Seeing The Thread (Part 2) - Bishop Tudor Bismark

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[Music] [Music] [Music] well hi new life covenant church and our viewers around the world uh thank you for joining us on our online church since we've had our challenges with covert 19 church closing we've been online for a while and we want to thank you for your support you know the online program is so important because there are individuals one able to be in church for all kinds of reasons especially in zimbabwe but to new like covenant churches in zimbabwe and particularly in harare thank you for your support we are consistently raising money for all kinds of avenues to keep the ministry going for keeping the staff and office going but again kingdom cathedral is a very important aspect of our ministry and we want to thank you for sewing and giving on the screen are places you can give and support please continue to work with us we're hoping that as the country opens a bit more and more the city opens a bit more and more we'll be able to accommodate you in our services nine o'clock and in 11 o'clock every sunday thank you for your support we love you guys and we'll see you week after week after week [Applause] [Music] same water you turned into wine open the eyes of the blind there's no one like you [Music] nothing [Music] [Music] we rise [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] stand again come on [Music] [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] there's no god come and tell you never say there's no god say there's no god [Music] oh [Music] nobody [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] and my heart [Music] is [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's who you are [Music] [Music] [Music] him somebody praise him somebody give him glory hallelujah come and tell your neighbor that god is good say my kanaka is a jesus hallelujah hey [Music] [Music] let's [Music] everybody [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] so oh father i just want to say thank you for your goodness all my life you have been faithful we're just gonna sing a new song very simple just open up your spirit and your heart and just bless him okay we bless our holy name oh god [Applause] i love you lord for your mercy never fails me all my days i've been held in your hands from the moment i wake up until i lay my head i will say of the goodness of god [Music] it's a good god we bless your holy name on god [Music] said i love your voice say i love your voice you've let me through the fight you have led me through the fire in the darkness night in darkness now you've been closer like no other i've known you as a father known you as a father i've known you as a friend as a friend and i have lived in the goodness of god [Music] [Music] [Music] stay on my oh [Music] [Music] we bless your name on god thank you for your goodness your love and kindness every day of our lives hallelujah we're just gonna declare it and say oh god [Music] we say your goodness is running after it's running after me we say your goodness is running after it's running after me with my life laid down i surrender now i give you everything [Music] your goodness is running after it's running out [Music] it's running is with my life later with my life laid down i surrender now i give you everything your goodness is [Music] is [Music] [Music] i surrendered [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] goodness of god [Music] of the goodness of god well good morning you live covenant church and all our viewers around the world thank you for joining us this sunday morning prostitution i take great pleasure in bringing this service as others to you and we celebrate the victories that god has given us just a couple of reminders for all of our viewers here if you aren't able to be in a physical service as is specified by the law in zimbabwe you can enjoy the same service online and follow please comment send us a few messages and also to thank all of you for your financial support your tithes your offerings your giving to kingdom cathedral we so appreciate that we're extremely grateful for your contributions may god richly bless you and for all of those participating in serving from our music department to those in our professional technical teams to our security those behind the scenes thank you so much for making the services possible here i'm going to be teaching this morning preaching on the subject seeing the kingdom and the title for this morning's message is seeing the thread part two seeing the thread part two hopefully you can follow some of this on uh our screens our anchor scripture for this year has been taken from john chapter number three i'm starting from verse one and i read one two and three there was a man of the pharisees named nicodemus a ruler of the jews as to the same came to jesus by night and said to him rabbi we as many of us we know that you are a teacher come from god for no man can do these miracles that you do except god be with him please say after me say god be with me let's say that again god be with me and the scripture then goes on to say jesus answered and said to him verily verily i say to you except a man be born again be born again he cannot see cannot see not may not cannot see the kingdom of god father add a blessing to this word in jesus name i'm going to be dealing with the thread of the bloodline genesis 38 verse 27. genesis chapter 38 verse 27. genesis chapter 38 is a unique chapter in chapter number 37 the scripture is dealing with joseph how joseph begins his life and how joseph is then taken into captivity chapter number 39 of genesis deals with joseph in prison and his very difficult years and then between these two joseph chapters somewhere in the middle uh is added chapter 38 who is the story of the bloodline of christ so if i want to give 37 38 and 39 a theme i would call those three chapters the savior theme the savior chapters because joseph is the savior of egypt and then he is the savior verse chapter 39 the savior of the world and of his family but stuck in the middle is the messiah the savior of mankind through the bloodline of judah and so judah who is the fourth son of joseph uh through his wife leah judah means praise as you know and leah who was not the favored wife the preferred wife gave jacob his first four children the fourth child was judah judah marries and when he marries his wife gives him three sons er owner and shaman all the boys when they come to marrying age are given a wife her name is tamar the first son god killed him because the bible says he was evil the second son god killed him because he spilled his seed on the ground the third son was way too young for him to be given to be married and so judah actually goes against the word and the culture and as chapter number 38 unfolds uh a number of people tell your father-in-law has his flocks in a certain place and so she knows his habits and behavior she goes to a village and outside the village and dresses herself as a harlot when judah goes in to her the bible says after he's finished his business she wants a token of payment because he said i don't have any money and so if you're going to get a product you must pay for it don't you never say pay for your product so the man goes shopping and he doesn't go with money he leaves his wallet in the car and so then she takes his stuff and so the next day when he comes to redeem his stuff uh with a goat or something a kid the bible says they say when he inquires there's no such person or such a described person in this village and then the scripture then uh picks up in chapter 38 verse 27. genesis 38 verse 27 and he came to pass in the time of her travail because she was pregnant behold twins were in her womb everyone say twins say twins any time you have suppressed praise which is judah anytime you have suppressed praise praise always finds a way and and praise eventually will produce double and so the the enemy should know by now that the more he tries to shut down your praise the more somebody tries to shut down your praise if you lift up your head and if you'll be encouraged praise will produce twice as much as what he did in its original intent and so the scriptures in verse 20 and came to pass that when she travails the bible says in verse 27 in the time of her travail they were twins then it says when she travailed the one put his hand out and the midwife midwife took and bound upon his hand a scarlet thread everyone says scarlet thread saying this came out first this came on first and he came to pass and and the reason for the assistant brothers without uh ultrasound and so on and so forth uh video and whatever whatever they couldn't tell whether it was a boy or a girl but because of inheritance issues they had to put their scarlet thread on there which was the thread the lineage of the bloodline firstly and the lineage of the birthright and inheritance verse number 29 and it came to pass that as he drew his hand back behold his brother came out and she said how have you broken forth this breaches upon you therefore your name shall be called ferez and afterward came out his brother he that had the scarlet thread upon his hand and they called his name zara if you are in a place system brothers where someone is trying to get ahead of your rightful place someone will see the threat someone in your environment someone who god has placed deliberately will see the thread the definition of the word thread is a long thin strand of cotton nylon or wool or other kind of fiber and all these threads combined together can produce a garment generally a thread would be in the category of uh cotton buds cotton that's taken off a tree that's put onto uh interwood gin and then sort of uh woven it produces threads and these threads compacted together can literally produce a garment a thread also can be a train of thought and it's it can be a way of a person thinking as somebody said do you get my drift it's a way one is thinking and so a conversation then uh is how in a particular on a particular subject and then someone then can put a thread of another thought in that conversation and change the conversation in in another direction the word threat can mean direction theme plot storyline scenario the word thread is not only limited to a thread of a fabric but it's also the thread or a line that leads from one point to another it's a continuous path and so in the uh fairy tale of hensel and gretel they leave a thread of stones so they can find their way home and the next time they are let into the bush or into the the forest they leave a thread of bread and you know the story how the birds eat that and they can't find their way home and so generally a thread is is for a continuous path leading you from one uh age category to another from one expression of life to another from one dimension of life to another the word thread also could be a thread of generational lineage within family structures it's also applied to generational wealth being developed you can see the thread of generational wealth you can see the thread of generational ministry you can trace the thread of generational gifts certain families have a thread of business or education or farming etc and applicable here a threat can be used in tracing the lineage of jesus christ to abraham and also all the way to adam in matthew chapter one and in luke chapter number three the threads citizen brothers exist everywhere they are they are all kinds of threads within this room in other words uh if i'm looking for something particular if i'm looking for somebody to cater there's a thread in this room you may not be a caterer yourself but you know of someone that is uh you might want to build a house uh and you might see somebody uh or know somebody that um is has a reputation or has an understanding of building houses and so that individual then leads you to a threat of an architect or to a quantity surveyor or to an interior director uh an interior decorator or a plumber a carpenter a bricklayer and so on and so in this room there's just about every kind of thread represented politically economically socially spiritually whatever your need is if you need any form of counseling someone here will give you access to whatever you need because there are many many threads in the room tell somebody say all i need is a thread if i can see the thread if i can see the thread i will find my way out of my challenge if i can see the thread success is inevitable and so every one of us must take time to discover the threads in our lives you've got to take the time to discover that threat don't just live your life take time to discover your thread that is in your weakness your strengths uh in your opportunities in the threats around you in in good things in bad things in ugly things in curses in blessings uh take time to discover threats if you are a woman stuck in a house for 12 years and you know that jesus is passing by if you get into your mind if i can just touch the hem of his garment just one writer said a thread if i can touch just a thread that thread will lead to isaiah chapter 53 by his stripes we are healed if i can just find a thread i'll get my entire healing and the bible says in that chapter i believe he kept the fortune of matthew without going too much astray that when that woman touched the hem of his garment a thread on his garment later on in that chapter the scripture says that there were many many many that did the same thing in other words if altkin can find a threat and become an owner of many many trucks starting with driving a small van if elton can find the thread there's other people here in years to come there'll be many many many owners of trucks or buses or whatever kind of crazies on our roads right now because if one person finds a thread it's going to open the door for others to find thread tell someone say please find the thread see the thread find it and make it manifest and so from jenna from genesis all the way to the book of matthew or the four gospels you can see the thread of the messiah it's a bloodline when god makes the promise to adam and to eve i will put enmity between you and your seed that there's coming a messiah that someone is coming that will seek and save that which is lost and so you can trace all the way from shem all the way through crossing over to noah and then from seth rather crossing over to noah shem and then abram isaac jacob judah and then zara as we read all the way it finds uh boaz who marries ruth and they have a son whose name is obed and then jesse's born and then david is the one that's chosen even though he's not the oldest because the threat doesn't necessarily go through conventional ways the threat will find its way through whatever way it needs to go and so you might not even be the most eligible person you could be like a david's forgotten summer which we'll get to later but if the thread is there you will see it a samuel will identify the thread a samuel will not release the oil until the thread is seen shout i need to see the thread and so salvation is a thread my mum began to seek the lord in her very early years of marriage and only when i became a teenager after many years of her marriage 17 or 18 years of marriage my mom saw the thread leading her to finding the lord jesus christ as savior and eventually even in that time the threat of ministry and the threat of starting churches around the world through an individual seeing a thread there's a threat of monastery it doesn't start as a massive rope it starts just as a thread and sometimes you have to look very clearly because sometimes it's camouflaged but you will see the thread of ministry you will see a threat of business and prosperity you will see the threat of destiny it comes in the most unusual places at the most unusual times but at that moment you will see it i recall very clearly as a five-year-old boy i would see a plane landing i was raised in my first few years in a suburb in blaire called trinance and if you looked from where my aunt and uncle lived if you look towards the north you would see the blair airport and almost every day we would see i would see a plane taking off and landing those years it was aerodysia and i'd never uh seen a plane physically and i remember after a couple of years being in trench school they that a school project they took us to the airport and i saw my first airplane it was a blue white and silver plane aerodyna and there was something inside of me as a little boy i knew as a little boy i'm gonna fly around the world we barely had a good car i would walk to school just about every day but i found a thread as a five and a half year old boy to wear today teacher and i have traveled just about all over in the world but you have to see the thread i said you have to see the thread hopefully hopefully you get the gist of what i'm seeing the generational thread must be identified so you can deal not so much with curses but so that you can identify the blessing in your life in my view we spend a lot of time breaking casters and breaking blood altars and all of that and that's true we need to do it but we should spend the lion's share of our time looking for generational blessing looking for generational opportunity i was a teacher and i had gone for uh lunch one afternoon uh and we were at uh shingi mutasa's uh and his wife karen's restaurant uh masawara and they wanted us uh you know to have a whole experience and i didn't want to get all the uh you know the peds and the uh all these car hand things and the rubbing things and anyway but anyway they wanted us to wanted me to see the rooms and how big the rooms are the the themes the colors and so on and i remember so clearly gumming up the staircase as we came to the main hall up the staircase right there on the wall was something that stunned me it it hit me right in my spirit from shingi mutasa the great man five generations on the wall of photographs and then paintings to his great great great grandfather five generations on the wall he was just waiting to put his son after him on the wall and standing there i thought to myself and and when i spoke to shingi at some point in the course of that day he shared very very uh openly with me that his great great great grandfather was not just the chief but but an enterprising individual owned property was a cattle herder had all kinds of trade going on and so you might be stuck somewhere without a photograph without a picture without a a historical cultural story commentary of who you are and where you've come from you may be in an unfortunate circumstance where you may have been raised as an orphan or you may have been jumped as a boy or a girl somewhere and and various people are telling you all your mother's somewhere you know into lord choi and and you feel rejected i'm saying to you this morning do not feel rejected look for the thread see the thread there's something inside of you that's saying yes my mother is a harlot yes jebez yes you might not have a name yes you might not have some sort of identity but see the thread see it see it rise above what is so plated in your face move the dark clouds move the paint that is making your thoughts and your ideas so disordered but see the threads shall see the threat three times see the thread see the thread see the thread see prosperity i was running yesterday we got home on the fairly late side and uh it was basically my turn to prepare the evening meal and i really didn't want to run i i really didn't want to run anywhere i put on my jogging stuff and started to run and in my mind i'd geared just to do six kilometers which is three up to the top of the hill in row and back and so as i got almost to the top of the hill uh there was a car on the side of the road and generally when i'm running all of my glasses turn into sunglasses they are sort of tint progressive glasses so nobody can see if i'm looking at them or not but i knew this individual is waiting to talk to me saying i don't want to talk to anybody today i'm trying to get a run in anyway a very short story long it was a young man that's been attending our church and he said he knew that one day he'd get to meet me and i'd pray for him and i pronounced a blessing on his life and what i wanted he then told me what his name was and he asked me three questions and there were questions in my view that are destiny changes and so what he did yesterday what he did yesterday when he saw me running i was going in the opposite direction in which he was going or should i say he was going in the opposite direction in which i was going and so when he turned around and came he stopped there because he saw a thread and i was working this message in my head and i could have said i'm running please don't disturb me but he took eight minutes out of my i'm trying to break my running track record it took eight minutes out of my precious time but the point is the young man saw a thread and when somebody sees a thread no matter how busy an individual will be god will make sure he'll stand right under your tree and tell you zacchaeus i can see you through it come down from your tree can i preach to someone you has no hope he will come right to the city gate and you'll be dead and you'll be being carried your mother is crying but he'll come right there and catch that bearer uh the polar bears carrier and he will catch you as a young man and he will raise you from the dead and give you back to the your mother why would jesus raise a young man like that from the dead in historical commentaries i read the reason raised that man from the dead is because he became a next generation of apostles to carry the name of jesus i don't care how difficult your life might be jesus will see a thread even if you are dead on a dying bed about to be buried he'll see the thread and raise you up because of ministry coming in your life i need about 10 people to clap your hands you have to see the thread of leadership shout i am a leader shout i am a leader shout i intend to lead shout i intend to lead every person in this room you are a leader in one way or another if there's nobody following lead yourself lead yourself the bible says lead us not the temptation so every day lead yourself in the path of righteousness lead yourself in the path of prosperity lead yourself into the path of success lead yourself into the path of prayerfulness and destiny and so on if you begin to lead yourself in that manner i am a leader shalt i see leadership eventually somebody who you don't know is watching will come to you at midnight and say i know that you are a teacher come from god we see the works that you're doing because nobody can do what you're doing except god be with him there are midnight watchers watching you in the midnight hour to see who you are shout i am a leader see the threat of leadership and so there are threads in most unlikely places so zara is the first one that's the son of judah from tamar an unlikely leader somebody put a thread on his hand to identify you are the bloodline i pray that god will put a thread on your hands to identify you are the one that god has chosen i pray that god will allow somebody to put a threat on your hand so you can identify that this is the direction i am taking and i pray that once that has been done i pray that all your life you remind yourself i wasn't conscious when my hand went out of my mom and they put a thread there i wasn't conscious of that but now as i'm old i can see there's a thread here this thread means something this threat means a higher order in my life it means and demands higher performance in my life rahab i know you've had a very difficult life but if you want to be saved the salvation is going to be dependent on one thing not your knowledge not your experience not the things you have done not your hopes and dreams not your aspirations not your fears your destiny is going to depend on a thread and once you put that thread out we promise when we see the thread you will not die when we see the thread the wall of jericho will not collapse when we see the threat our promise to you becomes true and rahab we're telling you that everybody who comes under you and is covered by that threat they will be saved that's why you have to see the thread that's why you have to let that thread grow in your life because everyone that comes under your thread is going to be part of the garment tell somebody see the thread david we see the thread solomon your relationship uh uh with your father is a very strange one because you are the youngest boy from a very precarious relationship with bathsheba but but god has seen the threat in you what is it that you carry solomon i doubt if it's good looks and apparently he was let's leave it alone but there's something about solomon gone had entrusted him with wisdom and so the threat couldn't go on on on absalom even though he was extremely good-looking and talented the thread had solomon wherever you are in a very precarious and difficult situation the thread will find you shout the thread will find me oh come on you got to say that with passion i said the threat the thread will find you i said the thread will find you first samuel 16 and verse 12 they sent and brought david he was ruddy red and of a beautiful countenance good to look to you and the lord said arise and anoint this one and samuel took a horn of oil and anointed david in the midst of his brothers and the spirit of the lord came on david from that day forward and so the the the anointing found david i'm telling every person in this room samuel is designated to see the threat in your life can you imagine samuel is older than jesse davis father before susan brothers before jesse was born samuel was in a little uh holding in shiloh looking after some old uh old man with two old sons and as a little boy just as a little boy samuel had a mother who could see the thread samuel's mother hannah saw a thread and prayed and and through seeing that thread burst samuel the bible says she said for this child i prayed samuel was deep inside she saw the threat and prayed until eli was activated for the only time in his life to prophesy something because even in eli's blindness he saw the threat in hannah and hannah saw the third in samuel that's why she sold him a garment of threads and gave it to him every year samuel will saw the threat in david the king of the future so one person seeing a thread will open a door for someone else to see the thread david your life is secure your life is in place because god has threaders people that see threads passing it from one to the other give yourself a high five god i thank you that i can see the threat in my life can you clap your hands while i find a breath [Applause] when you're dealing with seeing the thread you have to understand preparation versus declaration if the devil can kill you in the season of preparation there won't be a date of declaration if the devil can t identify you and injure you in the season of preparation the day will come when the king sends for you mafubo says and even though he's declaring who you are your legs are broken so everybody in this room i'm praying that god will protect you in your season of preparation shall lord protect me in preparation prepare to declare prepare and declare preparation is important i'm telling you you can't kill me noah no one's saying you can't kill me i have to live at least 600 years can you imagine being a noah knowing there's something in your life and for 600 years there's no word from god 600 years there's no inkling that god is even around but every single time there's an opportunity there you are going with your three sons and offering a sacrifice before the lord and it doesn't seem like god is even receiving it but when 600 years go by god talks you and says noah you have found grace and you have found favor in my sight i now have an assignment for you imagine looking for a thread for 600 years and in years 601 at the crossover service god speaks to you in that service and noah you see the thread and when you see the thread you build an ark and when you build an ark you save all prosperity you save mankind you save god's agenda you save animal life i declare you will see the threads [Applause] i sound nigerian i declare you will see the threads i declare you all see the threads not only will you prepare but you shall declare shank i shall declare abraham you are in preparation i mean how long does it really take to have a child the man took a hundred years i mean what was he doing maybe he didn't have uh whatever but julius don't listen to that edit it took abram to his 100th birthday to where all of those years are preparation imagine when he turns 70 god changes his name to abraham preparation is greater than declaration it takes you three years for preparation at the age of 12 you pre-declare you're not supposed to declare at the age of 12 but you are sitting in the temple and declaring certain things and your parents after three days have to grab you away those three days are three days that you will visit at the age of 33 jesus you are visiting these three days too early these men with their knowledge and experience can destroy you here it's going to take your parents to raise you from the temple and bring you out is preparation years and the bible says that jesus went back to nazareth which is the place of the branch and stayed there nazareth the place of the branch you can't bear fruit until you have a branch and you can't be a branch until you are established as a tree you can't be a tree until you are planted by the rivers of water so jesus had to go back to nazareth for years of preparation and when he leaves nazareth after years of preparation the first one to declare is john the baptist this is the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world the second one to declare is the holy is the the father this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased the third one to declare is the devil himself the devil didn't come looking for jesus the bible says that jesus was driven into the wilderness to look for the devil and the devil declared you are the son of god if you are the son of god i heard the declarations from john i heard the declaration from the holy spirit but if you are i'm declaring in a in a subliminal way that you are the son of god i'm declaring on someone's life here you will see the thread i said you will see the thread i said you will see the thread since then brother so lift up your head i gotta come to a rapid close now oh yes the thread is increasing in your life come with me now uh slide guys to a victory perspective a victory perspective samson and samson was called by almighty god he was named uh as a prophetic uh expression to manoa and he was told manoa so your son will take the vow of a nazirite and so samson then had all kinds of strange relationships so we meet up in the last of these relations a woman by the name of delilah and so the philistines were paying a big buck saying you know uh if you'll find out where his strength is uh so we can destroy him and in chapter 16 and verse 9 of the book of judges the bible says that samson was visiting the girl and so uh as he had fallen asleep the bible says there were men lying in wait abiding in the next room and she said to him samson the philistines are upon you because she had tied him up with ropes he said my strength is in ropes and the bible says he broke the ropes as a thread uh of a toe he just snapped them uh broke the ropes as a thread that's put into a fire and his strength was not known delilah therefore took new ropes the next night goof head man took new ropes and bound him within with new ropes and she said samson the philistines be upon you and all of those that are trying to get you uh on you and all of those uh men came from the next chamber and the bible says he broke off those ropes like a thread sisters and brothers no matter what kind of chain the devil puts you in no matter what kind of market care the devil puts you in no matter how much he ties you up in nuts and ties you with the rope you have to see the thread of victory victory in jesus victory by his blood victory in his word in your worst trial in the most agonizing uh place in your life somehow supernatural stroke will come on you and you'll tear those ropes those chains like a little thread shall see the threads don't see yourself bound and bound and broken don't see yourself finished see yourself as stepping into a new day those threads of victory are coming now i'm closing with abraham in genesis chapter 14 and verse 22 abraham said to the king of sodom i i have lifted up my hand to the lord come on i have lifted up my hand to the lord everybody i have lifted up my hand to the lord come on i have lifted up my hand to the lord lift your hand i have lifted up my hand to the lord the most high god possessor of heaven and earth i'm telling you king of sodom i will not take a thread from you i know who you are i'm not taking a threat from you why should i settle for a thread when god can give me ropes why should i settle for a small stick when god can give me a forest why should i settle for a little ring when god can give me a gold mine why should i settle just for a quick lift teruah when i can settle for a car factory why should i settle for a handful of borrowed shoes when god can give me the cattle on a thousand hills why should i settle for a glass of milk when god can give me jersey cows and frieslands and you name it why should i settle for less when god is giving me more the devil is a liar i see the thread of blessing i see the threat of opportunity i see the threat of breakthrough i see the threat of anointing i see the threat of destiny i see the threat in your life stand and clap your hands everybody stand everybody stand everybody one of my responsibilities which i've taken on as a responsibility is the council of african apostles and i look at africa in such a different way we are a continent of great destiny a continent of significant blessing and i'm constantly on a daily basis looking for a thread and so just about everything that happens on the continent affects me in a positive negative way whether it's bad weather whether it's coups attempted coups change of government women in leadership business people doing well ministries prospering some people going crazy making their congregants eat grass all kinds of debates and discussions on things we won't get into here it really affects me in my view and my disposition as a leader but but i'm always looking i'm always looking for africa's opportunity i try to see the thread where is this thing going and god has put a number of people around us around me to help me see the thread that this looks really bad here it it looks really bad here in this place it looks really bad in durban you know it really looks bad in cape town it looks so bad in moussaka it it it looks bad in king sasha and it looks bad in kampala it looks bad in addis or in djibouti but but in there in there in there i have to see the thread i have to see the thread and i have to live my life in a manner so that an allen driving on the road who sees me has looked at my track record and says i can see my direction and the way i'm going and so i want to encourage every person watching wherever you are for the next month your homework is to see the thread don't see the big big big big thing see the threads the one little thread that makes up your garment see the blessing that makes your garment grow father i now command the blessing on every woman and every man every family every business thank you for getting us to see the thread of blessing to see daylight at the end of the tunnel to see hope in an apparent hopeless world to seek gift in individuals that don't seem to be so gifted to see life when it appears there's one last breath to see breakthrough when there are giants and walls around us to see grapes when others are seeing dawns to see a measure in a scale of your anointing when there are no olives on the tree help us to see see the thread help us to see the thread help us to see the thread help us to see the thread help us to see the thread pasty and i still believe in god that we will get kingdom when deed were built we are really really believing we are believing god that many of you here in this room right now and many watching around the world that god is going to give you as an individual as a family the sole capacity to build an entire building driving around the city in the last number of weeks when we're driving i'm not seeing i mean traffic is horrendous i'm not seeing bad driving and there's a lot of it i'm just seeing the number of quality cars that are on the road there are so many brand new cars in the road i'm seeing there's definitely so much money i'm i'm seeing houses going up everywhere furniture shops there are people every single day emptying out furniture shops so so i'm seeing something i don't want to see the bed and it's there i don't want to see the mangle and it's there i want to see the thread of where god is taking us as a people and as a nation and so as i hold up my offering as you hold up your offering hold it up i want you to see the threat to prosperity and blessing everybody with an offering [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign is [Music] [Music] r [Music] you
Channel: Tudor Bismark
Views: 1,803
Rating: 4.8378377 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Tudor Bismark, Bishop Bismark, Tudor Bismark Sermons, Bishop Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismarck, ChiChi Bismarck, Chi Chi Bismark, ChiChi, Bismarck
Id: ijBZMp_HIig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 19sec (3979 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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