Truth of God Broadcast 934-935 Harrisburg PA Pastor Gino Jennings HD Raw Footage!

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we're gonna go straight into our telecast gonna ask everybody to stand we want to say greetings to our viewers listeners certainly you're listening to and watching the worldwide truth of god radio and television program it's a pre-recorded program coming to you from the International and General Assembly of the First Church of our Lord Jesus Christ we're located at 243 one Frankfort Avenue that's in Philadelphia Pennsylvania right here in the United States of America where pastor Gina gen is our leader teacher guide and he's our general overseer with a man Monsieur Lawson so testy on a dollar a do it were television audience on all these years to create new some laboratory do program international at the clip Esther gene/l Jennings saludos a todas nuestras audience at lifespan adela radio television number is of crystal sts el programa bear daddy deals con el Pasto Jeana Jennings when I ask you to bow with us as we let him prayer by minister Bo Stevens of Portland Oregon father God naming the Lord Jesus Christ boy we want to thank you Lord God for bringing us here again Lord God that we may be of one mind and with one heart Lord God that our desire may be to serve you with all our heart Lord God we pray that everything that we have in us Lord God that we may live according unto your word Lord God that we may humble ourselves Lord God and that we may take inventory in ourselves Lord Jesus that we may see the fallible miss in ourselves Lord God and see the greatness in you Lord Jesus and continue to have the mind to strive after you Lord God Lord God would you help Lord Jesus we ask Lord God that your power may be in us Lord God that we may continue to have a desire Lord God to hear your word Lord God that we continue to have the ambition Lord God to go after you Lord Jesus Lord God in the power that you may give us Lord God that we may not be puffed up in our own minds Lord God but that we may stay humble or God and all things that you do Lord God and all things that you give us Lord God Lord God that we may take it Lord God and show the light of your glory inside of us Lord God that your little glory Lord God that Bills commanded that the light may shine out of darkness Lord Jesus Noah God that it may be seen of me and in us Lord God Lord God that it may be seen in secret of the Lord who sees in secret Lord God Lord God we pray for all these things Lord God that you continue to keep our paths - Lord Jesus Lord God we want to thank you for calling your apostles Lord God that they may go forth throughout the whole world and teach the gospel to every creature Lord Jesus Lord God we want to thank the day that we heard the word Lord God that we heard the word Lord God and have pricked our hearts Lord Jesus and that we heard the word and it opened us up Lord God that we may repent and go down and water in the name of the Lord Jesus Lord God and be filled with your Holy Ghost Lord God Lord God we actually - continue to keep our pass - Lord God strengthen him Lord God with the Commission that you have given him Lord that he may go forth Lord God and accomplish everything that you have put in his hand Lord God Lord God we pray for faithfulness on this day Lord God that we may be faithful Lord God to everything Lord God that you command in your scriptures Lord God help us to meet those things in our lives Lord God help us Lord God to have the mind and the desire Lord God to continue to go forth Lord God to continue to search and seek your name Lord God in every way that we turn Lord Jesus that we may continue to go after you and all things Lord God Lord God that we may not be slow for nothing Lord God but that we may continue to get revelation Lord God until the day that we hit the grave Lord God and the day that you come back and get us Lord Jesus Lord Jesus will want to thank you for the blessings that you were put forth in all the earth Lord God we thank you in this and your name Jesus Christ thank you lord amen those are stirring this year listening to and watching the worldwide shoots of God radio and television program it's a pre-recorded program except for those who are watching this live right now over the Internet come to you from the First Church of our Lord Jesus Christ our headquarters is located at 243 one Frankfort Avenue that's in Philadelphia Pennsylvania right here in the United States of America where a pastor Gino Jennings our leader teacher guide and he is our general overseer you also listen to and watch in one of the services of our 24th our 24th holy international convocation and our 28th church and past Orlok pastoral anniversary and this year actually convened in Harrisburg Pennsylvania Harrisburg is about a hundred miles from Philadelphia Pennsylvania where a headquarters church is located and this record is being made on the afternoon of July the 28th I believe it is July the 28th the year 2012 for those who are listening or watching our program today's of tonight's program number is 9 3 4 once again make a note of that today's or tonight's program number is 9 3 4 once again we want to go directly into our message again we want to to be aware that this program is for your edification and we want to challenge you tonight if you're not afraid to be right under the truth that you sit and listen to or watch this program it is reality television of the religious kind got a presenter you now our leader teacher guard and messenger of the Almighty God Pastor Gina Jenness [Applause] [Music] greetings brothers and sisters we bear witness there is absolutely positively no god but one there is no God with him there is no God besides him there is no God before him certainly there is no God greater than him God has no equal God has no rival he is God alone he has no partners we associate none with him he alone is the master of creation he alone is the true sender and the true teacher of all holy prophets and of all holy apostles we thank him this evening for it is by His mercy and His mercy only that we are gathered here at this evening we have a lot to thank God for look beautiful to see the many that are here so far and yet there are many hundreds that are absent but the scripture says it is good for us to be here amen to all of our ministers who we think and praise God for that are here and to the many ministers that are absent we thank God for His mercy today mm-hmm most of all we thank God for his truth amen I am NOT blind no more I'm not falling around like a animal trying to find out who God is it's right Darwin introduced a theory called evolution it was truth and lie the lie was that man evolved from me it was alive well the book says he made everything after its own kind but the truth is man must evolve from his animalistic nature that's right because it's written how God made man up right as it stands now man have the nature of an animal he have a bit Nietzsche and when he have that nature he is called a sinner that's really hostile Paul says I fought with beasts at ephesus after the manner or in the behavior of men he meant so God want to revolutionize men change convert them turn them into what they never was but yet established them to be what God purpose you that are watching you that I hear you know what God's purpose for man to be to be gods yes I want to soak your little God purpose that man be gods that's right brother ants cholesky tell one of your cameramen to take the camera and shoot it up at the ceiling I want to educate humanity yes do you that are sitting here and to you that are watching around the world what you see is pictures of Greek mythology I want ecstatics who is the true God and what is not that's right keep the cameras pointing up what you see is symbols of Greek mythology and viewers and listeners around the world utilize these images to establish their sign right just call horoscopes I want to educate you that way you can stop lying to yourself you see the Pisces you see Zeus you see Medusa yeah you see all these myths now man have made these into gods he bowed to him he prayed to [Music] see the God of heaven you can't paint him that's right you don't have a brush long enough and you don't have an artist who's long his armas not long enough and his talent is not that skillful that's right God says I'm higher than heaven huh oh yeah I'm deeper than hell yes broader than the sea and he says I'm longer than the earth that's right these little lights supposed to be the stars of the solar system God say he hold the stars in his right hand right that's right now all of this is artificial gods that's right a artificial universe oh yes this represent man's failure he fell from reality that's right this is man's imagination this is this is a myth that's right this is tables see this is the sign of the religion of men that's right it looks good doesn't it yeah it gets short tension puts a smile on your face and a missive you're smiling you don't realize you're ignorant ignorant and unwise that's right so you call yourself a Aries Pisces yeah leo Sagittarius warious Taurus oh yes you named yourself after Idol idols that's right God purpose that we be gods that's right and Satan had that knowledge that's right I want to educate you today mm-hmm we gonna start with the Book of Psalms Psalms 82 are you ready then we gonna go to the book of Genesis yes listen Psalms 82 and at verse 6 I have seen God is talking right I have said ye are gone ye or you are gods and all of you all of you are children of the Most High let's explain this when a book says ye are gods that doesn't mean that you will be equal to the corrida no nor does it mean that man or woman should be worshipped that's right nor does it mean that the honor that is bestowed upon God man is deserving of it that's right we bow to no man we bow to no woman so it doesn't mean that ye are gods in that manner no but when it says ye are gods it is the introduction of a new knowledge that's right there will come into men's being you see man when he was made in the image of God that's right he made man let's read the book of Genesis chapter I want to strip it bare amen because this is deeper than Zeus oh yeah see the devil is slick he's using Greek mythology even in the movie industry that's true but the public don't know it that's right Clash of the Titans Thank You Clash of the Titans meaning the confrontation of gods that's right have you ever heard of Hercules things that you consider was innocent yeah Hercules supposed to bring the son of Zeus that's right Zeus I had no chickens on working on this Zeus supposed to be the greatest of the Greek gods we became out for another movie called The Immortals promoting Greek mythology that's right mythology miss unreal right fraud fake are you listening to what I'm telling you that's right through the years Israel as well as many others were polytheistic what do you mean polity istic it is written thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only him only shalt thou serve not them him him only we don't bow to no Pope no it shouldn't be a cross in your house or in your church for the image Hornet that's right you should not be somewhere hit your head hit your chest in here your stomach yeah at some image Amen God is jealous hell was created because people brought it about that's right God Almighty there's a jealous governess and because the human family fell to give God the recognition that he deserved they say you move me right to jealousy on the system some folks ask me does God have emotion yes yes the origin of emotion comes from God that's right listen at the book of Deuteronomy in Deuteronomy chapter 32 and at verse 21 listen they have moved me to jealous jealousy is an emotion amen the jealousy that God have is not like what Mans Hill right God is deserving it's a wish up that's right God is deserving of all attention he means God is deserving of all praise God is deserving to have every part of our very being amen amen he deserve your minds nerves he deserve your hand that's right he deserved your tongue that's right he deserve your heart amen he deserved the whole body that's right but God declare they have moved me to jealousy you have moved me you stirred up in emotion in me that's right you have moved me from a place where I was I was calm until some behavior came about that's right you moved me to jealousy with that which is not gone you actually went after something that wasn't me that's right you went after something that wasn't God amen What did he say they have provoked me to anger what advantages when you provoke you're constantly working on a person oh yes getting their level of anger heightened that's right he's showing emotion that's right jealousy and you provoke them to what to anger amen this is that loving God that's right this is that loving God that you always smile about amen this is that same God that Jehovah Witness is saying he's too nice to make hell that's right but God's here they have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God they have provoked me to anywhere provoked him to anger with the event it with your vanity and I will move them to junk I would say what you do to me imma pay your back that's right I'm gonna get your back now amen you gonna reap what yourself I will move them to jail move them to jealous with those which are not a people and as a result of the people conduct what happened our fire is kindled in mine anger a fire he meant it's Kendall in my name because Israel wit after other gods like because they gave other gods and other things attention that's right that only God deserve that's right hard got angry if fire is kindled mine anger and this is the introduction to hell and that's right before this there was no hell are you listening to me go ahead before this there was no hell my lord there was just the thought of punishment but there was no eternal place made my lord for the wicked my lord but he was moved to jealousy to expand that's right his creation that's right he had the trait of pace for eternal punishment yet is not his will for man terrorists but they all come to repentance but being a god of wisdom who is knowing that man is stupid hard hair dibelius self-centered arrogant beside himself amen amen God say I will give most of them but they all won't take it that's right so what am I going to do with them that's right a fire is kindled in my name so angry with them d-man I'm so tired of them go here go here a for Kindle it's ignited in my name and the fire is the flame of hello that's right that's right the fire of God anger is the flame of hell that's right let's say eat turning up amen amen read it son for fire is kindled in my name a fire is kindled in my anger and shall burn and shall burn on to the lowest hell lowest hell lowest hell those lowest hell that's right you have to else that's right one is dug by man yes it's a grave grief it is written thou should not leave my soul in hell right that body of flesh and bones was in the grave nor suffers the Holy One to see corruption it's but there's a Lois notice the time there and shall burn unto the lowest hell that lo it Lois hell that's right Lois the bottomless that's right the eternal of this that's right never have a bottom and it came about because man made God angry that's right you made him jealous are we listening tonight amen let's go to the book of Genesis in Genesis chapter 1 and verse 26 listen I want to show you the knowledge ye are gods and God said God said let us make man in our image let us make man in our image after our likeness brothers and sisters if we are made in the image of God it is beyond his shape form fashion figure similar to being made in the image of God also mean that man have the character of God that's right man must be elevated from his beastly like Nietzsche that's right and be transformed and take on the characteristics of his Heavenly Father amen every child or should I say some children's have the character of their father right the church or the people of God must have the characteristics of the Heavenly Father that's right our God the devil understood that knowledge yes he did listen and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea let them have the man over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and eternal yeah I know for all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth God gave man power over all the work of all there all the earth that's right God gave man power over all there let them have dominion gave them power authority position that's right so now you have kings queens Prince princess yeah governors presidents mayors it is God will for this to be that's right but their decision they should allow to be governed by God that's right so they can be God's in authority that's right listen so God created man in his own image what is it and the image of God created he him yeah they'll and female created he them now the devil talked down in Genesis chapter 3 to the woman that's right and began to bring her the meaning of gods and he said unto the woman listen in Genesis chapter 3 and add verse 1 he said to the woman yea hath God said the one God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden and what and the woman said unto the serpent the woman said to the devil we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden woman begin to tell the devil what the Lord said that's right the Lord said we may eat of the fruit of the trees we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree what is our midst of the day fruit the fruit of the tree that's in the midst of they'd gotten God had said you shall not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest you die don't even eat it and don't even touch it that's right because you will die that's right you know everything ain't good for you no he says don't eat it don't eat it there was the tree of be nominal good and evil that's right it was called a tree tree letting you know that good and evil must be planted this sprout up that's right to develop into something big that's right the tree of the knowledge there's knowledge within good there's knowledge within either that's right there's some evil some folk don't know how to do and there's some good some folk have no experience out that's right but there's others that have more knowledge of good than others and more knowledge of evil than others that's true I'm listening and the serpent said unto the woman Stepan said to the woman he shall not surely die oh now the devil the forked tongue spirit that's right the one that tell you truth in light amen he has a forked tongue because he bring about division right yeah that's right he knows truth yes so listen closely out now what Satan says to the woman and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die first introduce a lie mm-hmm God say you're gonna die that's right notice how the devil right away cos of dicks God you shall not surely die to pacifier that's right you first gotta bring the anxiety down light or to do what get rid of her fear amen go here light oughta get rid of her fear it suppress the fear that she have towards God it should do that light oh that's it that's it suppress it go ahead you won't die that's right but what for God do with know now he come back God do know that in the day ye eat through the day you eat there and your eyes shall be opened your eyes will come open and ye shall be as God's that's truth amen that day notice he first tell a lie that's right and then he weaves truth into that line that's right first suppress your fear that's it because he know pure truth will save you yeah part truth will damn you that's right because the book says when that richest complete has come that was just impact that was just half dog half done shall be done away that's right God do with no see the devil he testified took a woman that's right about God that's right go ahead brother he saying God with know he know that in the day God telling the truth woman that's right if I can convince you go ahead brother to follow Satan then you will do my bidding that's right the rest of your day that's right that's right Paul comes along later and said it was not the man that first failed but the one that fell was fall into condemnation that's right that's right are you listen for God do with know the devil come as an encourager yes to the woman that's right God do know that in the day ye eater on that day you disobey Him then your eyes shall be opened look the way he presented it mm-hmm he presented as if God would be intimidated that's right as if a new knowledge will be produced that were challenged gone that's right you see God no God if you do what he tell you not to do you'll be asked God his goods you will be asked God you'll be like the one that told you what not to do that's right he was settled that's true God didn't tell her not to do it because she would be like the Almighty no no but there won't be any new knowledge that's right he shall be as God's ever understood knowledge for that's right you shall be as gods does it mean knowing good knowing God and evil and evil amen that's what your gods means that's right you had the knowledge of good and evil and when a man had the knowledge of good and evil that man had the knowledge of himself that's it that's right when a man comes to the knowledge of good and evil mara consists of good and evil that's right as it stands now in Adams day there was just good just good Adam did no evil that's right so therefore there was a part of Adam that he knew not that's right he was blind to it yes he was he was ignorant of it that's right all he know what to do good that's right obey God that garden was called paradise amen but there was dress rehearsal yes hallelujah it was dress rehearsal that's right for the fall of Adam that's right the first one that failed in the universe was not a man it was an angel an angel heaven paradise whoo-hee everything up there was godly that's right everything up there was divine amen everything up there bow to the Lord God of heaven the elders around the throne were bow before him true caste crowns at him that's right but Lucifer Lucifer there was iniquity that's right forget him in him a new spirit a new song yeah change of attitude that's right change of character that's right change of ideology change the standard Amen a new mind that never exists right the only mind that exists in the universe was their everlasting perfect mind of God that's right you know God man was good you hear them talking when I saw this that I made it was good good when I saw that that I made good hello yeah it was good that's right when I told the other that I mean that's right that was good God saw everything God said I saw everything that he had me Benny man and behold look it was very good very good very good that's right that's right but when Satan came my lord jealous over the factionless that he's God that's right he's getting too much attention that's right too much praise amen it's going his way that's right everywhere the devil looked yeah he saw God's handiwork that's right anything he did nothing that's right when he looked he saw the Sun yes that's God that's me when they saw darkness yeah that was calm oh yeah when they saw the star yes that was gone that's right so Satan was the introduction to jealousy that's right Lila's hypocrisy hmm deceit amen competitiveness that's right sale yeah that's right anger hatred hatred perverseness that's it spiritual fornication amen we're here hidden what do you mean spiritual fornication the discharging of our lawful see when a fuss profit tell you a lie yes he's committing spiritual fornication that's right but a book says the seed is the word and we can discharge something that's not according to the word yes he's sort of cheating that's really your soul that's right hey you become pregnant by the lie oh yeah Judah go ahead go ahead brother go here and now that lie develop in your village like a baby's developing a woman that's right and you get better yes and fella just it around that laughs that's right that's right you gained weight from the line yes I tell Paul say less ha every way sin hello hey gasps I every weight of sin why Paul because you're pregnant pregnant you're carrying the corrupt see that's right you're telling the wrong message that's it are you listening they have dealt treacherously against the law all praise I would go in Hosea chapter 5 in verse 7 the Prophet says they have dealt stretchers and dealt treacherously against the Lord against God well they have begotten they have begotten strange - strange truth strange children so the preacher this ciash strange series which is a strange teaching that's it that curates a strange people that's right it doesn't make the righteous people of it make a church full of bastards in a congregation that is out of the wedlock of go that's right even the very Holy Ghost that they claimed they had who he is not from heaven it's a fire that's right but it's a same size file that's right the wachatis sons of aaron were here offered up a stray - fire before the Lord which he commanded them not did you hear this in Leviticus chapter 10 and verse 1 the book says and nay tab and Abihu the sons of me dabbe and Abihu the sons of Aaron took either of them his censer and put fire there and put fire there on and put incense their room and put incense thereon and offered strange fire off a strange fire before the Lord which he commanded him not yiii are you God ye are the children of the bouncer ye are gods don't mean that you can do anything on your own no only with God all things are possible that's right and I'm a witness to that today with God's gonna all things that's right that's a few weeks ago we was on our European tour we was in London three came to be baptized from there we went to Spain fall came to be baptized and the preacher came and brought his whole church in Amen from Spain we went to Germany nine went down in water in the name of Jesus Christ amen we're working on now as we speak to open up a meeting place for the German speaking brothers and sisters oh yeah now all of you that are sitting here ye ah God your gods you that are watching you are God your sons made in the image of God made to reflect the characteristics of God but you must learn the mind of God in order to be transformed into a God that's right when you have the mind of God it transform you to be a god that's right what do you mean a god a child of God that's it that's not equal to the God of heaven no not equal to the God of creation Oh No you have the title God that's right but sure not to Almighty that's it the Word of God says in the Book of Psalms I have said you're God's gift wrapped invest again Psalms 82 in verse 6 all of this mythology mythology unicorns and talking bulls and walking talking crabs that's right woman with the head of snakes that look at men and turn them into stone and hey I perceive that in all things here too superstitious here you hear this in acts check Acts chapter 17 and verse 20 brother Paul went to Greece yes he did in a 17th chapter of Acts and at verse 22 he went to Greece where Greek mythology was running rapid that's right and Paul went among Athens he was among the Epicureans that's right and strangers that's right and he said in 17th chapter of Acts as our past by I beheld you devote half of Hell your devotion I found there for an hour today often this inscription inscription to the unknown God whom therefore the even English for you agree with him declare I unto you God that made the world what God that made the world Paul told Greece God that made the world I want to set you right now that's it that's right Zeus he'll help you that's right Socrates can't help you that's right some of the study of theology when men go to seminary school here there they learn about Greek mythology that's right in the integrated in this Herman that's right of these gods sitting around this council table amen trying to make decisions for his brother the same another religion that picked up the same line was the moments yes they did so-called Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints that's right say there was a council of gods in heaven and one of these gods was Lucifer they say Lucifer was the brother of Jesus MIT Romney won't you tell folk that that's right go ahead Mormonism believe that Lucifer was Jesus brother my lord and they said it was an argument in heaven who will save humanity my lord they say that the guards argued Lucifer said I will go but the counsel of God's disagreed and they voted and said Jesus will go my lord and as a result of the counsel of God's sending Jesus they said that was why war broke out in heaven that's a bundle of trash from hell that's right who has directed the Spirit of the Lord that's in Isaiah chapter 14 verse 30 she had a Bible always debunk right the script is debunked Elias yes that's what chapter verse again Isaiah chapter 14 verse 13 says what who has directed the Spirit of the Lord there were no quarter director of God's directing the Almighty or bilious County who directed me that's right who is my counsel has taught here who taught God with whom - Quixote by God and instructor will Boogaard say who instructed me and saw - the heavens are longer hey I'm a dropout let's look I'll run upon the wings of the wind that's not a foundational here's the water that's right God there's none besides heaven besides him you're here to hold it would you like in view with me got a Camry Oh God go ahead and move them from around your next word and then Mel them to your warhead that's my god that's right if he needs some brick pawning that's right you're gonna put some cement a man to seal the crack in his head will him that's not God for him if he's flesh and blood and he eat he sleep he take a bath he forget yes he gets sick that's right that's not God's not God that's right good in God for he no phones no flaws in God no error amen in God no mistake that's right and God don't need no help he's God by himself he said when I look for him there was none to help him but if this hold on that's life he brought salvation that's right go ahead honey yeah go ahead oh it's a cup we're here do you get what I'm telling you go ahead brother God that night [Music] [Applause] there's no good yeah I cannot these god save themselves can you hear this in the Book of the Epistle of Jeremiah chapter one and verse 12 listen you cannot yet cannot these gods Nathan said I Steve gods save themselves you kafirs that are watching who hid them praying to Mary hmm Oh Mary don't you weep Oh Martha don't you move your head Mary is dead the book says the dead know nothing no nothing go ahead but you bow to statues images they wipe their faces oh listen at this I want to dress you up with Scripture tonight in the book of the Epistle of Jeremiah 1 in verse 13 listen they wipe their face they wipe their faces because of the dust of the temple because of the dust you see yo God get dusty that's right you got a wipe this face like the space he wiped the face of your God that's right and when there is much upon this when there's much upon them and he that cannot put to death one that offended him yes oldest accepted as though he were a judge of the country yes they they like them candles listen your religions with you like candle they like them candle to these images that's right huh they like them can they like candles they more than for themselves and wherefore they cannot see one these images they can't see you their faces are blackened their faces are blackened through the smoke that cometh out of the temple you put a candle next to us or image that's on the cross that's supposed to be Jesus that's right you'll find that image getting black with soot that's true that's true that's not Jesus there no no Haymitch on the statue will stay there won't complain that's right be out Daniel Yardbirds beyond it upon their bodies listen listen listen listen wait upon their bodies and heads and head sit backs good give chapter and verse again in the Epistle of Jeremiah chapter 1 now in verse 22 upon their bodies and heads and their hair sit back they got bad sitting on them swallows swallows and bird look at a bird sitting on your idol and the cat's also even a cat is there Greg brother you got cats coming around pissing on your God [Music] [Applause] by this yeah got dogs desecrating all on your dump all on your god go ahead and your God don't do nothing no no no God don't say nothing say nothing he just stay there and take it that's right that's right upon their bun laughs I dumped God amen do you hear the word of God talking upon their bump on their body and hey hey sit back swallow swallow and the cats also cats also by this you may find this you may know that they are no gods amen there are no God's no gods look at the hospitals of America people are grieved that their loved ones are sick and dying so they go down to the chapel what do you see in front of them whoo-hee Oh big idle big I don't supposed to be God that's right are you bowing to this idol that's right the priests also look at the scriptures in the piss of Jeremiah 1 and at verse 33 the priests the the priests oaths also take off their garment they take off their gum and clothe their wives and children and what else whether it be evil that one do it unto them or good what happened they are not able to recompense it and they can either set up a king nor put him down look look how the Bible's telling you how incompetent your God is in like manner yo your idol God cannot forgive you that's right yo idol God can't put you a key they can either give riches your idol God can't make you rich your money can't give your money old man make a vow unto you yet you men make vows unto your idol God they will not require it go ahead brother so why are you in the loominatee go ahead hey am i right man talk to me talk to me oooh wait brother who entertain us preaching that's in the luminaries preaching which is nothing but trash wish up that's right go ahead the house so here that's supposed to be a symbolic God amen the other images of animals for him that's supposed to be symbolic guards that's right do you hear how the word talked about it I can save no man from death they can't save you that's right no man they can't save you they can save no man from you dance they shake your hips like a neighborhood oh go ahead go ahead laughter you trial you're me Bock that's right go ahead live in your matches that's right go ahead man yo loominatee God can't save me can save no man from death go here you still die a fool that's right that's right are you listening they cannot restore a blind man to a sight yo God can't heal you that's right so the only thing you have there's a few gold albums that's right hanging on your wall a pimped-out crib a car they go up and down good hey then when you die in hell that's it you whip up your pimp eyes that's right who you think have the last say over you that's right not some slick head preacher no no God got the last tale for you amen think of it when you stand before God the only thing you got the show it's a gold grill cross no peace my lord the only thing you got the show amen is a house full of holes that's right the only thing you got the show is the video of you being a homosexual my lord wait brother go ahead God yeah well he I tell the not get up answer the self and I tell the self not bad don't stay back great my sons for bringing my son some far and my daughters from the ends of the earth my daughters hallelujah from the ends of the earth Eve Eve and everyone that is called by my name well I have created him for my glory why did God make us I have created him for my glory that's why God made you that's right I don't care how cute you think you are no no the last one that had to say over you is God on that jheri curl head manicured nails cross wearing around his neck kind of like driving pimp and preacher up your head brother can't talk all that trash he walked her here he can try to make you a good question that you walked that's right he can't overlook the fact that you was gay that's right he can overlook the fact that you remarried and divorced that's right he can overlook the fact you was a rapist that speaking overlooked the fact you was a bigot go ahead but if you die without God Oh God you got stand before him yes in judgment that's right go ahead really and God it's gonna testify yes you will I knew but Lord okay I've made so many gospel albums that's right I never knew you never knew you never knew you but Lord constant it gave two million dollars to charity I never knew you ever knew you never knew you this is Devin Chappell a book of Mathew begin at verse 20 wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them the Lord says by what they produce you shall know this they shall be known by their works not every one that saith unto me not every one that said to me Lord Lord no into the kingdom of his getting into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in him what is God will we men do my will that's it he that doeth the will do God will that's it the book says but he that do an estate a conclusion of the whole map grid brother Solomon say let us conclude after everything been said yes after all the songs that is sung that's right brother Solomon son of David grandson of Jesse great grandson let's Dunham's he come along and say let us hear the conclusion of what the whole matter whole thing fear God respect God and keep his Commandments all that's it power to go let's rush to render to God that's right their God about the hill for him that's why America is in the condition that she's in let's run a churches and the moon if the email through God will help you got it if the rabble [Music] he said what their God dear God fear God dear God what did the books and brother talk to me talk to me talk to me that's it dear God listen Kohi Barack oh hey if Barack feared aunty God he would not agree who he that is alright for two men please and get married anytime a man no fear God my lord you judges of America for here you are sinners yes you're hypocrites that's right you handle your courthouse for him In God We Trust for him yeah you stand up and marry two men two men this weekend I didn't know it but the mayor of Harrisburg she was here last night thanking God for the word wonderful she pulled me to the side over there said Pastor Jenna's God made you preach what you preach [Applause] she said the preachers in Harrisburg they turned on me because I'm against same-sex marriages no he's our man whatever thank that a man Barack some of you write me and say you shouldn't say none cos these black what kind of dumb excuses that that's right I'm not into black no I'm not into white I'm not into yellow I'm not into brown I'm all about God that's right I'm all about I am NOT Democrat no I am NOT Republican a man I am my tea party I am NOT chocolate party I am about gold [Applause] Barack you are teaching your children it is all right to breastfeed you are teaching the children of America would buy you safe it is nothing wrong for two men to marry the Lord you have said God is a liar a liar as you have said God is ignorant that's right you have said that your intelligence exceed they eat her know infallible thinking of God my lord because God told me who the woman was made for woman was made for the man Hey girl told us that's right who the woman was made for in second in first corinthians 11 and verse 9 yes and neither was the man created for the woman but the woman for the man the woman was created for who for the man that's what God said that's right the woman for the man so Barack says that come under human rights yes the word human rights me that you had rights given to you from God that's right before there was a governmental structure on earth that's right it was God the creator of the human race that's right that gave you rights that's it but when you're right contradict God that's it then it is not a human right right you haven't dumped into what is not convenient that's right not convenient so this weekend for him it's gay rights here in Harrisburg I came out of my hotel and a man walked in with a lime green dress full of makeup tore up from the floor now if there's any man in here get offended about what I'm saying the cost you're homosexual that's right if there is any woman don't like what I'm saying because you are Dyke that's right because the real woman ain't got no problems with it no and if you is a real man I don't care if you young Oh God ain't made a man for you you all [Applause] in the first chapter give me the book of Jasher were you up junsu chapter 1 and begin reading in verse 3 in the first chapter of Jasher and their jumps are one beginning at verse 3 and the Lord said the law everything is back to the Lord that's right so don't go blaming Gino Jenness for nothing that's right who said it and the Lord said no chin and said the Lord says and said the Lord said and said the Lord see the Lord is talking the Lord said I challenge the president will head brother of the United States Barack not challenge you to a open televised debate gladly I challenge any Democrat with any politician any male any reporter amen any president past or present or any leader to a televised debate to justify yourself who he by biblical law that you've got a human right to put your Anatomy in a man let's bring the god of humanity that's right and sister he give us that right that's right do it call it gay bashing yeah I don't care what you call it we're not saying that the homosexual shouldn't have a job let me make myself clear that's right the homosexual got a right to work like anybody else got the right to hold any position in the earth yes like anybody else they got a right to work and be paid like anybody else but it's not a woman or man oldearth got the right to marry another man and then say we're gonna raise a family that's right that's right you men that want to do this tell me where the baby gonna fall out [Applause] am i right man talk to me but rough being that you says nothing wrong will tell me that God make a flaw his creation go ahead brother since Barack said is alright for two men to marry black preachers of America got on television and radio who used to stand against homosexuality and say it because the president now agreed that it's all right now we are revisiting the homosexual question your pastor is a old gray-haired pervert that's right what it is I'm not revisiting nothing God spoke it not ovince and I'm going guys we go after breakfast after you are dead and go we go along no thank you I don't care if the FBI don't like it get the CIA don't like it Golu that's it in the kingdom of men that's right go ahead brother you weak spineless lowlifes that call yourselves preachers for you brother you are an embarrassment to the Scriptures that's right as you will accept Barack because he's black you agree with him because his skin the same colors yours amen here we got our epidemic in the world yeah young boys warning young boys amen and now because the Barack decision for him he has elevated the lust for the old time that's right here in America that's right until now other countries that was firmly against it want to follow yeah the pattering of America that's right they look at America as a world power but we represent a power go here that's great [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as a result of the rough decision who here now the islands in the Caribbean who was firm against same-sex marriages the Parliament of Jamaica nany trying to Color Me My Lord with their politicians see men I want to say that you just watched me this morning over CBM if they try to make law that same-sex marriages is right all of Jamaica should take to the streets yes undyne it rise up or get your government that's life stand for God that's right that's right if I got to go to jail for God's sake and the Lord said it is not good it's not good for man to be a local man to be alone I will make unto him a help our make unto him a help me and the Lord caused a deep sleep to fall upon em and what and he slept and he took away one of his ribs and he built flesh he built flesh a punny a Punnett and formed and formed and brought it to and brought it to head and Adam awoke from his sleep and watch and behold a woman behold a man behold behold a man woman amen who's the liar Barack Oh God who's the liar Barack Oh God talk to me talk to me if any of you scared you shouldn't be go ahead our young children you men homosexuality is a spirit yes it is a wandering spirit that's right that is contaminating demise in the hearts of young people that's right he introduced you to it sometimes through a subliminal message by a dream oh yes and a vain imaginary thought that's right just so you can say I wonder what would it be like that's a springboard for the devil that's right because God made you to reflect him that devil hate God yeah so the devil can make a man fall in love with a man he have made that man commit treason that's right against God that's right every time a man marry a man you blaspheme that's blasphemy every time I want to marry a woman you blaspheme that's right so you accept it because a renowned star come out the closet yeah I wouldn't care for star come out from under the rug go ahead your head rather better I wanna say why you preach like this I was made a preacher that's right that's right I was made of pitcher go ahead look at the freaky though Internet turn your television on turn your radio on you don't hear nothing the priests had no courage you don't hear nothing that's right and the Bible tell you I in second Maccabees chapter 4 and verse 14 Maccabees chapter 2 and verse 14 chapter 4 and verse chapter 4 verse 4 and verse 14 the priests Adreno determine have no courage no courage the scripture says be vigilant that's right be brave that's right God asks a question well he and a book of music you who shall stand up for me that's right yes Isaiah did are there time who shall I send that's my Thursday Lord sing reason me that's right I'll go after the same question hey who will stand up for me that's right regardless how tired I am well hey how disgusted I am well hey I will stand [Applause] regards of life I will [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that choosing back we will say here we go [Applause] ha ha [Applause] haloo you is we will stand okay if they throw us in jail we won't go for him do statement forehead no courage if you have no camera no courage this is the wrong place that's right for you to be that's right go ahead run you men that go to Bible College so hey you ain't got no courage no courage from up here that's right whoa hey they won't fade go ahead they won't cataracts that's right they want a man that's right they wanna make a church that's right but they have no parents that's right please said no okay well he be apostles oh he don't maintain courage oh yeah go ahead man go ahead go ahead brother this is old-fashioned Church go ahead go ahead you got to have courage amen you men go ahead brother that run the streets of America go ahead go ahead it's time to switch sides that's right Tom the foot sighs now that's right you've been out there with the devil rollin up here it's time to switch sides that's right you got enough courage to Ralph you got courage to rape your head you got courage to beat women a man you got [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now go ahead infidel salvation go ahead brother you young man preach it brother and you lujah get off the streets of America hey stop your smoke stop stop stop oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] look how long go ahead in and out of jail go ahead almost a whole life with him smoking go ahead drinking party ooh you're heavy aren't you tired yet yes for him it is time that's the switch side that's right that's right time to switch sides oh hey it's time to tell the devil whoo hey enough enough is enough that's right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hey enough go here is enough is enough it's time for him the switch sighs who is on the Lord's side the scripture said who is on the Lord's side he let him [Applause] [Applause] I'm telling you let's see the name of Papa head you understand go hey enough for him here's enough go ahead man listen go ahead man that Devil hallelujah he did enough damage go ahead brother go ahead the devil have you my lord awesome now he's time to fight back now good that's it that's it based on the fight back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how how do I fight back for him it's time to give myself over to God amen [Applause] [Music] time to start sweating go ahead go ahead that's it be God who here it's time to fight back amen jesus said that repentance and remission of sins hallelujah to him and who hid man that said Pete Carr who he repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name should be preached and his name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem Harrisburg whoo hey it's time for you to repent to him every country every nation maybe city that's watching the truth of God recent rather God wants you to repent repent that's right but rock oh hey you got the rip [Applause] my lord is everybody alright then how much more how much more will we give ourselves over to the devil alone how much more my lord you young people gonna keep dancing like you crazy how much more you go keep man hoppin go ahead woman hoppin my lord how long you gonna keep smoking your pipe yes cigarettes your Rifa your cracked your uppers in your Diner your down is a much more you gonna keep selling your crack my lord Oh how much more yes you're gonna keep getting tattoos all over you yeah how much more you're gonna keep piercing your body that's right till you ran out of places that's right your tongue your eyebrows your navel your birth canal yeah how long you gonna keep doing this why you allow yourself to be influenced by these fools who shake and dance on television yes oh you wanna be like them yeah why you don't want to be like Jesus that's it isn't Jesus good enough for you weird brother he don't own no gold album mmm but he got a good voice that's right he never received a Grammy or enemy yeah but I marvel at his talent that's right he never received no type of award made by man that's right but when I step outside in the morning yes Oh glory take our to hidden the book said the heaven go ahead go here declare the glory of God the firmament declared the heaven show his handiwork during the day it other speech and night unto night shows knowledge that's right hey bruh him when he was young hmm he came out of his house and looked up he wanted to know how many gods it was because his father Terah was polytheistic yeah he believed in idols that's right in April ham wanted to know who's the real God that's right so he came out and saw the sun sun shining and he said oh that's God yeah sure but then the Sun set oh yeah you say what I can't be God that's right then he saw the moon he's here well I start yeah but then the Sun came back again his inner moon is not gone whoo amen but then it came to him that these things mm-hmm the moon the stars in the Sun were created by God Abraham saved by this no there's only one God [Applause] if the churches and the religions of America truly believed in God you would not see the religious trash that have contaminated the churches you that are watching and you gotta hear man I like what I'm saying but you can't you bear witness you go to your church you hear one sick message God got a miracle with your name on it that's good and God don't want you to be broke and they got you thinking the more money you give your salvation is in a dollar but that's the case all us poor folk was in trouble it's really because the Lord said the poor you have with you all our homies we're not a wealthy Church in materialism but we do have this treasure that's right [Applause] the book says we have this treasure in earthly vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us it is excellent he's a mighty god mighty God he's Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end the first and the last which is and wellness and is to come he's the Almighty thank you for listening others assistance what a merry God [Applause] why does not it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let us give car sinks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he is the old muddy isn't it [Applause] yes I get exhausted yes I get frustrated yes I get tired long as God be our helper we go on fight could gather to the end the message of holiness the truth of God is the most prominent message that is blasting out of America got a letter from Japan watch the telecast seven days a week over our 24-hour television station watch it over just in TV they said they love it never saw nothing like it the Lord said if I be lifted up from there he said I'll draw all men unto me so you better hear in Harrisburg and surrounding areas it's time now to get yourself Bible right it's time now for you to get out of the devil's grip switch sides break off from the enemy time to get on the Lord side now you gettin older you don't want to be doing the same madness you was doing since she was 18 19 and 20 oh no man this message have saved so many people from the grave without it many would be dead today when we get letters from Pakistan and Afghanistan from Japan and from the Samoan Islands and from Spain and from Madrid and from Mesopotamia from the Soviet Union from Germany from so many parts of Africa from Nigeria from the Congo from Kenya from Ethiopia from Zambia from so many areas around the world thanking God for the truth of God I got a letter from a theist gave me a beautiful chest about it told me how he was born he been an atheist all his life he said I never believed in God until one day I was flipping through the television planning to watch something else he said I saw you he said I first thought you was a Muslim and that's sickened me he said but I decide to listen to you he said before I know it tears was dripping from his chin he said I want you to know I know there's a god now man had a letter written for him out of Portland Oregon old man said he heard the message you want to be baptized and the letter said he's blind and he been blind for many years he said but I want to be baptized and the name of Jesus Christ [Applause] he wrote me back and said he was baptized he said he was listening to the message of holiness over the telecast and he believed it he said after he came out the water he was blind but when he came out he said the numbers on the side of the pool start clearing up right to his eyes he believed polio he believed it I don't pay people no mind God say he's the same yesterday hello and today and forever more sometimes it seemed like God is taking too long don't it but God is faithful isn't it I believe what the Holy Ghost said Harrisburg God want you to repent what is repentance that means you're sorry about your sins truly sorry from your heart you convicted you don't come apologize to me your sin is between you and God and you repent for that sin you ask God to forgive you for that sin I don't mean have a religious spell you feel nice today you repent for your wickedness when you truly repent the next move is you must be baptized in water and name of Jesus Christ pull up they get your sins washed away I don't care if you're black white yellow brown red if you bow your head bow your head and raise your hands you ain't never been saved you join some church you ain't never been save all you did was join a club what a Bible said if I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus they drool from the dead I am saying it did not say that I said if you believe in your heart and confess your mouth the Lord Jesus that he rose from the dead thou shalt be he didn't say you are she'll be mean you've got some more business to take care of you've got some more to do jesus said in the sixteenth chapter Mark II that believeth and is baptized shall we say here that believe not shall be damned if you've been sprinkled in the Catholic Church you ain't did nothing but I would until you be sprinkled 6 chapter Romans says we are buried with him by baptism your whole body got to go down and the name of Jesus Christ because it is written whatsoever you do in word deed do all in the name of the Lord Jesus we will be baptizing tomorrow all those who want to be baptized anybody here want to really get yourself right with God once and for all on God's terms and you're not afraid to leave the devil you don't want to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ so when the Lord come back you can go back with them you don't want it stand on your feet one two three four five six seven eight 10:11 wonderful or they God he said I'll make you fishers of men and we're fishing to brother and every state in every city in every town and every village and every country this hook is to stay in the water until Jesus appear in the heavens when he come that's the day of the Lord then he takes the hook out but until he come glory take God we got a hook in the water and you just got two bites will be baptizing you tomorrow then the name of Jesus Christ one of the hotels here gave us use usage of their facility after prayer tonight after prayer in all of you that want to be baptized we're gonna ask you to come over here to my far right all men all women after the closing prayer tonight all of you that want to be baptized make your way up in that section to my far right so we can get your name and information and we can get you ready Tamar they get on the right track with God [Applause] and we're looking to do here in Harrisburg as we do in many other places we're looking with the help of God to open up a temple here the truly fight the devil here Harrisburg needed yeah need is bad I was looking at our station I need you to contact our television station to change the time we need an earlier time I'm getting complaints from people that live right here they tossing us around we need a good solid time I want to be right in the devil's face fighting him on his terms on his turf we don't wait for the devil to fight us we bring the fight right to him to all of our ministers that are in the audience we thank you for coming to all of our brothers and sisters and distinguished guests we thank you for being here come back tomorrow prayer beginning at 11:30 let's close this meeting out by giving the devil a good rumble a brawl for it all and a blast from the past let us all stand brother minister Bryant will close us out interact glory to your name Lord God we honor you father you are the one in true Living God we give you all the glory the highest praises and all the honor Lord God we thank you for the message this night Lord we thank you for that matter from heaven Lord God we thank you that it was rich to our soul Lord God able to bring change in our lives Lord God we want to thank you for passing Jennings for preaching and teaching a Word of God we thank you for all those who heard the word and obey the word we thank you for all those who want to get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ we ask that you fill it with the Holy Ghost for God in the name of Jesus Christ and Lord that they continue to walk in the way of holiness Lord God then Lord when you come for the church Lord and you'll say well done thou good and faithful serving the Lord we thank you for all that you're doing we pray that you be with us tonight Lord protect us or guide us Oh Lord God Lord we ask that there be peace Lord when we go to our hotels Lord we do so will that we be here tomorrow Lord to hear your word Lord God we give you the glory to honor in the praises in the name of Jesus Christ amen to be baptized come to my far right my brother and sister raise your hand up brother James right where you see those two standing make your way over there God willing we see you tomorrow morning thank you
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 94,316
Rating: 4.8091354 out of 5
Keywords: Truth of God, TOG, Holy, Holiness, First Church, Pastor Jennings, Gino Jennings
Id: v7y1uwrT-uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 9sec (6309 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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