Gmod FNAF | Fred Gets Grounded!

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and that's why the chicken crossed the road wow rick i i i can't believe it oh my goodness i i never would have believed it but that made that makes so much sense no wonder why the chicken crossed the road it's all come together oh my goodness one of the life's greatest questions has finally been answered oh my goodness i'm so blessed that i know the answer to it yup yup yup and when you think about it it's pretty obvious to begin with but um yeah there you go wow that's still very incredible oh hi guys oh hi fred oh yo what up big bro how's it going meryl oh it's going good i'm really bored today i wanna i wanna do something fun do you guys know what to do um i don't know oh hey hey oh rick all right yeah what's up when sandy claws gonna come what shannon it's it's shannon claudia it's almost christmas but not quite yet it's it's less than a week away but i want to see any clothes no hey charlie uh yeah what's up do you think my brother's gonna be on the naughty list i feel like he's been a bad boy this year i don't know well uh anyways bro well shane college is not going to show up for a while so oh that makes me sad i want to do something fun but there's nothing fun to do around here guys i'm i'm really bored yeah well uh huh you know what this is this is kind of weird what what's what's weird rick well normally around this time i'd be getting my daily package what your package wait did you order something else again this time yeah yeah i did but the delivery dude is not here yet what what where's my package at i ordered my package where the heck is my package at he's not here yet hello and uh wait what the uh [Music] uh what is everything okay rick uh yeah yeah you guys stay right here um oh you did not put on anything warm oh he is frozen solid oh no uh oh maybe maybe i shouldn't have ordered this package for this dude's sake oh no this poor man this poor man goes through so much just deliver these packages dang see santa claus has to deliver a package to everyone in one single night but this dude he has to deliver to everyone every single day ev every single hour of every single minute of every single second this poor dude's been through a lot um all right well i guess i'm just gonna take my package from from you thank you for this yeah this is my package um all right are you okay hello buddy are you okay all right oh uh he's probably fine drag my package inside thank you mister for the special delivery ah there we go just gonna drag my package inside and a dupe oh hey wow you got your package was the mailman outside oh yeah yeah he was and he went home he's definitely uh not frozen to death or anything uh yeah but anyways i got my package within the package rick well you see fred since you are bored i got something super fun for us to use and we're gonna use it and it's gonna be so much fun and wait wait rick hold on a second wha what is it charlie we can't use a gun we're not gonna shoot up everyone that's not fun what who said it was a gun uh so far every single package you've gotten has been about a gun well it's not a gun so you look at this package it's slightly bigger that means it's something different inside so here let me let me get it out for you all right all right all right guys here we go look at this bad boy whoa what what is that thing oh it must be some type of futuristic invention whoa wait rick what is that oh it's one of these things people call a uh a teave a t va yeah i think that's what it's called it's called a teave guys look so uh yeah so this thing will um will prevent us from ever being bored ever again well how do how does it work how do you shoot it what you you don't shoot it charlie this is not a gun look listen uh let's go somewhere to set this up uh where do you guys want to go watch this thing at the oh no well we're here oh oh well we'll just go in the parking service room no one's no one's ever in there all right here come on come on guys come in here bring bring the bring the tiv in here the okay okay bro i don't drop it okay okay i won't drop it i'll swear that's where i swear i'm not going to twip it i got it it's fine oh my goodness bro okay here just come in here and let's let's put on the wall here oh okay i still don't know what this thing gonna do oh oh rick what what this uh what the t is gonna do uh yeah rick what what what is it gonna do i i'm really curious to see how that works well guys you see here this thing has these things on it called cartoons and these cartoons are going to be pretty wacky so we can just watch these cartoons all day long and never get bored oh wow i want to see some cartoons turn it on all right i'ma turn it on let's have some fun oh man today sure has been perfect oh just been able to sit back and relax we don't have any work to do it's all nice and peaceful and quiet ah yeah today really is nice and peaceful yup it sure is oh i love it when this pizzeria is finally so quiet and peaceful oh yeah it's so nice just to you know relax and uh wait a minute what what it's it's quiet uh yeah you just said that it is pretty quiet something something's not right what what do you mean something's not right the pizzerias normally is never normally this quiet something something's not right freddy just enjoy it just don't worry you're you stress too much you need to relax and just hang out with me some more and no no not now no no no no no something something's not right my fazbear senses are tingling something ain't right uh you're you stay here i'll be right back i just need to i'm gonna go do a check on everything make sure everything's good and then all and then i'll relax okay when i figure out nothing's going on um okay all right something something something ain't going on something something's not right i gotta check i gotta make sure everything's okay all right let's see let's see here other ones okay let's see is everything going on okay here let's have a little peek and uh uh yup okay everything seems normal in here okay [Music] hey freddy what's up cold riddle what the heck was that for sorry i thought i saw a hideous monster what what what okay everything's going good right here um uh what uh uh uh hey bonnie okay yeah bonnie's always normal all right chica are you okay i'm fine god dang it freddy oh oh man hey hey shadow freddy yeah what what is all that white stuff out there i think that's what people call snow what what's snow i thought there used to be a thing out here called a grass but i might be wrong cause i've never seen grass because i'm a gamer you know i know but look at that snow it looks all nice and white and fluffy and it looks like bright mode is on on discord but holy frick i mean it does look really nice and soft i i i for for once in my life i i want it i i kind of want to go outside oh watch you're no longer if you say but shout out afraid if we go outside we aren't true gamers anymore i know but look it looks like so much fun outside don't you want to go outside i [Music] i i kind of have to agree with you i i do kind of want to go outside it does look like it's like it's looks like it's a lot of fun outside in and maybe maybe we are just wasting our lives in here you know playing video games all the time yo we should go outside and have some real fun yeah you know what all right yeah let's do it let's go outside shout out freddie let's go inside yeah we're going outside what the [ __ ] do you think you two are up to ah my fingers oh i can't tell you oh my god yo that's right what do you think you two are doing so see something ain't right you guys never go outside ah video game behind video game time oh yeah yeah the outside world was scary ass just want to play video games distract me yeah it's too scary outside oh good everything's going perfect in here oh as everything should be oh duper duper dupe well it's good to know everything's going perfect here in my pizzeria oh this is so perfect i love my pizzeria and uh i guess it's good to know everything's going good wait what is that is that laughter i don't approve of laughter in this pizzeria what what's going on here guys what are you guys doing in here wait what are you watching it what the what the hell is this what oh hey dad what the hell do you think you're doing uh a wanted cartoon cartoon go funny look at funny cartoons oh hell no none of this pizza man what dad what are you talking about yo bro bro are you okay make it stop tv smash my my tv i i i prayed for that why are you so mad that i swear i didn't do anything wrong listen to me fred listen to me like your life depends on it because it does listen you could have watched spongebob you could watch gravity falls you could have watched avatar scooby-doo or even freaking mickey mouse but this this is unacceptable behavior how freaking could you why but that else wasn't the funny car dude oh he'll know that ain't no funny cartoon that's a that's it freaking fred this is the last stroll what but then we threw those walls into the tv [Music] i mean could i have a straw ooh can you give me a chocolate milkshake no i ain't getting you no freaking stupid chocolate milkshake you freaking disappointment well i am my feelings that's it you're freaking you're freaking grounded as far as i'm concerned you're not my son youtube get out of here now okay get me out get me out get me out give me help get in the corner now but wait don't hurt me i'm taking this i'm throwing it in the trash you freaking stay in here think about what you did i'm locking the door you're not allowed to come out oh that is it get the stupid tv out of my pizzeria oh my goodness never freaking doing the freaking good stupid toys that would work freaking stupid uh dad since uh fred's grounded does that mean i'm grounded too no rick i actually like you so you're not grounded oh uh okay what about me you're not my child so i honestly don't care about you i i don't know how to feel about that all right well i'm going back i'm out of here freaking stupid fricks rick what what just happened why why was your dad so mad i i don't know charlie but come on we gotta see if the tv still works oh boy oh please tell me it still works oh man oh no i feel so bad for fred why why do you only get mad at fred i don't know charlie all right okay and uh oh okay wait hang on let's see enough okay good i think the tv is still gonna work oh man but what about fred oh yeah i guess that's right um oh man i don't know charlie i don't think there's anything we can do to save fred but there's got to be something we can do i mean it's our fault i mean no it's not i mean well i mean okay i did get the tv and i did tell him to come watch it with us so i guess it is partially our fault but i don't know why he got sho got so mad at the tv though which doesn't make any sense oh i don't understand him he so he doesn't get mad at guns but he gets mad at tv i told you charlie i don't understand my my father but all right here come on let's let's let's get the tv back inside here come come help me uh okay all right well just got the tv back inside but uh we got we gotta we gotta we gotta get fred out of there oh here let me let me hear charlie here i have an idea ah fred fred oh no the door's locked dang it we can't get through only my dad has the key and we can't open the door fred fred's gonna be locked in there forever we're never gonna see him again oh no this is terrible there's gotta be there's gotta be something we can do rick oh man oh man and uh oh wait a minute my fr my five brain cells my five brain cells are coming together i have an idea i have an idea i need to make a phone call where's the phone i need to order another package what wait rick what wait what's your idea and that charlie that's my idea whoa rick do you really think that idea is gonna work it better work or else nothing else is gonna work but wait wait rick i just thought of something you know what's up if the delivery person's frozen outside who who's gonna deliver this package uh ding dong oh oh it's it's him it's i heard you got a special delivery here you go loser oh oh my face oh freaking ouch rick are you okay i'll get this stupid box off of me what hey that wasn't very nice and listen you saw my fault this stupid dude decided to get himself frozen and you stupid loser i'm the winner and you should know what you stupid loser and stupid stupid huh you're frozen solid hey you're like an actually couple cube oh no wait uh rick i gotta here i'll help you rick ow out help me and how what's going on in uh huh huh huh ah you guys are hurting my ears this is a terrible nightmare freaking get out of here my new friend i can't deal with two of you i found you oh my goodness wait rick are you okay oh yeah oh i'm good ouch oh wait charlie is is the package okay oh whoops um i think it's fine um oh wait uh is this it wait it's a it's another gun is is this one gonna kill people all right no charlie i'm not gonna kill anyone i don't i'm never gonna kill anyone give me that what um we never already told you what the plan was uh oh yeah that's right all right now anyways charlie come on i know just we're gonna save fred this is the only way to save fred um all right i just hope this works oh don't worry charlie it it's better work or else this would have all been for nothing and there's no way we can save my brother all right let's do it let's do it [Music] i'm so sad why was my dad so mad at me i just i just wanted to watch the tv oh man i oh my dad hates me i know it i knew it my dad doesn't love me i'm just a disappointment i suck i'll be stuck in this room forever i'm so sad freddy do you feel better now that you had to go do your check or whatever oh i feel great roxanne i've never felt better well uh how was everything everything is perfect here at freddy fazbear's pizza oh my head are you okay what just happened oh who the frick throw a chair at me oh my head are you okay oh fine just oh my head oh that hurt a lot oh what the freak oh what the wait what the it's not nice to abuse your own son mr fazbear [Music] what the [ __ ] food oh my face oh [ __ ] oh the dog get beaten up yay let's go yay what oh my goodness freddie are you okay that's it that's it no more mr nice freddy fazbear that's it you get the freaking on my pizzeria right now oh yeah let's fight what the freak oh hey to the no freddie are you okay like get away from him huh that'll teach you evil doer oh freaking kick attack oh that's it freaking i'm gonna rip your limbs off stuff you're in a soup oh freaking night [Music] what be happening uh what the uh freddy are you okay oh you're what the heck be going on ha ha it's time to take you to jail mister huh time to go to where you belong oh you're not on me watch what the ah get off of me you're my goodness freddy are you okay are you okay oh my goodness freddy please be okay oh freddy what what happened oh oh thanks for having my back guys oh i can always count on you guys oh man oh gosh i don't know this crazy lady just started attacking me out of nowhere i think she might be a karen or something oh my goodness oh well don't worry freddie we'll always have you back to the end yeah freddy we'll always be there for you yar why the heck do you be coming in this pizzeria and beat up me friend of mine yarr you better have a good explanation for this one well he freaking he's a child beater he needs to be thrown away because he's a mean person you are wait a minute thrown away you are that's how i feel what child abuser what that's messed up what mean uh freaking die freddie throws my face yeah this is what you get for stopped you this is what you get for beating me up all those times oh please yeah beat up freddy guys beat up freddy he's a mean person let's kill this stupid idiot oh no guys all right stop stop that's enough we don't want to kill him we just want to throw him in jail for all of eternity to make him suffer instead because that's that's much worse of a faith than death oh freaking oh i freaking hate my stupid life oh god freaking dang it y'all we did it we beat up our friend yay wait is that a good thing to be proud of y'all wait did we just get bamboozled i think it was worth it shut up chica oh god my fish hurts freaking you there at me just you get the freak out of my pizzeria uh sorry but i gotta take you to jail and nothing can stop me because i am strong and you are awake and nothing can possibly stop me in a freaking mike toss freaking what the ah oh god freaking dang it uh hahaha freddie all right no no no freaking screw off you guys go [ __ ] screw off uh you're all right well shia ladies later yahara uh yeah i think i just remembered i have something i gotta do please don't beat me up please don't beat me up wait why did everyone else run off uh hi friends [Music] get the [ __ ] out of here oh man something tells me he's not happy hey dad fred fred uh that's the dad you were supposed to be grounded did you cause all of this okay fine that it was all my fault i'm so sorry please don't hurt me please don't re-figure all my bones please no please don't hurt me fine wait what well at least you were honest with me oh fine you're not grounded but never do something like this ever again got it okay dad okay okay good oh good dang it no i need to go re-figure my face my face is broken god freaking dang it uh hey dad i know this might be a bad time but i just come to my conclusion you don't really like cartoons but i did take i did take note that indo and shadow freddy they like to play video games here so would it be fine if we just played video games instead well yeah sure i don't care oh okay good or i'm gonna go fix my face alright guys well hey at least we can play video games oh video games are cool what oh what video game should we play uh i don't know oh hey guys you guys want to play this game called fortnite what the [ __ ] rick what the [ __ ] is wrong with you all right i just heard it was a good game what do you mean life okay maybe not in life but at least for a while you're coming with me ah now guys remember me remember me what are we gonna do i'm gonna take a nap i'm tired what what do you mean take a nap your brother uh oh my goodness hi fine i guess taking a nap doesn't doesn't sound that bad after sleepy sleepy time [Music] you
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 297,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Freddy And Friends, Fred, Freddy, Son, Rick, Fun, Funny, Story, RP, Roleplay, Charlie, Grounded
Id: _B07CbY90TE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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