Go Ye Into the World || Apostle Orokpo Michael

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father we thank you for tonight we are persuaded that your spirit will fall upon us we are persuaded that you activate men and shift them into dimensions in the spirit necessary for the advancement of your nation upon the face of the earth thank you lord because you will do us good tonight in the name of the lord jesus amen please be seated be satan want to share with us for about 30 minutes or so we have a lot of activities for tonight and it's important i share following this pathway the team of our conference is going into all the worlds it's important for you to understand the weight of that utterance captured in scriptures if you don't know the weight of that utterance you will not understand why it can serve as a team of a conference when god begins to recruit men he is into a serious business man can converge before the lord and his dishes are blessings it is captured in his benevolence to do that one of the names of god is the name el shaddai and as el shaddai is the multi-breasted one that gives out continually and never depletes in essence so it's in the nature of god to continually bless his people in abundance but when god wants to make men and send them to facilitate divine agenda then he's doing a business that is not with babes but with songs and so it's important for us to examine the weight of what god wants to do that necessitates this conference and this convergence this evening and so i want to share a few things with us first of all to open our understanding to the kind of world we are going into i told you yesterday it's not just the word of men if it's a word of men you can come with charisma and please them if it's a word of men you can come with show in the flesh and they will clap for you but unfortunately you are being sent into a world manipulated by spirits you have been sent into a world where spirits have interest and the interest of this spirit is consistent with their nature and some of the natures of this spirit are wicked and so they will wreck wickedness brutality and evil it's a world where your life can be attacked so you need to understand the world where god is sending you to number two you need to understand the kind of equipment that you need in order to bring the frontiers of the government of god to the next level even as you carry out this divine mandate if you don't know the kind of equipping that you require you will think you will just go into the world that you are available is not enough you need to be equipped to do kingdom business so you need to understand the kind of equipment that is necessary for this assignment and what to do in order to step into this equipment and number three you also need to know how to consolidate when you begin to make progress in this assignment so it's a very serious matter that we need to contemplate cognitively in order to make the most of it's not something we just want to be excited about when children gather excitement is enough but when men gather they talk inheritance it is not enough to be excited is to be it's enough to know how it works it's enough to understand the stakes involved it's enough to know how to make the most of the assignment excitement alone is not enough this is why these kinds of conference are very important so that you can step up your game in your work with god are you with me if you are with me tonight say amen say amen [Applause] i release the sound of the heavens the sound of creation shaking i see i release the sound of the heavens the sound of creation yahweh's name we cry holy holy holy unto yahwah is is is is please sit down for a moment matthew 28 verse 18 to 20. after jesus resurrected from the dead it was time for him to do kingdom business you know when he came into the world and was walking the face of the earth he was teaching the kingdom but everything he was doing was to try to change their minds the whole message was about repentance because a kingdom was coming he needed to commit kingdom to their hands but they needed a change of mindset so he was teaching them the message of repentance but when he resurrected two things happened the first thing that happened was that they were born again so they received eternal life and what eternal life did for them was to admit them into the kingdom because except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god now that they have been born again jesus wanted to commit to them the oracles of god as touching the kingdom of god and jesus began to instruct them the bible told us in acts chapter one from verse one and two he said jesus began to command them of all that he both began to do and to teach and he was trying to commit to them the kingdom of god so he went to heaven and returned to it again spent 40 days with them teaching them about the kingdom when he was gone instructing them he now said go into all the worlds go into all the worlds go into all the worlds not just win the world but disciple them bring them into the ways of the kingdom and i began sharing with us yesterday i told us that all the worlds is not just a gathering or a congregation of men because before men came to the atrium there were spirits here there were spirits in this realm before men came the bible revealed to us that there was war in heaven revelation chapter 12 he said there was war in heaven and from the seven it said the great serpent which was the dragon was defeated by micah and his angels and he said that serpent was cast into the earth and he said woe unto the inhabitants of the earth because the great river had come so before man came to the visible realm there were spirits already in this realm and you know it was not just demons it was talking about cherubims of glory if it was demons we wouldn't have had a problem because the easiest way to deal with the demon is to refuse in possessing your body and if a demon possesses a man all you need to do is to cast out that demon but not a prince when a principality comes into a parity he's not looking at possessing man he wants to take over the governing system of that energy because he wants to lord over man so when paul showed up in ephesians chapter six from the stand he said be strong in the lord and in the power of his might he said take up the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand remember when you are dealing with demons all you need to do is in the name of jesus get out but when you are dealing with the priests you say you will wrestle you will rest you don't cast them out you fight because this being is content for territories these beings contain your systems these beings contained for civilization so he said we wrestle not against flesh of god but against principalities and powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world the same word that god sent you to he said these princes have come to make darkness of this world so you are not coming into a world that is just obsolete or desolate waiting for you to come and occupy you are coming into a world that princes have made a dark habitation that's why i said the habitation of the earth is places the places of cruelty there is darkness upon the earth because one of the fallen princes have made this world the dark world and he didn't stop there they say against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places so when you say see pregnant women being butchered it is not an act of human intelligence is a function of the expression of the character of a spirit that is called wicked spirits in heavenly places so they can come upon many form of religion they can come upon men in form of political affiliations they can come upon men for any reason at all that characterizes the system but by all means their character must be manifested so when you are going into the world you are going to contend with spirits over territory that's why jesus said give us this day our daily bread he said i will be done on earth as it is in heaven because there are other governments on the face of the earth we are coming to content for territories we are coming to content for rulership we are coming to content for dominion so when jesus said going toward the world he was not talking about occupying space he was talking about establishing government and the way to establish government is to remove another government to plant your own when he said thy kingdom come it was a statement of war but it is first of all war in the spirit so when he said go into all the words he knew what he was saying that's why he didn't send them out to all the walls when they were with him as peeps he had to wait until they received certain credentials that was necessary to enact such a mandate i told us yesterday that some of the weapons that this princess are using one is the weapon of seduction and what seduction does is to blind your understanding so that the things of god no longer make sense to you this is why men go into politics and suddenly intercessors of rank enter politics and they begin to live after pleasure is because they interacted with the spirit of seduction he said if our gospel be healed it is he to them that are lost who are blinded it is the spirit of this world that blinds men and the weapon of that spirit is seduction that's why i say love not the world for they that love the word the love of the father is not in them he said what is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life because there is a prince in the world that manifest in the form of seduction you can come to campus because you have a vision of becoming a leader tomorrow but while you are transiting through campus to your place of glory there is a prince that will connect you on campus and that prince will let you know that is foolishness to be a virgin that prince will let you know that your friends that are going clubbing they are having a good time meanwhile you were passing through the campus to ascend the throne in the future but between your transit and your destination there is a seductive spirit that will minister to you and if you are not focused and know where you are going to for a moment you will forget that there is a throne awaiting you and we with your waste your destiny in the transit path because there is a power of seduction in the world and that's not all i told you also there is a power of deception deception will come to make you know that what you believe is a lie so suddenly the characters and the good will and the instructions that you receive while growing up you'll come and you throw them away by by a moment because all of a sudden you assume that the things you know no longer count they told you before that it's not right to cheat that there is merit in nepal but while you came to school the spirit of deception makes you understand that everybody is cheating if you cheat you will pass if you go out there nothing goes wrong you didn't know that when you were cheating you were being recruited because it was never about the exam it was about your destiny it was never about the exam it was about your soul you can pass your exam by teaching but you have motivated your destiny so when you step out of campus and the government of favor is supposed to work for you you trade that favor for a and b but you didn't know that when you were walking through campus there were transactions going on it is called the deception of this age there is a spirit called the spirit of violence and what it does is to enact peril so you came on campus all of a sudden you think it's about joining courtesy that gives you rank and when you become a cortes your conscience is maligned and your conscience is seared as with a hot aisle and all of a sudden you begin to perpetuate wickedness and you think that's the way of life what you don't know is that a demon of peril has taken over you this is the same thing you see with our they bond the sounds of the bond women today they kill people and they think they're advancing the nature they keep people they think they're advancing god it's a lie it's a prince of violence it's in the world what you see on campus is just a measure of what is happening in the world my friend and elder brother are persuaded here are some of the few people that have constantly lifted their voices to cry i can't look at this they can tell you what is happening just in venus state here where you are and this is just being wasted you don't know what is happening when you cover the whole of nigeria you don't know what is happening when you cover the whole of africa you don't know what is happening when you cover the globe there is wickedness and cruelty in the world that god is sending you to and who knows where you are going to the problem is that if you don't go to where god send you to you'll not be relevant in eternity because the journey of destiny is not creativity the journey of destiny is you deadness and obedience so where you are going to is not the point how prepared are you there is wickedness in the world awaiting you there are deaths there are killings there are rapes all kinds of evil are out there and god saw it he said go into the world why didn't he save you from the world why is he sending you to the world because there is something that when you carry the world cannot stand you he knows so you are not going to the world as a vulnerable person you are not going to the world as a victim you are going to the world as an ambassador of a government that is superior to everything in the visible realm the problem most time is that we have not received the right equipment so when we go into the world the things that we should challenge becomes the things that threaten our existence so there is a necessity for the body of christ to be equipped yet again so that when men enter into the political corridor they know what to say to chain tights your brothers in politics that are walking from darkness they know they could announce the truth before they speak they don't chew because they don't speak because they couldn't have that they don't speak because they school in oxford they school because they are empowered by that cousins to bring alternatives that men cannot get saved so the guy can come and say i am the choosing one i'm not of a sudden everybody say that it's not because what he said was sweet to hear there is a spiritual energy that has mobilized his utterance so that whatever he says he commands your obedience so you also who is coming from the kingdom of light in addition to your certificate there is a grace that you must carry into other words there is a dimension you must carry into other worlds when you carry that dimension you are no longer somebody going there to survive you become a mystery of zion there is wickedness in the world people don't care if you are a mediocre but the day you begin to make a difference you become an enemy of everybody it's called the spirit of wickedness you are a young girl you are a young boy so it may not make sense to you but i can't say you receive equipping tonight because when you begin to rise you will see it there is wickedness in the world they want to truncate your family they want to destroy your vision for no just cause but we know we come with a vedic from zion he said to subvert a man in his course the lord has proven not they say who is he that sees the thing and the comment to pass when the lord has not obeyed he says save your shall arise from mount zion to judge the mountains of israel so it doesn't matter what is in the world we have gone we have come that's the verdict of zion grow into all the worlds but i tell you this because paul said be not ignorant of the devices of the enemy if you are ignorant you become a casualty because you will not know the level of preparation required you will not know if you are ignorant you will think it's just about a good message there are many people preaching very sound messages but they cannot permeate that cloud of their territory there are many people preaching messages today that if the body of christ were to hear people will come into maturity matter of mind but there are spirits that have shielded them and covered their uterus they can't penetrate because they think it's about message so they've gone to the bible schools they have all the existences but they don't have what it takes to pierce through the cloud i came to equip you today so that you will start early because out of the mouth of babes and sucklings the lord said thou having strength that thou might steal the mouth of the avenger out of the mouth of braves and suckling there are many young people that are about to rise that will defy the status quo there are many young people that are about to rise with superlative dimensions of intelligence graces that the world cannot conceive because they have taught something that is of heaven [Music] foreign ah foreign there are different spirits in the world that wants to make a slave of a generation so god is raising witnesses and functionaries that they can send there we don't run from evil we are the change the world is looking for we are not trying to be safe we are the security of the universe that's why i say you are the shot of the earth if we live here this world will be destroyed so we are not intimidated by violence we are carrying something that can sort the voice of violence we are not intimidated by the powers of seduction there is a government that we represent when it shows or becomes silenced the mount of the avenger we are not praying to god please save us he has sent us to the world to bring safety to the generations of the world we are the safety that the world is looking for but we must be equipped that's why i say give some to the apostles some to be prophets some to be evangelists pastors and teachers for the equipping of the sins there is an equipping that a man carries like the psalmist he will say the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he makes me lie in green pasture he leaded me beside the still water do i walk to the valley of the shadow of death i fear no evil for thou art with me that road and thy staff they comfort me thou anoint my head with oil my crop run it over that's a man speaking in the valley of the shadow of death what did he carry there is a weapon that's why i said by my god i run through the truth i licked over a wall he fought forty-four battles he didn't know congress because he's a leader it is in battle that is glorified because the light shines in the darkness and the practice comprehended it not so if the lord was full of light that would have been a need to send you is because there is darkness in the world that's why he sent you but he must be equipped because there are glasses that are allocated to the church of the last day there are dimensions that the world have not seen that we are about to step into there are weapons that are inside that man must wield in this generation thank god for what the father saw but the bible said behind them is a desolate witness everything they have seen in time is a desolate wilderness there is a generation coming that can silence the voice of the adventure there's a generation coming that can claim the violence on fire there's a generation coming that can command the dead to return to life [Music] hey the battle of the last day is the battle of god it's not for man because we will not only fight with man when we contend with spirits that's why paul said we wrestle not against flesh and blood we fight spirits they say we wrestle against principalities and powers these are gods in the demonic land but there are men that will grow in so much statue that they can stand and command the prince of egypt to go back they are men that will grow so much tattoo they can command the prince of babylon to go back there are men that will grow in stature they can command the prince of benue go back [Music] but there's an equipment it's not just about the message it's about the footness it's about the witness and i began sharing with us yesterday i said these are things deeper than bible study they are oracles of god committed to men that can journey to the powers of the father there are places in zion that men must walk upon to be able to bring the government of the celestia there is a government desire that is only committed to men that have stepped there if you don't step there you will know how those weapons are winded you can't understand it you see i knew a man many years ago he was whether in the body or in the flesh i can't tell but i know he was carried to the god heavens so when he came back he was speaking the language of zion john said i john your brother in tribulation i was among the catholics by the river cup that was the secret and i saw visions of god ah john said i was in the eye called patmos and i heard a sound as of a trumpet and as i turned i saw seven golden lampstand there was a voice that spoke to him recorded the voice of the seven thunders and when he wanted to write he said write them dot this one is can be taught it can only be committed to men that journey that's why i told you the first equipment that you need is the equipment of the presence of god men that dwell in the secret place of the monster the bible said they shall abide under the shadow of the almighty they say a thousand shall fall by your side ten thousand by your right hand they shall not come near you with your eyes you will see and behold the recompense of the weekend because you have made the god even the most are your habitation no evil [Music] ugh the first equipment that this man needs is the presence [Music] if you don't carry the presence you will be eating up with your doctrine doctrines are important they shape the boundary of our possibility in god but the weapons will fight with they have the spirit [Music] blessed is the man that dwells in the secret place of the most high abide under the shoulder of the almighty he shall see of his god you know my refuge and my fortress you are my refuge and my fortress you shall not be afraid of the arrows by day nor the evil that was dead in noonday nor the pestilence that's talked by noonday he said a thousand shall fall by his side ten thousand by his right hand he shall not come near him for his eyes he will see and behold the recompense of the wicked because he has made god even the monster his habitation when god wanted to send mercy to egypt those were technocrats they had the best knowledge in the world the culture of education emanated from egypt you can't teach them they are masters of intelligence they are masters of science they are masters of medicine mental knowledge is not enough so he had to come with the lord of the presence and the bible said in exodus 13 21 he said the pillar of glory and the pillar of fire went after them by day and by night it remained upon them and so long as the glory canopy was there with this path he could break down egypt we have many people that want to go into the world but they are they are bereft of the presence of god dry men coming with certificates and intelligence to challenge princes that rule in the demonic do you know the in heaven where those guys bargained for vetted job said the sons of god came before god and he said saturn also showed up they understand the mystery of litigation and legislation they understand the mystery of the backings of civilization they understand the mystery of establishment of government they don't just speak they know what it means to participate in concessions [Music] without the canopy of the presence there will be no power to bring government to our territory even jesus the son of god needed to carry so much of it in matthew 17 verse 26 as he prayed the function of his countenance was altered and his remains began to glisten and when he stepped down from the mountain he said the demon possessed saw him began to cry [Music] the spirits knew the carriers of the present and they know those who are speaking english language [Music] we want to change our world we must pay the price to host the presence of god we must pay the price sit down for a second [Music] two ways of cutting the presence quickly one is by protracted prayers consistent and protracted prayer the presence of god is not a gift it's an entrepreneur it's an endorsement if you don't make that place your habitation you can't carry it you will talk about it but you will not have it because when a man stays there for long the presence travels with him as a testimony of the depths he has traveled to it was between him that told us now when you enter there the presence comes with you he comes with you that's why jesus prayed the fashion of his countenance was altered in exodus 34 29 the bible said when moses descended from mount sinai he wished not that his face shone so even though he was not aware because he has spread through the presence came with him as he took him to his generation there are many people involved in activity very few are holding to the horns of the altar and so long as we don't go to the horn of the water the people we ask us where is your god that's why i say let the priests whip between the pouches and the water so that the people will not say where is your god when we turn it there there is a commodity of heaven we are looking for it's called the ambiance of the presence the presence of god is the government of israel when a man carries it if we naturally step back he said when israel came out of egypt they say the sea saw them and fled he said jordan went back and he said oh see wife let us die oh jordan white goes down backward and even the earth responded he said let all the example at the presence of god even creation knows when the presence of god appears because it's terrible in battle when he shows up his jealousy is invested when he shows up his dimensions and attributes are manifested even the worst of the wicked demons know that the best thing to do is to run back this is what the great patriarchs of old that wrought so much deliverance for jacob knew i told you yesterday how that moses pursued the presence above all things he said i will not go with you but i will send my angel before you say we will not depart from here if your presence does not go with us i know i didn't take egypt because i'm a mighty prophet i took egypt because your presence came to came with me i don't need an angel an angel can be an addition to your presence but if your presence does not go with us we will not depart from here i didn't take it because i was a technocrat i didn't thank you because i was a mighty prophet i took it because your presence came with me [Music] and many times god will deliberately withdraw from moses he will stop for 40 years they didn't take a step until the glory cloud gave up on them in exodus chapter 20 verse 21 when god decided to hide himself the bible said moses stepped into the darkness we are god's wars if god will not come there is no need going forward because without the presence we are doomed this was the heritage and the ordinance that moses transferred to the children of israel and when berlin was to curse them he said you can't do anything against these people there's no enchantment against jacob there's no definition against israel why the shout of the king is in their midst they don't even need to know their enemy are coming their presence will become a canopy this was what samuel carried the bible said in the school of the prophets in nyotra the presence of god saturated the environment so much so that when saul sent an army to attack somebody samuel didn't know but the presence was a pillar of protection and when all the armies came they laid down began to prophesy samia himself stood up in rage and entered the moment he entered the canopy of the present the bible said he prophesied naked all night there is a measure of the presence that we host that even we go back they have the advantage of the government the army is sabotaged do you think you have any strategy to contend them with them you need to carry something supernatural and that thing is the presence of god and the presence of god does not have regard for age you can be a little boy if you carry it you will create a change that elders cannot create and you can be an elder if you carried your aid notwithstanding you'll become a deliverance jacob [Music] the bible said all the days of samir the hand of god was perpetually against the philistine samia didn't fight with both and arrows he fought with the presence of god all the days of his life the hand of god was against the philistine you want to go into all the world there must be a rich investment of the presence of god on your life prayer provokes the presence worship provokes the presence this is why in the tabernacle of old what opposed the realm of the shakkaina is the author of incense you can do business as the author of sacrifice you are still far from the presence you can do business at the lava you are still far from the present you can do business at the author of shoe bread you are still far from the present you can do business with the menura you are still far from the incense from the present when you come to the altar of incense then the presence is about to open to you in first kings after 8 10 and 11 when the priests were done worshiping the lord he said the presence of god came into the temple and they were unable to start to minister we don't have prayer and we don't have worship we only have preachers that's why pastors that should help to reduce the problem in most cases are compounding issues it's pathetic but it's true [Music] number two you want to be sent into all the world and create change you must carry the fire of god nothing scares the demonic realm like the fire of god a man can speak wisdom and still live comfortably with demons jesus was speaking wisdom at the age of 12 there were demons in the tabernacle but when he received the baptism of fire the moment he came into the sanctuary every demon began to flee and i told them the reason in the morning the bible said in ezekiel 28 18 he said by the multitude of thy merchandise you have corrupted by sanctuary by thy iniquity and thy trafficking he said therefore i will cause the fire that is in you to burn you to ashes so every time fire shows off they remind the demonic realm of the messianic judgment a man who does not carry fire cannot bring witness in the last day that's why in in hebrews chapter 1 verse 7 he said he make it his angels spirits but his ministers flames of fire how do you contact the fire of god is to make yourself an offering when you go into the world with a gain mentality you can't bear the fire of god because the code of service is selflessness a man who goes into the world for gain cannot bring government and kingdom he will only go there and join them because he has already provided a basis for bargaining because the moment you show up the princes begin to check you to find out what is your prize what is the angle they can begin from so if there is still something that you are holding on to that provoke your motivation to go out there you are already falling before you started so the only man that can carry the fire to bring witness to the award are men that have become a bond offering to the lord and in scriptures every time an offering is presented to god the fire of god false upon it we have people going to government today claiming they are going there in the name of the lord singing the name of jesus and quoting scripture but behind them is a very self-selfish and self-centered desire that's why the moment they go there that troll swallows them up the only man that room cannot swallow is a selfless man because there will be no basis for bargaining and that man is god's offering and when god's offering shows up the fire must fall you want to carry the fire of god it's not just prayer you must become a sacrifice that's why i said dearly beloved i beseech you that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god that is what the fire of god will rest on number two what provokes the fire of god is a desire a passion a hunger to carry that fire he said the fire on the water must not be put out leviticus 6 12 the priest must put wood on it every morning if you don't have passion for fire you cannot show it it takes a lot to sustain the fire of god you see a man who is on fire for god his life is a narrow path there are many things that ordinary men do that they can't do in order to sustain that fire they live as sacrificial alarms you can be everywhere and carry the fire of god you come into every relationship and carry the fire of god through desire a man having separated himself intermittent with all wisdom there must be a desire that provokes a separation for the fire to rest upon you everywhere they are existing you are there they say they are gathering for politics you are there they are watching football you are there and you say you are a candidate for fire your desire is not strong enough when your desire is strong enough you will find it to flame every morning every morning you will live perpetually at the fire to keep the fire burning [Music] you ready [Music] breakfast me is yes most of us our authors have become ashes but we know how to preach louder than fast volume is not what clear change is the efficacy of the spirit communicated because of the intensity of his fire there are few people still burning for god so when they show up they are talking but in the demonic realm they are ashes and they are looking at them what is he saying what are you saying you can't bring witness to this realm the gates of this realm only fire can open it and you don't carry it so we have no regard for your ultras even though you sound so philosophical you don't have power in the realm where it matters when a man is on fire spirits respect him [Music] number three what do you need as a credential to go into all the world knowledge there are many christians who are not informed about anything they are just praying and saying the grace of god is sufficient you are a joker the grace of god is not just a baseless reality paul said i labeled more than them all yet not i but the grace of god that is in me so one of the manifestations of the grace of god is labor the grace of god is not idolness sitting down say god we do it you are joking a man who is laboring is actually functioning under a high level of grace but progress people who have no basis for what they say will come and let you know that label is absence of grace paul said by grace i labor more than them all so labor is a dimension of grace they know nothing you put them to walk at the airline many players will begin to crash because they don't know how it works put them in government they are confused even the speech they deliver somebody else will write it for them they can't even interact with the button of the people how can you change your world when obviously you are incompetent there is no god that negates the place of competence because god is not incompetent the very first revelation of god revising as the author of knowledge he began as creator revealing the expertise and the excellencies of wisdom so the god we serve is the foundation of knowledge and wisdom you can't be going to politics and you know nothing and then you are hoping you'll be governor even god will make sure you don't go there unless you use another means other than god because if you go there you will make your people go backward that's the state where we are the bible said the people of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light because they know how business work they know how ministry work they know how government work they know how the economic work there are many believers who can't even pass their exams and they are hoping they will pass the test of life they don't have enough focus and diligence to pass exam you see failures from school going out and saying they are bringing change will change when you can create change in your biology and physics is it the government of benue state you bring changing is it a market do you know the complex intelligence that is required to regulate the stock market do you know the level of check and balancing that goes on there do you know the level of economic predictions that take place in that corridor and then you come past basic economy or economics and you are saying you want to change the stock market you have no place there so many christians are lascivious failing in basic things but they want to use god to validate their failure and they don't know the lives of men depend on it so somebody's just operated of appendix and he dies because a doctor forgot a blade in his belly that's the generation of people using the name of god to excuse the required label that they should put in to work their destiny it doesn't work like that you must be gutted with sufficient knowledge and there are three kinds of knowledge you must have the first knowledge is the knowledge of god the second knowledge is the knowledge of who you are in god the third knowledge is the knowledge of how the systems of this world work don't go into a city if you don't know how the economy of that city works you will pray and die a poor prayer warrior and your government your ministry will go nowhere don't go into politics and you don't know how politics work i am a preacher but i've listened to almost every every speech by barack obama i've listened to almost every speech by wesley torchi i sit down and listen to sometimes barack obama is speaking for two hours not consulting any book giving dates statistics data from here it takes diligence to function there that's how the government work you need to have data you need to have statistics you need to know how to fraternize you need to know how to speak to a large congregation you need to know how to to touch the needs of the people you don't just wake up and say god make me a governor you will never become but unfortunately that's what many christians are doing a point came it looks as if all the fellowship leaders failed and when you ask them to say about the button of ministry the burden of ministry is laziness lack of focus lack of diligence and gross incompetence [Music] you can pass exam as a fellowship president is it a ministry you can run living faith for instance they have universities there are secondary schools they have a printing press where they print include even the bible he has a traveling ministry they have a bible school all of these things are like companies so one pastor is having over seven companies and they have territories they have bought like a a town that they regulate the man controls all of it and is still excelling in ministry and you are jccc president or my first president or fcs president and you say oh boy the burden of this ministry is not easy it's hard and then you wake up after failing grossly on campus you say we are going to take nigeria africa wait for us we are coming wait where where you came out from what happened [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] let me talk to you about the knowledge of who you are then i'll talk to you briefly about how the system work i will tell you the mentality of billionaires because the kingdom through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad we must know how to make money there is nothing canner about success yet there is nothing khanna about making money and wealth because if you don't have it your ministry will remain in the cave until you go to meet the lord and i can assure you most of the people preaching and making it look as if scanner today they are building institutions that are multi-million institutions naira and dollar [Music] who are you if i asked you now what would you say you will define yourself based on earthly standard that's why you don't have the advantage of the spirit the first person you are to begin to advance kingdom is his soul if your walk with god have not come to a level where you begin to function as a son i tell you the truth there is no territory you can take for jesus there are two things about this song i want to explain quickly the first thing about this song is that a song carries the body of his father many believers today if you say let us pray for marriage this building will come down but if you say let's pray for benue state they will not have our trust anymore because they don't know what troubles the heart of god it is only their needs that motivates them they have not grown in maturity when you still live around your personal need you are still a baby it's only a baby that cries for milk every time he cries he needs something when his son begins to cry the father is indeed so when a man grows to the level of his son he begins to bear the bodies of the father number two a son walks with the consciousness of inheritance in romans chapter 8 verse 17 he said we are joint heirs with christ that's the realm of sons in galatians 4 1 you say the air so long as the child differed nothing from a sermon so a son has grown from a child to where he can take possession of what he owns with god so when a son enters eternity he's not troubled about heights we walk he knows it must walk because i have the resources of heaven backing me up and it's not just a feeling it's a reality that he can commence any day any time so when a song comes to a place if nothing works they can command the moon to stand they can command the sun to stand everything walks to his advantage when the sun carries water water can become a weapon a sun can drink water and give you say go and pour it where your business is and that business will begin to prosper there is something he has it's called divine inheritance but before you walk in the realm of his son number one you must be led by the spirit of god you are not just born again every child of god is born again it's not eternal life that makes you a son eternal life makes you a child what makes you a son is the leadership of the holy spirit you see as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god not as many as are born of god as many as are born of god are the children of god but as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god there are many people today living their life by assumptions and chants they marry by assumption the place where they are living nice by assumption the job they are doing is by assumption they speak about the holy ghost they don't know his voice songs don't wonder we walk into inheritance because we know the one leading us so until a man becomes a son he doesn't have the knowledge of who he is in christ number two what makes you a son is the constant progressive transformation you enjoy because you constantly look upon him because what makes you a son is the ability to bear the image of the father he said god do at sundry times and in diverse manners speaking time passed unto the fathers by the prophet as in this last day spoken to us by his son who being the brightness of his glory the express image of his person so until a man can embody the image of god he's not a son he may be a child but he's not a son and what gives you the power to bear the image of god we all with open faces beholding us in the glass the image of the lord we are changed you want to go into all the world you must be led by the spirit of god and you must be able to reflect and represent the image of god there are many believers today that reflect line spirit and seductive spirit when you start talking they say you are being religious but when you look at them everything about them reveals another spirit in fact if you are gullible and you interact with them after two days you may start lying or you may start fornicating and they are there saying no we are not a religious man not knowing that there are containers of spirits apart from god [Music] hey number two you are a priest i know we are a generation where people pride themselves with titles of apostles and prophets god didn't send apostles and prophets toward the world you will be shocked it is an evangelist toward the world he didn't send pastors and teachers to all the world he sent witnesses to the world and the office of a witness is not a gift you grow into it and these are the criterias of a witness a son can be an apostle a son can be a prophet but a prophet or an apostle may not be a son so i'm telling you foundational things that affect everybody that has come into maturity enough to advance the kingdom you are a priest and what do priests do please litigate and the legislate they journey from the outer court to the inner court to the holy of holies it's not just to behold the presence is to bring legislation first on behalf of israel so when a priest is laboring he is carrying the blood to transact atonement for israel so the journey of priesthood is a journey of legislation and litigation that's why a priest begins from the altar of sacrifice because he must become selfless to be able to do business of litigation when a priest is entering the holy of holies he carries the 12 names of israel six on two of his shoulders six on the right six on the left so it's the body of the people that the priest carries he steps into the presence of god to bring judgment and verdict in the favor of the people of god but there are many people today they have no body for people they only have body for themselves and their families they have not grown they have not grown so even though they are born again they cannot walk in the rights that citizens of zion walk in because in this kingdom for you to function in the authority of the citizen of zion you must become a priest i've made you a kingdom of priests [Music] you have walked through this campus you have seen all kinds of iniquity you have never raised an altar on this campus against immorality against manipulation against wickedness against oppression of students is it when you get to nigeria that you raise an altar if you are not a priest on campus you won't be a priest in nigeria unless god gives you another encounter but for you to be able to go into all the wars and make change you must become a priest i heard about prophet warley okay in 1988 he went around nigeria for three days fasting and praying and praying for three three hours in every state there were 26 days there 3 hours when they came to lagos he prayed for 7 hours and today when these men speak and things happen you think it's because they are they are they are geos you can become a geo of a big torch you will not have authority in eternity what confessed territory authority upon you is the length of the road of your priesthood [Music] going to other wars it's not child's play i know most of the baby christians here now they are being bored but we are talking business of elders so if you have been born don't worry just bring the holy ghost any year you come to understand these things we thank god but the lord will give you speed you must become a priest to be able to bring government number three you must become a king a king is one that has understood this authority in christ so he can walk in it any day anytime sir at least to the measure that i have grown there are many things i don't need to pray for i only command and help and we must constantly grow the horn of our kingship constantly because we needed to be able to take our world who is a king a king is a ruler so he walks in the reality of his authority in christ there are many believers that all they know is to beg god and god is wondering when will you grow up and when they are begging god they think they are doing god the favor they think they are being good christians and money to unite they are begging god they are begging god how many times you beg your earthly father to get things done even the things they need to eat they are begging god to give them food and the bible said as wicked as your earthly parents are will you ask them for stone and they give you bread if you don't need to beg your father for your father to know you need to eat is it god you need to come and cry and pull your clothes and be naked by 12 midnight for god to know that you need food is babyhood christianity when you grow into the realm of kingship you will stand up and say i command the doors of favor to open he said your sons and your daughters will come from afar he says strangers we stand to build thy wars you will stand up and say all that pertains to me is walking everything that i touch walks my my way is prosperous everywhere i go favor follows me and as you declared you will see it happen because he said keep me in remembrance of my world according to your word you shall be justified that's the realm of kingship in ecclesiastes chapter eight verse four he said where the word of the king is there is power who can say unto him what does that we have stopped walking in the consciousness of our ownership god expects us to give commands and to get things done because he has made us kings and priests and kings in command when was the last time you change things by decree when was the last time you uttered the change by decree so the guy goes and prays on the altar and on the altar he said god we judge boko haram and then he comes back and he's talking with his friend and he's in this country of what we are finished to we don't know what will happen anymore you don't know what will happen i thought you just came out of your office as a priest and you determined what will happen why did you not come out and you say you don't know what will happen because you don't know you are a king my words carry power i don't see them carelessly every time we talk we provoke change because when god was walking on the edge he said the earth was dark and darkness was upon the face of the deep god didn't say what do i do about darkness he said light appear that's how kings function so what i do on my priesthood office when i come out i use my kingly horn to declare it i can't go and sing at the back or on the hotel prayer that will prosper and then i see you and i say kai i don't know if things will work for this man no no no i will not approve what i planted i will not upload it i declare it and it will happen even if it doesn't happen immediately he said when the cloud be full of rain it will empty itself upon the earth most of us are backward because of the things we have said this exam is very hard i will fail exam hard me that i have the mind of christ an exam is hard for me no exam is hard for me i am going there i'm writing and i'm not just passing i'll be the best that's the consciousness we carry so when i'm reading i'm already hoping to pass i'm reading because i'm the best i've never known how to struggle on some of these things because i had a healthy mentality growing up i had a rural mentality there are many people living in fear even before but to come they have failed they have failed i don't care how many people are coming there is something about me that will make the difference i don't care the governor might invite 12 young men but when i show up i am different i know that i'm different and when i begin to talk i know the governor will not be able to withstand the wisdom i will speak with and when i'm done i know he will look for me i just know it's not pride it is the reality of who i am in christ i'm different i'm not like every other person everybody can choose to be what they are but i'm a king and kings are nobles kings are royal kings are not ordinary people everywhere they go to there's a difference that's why you can't cut me dress carelessly you can't catch me dressed shabbily i'm not just talking it i know it everywhere i go to i'm dressed corporate because anything can happen anything can happen you will never catch me walk carelessly or talking carelessly i don't know how to do it you see many people sit down and they are talking anyhow carelessly in the public it has not done on you that you are king when you are a king before you go out you polish your shoes yes you don't just fly your shirt you wear a tie and you wear a tie to match and when you come to a place you don't just talk when everybody is shouting you wait for them to talk and then you take your time and then you address them because you are a king when you speak you create change how can i be going for lectures and i'm wearing a t-shirt and sucking my g who is that no those are vegas it's vegas people who walk in the garage they can suck their dreams because they don't have time to belt it royals don't function like that when i'm coming to the lecture hall i'm well dressed when i was a uni athletic i wore suits i wore suits for lectures and my electorate would look at me and say young man are you studying medicine i said what do you mean by studying medicine is it meeting that validate me [Music] imagine this guy but look at the medical students there's a way they function they know that they are the hope of the world so you don't catch them joining to lecture carelessly the way you go they wear their tie and shoot and they come for lecture they are not even many because they want to interact at a higher level of intelligence but it's not your course that determines who you are in christ jesus you are a king you are a king you are a king and as a young graduate i want to address medical students and when i came there i spoke to them as one that comes with the wisdoms of heaven i didn't talk to them as one that studied what other men studied i spoke as someone that carried a crystallized wisdom from the realm of the spirit i know i will marvel them see as i'm talking now if i want to wow you i can change this place i have practiced this thing i know who i am i won't come to your campus and you catch me on gina and she'll say oh boy what did they happen no no no when you rush to me i say hey how far i will keep quiet and wait coordinate yourself how are you doing god bless you let's say when nobody's behave it's not our fault it's who we are have you seen the princess running up and down are they wait for me now why are you they do like this what do you mean wait for who if you can't wait to go i will come alone it's a mentality this is how you reward you will never see a german or an american begging they know they are the first world country so even if they come to your nation even if they don't have what to eat they carry their integrity they know who they are and you that came from heaven you are acting as if you are hopeless no when you live here you gather your life together there are some people who can't even brush when they talk to you say jesus christ of nazareth and they are troubling you with their mouth they are all over the place talking and spitting on everybody about what did happen rather let you know sir please go and brush i know some of you they have never ironed their clothes they just picked it through on themselves they clothed the sweatshirt on yesterday they threw it on their body today and they can't say we'll change the world what word which word you prepare for the world some people are just taking off guard because they don't know who they are and it is our beggarly mentality that makes us remain beggars even the things that should be for us we lose them because we don't know who we are you are a king and if you are a king it means you have the power to change your world so from today you don't say benue is finished you say no the next generation of benue citizens are coming those who will rule this world when we go to the economic front where we change things we will change things in government when we change things in ministry i told them i will not wait until i'm 50 to begin to park stadia no no no no at a tender age you can hold conferences and we pack a whole stadium and you will come out and address people as though you are a 50 year old man it doesn't take age it takes grace you come home they say things are not working say it's where it's where even while you are thinking of what to do don't lose your coordination it is where and then you are planting in the spirit kataka you are looking for the right walls maracado faraquida paraske la when the world come you're not declared you said that thing you were saying that time in the name of the lord jesus i change it and the person is wondering what do you mean i change it where the word of the king is there is power that's who you are your mother is crying there's no food mama is where don't worry is where not to go and put your body to prostitution you a princess you can't even see my body it's well covered because i'm royal i'm royal mama it's where don't worry things will change things will change you tell her let's hold hands and you change things in the spirit that's how kings behave me enter exam hall and i'm telling you about what i make i see now open what me me my faith is not in the hand of any man i took it myself because i take the responsibility i'm a king number four who are you god you can't take this one so i will leave it go and research it [Music] you can bear this when god created you do you know what he created you are a god [Music] i know your faith can be it he said elohim sat down and he said let us make a specie called man [Music] in our own image after our likeness let us make this pain in our own image after our likeness and men didn't understand what he created until jesus showed up and began to quote what david said he said ye are cause and the reason you are god he also went for that to explain it in case you call it heresy you say you are god's because you are the children of the most high it's a law in the spirit that every being begs after its kind so when a good gives back to a good you don't need to name it it's automatically a good he said because you are the children of the most high god they say you are gods this is a realm superior to the realm of kingship in the realm of god nothing dies in the realm of god nothing fails in the realm of god everything works because all it takes is for you to become a part of it when god came into the world the bible said the word was desolate all god needed to do was to connect himself to it and he began to walk when jesus came into the name of men they were dead all jesus needed to do was become man the moment jesus became man there was salvation for man because anything a god is involved in rocks ye are gods because you are the children of the most high god now that you know you are a son you are a priest you are a king and you are a god how can you not take your word whether you like it or not it's your inheritance to take your word they say ask of me i will give you the nations for an inheritance and the ultimate part of the earth for your possession it is your right to inherit the nations it is your right to change your world it's not something you are begging for the moment you show up you create change you cannot be on this campus and the campus remain the same unless you don't know who you are but you see there is a mentality that you need to carry there's a mentality the first mentality you need to carry is that things don't fail with you [Music] but things also will not work by chance for things to walk you must walk them so if it means staying up all night you will stay up to make it work this is why every wealthy man in the world sleeps late and wakes up early because there is too much to do while ordinary men are looking for money wealthy men are looking for time because time is never enough they go to bed by one they woke up by three i heard that jeff bezos wakes up of 330 warren buffett over 80 years old still wakes up by 4 am maxo quebec wakes up by 4am you will use a lamb on t becomes part of your life carlos lee wakes up by 3 30 am and they have kept this question for more than 10 years these are children of the world but they understand how this realm works that when men sleep leaders stay at wake awake the reason they are able to lead their generation is because they are weak while others are sleeping so this is why wealthy men don't even walk for money because they they send their money to work for them why they spend their time thinking so you don't need to be awake doing anything just be awake and set your mind on a vision after a while the boundary of your mind begins to open and in a short period of time my country will become too small and then you are saying no now this thing want to do my code is too small how do we take ben away and after a while your mind enlarges again and you come to the point to say no no we have to gather all the youths in nigeria how can we be talking about mccarthy come on our government is failing people have been attacked husbands are all over the place how can i mobilize all the youth in nigeria all of a sudden you remember your friend from enugu you remember your friend from kanu and you begin to call them let's have a national youth summit and they are saying how will he walk you say don't worry why won't it work you who do you know and before you know what is happening you who was thinking mccody now you start thinking nigeria and in a short period of time you gather youth from 36 states of this country and even the president's attention will be drawn to it because any man who makes impact commands the attention of kings but it begins with enlargement of the mind and the way to enlarge the mind is to invest in time not close is to invest in time not true task this plane and get you to think leave us your friends that distract you with unnecessary gist and gossip go and sit alone make it a habit to sit alone you may not have an executive suit to sit one sit on that tree and if you don't even have a thought tell god give me something to think about i must make a change in my world they may call it ambition it's a notable ambition there is nothing wrong in having a good ambition every man that lacks ambition is already dead but your ambition should not be selfish it should be something that includes others and then your ambition will be worthwhile go and see something [Music] [Music] is [Music] you come to school you have many things to do so by first month you have recited everything about your natural look how many pages are your lecture notes your lecture notes sometimes are 10 pages and you are doing 8 courses 10 times 8 is 80 pages your mind can't retain 80 pages then you can't take your word in one month you recite everything in your lecture note and throw it away tell the lecturer anywhere he wants is to check questions wrong do you know why most of the greatest belongings in the world dropped out of school is because the exams were too cheap the lecturers were boring them when bill gates was already designing softwares they were teaching them low programming language you want him to sit in that class and hearing ancient programming language when he's thinking of a new software that would change the world it was boring to him so he left so before you say ah exam it's not easy you think it's easy even belonging has left school they didn't leave school because they failed exam they left kubica school was boring they knew more than the lecturers they were students but they knew more than the electorates while the lecturer is still talking about a basic programming language you're already doing complex authority because you were going for lessons on youtube and then what the lecturer is doing no no you didn't put this thought here okay nobody don't worry you are still reading books leaders are ahead of their generation because they work hard they work hard if your phone is not a research institute then your phone was a waste it's not just a device it's a research institute you can stop the many courses on youtube while you're on your phone instead of you to be thinking of how to to prepare asic acid and base they thought that in 1940 that's what you are still learning and you think you can create a change in 2020. no you'll leave that level for those who are still reading above you and then you go on youtube and find out what are the evolution that's how leaders lead they work very hard very very hard can i surprise you be good slept in this office because of hard work jeff bezos slept in his office because of hard work carlos slim slept most of these wealthy men they started and walked until they slept woke up for many years of their lives their study room was their bedroom most of these guys kept close to 16 hours of walking every day that's why today even though they are billionaires they don't remember it doesn't occur to them that they are billionaires they have forgotten about wealth by pouring themselves into their vision meanwhile you have not yet better divisions we will walk upon and you say you will change this world we go nowhere we have a lazy generation who can't even read a notebook a notebook a lecture note of 15 pages you can't read it and you're talking about going into the world what are you doing with your time laziness they sleep for eight hours in a day they talk with their friends for four hours they're on facebook for four hours at the end of the day in one week they spend 30 minutes reading that's why even when they are 30 years old their knowledge is 5 years everything they don't know they're asking questions because they've never invested in themselves you can't change your world just by praying you will change your world by imbibing value systems that have no regard for a christian a muslim or a pagan because they are universal laws and one of those laws is hard work you may not have a vision you are working on now which is very bad but at least you should have mastered all your electronics before exam comes at this level you should look at your lecture note and because of what the teacher is teaching you can predict where he will set questions from we have so mastered the lecture note that your teacher himself will be careful when he's coming to class because he know if he makes any mistake you will know those days in uni agree there was a young guy called fado who was in mechanical engineering they said one of their hardest courses was fluid metrics in 500 level every other student had a sea father was calling 96 so they could not even moderate the result his mates began to hit him because he was far above accidents they took hard work many nights they are alone with their book when others are sleeping that's how you're going towards the world there are many people today they have been christians they've not even as much as read the bible but they may say they heard an apostle preach they come somewhere walk like the apostles act like the apostles and preach the message and they think they'll go anywhere they are crying now that government is failing what do you know about leadership you should go online and study how did the 25 the first what nation how did they come about becoming first world nation where were there 20 years ago what did they do you are already thinking innovatively so you are not a body to your generation they know nothing they call you now to give a speech where the governor is sitting you begin to stutter and then you say you want to change your world you gather your friends who you know more than three four five six of them and when you talk they say oh boy you are good you are good and then you are walking like this you say god has helped us with your five friends and all of you are mediocres meanwhile the world we are talking about there are kings that you must address and then you come for service all you are looking for is impartation impartation that will not translate to nothing [Music] you say you are a lost student by now you should be reading no reports not struggling to pass exams this is how leaders grow men who change their world this is how they function why they are in the university they know all their errors can be tolerated so they make all their mistakes if you go to many advanced nations this is the university that most of the innovations come out from but in our own universities today it is failure upon failure we are hoping that when we get a job we'll be in internship for eight months before we learn how to use buddhism before we learn how to use clipper we go on internship meanwhile our meet in other nations from from high school they're already designing the softwares that we use in our phones and then when we come for conferences like this everybody oh you think we think it's all about praying in tongues you are bereft and bankrupt mentally you can never change your world how many of you here are eligible for scholarship there are many scholarships to nations that can profit you but many countries qualify so even the things that are free we can't qualify for them how can we go to a world of competition and survive on campus you have a scholarship for free master's degree free phd just to pass your exam you can't win the scholarship is it in the world where everything is competed for that you will succeed because we lack the culture of hard work very simple values if they will say there's a meeting by four the leader comes by 5 30 and every day no meeting can hold and he thinks he wants to succeed many people come for you to impart them they say they want the grace to carry do you know how many times you travel in a week do you know the diligence it takes to minister to thousands of people three four times every week and you have been doing it for three four years you don't have an idea how many places are ministered before coming here and as i'm living here on tuesday i'm going back to luma to minister in the crusade on friday i'll be in ghana as i'm returning from ghana that's how i'm traveling till november i don't have any free weekend as far as i'm concerned in the last three years i have not had any free weekend and intelligently there were weak days that i also have to travel you think it's now that i will come and read and then you think you will step into things by impartation i've been talking to you for close to two hours i've not consulted my book you think it's just an anointing this mind has been taxed there are many times i look at speeches i recite them there are many times i carry scriptures i recite chapters i'm not going to preach anywhere i'm just developing my mind many times i close my eyes and i begin to meditate on john in the beginning was the word the word was with god and the word was god the same was in the beginning with god all things were made by him without he was not anything made that was made in him was life the life of the light of men the light shines in the darkness the darkness comprehended it not there's a man sent from god whose name was john the same came for the witness it was not that light but it came that through him by men we believe he came unto his own he saw received him not as many as received him to them he gave power to become the sons of god sounds born not by the will of the flesh not the will of blood but of mine i keep reciting not because i want to preach i'm just developing my mind because i'm a preacher no culture of hard work we can't sweat we are looking for shortcuts and they will say we'll create change if they make you a manager and addict today what do you know if they make you a commissioner now what do you know if they give you a business now what do you know even the school where you are if they make you a lecturer can you teach on that level [Music] there is a wrong understanding we make men useless and lazy because of impartations i will not teach them the culture of hard work the guy can talk from monday to night but if he goes to class for 30 minutes he wants to sleep and then he comes home and say oh boy let me lose you because he has already pre prepared his mind to cheat the exam if i cut you cheating you'll be expelled because you'll be the reason why many pregnant women will die during cesarean sessions it will be the reason why many planes will crash if i cut you cheating there's no begging you will be expelled go home and learn how to farm at least for education you are choosing the place of defeat so go and learn family maybe you will excel in family corrupt world when the lecturer becomes stained they say it's a wicked man there is a culture of focus [Music] can you put your mind on one thing for one week everybody sitting here can you leave this conference and set your mind on one thing for one week without losing focus or getting a scatter that's why many people in leadership the moment they leave the university they become nobodies they don't know the pains of succeeding a young generation distracted by everything how many things can you set your affection on and your fire your emotion for that to be born for one week let's say your book or let's say a particular thing you want to research on and you say for one week i will study this thing until i muster it i won't even take it far can you take one song now one song and learn the lyrics and sing that song is there no focus to just speak a song and say i like this song and understand the lyrics and be able to sing the song we are so disoriented that nowadays people cannot even start anything and complete it and we still want to change our world when you talk they say the spiritual the spiritual the government of the intelligence [Music] there is a necessity for knowledge and mental power to change your world it doesn't come by invitation it comes by hard work it comes by focus it comes by diligence most of you will need to live here and tell yourself before the exam next week i will master all my lecture notes and tell your friends thank you i enjoy your company but in the next two weeks i want to be alone and then no matter how that team pulls you to go and meet your friend you will sit down and say i will die here even if you are reading it and it's not entering your head be reading it and you will read all your lecture notes 10 times before the exam and let's see how dull your brain is that you will not return 50 percent after reading your lectures 10 times even if your name is dummy [Music] if your brain doesn't return 50 come back and tell me i don't know what i'm saying who told you you are done you are just not wise so you are not redeeming the time because you don't know the days are evil the first importation god we bring to men tonight is to make them wise men wise men wise men that understand the times and the ceasing men that understand the systems of this world have no regard for titan they have regard for innovations that are crystallized from the labor room of hard work focus consistency and diligence wise when there are no dichotomy of royalty wise man that understands the tenacity of innovation wise man that understands the diligence of leadership wise men that understand the technocracy of leadership and governance there is a dimension of wisdom that must come upon people so that they will know what to do they will know when to tell their friends to wait they will know when to go off the internet they will know when to lock the door behind them and put value in themselves i was listening to robert liadon and he said my librarian told me i've read 14 000 books i said no wonder you're a good writer there's no way you can read 14 000 book and you will not order one it's not possible even the books you have read will compare you to write your own i read about john wesley he said my day is too busy that i pray three hours before i start my day there's no way you can pray like that are not pounding or something spiritual there are certain levels of commitment that occasional civilizations there are certain levels of commitment that best dimensions you don't need to have an agenda you are too serious for god not to commit something to your hand you are too focused not to bet something you are too committed for things not to come to you that's how we change this world there are many people today i have titles if you ever ask them you are an apostle who is an apostle they don't know you are a prophet who is a prophet they don't know and we want to change this world we are deluded but there must be a change there must be a change there must be a change there must be a change because not all of you will stand on the puppet some of you will become rulers in the economic world some of you become rulers in government some of you will become rulers in the academia i told you i is an apostle to the government i tell you buhari knows his name because these are one of the tools in his flesh this is a dawn in his flesh not for anything evil but for justice for equity for justice for equity they fight against marginalization we don't hate you as a person but we refuse injustice we refuse lack absence of equity you must deliver on your mandate we have nothing against you as a person but we insist that your office must bring the requisite justice that is a necessary part of governance [Music] i want to pray for you [Music] oh do you know that virtually every billionaire in the world only spends 30 percent of his money they live off only 30 percent of their money if they have exhausted 30 percent that hunger should kill them they invest 70 percent of their money are you aware it's not about how much they have it's a culture that wisdom has taught them do you know that to third of every ceo in the world has a military training and to ten of them have a training in martial art because they consciously want to learn discipline [Music] no great man became great by chance not one there is an investment of wisdom that needs to come upon you today so that the foolishness that robbed your generation of greatness will not affect you there is an impartation of an excellent spirit that needs to come upon you today to change your story and the story of your bloodline and the story of your lineage there is a hand of god that needs to come upon you tonight asking for wisdom now oh listen to me lift your hands toward heaven one thing the spirit of wisdom does is that it impacts impacts the power to get wealth anywhere you see wisdom at work wealth naturally gravitates there number two thing wisdom does is that it releases upon you the mantle for leadership any man working in wisdom naturally becomes the leader you can fight it there is a grace for world and leadership that this wisdom impartation will bring most of you into some of you ancestral poverties will be broken some of you reproach now lift your hands it's not about the volume it's about the supply of the spirit please be sensitive now it will break upon you suddenly [Music] the hand of god will descend on 12 of you as a sign some outside some inside ushers the first 12 people that god falls upon bring them to the platform to lay hands on them it's a sign of what god wants to do with the rest of you father from the left to the right from the front to the back to the other floor right now the spirit of wisdom mantis them 12 people coming under the power and the government of the spiritual wisdom holy ghost touch them i shall bring them quickly i want the first word inside outside touch lift your hands toward heaven in the invitation of the spirit of wisdom some of you will bring you the power to get wealth some of you will give you the heart of leadership listen everything you are doing there are millions of people doing it there are over a million persons in australia why must be you to invite there are over a million businessmen why must be used against the contract there is something wisdom does that mess it in the up of jesus i told you there are three layers of information listen the next importation the lord wants me to release upon you is authority in the spirit no man not impact on ground without having a horn in the spirit there are 24 feet here that will receive a new scepter the power the investment of the power of god in your life will be increased father there are 12 of them inside 12 of them also holy spirit you can be a lady you can be a man it doesn't make any difference let that grace rest upon them holy ghost touching the spirit my this is the last invitation some of you will be drunk with the fresh wine because this is the batting of weaknesses men are functioned by the moves and the movements of the spirit man that function by the sounds of heaven you will be so drunk that will refuse into heaven like a mist you will jesus in the name of jesus before i drop this microphone there's a clarion call in the spirit god is looking for messengers that they will send to the ends of the earth as weaknesses of the last day if you want to be part of that divine mystery lift your hands to whatever you smell wrong i can't tell you to come out because of course everywhere is flooded with men lift your hand and say lord use me i know even last week i fornicated i know i cheated in a test even yesterday but further i bring myself as a sacrifice news me if you are not disqualified you use me are you to the government of your kingdom are you to the government of your presence are you to the government of your world are you to the government of your spirit wish me [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Music] hey you were blessed by the message you just listened to and wish to make jesus your lord and personal savior kindly repeat this prayer after me dear heavenly father i believe in your son jesus christ and that he died for my sins and was raised from the dead for my justification i therefore confess with my mouth that jesus is the lord of my life i receive eternal life into my spirit i am born again thank you father in jesus name if you just say this prayer please send us an email on emo discipleship gmail.com or reach us on our website or roccomico.com to enable us to reach you and afford this the privilege to disciple you god bless you [Music] you
Channel: Apostle Orokpo Michael
Views: 3,698
Rating: 4.8927202 out of 5
Id: cXGUq8I8oyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 2sec (6242 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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