media you're in darkness you're on the backside of the mountain God he had Moses for 40 years some of you been hidden for a long time is not because anything was wrong with your seed it just won your time their seed time and then harvest don't you dare die right before your harvest God has you shittin for purpose it's a part of the process crushing is a part of the process pressure is a part of the process pressing is a part of the process darkness is a part of the process can you trust God's heart when you cannot trace his hand you can't figure out God what are you doing I don't know what you're doing but God I trust you why would you let the one that encouraged me so much died before I finished what I was supposed to do maybe they were just supposed to get you on the track going down the track they knew before they left that you would get there they did what they were supposed to do they got you on the on-ramp and as long as they got you on the roads they know my baby will be all right I got him on the right track you just get him on the right track and then pray for the win get him on the right track and pray for the win huh get him on the right track pray for the ring you just get him on the right track just the process trust the process trust the process don't you think that God is gonna let you burn something and what you birth die trust the process even when you can't see it and even when you come under pressure you're saying God I don't know what I'm gonna do and I know how you're gonna resolve this in my life I'm just telling you God has a process it doesn't happen overnight it happens over time trust the process trust the process trust the process give it time give it time give it time you just follow and do what God has given for you to do right in this moment and you can feel cast down but you're not destroyed persecuted but listen God won't let that just totally decimate you as a pressure there's a darkness there's a crushing there's a pressing that happens and it's all a part of the process God will use fire to refine you to get some things out of your life to make your character sterling god knows what he's doing he says my fire I'll send my fire now send my word like a hammer and then I'll begin to break things off of your life things that you didn't have the strength to put away God says I'll knock it off I'll break it off of your life I'll calls them to come and repossess it because it was nothing but a noose around your neck anyway and God says I they moved some stuff off of you now because I've got you in process you're in process you're in process you're becoming much more than what you could have ever imagined and God says what I have planned for you is greater than anything that you can think and even ask me for you didn't realize what you could become but if you trust me if you trust me he said I'll really make you an intercessor I'll give you power with God and with man I'll give you favor I'll give you wisdom from above I'll give you joy unspeakable and full of glory I'll give you the treasures the hidden treasures of Darkness darkness darkness darkness God has some things that have been hidden not from you but they've been hidden for you and he wanted you to get into the right mindset the right frame of gratitude I want to encourage you by the Spirit of God that you begin a gratitude journal just a gratitude journal a gratitude journal and say lord I thank you for this and I think about that and I thank you for the other and every day you write something in your gratitude journal and I'm just telling you when you begin to be grateful to God for what he's already given you when you begin to be grateful Lord ah I may not be there yet but I thank you that I'm in process I'm in process I'm in process I see this thing as though God has you where you've been under a lot of stress and you just gotten on the plane and you get ready to go to Tahiti you get ready to go on a glorious vacation and before you even get to the destination a rest comes over your soul because you know I'm on I'm on the journey I've on the way I'm in Trenton I'm in transit I'm in Trenton there's some of y'all that act order stuff from Amazon and then you check the delivery status and it'll say in transit in transit some of you you're in transit and what you've asked god for is in transit is on the way it is on the way you start getting excited even though the package is not at the door yet but it's in transit anybody know what I'm talking about you in transit you're in transit you're in transit God has something that are in transit you're in transit in the thing that you've been praying for are in transit this is it it has already left the warehouse it is out for delivery you know what I'm talking about God has some things I don't know who I'm talking to in this place but all that I can tell you is that in his friend Fred presence s fullness of joy and at his right hand he's got so much in store for you pleasures forevermore forevermore forevermore they're right out at your hand right at your head right in Japan dusters I've got em in store for your innocent Trent's its entrancing it's in transit it's on its way to you trust the process trust the process God says I got a tracking on it it might be held up in warfare you might at the prelude because there are some demons that don't want you to get your package but God says I kind of tracking on it I got a I know exactly where it is that I got it in this on its way to you it's on its way though in Terry wait for it thank him for it because lord I thank you that it's on the way up thank you Jesus I thank you God that the song that you promised to me I thank you God that the daughter that you promise to me they may not look like it but they own the way they're in transom they're in transit lord thank you for your fire falling on my family bringing us back to a place of focus falling on my husband on my wife on my son on my daughter get back to the fireplace get back to the convergence of activity come back that get your focus back he's calling us come back come back Church come back Church get your man back get your soul back get your vision back get your fire back get enthusiasm back get your purpose man get your vision back yet a Zack [Music] trust God trust the process
Channel: woffamily
Views: 139,285
Rating: 4.8391185 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Church, Sermon, Encouragement, Hope, Message
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 28sec (2728 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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