Gmod FNAF | Going On Random FNAF 9 Saves [Part 24]

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[Music] do [Music] all right hang on i'm still setting up some things give me a second [Music] thank you for the super chat [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right i think we are about good to go all right so i wanted to do another stream today um of going on miranda for nathan saves i know i did one on uh saturday was it saturday i think it was saturday uh yeah yeah it was saturday so last one i did was last saturday now it's tuesday so i wanted to do another one of these streams um mainly because um on the last stream uh we did check out a good handful saves all the cities on there were beautiful and stuff um but there was one save that took about like that i spent like 30 to 40 minutes on for the majority and i wanted to be able to check out more saves um but then i just didn't have enough energy to move on with that stream and that stream started getting a little long um so i decided hey you know what i'm gonna do i'm uh i'm gonna stream again so what that's that's what we're doing straight into part 24. thank you for the 2 2 super chat thank you guys thank you i really appreciate it i think there's a few before i started streaming so thank you for that as well um but uh yeah oh god uh oh boy all right [Music] but uh yeah all right here hang on just double checking everything is this good is that good that's good that's good that looked good that's something all right all right we are back um in gmod going on random for nap9 saves part 24. now before i um hello everyone in chat hello all my mods and everybody hello everyone how's everyone doing hope everyone's doing good um now before we start with today's stream uh today is a special day for a certain fine f game yes that is right today is fnaf threes six anniversary six years ago fnaf three came out so i quickly want to say congratulations for nathalie you are now six years old i absolutely fine f3 i know there's a good handful of people out there who don't or who aren't the biggest fans of fn f3 i personally love fnaf 3 because final three was the fnaf game um that got me into this franchise um was finathering that was like the first f uh game i played i played the demo on uh on the ipad of fnaf 3 and that's what got me into the whole fnaf series because then i did the first and then i played the first game and stuff and at first i was terrified of everything but then i i became a part of it so uh yeah oh my gosh um but uh yeah all right so anyways um here hang on give me a second i need to refresh my page yeah here all right since it's the beginning i'll bump it up just a little bit just for you there's no need to spam we go all right sorry about that all right there we go that's a bit better all right anyways um dupa dupa dude moving forwards um all right yeah so final f3 is six years old um i haven't played for now 3 in a while i think it's been like when was the last time i played i think did i play it during the uh no i did not play it during my 500k uh special because i was i planned to play finn f3 infant f2 during it but both but the games would not open for me i need to figure i need to try to fix that i have not looked into that trying to figure out why it won't open on uh on my computer like fn f2 and fn f3 um they they don't love me so i need to look into that as to why they're acting so well no they would open they would uh they would they they would just be stuck in full screen mode that was the problem and since my and it looks so weird with my monitor when it's in full screen so i needed it in window mode but it wouldn't go in window mode um oh my god oh my gosh thank you for the five dollar super chat hey x-men i have a question for me my friend is working on save should i do funny ha ha um and my friend is the coarsed stuff what is that supposed to be cursed um that's up to you you guys you can do these saves however you want again that's the the title of this series is called random so it can literally be anything it's random so it could be something scary could be something funny it could be an adventure it could be a puzzle it could be find the animatronic or it could just be a trash can yeah it's random saves um but yeah so also really quickly speaking of an f3 while i'm on that topic i am also thinking about maybe trying to get a fan after another final f3 mobile video out i don't know if y'all want to see that or not since final four mobile came out like the remastered mobile came out over a year ago but i was thinking of doing the good ending for that because i never did do that for mobile um and that way we can revisit fan f3 so i don't know if you all would want to see a video like that or not so let me know if you want to see that and that could be my little special for financials anniversary but it would not come out today it would come out either tomorrow or the day after i'm thinking the day after unless wait what's today today's tuesday tomorrow is wednesday so if we don't have anything on if we don't have an far character or skin on thursday which we probably won't um then i'll upload a fine f3 mobile good ending video so that'll be like knights one through five pretty much with just the mini games so that would be something so but yeah and then tomorrow i have planned a um a g another gmod fnaf a mangas video um so that one will be epic spiciness um because it's kind of it's it's like it's like it has a little twist in it you'll you'll understand what i mean when yeah when the video comes out for a twist but anyways there you go i think that's i think that's a pretty long introduction um oh my gosh how many people are even here 500 hello everybody yeah and also this is good also to help give people a chance to join in the stream and stuff like that so yeah but anyways i think that's a pretty long introduction right there so uh that's yeah um but i think we're about ready to check out saves the stream's looking pretty snazzy on my end so hopefully it's going good for you um but uh yeah how do you be a member on ipod okay so if you're if you're wondering okay so this is about channel number stuff um for those who are on like ios's ios devices because apparently like the join button doesn't work on there um well i do know that because i have an iphone um but basically if you want to look into becoming a member on like if you're on a mobile device if it's not android if it's like an ios device and you're looking to be a channel member you have to go to the description and in the end oh my god i can't speak in the description there's like um there's should be a link down there that says become a channel member and then there should be a link so that just brings you to the tab of where all the perks are and stuff like that so if you're if you're curious about that there's what that is so uh yeah anyone who's interested in what the benefits are of being a channel member that's where all that stuff is so yeah thank you for another two dollar super chat and yeah i was kind of lazy to spell cursed okay yeah yeah i got you i got you fam i got you fam but yeah again that's completely up to you man so all up to you of what you want to do because again it's just completely random but yeah all right anyways i think we are about ready i think we're ready to start um here give me okay here before we start give me one quick second uh this will literally take a minute a minute max don't go anywhere i'll be right back give me one quick second guys give me one quick second chat [Music] do [Music] [Music] all right guys i'm back sorry about that i decided to quickly go grab a nice cold glass of ice water you know just got it got to get some nice ice water you know water water be good for you drink drink your water so but i decided to just go ahead and get that so don't have to worry about that later all right anyways i think we're ready um so we do have a lot of new saves now since um this normally happens whenever i make a uh going over and finally and saves a ton of saves come out so let's see where were we last time because i do want to go back and i kind of want to check out those saves um that i was talking about beforehand before they get lost in this void wait what this is i wait what i see this golden face like so many times well it's right oh i think it's just being re-uploaded okay all right i got you fam all right so i'm trying to find where those other saves were from the last stream because oh my god there's so many saves wait okay hang on i'm trying to figure out where were we where were we i just needed to see some save that i remember um this might be a little too far is this oh my okay this is what is that what is this what is this monstrosity right there what i don't want to know i don't i don't want to know um okay i think i might have gone a little too far hang on i'm trying to find those saves um was it this i think it was over here totally um oh yeah okay so we have the ignited that's right that's right thank you for the thank you for another dollar superchat by the way um oh my gosh okay so we had this save right here this save we went on that save for 40 minutes that was a really cool cool save that was really epic save what did i give i say i think i said that one was an 8.5 that really should have been a nine in all honesty that one should have really been a nine um and then we went on that save and did we go on this save i know i have not gone on this one is i think we went on that one pretty sure we went on that one so we're gonna start on this one and keep going down this list because i really wanted to check out that balloon boy save and also i wanted to see what the shadow bonnie and phantom chica was about and stuff like that um but yeah and now we have a whole new page of fun stuff so i'm going to go through this like a little i want to go through this row and this right here and then also like this save over here maybe some other rent and then start maybe picking some random saves so i think that would be fun so let's go to this save right here for x-man 73. hey x-man 73 it's me again i was hoping if i could be in another video of this this is so cool i made other i made another one and it's not cursed so let's go check it out all right all right so we are oh god what the heck all right so we are in um here let me let me move my let me move my mic a bit a far a bit away how's my mic by the way how's my mic sound is it good is it good we good all right i think we're good all right so anyways we got this save right here um from sonic fan uh 6c and uh let's see what oh oh my what is this place all right let's see what we got here so we got we got bonnie we got freddy we got chica all them are on the stage you know everyone's just having a good old time on the stage well what is this golden boy i hope nothing is cursed or murdered the cursed viewers good boy golden freddy good golden freddy is taking his role as being leader he is smart he is smart what's going on here foxy versus foxy what what is this captain foxy versus regular foxy there can only there can only be one pirate in this pizzeria oh snap all right so foxy foxy you know foxy's just having a normal fight with himself what is what is this mr someone please help me i am dying wha wha what what's wrong with you how are you doing how can i save you mr shadow bonnie sir i want to help you guys how do i save the shadow bonnie how do you save how does one save shadow bonnie shadow bonnie is crying on the inside oh no what's going on over here smell my fingers i don't have a nose i'm about to poke somebody's eyes out thank you for the two dollar super chat um i've watched you for more than a year keep it up thank you thank you thank you so oh my gosh here hang on oh my gosh i keep dying on the inside thank you though for the super chat oh thank you for another super chat sub all right thank you for another super chat lol oh my gosh but thank you though all right anyways anyways anyways sorry i feel like i'm just i don't know i don't know i'm just dying on the inside don't mind me all right anyways uh anything over here oh what is this i remember this thing this thing is um this thing is concerning this is salvage this is the true version of salvage if all the animatronic parts were stripped apart and put together into one animatronic this is what it would look like this is salvage right here this is salvage this is the true salvage animatronic right here what is this boy oh my gosh she's got chica the chicken legs freddy fazbear like like look at this boy look at this boy and foxy's like you're wait this is like the third foxy in this location how many how many foxes are in this location like what in the world all right you know whatever i'm sure it's i'm sure it's fine you know i'm sure it's i'm sure it's probably fine you know that's that's that's what they say it's probably fine yeah yeah yeah all right uh oh what what is this what is this we got a giant liberty chica and then what is this oh they all have i think they all have jet packs we got foxy i found the fourth foxy we got foxy bonnie freddy and toy chica oh snap why is it what oh god oh oh oh oh no are you okay oh no what is this oh no oh oh god okay what is this these are jet pack characters that i made myself use the thrusters to launch them have fun um we could actually do that but i have to replace the thrusters because i'm sure they're a thruster um their thruster key is different so where's the thruster you know we're gonna we're gonna launch we're gonna use the jetpack animatronic guys and in like 20 years from now the animatronics will have jetpacks all right and as we're gonna and we're gonna take um the next pizzeria is gonna be on a floating island in the sky all right and no it's gonna be in the clouds and animatronics have jet packs to try to get to us so uh yeah all right so let's set this to default and let's do normal and then let's just uh you know let's just get rid of these and then let's do do do bam you got brand new thrusters all right go toy chica go i don't think it worked um toy cheek oh oh she's flying she's flying come on fly fly fly fly come on toy what yes yes there she goes oh no you're going the wrong way oh god oh no oh no okay i think she's got the hang of it thank you for the two dollar super chat oh my god oh no holy frick toy toy toy cheek she's gone she's gone she's like why why what happened over there i can't see from all the way over here wait that that makes zero sense you have bigger eyes so you should be able to see further um thank you for the super chat oh my gosh oh snap all right what is what is this why is there a flying withered cheek this withered oh she doesn't have a jet pack on us whether she could just fall into her death you're like gosh this is my end i'm slowly falling to my door oh wait no i should have done like this oh wait no no no no no statue there we go guys absolutely far to my death oh just please before i die tell mr cupcake oh no oh no guys before i die i have an important message to say i'm gonna help it i ain't mr cupcake uh mr oh no the withered chica confesses her sins oh no what the frick i don't even know what that was uh moving along also i noticed this earlier what is what is the mingle mingle doing on the ceiling hello there me hello there it's domingo mango mingle uh what what is this what does this say spider mingle the sequel of spider fox oh snap mangle is on the move on the ceiling uh oh oh no oh she's evolved into a fly i want to touch it [Music] ouch uh okay you know mangle's just having a nice good old you know a stroke oh boy my favorite um high mangle here come here and give me a high five that wasn't exactly a high five but okay all right all right anyway what'd you hit bonnie for why are you hitting bonnie hi mangle don't bite my head off please okay this is concerning all right wait what okay wait what's going on in here i don't think i ever went in here i never went in here either what is wrong with me what is this um where you murder people and you die too murder tag oh boy my favorite i love murder i must win i must win oh snap toy bonnie's dead he's like stop burning me i'm on fire oh snap okay so i think that's pretty much oh i get i get it so like springtrap's like supposed to be on fire right now and he's dying and endo bender's like i must win i must win oh my gosh i love the flanker or indobindo skin i want to get another indo bindo skin i want another indo bindo skin guys for fnaf they are i wanna i want another indo bindo skin i wanna see what else they can do with the indo bindo i love the flamethrower indo bindo i wanna see what else they can do with him uh oh my god oh my god it's it's the original indo bindo oh my god oh my god oh my god how did i not see him in here earlier i i walked in here earlier with foxy how did i not see i did not see this dude in the back oh my god praise the lord bow down bow down wait who am i at who am i right now oh i'm freddie uh let's be glitch trap oh my god all right guys guys guys guys we have to bow down to our ruler and bow down bow down to the indominus gods bow down bow down before our leader he is the king of kings he is the creator of creations there is a piece of him in everybody oh my god the gods have been pleased we have pleased the gods i think my fingers are broken but that's okay i'm pretty sure the gods have been pleased everybody bow down and chat bow down before your new superior overlords oh snap okay okay i'ma stop with this bit oh my god mangle mangle stop smack your sky right here let me go ahead i'm gonna go with sv cheats and just look at myself going around hang on oh my god yo glitch chops doing his dance he's doing this for enough help one advance oh snap okay it looks like he's trying to do the chicken dance no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay anyways i'm getting off topic here we're we we've we've gotten off topic so long ago all right let's get back to focus on the save um okay so death the murder tag my favorites um all right let's see what's over here so over here you know you got oh my god i'm scared chat okay all right wait wait what's going on here oh my god he's dying oh somebody help me you must die oh my god oh my god oh my god it's bendy we haven't heard anything bendy and the ink machine related and so freaking long i think there was a small little thing they did for their uh for bendy's anniversary recently but besides that we haven't heard anything bendy in the machine related in so long i keep forgetting that they're working on a sequel for the game they're working on a or i don't know if it's a sequel or a prequel but i guess it's like a sequel um or pretty much a second game and it's going to be all five chapters at once like only i keep forgetting about bendy and english and like holy freak when was chapter five chapter five was like what 2018 2019 i think that's so long ago chapter five was like oh my god that's insane yo whenever bendy returns i am so on that bendy and the name bendy in the ink machine that was a great game i loved all five chapters it was great i can't wait to see what the uh what the second game has in store but anyways what's over here we got the prototypes sorry if i wrong oh snap so we got prototype toy chica she's deactivated and then we got oh was this the prototype survivor oh it's like oh okay this is supposed to be a prototype of uh the high score toy chica and then we got one of chocolate bonnie look at this look at bob bonnie's so weird whenever it's like with chocolate bonnie because like his like digs into his model like his models change so then the textures are textures are all wrong so it's like this here is fine but then it's like so weird on the back and stuff and look at his stomach what is this his stomach is like broken it makes no sense because like right here where you see the bow that's where his head's supposed to go right there i think or it's supposed to go no that's his arm no no no okay i see it now his arm is supposed to go right there his head is supposed to be attached right there and his stomach's supposed to be right there so it's just off to the side and it's so weird and then his other arm goes right there on into his back it looks like he's been shot in the back he's like he's been like somebody stabbed him in his back he's like i've been shot in the back please somebody shaved me i'm too sad yo but then yes but then some of the textures are normal on him like his head in his one ear but his other ear is just dead so that's always something very interesting to um pay attention about so uh yeah oh my gosh hi mangle all right so there's foxy we had golden freddy boy we had glitch trap we had shadow bonnie uh was there anything else there might have been some stuff over here um nothing in here what is this no my brethren no what did you do shadow freddy what did you do to my brethren oh no brother brother i'm over here brother brother brother i'm over here brother come here brother come no he's dead he's dead no long live my smelly brother he had smelly toes while i had smelly fingers he was a good boy he was a good boy and now he's dead and pinned to the wall the shadow freddy killed him i'm gonna cry i'm crying i i supposed to jump off the light i mean i was supposed to jump off the edge can we get an f in chat for glitch traps brother oh my god oh no oh my god oh wait oh wait here hang on oh my god i just have to pay respect oh my god no god dang it shadow freddy you murdered my brother now you must die i'm having too much fun with this um i'm like okay um he's dead how have i been streaming for 30 minutes already what what do you mean how did 30 minutes go by this quick what in the world how how did how has it already been 30 minutes okay we got to go to the next save off i need to leave a rating for this save um this thing was really good i enjoyed it had some funny little things on it i'll give it a i'll give it a six i'll give it a six um only reason why i give it a six is because you know there are more gucci or juicier spicier saves that have a lot more content but this one i'll give a six um just because it made me laughing a bit i probably would have originally given it a five but it gets a juicy six so there you go um six out of ten so yeah all right anyways next save we got is dupa dupa dude we got fnaf fredbear at spring bonnie no cursed stuff you need to sub material and minecraft swept and models on photosafe i gotcha fam i gotcha fam i know exactly what you're talking about frick i have an error oh wait what is that supposed to be a guitar oh well spring guys spring bonnie you guys okay soon so bonnie okay guys listen to me all right freddy has a microphone bonnie has a guitar golden freddy slash fredbear he's got a microphone what instrument does spring bonnie have if you said guitar you're wrong it's an error sign guys everybody knows spring bonnie plays error in the band everybody knows that that's just common for naf knowledge and sense everybody knows that right right fredbear right i don't even know what's happening anymore anyway all right so they're just playing in the is this i i think it might actually just be fredbear and spring bonnie for the sake i mean i gotta say the posin's nice on it kind of sad that i don't have the guitar is this oh now i feel bad now they don't have the guitar cause that's it that's this it's just fredbearing spring bonnie for the sake oh wait never mind there's a minecraft house how'd i miss that all right let's see let's go to minecraft house let's see what what is this what is this fredbear oh wait what what oh what is wrong with that sign it's like you see you have fred baron's ring bonnie house but then guys we have to we must we we need to code the message we gotta decode it we gotta find this hidden the hidden lore federer and sp goose guys we've sold the code we saw the code at this house you thought it said fred wearing spring bonnie house but if you enter the 1987 code on the back of the chuck e cheese discount token you unlock the secret message of fredbear and sp goose oh my gosh okay wait can i get to get the other side on the glitch out or is it going to only be that one sign why is it that one sign why is that one sign messing up what is there like two is there like a second sign underneath it oh that's why they put two signs down it kept messing with the text oh so i get oh so they probably messed up the sign so they tried putting down a new one oh that's why i was doing that wait you can make secret messages oh snap yo i did not know you could do that with the signs okay oh and i broke this oh now i feel bad just break this okay we got to put the sign back up hang on all right let's put this up fredbear and spring bonnie house fred bear brother and spring bonnie sister hold up what oh is this like oh wait what is this what welcome to my all right guys welcome back to another minecraft stream all right here hang on let me get out of let me get out of my eye let's see all right guys guys watch watch someone watch someone just join the stream be like oh my god guys x-men is back with another gmod fnaf nine save stream i gotta play it i gotta see x-men play gmod for nap but then you open it it's just minecraft guys all right all right guys wait someone's gonna join the stream right now all right guys welcome back to another minecraft stream today we're just we're just playing minecraft in our uh oh shoot in our minecraft house you know and i just and we're just playing minecraft in a nice normal minecraft minecraft house yes minecraft i love minecraft do you love minecraft i love minecraft here let me open up my inventory oh yeah and uh i can explain in the new 1.17 snapshot they changed to minecraft inventory so you know i got it i just got to get out my diamond axe really quick you know there's some uh there's some i was wanting to i was going to re guys i was wanting to fix my floor you can see it see look at my flooring uh uh hang on let me just patch that up really quick um um uh yeah yeah guys guys the new 1.17 snapshot does change everything besides caves like look at all this stuff they even brought back the old textures for minecraft can you believe this can you believe i can't believe i can't believe anyways i want to uh i'm going to fix my floor so you know we're just going to fix our floor right there and there we go i think that's a pretty good floor and also by the way i'll also um i think my house could uh i think i could use a few more chests so if you don't mind me i think i'm just gonna you know we just need we just need more we just need um just a few more you know just a few more would not hurt maybe some more on uh maybe some more on this wall and then do we actually have any um i don't think oh no no guy oh yeah by by the way they got rid of uh they got rid of double chests in this uh in this newest update so uh there's no more double chest you just have all these singular chests and they take up a full block now so i'm making a house out of chests yeah so i can uh so i can store everything and uh i can explain this is just a this is just a mine it's a fanaf mod and it's a super realistic fanath mod all right i can i can explain i can explain guys welcome back to minecraft you all want some more minecraft right right guys you want minecraft this is minecraft guys minecraft mine okay okay let's pause that stop all right well let's see what's going on good morning friend mayor good morning spring bonnie for breakfast we have cake what don't you know i am lactose intolerant i can't eat cake fredbear gotta blow up the house gotta blow it up gotta blow it up what are you doing spring bonnie i can't eat that you know that i'm gonna die anyways if i unit i've already eaten a piece so i'm gonna die anyway so it doesn't matter now none of this matters fredbear bring money stop that's a lot of tnt you're gonna crack the server i don't care i don't care fredbear i don't care you should've known better fredbear oh please somebody out okay wait i just gotta run to the front door all right the front door wait wait hold up hold up let's see here wait oh oh and the cake still alive wait wait i did not i didn't need to blow it up i was gonna try to put bedrock in front of the door so then fredbear would be like oh no how'd you get bedrock you cheater no i can't escape and then the td goes off god dang it went up way too early what the frick what what bro no you can't be making this up oh my god oh my god now we got the cake oh the cake survived the cake is a lie the cake is a lie everyone knows that oh my god okay what can i even oh i think it's because i can eat the cake [Music] [Music] [Music] it has been confirmed in the final floor that's bringing that a glitch trap smelly glitch strap man is lactose intolerant anyways let's uh i think yeah that's pretty oh yeah that's it for this save oh my god i'm having too much fun on these saves this is only the second saving we're 40 minutes in this is how long a normal episode would be why i take it okay whatever i'm having fun i'm having fun you're having fun i'm having fun so that's all good all right you know what that minecraft house was good that minecraft house definitely earns to save a few more points um you know i'm just having a good i'm having a good time today so you know what you know i'd probably give this one normally i probably in a normal situation i'd probably give to save like a three honestly but i'm in a good mood today so 4.5 yeah there you go 4.5 yes oh my gosh okay there we go all right so let's see what the all right so let's see this next one four x ransom two three update i'm sorry i had to all right um we'll get to that one next um so okay next one is totally not cursed for x-men x-men you're the best please check this i mean the homie did say plus so i gotta click load now i gotta join it now because they did say plus whenever someone says pleas you have to you can't just let them down like that all right let's see what this is uh helloxman723 this safe is not cursed this is a remade one because i don't know totally not cursed also what are you doing you must subscribe i like this person 10 out of 10 no 100 out of 10 for the save guys boom that's how you get a perfect score is having a sign like that thank you for the super chat hey hey x man how are you i'm good how are you i hope you're doing great and if not i hope your day gets even better um so uh yeah that and also that goes for everyone in chat as well hope everyone's doing good if not then hopefully it gets better um so uh just gotta look on the right side of things in life so uh yeah but this sign is correct guys what are you doing look at the sign look at the sign the sign does not lie does mine do you minecraft guys if the internet doesn't lie then minecraft signs don't lie look at this you must subscribe you must subscribe if you haven't subscribed already you must subscribe or else glitch trap he'll die he lives off of subscribers guys every time you subscribe every new subscriber glitch trap gets to live for an extra day a one whole day is added to glitch traps lifespan so if we get 365 people to subscribe right now glitchtrap gets to live for another year and he gets to always come back he gets to always come back every single day because you subscribe but if you don't subscribe he can't come back he can't do it he needs that subscription yo you know what he's saying and also leave a like as well every time you leave a like somebody smells his fingers it's that simple so if this video gets how many how many likes do we have oh it says 69 on my phone that's a funny number what is wrong with me today we have 600 likes so far 600 people have smelled his fingers guys if you like the video someone some random person will smell his fingers it's that simple that simple chat chat it's that simple it's just common sense everybody knows that i'm just here to be a friendly reminder you know just i mean you should have already know but just in case if you just happened to forgotten which i don't know how you would have forgotten that you should just leave a like you know hope to help glitch strip out yo how many how many how many likes there ready to be more likes how many more okay now we're at to 700 yeah that's right oh god he's going up to 800. oh snap oh it's now yeah you're good i'm proud of you chat chat you make me happy y'all really do all right anyway okay let's let's let's let's let's continue read the signs um this is just a remade save you may explore okay let's see what this is so um okay if it's a remade save i don't know if i'll remember if i don't know if i've been on it or not and all i see over here is just a microphone and a bunch of errors so that is that's kind of sad i'm dying on the inside my favorite uh wait what were we talking about sorry uh yeah errors i'm so s i've always said whenever there's errors on saves because then i feel bad because then i can't see what you all had there so i'm sorry i always use a microphone this is a pretty nice microphone though not gonna lie oh that is scary over there um anyways uh thank you bonnie fazbear for the five dollar super chat fan for two years thank you thank you yeah so yeah i really appreciate that all the people who stick um stick by my channel over the few years and or if you're just a new person thank you for being here it means a lot to me so or if you're just some random person who's just watching one of my videos for like this is the first time you're watching me then welcome i swear i'm not this weird i promise uh you can you can trust me i swear um i'm sorry i'm scared of myself somebody help me anyways everything's normal i don't know what you're talking about so anyways if we go down here you know you got bonnie the bunny he's like yo you got freddy fazbear he's they're all t-pose they're all too what is up with chica's eyes oh my god what thank you for thank you uh builder buddy for the 200 super chat someone has issues uh i don't know what you're referring to there mister i honestly don't know i have no idea what you're talking about anyways um try to find my oc try to find the unwithered props microphone i got the microphone boom microphone equipped boop i found the microphone okay boom we got the microphone so we need to find mr cupcake bonnie's guitar and i don't i don't think i don't know foxy's hook would count but anyways um this is some joy creation stuff all right what's going on here you're very cursed next room wait what oh am i supposed to go in order is there a time somewhere what is this uh this you may explore like as well of what oh wait a minute hmm interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting i don't know why everything is everything's closed off oh noes oh no it's okay what is this what is that this is the purple spring bonnie out there what what is this uh what is this sorcery oh wait hang on what is this oh do patoo i gotta check some steph hooray my favorite oh thank you for the two dollar super chat all right all right what is this i'm sorry i have to i'm sorry but i have to end this hello me brother frost glitch trampolines we already lost one brother today you can't lose me too hi guys what are you doing let's trap save me no we must let him die why are you killing our brothers because i want them to die no please pull me brother pull me up long live the smelly fingers thank you again bonnie fazbear for another five dollar super chat again because pog what i i i i okay i may or may not have issues uh what am i doing i don't know i swear i'm not this crazy guys i swear i promise thank you again for another dollar super chat oh my god uh anyways what is this what is this what does this say respect the minecraft signs the micro signs never lie so okay i think we might have okay it said this was a remade so we'll just glimpse through everything what is this your next room is the parts and services room interesting interesting interesting where would it that would be in here right yep and there's just dead balloon what is balloon boy doing it's being sacrificed to the gods thank you for the two dollar super chat ah you're the best thank you you're the best too man thank you for the two dollar super chat i barely was able to read that oh my gosh but anyways balloon boys being sacrificed to the gods in this room um i'm sure it's fine you know what i'm trying to say yeah balloon boy's fine um okay kitchen time what's in what's in here what's in freddy the minecraft signs don't lie you know they don't lie you know the minecraft signs they don't lie the minecraft signs don't lie you know did you know that minecraft signs don't lie so boom all right um what is okay so arcade um we did that um what is in here you know i have to look all right you know what guys we got a bust in here all right all right i'm glitch trap the robber man i mean i got my trusty crowbar i'm gonna bust this crate open it's not working all right well you know what happens if your crowbar doesn't work you just reach into your back pocket and uh get out your rocket launcher all right what is this i don't like this room i like this place what is this what is this do i have team fortress 2 or do i have gmod no yeah wait what how is this a yes or no yes or no question do i have team fortress or do i have gmod this should be one of the other not it yet how is this wait what how is this a yes or no question what is that what is this sorcery what is this sorcery this think it should be this is like i have team fortress i have gmod that's what white i'm confused well i think the answer would be is it yes oh it's errors what is this heavy the heaviest dude all right anyways what is what's going on over here what if i just uh boop what is what is this glitch is going gonna have to inspect this one chat good trump's gonna have to inspect this one i'm going in oh wait it's not even that bad okay well yeah that's not that's not even that bad it's just okay okay guys chad's been is that what the f why is there a is that oh is that supposed to be a reference is that supposed to be because of what was in the kitchen earlier uh that makes more sense but anyways no it's just puppet what is a sign uh yeah exactly yeah hello bye uh trusty rocket launcher comes in handy all right time to run away all right anyways we gotta give a rating for this one chat uh oh my fingers okay uh what should we give this one out of ten out of ten out of ten what do you what what you know i'ma let chad decide for once chad what do you think the save should get wait what's the sign over here what is this your very cursed room is this oh wow i'm scared oh wait there's i think there's supposed to be a sign over here it just says there's this sign but i don't know if there's another one somewhere in here um okay i guess not um but anyways chad what do you chat what do you what do you rate this save out of 10 out of 10 what do you rate it what do you rate it oh wait i think my chat's like dying on the inside for my computer what oh wait you didn't find his oc oh frick who was it no that's frost glitch trap alfred thank you chad for reminding me we still gotta find the find his oc all right well y'all are trying to think of a number of what i should give it i i gotta find his is this it i is this it it might be this it might be this spooky boy i don't know if that's it or not i'll look around for a minute but i think it might be that purple spring body man on the ceiling but it could be something different who knows um and then you have all the beautiful signs sub the x-man 723 sub the x-men 723 sub the x-men seven two three the minecraft signs don't lie we've established that to guys the life lesson we've learned today is minecraft signs don't lie if you see a minecraft sign listen to it and we got toy bonnie oh we're supposed to find the props i forgot about that so we have a wizard mask then there's toy bonnie was there anything over here um everything else could be errors or something i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know see this is why whenever whenever people are like find the items i feel i would it makes it so much easier whenever they give it a little list to the side of like what characters like it says like find the fnaf 2 characters well it's like okay what finna have two characters and what characters count and don't count is it just the toys in the wizards or is it just the toys or do the shadows count what about the indo window man is he there too um so that's why it's always helpful to get a little list um whenever whenever y'all do like little hide and seek stuff on saves i always enjoy it whenever there's a little list so that way i can actually tell what i'm supposed to try to find so uh yes and yes i know i need to do another glitch trip hide and seek video soon i need to do that with like the fn f3 characters or something all right uh because we did it with fnaf one infant have two but we didn't do it with fnaf three and we need to bring back the glitch trap mobile the glitch mobile needs to come back all right but anyways let's see what chat says about the save uh nine i see a lot of nines i i y'all are so generous wow everyone wants to save to have a nine oh wait there's an eight i see a five a seven um a six a nine a five chat what do you get this one i'm one someone said one ouch ouch um five five nine toes what ex wait what nine out of ten what okay i'm concerned uh another one what why are you all given one three five nine three seven point five ten eight six five nine nine nine nine three four oh my god okay chad's going so quick oh my god uh five five eight seven five three six four eight there we go the same gets a five i'm there i just saw that in chat five okay it gets a five who said five uh jacob somebody jacob connor said five so bam that's the one i said so most of it was errors oof well okay yeah that is true most there were there were some errors on this map and that's that's on my that's not my fault so uh yeah whatever all right chad y'all can start to calm down oh my god all right but there we go oh my god this is insane [Music] guys as much as i would love to i can't give him a 69 out of 10. that's way too much as much as i would love to oh my god thank you for the super chat i think i saw the oc in the dark place in this room um there's that sign there's balloon boy is this this oh no oh nothing good you have laser tag it might be one of the dark rooms or it could be it could be whatever this error thing is it could be that or it could be up here or something i don't know oh what is oh wait that's a sign i ripped off the wall yeah i don't know where it is it could be that thing or it could be that error that i saw earlier or something or i don't know it could be hidden somewhere i i'm just i'm just i can't find it or something but anyways guys i think i'm gonna move on to the next save now so uh yeah uh who's wow someone said zero wow ouch that's cruel you gotta give him at least a one six six six uh that's concerning let's go on to the next step all right let's go on to say this is the same i wanted to check out all right because it has a giant balloon boy i want to see giant balloon boy chat i want to see what giant balloon boy is all about so let's go check out this one for x-men 723 updated only a bit cursed up to x-men added some stuffs still sub to x-man for uh one two three six seven six seven seven seconds of good luck yes let's go guys that's a good reason why you should like and sub or wait it just said sub frick all right so you should sub if you have how many likes how many how many people how many people have smelled glitter scraps fingers today we have 956 can we get that number to a thousand chat can we get a thousand likes on the stream for the for a little old me come on chat come on please pretty please with some smelly toes on top wait that's concerning oh frick what is wrong with me how did i get to this point in my life i ask myself that every single day anyways we got giant balloon boy oh what is this oh no that's not what i expected that sign to say the minecraft signs don't lie we learned that today oh no bb hit puberty oh no giant balloon boy what happened freddy what are you gonna do freddie freddie oh no i did not prepare for this though i'm scared oh no jumbo balloon boy what is that [Music] vote this man for president right now get this man in office oh no i think i think balloon will add balloon boy i think you just like i think you're dead boy i think you gained a ton of votes and then immediately everyone walked in and i should i shouldn't have looked at that guys no no no no don't look at that don't look at that he's like i don't like that i can explain look at look at that one over there don't don't look at the one behind me i can explain oh god please don't hate me chat please i just want love for watch i didn't mean to i swear oh no not foxy no everyone's gonna be sad now no not foxy all right let's see what let's see what's going on down here so down here we got all the glam rocks we got montgomery we got glam mark freddie roxanne glam mark chica everyone's partying out having fun i still haven't decided if i want to do a secure debris i haven't decided if i want to do a security reach role play before the game comes out or or wait till after the game comes out to do one um i definitely want to do a secure reach role play at some point but i haven't decided if i want to wait till after the game or do one before um chad what do you want to see when would you all want me to do a security breech role play and it's definitely going to be about gregory and the animatronics being like evil but then they get converted to good and it's going to have vanity and little in the little glitch trap plushie oh wait that's that's me that's a that's not the glitter shot plushy that that's a baby glitter what is that what is this uh nothing cursed [Music] oh the sign does not lie the minecraft signs don't lie so we just got vanity they're chilling we got oh and then we got glitter's chat wait what why if you're a glitch trap then daddy dad you can you smell me fingernails fingernails excuse me little orphan you gotta get evicted [Music] the freak no no no no no no no [Music] what okay we're going we're moving along what is this what is this pray to the god oh i need balloon boy hold your balloon oh my god pray to the gods it's the mr hugs lord toy freddie's like oh please mr hugs i'll do anything for you we'll do anything yo we need i need to make that a video where mr hugs takes over and toy freddy is his servant and then all the other animatronics are imprisoned that would be great oh that is a role play idea right there if i've ever come up with one on the spot like that oh my god yo that's actually a good video i might do that mr hugs takes rules all or mr hugs takes over or mister what would be a good title for that mr hugs the overlord mr hugs your supreme leader your supreme ruler oh no all hail mr hux if you do not do it if you do not cooperate with mr hugs you will be thrown into eternal prison oh no let's move along let's just move it all let's move along freddy fazbear's pizza we got we got all the wizards in here with it pretty sad but whether foxy's mad chica's just like bro and bonnie's just like oh we have um we have spaghetti man on the floor so we know you just got spaghetti man and pete and freddy fazbear's pizza and then that's it that's all that's in freddy fazbear's pizza i all right all right all right all right i got you i got you i got you let's let's move on over here what's over here what wait we got some stuff up here what is this football no beat die spring bonnie so that i can be free wait football i thought we were best friends i was evil all along i'm evil football body slam football no i am evil fredbar and i will take over all excuse me mister do you understand what you want to smell my uh wait for i can't crap freaking would you like to smell my fingernails do you want to die little orphan smell um he just died no uh i'm moving along let's move along fred barr get out of here evil fred barr that could be a video fred bars evil yo yo yo yo yo i'm getting too many video ideas oh my gosh i need to focus on my stream oh my gosh all right anyways what's going on over here sometimes i think that middle stage is a little a little too small but we'll act like it's normal um because i'm pretty sure it's supposed to be normal but anyways what is this yay we love freddy fazbender hope i don't get murdered yay it's like hmm i think i want to murder some children today because i'm the i'm the purple marple man look at all the children look it's freddy fazbear's you know you got foxy you got the the the float infinite here like that look that looks better from this camera angle look you got all the animatronics just uh just chilling on uh on stage right there see everyone's chilling and then you have fred barr i mean fredbear goddang oh my god i will do that sometimes where i sometimes accidentally call fredbear fredbar and sometimes i call spring bonnie spring bunny just because of these two characters i've had them for like these have been around since like 2018 i think or 19 or something i've had fred barnes spring bunny forever yo they're pretty hip with the with the kids what okay anyways let's move along all right but bam you got freddy fazbear's pizza and then up here you have a giant splinx chico oh snap what is this sub the x-man 73 and chica fazbear 32 yes chica fazbear 32. she needs more she needs more beautiful subs yes she does so i think that's supposed to be a uh i think that's supposed to be red um for cfoc but guys chad you all need to go check out cf's uh channel she makes some snazzy sfm animations and stuff we i want she needs to she's we need to get her to 100k like she's she's on her way she's at like 60 000 i think right now 61 or 62 000 chat you should go check out her channel if you haven't already it's pretty snazzy and what is this hi x-men uh hi expensive three i've been watching your vid since your og finance universe mod back in 2017. just want to say keep up the great work man your gmod videos are really funny oh thank you who made this who made this one uh what save is this again oh it's the giant balloon boy one uh thank you john paul um thank you i really appreciate it and i really like i really love this save um i'm trying to think of a number to give it i'm thinking well you gotta give it a rating um 7.5 i'll give this one a seven oh it gets a 7.5 there you go 7.5 out of 10. that's really good so uh yeah but yeah no thank you i really i really enjoyed this save this is a really good save i liked it it had some very interesting stuff especially the uh the little uh the little misha baby glitch trap man that is concerning oh no and then giant balloon boy that was nice that was nice yo um but uh yeah all right here hang on chat give me one quick second [Music] all right and also i think we got two new members during the stream so uh who became a member uh thank you to the two people who became members during the stream um i don't know why it hasn't been appearing on alerts i need to look into that um because whenever someone becomes a member it doesn't show up on deal it doesn't come up helpy doesn't come up for some reason so it comes up with the donations but doesn't come up with the member thing but thank you for the two people who became members there in the stream by the way um i don't know why it didn't show on the the stream it should have but i need i'll look i'll try to i need to look into that before i do my next stream um and try to fix the alerts so uh yeah all right but anyways there you go that's it for that save so 7.5 that was a very beautiful safe i really enjoyed it um so yeah let's go check out the uh let's go check out some more beautiful saves because why the heck not so uh yeah all right let's see so we boom we did balloon boy next up we have is stupid revenge i don't think that one's for me um just because it doesn't have my name in it like x-man um guys if there's ever a save you want me to check out um have like my name in the uh like have it in the either in like the top it can be either for x-man or if or if you want to have a proper title for it then like put x-man in the description so that way i know y'all want me to check out that save because there are there are some f there are some saves that that random people have made on here that aren't intended for me to check out um so i always try to check out the saves for people who who made takes for me um since there's a lot of those so uh yeah but i guess we'll go on this one right here 4x man i put dupes here others can install all right let's see what this is so this is just a bunch of dupes apparently so let's check this one out all right so what is this so okay so oh what oh no not not this thing again what is this oh oh no what oh no oh no oh i don't know this thing scares me that that just that's just scary oh snap what is this a nightmare gray bear statue thing oh snap yo look at him this is nightmare grey bear statue thing in his prime this is what he used to look like in the good old days and then you have shadow spring bonnie oh snap what is this sorry i cannot cover all the map hope you enjoy i'm getting lag so be aware um ragdoll is non-cursed uh this is where i put some of my dupes and custom ragdolls behind you is ragdoll's a bit cursed um hope you enjoy blah blah blah map hello welcome ragdoll is none cursed arcade is revenge on firework freddy okay all right so okay so over here we got some stuff is there anything in here really quick i gotta check all the rooms nope nothing in here so we got some stuff in laser tag though so we got spring trap and pose so you know spring trap in his regular final three pose you know his default pose um he got fnaf one phantom foxy so if phantom foxy had the fnaf one model instead of the fnaf 2 withered foxy model that's what uh that's what he would look like and then you have ultimate customize inspired fnaf one fredbear so if golden freddy had a purple hat bow tie pretty much um and then he had i learned how to make springtrap boy yes it's baby springtrap i got i um a spooky i can i'm i'm a little boy i'm gonna go play on the playground yay oh my little my little toes okay anyways um so there we go oh and then you have this what is the you got minecraft toy freddy behind the sign tonorno everybody okay what the frick all right what's going on in here what's this so right here we have withered fred withered fredbear oh snap oh what happened to fredbear yo oh no he lost his foot he's traumatized and his ears are on sideways and then look at his stomach he's like he broke his spine it looks like his spine is broken that's not normal that is what oh no okay unwithered fredbear fenf2 right there okay so golden freddy but pretty much i'm a wizard um and then what is this withered finnaf1 freddy oh so you could pretty much say this is freddy when shadow freddy dismantles or whenever shadow in the follow me minigame with shout out freddie he gets dismantled by the purple marple man so freddie died over here we have is the withered shadow so oh okay all the animatronics and shadows so you have like you have regular shadow freddy but then you have shadows of bonnie chica and foxy so that's what all of them would look like that's cool that's cool um then you have on nightmare nightmare that's that sounds that sounds weird a nightmare nightmare what oh it's not thank you for the two dollar super chat so this is nightmare buddy's on nightmare because he's on nightmare nightmare guys you know you know what i'm talking about nightmare of course i'm talking about nightmare who else would i be talking about oh my gosh all right so there we go i yeah that was everything in here yep that was so these are some cool rag dolls um all right oh what is that oh god okay we'll come with their last um all right what is this foxy fight scene oh no foxy versus what the why did we keep getting so many foxes fighting each other today we had that in one save earlier and now we're getting some more foxy fights what they do we started with this save so we don't this is our fifth save that we've gone on wait no just save right here fifth one oh my gosh this is the second foxy this is the second foxy fight we've had today what in the world all right let's let's see what's going on so we have crispy spring bonnie spring bonnie but he's extra crispy we have if purple guy didn't use the suit oh it's just weathered spring bonnie then okay um oh no it seems freddy catched um catch notice on a lost hat so pretty much help wanted freddy but it's like the og model of freddy so there you go um forgot to pay us oh no chris bonnie oh no oh no gangsta holding a gun oh no oh no he's got it sideways oh snap he's dead oh no rip rip bonnie's not crispy spring bonnie oh no um damage stylized spring trap slash spring bonnie oh no he got damaged from the fire oh snap oh snizzity snaps snapple apples so there you go okay i gotta say there's a ton of cool custom uh custom ragdolls on the save so that's really cool um that's nice all right let's go up here up here we just have a ton of oh this is this is earn an extra point oh no i surrender all the firework for guys i still don't remember how did this or originate how did this firework freddy and versus balloon boy originate how did this originate what is this oh no don't surrender shh oh no they captured the firework freddy firework firework freddy has been kidnapped yo we need i i i know i i talked about this a bit in the last stream but i need to have a firework freddy versus balloon boy war like that's it's not canon whatsoever my au by the way chat by the way really quick i meant to talk about this um i have a um okay so for all of y'all who are wondering i have a gmat okay i've had this for like a week or two now i made a gmod fanaf au playlist basically it has all of my um so you have like spring bunny uh ignited bonnie jack o bonnie um freddie and friends like all those series but it's like they're in the same they take place in the same universe and that playlist playlist kind of puts it in a timeline so the first video there like starts out with spring bunny um for right now and that's like the start of the timeline and then it goes on to later in the timeline so that's a new playlist if you go to my channel and get a playlist and see gmodfin fau that's pretty much all my finance most of my finance story videos that are canon to my main universe that's pretty much a timeline playlist so it has all the videos in a certain timeline so if you're ever wanting to follow the story of my videos in a certain timeline then bam you have that playlist so that kind of sorts out everything in case you're wondering for yourself when one of when which events took place of where when and how and why and who what when where what so that's a little thing i just wanted to say um but yes no i definitely need to um make a a firework freddy versus balloon boy video oh my gosh i got so many things i need i got stuff i've done so many video ideas out of this holy frick oh this is a good stream this is a good stream i'm getting ideas let's go all right but anyways um i think that that's pretty much it for this uh save right here again it was a bit of a short save but it was pretty much a dupe save which those are cool we get those every now and then so um uh i'll give this one a six um i don't i don't i feel like i feel yeah yeah yeah oh boy yeah all right so this save this one gets a six um again i love dupes and stuff but it's just like it's just like i'm just like trying to base it off of saves we've seen in the past that's why i don't really that's why i barely give off any nines or tens just because of saves i've seen in the past and trying to compare it to those and stuff like that so that that's why it gets a six but that's still pretty good so pretty much anything like what i've said before it's like anything that has like a five or above i really like and enjoy um so no i really like the save though it was really good um but uh yeah so anyways there you go um there you go so yeah all right what is all right do i wanna i think i might actually mess around and just go and saves that catch my eye um i might wait i might do this i might wait and do this page for a for its own video or live stream um so i'm gonna go back a little bit since like because i've like kind of gone past all these saves um what's something that catches my eye okay let's do this one it has uh oh i want to go on this one too okay here let's go on let's go on this save and then that save and then we might also go on that safe how about that these three saves that's what i plan oh and maybe that's safe too okay um all right oh boy what did i i have questions about this safe though what is that what is that thumbnail for that save down there okay anyways all right let's let's go on this save and that's saved and that's even that's it okay all right for x-men totally didn't spend five hours making this oh boy all right let's see what it is then let's see what it is so yeah and again thank you to everyone who makes a save i know i can't check out all of them but i try to check out as many as i possibly can and physically can and mentally can um so i try to check out as many saves as possible but uh yeah all right wait what's going on oh gosh oh snap oh snap so all right this is a good one so glam rock freddy has captured vani and all the glam rocks are beating her are beating vanny up and she dropped her knife and gregory's running away he's like gotta got a blast gotta zoom zoom so gregory runs away english trap's like god i can dang it manny you're useless oh my gosh yo they're all be they're all beating up benny oh my god that's so true like like they're all animatronics they're there to animate they should just be able to like pick her up or something like lmao all right anyways what's over here so we got glitched up over oh it's just like spooky technology wire stuff he's like god dang it fanny oh snap okay oh no another firework freddie balloon boy war oh my gosh wartime yo see they're all going to war firework firework freddy vs balloon boy guys this is going to be a video this is definitely going to be a video and they all have their firework launchers and stuff got hit by one balloon boy oh my god firework freddy versus balloon boy that is coming soon oh my god yes all right so then over here we have a little stage where you have the stylized fin f1 animatronics um oh i think this is actually supposed to be a reference to um to fine f plus if y'all remember from the uh from one of the fanafa plus trailers uh you have chica in the center of the stage and she's uh singing a song um so i think that's what what it's referring to because bonnie's like over here playing his guitar not really paying attention and then you have freddy kind of just pushed off to the side of it and then chica's in the center stage singing her song so i think that's what that's a reference to right there it's fine f plus um so uh so far i really like the look of fnaf plus i can't wait to see what f what the gameplay is going to be like um of fnf plus i think it'll be very interesting um to see uh finaf plus oh my way i don't i can't english i can't english i i i'm dying on the inside guys i really am did we get in did we just get another recent member hang on okay yeah we did okay thank you uh um i i don't know how to pronounce names i'm sorry i suck thank you thank you for also becoming a member uh i need to fix those alerts i don't know why they're not showing up um but i think that's what that's a reference to spin f plus right there so that's really cool um oh no it's over here what is this lost model's graveyard oh no oh no okay all right well let's see what this is what is this we got team vr nightmares what ralph ragdoll i don't i don't really know what that is to be honest the fnaf plushies mr wigglesworth guys guys guys you're gonna hate me but guys look at what i have saved i have the plushies i have them i have i have a backup i have a backup of the add-on mr wigglesworth has been saved but no one else can use him which is sad because if i make this a save and publish it's just going to be an error mr wiggles mr wigglesworth is that you from the dead yeah yes it is foxy i'm back from the dead oh yes but no i still i still have the final plushies i love these guys they're very they're very snazzy so yeah and then we just have more random graves uh what what else is there i don't like that bonnie that bunny scares me what what what what what's the grave over here then oh oh no that's a wrap that's a ribbon that's a rip guys i also have those backed up i also have it backed up guys i i have all of these backed up i'm so cool oh i still have this boy does anyone remember this boy does anyone remember jack o'spring bonnie i still have him i still have jack o's i've not done anything with him and i probably will never do anything with him i just don't have a i don't have a need to oh yeah and then there's this whoosh oh now i can make a video out of this i don't know i don't know why i haven't really oh well actually no i think i did in the review video of like doing it with spare parts yo we need the spare parts mod to come back and it needs to like be with the it could be like with the help wanted animatronics or something we need the spare parts mod to come back it needs to make a return we need it to come back that would be fun i missed that mod um but uh yeah all right frank hang on i gotta do all right there we go anyways let's go back to saves um oh yeah we're still looking at this safe so gregory ran away we had the firework freddie balloon boy war um we have a giant minecraft house on there i'm kind of scared what is box foxy oh i remember i remember foxy the box i remember foxy the box how could i possibly forget about foxy the box foxy the box he's a box but he's also a fox oh i bet you didn't see that one coming now did you oh my gosh foxy the box is the best all right anyways um wait am i dropping frames oh my game my oh okay i thought it was my i looked at my stream i looked on my phone on my stream like my frames are dropping on my phone i'm like what and i look in the game like oh okay it's the game so uh yeah uh for the rest of it for the for the rest of this save expect some frames to drop i don't know why i guess it's because of all the add-ons and stuff [Music] all right but anyways um let's let's go ahead and let's go see everything we got what is this from the oh i can't see it it's an error error um working on glam rock foxy on the foxy grave how did i forget about how did i forget about the foxy grave i completely forgot about the foxy tombstone grave oh my god yard no spider freddy what in the world what is this no uh something tells me i don't want to see what's behind it what is it let's get a little glimpse what is oh no oh no oh no no no no no no the minecraft signs do not lie chat minecraft signs do not lie that is true true statements dot dot dot oh it's just withered bonnie with a giant fox yarn what in the world um a christmas oh snap and then you have textured yes retextured yes oh no i'm getting flash i'm getting flashbacks to a recent video oh no's cooked freddy 2 1 oc my other account oh snap look at this boy he is cooked he's cooked like a cookie crisp yes all right what is this gekko bonnie one and two oh no rip them they're still dead they died they're dead oh no i don't know if they'll ever be brought back oh no cyber lefty concept oh snap the chief but it's your aus fredbear oh snap look at look at fredbear man look at this boy yo where'd your hat go you're bald he's bald man he's bald virus mangle concept changes color with flashlight oh that's fancy that's fancy funtime freddy no white on hand oh snap yo that's nice and then you have bonbon i am bye-bye come on find time freddy let's go oh my nose no i'm bon bon somebody killed me okay what the frick what is that oh that's completely normal jack hey look jacob i just talked about him jaco trav and then oh it's just a floating freddy head because i can't see the um i can't see the uh i can't see the rest and then get the hat oh no no hat for you mister no hat for uh no hat for mr for mr man all right you get new you get a giant error that's all you got mister just a giant error um oh boy oh yeah foxy the box all right wait what else was there oh there's stuff down here oh no what is this what is this current state x means a you and we talked about this too what what is what the frick is in here what the what is this place i'm scared yeah i'm scared somebody save me please please somebody save me wait wait where is there like a thing that could get him to reach his hand out the door uh no wait there needs to be like a why is there no point one they're like no please somebody save me somebody save me i can't stop doing flips i'm too cool guys i'm so cool look at me do a flip smell my smell my flips what whoa whoa okay okay i may or may not be stalling wait wait why did it look like an smg i saw an smg there for a second beautiful beautiful all right anyways okay god let's oh god okay let's see what's going on here what is this afton family oh no lost the other oh sad face oh no oh i'm scared i'm scared he's like what don't frick nickel afton oh no this is this i'm scared chad i'm scared no zero out of ten what do you mean zero out of ten no no no oh my god all right what is this all right we got nightmare freddy oh we have the nightmares attack oh nose what is the oh no okay there's okay what is this banned from the mickey mouse clubhouse oh snap we got chica eating some like stew we got nightmare bonnie and then freddy's just gone he's gotten dirt because he has witnessed this and he's like i have no brain cells left and then foxy uh foxy up that's an error you know it's probably a good thing that this is an error um i think it's good so that way we don't have to know whatever this what was supposed to be here or something so uh yeah or wait maybe oh maybe oh maybe okay for a second i think i know it's supposed to be i think it's supposed to be mickey mouse because i think i don't know if it i don't know if they're trying to do band because the way how it's spelled is like banned like the the naf band the music band i think it might be banned as in you got banned from the mickey mouse clubhouse so i think nightmare foxy got banned from the mickey mouse clubhouse and i guess mickey mouse is beating him up or something i guess that's what that is i don't know i could be wrong all right what is this nightmare's attack part six coming soon uh oh wait that was a funny cough i don't know what that cough was about uh what is this tortured health wanted animatronics oh yeah i'm doing the phantoms right now i've done phantom freddie and phantom foxy uh i think i said i'm gonna do phantom angle next so phantom angle will either be sometime this week or next week probably sometime next week uh phantom angle or sometime late this week god there's so many i'm getting so many video ideas and so many videos i'm like oh my god i have to record all these videos oh my gosh so many videos guys so many so many videos to make guys so many videos chat so many videos oh yeah speaking of afton family chat which what did you all think of the last episode what y'all what'd y'all think of the last episode chat oh snap but we have uh we have nightmares um we're ripped back no thank you for the super chat oh my god my voice is dying chad i don't know why i'm dying on the intent i don't know if you can tell that i don't know why whenever i'm streaming my voice decides to kill itself whenever i'm not streaming if i'm just recording normally i'm fine but then whenever i stream my my throat just hates itself and i just like i have to keep mute my mic because then i keep coughing i'm like what the frick why does my throat not love me chat what did what did what did it do to me do i need to get it removed do i need to drop like okay that's getting kind of dark now think about it uh let's just change subjects you know let's just change topics uh let's continue looking at the at the uh at the save here so we got torture and help on animatronics phantom angle and bolt and phantom balloon boy are next i feel like people really want to see the phantom the torture and phantom balloon boy video um but i'm gonna do phantom mangle first then phantom balloon boy so that ought to be something and then we still have nightmare balloon boy gotta keep that one in mind oh my gosh i don't know whenever guys whenever i run out of the help london animatronics i'm probably gonna move on well probably by the time i'm done with the help one it's security breach will be out because i still have to do the nightmares and then sister location and then any extra help on animatronics there are um so we're getting close because we're pretty much we're pretty much almost done with f3 then we have an f4 which but there's a ton for final four um then we have sister location and then we have some extras um any others i missed like maybe like the plush babies and stuff like that um so and then after that i'll probably move on for the torturing series if people are still liking the torturing series after i'm done without the hell pointed then i'll move on to um fenafire's special delivery so uh yeah um and i'll start torturing the og fnaf ar people and then also the uh the skins and characters and stuff like that of an far so i'll probably do that next so uh yeah all right anyways next up we have is oh no freddie and for oh no um i bet cf would like to see that i was snapped i'm gonna take i'm gonna take a screenshot of this and send it to her later lmao oh my gosh oh my god this roxanne the roxanna this uh roxanne right here that reminds me of freddie in space four i still i i plan to record guys guys i had to save um okay saves our okay let's go to my subscribed um i had a save where's it at where's it at this save right here i would i prepared a save to record and i never i never ended up recording um the next uh this was the next freddy in space video right here which i'm probably still gonna use to say for it um when was that this was back in october this was i was originally gonna do it back in october and then i um and then oh i think that's when i got i think that's when among us was popping for me so i started doing a ton of a manga stream so i ended up not recording that so but i still have that on my list to record the next freddy and space video um which i kind of remember the plot for it but i i i know the main thing of it and i want to say it but i'm not going to say because it is a spoiler for it so i'm not going to talk about it um but just know i am still that is still that still could happen freddie and space 4 role play so uh yeah all right we got to go back to latest uploads what page were we on so i don't forget okay we're on this page all right but yeah no oh no oh god what is oh no what is this oh no puppet not found air 1987 puppet not found oh it's because it's a downloaded you have to download it from deviantart that's how you get um that's how you get puppet and you have to download it from deviantart and then oh no that's that face he's making that is that that fade that's concerning and then oh no i'm i'm scared i'm scared what is what is every what is what does my life come to chat and what is this five last nights at freddy's oh when i first walked in here it's like what is this about five oh yeah lefty i need to record the next five last night i bet everyone's like when's the next five last night's at freddy's guys don't worry it's coming it's coming it's coming chad it's coming oh my gosh oh my gosh yo lefty is taking over lefty has beaten all the animatronics up i forget where where did i even leave off with the last one how i do five five last by the way five last nights at freddy's um like how i said earlier pretty much all this stuff is in the same au except for uh torture and animatronics that's not in a that's not a story uh series um but pretty much afton family nightmares attack freddie and friends sexy foxy um that all that happens in the same universe five last nights at freddy's is a different universe so that's that's not a part of my aua five lost nights at freddy's is its own stories just like the status fnaf story if anyone remembers that i actually have a marathon um for that coming out soon that's probably gonna be this weekend a uh satisf story marathon that's in its own universe and the status of enough story that series is over um it's only ten parts um but the marathon for that series will come out this weekend um so uh yeah oh my gosh um but besides like um the status finance story that happens in its own universe the neon city that's in its own universe five last nights at freddy's that's in its own universe but then all these other ones are in the same universe um besides torture and help on it because that's that's also its own universe technically even though it's not a role play um there's no lore in that one so i don't know um but uh yeah so there you go there's there's that oh my gosh how long have i been on the save for oh and there's something over here what is this what is this not being in security breach oh no rip foxy and bonnie got they have to make a side appearance we had the uh foxy the pirate cut out um but that was recycled from help wanted so i don't know if that counts but we have foxy the pirate he's still remembered guys foxy the pirate is still remembered he will be he has been remembered he was he wasn't just he was he wasn't just a hero he was a legend oh my gosh but no we saw the f we had the foxy the pirate cut cutout and security breach of the foxy the pirate pirate ship cut out thing um but then bonnie died so i i we got i'm sure well and then technically vanny took bonnie's place and then uh roxanne took a foxy's place or you could say montgomery took bonnie's place i feel like it was kind of split between vani and because i guess it makes sense why there wasn't glamorous um bonnie because then there would be way too many bunnies because then you have glitch strap who's a bunny then you have vanity who's a bunny um and then i and i can see why there was no bonnie because there's like oh no it's another it's another bunny and stuff like that so yeah but uh yeah and since the bunnies have tend to be the evil animatronics in the series so uh yeah that i can see why i i'm just i kind of understand why um there's no glam rock bonnie um and it's also cool to get new characters as well like montgomery and roxanne those are cool characters i absolutely i love both montgomery and roxanne i'm glad we got those characters um so uh yeah all right but anyways i think that's pretty much everything for this save right here oh my god i spent so long on the save and i want to check out so many more this was actually a really good save i really liked it um i'll give it a 7.5 7 7.5 that's really good 7.5 oh my god i really i want to give it a higher but then it's like i'm basing it off of um past saves and stuff like that stuff i've seen in the past so it's it's a seven point five seven at seven point five seven point five in all honesty it probably should be like a it should okay i find i'm too nice today it gets an a it gets an a guys 8 out of 10 for this save i'm too nice today too nice oh my gosh raise all the other saves i've visited today up by 0.5 there there oh my gosh but they're 8 out of 10 because then it had the whole it had all the of the vanity being kidnapped and it had the war even though we talked about that before but hey these were some old saves so it's still pog um we had the finaf plus we had all the stuff up here so i've really no this is a really good save it gets an eight you know it gets an eight eight out of ten for this save uh who made the save it was chris trap yt oh yeah i've seen that um boyo in my comments yo you get an eight out of ten my my guy yo this was snazzy i really i really enjoyed the save see i really like the save and also it's really cool whenever y'all make like um i also do like saves whenever it talks about some of my videos and stuff like that makes like references to them or makes it or makes its own little like tiny non-canon side story to it that's also really cool um so uh yeah no that's awesome this is awesome i really enjoyed the save so uh yeah uh eight it gets an eight eight out of ten beautiful that's really good um so yeah anyways next up um i did want to check out this shadow bonnie and phantom chica one because i did catch my eye last stream and then i also did say in my live stream i wanted to check out this save as well because i did just remember that um so i think we're gonna try to check out these other two and then i might in the stream uh depending on how long it's getting my because my voice is starting to die on me and i don't want to lose my voice because i do want to try to record a video later today i want to try to record my final three mobile video um later today or something else if i don't end up recording that so i want to be able to have time to go do that stuff so i don't want to lose my my voice for it but anyways uh let's see let's let's go check out let's check out the find frost plush drop one let's see let's go check out this one if it'll load oh my game's not responding that's a good sign and my game crashed what a great sign what is this oh snizzy snapples snizzy snapple apples applesauce apples apple apple oh snapdragon oh snap oh snap oh why did i open up i opened up sfm i did not mean to open up sfm what what's hang on i need to i need to reopen you guys my game crashed give me a second chat i do not want to open up sfm god dang it close oh it's not got to go on gmod my game crashed i i oof that happens sometimes whenever i go on a ton of saves oh snap yo but no that is that is oh my god yo wait what did my game just crash huh wait i started opening up gmod i think wait what hang on don't tell me gmod just died on me hello gmod okay it's open that was so weird i just opened up gmod and then it crashed as i was opening it thank you for the 25 dollar super chat oh snap thank you lego world sub or no toes that do be true that do be true oh snap all right hang on i'm reopening gmod that was so weird i started opening up gmail and then it crashed right as i click like right is it open it immediately crashed that was so weird you can show it on stream if you want okay snazzy yeah here i'll show it all right so if any of y'all who know draven he is the person who makes all the player models uh he makes all the fnaf ar skin player models he's also made some help wanted player models as well oh discord's not responding that's a great sign okay um i think my discord why is everything crashing on my computer oh it's not thank you for another five dollar super chat oh my discord's not responding why is nothing responding on my computer is my why is my computer dying all of a sudden guys if if the stream ends out of nowhere that means my internet died but oh my god okay now gma's not responding why is nothing responding uh okay there we are all right hang on i gotta load up for now now oh my gosh oof all right but i am going to check out that frost plush wrap save because i did promise last stream i would check that one out and then also the shadow bonnie and phantom cheek is safe and uh and i think i'm just going to check out those two saves and then i think i might end stream there um and uh yeah but those saves that were on the first page i kind of want to save those for for its own stream or video or something so let me also by the way let me know chat if y'all want to see this more often in the comments um if y'all want to see me do more live streams like this more often um so uh yeah let me know if you want to see more more often more more more and more oh snap all right here we go let me check something okay what is wrong with me oh yeah and also the thumbnail will be changed whenever it's live it uses the thumbnail from the past video but then like an hour or two later i change i update the thumbnail to the reason why i leave it as the thumbnail from the live stream is because that way i can like update the thumbnail after stream of like include things that happened within the stream on certain saves and stuff like that so that's what i always try to do with the thumbnails so that way it like relates to the video um so uh yeah but now the thumbnail will be updated like an hour too after the stream is over to something new all right it's almost in thank you guys for waiting oh my gosh i just my discord still guys i think my discord died discord's not respond i have to open up task manager and close discord discord crashed okay that's great uh oh wait here hang on i don't know why my discord died all right here hang on i wanted to show you all what draven sent me really quick okay let's go to dms gotta save this save it to desktop oh and then roxanne boom look at this look at this so draven's been modeling uh the uh the security breach animatronics from the uh um from the trailer that we got the we got the trailer almost that's like that's insane to think about the security trailer was almost a week ago it was last thursday it's tuesday what the fray how is it oh my gosh but man so draven's been working on those i don't know if those will if we'll that'll be cool to get security breach player models i'll be down for that i'd be down for that that'd be dope but i don't know if we'll uh i don't know if we'll see that but he wanted me to show that on stream so bam there you go so that's pretty cool so uh yeah all right but anyways let's go ahead and let's hop back into the spicy random finath9 saves because why the heck not all right so let's see we got saves oh gosh cursed uh latest uploads as you can see there's been a few new ones um doing being uploaded while streaming but i'm probably i'm not gonna check any of those out right now sorry chat uh but let's get back to where i was find plot okay please don't crash my game if this save crashes my game again then that means i can't go on it um i think it crashed because i opened up a ton of saves during the stream but if it crashes again then i can't i can't go on the save and it crashed again all right well we're not going on that same thing because it keeps crashing but thank you for the five dollar super chat again lego world rip discord yeah i don't know why i died but now gmod died again oh my god are you joking oh now i gotta open up the game again chat all right if my game crashes again i'm going to end the stream but i'm not going to go on that save i'm going to go on the other save now phantom bonnie fentany because sometimes that happens sometimes saves get sometimes like if you add that's the problem if you had a ton of saves on your thing like wait what if you had a ton of models on your save sometimes it will crash like when you try to load it up so yeah i can't really go on those saves and it just wastes my time so so yeah we're gonna have to go on we're gonna go on the phantom chica and shadow bonnie save but if my game crashes again during the stream i'm just gonna just end the stream just call it a day because i don't wanna have to keep making y'all wait for my game to reopen so this is the last time i'm reopening my game oh my god just let me in oh okay i don't know what i'm doing but chad how are you all doing how are you all doing i can talk with chat while we're waiting for my game to reopen and my game's not responding that's pog um but chat how's everyone doing how's how's chat going y'all got any quick questions you want to ask or anything you want to discuss really quickly while we're waiting for this to load um oh thank you for becoming a member of the co twisted in thank you oh my god what do you want what do you want from dms show monty okay here i can show monty while we also white so bam this was mon this is he finished monty he did monty now he's working on roxanne so here's the monty he did um that draven made so uh yeah that's pretty nice so yeah we need it now make it a player model we need it as a player model get back to work i'm a great person here i'll leave it on stream for right now until my game loads um but uh yeah oh hey shade uh that's good oh my god i'm just looking at chat fly by what happened to rise of the kingdom um good question uh that one's also not a you related i will say that's in its own universe um i don't know it's just it just was there it's um i don't know i don't know what happened with it i don't have it i don't i don't have any plans to make a sequel to it well i made like there's like two or three episodes i think of that series of rise of the kingdom the resurrection of a kingdom or something i think like that so i don't i don't plan on making another i don't really plan on making another episode to that series to be honest i've just lost interest in it to be honest um so yeah all right when is neon city neon the neon city series that's over neon city's over um there's a playlist if you want to see the whole series of neon city um but that series is over so i don't plan on making another episode of neon city or using the characters again from it that series is also uh not canon in my use so that's in its own universe um so uh yeah but looks like my game is good all right but yeah there we go all right so anyways let's go ahead and let's check out that phantom chica one in shadow bonnie if it crashes i'm just gonna end the and i'm just gonna end the stream all right let's go back how many pages are there in total we have 63 pages there's 63 pages in total oh my gosh this has to be like the one fnaf map that has so many saves and it's because of me it's because i've gotten so many people make saves on it yo wait wait until the new wait until we get a new security breach map boom that's going to be popping with saves all right i need to go to phantom chica shadow bonnie where are they at where are they at uh i think i went a little too far ah here it is all right the end why did you give me a second 9.9 out of 10. i swear to god i will find your house and make you smell good shots fingers i think this is going to be a 9.9 chat hey you know what i'll be generous 9.91 there we go there we go see man that's even that's slightly better you know what i'm saying eyes don't crash oh okay wait oh wait have we have i been on this one this feels from here this feels familiar [Music] i think we've i think i've been on one yeah yeah i've been on yeah okay never mind i've been on the same before i've been on that save before okay walton i i went on to save during the last stream i thought i didn't but i guess i did but i remember this now yeah i went on the safe already so zero iq moments right there okay we'll go on a different stage then um well let's go on the same i talked about going on this safe so let's go on this one for x-men 723 new version hey x-men or others this took me so long there's no anime animations or anything because i don't know how to do that but here it is anyways nobody will play it i know but i'm doing it anyways well guess what guess what i'm gonna play it because yes so let's let's go let's go check out the save can you talk like toy freddy well hello there mr hugs mr hugs has anyone seen mr hugs i gotta get me some mister hug what is this say mr hux come pick me up i'm scared and i think i'm being bullied by a withered freddy outside oh okay what is it what is this minecraft signs do not lie we've learned that today minecraft signs do not lie that is the meaning of life that is the moral lesson of humanity minecraft signs do not lie they do not lie yo look at dead toy thicker and looks back at the alive one oh oh oh that's like what oh that's in his mind wait what oh so he thought he oh so he thought she died but then she's like i'm alive fool oh this there's so many lights in this room what the heck all right anyways let's go oh oh no what's happening here oh no oh no oh no what's going on here oh no oh fred bear sorry spring bonnie i had to sacrifice you to the gods oh no oh no what is this me hi how's it going uh my brother good what about you that's good that's good there have a nice chat that's good that's good that's good yar i don't know so uh yeah i hate this why do people fight so much oh or people fly oh yeah that's right um help me mr hux help me no no help for you oh snap they're all fighting and stuff oh snap why'd they be fighting why can't would they be homies you know all right so in here oh my god what is this they haven't noticed me yet good you you're who killed me god you're who killed mine oh oh bottom bonnie what happened to you what happened to bonnie uh ready for the oh no what what happened in here why is bonnie dead what oh did this dude kill him did he kill bond is that what happened here i think that's what happened here uh thank you for the 15 super chat what happened to the nightmare's attack um well basically that series has been pretty much on pause basically it's at like an ending um but it can be it can be continued basically that series is kind of at an end um for parts one through five but who knows it could be continued who knows just just saying it it may or may not be continuing i'm joking i'm just saying anyways um that's all i'm gonna say about that anyways uh let's see what we got we got vanity over here what is this oh easter bonnie come back with the head now wait what easter bunny with the head oh what why does easter bunny have chica's head what is going on then we got radioactive foxy yup y'all here i'd go to the in my last ditch carry and they're very okay we'll go to the cinema in a second let's let's finish off this area first i'm getting a little sidetracked alright let's see what's over here so over here we have oh no what happened to all their why are they all decapitated what happened to everyone's head where did all the heads go i mean we know easter bonnie took chica's head but what about everyone else's head do is this the same where we have to find their heads find the animatronics decapitated heads oh no oh no okay anyways oh hello liberty chica standing in the corner that's snazzy all right so that oh no what's going on up here wait what sorry but i'm gamer for life so i don't allow non-gamers also find all the financing heads and bring back the i called it i called it bring back the fnaf one heads oh snap oh snap doubt it scary i'm a gamer for life too see i was i'm a gamer for life too doubt it so we need to find all the fnaf heads so uh we found chica's head but what is oh what is he thinks my friend oh snap good deeds all around good deeds all around i love i love how we're having all these guys guys there's going to be a balloon boy in firework freddy war you must choose your side in your fina whatever you do with your final night save you either have to have a hanging balloon boy a hanged by all right freddie to decide what um to determine what side that you are on this save right here is on the balloon boys side because they've hanged firework freddie but for the people who think uh who's hanging balloon boy they're on the firework freddy side whose side are you on in this war who do you think would win balloon boy or firework freddy we must know we must determine the winner all right what's going on over here go look in the pizzeria oh yeah we saw what happened in the pizzeria oh no oh no and then i think we've gotten everything yeah we've gotten pretty much everything over here so that's snazzy all right let's go look over here what is this what is this we got throws up oh i don't even know okay that's concerned first of all the second i don't know what it is because it's an error but third we got foxy's head so we have foxy's head we have chica's head so you still need bonnie and freddie um alrighty uh let's go look wait what's going on over here what is this i have a quest for you find the reskins of an app one you can do that uh okay oh can you do that question mark you are you also have the power of the glitch trap mobile different version though oh god what happened to the clutch like electric mobile what happened to you mr glitch trump mobile oh wait oh i'm freddy i'm back to being freddy okay all right guys i'm freddy fazbear i'm taking over glitch traps mo mobile it's now in the future his mob his glitch mobile has been stripped apart so now it's an ugly piece of junk but hey that's okay so bam that's snazzy but wait what's over here what is this what help me i've been kidding oh no oh no the chocolate bonnie's been kidding now what's going on over here a spy a human i spy a human question mark oh it's golden freddy golden freddie nina shamrock freddy haha very funny all humans are dead [Music] all right i got you fam all right let's see what else there is on here oh what is this please save my sister oh noes oh is that i think that's pointing out there to uh the scorching chica okay all right what's going on here we got system era toy bonnie we got this boy wait what's going on here wait wait got guts i love my toes wait what give me your toes shall you oh it's now oh it's just like supposed to be in the dark it's like he's like oh no oh no i gotta look out for the heads though i've not been uh not been looking out for the for the heads you know i gotta find the uh gotta find oh i found freddy's head i see that up there so we still need bonnie where can bonnie's head be wee i got freddy's head yeah i broke my shins all right bam so we still need bonnie's head all right so where where could bonnie's head be oh what is oh this is oh oh wait that's a long way down so we're supposed to also be finding the uh the skins as well but that seems like a lot of effort i'm just gonna go for the heads um just because i'm kind of tired um so uh yeah what's going on here we have my next victim oh noes oh no oh wait oh is he going after uh oh this boy oh oh just jump frostbear no to scary just do it jump like this okay then oh snap all right well you know what we gotta find bonnie's where's bonnie's head i think that's pretty much everything on the safe but i want to find bonnie the bunny's head where's bonnie bonnie's head where where is bonnie the bunny chat have you seen bonnie the bunny's head chat we gotta find bonnie the bunny's head all right i'm not allowed to leave the save until i find bonnie the bunny's head all right is it in here somewhere no we have all the heads except for bonnie the bunny is it on the ceiling i don't think it would be up there because freddy's head was up there uh uh where oh where is bonnie's head where oh where could bonnie's head be cause anybody seen bonnie the bunny's head thank you for this super chat you better give that save a 10. oh snail i give that save a 10. all right you know what shae just for you just for your shade i'll give it a 10. there you go thanks thanks jade i want to find i haven't found uh bonnie's head though so i want to find out i want to try to find his head before i before i dip um i don't know where i don't know i don't know where bonnie's head is how am i supposed to find bonnie's head where'd bonnie frick's head oh my gosh [Music] oh but thanks man i really appreciate it all right but anyways um we need to figure out where his head is where would where would his head be where would it be that's a good question where would it be bonnie's on the glass under the bridge i don't see i don't see him up uh i don't i don't see bonnie up here um under the bridge someone said i don't really i don't see it is it could it be under one of the stairs no but it could be under one of that no that's something else it could be under one of these things oh nope uh no could be where or where was bonnie's got dang head chat i'ma need you guys to be looking with your eyes too bonnie's head is on the glass what do you i don't see oh wait is this it oh wait oh no that's arctic flora oh snap okay hello okay no this is this is arctic lords up here hello arctic ballora oh snap kind of concerning how i uh missed that so i don't know where bonnie's head is bonnie's gonna be headless from now on chat he's gonna be headless from now on oh snap i saw it wait where is it under the bridge under gamer bridge white gamer bridge oh okay here it is all right thank you chad oh my god how long has that been there for how come i haven't seen it what thanks chad all right bam we have all the heads there we go oh that was actually how was that that was actually a good spot what how come i didn't think to look there what i'm surprised i didn't see that oh my gosh because i was like looking at all the corners right here it's like looking in the corner so i would have gone past it because i was looking at the corners earlier oh my god lol um but yeah so anyways guys i have been streaming for two hours though so i think i am gonna end the stream now um because i haven't streamed for a while so uh yeah but anyways this is fun this is fun doing another stream um i know i did a lot of the past one super recent but these ones are these streams are always fun to do um so if you want to let me know if you all want to see me do these streams more often in the comments and stuff like that so just let me know um if y'all want to see more and i'll try to do these more often so uh yeah anyways guys uh tomorrow uh there will be a mod another gmat phenomena mangas video um i recorded that one with cf so that will be very interesting um to see so it's kind of so that goes back to our universe is like mixed together so it's like half of her characters half of my character stuff like that that's what we did for it um so hope you guys will like it and stuff like that um so that will be tomorrow's video with the next finale mungus um but it's with but it's different because it was cf so it's with some of my characters i've used in the past so this is where in the finale in the manga series because i've already used a ton of my characters it's where like we have characters from all the past episodes but it's like mixed with other characters if that makes sense like in episode one we had freddy and then episode two we had spring bonnie it's like it's like that it's like spring bunny spring bunny and freddy are in the same video pretty much but yeah that's just an example though so uh yeah but anyways chat that's where i'm gonna leave it for today thank you guys for wat uh no this one gets because of shade because of shades donation this save gets a 10 out of 10. there you go um there you go yeah this one gets a 10 out of 10 because of shades donation so there you go but uh yeah so anyways guys that's where i'm gonna leave the stream for today hope you guys did enjoy it um i had fun today so uh yeah but anyways guys um i'll see you all tomorrow for uh the uh phenomenous video so well yeah anyways hope you guys enjoyed make sure to leave a like and i'll see y'all next time all right bye all right bye stream i'd always it always pains me to end the stream whenever there's a ton of people here oh my gosh all right bye thank you everyone for watching bye thank you for all the likes and support and super chats and stuff and all this and also all the saves too thank you i really appreciate it even though i wasn't able to check all of them i still really appreciate it okay thank you guys bye bye chat bye everyone say bye bye chat bye bye okay all right all right anyways all right yeah there we go all right bye everyone alright see you guys bye [Music] you
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 168,161
Rating: 4.8883247 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Garry's Mod, Five Nights at Freddy's, SB, Security Breach, FNAF 9, FNAF 2020, 2020, Saves, Random, Fun, Funny
Id: _HpNqqb_NS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 30sec (7530 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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