Contacting Revival Fire || Apostle Orokpo Michael

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father we thank you this morning for the privilege to worship at your feet we open our hearts to receive your engrafted word [Applause] we know lord will be quickened will be stirred and will be shifted in the spirit to higher grounds where we can function more effectively even as we advance the frontiers of your kingdom take all the praise take all the glory in jesus precious name amen please be seated god bless you last night we began worshiping the lord and the power of god broke out we couldn't share god's word so i want to avoid that temptation this morning just to be able to teach and i'll try as much as possible to make it very simple because um there are very so many young people here so we can comprehend and walk with the things the lord sharing and teaching us this morning [Music] hallelujah i want to consider a very important subject on the necessity of the fire of god the reviver fire this morning i want to begin by outlining the criteria that makes for the fire of god to rest upon the life of a man the subject of revival is very important and if you study church history there are many scholars in the service this morning it's so beautiful to see the servant of god it's an honor to be sharing with you thank you so much if you study church history you would understand the very strategic and significant role of the fire of god in advancing the frontiers of god's kingdom it's literally impossible to advance the kingdom of god without a baptism of fire our understanding of the word of god our training and discipleship is not efficacious enough to advance the frontiers of the kingdom the disciples of jesus were trained by the master himself and he had walked with them for over three years they had seen the miracles they had received the war many times jesus took them to the mountaintop and taught them for three days threat non-stop so they were exposed to the truth of god's word by the master himself in fact the living word of god was the one teaching them so they had access to the best form of discipleship in the world but in luke 24 49 he told them it's a tarry in jerusalem until you are endured with power and when the power of god fell upon them it fell in the similitude of fire so the guys had been taught they had been trained by the best but it did not qualify them to advance the frontiers of the kingdom they had the best doctrine the best theology the best character but the best doctrine the best theology and the best character was not efficacious enough to advance in the kingdom he said until you are endued with power i know i am the logos in fact in john chapter 1 from verse one to three said in the beginning was the word in case you don't understand who this teacher is i need to expose you to the credentials of the one who is instructing you he said in the beginning was the word himself is the word is that the word was with god so he was at the foundation of reality there is no one that can bear witness to reality as much as this personality that is talking to you he was there before the beginning began he said he was there with god and as if that is not enough he said all things were made by him so the things you are coming to study to understand the things you will encounter he all taught all of it and he didn't stop there he said he is the life that means he is the animator of reality you know spiritual things are very tricky you may know something cognitively but if it is not animated you will not experience it because knowledge in the spirit is not acquisition of facts knowledge in the spirit is actually experience of reality so the word for knowledge is the word for is the word epignosis it means to experience it's like intercourse the word for knowledge is the word gynoscope it means an intercourse that best that produces results so he's telling us that he is the one that animates reality in him was life so he animates reality without his impute everything you know will be dead letters and he said that life is the light of man so he gave us four credentials he was in the beginning he was god or he is god he is creator of all things he is animator of all things and he is the illuminator of reality because he is life so this one who has this voice serious credentials was the one that trained the disciples for more than three and a half years and with all of that training he said hurry until fire comes upon you because if the fire does not descend with all of my credentials and with all of this the intelligent and skillful teachings i've exposed you to you will not be able to contend with darkness and just before i go further let me explain to us why fire is very important the reason is because the kingdom business is not a business of men it's actually a business of spirits when god created adam and gave him dominion in genesis chapter 1 verse 28 he said let them have dominion he wanted adam to ex frontiers of the kingdom but adam thought it was about lions bears fishes so he was moving in the garden naming all the animals and enjoying the fact that he could function like a god he didn't know spirits were involved until suddenly the devil entered the serpent and came to give him a bargain and the first trial that he was exposed to he failed because he didn't know that kingdom business is not with mortals kingdom business is actually a game of immortals kingdom business is actually a trans a transaction in the league of spirits and so when one of the contrary spirits showed up the first engagement he had revealed he never knew that spirits were involved so when we do business of kingdom is not with men men are just a part of this league the major players in this business are spirits now why is fire so important the reason fire is so important is captured in ezekiel chapter 28 from verse 13 to verse 18 the bible began to reveal to us about one of the cherubims that existed in the heavens because before adam was there was a prince that lived in eden the eden god planted was not the first eden that existed there was an eden in the mountain of god and there was a cherubin that walked one through in that eden before adam was created there was a prince that god gave the responsibility to rule the visible realm and that prince understood the business of eden before adam was created that's why he didn't need the permission of adam to enter eden he knows how eden works because he had been in eden before and when this prince was in egypt the bible gave us his credential he said he was created with the finest stones diamond sapphire kabunku he listed 10 precious stones with which he was created and he said this being was the summation of beauty and excellence he said excellent wisdom was in him and in him was the totality of beauty he's able to allow iniquity to enter into him and when god began to judge him god said i will cause fire to come out from within you and to consume you so the judgment of god on that dark prince that have become the ruler of the world was the judgment of fire he said i will cause the fire that is within you to burn you to ashes so the only thing that prince cannot withstand is the appearance of fire this is why when god came back in hebrews chapter 1 from verse 7 he said the naked is angel spirits but his means they are flames of fire the reason is because the judgment of the messiah upon that priest was a judgment of fire so he cannot withstand fire therefore for you to be a messenger of the kingdom doctrine is not enough for you to be a messenger of the kingdom theology is not enough for you to be a messenger of the kingdom character is not enough you must go back to the verdict that was passed upon that praise and the verdict that was passed upon him is that i will cause the fire that within you to burn you to ashes so whenever he sees a creature of fire even before speaking he runs away that's why many times after god trains his servants he must give to them a baptism of fire because without fire you can't confront him this is why fire is too important because the prince that you are going to fight against the spirits that you are going to contend with they have already been judged and the only thing they fear is the fire that you carry so he makes his angels spirits but his ministers flames of fire because when the ministers of god shows up it reminds him of the messianic judgment that is upon his life that when fire shows up you return to ashes so without fire you cannot bring government against the princes in darkness this is why we have gathered to understand what is required for the fire of god to rest upon you thank god for character thank god for biblical knowledge thank god for exaggeration thank god for everything we know but fire must be added before we are sent out he said in jerusalem until you are endued with power and when power came power king has fired [Music] if you don't have fire in your life you will be taking a risk doing kingdom business [Music] as noble as your intentions are your life will be frustrated and you will become a ridicule of that which you are supposed to rule over it doesn't matter the level of character you have jesus was flawless for 30 years he couldn't bring kingdom he worked and was known as a carpenter for 30 years this is a man that had the credential of a god a creator life and light but he was an ordinary citizen for 30 years the demons saw him they were not moved until the fire of god fell upon him and he said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased and he went into the wilderness and for forty days and forty night he travailed and when he returned in matthew chapter four verse 15 the bible said he returned in the power of the spirit he had entered the baptism of fire and the moment he returned the bible said that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by isaiah's the prophet the land of zabulum the land of naphtali by the way of the sea beyond jordan godley of the gentiles the people that sat in darkness i've seen the great light i thought the bible called him the light of men how come the light was not seen until he was baptized with fire because until fire comes demons will not respond respect or respond to you you can be believed and call yourself a prophet you can call yourself a teacher you can call yourself a pastor the demons are not moved by titles they are moved by the witness that you bring and the moment jesus entered the synagogue demons began to scream he was walking in that synagogue since he was a child the day he was born eight days later he was brought into that same synagogue and simeon lifted him up and said my eyes have seen the salvation of god at the age of 12 he entered that synagogue and was asking doctors of the lord's questions they couldn't answer how come for 30 years demons were walking in the synagogue and they were not moved until fire came when he walked into the synagogue they said why have you come before your time oh son of david water changed the visage was the same the person was the same the knowledge was there the character was there but fire had come and demons know those who carry fire poor we know jesus we know what the hell they don't move they are not moved by titles they are moved by fire this is why we must have the fire of god constantly in our lives in leviticus chapter 6 verse 12 he said the fire on the altar must not be put out the priest must put wood on it every morning because when the fire goes out your pristine ends when the fire goes out you will be left with title but your priesthood will end because you cannot bring witness to zion that's why he said in sandwich after three verse one he said in those days the voice of god was class there were no open vision and the e-wee lamp in the temple had gone out the fire had gone out so even though the man was an experienced priest the voice of god was cast priesthood had ended because priesthood is a testimony of fire without fire you cannot bring kingdom legislation the job of a priest amongst other things is to bring legislation and litigation for a people and for eternity but you cannot litigate or legislate for a territory except you have a witness of fact that the territorial demons can respect [Music] fire is too important without fire we will make a mockery of ourselves in a bid to advance the kingdom of god without fire we will do many activities and demons we laugh when we do all we know nothing will work unless fire comes jesus has regard for it all the apostles had regard for it and our generation must have regard for it why is reviver fire so important number two [Music] it's because [Music] i'm taking it gradually because i just want the emphasis to sing down [Music] first because fire is what makes our witness efficacious [Music] the moment a man catches fire even if he coughs it will go abroad when jesus caught fire the bible said his faith went abroad instantly the whole of jerusalem and judea was arrested not because his teaching changed fire had come he had always been the compendium and the custodian of wizard but fire had come the moment you catch fire even your perish you will begin to have problem of venue it will spread abroad because only by fire can witness be established number two fire is important because there is a transition constantly going on in the body of christ the people who are bearing the torch because they are in this motor vessel a point comes when they have to transit from time into eternity when they transit the next generation we require a fresh authority because all they can give us are their teachings their doctrines their theologies their training the fire they carry they contacted it by encounters so we must also have our own encounters to receive the torch that they bear else when they depart there will be a gap and if there is a gap the devil will exploit it and destroy everything they have built so what we'll be left with will be monuments cathedrals churches beauties but no witness so when a generation begins to transit the testimony of revival is reenacted if you look at the body of christ today most of the mighty men you know they are in their 70s and in their 80s and gradually they are beginning to transit into eternity so for god to raise another generation that will be able to bring the texture of witness that they meant to glory during the time there must be an impartation of fire this is why fire was not a problem when jesus was walking nazareth galilee there was no problem because he carried fire but when he wanted to go to heaven he told the disciples you must receive your own invitation on fire when i was walking i was a visible expression of fire and it was enough now i am about to leave you need a baptism of fire because if you go into the world and tell the people we know jesus we have been with jesus they will kill you they will lick you up and the kingdom will stop so when there is a transition there is a necessity for a fresh baptism of fire because in the days of jesus jesus had fire john the baptist had fire and both of them were burning jesus said concerning john he was a burning and a shining light and you were willing to stay under his life for a season so john was a burning light jesus was a burning light john had gone jesus about to be taken into glory there is a generation that doesn't know the testimony of fire something must have to happen to them so he said to them you must receive fire it's not enough for you to say jesus trained us it's not enough for you to say we understood everything jesus taught before i am a teacher i'm a witness that's why he didn't send them out as teachers he didn't send them out as apostles he didn't send them out as priests he sent them out as witnesses you can witness through preaching you can witness through singing you can witness through teaching you can witness through miracles but by all means you must be a witness and what makes you a witness is a baptism of fire not many days from now you shall receive the holy ghost and power and you shall be witnesses unto me you can be an apostle without the baptism of fire you can be a teacher without the baptism of fire you can be an evangelist without the baptism of fire you can be a singer without the baptism of fire but you can never be a witness unless the fire of god comes upon you and what will substantiate your apostasy is the baptism of fire that comes upon you the moment they received it things changed they took over their city it is better to have the baptism of fire and not to have a title than to have a title and not to have fire because titles don't make you witness or weaknesses but fire will make you a witness from within me spirits come take over holy fire born upon holy fire holy holy fire holy fire you know when fire comes it doesn't have regard for your skin color it doesn't have regard for your age it doesn't have regard for demographic you may be male female it doesn't matter a black man will carry fire and enter finland everybody will be white but he will take the city a white man can carry fire and enter africa and it doesn't matter whether they are white or black he will take the nation because fire has no regard it doesn't have time for demographics for age at the age of 12 a boy carried fire and he confronted the doctors of the law because when fire comes he has only one testimony witness and when you come the kingdom rages out of you in fact john the baptist did not have courtesy he didn't even understand the strategy of ministry who does ministry in the wilderness but when there is fire it doesn't have regard for cutscene it doesn't have regard for laid down principle the bible said the guy left the synagogue he left the cathedral he went into the wilderness and he said the whole of jerusalem and judea meant to him fire the glory god he just knows how to burn and when he bombs whether your critics or your lovers all of them will be set up please so the gap that exists between a transiting generation and an emerging generation can only be bridged when there is a baptism of fire if fire doesn't come the labels of the patriarchs can be destroyed in one day because when you give the devil gap he will do a lot of heaven that's why in ephesians 4 27 it's a giving new place to the devil giving no place to the devil start to stand and say i'm standing is to receive the baptism of fire so that when the fathers go even though you are young and inexperienced you can step into their shoes because you will bring the level of weakness that they brought this was what happened between moses and joshua moses received what joshua received what moses carried and when moses left even though moses was like a god joshua was able to step in and only joshua conquered the one kingdom [Music] only joshua moses was the one that brought israel from captivity but he couldn't take them to the promised land it would have been a terrible god they would have perished in the wilderness the exploit and the wonders of egypt would have wasted but there was a man that received an impartation so when moses left it was the ministry of joshua that ensured that the assignment of moses was not wasted and joshua ably took them into the promised land a generation cannot emerge unless there is a baptism of fire thank god for the knowledge of scriptures thank god for character thank god for training but what substantiates our weakness the fire that carry this subject fire can never be on the mind he was a bully and a shining light that was the only way you could describe him he was a burning and a shining light so the revival fire is necessary because a gap must be breached between an exiting generation and an emerging generation number three fire is necessary [Music] because fire is what prepares god's vessels in malachi chapter 3 from verse 2 to 3 the bible began to show us how god professed his verses the way god prepares his vessels is to punch them [Music] so you cannot be an able minister until there is a baptism of fire on your life if the baptism of fire does not come the same mouth you used to bless you will use it to backbite the same heart you open to the lord to receive you will still have a man in that heart so you cannot go far because you will carry weight and sin that will beset you so the only way god touches and thoroughly punishes ministers is to release fire upon them so that they will thoroughly pause the songs of liver for them to bring an acceptable sacrifice to the lord he said having received a kingdom that cannot be moved let us receive grace to serve god acceptingly because our god is a consuming fire so the only way a minister can be prepared to bring acceptable worship is when like the sons of liver he is purged by the fire of god and when i begin to talk about the criteria for fire i will mention some of these things you will see why even though we are growing in number we are not growing in witness because there is a thorough pudging that needs to take place that has not taken place so we have many ministers but we have few abu ministers our ableness or ability is not predicated upon our number our ability is predicated upon the flames that we carry [Music] god prefers a young person [Music] that is sport than a wise man that doesn't have fire that was why he left a lie and went to somewhere i rather a vessel that is poured than an experienced vessel that does not allow room for budging that's why in second timothy 2 19 he said the standard of the lord's standard show he said the lord knoweth them that are his is a dead unlimited the name of the lord must depart from iniquity in a great house he says there are many vessels in the kingdom of god today there are many vessels and he says some unto honor some unto dishonor he began to even give us the nature of the vessels he said some are made of gold some of silver some of wood and some of it he said but all of that doesn't matter he said what matters is a man who punches himself you see if we touch ourselves then we become meat the word is qualified we become qualified so a minister will not be an able minister until a baptism of fire comes upon him because it is that project that qualifies him to be used or to be useful in the hand of the master [Music] so when we talk about fire it is too important because we may run this race to the end and discover we were not even qualified in the first place because they requisite budget we didn't give room to it why do we need fire number one because demons have no regard for titles they have regard for fire you see how we cause the fire that is within you to burn you to ashes so until fire comes demons don't respond he makes his angels spirits but his ministers not theologians his ministers not apostles and prophets not evangelist pastors and teachers his ministers flames of fire it's on the fire comes your office cannot be validated number two why do we need fire because we need to bridge the gap between an exiting generation and an emerging generation number three why do we need fire because fire prepares us and makes us able ministers say we thoroughly poured the sons of liver to bring an acceptable worship to the lord having laid this foundation i want to show us five [Music] requirements for the release of the fire of god many times we believe that fire rests on a man just because he's praying prayer is one of the important criteria for the release of fire but it is not the only criterion many people pray [Music] but god can use them [Music] so it's important for us to understand the disposition of the spirit that we must sustain in order to allow the fire of god rest upon us [Music] and of course by now in case you didn't know before you now know that you cannot establish the government of god unless you're on fire for god by now you already know that you cannot be relevant in god's agenda unless you carry the fire of god so it's important for you to understand what it takes for the fire of god to rest upon your life and like i said already it doesn't matter if you are young or old it doesn't matter if you are male or female it doesn't matter if you are white or black what matters is the fire that bonds upon your life because the business we are into is not just the business of men it's the business of spirits spirits are cardinally and functionally involved in this business that we are engaging so what are the requirements [Music] or the criteria for the fire of god to rest upon the man the first is that that man must present himself as a sacrifice to god if you study the scriptures there are two major things that provoke the fires from heaven to fall to the earth the first is judgment when god wants to judge a generation he raised down fire upon them because fire destroys you know spiritual things are strange they are strange in that god can use one thing and they will mean three different things in three different realms for example in the realm of god the seraphims walk in the midst of the cause of fire because in the realm of god air purifies in the narrative fire destroys [Music] in addition to purity in the demonic realm fire torments so why angels are walking in fire in heaven and be purified demons are walking in fire in hades they have been tormented because god is a wise architect the wisdom the remnant functions from the wisdom that sustains that realm is past finding out the same fire that purifies the angelic rain is the same fire that torments the demonic realm by what mystery does it work it is the mystery of the divine that's why we come to him and we open our spirit for his oracles too to sanctify us how does the fire of god rest upon you because like the angels who are also a messenger of god is to make yourself an offering [Music] when people are on the wrong side of god the fire of god comes to bring judgment but when people are on the right side of deity the fire of god comes to validate them to purify them and to empower them so a man who is in need of the fire of god must make himself an offering before god if you study the scripture every time god wants to accept an offering the token of the spirit that signifies acceptance in the name of god is the falling of the fire of god upon him in leviticus chapter 9 from verse 22 when moses and aaron prepared the sacrifice for the lord and presented it to yahweh the bible made us understand in verse 24 that the fire of god fell from heaven and concerned it so when you see a man under fire or the fire of god upon the life of a man is a testimony first of divine validation number two is a testimony of purity and number three is a testimony of weakness so if you want god's approval not man's approval then you must make yourself available as a sacrifice so that the fire of god which is the symbol of approval we rest upon your life but that fire will not rest until you become an offering [Music] if you are not an offering the fire of god can never rest upon you if you come into ministry with your agenda you can never be on fire for god if all you are interested in is the honor of man of god you will never see the power of god in your life if what motivates you is what you can get then you are not a candidate for fire you will only make up the number but the fire can't rest on you i'm a young man but by the mercy of god i've stood before kings by the mercy of god i have seen some form of honor both in and outside of this country but i know that what ministry brings is not the motivation for ministry it's a by-product every time you are given the privilege of sad service you see yourself as a servant you are like the donkey jesus ruled into the city the honor and the privileges of ministry is not the motivation for ministry the honor you receive in serving god is not the motivation for serving god the motivation for serving god is that you are an offering in the hands of yahweh that god receives an approach of you is enough motivation to give your life to be born the reason you see people serving god today for what they can receive is because they are not taught the things that matters so when people are pursuing god is because there is a promise attached both ministers and president alike when you see people gather around the place either a miracle is taking place or a prophecy is going on or they are sharing something they only come to god to take they have not had the revelation that we are called to be servants of the presence so when they come to god they come to god to use him they don't come to god to be used of god when you hear our prayers it is literally only with the things that we can receive from god you come for a video people will be sleeping until you begin to see that there is an anointing to break affliction in families until god begins to speak that is about to give open doors for businesses suddenly the auditorium we want to break down everybody becomes a prayer warrior but when you tell people to present themselves before the lord they begin to sleep because we have not caught the revelation of the honor of being a servant of god this is why many cannot be on fire we can preach loud we can preach fast but volume and speeding or trance is not fire [Music] men can be moved and excited because you are talking faster loud but it doesn't move demons when you are done talking they will give you cancer when you are talking the people who came with problem will go back with problem because demons have no regard for loud volume they ran where they came from they won't hear the voice of thunder enlightening so they are used to follow when god speaks his voice is like the sound of many waters so volume don't move them they already understand from the realms of eternity it is weakness of fire that moves them but when we come to god to use god [Music] even god knows in jeremiah chapter 17 verse 10 he said i the lord i test the heart i try the reigns to give to every man as his way should be so paul began to admonish us in romans chapter 12 from verse one he said i beseech you brethren by mercies of god that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice until a man presents himself as a sacrifice to the lord the fire of god cannot rest many people who are praying today are praying for selfish reasons there is nothing wrong in asking it's a as you will receive sick you will find but if your greatest motivation is what you can take from god you are not a candidate for god to use and you are not a candidate of the fire of god not for us are to concern about honor we preach honor the principle of honor it has become the totality of our message when we come to a place if they don't receive us with honor then our spirits have been affected we can no longer preach when i came here you didn't honor me so my spirit has scattered did you come to preach because of the people or you were sent by a king in the days of the apostles they insulted them they preached they entered certain cities they stoned them they stood up and they continued preaching but in our own generation when you come to pick the person he's checking the cars you brought why would you come to pick me with a car that was not air conditioned do you know the minister you came to pick do you know who that's why there is no fire we are too concerned about ourselves you came to preach because the minister didn't read your citation you couldn't preach well you didn't sense the anointing so nowadays before a man of god comes to preach they have to read his citation for 30 minutes the exploits that he has done the structure that he has when they are reading a citation then he stands like this an act humble but they did they don't read the citation that they can't preach because we are lofty we are high-minded we don't see ourselves as servants of god we don't see ourselves as slaves of the altar we still see ourselves like stars so we want to be treated like worldly stars and superstars when men understand honor and honor you god will reward them but with or without honor you are a messenger it is not the owner man gives you the motivation what motivates you is the fact that god himself picked you and asked you to stand as his mouthpiece nothing compares to the fact that you are an oracle of god so when you don't see yourself as a sacrifice the fire of god can rest on you if you like pray for 10 years at the end of the day nothing will happen because before a man ascend the mountain of god the bible said he must be of a pure heart psalm 24 from the street he must be someone that has not lifted his soul in vanity and his hands must be pure he said that's the man that can stand on the mountain of god [Music] i have been with young people for a while [Music] when you are praying for marital settlement even if you are shouting amen they won't hear the auditorium will literally want to explode but when you say let us pray for any good for what god wants to do to happen the whole place we shot everybody will become quiet the moment you start praying that god should settle them maritally the place wants to explode the moment you say that oh precious god wants to ordain some people or a man too is about to fall they always scatter because people only come to god for selfish interest we have not seen ourselves as sacrifices that's why it's so difficult for the fire of god to rest upon us the fire only rests on sacrifice anywhere the sacrifice is even if it's in the desert the fire will locate it everywhere the sacrifice is released before the lord the fire will fall upon it because the fire is sensitive to sacrifice so you want to see the fire of god for reviver you must quit that entitlement mentality you must quit that selfish mentality you must quit that self-centered ideology it is never about you it's always about jesus and his kingdom you are bought a servant a proverbial story was told about the donkey that took jesus into the city they were spreading rappers spreading pump fronts and he was walking on it and they were singing and the next day the donkey went back and called his colleagues and said i am famous in this city i came here yesterday people were literally singing my praise come and share my glory and when the donkey was walking majestically into the city nobody noticed that the donkey came and the donkey was wondering where were the people celebrating me yesterday that was when the colleague told him are you carrying anything on your back so i was carrying a man why he said you were created to carry buttons and to bear others so the honor you receive is a function of your service it's not because of who you are it is about christ so until you see yourself as a servant the resources of fire never rest on your life every time you see a generation burning you have seen a generation that have made themselves servants of christ every time you see a generation bringing witness and making impact it's not because they know the bible so well it's because they know the act of being servants so well paul said in first corinthians chapter four verse one he said we are servants of god therefore we are stewards of the mysteries of christ in acts chapter 15 verse 26 he said paul and barnabas men that has satan their lives for the gospel today you have to find people going to the villages we literally fight to be in city centers because we are not servants our philosophy and ideology is self-preservation it's self-exaltation it's self-glorification that's why we don't see fire ac colored lights smoke does not release the glory [Music] a man can be in the cave and yet the glory of god will be so thick people will come there and they will be slain under the glory and they will remain there for days the nations will come there kings of the earth they come there if the fire of god rests on the man you will be shocked the inconveniences that people will endure to find you you can be in the cave yet the glory of the world and the locus of the nation we endure pray and hardship to look for you just to behold your countenance that was why john was in the wilderness the bible said the goal of jerusalem and judea went to him that was his servant he didn't come into it for anything when jesus began his ministry his disciples wrote to him and told him that man you baptized the other day it's on the other side of the judge and men go to him he said i must decrease and he must increase that's the sermon there was nothing he was fighting to retain i must decrease he must increase jesus was coming and john said behold the lamb of god that takes away the sins of the world suddenly two disciples left him and followed jesus john didn't feel bad if it's in our day now it will be on facebook imagine because i brought him to preach for me he began to take my church members and the battle of church members we destroyed two churches the disciples followed him it wasn't an issue the man knew his calling he's a voice crying in the wilderness prepared way for the lord and when the pharisees came to him who are there are you the christ no i am not are you one of the prophets i am not who are thou give us an answer that will bring feedback i am the voice crying in the wilderness it was enough he was a servant because he sustained that servant mentality all the days of his life he bawled like the stars of heaven so much so that jesus himself testified of him is your four man born of women there is none greater than john hallearn [Music] our generation we accept the verdict of servants if only our generation we quit pursuing things and say lord serving you is enough we will take this world the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdom of our god and of christ in the days of the disciples the apostles of jesus they knew it so where that you could come to their midst and deacons can go take cities decades he said philip went to samaria he preached christ there the city was full of joy young people you are servants of god [Music] you are servants of god you are messengers of the kingdom don't pursue black jeep don't see men kneeling down for people and desire it those are by by-products every day you wake up realize that you are a servant what should motivate you is lord what is the next assignment you have for me this is how we stay relevant in this kingdom there is so much corruption in the body of christ refuse to be part of it sustain a servant mentality be simple about what you do sophistication does not translate to power of the most most of this the most sophisticated men in the world are sometimes the most powerless men you can be sinful yet full of god [Music] remain a servant of jesus don't begin to look down on your friends tomorrow because god is beginning to help you you are not bigger than them you are only being used more than them he said to some he said why you were small in your own eyes did i not make you king you want the fire of god in your life you must remain a servant you must remain a servant of god [Music] hope what i'm sharing is simple enough naturally i don't preach like this but there are many young teenagers here be a servant [Music] that's what will make you relevant some of you may not understand fully what i'm saying but the wars i speak they are spirit and they are alive they are entering your spirit man and they are settling there they will regulate your life number two [Music] what releases the fire of god on a man's life is his heart posture and basically what i will say here is the disposition of love [Music] when a man cannot walk in love it will be so difficult for him to be on fire for god every time god pours down his fire on his people one of the cardinal ingredients we find is a depth of love that is revealed in so much unity and forbearance in acts chapter 2 from verse 1 he said the disciples were in one accord he said when the day of pentecost was fully come the disciples were in one accord the bible didn't even mention that they were praying [Music] he said they were in one accord these guys were so much in love that they breached every gap that flesh could create the moment a people truly begin to walk in love god we vetted by the release of his fire he said in psalm 133 from verse 1 to 3 he said behold how beautiful and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in harmony instead it's like the dew the oil upon the head of error that runs through his beard down to his cat he said it's like the dew upon mount hemon he said there the lord commanded his blessings you know we think revival is just about prayer and about mistress we can be preaching so much mysteries but will be babes in first corinthians chapter one from verse three to four the bible said paul speaking concerning the church in corinth he said they know all mysteries they have all utterance he said they do not come back in any gift but in chapter three verse one he said are you not babes are you not khanna how can a people that know so much mysteries a people that have so much utterance to communicate the counsel of god a people so gifted how can they be babes and canada he said there is malice among you there is backbiting among you there is jealousy among you he says so you are like ordinary men so people who are preaching mysteries with so much utterance in the skills of the spirit forces the way ordinary men so statue in the spirit is not a function of how much mystery you know and preach when a man truly begins to come into maturity where god can commit the powers of kingdom too one of the signs is that he walks in love jesus was kingdom in matthew 18 from verse 18 about authority for territorial witness and jesus didn't talk about gifted men jesus didn't talk about men that have gone to heaven jesus didn't talk about men that walk with angels jesus said wherever two or three of you are gathered together in my name say there i am in the midst of thee and he said whatsoever you bind on earth is bound in heaven whatsoever you lose on earth is loosed in heaven so he wasn't talking about authority by some people who travel to heaven or those who walk with angels or those who knows mystery he said that level of authority is in harmony it's in unity that is provoked by love and peter understood the message and he came to him in verse 21 he said how many times should my brother offend me in a day for me to forgive him and jesus said 70 times seven times you can translate it just 77 times and you can translate it as 490 times but if it's 77 times that is one brother in one day imagine if you live with that brother for 10 days that's 770 times imagine if you have ten brothers that's seven thousand seven hundred times and jesus said because of unity or for the sake of unity he said let go of him and that unity is not just because you are so much of a forgiving person you see your authority in the territory depends on your forgiveness because if you allow your unity to be broken you may have vigils from january to december you will not affect the territory you may pray around the city all of you the whole church may walk around the city he said if you are not one in the spirit all of that is human activity there will be no authority so if you don't forgive him because of lope he say forgive him because the authority you wield over the territory is predicated upon your unity so the early church understood the place of love this is why poor teaching he said to bear one another's body and therefore fulfilling the law of christ the law of christ is the lord that opens doors and no man can close but you cannot walk in that level of authority unless you are able to forbid why do we enjoy to speak evil of our brethren why do we enjoy rumble about the errors and the mistakes of others what do we enjoy to do to others the things we will not have them do to us why does he appeal to our soul because love is not there so you love the story when they tell you a minister or a brother who was doing very well fair how does that translate with testimony when one fell there was a gap created in our army when it happens to one it happens to all of us how are we excited to share stories of the fall of others because we don't know love and because we don't know love god will be careful to release power on us because we use that power to destroy against ourselves it's a house divided against itself cannot stand so a strong man doesn't even need to come into that house that house is already operating on a protocol of self-destruction and self-annihilation [Music] you know many times when we talk about revival and revival fire people want the heart to be shaken and we'll be praying but we are praying underneath our heart at this garbage that we never allow the fire of god to rest if we want revival we must begin to love our neighbors as ourselves we must begin to love everybody passionately when we begin to love ourselves passionately we will not pray for one week before the fire falls but when there is a divide one of us will fast and die another person will see an angel another person will be carried to heaven but revival will not happen at the end of the day you will only have individual giants that you will reference to ah this person is a strong man of god this person is a strong man of god but you will never see revival because revival is a corporate reality and one of the things that makes for corporate existence is the lines and the threats of love god is tired of seeing individual giants i know there is somebody that that have dealt with 300 heavily glory to god but how has he affected the territory i know there is somebody that has raised 19 dead men thanks be to god how has he affected the territory i know there is somebody that has cleansed 30 madman i know there is somebody that has viewed 30 000 auditorium 50 000 editorial 80 000 editorial but how come it has not affected politics it has not affected the economy it has not affected the universities it has not affected the market woman because only revival can travel far enough to affect government to affect economy to affect the academia and revival is not provoked by individual giants the bible is provoked by a corporate entity and what makes us a corporate entity is when we allow love to have its way the fire will not fall until we begin to walk many times some of us even know so much that 90 percent of our message is either condemnation or self-commendation we are the only right people in the world so every time we say anything positive is i i i when i did this when i did that when i did that but any other time that the reference is not i it is condemnation no other person is right [Music] so we we even have the devil to fight the body of christ because of our pride we are the only correct people in the world so we cannot forbid when you hear that an apostle fail or irreverent fail or a venerable fail that's the sweetest news you hear that week everybody you know it becomes your gospel did you hear about venerable a my god i thought he was a man of god jesus christ so the gospel you will preach for one month is about the fall of a venerable and you will enjoy it you will be so skillful about it we know how to paint the picture that even if that venerable were to go through restitution nobody would believe him again because of the way you preach that gospel meanwhile you have been preaching jesus to people for 10 years you have not raised one standing disciple but you have preached the gospel before of the cannon and everybody you don't believe how come they believe your story about the fall of somebody and they cannot believe your story about the resurrection of jesus and then we talk revival we preach revival we prophesy revival the moment revival begin will be the ones to fight it imagine if god wanted to provoke a revival now and he decides to leave all of us and he goes to start with 15 year olds [Music] can we allow it if god ignores all of us because now that we are talking revival we are hoping that will be the ones god we use if we are not the agents of revival that god will use every other person will become an enemy imagine if god allowed all of us and go back to those who are 75 years old and begin to walk with them are we going to be humble enough to say wow god have started something and we go to them okay what if god decided to leave all of us were in church and begins with market women and the revival begins with market women can we tolerate that revival [Music] we will assume no it's not correct it can't happen but how can market women teach an apostle i'm an apostle of jesus christ what do they have to tell me what me a reverend god sit under a market woman no no no no something is wrong that thing when i studied it carefully i see that a demon has a hand from what i'm seeing the way she jumps and dances before she ministers to the sick i i don't know but i think that that operation is demonic it's demonic how can somebody dance for one hour before she begins to pray for the sick that's a ritual then the next person will say yes it can be true what are you saying that's a ritual and then the next thing we go and tell everybody that's demonic and we will truncate the revival what if revival begins and it doesn't follow the protocol you know it doesn't happen the way you know can you accommodate it the only thing that we preach [Music] is lord the bible say love covered a multitude of sins love prevails over judgment so the fire of revival will not rest until we allow the love of god dominate us make up your mind to be genuinely happy for anybody god is beginning to bless tell yourself i will celebrate it i will be happy for it just make up your mind tell yourself i will genuinely celebrate anything god is doing for somebody else up your mind tell your mind yourself i refuse to be envious i refuse to be jealous i refuse to speak ill of anybody i refuse to participate in any discussion when somebody slandered make up your mind to consciously begin to cultivate love consciously and you will see the spark of revival that will begin in your life number three what makes for the release of the fire of god is desire is desire there can be no outpouring of the spirit on a man or on a generation except there is a burning passion for the presence of god revival is not to preach every day revival is not just evangelism every day revival is a burning desire for the presence of god before a generation or a people can see an outpouring of the spirit there must be a strong desire that makes us step out of this tattoo school and seek the face of god there has never been a generation where revival or the father of god is poured out who did not desire god beyond the average treasure he said until you are endured with power and church history makes us understand that they were there for 10 days praying and calling upon the name of the lord it's not just prayer it's not just absent-minded speaking in tongues it is a prayer that is so effectual because all of our affection is poured into it when a generation have not consciously begun to desire god what they are pursuing is things and the fire will never rest the fire only rests upon heart that pass after god when you see a generation who begins to desire god's presence know that something is about to happen in heaven they can literally pull down the holy spirit they can literally pull down the fire of god because even god cannot resist a people who desire him he said to worship him in spirit and in truth he said the fire the father desires such he's looking for people that will pour their affection to him for people that will pour their heart to him he's looking for people that we dumped themselves on him it is that desire that makes us go to the place of prayer and we are never tired we never relate we are not just coming to pray because we are exercising our will and saying we want to pray for five hours we want to pray for 10 hours no when we come there we are intoxicated by the presence we are overwhelmed by the present we don't want to go back anymore the psalmist said in psalm 42 from verse one and two he said as the deer painted after the water broke the bible the bible the bible the emphasis you cannot capture the weight of that emphasis unless you study about the deer and find out the relationship the deer has with water when the deer is tested he doesn't notice anything nothing matters to him a deer can risk its life for water when it's tested even if lions are there even if crocodiles are there when he sees water and is tested he can pick the scent of water from 200 miles away and a deer can use its last breath to arrive at water it doesn't matter it would rather drink that water and die than to carry that test the test is so intense when the deer is tested you can hear the vibration and the planting of the deer from 50 meters away it looks as if it's dying if he doesn't find water it will be restless until he gets water the sun he said that is how my soul longs after you and in psalm 63 from verse 1 he said he desires to see his glory as he saw it in the temple there is nothing that motivates him more even when he goes to lie on the bed he said thy words are the meditations of my heart so the guy is not coming for a prayer meeting because he's a corporately organized prayer there is a burning desire for god and only when he looks upon him he be satisfied [Music] and he imparted the same hunger to his soul and the guy writing the songs of solomon from chapter one he said kiss me with the kisses of my mouth he said thy love is better than wine he said thy name is like the precious ointment even the ointment that is poured forth so when he thinks about god it's like an outpouring of endless fragrances he said because your name is like the ultimate portfolio it says so the virgins love you the virgins that love you he said we will not remember the stories of the wine we will remember the testimony of our intercourse with you in the bachelor that was the weight of desire that this man had god only only god mattered they could leave ministry they could leave family they could leave everything in pursuit of god and every morning they are there show me thy glory show me thy glory he said no go my angel will go with you i don't want angels i want the glory that's the level of desire that provokes an authority we are a generation where people want to speak about the angelic encounters they have they want to talk about the lofty things of the spirit but god is not there you will never see revival the bible told us of mary magdalene when she came to the tomb she saw the handkerchief of jesus it was not enough the napkin she saw it it was not enough two angels appeared to her it was not enough i want to see my master and the moment jesus said to her mary you could see the joy that broke out of her spirit that's a man of desire that man can be in the office but there is something burning in his spirit that man can go home that thing is still burning even when he goes to bed at night [Music] sometimes he's looking for the holy spirit to have a conversation every man that provoked revival this was their life the bible said concerning moses he sought the lord for 40 years he was sick the reason moses became a shepherd was not because he was looking for a job he only needed somewhere to see god and many times moses we would carry the sheep to hold he was looking for a quiet place where he could talk to the heavens he would come to order the mountain of god there was a search for god the man knew god so much that even when god decided to hide himself moses could find him the bible said in exodus 21 he said god hid himself in the deep darkness and he said mercies stepped into the darkness where god was there was nowhere the god that hides himself the over safania that's the dimension that only seekers can find not everybody can know the god that hides himself many no else shall die because elsa can give you bread you can come to earth and ask for bread you can ask at all you can ask for breakthrough in genesis chapter 18 from verse 1 the bible said abraham sat at the gate of mamrie he was having intimacy with god this is a man that had 312 servants in his house he had tattoos and husbands that he could not number but he will leave all of those things and he will be alone and he's seeking god and suddenly he saw three men walking the bible called that man but abraham knew that was god an ordinary man we think is a man but me i have done business in the secret place for a long time even when god removed the thunder and the light in it i can't recognize him i live in the secret place i bear there this is my habitation his desire is desire that's what provokes fire we have a generation of people that have become professionals so you can't find god seekers anymore but there are certain men that will not stop they keep chasing him they keep chasing him with the road moses brought down egypt but that was not enough if you raise 10 dead man today your ministry may end because you will talk about it for the rest of your life a man brought down egypt god promised it he said my angel will go with you it was still not enough he said show me thy glory you are the one i seek only you can satisfy he said no man can see me and leave he didn't care i'd rather die than not know you show me thy glory when he couldn't pass with god otherwise god said i will hide you by the cleft of a rock and i will cover you with my hand and my glory will pass by you you will not see my face but you will see my back because your desire is too strong i can't stop it when a generation becomes truly the sorrows of god the fire of god will fall it's not just prayer it's a hunger for the presence what is the depth of your hunger you will never see the fire until the depth of your hunger defies everything you know [Music] he wrote a book called god jesus we will never stop so long as we are on this side of eternity we will chase you we will seek you we will catch you and we will dwell with you i read the story of ezekiel israel was held in captivity but even the guy's liberty didn't matter to him he said in the 30th year in the fifth month on the fourth day i was among the captives by the river kappa the guy had lost his freedom but his freedom was not enough it didn't matter to him anymore even there he was this seeking god and he said i saw visions of god i saw vision of god i read the story of john they beloved they took the man they tried to kill him they couldn't kill him so they threw him to the isle of partners to die of loneliness and hunger purpose means death that's the island of death but even while he was in patmos he said i was in the spirit on the lord's day he wrote he said this he said i john your brother in tribulation so he was going through tribulation pain he was in hell yep he couldn't quench the hunger i was in the spirit on the last day i was in the spirit the guy made heaven his habitation as a man who can receive the fire of god we have become professionals we have become religious that's why the fire will not rest out of the ashes of madame today i see the breaking of a brand new day in which the name of the lord alone is close i see the breaking of a brand new day out of the ashes of my dying today i see the breaking of a brand new day in which the name of the lord alone is glorified i see the breaking of a brand new day jesus you are the light of the world jesus you are the hope of creation jesus more than all this you are jesus you are the knight of the world jesus you are the hope of creation jesus mother know this you are how many can seek him beyond titles how many can seek him beyond bread and wine how many can seek him beyond prosperity and a good life how many can seek him for who he is jeremiah was put in a pit in a soccer way but even while he was in the pit he kept calling on the name of the lord jonah was in the belly of a fish but even while he was in hell he kept seeking the name of the lord [Music] we are the god seekers of our generation we are the god chasers of our generation that's why we are left with theories philosophies ideologies that cannot carry the witness of god and we pray in the holy ghost for one minute if the lord can hear the vibrations of your heart [Music] you just tell him sincerely he's the object of your affection [Music] you will desire him genuinely and put the noise aside [Music] and say i want to know you for the apostle after all the exploit he said that i may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering he was not moved by the title of an apostle that i may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering you were blessed by the message you just listened to and wish to make jesus your lord and personal savior kindly repeat this prayer after me dear heavenly father i believe in your son jesus christ and that he died for my sins and was raised from the dead for my justification i therefore confess with my mouth that jesus is the lord of my life i receive eternal life into my spirit i am born again thank you father in jesus name if you just say this prayer please send us an email on emaildiscipleship or reach us on our website or to enable us to reach you and afford this the privilege to disciple you god bless you [Music] you
Channel: Apostle Orokpo Michael
Views: 10,222
Rating: 4.9560437 out of 5
Id: 6_IsEcRs0BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 53sec (5093 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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