The Process of Breakthrough | Bishop Dale C. Bronner | Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

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this is bishop dale brother thank you so much for joining our youtube channel today if this is a blessing to you i want to encourage you to like it and then click the subscribe button and then turn on notification hit that little notification bell so that you never ever miss another one of our videos and then if you're in the metro atlanta area on a sunday check out one of our exhilarating services at 8 30 a.m 11 a.m or six o'clock p.m well our scriptural lesson for today comes from first chronicles chapter 14 verse 8 down through verse 12. in the new living translation notice there these words when the philistines heard that david had been anointed king over all israel they mobilized all their forces to capture him but david was told they were coming so he marched out to meet them the philistines arrived and made a raid in the valley of raphael and so david asked god should i go out and fight the philistines will you hand them over to me and the lord replied yes go ahead i will hand them over to you and so david and his troops went up to baal perezm and defeated the philistines there god did it david exclaimed he used me to burst through my enemies like a raging flood so they named that place baal perezm which means the lord who burst through and the philistines had abandoned their gods there so david gave orders to burn them i'm speaking today from the subject the process of breakthrough the process of breakthrough it is interesting here that uh this is not david's first encounter with the philistines you remember david slew goliath who was a philistine and so they were a bit salty with david because he had killed their champion hero and notice that they came out uh to meet them in the valley of reference this this means that the land of the giants these were huge people the valley of refuge there these folks had great height stature there they were estimated to be between seven and ten feet tall this is a land of giants and as you know goliath is one of these giants and david killed him and so now here's david who had the experience of killing a bear the experience of killing a lion and now the experience of killing a giant and now he's still fighting these philistine people and and what most people don't realize about the story of david and goliath remember god had given him five smooth stones he went with five smooth stones in his little sling and now he didn't understand exactly i don't think why he had five stones but one was for goliath that took him down the other four were actually for goliath's four brothers that david spent the next 40 years trying to deal with so whenever you get one victory there's something behind that that is going to fight you for the next season of your life that's why life seems to be one battle after another have you ever lived in an experience that as soon as you conquered this one thing you thought that it would be over and that you wouldn't have to deal with any other challenges and you discover that there's another challenge you have some challenges in your teens you have some in your 20s you get different challenges in your 30s and some other different challenges in your 40s the 50s present their own challenges in the 60s and 70s they have their challenges and wherever you are you're going to find that in every stage of life you'll find challenges but david knew that he was fading facing a a giant situation but he didn't back away from it he simply prayed to get god's mind he wanted god's direction he wanted god's blessing he says lord should i go to war with him are you going to be with me and he got a word from the lord go there and i'm going to deliver them over into your hand and it was just as he said but i want you to understand that before there is a breakthrough there's always a buildup before there's a breakthrough there's always a buildup so when we're talking about the process of breakthrough most people get excited because they want a breakthrough of money a breakthrough of health a breakthrough of victory all of these breakthroughs but it's the build up it's the build up we all want to celebrate at the championship but it's what you do in practice in building up for the main event it's what you do ahead of time that's more important than the event itself the build up is more important than the big event and god brings the breakthrough based on the build-up that has preceded it so in the process of breakthrough don't just want a blessing and a miracle it's the buildup leading up to it that prepares us for what god wants to do and you can look at people that have particular things and it just looked like man so and so came out of nowhere you know it looked like they just blew up overnight that's just what it looked like but overnight success always comes from those who have spent a lifetime of work that nobody saw just just trust me on that overnight successes always come from those who have spent a lifetime of work that nobody saw there was something behind the scenes they were laboring in a season of obscurity where people couldn't see their disappointments their frustrations their fears their self-defeating negative talk that they were dealing with it's it's they were battling through a lot of different things and then all of a sudden when you finally get your breakthrough it looks as though it was so sudden success or breakthroughs are always gradual and then sudden gradual and then sudden gradual then sudden it's gradually doing making the doughnuts it's gradually getting up with your confessions putting your positive affirmations out there gradually just doing the same thing over and over it's firing yourself up talking yourself giving yourself this this talk when you get up in the morning when you you know come on come on it's time to get up it's time to come on we got to make this thing we're going to make this work today come on and it's it's doing that day after day after day after day it's doing the thing in the gym and it's not it's not exciting it's not sexy if you want the sexy you got to do the boring the sexy follows the boring it's it's the diligence of doing this thing that is that is just laborious day after day after day after day but all progress comes by process and that's why there's a process to break through i love something that we get from the fort longfellow he says the heights by great men reached and kept were not achieved by sudden flight but they while their companions slept were toiling upward in the night you know we're living in a different day now it used to be that old money got up early in the morning they were up before five o'clock in the morning but young money stays up late at night they don't go to work until 10 o'clock at night they just now going in the studio and they in the studio you know what i'm saying from 11 o'clock at night they they just winding up around four or five o'clock in the morning they work young money rolls at night time oh money rolls way early in the morning but you got to do something out of the ordinary if you want extraordinary results in your life and so now here david the king even though he's had previous victories in his life he's not depending on his own skill to be able to win the current battle that he's in because every battle has its own unique circumstances that you will need the wisdom of god for a strategy and because this strategy worked last time that same strategy may not work the next time david sought the lord before going into battle and so should you david sought the lord and the lord spoke to him and so should you and so before you go into any battle in your life i don't care what kind of a battle it it is whether it is a battle with your job whether it's a battle dealing with social justice issues whether it's a battle with your health a battle with finances a battle trying to close a deal whatever kind of battle that you're dealing with consult the lord first don't lean to your own understanding your own swagger your own know-how your own ability and finesse because that will only feed your personal pride and it will rob some of god's glory and so god wants us to forever be dependent upon him so talk to him consult with the lord and get his mind get his direction i love how proverb uh of psalms chapter 20 and verse seven through nine says this some trust in chariots others and horses but we trust the lord our god we trust the lord our god they are overwhelmed and defeated but we march forward and win lord save the king answer us when we call for help you see if it's what you do before you go into a battle that determines your victory in the battle it's what you do before the battle is seeking the lord it's getting all of the prep work it's getting your mind right you're going to have the right mindset you got to have a uh you know a victorious mindset before you go into the battle not a victim mentality you got to go go out with with this thing david was ready the bible says that when they came david went out to meet them his going out to meet them number one spoke of his preparation secondly it spoke of his confidence that i'm ready for this god is with me i am ready i'm equipped with it bring it on bring it on boys he had a word from god and that bolstered his own confidence in god and so the thing that i love about david he was a young man here david never shirked away from opportunities that looked humongous for him though he was young you have to realize when david went out to fight goliath he was a teenager 15 16 years old now he's a little skinny kid he wasn't pumped and built in all of this he's a little soft guy out here with sheep all day fiddling around with his heart he's not one of these muscle dudes david's a little string bean and so he's that's not the uh you know anything to to to look at he's a little weakly nobody had faith that he could handle goliath and david had this confidence in him because he'd been with god and he was not afraid to go into the territory of giants and said he says let me fight who is this uncircumcised philistine dude somewhere between seven and ten feet tall and here little david he is saying you know hey bring it bring it on bring hey hey hey bring bring it back i'll do it i'll do it and he went with a slingshot and five smooth stones he says let me do it you got to have a mind to go into giant territory and take things that you don't have the manpower and the resources and all of the sophisticated systems to be able to tackle but you're going trusting god that not by might nor by power but god i'm trusting you to do something in my life through my life that will bring glory to you to say hey look what the lord has done it is marvelous in my eyes have you ever laid your eyes on territory that might have been filled with giants bigger than anything that you could could deal with yourself and you might say i don't have the money for this expensive marketing kind of campaign and i don't have the money to be able to create all of this but you just go with your little cornbread plan while corporate america 500 fortune 500 companies they've got this master cake plan that's been well thought out they've got psychologists and attorneys and all kinds of stuff working behind the scenes and financial experts and it's just you and an idea that god gave you in the middle of the night and all that you have is just a little something to say god can you do anything is there a place in this market for me god can you make a place for little old me can you birth something through me i declare to you in the name of jesus that i feel that there are some people in this room right now and some folks watching online that are pregnant with something from god you've got to go into labor your water has got to break and you got to have the breakthrough before there is a birthing into the next level i declare to you i realize something is in your belly something is in your spirit something is in your mind something is in your capacity to dream and to think that is bigger than who you are and what you have with you but when people look at you you are more than what people are able to see there's more to you than meets the eye there's a god behind you that whispers and gives you strategy he gives you divine ideas that will be implemented i declare to you in the name of jesus that god has hidden some things for you he hid it from them but he hid it for you and when you spend time with god he will give you a confidence a boldness an assurance an affirmative word to say this is your territory go and get it take it i'm with you the victory belongs to you and if you go and give it i know you'll give me the glory for it because this was bigger than you and i'll help you to be able to take them down i want you to know yes you are carrying something today pregnant with something from god and you got to have a breakthrough experience so you can birth what's in you there's got to be a breaking there's got to be a breaking and my whole thing to you is this is that the more sweat that you lose in practice the less blood you lose in battle it's what you do ahead of the the fight it's your devotion is your commitment it's your dedication to the routine when it gets boring right at the time that people say man i'm tired of this i'm going to do something else that's the time you need to stick to it the hardest to fight through the drudgery of doing it when you don't feel like doing it that's what discipline is it's doing it when you don't even feel like doing it i mean when you really understand maturity maturity is about being able to remain disciplined long after the emotion has passed long after the hype has died down you're still committed to the process there is no progress without process you've got to stay committed to the process stay committed to the process god has a strategy for you he has a strategy for you and i encourage you to do this make room in your life for whatever you're expecting god to do make room for it make room for it in your mind in your heart in your garage whatever you whatever you're trusting god to do make room for it make room for it in your schedule make room for it if you believe that god's going to do something in your life make room for it make room for you build it and they will come just make the room for it nothing else says i've got faith that god is gonna do this thing than for me to make room for this thing make room for it make room for it i mean how smart is it you know a man who has a single bed and you believe in god for a wife at least get a queen size make room for her if he blesses you with a waist where is he going to sleep on the top bunk get her get a queen size get a king's eye make room for it whatever you're believing god for make room for it whatever you're believing god for make room for it god will fill the room that you make for him if you give god room in your schedule if you give god 15 minutes in the morning if you give him 30 minutes god will come and fill that time if you will talk to him and say god i'm making room for you in my schedule i want to be filled with your presence filled with your thoughts i want to be disciplined i want to have your strength and your courage and the confidence that comes from you god i want that in me if you'll make room for god god will feel it whatever you have the faith to make room for you empower to grow in your life if you'll make room for it you'll empower that thing to grow make room for it you show your faith by what you make room for if i believe that a baby is coming i'm gonna get the room ready i'm gonna get the room ready i'm going to get the room ready if i believe i'm going to get the car i will clean my clean out my garage make room for whatever you're believing god for make room for it make room for it in your heart make room in your mind make room in your schedule make room in your physical space if you believe in god for something on that level make room for whatever it is that you want to see god invade in your life and don't be intimidated by the giants when you've been with god and you realize that there are giants in the land you go out as a little david with your slingshot and your rocks and you say bring it on bring it on bring it on and the confidence god will give you the perspicacity of an eagle to send a rock sailing that will knock them right in the center of their forehead because david was trained he was trained in handling that slingshot he knew that saul tried to give him his weapon he said uh uh no no you got some from an institution i don't want that that doesn't fit me that doesn't fit who i am get comfortable in your own skin and realize this is the equipment that god has given me to be able to change my environment my circumstances but i want you to see here that in in joshua chapter 6 how the lord gave joshua a strategy for breakthrough in his life god gave him a strategy for breakthrough just just by his spending time with god before he ever fought the battle of jericho you've heard about the battle of jericho joshua fought the battle of jericho he didn't just fight a battle god gave him a strategy and before he did anything an angel appeared to him and joshua fell on his face and joshua worshipped god in that space and always always pray i can't emphasize this enough always pray before you go into a battle no matter how simple it looks no matter how simple it looks you know when it's your battle i want you to think of it like this there is no such a thing as minor surgery when they're talking about cutting on you it's major there's no such thing as minor surgery you mean they're talking about you cutting on you you better say lord god the surgeon's hands jesus this might look simple but seek the lord first always go to god first before you go into a battle with whether it's with a legal system whether it is with your family members team members some former associate whatever battle that you're dealing with if it's a battle with your health a battle in your neighborhood always go to god first go to god first look at what the bible says in in philippians chapter 4 and verse 6 i love this verse don't worry about anything don't worry about anything instead pray about everything tell god what you need and thank him for all he has done i love how this just focuses our mind listen he's telling us here before you ask god for anything thank him for everything thank him thank him thank you don't worry about anything god's got you god's got you instead pray about everything don't worry about it pray about it pray about it and tell god what you need and thank him for all that he has done thank him for everything that he's blessed you with and everything that he didn't allow to come to you that would have been harmful thank him for what he kept you from thank you thank just thank him thank him thank him thank him but pray and thank him and ask god's direction in prayer the bible says in joshua chapter one that jericho was shut tight it was shut tight you know why because they had heard the reputation of the god of the children of israel and they were afraid of him and they had locked the city down the bible says so that nothing could come in and nothing could go out and that's what i really call stagnation fear causes closure and stagnation but faith causes exploration and progress see fear will downsize your world fear causes closure and stagnation but faith causes exploration and progress faith will say what other territory can we get faith goes out like joshua and caleb and and surveys the land and and sees are there any good uh opportunities here and so go out and search look for new opportunities it'll cause you to explode it'll cause you to progress in your in your way and here's what you'll discover that god gave joshua john god gave joshua number one a promise he gave him a promise joshua chapter six and verse two here's the promise but the lord said to joshua i have given you jericho its king and all its strong warriors he had a promise he had a promise all of the promises of god are yea and amen yay and amen second corinthians chapter 1 verse 20 all of his promises are fulfilled in christ in a resounding yes and we cannot exercise faith in an area where the will of god is not known that's why you have to find a promise in his word whatever you're believing god for get a promise from god get a promise from god your faith is doomed without a promise from god we have to stand on his promise stand on his promise and not merely sit on the premises but stand on the promises of god stand on the promises so god gave joshua a promise saying that i have given jericho to you it's king and all of its strong warriors i've already given them to you you're going to have victory in this battle he had a promise from god number two he had a peace strategy he had a peace strategy joshua chapter 6 and verse 10 notice do not shout do not even talk joshua commanded not a single word from any of you until i tell you to shout then shout that was a peace strategy that what we're getting ready to do you know it's a power not to not to talk about what you're getting ready to do to the wrong people so he said i know some of y'all don't know how to keep your mouth closed so he said all of you just keep it closed because i'm getting ready to do something and if i told you what i'm going to do i don't want to hear the doubt i don't want to hear the naysayers i don't want to hear people start complaining because they were going to have to walk around some stuff and if you're walking around stuff in life you're gonna find people on the teams and man i'm tired of this man we you know we just walked around here yesterday man it's the third day we still walking around here we ain't got nothing man i'm hungry it's hot out here man shoot my feet be hurt and everything how you doing helen how you doing your feet hurting too you know and so folks will start talking they're starting negative is like he ain't leading us no way because i just saw this same post here yesterday we gonna come back around i'm gonna show you again he says shut your mouth don't open your mouth because i don't want you to poison and put negativity on anything that i'm in the process of doing i'm working on something in your life i'm taking you to something bigger and better than you've ever seen and if you can't say something positive he said i'm just shutting down all of the conversation he said i don't want anybody to open their mouth and it came as a command to the people just close your mouth and walk close your mouth and walk close your mouth and walk that was a strategy for peace god gave him a strategy for peace a strategy it's a specific way of doing something it's just a specific way of doing something i mean every time you have a a recipe is a strategy for cooking if you get somebody's recipe a detailed recipe you can make the pound cake like grandmama you can fry the fish like grandmama if you get their recipe you can make the sweet potato pie like grandmama if you get the recipe a recipe is a strategy it is a strategy it's a strategy when i'd be back in our manufacturing facility making our hair care products i wasn't just putting in what i felt like was good today and putting a pinch of this and a pinch of that i had a formula we had we kept the formula in a safe and every time that i got ready to go back and make another batch of products i would pull the formula out and i went by the formula so that that was a consistency we had to keep uh a uh in in the lab a test result of each batch so that if that was an issue there and to make sure that there was a continuity in the texture in the color and all of these different things in in in the product we had to take a sample from every batch so that this one is not one color and this one is another color this one is one consistency and this one is another one we kept a control batch from everything that we made just so that there was consistency that was our strategy it was called a formula a budget is a strategy for your money a diet an exercise plan is a strategy for your wellness it is a strategy a strategy is a particular way of doing something and the right strategy will give you victory so god gave them a strategy of peace you have to realize this joshua had a strategy he had a strategy to be able to take the city of jericho he says get seven priests put horns in their hands another strategy was to take the ark of the covenant the most powerful and holy relic in all of the temple take the very thing that represented god's presence and then he said a part of the strategy and i know that you might think that this was king's faith joshua was a man of faith and courage god kept telling him joshua be strong and very courageous because i'm gonna call you to do some stuff and you're gonna need courage to do what i'm gonna call you to do but god told him this courageous man get armed men warriors armed warriors because marching around the walls was just to get the walls to fall now you need some warriors it's this just tore the fence down now you got to know how to go in and plunder the city so the trained armed men they went in front of the ark and they were behind the ark these were trained men so that they knew that the moment that these walls fall i need your warriors to go in there with your weapons weapons skilled warriors with weapons armed and dangerous men and they took possession of the city and killed everything that was alive the only person they saved out of there was rahab the prostitute and her family because they had been kind to the israelite spas as they were spying out the land but they needed people that knew how to go in and fight not people that just had good hearts they had they needed skilled hands that was a part of the strategy he had a strategy god gave him a strategy i need skilled armed men who are armed and dangerous because i'm going to call these things to fall down and i need people who have skill to know how to take possession and dispossess so you can possess it all of that was a part of the strategy that god gave to joshua to be able to possess a city called jericho and i've been to jericho jericho was a city of prosperity palm trees and and it was luxury and so that's why it was fortified with these strong walls this is an interesting place but god gave him a strategy for peace and i want you to realize this peace is power if you're watching on the internet type in the message there peace is power peace is power don't give away your power peace is power peace is power peace is power and listen it takes more strength to hold your tongue than it does to speak your mind it takes more strength to hold your tongue than to speak your mind peace is power peace is power when you hold your peace you keep your peace when you ho you lose your peace when people start running their mouth and when you start joining in the conversation then you lose your peace when you hold your peace you keep your peace so god gave them a promise he gave joshua a promise and then he gave them a peace strategy the third thing that he gave him was a process he gave him a process notice the process in joshua chapter six and verse three you and your fighting men should march around the town once a day for six days that was a part of the process every day six is the number of man you walk around this thing every day once a day for six days and then on the seventh day another part of the strategy was you'll walk seven times on that day they walked around that same city for 13 times can you imagine if god had not told them to keep their mouth shut and people said you know what i mean why can't we just walk seven times why do we have to walk seven times on one day why can't we break it up i mean lord if you just want us to walk a total of so many miles why don't you just let us walk two miles every day you know and so people would have been chiming in giving their opinion but it would have been messing up god's strategy see when you you can't change the formula it's a strategy god already had worked out the details of the strategy and he revealed it to joshua and joshua is just executing this thing and joshua and the children of the israel of the of israel they walked the city of jericho once per day for six days and on the seventh day they walked seven times around it in silence and here's one thing i want you to see breakthrough while certain is usually not immediate it's not immediate it's gonna take time it's going to take time you have to be willing to be patient you inherit the promise through patience it usually takes time it's gradual then sudden you'll be the same thing making the donuts the same routine being faithful to a process it is gradual and then suddenly here's your breakthrough suddenly you all of a sudden come on the map suddenly you get amplified through some media that comes by word of mouth that is really a propulsion that comes by god being with you and favoring you i can't even explain it to you god can give you more in word of mouth that you could pay for in advertising he really can he really can and we cannot impugn the character of god while we are waiting on things just because they don't happen as rapidly as we think that they should happen we cannot impugn his character we have to trust him we have to say god i know that you're faithful to your word you've given me a promise and you are not a man that you should lie you're going to bring this thing into manifestation and i'm trusting you even though it's this is boring and this is routine but i'm committed god to doing what you told me to do even though i'm sleeping this this morning but i'm committed to the process i am committed to the process i am committed to the process oftentimes god is testing your character before he'll trust you with riches in your hand he's just trying to trust you to say will you be faithful with a little with a little process because i'm going to get ready to make you ruler over much and if i can't trust you in this little process to follow my instructions to you i'm not going to be able to trust you with a whole lot and so you're getting ready to forego it but i love the fact of this god told the children of israel as he was working through a process don't sit there bust a move he told him to walk walk it out walk it out walk and keep your mouth closed just get yourself in motion motion is somehow connected to energy just you have to move you have to get up and move my dad in our staff meetings every single week we would do what we call the enthusiastic skit and it was just to put us in motion so we wouldn't just sit there and look like bumps on logs and so we would and he'd have somebody to demonstrate it for all of the new people that would be there and and we throw our hands out to be enthusiastic i must act enthusiastic and i am enthusiastic and we went through this thing of putting ourselves in motion because sometimes you can act your way into feeling better than you can feel your way into action and so sometimes it's just about bust a move god says i want you to just get out and walk nothing is happening but you're walking you're walking towards something and it looks like you're covering the same territory going around because i've already seen this view before but god just said just walk just walk just bust a move i just need you to walk i need you to walk i need you to walk i need you to move and here's one reason that i believe that that is true i love the words of of rosa luxenburg she said those who do not move do not notice their chains can you imagine that if you are limited and if you never move you don't even realize that you're a slave chained until you start moving you discover your limitations when you start moving you discover the limitations that are in your life but those who do not move do not notice their chains you know you put up you've seen people with a a two-foot plague driven in the ground and then they'll attach that to the leg of an elephant the elephant pulls against it while it's a little baby with all of their might and it's not enough to pull it out of the ground it's a two-foot peg iron peg driven in the ground and then the elephant grows but they've grown with this thing around their leg and the only thing that they're held by as they get bigger is the memory of when they were a child and tried to pull it when they were baby elephant and didn't have enough strength and enough weight and then they grow to this massive animal that could rip that little two-foot peg out of the ground but they are held by a memory and i can't tell you how many people that i have met that i've tried to unlock who are held by a memory and god is just saying listen bust a move bust a move and if you'll start moving you'll notice your chains but god says i got breakthrough on the way to you he said i'm trying to get you to break through because you'll never break chains that you'll refuse to move you got to start have you ever seen people start breaking chains you cannot break chains without moving you cannot break chains without moving you've got to start moving to break the the chains you really want the chains to break there's got to be movement there's got to be movement here's the next strategy that god gave them it was a praise a praise a praise because there were seven priests that were given horns look at joshua chapter 6 verse 12 and 13 joshua got up early the next morning and the priest again carried the ark of the lord the seven priests with the ram's horn marched in front of the ark of the lord blowing their horns i thought everybody was in silence no no no the priests were blowing their horns and again they armed the men marched both the armed men marched both in front of the priests with the horns and behind the ark of the lord all this time the priests were blowing their horns that was not on the seventh day it was on a daily basis the priests were blowing their horns while the people were walking in silence i think that god knew that we were rhythmic people and he knew that if i'm going to get them to keep their mouth shut i'm gonna have to give them something to focus on so god put on a little jamming move that he put on some uh he had these priests to pray some some toe tapping music so that as they walked you know how in the old church we used to have what they call marching music and they would you come by and they put you off around the table and going back to your seat and it was always upbeat kind of music but the priests were playing this music and you know when you really getting your groove on you can't be running your mouth it takes all of your energy to do your dance routine and so when you find people that are really getting down on the floor they're not talking to anybody about anything they just you know i mean they just they're just doing it they're making it do what it do and so god knew what he was doing that if i'm gonna get them to be able to walk in march in silence i'm gonna have to let them hear something and so the priests were continually blowing their horn don't you ever let anything rob you of your praise i mean while you're on your way to your breakthrough don't let anything rob you of your praise you've got to be tuned to a drama of a different beat you've got to be able to hear music in the heavenlies to hear the angels sing i mean don't let anything rob you of your praise you got to be able to still be able to celebrate your praise because praise is a declaration of victory it is a declaration of victory when you've got praise praise is the testimony of the goodness of what god has already done on your behalf when they were marching on into the promised land they were singing what they call the song of moses and it was declaring what god had done it was rehearsing the ten plagues that he brought against the egyptians and how god delivered them out of it but they were jamming every step of the way and i just can't imagine in my own mind's eye that as they were walking around the walls of jericho my goodness they were jamming to some stuff and not just doing it one way but i you know and you know how we do it jiggling and swiggling and doing all of that we keep our mouths closed as long as our body can do the talking we let our walking do the talking and maybe god was saying something prophetic to us let your walk do your talk maybe he was saying that if i give them a sound of praise that they'll realize that there's something that can keep them on one accord these folks stayed on one accord they kept their mouths closed but they were focused because they heard a sound of praise that was coming from seven priests playing their horns and i'll tell you this the story that you tell yourself shapes your future the story that you tell yourself shapes your future see praise is a story a victory the story that you tell yourself shapes your future what story are you telling yourself i watch people that i've tried to help and they're telling themselves a self-defeating story there's i mean the stuff like this you know like uh you know i never been good with money and that's the story that they tell themselves the story that you tell yourself shapes your future the story that you tell yourself shapes your future i've seen people that have weight issues that say you know what i i just i i'm just big bone i got a slow metabolism the story that you tell yourself shapes your your future the big bone people who get it under control start telling themselves a different story because the story that you tell yourself shapes your future it doesn't seem like i'm gonna ever get a husband like i can't never get nobody keep nobody the story that you tell yourself shapes your future you don't even have to pursue that's what you have the power to attract if you'll learn to tell yourself a story and understand that there are certain things and qualities that you can develop in yourself that will make you absolutely irresistible and attractive but it's based on a story that you tell yourself the story that you tell yourself shapes your future the story that you tell yourself shapes your future and so praise is a story of victory it's a story of victory and so we we we simply take with our mouths and begin to say the same thing with our mouths as god says in his words and that's where you get that that hebrew word praise that homologio saying the same thing with your mouth that god says in his word hebrews chapter 13 and verse 15. and that's all he's asking us to do is tell yourself a different story tell yourself a different story because you're speaking the enemy's thought we are as grasshoppers in their sight how do you know what you look like in somebody else's eyes the story that you tell yourself shapes your future joshua and caleb when they went over and saw the land they said we are well able to go up and possess the story this land because they told themselves a different story the others saw themselves as fledgling weaklings like they were little people in a land of giants and joshua said that we are well able same situation but looking at it through different eyes and telling themselves two different stories concerning it it's amazing the fifth thing that they had was a prophetic breakthrough a prophetic breakthrough notice what happened in joshua chapter 6 and verse 20 when the people heard the sound of the ram's horn they shouted as loud as they could and suddenly the walls of jericho collapsed and the israelites charged straight into the town and captured it these were the trained men trained armed dangerous men who charged into the town and captured it you got to have folks that when the wall falls and when the door opens they know how to seize the moment seize the moment seize the moment you got to be able to be ready to see something that hey if i ever had an audience with this particular person what in the world would you do you got to have your 20-second elevator speech you got to be ready to seize you got to be armed and dangerous with your product knowledge knowing what i'm trying to do here you got to be ready to seize the moment they were ready to seize it and as soon as the walls fell it was a prophetic sound god gave them a prophetic victory because prophecy deals with timing it deals with timing and what i found is this the devil often fights you the hardest when you're closest to victory right at the time i mean the most difficult time in a woman's child bearing before she has her breakthrough of her baby is when she's in this time called transition that's when she's opening up dilating a full 10 centimeters and being 100 percent effaced before she's trying to really open up and now i've got to birth something and push something through i've got to have this breakthrough breakthrough and they know that when the water breaks it accelerates the birthing process and that's why sometimes if your water hasn't broken by a certain point they will break it but i don't like for doctors to break the water and interfere with things and then you go through dry labor because when god does it in his right timing he knows he knows exactly how to break give you your breakthrough at the time that you need to push to let things flow out because your breakthrough is the thing that begins to shift you into a brand new dimension it it brings you into a different area of your life and so it was prophetic breakthrough that god brought into their life he said don't say a word until i give you the command to shout and on that seventh day after they walked around the seventh time they blew the horn a long blow and he said now shout shout and they shouted and bam down came the walls and then they go in and possess it sometimes you've been waiting a lifetime for the walls to come down but you got to be ready to seize a moment it was a prophetic breakthrough it was a prophetic breakthrough that god brought to them and i would say this to you never underestimate the power of a shout never underestimate the power of a shout never underestimate the power of a shout the bible said that there were two men that were blind and they were saying have mercy on us son of david they cried out in a loud voice have mercy upon us have mercy and that loud cry got them delivered when demons were being brought out of people they came out with a loud cry i met a precious man of god and and i'd never seen an anointing like this but he had an ability to just scream and people get get delivered in his shout i mean they get delivered healed he just screamed and demons would come out of people just in a shout you'll be surprised don't you dare underestimate the power of a shout there's a shouting when there's a birthing there's a shouting when judgment is imminent there's a shouting when there is a shifting i'm just here to tell you that a shouting announces a shift a shout can bring a wall down in your life a shout can cause depression and anxiety to get up off of you a shout can bring you out of a dark place a shout can cause you to birth something that you've been carrying for a long time just to shout never underestimate the power of a shout out never underestimate it but before there is a breakthrough that's what i call a comeback before there is a breakthrough there's a comeback before there is a breakthrough there's a comeback and there is brokenness brokenness precedes the breakthrough and it is when i have been in a dark place broken by what has happened to me broken by the longevity of the process broken by the disappointments that i've experienced along the journey broken broken that now set me up for a breakthrough because i've been waiting i've been faithful lord and i'm just wondering why everybody else is getting blessed and i'm still struggling and i'm in a place of brokenness brokenness brokenness wondering lord why what am i doing wrong lord i've been praying i've been trying to give my tithes faithful i've been trying and they've been faithfully walking around the walls but there is a prophetic timing for divine breakthrough to come when there's a breakthrough this thing is a breakthrough as though there is a mighty flood of water that is actually coming through and it is god's way saying i need you to come back there's got to be a great comeback before there's a breakthrough a comeback a comeback come back to what come back to truth come back to the gospel come back to common sense come back to decency and respect come back to a sane world come back to seeking god come back to prayer come back to love come back to honor we've got to come back to some things that we have left and he's saying i need you to come back to foundational values come back to the truth of the of the gospel come back to the power of the gospel come back to trusting me come back to seeking my face come back he's saying come back and i will burst you forward but i've got to be able to trust your character because if you go out into the world and you've become just like the world they won't be able to see your light and it is the light that we carry that shines in dark places and that says something is different about this he wants to give you a breakthrough but he's waiting for the first the great comeback and in our brokenness it causes us to return to the lord and seek him with all of our heart to say god i need you and if i don't get something from you god i realize that i'm in trouble it really takes the anointing of god when you're in a down place to give you that breakthrough to where we we throw ourselves on the altar and we said lord i've done everything that i know to do my eyes are on you now i'm walking god but i don't have anything not a tool in my possession to be able to bring a wall down i can't do this god says that's on me you do the walking and i'll do the bringing down i'll bring down the walls that have separated you from the relationships of what you need if you just trust me he says walk with me just walk we walk by faith and not by by sight by our feelings he just said i need you to walk consistently every day undoubtedly there were days when they got up to walk around that city that they didn't feel like making that walk that's a long place to commit to march 3 million people around but god had a strategy to say come on follow me just walk with me even when you don't understand the how but you know the who and you do your part and god will do his you do your walking and ever before you see a wall come down you got to learn to shout not because the wall is coming down but because you've heard a command in your soul saying shout while you're still hurting a shout while you're still dealing with depression a shout while you're still struggling to pay your bills a shout while your children are still crazy you got to be able to shout and say god i trust you i see something bigger than you god oh that than this situation god i see you i see you in the midst of it god i i want to shout god because i know that you're with me and that you're working good out of this situation it's like jesus i need you i need you and i'm trusting you i count this as though you've already done it god i'm gonna give you this shout on credit i'm gonna do this as a down payment jesus that i trust you god i know that you're a god of victory and as you're bringing me through this it's been a long night but i declare you in the name of jesus the dawn is breaking through and oftentimes the darkest part of the night is just before daybreak and right before god gets ready to bring you to the next level do a paradigm shift in your life you start getting a spiritual attack a spiritual attack in your life of demons and devils and discouragement and fear and anxiety and restlessness and it's all a demonic attack and you realize there's always a demonic attack in your life before you come to the next level of victory before god promotes you to a next level before you shift into another paradigm before you come into another dimension of something becoming exponential you will go through hell and high water it will feel as though you're dying your relationship becomes strained you become impatient you become aggravated you become frustrated but you're walking with him and you since something is happening i can't really see exactly what it is i don't know what it is jesus but i know down in my noah that you put something that i cannot turn or lose and jesus i cannot move this wall by myself i need your help and out of your frustration and there comes a sound in the spirit and i declare to you that your praise there are certain words and things that you cannot express but if you ever get to a place where all that i can do jesus is scream out he knows how to interpret your scream he knows how to interpret your shout shout it out shout it out shout for the glory comes out shout until darkness turns into light shout until pain turns into joy shout until failure turns into victory shout shout shout shout it out shout it out shout it out shout it off shot it off shout it off shot it off keep moving shout you'll watch god do something that you cannot do it will be not by might nor by our power and strength nor our wise systems but something is released god hears a sound he knows how to interpret a shout i cannot tell you i've been in the room when individuals have died and i've seen spouses cry out in a well that comes deep that i cannot explain but all that i know that that's a sound that then touches heaven and when that sound comes out strength comes in and there comes a grace of what was released by a shout the shout goes out and grace comes in victory comes in after a good shout such a rest after shout comes the peace comes the restoration comes of falling into order what you've been laboring on and working on shout and god will unleash something that you couldn't even articulate energy fills the room shout people may not understand it it may seem undignified but i declare to you in the name of jesus you can get to some places in god that you cannot try to be sophisticated you've got to hold it out to jesus and say father my stretch my hands to thee no other help i know if thou wilt draw thyself from me where will i go jesus there are some things that will hit your life that cannot be expressed other than a shout out but god knows the difference of when there is a sound in the camp and it is the sound of victory it is the sound of victory it is the sound of victory it's the sound of victory and whenever you get desperate to god and you've cried and prayed and said everything that you know to say that that you still feel and you don't even have the words to articulate it that's when our cry of our shout comes under god and god knows exactly how to interpret that and he releases a supply from heaven that comes down and bristles and strengthens god's people and brings deliverance and the walls that have held you away from what his provision is for you all of a sudden are available to you they are accessible by you and i'm just here to tell you that you've been in a build up and now we're going to have a breakthrough not a breakout a breakthrough we're coming through in spite of everything that has tried to hold you at a certain level it's breakthrough time now prophetic breakthrough he's bringing us out he's bringing us out god is bringing us out more importantly it's delivering out of you what you have felt carried in you in pain you've been birthing this thing on the inside of you it's bigger than you it's got to come out because it's bigger than you it has an assignment and you've got to release it and your water has got to break that's why you have to cry sometimes you have to cry sometimes it's okay he understands the tears he interprets them and it's a part of the birthing process you don't birth unless you break water it's impossible even by caesarean section they have to break the water first there has to be the breaking through of the water before there's the birthing of the blessing and we're in a season of breakthrough divinely but he's had us in process and god is saying i need you to trust me during the process i heard him just say walk with me walk with me walk with me in the process walk with me though it looks like you've done this before but the power of the prophetic breakthrough is the timing you can do the same thing that you've been doing but when god says now all of a sudden when you make the phone call this time you get the affirmative response you get approved you get connected you get established you get blessed when you do it in god's timing the results will blow your mind and heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people he's looking for a prophetic people who in a place right now that says god if you don't bring breakthrough in my family we're going to be in trouble it is a way of saying god we need you we've been suffering we've been going through we've been in a war we've been in a war we've been in a war and i want you to realize that the battle is not yours it is the lord's he's the commander the battalion in chief and he's saying simply when you cry out to me i will hear you there's something that you cannot get answers without wailing it is the breaking of the water but a supernatural divine breakthrough happens in the realm of the spirit and it has a domino effect because all you need is the first one to fall and when the first stone falls here comes another and then another and another and god will build your network one stone at a time something draws the heart of god it is a cry of desperation that comes out of a human soul and he's just waiting on his people to sing come back to me come back come back because i've got breakthrough for you walk around this thing again walk around it walk around it but this time you're not walking around talking about it you're walking around with god on your mind looking toward heaven you're into some things now that you need divine help supernatural help and you realize i've done everything that i know to do i've come to the end of myself but when you walk with god you're connected to an infinite source god never runs out and it's this way of saying i've just been waiting on you to come come come come he's drawing us by his own spirit and by his own power and what's on the inside of you he knows hell is sent to fight your future it's just sent to fight your future and god is saying that i will hear you cry but you call out to him oh god hallelujah i can't explain it but i hear in the cry a victory over addictions in your life that you've not been able to shake some of you created soul ties and connections to people and you can't even get them out of your system and the holy ghost is doing divine surgery right now and severing soul ties and breaking addictions in the name of jesus of what you didn't have the strength to put away yourself god will deliver you today is your day of breakthrough it's your day a breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough this is is this is how i fight my battles whoa this is how i fight my best this is how i fight my battles this is how i fight my battles this is how i fight my back through my praise like i'm so rounded but i'm surrounded by you oh it may look like i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded by you oh it might look like i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded by you and only yo it may look like i'm so round but i'm surrounded by you this is how i fight my battles with my spiritual weapons yeah yeah this is how i fight my battles with a shout with a shout out this is how i fight my yes i am this is jesus it may look like i'm so round but i'm surrounded by you the greatness of you god you may look like i'm surrounded but my battle fails in comparison to your greatness your great god you're so great god you're so great you're so much greater but this is how i fight i'm gonna break up and i wanna break up a breakthrough glory glory like my grace is sufficient for you oh my grace is sufficient for you i give you my grace bye i give you my i give grace my grace grace to stand grace to stand grace to stand i give you my grace my grace is sufficient for you for you i give you my grace i give you my grace i give you my grace cause my grace is sufficient for you for you i give you my grace i give you my grace just rest in my grace i just rest in my grace just rest in my grace cause my grace is sufficient for you for you just rest in my grace just rest in my grace you don't have to wait till the battle is over when you can't shout now you can't shout now rest in my grace just rest in my grace be still and know that i am your god be dressed in my grace be still and know that i am your god dressed in my grace just be still and know that i am the lord just rest in my grace see struggling see struggling is he struggling just rest in my grace just rest in my grace just rest just rest just i am the god i am the god the only true god just rest in my grace just resting by grace my gracious visions i heard the lord say that you've been so many of you wounded and wearied by the journey but he brings you now into a place of divine rest rest for your souls that are weary that have become weary along the way but in this new season you'll have to feed yourself a different diet for where you're going for it will give you the nourishment and the strength to be able to stand god is shifting some of your associations and some of your relationships that have kept you chained today i've heard a sound in the spirit of chains falling off and i cannot tell you this image that i see in the realm of the spirit even now an image of a strong man an image of a strong woman and it's just been that an image and god is causing it to fall so that all of your insecurities your deficiencies are exposed to you and you realize who you are and you become honest with yourself to say god this is me i need help everybody thinks that i'm so much better than what i am but god sees you in the condition that you are and he still affirms his love for you and says i see something in you but i couldn't do what i needed to do in you as long as you had the walls up because nothing could come in and nothing could go out and you couldn't experience change and he's letting your walls fall to set you free to set you free to chains are falling off the addictions are being released from your life in the name of jesus christ wholeness is coming to your family chavra rest to your soul rest to your soul rest to your soul rest to your soul may he strengthen you to resist the very one that has caused your attachments and addictions to sliver back in your life resist them strength to resist strength to resist strength to resist a new resolve a new resolve in the name of jesus today he comes to set the captives free he comes to let the walls that have boxed you in and kept you out fall down so that the liberty of the lord is experienced in your heart your mind your household and your god assignment in the earth may the will of god be brought to you in clarity clarity clarity thank you father for clarity today in the name of jesus in the lives of your precious people clarity clarity clarity thank you god that you stop the struggle that you stop the war because we surrender we surrender in the name of jesus and we give you the glory for what you have done for what you are doing and even for the greater part that you're going to do in our lives god from this day forward as we leave this place but never from your grace in jesus name amen hallelujah hallelujah we hope that you enjoyed that message don't forget to like and subscribe and then press the 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Channel: woffamily
Views: 10,098
Rating: 4.9503546 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Church, Sermon, Encouragement, Hope, Message
Id: E-iK5Ar8lkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 2sec (4802 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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