Refiners Fire || Apostle Orokpo Michael

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ruin the holy ghost [Music] thank you father thank you father we give you praise we give you glory in jesus precious name amen glory to god you know thank you so much the soul was not created the project of creation did not actively involve the soul when god began the project of creation the bible said he created the spirit of man in genesis chapter 1 verse 26 he said let us make man the word is bara it means to make out of nothing so man came from the spirit of elohim the raw material for forming man was god himself because before god began the project of man he had carried out all the projects he needed to carry out in the civilizations that existed before the visible realm and in the civilization of the angelic realm god created those beings from light from fire from crystals all kinds of resources were used and mobilized to create the angelic being but when he wanted to create man the raw material at his disposal was himself so man came from within god and when god wanted man to function in the visible realm he decided to encase him in a mortal body and god made that body from the dust so the word for the forming of the body is the word assad so man came from the dust now the soul was a product of the convergence between the spirit and the dust so the soul was not created the soul became the bible said in genesis 2 7 that god put the spirit that he fought created from himself into the dust and man became a living soul now because the soul was not created you will now determine the direction that your soul should go so if you want your soul to go in the direction of the spirit its responsibility and if you want your soul to go in the direction of the visible world is also your responsibility therefore when men begin to mature in spiritual things one of the things they do is that they manipulate their soul so when we chant like this what we are doing is that we are manipulating our soul to fine tune with the sickness of heaven because if you leave your soul your soul can dwell in the visible realm and forget about the existence of the invisible realm that's why we're seeing that's why we chant we are trying to align our soul with the movements of the heavens because if you don't manipulate your soul your soul will remain vacant dormant and it will not flow in any direction the soul was not created it can move in the direction of the spirit and it can move in the direction of the body do you get that so you want to manipulate your soul this morning to align with zion you know many people don't realize that the things they see and hear about suffering are actually instruments for educating the soul the reason some people are flat all the time is because they have conditioned and programmed their soul to remain that way but white men know how to ascend in the spirit are we together praise the lord please sit down god bless you i have one hour this morning so i will stick to scriptures i will just explain them and in the last five minutes we will trust god for a leap if i command and we don't ascend i will use sound there are many instruments for ascension are we together learn how to walk in the spirit it's a conscious thing learn how to walk in the spirit don't just assume you will lie down one day and you'll become a master in spiritual things people must tie it and they do it consciously it's a hymn that's private for the mastery is temporary in all things that means you can master spiritual things but you have to be conscious about it and when you begin to master spiritual things one of the proofs that you are beginning you have begun to master spiritual things is that you begin to rule in the national realm rulership in the natural realm is a by-product of spiritual mastery a man who truly understands spiritual realm how the spiritual realm works we control the natural realm so all of us will be ministry but if your ministry begins to dominate there are things you are learning and puncturing in the spirit or punching in the spirit all of us can be in business but if your business begins to prosper it means there are some things you are touching in the spirit so the goal of the spirit is not to go there god saw the spiritual before he put us here but he knows we need that realm to dominate this realm so you must master spiritual things even in your academics there are some things you will know when you carry your book you will know what to read because not everything you are taught is necessary some lecturers just need to increase the volume of their notes and certain explanations are for dummies they explain it over and over and over and then you are reading five pages to understand one thing no it's not necessary when an excellent spirit comes upon you when you look at it you will know because we go to where the knowledge came from so you need to consciously master spiritual things consciously do it and this morning i want to share with us briefly on the fire of the holy spirit and then i will narrow down to the finest fire because the job of the fire of the holy spirit is not only to refine but refinement is very important but you know you will not necessarily make the most of fire until you step into the service of god it is in the service of god that the greatest use of fire is deployed so i'm talking to you today from this plane having the understanding that everybody here is a minister in his or her own right and god is depending on him to bring a form of service to his generation are we together and this is why we need to understand this subject you see i began sharing yesterday and i told them one of the basics of ranking in the kingdom is service and there are many qualifications for service in matthew chapter 23 verse 11 jesus began to share with us and he told us that the greatest in the kingdom must become a servant of all that means it is in service that we gain rank in the spirit a man who is not giving to service may talk about big things in the kingdom of god but it will be small and you will not know the implication of this more until we leave this war to the world to come that is when you realize that certain men on the strength of the service they offer to their generation they will be crowned there are settlements that will sit on thrones there are certain men that will be in close proximity with christ on account of the kind of service they render if you are in this world and you don't know about the reality of the world to come you may think it's nothing to serve so even when pastor is encouraging you to serve you think it's about his ministry he can't own this ministry he will leave this ministry behind his children we leave it behind it we continue it's an immortal dynasty it's not a it's not a it's not a a a a property that a man owns you can't own it very soon the ministry will spread to different nations you will not even the people that we had it will not be connected to you in any way but they will all be serving god at different level some of you that are serving here today very soon as you continue and grace begins to increase in your life this ministry may become the direction you will go in your life and you will find yourself in the city canada you will find yourself in somewhere mozambique you'll find yourself somewhere in the u.s deploying this same service not because of reverend hughes on you national missionary churches it is because of rank in the kingdom so service is very important because it's the basis for procuring rank in the kingdom of god but you see there are requirements for service if you study numbers chapter 12 the bible began to show us what gave moses so much stature in the prophetic office you know you would think moses had statue in the prophetic office because he could see and hear but when god began to speak because miriam and aeron began to attack moses is the only moses that he has god from verse one don't we hear god too that means hearing god and sin in the name of the spirit is not what give prophet stature a man may never hear or see in the spirit but he will have statue because they said don't we hear god too he's the only moses that he has god and suddenly the glory of god descended in numbers chapter 12 verse 3 and he said aeron moses and miriam step aside all of them had god at that instance all of them saw the glory of god but god wanted to introduce them to statue and god told them of all the men that have lived in this world moses is the meekest that means humility is one of the requirements for service in the kingdom so you are not serving god as a prophet because you see you are serving god as a prophet because you are humble and god can commit his oracles to you in verse 5 of that same scripture god said moses is faithful in all of the house of god so another requirement for service is faithfulness so there are many requirements in service humility is a requirement for service faithfulness is a requirement of counted facebook he said every steward is accounted of every word to be faithful of necessity a stillwatch must be faithful so there are many requirements for service in the kingdom of god but one of the most outstanding requirements for service in this kingdom is the baptism of fire you can be humble you can be faithful but if you don't carry the fire of god in the last day you cannot serve and i will show you why it's too important to carry fire there are many people who think serving god in the last days about character character is very important it can never be over emphasized in any corridor at any time but character alone is not enough because jesus had all the character for 30 years but he could not bring kingdom but when fire came upon him in three and a half years what jesus did was superior to what he did in 30 years so as important as character is service in the last day is a function of fire so any believer that doesn't carry fire will never serve god in the last day and i will show you why because there are many powers that will negate everything you carry they will come forceful they will come manipulative they will come deceptive they will come seductive if there is no fire in your life one of them must throw you down so it's always important that in addition to character and to training a man must be included with the fire of god in order to bring service in the last day and very quickly i want to show you four reasons why fire is very important to bring service in the last day number one fire is important because the demonic realm has been judged and the judgment on the demonic name is the judgment of fire so a man without fire cannot bring legislation to the demonic realm in ezekiel 28 from verse 8 17 to the bible began to reveal to us the kind of judgment you know judgment in the spirit is a function of intelligence it is the level of understanding you have and the height where you operate from that empowers you to bring judgment in the spirit realm for example in the spirit realm fire in the realm of god purifies fire in the natural rembons fire in the demonic realm torments so the same commodity but different realities now when god wanted to judge these spirits these are spirits how do you judge a spirit that is intangible how do you judge a spirit that is immaterial there must be an intelligence deployed in order to bring a sentence and religious litigation against the spirit and when god searched this alkyne one of the ways god discovered that a spirit could be judged is that the fire that he carries can burn into ashes so when he told lucifer he said you carried the multitude look at what he said he said thou has defied thy sanctuary by the multitude of iniquity by the iniquity of thy traffic therefore i will bring forth a fire from within you and that fire will burn you to ashes so every time we present fire in the demonic realm we remind them of the messianic judgment that's why a man who carries fire no demon can approach him in hebrews chapter 1 verse 7 he said he make it his angels spirits but his ministers not preachers his ministers not prophets his ministers no apostles he said he make it his ministers a flame of fire because if his ministers don't carry fire even if they carry the title of an apostle demons will make a mess of them the only way you can bring demons to their knees is when this reality begins to burn out of your spirit jesus was in the sanctuary for 30 years they knew him as a man of wisdom at the age of 12 he sat and spoke to the doctors of the law and they could not match the level of intelligence that he carried but in that same sanctuary demons sat down and they were having a few days until he returned with the baptism of fire the moment he stepped into the synagogue they began to cry out why have you come before your time have they not seen him before he was in that synagogue for 30 years what was the difference fire had been added to wisdom there was wisdom there was character but there was no fire because when he returned the bible said the land of the bulldog the land of naftali by the way of the sea beyond jordan gallery of the gentiles the people that sat in darkness there is an intensity that this man has brought he was in the synagogue for 30 years but with wisdom do you see why you preach to people here they remain demonized do you see why you go for evangelism you talk to the sister that you saw going for club on friday and she she feels oh she will never do it again next friday she's leading them because when you spoke you spoke wisdom you didn't speak fire if you speak fire beyond the reason you project and advance you will join the demons that rule over them because i will cause the fire that is within you to burn you to ashes a minister without fire have no testimony for his generation that's why he didn't send us out as teachers he made us teachers prophets apostles pastors and evangelists but he didn't send us answer teachers he didn't send us out as apostles he sent us out as witnesses because there is something of heaven we must carry and one of the realities of heaven we carry is the testimony of fire there are too many christians that carry no fire they are full of knowledge they are full of talk they are full of activity but there is no fire that's why even in their own company demons can live comfortably the same way that somehow and then suddenly they said what authority does this man have he does not teach like the scribes he does not teach like described for with authority his own doctrine came with authority because there was a backing of fire so everybody who wants to serve in this kingdom because service is the basis of ranking most of necessity receive the baptism of fire without the baptism of fire you cannot serve god in the last day without the baptism of fire you cannot serve god and if you cannot serve god you can't give rank in the war to come you see why fire is so important so we are not just coming to fall on the floor and feel excited we are coming to take hold on something tangible that we can present to our generation as a legal tender and in the spirit even demons we see it and obeyed fire empowers you for the mandate of the kingdom that is upon your life without fire you will only preach to men spirit we have no regard for you without fire you can only bamboozle men but the territory will not shift but when a man of fire shows up everything he says is first of all an oracle in this video number two fire is the seal of divine approval there are many things a man can do but until this element of fire comes upon him there can be no assurance that god approves of him in the old testament when a sacrifice is presented to god the proof that god has received it is that fire comes down from heaven and licks it up so in scriptures the proof of divine approval is one of the proofs of divine approval because there are many is the fire of god that is resident upon the man because a man can set himself on fire if you set yourself on fire my friend said is suicide but when god sets you on fire it's called revival so one of the seal of god upon his vessels is that they are set of fire perpetually that's why in second timothy 2 19 he said the standard of the lord's standard sure therefore god knoweth them that are he is and he say him that name the name of the lord must depart from iniquity he said in the greatest house there are many vessels and he said some is unto honor some is unto dishonor he says a man purges so the protocol of pudging is the protocol of fire so when the fire of god rests upon the man the seal of god falls upon that man in zechariah chapter 13 from verse 9 the bible began to tell us god himself said it is after he has punched these people with fire that they will call upon his name and we answer them because the answer of god is a proof that god is with them but he said it will not happen until he has punched them with fire if he has not bought them zechariah state investment if he has not touched them they will not have the right in the courts of heaven so he said after he has pushed them they can call upon him and he will answer them he said and now we bring the third part through the fire and we refine them as silver is refined and i will try them as gold decide they shall call upon my name and i will hear them and i will say it is my people and they shall say the lord is my god so fire impacts upon a man the steal of god when a man lacks fire there are many things that are not right in his life but when you see a man truly burning for god then know that god is close to him there is something about divinity at work in his life because it is god burning through him and i will tell you what fire is because a lot of us don't really know what fire is we think it's about shouting in church no it's deeper than that it's deeper than that you can go to territories and talk about god don't be quick to start shouting and making decrease until god has given you some level of assurance because this business there are spirits involved there are many people that have gone to born shrines and they became crippled because they come out of iniquity and they think just by calling the name of jesus everything is where the iniquity they are involved in is already a betrayer of their stand in the spirit so you cannot be in the demonic side and wants to fight against the demonic society we with you so when fire is not really in your life don't just come out and impress men by shouting i know our generation many young people living in secret scenes but they come to church and they pray tongue louder than everybody because they think fire is capital later tongues but their heart is backing some will pray and carry chair up to show you that they're on fire some of them will distract me who are detouring them you can't even pray so many times when a mature believer wants to pray he avoids children and if he must pray with them he will go and face the war somewhere because the destruction is too much and they think that destruction is fire somebody somebody's praying he's not walking like this like a robot it is the seal of divine approval in first corinthians 3 from verse 13. he said when that day comes god will not try everything with his knowledge even though he knows all things he said he will try every man and his works by fire i know who is just i know who is unjust i know who is right i know is wrong but i will not use my knowledge because divine seal for approver in the spirit is fire so when you show up in zion you will walk through fire your walk will walk through fire so if you have not walked through fire in time you are at risk when you get to zion because that's the same commodity god will use to approve and to validate validate man number three fire activates seasons in people's lives i know god has called you to serve him but one of the alarm systems of zion that we activate your season is when measures of fire begin to come upon your life and those of us that have a walk with god by mercy we know when god wants to shift to you we know the intensity level will change because it will be required for witness at that level that's why jesus like i told you already was walking through nazareth but in matthew 3 16 he had need to be baptized because he knew he wanted to step into another city and when he came to the jordan river john dipped him in water brought him out and the holy ghost descended upon him descended upon him this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased his season has been announced and he went into the wilderness to be tempted when he he brought witness at that level he returned straight ministry started he entered the synagogue and began to teach straight because that fire was the seal of his ordination in the spirit he didn't wait for anybody to say are you sure you are the one who carried the book of isaiah and read it and when he read it he said today this scripture is fulfilling your eyes he knew that verse of scripture from when he was a child but there was a fire that needed to activate that season and when he came he opened it and he read it today they thought he wanted to read it and close it as usual when he read it he stood before them and said today this scripture have been you are not a hebrew man so you don't understand the implication the carriage stone immediate stones immediate what what are you what are you saying you discapping that son i was a carpenter now i am messiah [Music] i was a carpenter for 30 years but the one you are seeing now is your messiah whether you like it or not the fire has come the season has been announced the disciples walked with jesus for three and a half years thank god you have learned the requirements of discipleship he said butari in jerusalem until you are endured with power you will need an activation for the season of your ministry not many days from now acts 1 8 you shall receive the holy ghost and power and they said wow that's beautiful we will begin to function like jesus in luke 24 49 he said parry wait don't run out with doctrine don't run out with stories don't run out and tell the people we know jesus there is something that will activate you wait for it because if you go and say you know jesus they will nail you the way they knew jesus if you go and say you and the problem is they will nail you before your time parry until you are endured to the waiter and in acts chapter two from verse one he said when the day of pentecost was fully come they were together in one accord and suddenly they had the sound as of a rushing mighty wind and the power that he promised they landed on them but the way it landed was a stones clothing tongues of fire instantly they knew the season had come the people that were hid for many days suddenly opened the door and they entered into the market where the service was going on and they say repent for the witches of sin is death who are these people where are you coming from our season was just announced nobody was there we were in a close room but fire came when god wants to announce your season he doesn't need to do it in a stadium it's religious men that are looking for men to stand and say this is this person and they are looking for fraternity no you can't do eternal service like that eternal donations are activated by fire e.a.r.d.a i respect grace and god knows that i respect without my heart but as mighty as he is as mighty as he is is not the seal of divine approval himself we wait until god fall upon you before he leaves his hand on you when men become big they wait for god they know they don't do things in the flesh but you see our generation we are looking for people to gather so that in the midst of five thousand people they will now call you out and say this is an apostle and then you will come and say hey i was announcing that person you will go nowhere but if you're in your bedroom and that fire comes upon you you don't need to tell anybody when you come out the fire itself will announce you that there is something this man carries that is of heaven this is what the disciples do they didn't come out and say where were jesus christ did you see me that day when jesus was preaching in the market i was the one standing by his left-hand side are you not aware me that was carrying the boss okay wait wait since you don't remember let me tell you that day that mary poured away on his leg did you see that i came to complete that's our generation we carry pictures put everywhere we try everything to showcase human validation but heavenly validation is not on our head the disciples didn't tell anybody it was the people that discerned when they saw the fire that was on jesus on death they said this men have been with christ fire is what activates your season god can say in 2020 he will make you a prophet if the fire doesn't come you will not become it's not enough to carry a prophetic word you must carry a seal into the world and that seed is fire it's fire but many don't have it number four why is fire so important because fire purifies the reason you can walk through a corrupt world and remain a weakness is because you're on fire there are many things you hear that we dent your soul there are many things you will touch that we dent your soul some consciously and some unconsciously but it doesn't matter whether it was conscious or unconscious when you touch the definement you will be defined what will keep you pure is the fire of god that constantly purifies you this is why it's so important because even though god activates your season even if god validates you even if god commissions you the day you become defied you disqualify yourself so you will need the insurance system of fire to constantly walk in the courts of god and bring the witness of zion the day of fire begins to go down you have become vulnerable you don't need a prophet to tell you the day your fire begins to go down just know that you have failure waiting to happen you are a fall waiting to manifest the only thing that will keep you going is as you keep burning like a flame that's why he said a man who is not on fire cannot bring service to god because god knows that that man is potentially falling in malachi chapter 3 verse 2 he said god will appear in the sanctuary and we purify them and purge them by the fullest and by the purifying fire and he said he will thoroughly purge the sons of liver so that they will bring an acceptable worship or service to god so when a man begins to lose his fire even god will no longer receive his service because he knows he's just waiting to fall he has become empty he has become a city without war he's just for the time the white peace will come they will definitely devour him but when a man is burning he can walk through the sanctuary of god at any time he is qualified to bring service because fire is an instrument of purification when fire comes upon a man he will of necessity podium and the goal of the project is not just to say i am holy the goal of the project is to provoke acceptable worship in hebrews chapter 12 verse 28 you say have you received a kingdom that cannot be moved let us receive grace whereby we serve god acceptably for our god is a consuming fire that means service and fire must always go hand in hand the day fire departs service ends you can be singing but you are not serving god at best you will be a vocalist and the beauty of your worship will be the quality of your voice but somebody who carries fire when he comes up and he begins to sing heaven moves through sounds a man can download the government of zion into bsu you don't need prophets and apostles to bring government here a sermon can come to this campus and download heaven download encounters download angelic dimension and it will set a revival in this land because it's not about the title you carry it's about the weight of witness you can bring on account of the fire that is upon your life when fire is on a man's life his pulpit is not this wood where he manifests in the lives of men you will see somebody come upon him for god and he tells you i encountered reverend hills he comes up blessing things are happening everywhere when you look at the people closely you begin to see the signature of the men that touch them when they speak in tongues you can tell i see dr paul here when they speak in tongues you can tell i see reverend chris here so their manifestation ground is not the prophet it's in the lives of men because they have raised this man as offering to the lord so when you see people you can see their signature on these people they carried so much fire so they became the burning incense in the lives of many why is fire important it purifies you for service now what is the fire of god i will try to give you three definitions quickly the first definition for the power of god is an unending passion for his presence not for walk it's an unending zeal for the presence of god he said the zeal of my father's house not the zeal for service the zeal of my father's health has consumed me in john chapter 2 verse 17 the zeal a man can be preaching he's not on fire i'm preaching very well a man can be singing he's not on fire when the fire of god is on your life you are obsessed about the presence of god you are literally obsessed it becomes even difficult for you to leave the presence of god to do something else god will have to push you to go out and serve him you will be so obsessed about god that god becomes your all experientially not what you say who you are the zeal of the lord will eat you up but i was sharing yesterday and i told them close to 90 percent of believers have no walk with god because even though we are praying loud shouting and doing a lot of activity very few are still burning for god in the days of our fathers many of them went to sleep upon our mountains seven days every month some 14 days every month and i'm not saying go to the mountain because you can do it in your bedroom but these guys were obsessed about god when they sat down and they are talking it's always about god what god did to them what god showed them every month somebody carries his back every weekend he has gone to the mountain on monday he's coming back and he's coming back to go to work they were not idle they were doing this there was so much energy because when they go there they come back refreshed somebody can come from work and do a video alone in his bedroom from night in morning you will hardly find christians now that do individual videos even when we come for corporate vigil we use one hour to add drama we use three hours for praise and worship we use four hours for all that days then we use 30 minutes to pray because we don't have men that have stamina to contend in the spirit so we look for all sorts of distractions and even with that one hour of drama two hours of dancing some people are still sleeping because the energy of god is no longer there when you give them might they can preach but they know they don't carry the energy of god they don't have the stamina to stand in god's presence there is no fire you can shout because you have a baritone voice i will tell you these things i know it because i've experimented all of them when you see people who shout naturally they have a loud voice so shouting is not necessarily a sign of fire you can preach love because you are young and there is so much secretion of adrenaline but that you are preaching loud and fast does not mean you carry fire if you want to find out the indicator of the fire of god in a man's life find out how many hours can it turn in god's presence and not just because he's exercising his way but because he's lost in intimacy that's a man who is on fire he stands with god and he loses track of everything if you tap him he comes from an encounter and he can do it as a routine one of the things that challenged me about reverend his life when we lived together for two years every day three a.m he has woken up every day and he praised the money i said what is this come what are you doing here what kind of discipline is this i'm telling you every day we will be around praying sometimes sometimes justin in the palace the moment is ten o'clock he say man of god good night say i wait now let's just complete this say good night because he must wake up by three am even if he doesn't preach for the rest of his life his mom fired many global evangelists because there is a force of the presence that commands his attention that's the mystery of high places the mystery of high places is that they command worship so a man who understands the workings of his spirit one of the things that show that is on fire is the pulling power of that spirit upon his soul there is nothing he can do otherwise even if he's in the market when that time of convergence comes he will lose taste for everything he can be in the office when that time comes the spirit begins to pull him he so can sense the moves and the movement of the spirit he will pull him from wherever he are he is even if in the midst of a conversation no matter how sweet he is when that time comes his body begins to itch him because there is another fellowship the fellowship of the divine that's a man who is on fire you are not on fire because you are shouting in church you are not on fire because when prayer was going on you carried the plastic chair up you are not on fire because you are shouting and jumping everywhere you are just being a young man when you are 50 years old you will drop the plastic chair and you pray to god number two how do you know a man is on fire the second sign of fire in a man's life is the move of the spirit in his soul every time there is a spiritual activity going on in his phone that guy can be on a bike a song is playing he doesn't know how to shut it up the holy ghost have taken over his place because he has opened the door jesus said i stand at the door and knock if any man opens he said i will come in and stop with it that's a man of fire that man can be talking to you god is talking to him at the same time that man can be on a bike god is talking to him he wakes up in the morning and there's a song in his spirit he doesn't activate it he's who his soul has become a spiritual embassy yes right that's what happened to jesus he said you will see angels ascended and descended from the head of the man of the son of god that's a fire to man a powerful man is a man that always carries spiritual activity in his soul there is always a movement of the spirit in his life when a man loses fire that movement is truncated it is replaced by movie stories and the lust of this life but when a man is on fire he will be alone and having fun and you are wondering who are you talking to you can't tell he has many visitors many times and sometimes this thing will graduate from your soul to your environment i read the story of maharishi of mankind somebody visited the guy was so on fire oh god of mercy he prayed until a point came god took him and took him to a cave and when this guy sadhu sunda sin saw him he was 400 years old at that time because the lord took his heart exchanged his heart and said he will not die and when he met him in that mountain the guy was naked but every hair on his body was long as long as his height so he was clothed with hair and the guy fell and fainted he thought he made the white beast and when he woke up this man did some things and woke him up and he said who are you he said wait saint francis is here and the moment he says saint francis is here they appeared in heaven and they came back it was like five minutes the man said we have been in heaven for seven days he had trafficked heaven and earth until he could calibrate the spiritual time as against the natural time you can go to heaven for one second and you will not know that is one year on it but there is a man have trafficked the two reps so much that he knows the mentoring parameter between these two realms he said we've been in heaven for seven days he said well now let me talk to you and he began to tell the man his story he told him some of the revival meetings you have what happens is that god appoints some of us to attend those greetings and sometimes we come with the spirit of just being made perfect so you are an emitting power of god is moving when you have not given command maybe a being entered the auditorium you were not aware these are these are see the reason the church can't fail it's not just because we are praying there are many mysteries that guard our existence the devil can't understand it there are many men today that god has separated from civilization to keep us intercessive over the church just in case the intercessors of a generation fear there are many other intercessors that god downloaded from another generation that's why the body of john was not found today john is one of the intercessors of the church so even if all the intercessors in this generation faith there are many like john praying the church will stand but it takes fire to enter into that level of spiritual traffic fire is not just activity in the natural it's not activity on the external it's activity within within there are many whispers of the spirit there are many movements of the spirit in your soul so much so that you are so inspired that it becomes difficult for you you you you find it difficult that's the man of fire that is the movement of the spirit perpetua in the soul i'm not talking while you're here and preaching and you say oh god help me help me which preaching sometimes a man is he's so much on fire that if he enters a meeting and you are not talking from where he is he will leave you in that meeting and he's in a trance i'm not talking this loveliness of men that look down on ministers that's not what i'm saying i'm talking about intense spiritual trafficking your soul that if a man doesn't enter that atmosphere he can't bless you you will leave the meeting literally and the next time you appear in the meeting they are sharing grace you say what happened what did they preach you were in another world that's the that's what men must carry to to escape the defilement of this generation and this may not be for ordinary believers anyway but those who are pastors they understand what i'm saying fire a spiritual activity in the soul of a man and i tell you the truth everybody is on fire it just depends on the spirit that is burning within you there are many people that are born with big brother nigel every second they will tell you everybody that were evicted from the house from the last five seasons they don't need to think there are many people that are born with man united astray and chelsea i was there they used to come in sky wide i can tell you the history of astra from more than 100 years i can narrate everything i can tell you all the matches they played in the season who's called the time when they scored i was on fire for football see when it's friday our body begin to eat us because we can't wait for saturday and those days we didn't have money to pay for matches so what we do is that we go to the studio around 9am and sweep everywhere so that we'll have a seat so we sweep the hall tidy the hall arrange all the benches and then they give us a slot we will sit there from monday tonight when we finish premier league we enter la diga and when we finish la liga sometimes we know if we come that day we are finished but we will not remember it's around 8 30 our heart now start beating jesus i've not gone home since morning and then when you are coming home you are sneaking you will go to the window and give your sister sign i am the one tonya tonia i have the one open the door open the knot and my sisters will come i opened it you will not hear all they'll be telling you you're not here and then sometimes when you are entering there you will see my dad in the palace waiting for you they will deal with you that night me and my friend their house was opposite hours sometimes when i successfully escaped our check in the window then i'll see him the father said lie down here and they will flock him around 9pm meanwhile your food they kept it it has it has become cold but you forgot about food because of the burnings in your spirit you are not only concerned about whether us now we win when arsenal wins you are now checking whether man you will lose and jesse will lose because you need to go up on the table those are the things burning in your heart so much so that you forgot you have not eaten the whole day how old were you 12 years but there was so much fire for football that you can get food meanwhile there are many christians today because of the dryness of the holy ghost in their soul they can't even fast at 12 o'clock there's no fire when a man is on fire he can enter the room of prayer and the next time he comes out is three days you ask him ah were you not hungry who is talking hunger i stepped into eternity something was moving in my spirit that made me defy food that's fire it's not activity on the outside it's activity on the inside time is flying jesus christ we're out of time we're out of time i wanted to show you how to receive the fire of god and then pray for you the thought thing about fire is spiritual empowerment when a man is on fire when he does things there is a supernatural backing i showed you already from zechariah 13 verse 9 he said when they call upon me i will answer them so a man cannot claim it's on fire when there is no spiritual response when he speaks or carries out a feet they prove that you're on fire is that there will be response every time you move because you have become one with the move of the spirit ah let's pray the holy ghost we're out of time one of the things that costs for the release of the power the fire of god on a man is when he makes himself an offering because the fire of god will always fall upon the offerings presented to god when an offering is presented to god the fire of god must fall upon it so you want to be on fire for god you must remove that proud mentality that you are you are a ruler you will come before god as an offering that's why i said to present yourself as a living sacrifice when you go into the world you are a king you are a lord but when you come before god you are an offering you will hardly find a proud man who is on fire he can talk lofty but he will never see the fire of god the seal of god's fire only rest of men have seen themselves as servants of the presence when you are high-minded pray for one year the father of god will come upon you because god will only resist you you will remind him of the luciferious rebellion the fire of god can only follow a man who has become meek lonely of heart and humble you want to see the fire of god in your life you must remove this high-mindedness in our generation where people come talk big things exaggerate things move around with pride and arrogant looks it will never impact the fire of god on you even if the most fireful person lays hands on you nothing we before your pride and arrogance will resist it you want to see the fire of god in your life you must desire it if you don't desire it you can't have it you must come to a point where you tell yourself enough is enough lord baptized me with fire when he told them tarry church history made us understand that they carried for 10 days but they wouldn't leave it's either we are baptized or we die here if you don't baptize us with fire we will not live here when you get to that point the spirit of god knows he knows that something must have to fall upon you and he will release it generously to this morning you have a desire for the fire of god ask him ask him ask him ask him ask him ask him for that fire because it will only fall on those that have a craving for it i'm not stretching myself i'm not staring it will fall on those who desire it even if it's one person it will fall on him even if he's two it will fall because a man who doesn't desire doesn't even need it in the first place ask him to baptize you with fire i know you are a worshiper but how far can your worship go in the spirit what is the impact your worship can create on ground i know you are a preacher but how far can your voice travel how far can your voice break through the importance of society can your voice break through the hearts of men can your voice cut across the bottom lines of divide between cultures how far can your voice echo in the spirit i know you are a businessman but how deep can you travel how deep can you transact you need fire you need fur because it's one thing our generation is lacking you were blessed by the message you just listened to and wish to make jesus your lord and personal savior kindly repeat this prayer after me dear heavenly father i believe in your son jesus christ and that he died for my sins and was raised from the dead for my justification i therefore confess with my mouth that jesus is the lord of my life i receive eternal life into my spirit i am born again thank you father in jesus name if you just say this prayer please send us an email on emaildiscipleship or reach us on our website or to enable us to reach you and afford this the privilege to disciple you god bless you [Music] you
Channel: Apostle Orokpo Michael
Views: 7,951
Rating: 4.9254079 out of 5
Id: pBVjd1bIxAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 21sec (3021 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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