Gmod FNAF | Puppet Is Alone!

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[Music] all right the counter is looking pretty clean everything is nice and set up huh something tells me today is going to be an excellent day oh i got a nice good day ahead of us and uh oh wait a minute we're closed today so uh no customers um are gonna come here today but hey that's okay that's okay still got all of my friends um none of them are none of them are over here so um huh all right well um i mean i finished cleaning everything up so uh i guess i'm gonna go see what people are up to today um yeah i guess i guess i don't really have any plans then today um yeah i'll just see what everyone else is up to today i i wonder what freddy's up to and uh let me see what freddy's up to us yeah he's in his office and uh oh all right roxanne so what were you wanting to talk to me about all you do is work you work work work well hey listen i didn't want to do this either but this is what i have to do all right see look at this stuff look at all these stuffs and look at all these graphs i have to keep up with see roxanne come here come here let me explain this to you ah okay fine all right so wait what is all this stuff all right so listen look at this look at this graph all right see this right here this is the pizzeria all right so um yeah okay well i i figured it was based off the pizzeria but which what do the lines represent all right so basically here i'll show you what the lines represent so right now the blue line right here this is our popularity all right this is our popularity so this is based off how many people know of freddy fazbear's pizza all right this is numbers based off okay got that okay i got it all right but however you see this red line down here this line represents the amount of people who actually come to the pizzeria and spend money um okay and this green line is the amount of money we've gotten well i mean it's gotten up recently why is that well the reason why it's gone up recently is because we actually started opening up the pizzeria um recently again so that's why the money has started to come up more but wait that wait hold on a second this doesn't make any sense to me if that bottom line is about the amount of people that come here and if that line's going down why is the money line going up if less people are coming how are we getting more money oh that's because i charged them more uh oh my goodness see look i don't want to do this stuff but this is what i have to do all right do you think this is fun for me do you think i actually enjoy this i mean yeah cause that's all you do i mean i enjoy some of it some of it's very interesting but i mean it's long and boring but hey somebody's gotta get it done and that somebody is me so i'm going back to work but when can we do something together oh okay fine after after after i finish work for today uh maybe i mean you can go i don't know get dinner or something okay that sounds good yo here you oh hmm yeah pretty freddy's just hanging out with roxanne okay all right well i guess i guess he's busy i don't want to i don't want to interrupt them i still can't believe freddie met her whenever he went on that vacation or whatever he took and then now they're dating like what the heck like all right well whatever um all right well i there's other people you know i gotta go see what everyone else is up to and cupcake toy cupcake toy cupcake winter cupcake cupcake okay okay okay cake oh hey look it's the little cupcakes hi cupcake oh and they're gone okay um oh well they look nice um all right well let's see uh i guess let me see what everyone else is up to today um all right and uh and oh hey look bonnie and cheek are on the stage but nobody really likes bonnie or chica but hmm they do seem to be getting along together i i wonder what they're talking about what are what are they discussing right now uh hey chica hi bonnie uh isn't today such a lovely day uh i guess so i mean technically the outside sky hasn't changed in uh how many years how many years have we been doing this oh uh well i mean this is a nice sun right here look at this shiny sun i mean it's not really it's made out of wood you can see the planks and it's all cracked this is pretty old we i think we need to replace this oh um well uh uh uh these are nice clouds aren't they no they're not i mean some of them pop out but the others are painted it just doesn't even they don't look good together oh well huh okay well that's just an awkward conversation all right well i don't really care then uh what do you want to do today i don't know i just want to do nothing you are nothing yo that sounds pretty good to me yo i think it's night time yeah you know just sitting here doing nothing you know it's always nice and stuff you are yeah it do be nice being able to relax your yard yeah the pizzeria is closed today right yeah it is close today all right good all right you are don't have to talk to nobody else oh you are it's time for a good old pirate nap yahar oh oh okay i guess uh i guess foxy and mangle are just i guess foxy man girl and mangle are just gonna sleep together huh oh well let's see what everyone else is up to and oh hey look it's foxy junior and fred oh man but uh i really do think there's something weird about that balloon kid don't you think man well i guess so i mean you do act a little clay i know i act crazy but he also got crazy yeah i mean i don't know i don't know if we should be friends with with balloon boy and jj i mean they're kind of crazy and oh uh hi uh what do you want oh nothing i was just wanting to see how y'all are y'all are doing today hi oh we're doing good all right so anyways as i was saying oh okay um i will enjoy that and bruh are you serious oh my goodness well there's gotta be somebody who's who's not already hanging out with somebody today and uh oh what are what what's going on over there uh hey hey toy chica what oh hi toy bonnie what's up uh nothing i was i was i was i was just wanting to see what you're up to uh well i mean i'm not really up to anything right now um are you all right you're acting kind of weird well i'm not acting weird you're acting weird are you okay you're shaking a little bit uh i'm fine i'm not nervous or anything like that uh um uh but uh oh god wait here hang on you stay right there for a second uh okay where's my note card okay no no card approach approach the whammon okay greet the way i'm in and then tell the why i'm in okay all right all right i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this all right so uh hey hey toy chica hi toy bonnie i i already said hi to you oh fr dang it that's right but anyways uh hey i wanted to talk to you about something uh yeah what's up shadow freddy i think this is a perfect opportunity oh no what are you gonna do this time wait are you just gonna turn them into toys guess what guess what guess what you're gonna you're never gonna believe what's gonna happen watch this you stay right there and watch oh no i think i know where this is gonna go [Laughter] all right well toy chica we've known each other for a long time yeah we've been good friends right yeah well anyways i was i was um always wanting to know if uh toy time look at you guys you guys are little toys now what the heck man hey turn this back to normal uh uh uh shout out freddie shadow freddie come like oh my gosh you've done the same joke so many times man but isn't it so funny look at them they're so tiny and they can't do anything to defend themselves oh no i don't want to be a toy anymore and hey hey that's right hey turn this back to normal turn us back to normal and turn it turn you back to normal or what what will you do uh i'll have to fight you oh yeah well uh try fighting this oh my gosh come on let's go cause some more chaos yay oh god i gotta make sure he doesn't get in trouble wait get back here oh man everyone has someone to hang out with today what the it's unfair there's gotta be somebody that's not up to anything and uh oh wait wait wait i know who the wizards i got to see the wizards i haven't checked on them let's see what are the wizards up to um um they're not alone are they all right wait wait wait i just thought of something yeah yeah this is it's all doing uh hey look everyone's in here yay hi everyone uh you're oh hi puppet uh you're what be up you need something uh no i don't i just wanted to say hi to you guys you guys are my friends i wanted to see what y'all are up to oh um well we were currently in the middle of an important withered meeting uh a withered what where third me ten oh this is this is the our meeting that we come together because we are wizard and we cannot perform so we always have our daily discussions of being a wizard's animatronic oh okay well can i join uh you are well you you be not a withered uh so uh sorry but uh no oh okay well i'll let you get back to your thing bye pulpit bye all right so as i was saying guys as as withered animatronics i think it's only a wise decision to go out into the open during the daytime whenever the children are here and go up to them and give them big hugs no that's a terrible idea yeah they might be thinking we're gonna eat them or something yo that'd be an awful idea but i think it's a good idea it's not a good idea oh man no one wants to hang out with me everyone everyone already has all their friends and stuff like that and i just gotta i gotta think of somebody who is somebody in the pizzeria who's just like me you know that has nobody else who is somebody else and uh who's someone i can hang out with uh oh i know someone who's probably alone toy freddy nobody cares about him right i mean i don't think so at least i gotta go find toy freddy um okay let me see if i can find toy freddy dupe i think he hangs out over here somewhere and uh oh hello oh oh hi oh hello uh your your name is puppet right yeah my name's puppet what what are you all up to oh we were just uh discussing uh michael was just telling me about his new security job yeah i'm the secure i'm the brand new security officer officer of freddy fazbear's pizza oh wow that's that's really cool um you team two seem like good friends oh we're more than just friends we're basically brothers yeah we're brothers oh okay that's cool oh so uh what's up oh well i was wondering if any of y'all have seen toy freddy oh he's still he's the dude with the red striped hat right yeah i think yeah he's actually in that room right there oh okay thank you oh so anyways what were you saying about your job well yeah she i recently got the security off it's a security job so now i get to stay in the security office from now on well that's so cool michael how much do you get paid for it how much do i get paid for it what do you mean what you said you just got a job as the security officer yeah i did but don't you make any money from it how i oh no you see i um i talked to the person who owns this place i what was his name oh yeah freddy i talked to him about it and he said i could um i could live in the security office and um i could be the security guard but i have to pay him wait let me get this straight you got a job here but you're paying them and you're not getting paid for it yep well holy freak that's a steal that's a great freaking deal i know right man i know right let's go let's freaking go man it's so freaking awesome well i can't believe i'm so happy for you man i know thanks man thank you all right if anyone's gonna be lonely in this pizzeria it's gotta be toy freddy toy freddy has nobody else to hang out with and oh my gosh you're my best friend mr hugs mr hugs you're so freaking cool i don't think anyone understands how amazing you are oh my gosh you're like my best friend ever i have no idea what i would do without you mr hugs are you freaking kidding me toy freddy is best friends with a vacuum cleaner a freaking vacuum cleaner i mean i know i mean at least at something i have nothing i'm not friends with i'm not best friends with anyone oh he's best friend that's a freaking name okay oh you know what that's i'm just gonna go to my box and cry i'm just gonna go to my box and cry i'm just freaking this life sucks i'm just gonna go to my box and cry and uh oh man okay come on come on yeah we did it man holy freak that took so long how many how many weeks has it been uh freaking i think it's been like it took us two weeks straight to get that new high score oh my gosh oh my fingers are yeah my fingers hurt too man oh my god that was so freaking good oh i can't believe we got the high score on this two player game man oh my freaking god that was that was intense oh my gosh man let's let's freaking go let's go oh my gosh well oh oh man i'm so glad we got that score together man i know all right oh man all right here let's put in our names okay let's see uh let's let's do e and then and then what what was your acronym again the other acronym was sdf yeah sdf shadow freddy yep all right and boop there we go we got our names put into the high score let's freaking go let's go yes oh my gosh let's freaking go oh my gosh i'm so glad we got together i know right man why does everyone have somebody to hang out with i have nobody i'm so alone there's nobody there's nobody i can hang out with in this world i'm so alone and uh wait a minute i'm i'm i'm not the only one who's alone like balloon boy balloon boy's over there he's all by himself nobody likes balloon boy let's go let's i'm like okay well i mean at least i don't i mean i'm alone but i don't feel as alone anymore it's i feel better knowing i'm i'm not the only one who's alone oh let's go and uh oh balloon boy this sucks huh you're stupid i'm [Music] are you freaking kidding me even balloon boy even balloon boy balloon boy has somebody nobody likes balloon boy nobody likes balloon boy balloon boy has a best friend and i have nobody i mean sure everyone's my friend but i don't have someone who i can hang out with constantly i'm so sad [Music] oh there's nothing oh wait that's right golden freddy and springtrap they hang out back here maybe maybe they'll let me join them and maybe the three of us could do something together yeah you know yeah that sounds good yeah yeah i like that idea yeah yeah the three of us can go do something yeah yeah okay that sounds like a good idea all right let's see i think they're back here at least all right let's see are they back here dude are they back here and uh oh there's springtrap uh hi and so what what are you doing i i can't get this thing to work i don't understand this but have you never used a computer are you stupid well no i i have used i'm just talking about this program on here what are you trying to do well look i'm trying to do this thing but this error message keeps coming up i'm like oh my god it's because your hair back out of that and put this back here it's because you don't have this you're entering the wrong thing if you here go back out of this folder go here go there and now now it should work and see look there we go now it works oh wow cool oh my gosh you oh my gosh oh [Music] well i guess going back to my box and crying myself to sleep i guess i guess that doesn't sound so bad after all i guess i'll just go do that and wait what wait why is what is golden freddy up to why is he why is he just stan sitting outside what what is what is he up to i i huh i wonder i wonder if he wants to do anything together hmm um uh hey gold ah it's so nice to come out here and stretch ah the warmth of the sun oh i feel so good oh yeah you said it i mean yeah it's good to come outside every every now and then you know it's it's always good oh what the frick uh what's wrong well i thought i heard something oh i guess i didn't oh well so golden freddy you did you did hear about how all the other all the other girls how they all ran off right yeah i did hear about that oh i should have locked that garage but whatever oh but i can't i can't like imprison anybody you know that's that's not wrong but i hope they're doing good on their own from now so i mean i don't blame them for leaving you know i mean i didn't really give them a proper good home so you know hopefully they can find their own home you know yeah i do wish the best of luck for them um well hey golden freddy yeah are you ever going to introduce me to like the rest of your friends or do i just need to stay in this back room forever well i don't want you to have to stay in this back room forever feel like you have to but i i don't i honestly i honestly don't know yet i still need more time to thank that's all oh um okay you're ready [Music] it's not fair this is not fair i like i like golden freddy for so long and then she just had to come along and this is not fair it's not i don't know what to do what am i supposed to do i can't do anything i'm all alone alone wait who just said that alone i'm also alone what who's there i can't see anything in the darkness what hello who's there it's just me somebody else who's also been completely forgotten by everyone else what i i can't see show yourself uh [Music] very well if you if you so if you very wishingly wish to see me then fine here i am another forgotten character oh it's it's you i forgot about you and i i still have very mixed feelings about this you know i i don't know if i should be surprised or not surprised to see another fellow puppet kind also alone well i you know what huh that's interesting and that's kind of huh never the people just don't like puppets i i don't understand yeah i don't understand either well wait what what are you what are you doing back here i i heard uh um that everyone else in here ran off yeah everyone else yeah they all did kind of run away so why are you still here i don't i don't know i mean i don't really i don't really have anywhere else to go you know i mean it's like you know like what's the point you know oh well yeah i guess i i guess i understand you're there you know it's kind of ironic to have the ability to you know give life and then not have that life want to be around you yeah and uh wait how did you know i have the ability to give life how what oh i i i didn't know i was referring to myself wait what wait you also have the ability to give life yeah oh well i didn't know that i mean i guess that's something we have in common yeah and then we're also both puppets yeah and you're just a puppet based off of me but yeah well isn't that what all animatronics are huh well i mean sure you have the original animatronics but then you have all the other different variations you know you have i've heard a lot of different stories from a lot of different random people out there but i've heard of all the different types there's toys there's wizards there's there's sexies there's phantoms nightmares there's a lot of different variations of animatronics out there uh yeah that's that's another good point yeah um and also something else to point out there's not that different many different variations of puppets out there either yeah that's another good point what what the heck why is there not that many puppets out there like there's only me and then i get well and then there's you and then i i can't really think of anyone else i mean i think there might be a nightmare one but i can't there's like no other ones like what the heck i guess do people not really like puppets i i'm afraid i guess so i do you think we were destined to be alone maybe i i don't know this this is starting to hurt my feelings i mean the truth sucks yeah the truth does suck i mean this sucks being alone it does something else that sucks is you know not having really anyone not having anyone to be able to hang out with you know that also kind of sucks ah yeah i feel yeah i feel you there really there is no one else to hang out with you know that's that's what i've been struggling with all day i've been trying to i've looked at all my friends and they're all you know they all have each other and then none of them really paid attention to me so you know i just feel so alone and stuff yeah i also feel also very alone as well well hey i i think i just thought of something what did you think of well i mean since we're both alone do you think we could be alone together i mean i guess so i mean i don't see i don't see a problem with that [Music] freddy freddie wake up wake up you fell asleep in your chair again oh sorry i was it was probably working yup all right oh let's go to get back to working no no more work no more what what freddy oh my gosh the last time i was able to get you off so that way you stopped getting doing work and we actually went out to dinner the last time was three weeks ago and that's when you explained that stupid graph to me or whatever three weeks ago so it's been three weeks but freddie you're still work you need to spend less time working well somebody's got to do the work i don't think all this much work is necessary you gotta take a break what i gotta oh i'm so i'm tired you you need us oh my gosh oh i'm so tired all right fine i'm gonna sleep and a wake-up will do something besides work okay but you shouldn't sleep right there on the floor at least get in bed sleep i'm gonna sleep and nothing can interrupt my sleep hey fast losers and what's going on in here hey buddy hey sleepyhead wake up hey wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wiggly wiggle wiggly oh my gosh what do you look balloon boy i'm trying to sleep uh hey that we have a fast bear uh we have a meeting a what an animatronic meeting puppet wanted me to come get you oh [Laughter] i don't want to go to it oh you have to fine it better be a quick one let me get me some coffee though oh man all right oh this i mean we haven't we haven't had a meeting in a while i wonder what's going to be over i don't know man i don't know oh what do you think it's going to be about i literally just said i don't know i'm getting me some coffee first oh my freaking god oh man this better be interesting oh hey freddy we were waiting on you yup i know i'm here now i'm still trying to wake up i just woke up oh man this coffee is good what do you guys think this announcement is going to be about do you guys think we're going to get um the pizzeria redone or something like that oh man yo i swear if this is gonna be a whole thing about us cleaning i don't want to do it yeah i agree i swear if we have to clean up this entire pizzeria if this is what the announcement's about i'm out i'm leaving i'm just straight up dipping well it has been a while since we've had a meeting so i don't i don't think it would be cleaning or i think it would be cleaning because it hasn't been a while so the place has probably gotten dirty oh well i guess that's a good point all right all right attention everyone attention everyone the meeting will begin in a second is uh is everyone here um [Music] okay i think everybody is here i'm here now sorry i was uh me mr hugs were hanging out again uh like we always do every single day oh i'm here now you can start to meet in i don't think you had to announce that everyone i think you just walked in without saying anything and no one would have noticed oh you're right though that probably would have been a smarter move all right so um now that i have everyone's attention i will tell y'all why i have formed this meeting and it's actually not really a meeting it's more of an announcement you're an announcement you are what could this announcement be your wither chica do you think thus this announcement is going to be about us withered your or us withers going to finally get fixed up and be able to perform oh boy i sure hope so that'd be really cool all right so before i reveal to y'all what the announcement is i have it right in here or have her in here um but basically these um these past few weeks have been changing for me and for the better so uh yeah but before i reveal this um i want to say thank you guys so much for all being my friends and supporting me throughout everything so uh yeah um all right well anyways i guess i'll uh i guess i'll i guess i'll i'll introduce y'all so um all right i guess um i guess i guess you can come on out and uh um i'm just so going to happen to take a sip of my coffee while the thing is being announced hmm all right everyone i would love for everyone to meet my daughter what the hell what the heck freddy oh my oh my gosh oh what what the freak i'm just glad freddy didn't spray his coffee all over me let's go shut up chica oh that hurt that's class oh i'm in pain but pulpit what though freak well what do you mean freddy this is my daughter um so charlotte say hi um hi what what what the frick uh okay uh question one what question two who question three where question four how question five why what who when where and why did this happen what do you mean freddy it's my daughter i get that puppet i understand that part but [Music] but answer the questions who what when where why and how well i don't know if i can exactly answer all those questions separately so i'll try to sum it up into one for you so basically as you know i have the power to give life so i gave life um i have a question what's your question foxy junior uh uh if your mother who's the father oh that's a great question um the answer is no there is no father huh what whoa whoa hold on a second i knew my brain was broken before but now i think my brain's even more broken or now oh i feel i feel you man i i don't understand either my my my brain cells aren't working mine neither my brain cells won't work don't worry guys toy freddy will solve this mystery all right everyone so last time we introduced our latest contestant charlette and today we are going to finally solve the mystery of who her father is so the results are in so um today we will discover whose charlotte's father really is so i have the paper right here and i will read it out loud right now so cupcake you are not the father whoa mr cupcake let's go let's go mr cupcake mr cupcake ain't no father let's go mr cupcake yeah yeah yeah woohoo let's go how do i feel about this uh yar was that was that really necessary [Music] yes yes it was so uh anyways as i was saying i'm super happy to have her so yeah i hope all of y'all can welcome her into the pizzeria so yeah [Music] oh [Applause] yeah let's uh let's go yeah uh michael i still don't know who half the people's names in this pizzeria are uh uh yeah woohoo congratulations uh wait what was that what was what was the all right pop it oh oh yeah congratulations oh yeah congrats congrats yeah let's go thank you thank you thank you oh all right puppet uh so freddie you are fine with this right well yeah of course um all right well i guess i shall show what was your daughter's name again oh yeah this is charlotte i decided to name it kind of you know how my how my real name is marionette but i always go by puppet but i decided to name it after that so it's charlotte but i i think giving her the nickname of charlie is awesome sounds good so you can call her either uh okay well hey charlie uh my name is freddy and uh if you follow me i'll show you to your new room so uh come here uh okay wow freddy already has a new room for her prepared well wait a second freddy's being nice wait a minute freddy being night oh no oh no wait oh no some something bad's about to happen all right charlie here's your brand new room in the pizzeria so uh feel free to stand here and uh for uh as long as you like so i hope you enjoy it's not very comfortable in here though well that's not my problem just uh just don't leave and stay there and i think it's trash day so hopefully the garbage truck will be here any minute um supposed to be here right now i i guess the trash is running late oh well do do do yo what's up you want to play baseball uh i mean oh really right this second but uh oh wait hey fred do you know for today's trash day what twice day i thought yesterday was twice day what yesterday you mean i have to wait an entire week before this can be thrown oh my god [Music] my dad what are you doing uh i'm trying fred listen whenever you run a pizzeria or whenever you have a house and you have people stay at that at your house right that you're paying for you feel like they would do some stuff in return for you right uh-huh well but then it gets to the point where there's over 30 people living in your house and you can't control over all of them and um it's getting a little too crazy and then at the point it's like in someone new comes at your doorstep and wanting inside your house to live in your house as well but you already have 30 people in your house and you don't really ensure you might have room for that extra person but you don't want to have that extra person because that's too many people you know you just got to do do what you think is best but that what is one more post to make a difference though what okay i don't i i'm gonna be honest fred i i have i don't understand that sentence you just said but um i mean you are my son and you're not perfect i guess nobody is okay uh hi mr freddy oh get out of the trash what try i thought you said this was my home no i lied it's a trash can get out of it uh okay you're probably gonna have to go take a shower now um all right come on let's go back inside come on um okay we oh baseball time congratulations congratulations okay you can probably stop now it's been like announced like over 30 minutes now oh yeah congrats and stuff uh thank you thank you again oh hey hey puppet uh yeah what's up can i speak to you for a second uh yeah sure what's up oh you're following me follow me come here come here uh okay okay all right uh all right golden freddy uh what what's up or who what where why and how what the heck is going on what what you sound just like freddie what the heck i need answers puppet this doesn't did my my brain hurts this i'm trying to understand what what the frick's going on well i okay well i guess i'll i guess i'll just tell you the whole thing then oh boy well this ought to be interesting all right so uh this happened about like about like three weeks ago right it was three weeks ago and i was feeling kind of alone and stuff so anyways then i started going around the pizzeria and looking at all these people i'm like wow i really am all alone and stuff and then finally after a few days charlie was here so um yeah that's i think that's pretty much everything summarized well holy fr that's a lot to process in a second okay here hang on i need to i need to recap all that really quick so basically a quicker summary of all that basically you and sexy puppet are now a couple and have a child yep but wait a second aren't you both females how how did the the the child well that's a great ant that's a great question basically we both have the power of given life so we uh combined our powers and um we worked around something and then uh bam charlie's here my brain still hurts but uh i guess if this truly made you happy then um congratulations um good for you i'm i'm happy for you well thank you golden freddy i i i'm i guess i'm happy for you too thank you springtrap ah see yay i feel happy now um hey have you um have you noticed something different about her what what what do you mean well i mean just just look [Music] well i mean i guess she just looks happy so i guess good for error huh but i i wonder why though hmm [Music] you
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 319,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Freddy And Friends, Funny, Story, RP, Roleplay, Puppet, Love, Marionette, Lesbian
Id: FIU5xsd4XOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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