Gmod FNAF | FNAF 2 But Everyone Is Toy Freddy

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too lazy i don't want to get up oh but now i can't fall back to sleep god dang it uh fine i guess i should get up oh i got to get up oh wait i gotta i gotta get up off the ground uh [Music] oh i'm too tired i'm too weak i can't do it i can't i should just give up and cry okay i shouldn't do that i just gotta just gotta get up oh there we go on your stretch oh there we go oh boy oh boy oh i'm finally finally finally up and awake go boy did i did i sleep in i sure hope i did i hope i missed all the toddlers coming in and stuff oh boy oh boy hey toy bonnie what's been going on [Music] oh hi toy freddy the freak or what's up toy friday why are you so ugly what huh what what are you talking about you're you're ugly [Music] ouch my feelings but asho who's toy bonnie what what do you mean you're toy bunny oh what no i'm not toy bonnie i'm toy freddy toy freddy what what yeah i'm toy freddy i've always been toy freddy well no no you haven't what the frick how wha what happened while i was asleep wha what do you mean toy freddy while you were asleep me and toy freddy watched the stage for you toy freddy so yeah and you've just been sleeping there and you just woke up so yeah wha wha wha what has has my entire life that i've always known just been an entire line was it all just a dream what the frick what what the [ __ ] what do you mean what what the freak huh what oh hi toy freddy what the frick is wrong with you huh what what that's mean what do you mean you're you're all so ugly why are you all so ugly what the freak toy freddy i don't know what you're talking about man i think i'm pretty beautiful i'm not gonna lie no no no no no no this is not okay this is not oh okay guys guys guys guys guys this is not okay what what do you mean this is not okay what are you even talking about i'm talking about you you're you're ugly that ouch why are you so mean today toy freddy why are you so mean what i'm not the one i'm just pointing out the facts okay i'm not trying to be mean about it i'm just saying the truth well you know what screw you too oh my face oh you freaking bully oh jerk [Music] toy freddy do you know why toy freddy's being so mean today oh know toy freddy but uh he has shame and really really stupid what guys you're not me okay you're not me you don't look anything like me toy freddy i think um i think i think this toy freddy right here has his uh head screwed on uh backwards or wrong or something yeah yeah yeah i agree what the heck guys well maybe maybe maybe he just had a bad dream or something so maybe he'll snap out of it in a few minutes you know just he's just having a rough he probably slept he probably slept on the wrong side so you know it's all fine he slept on the wrong side of the stage but you know it happens from time to time but i'm sure he'll snap out of in a few minutes so it's all good yeah yeah yeah that's true that's true okay even though you're being a little a little cranky right now just try to cheer up and then you'll feel a whole lot better yeah well i'm not i'm not cranky okay do you need your bottle well i'm not a child you freaks all right little boy just just calm down and it's going to be okay stop bullying me okay anyways what do you what do you guys want to what are you what toy friday what do you want to do today what do i want to do i wasn't talking to you your little heck ooch toy freddy what do you want to do today um i don't know toy freddy what do you want to do today is this some type of prank are you are you guys pranking me right now uh shut up toy freddy the uh the grown-ups are talking well i'm not a freaking child you heck um excuse me what what what the heck did you just call me heck what did you just call me a heck you heck uh yeah how dare you use that type of language in this household oh why do you keep beating me what did i do to you stop it hurts how dare you use that language in this house what all it said was heck that's not even bad yes it is your hack oh my kneecaps oh wait hold on a second that's a bad word then why do you then you just said it i don't know what you're talking about heck stop bullying me i have feelings do you know hmm that might be true that might be true well okay all right all right anyways yeah you know why are you acting so weird today did something happen or something what do you mean that something happened you guys happened i woke up and you guys are uh how are we different how what and even if we're different why does that matter look if somebody's it's okay hey hey hey by the way hold up hold on one second you shouldn't judge people if they're different okay just because some people are different in life doesn't mean you can judge them all right okay all right you got that buddy you got that because it's okay to be different alrighty well i know that but that's not what i'm trying to say i'm trying to say you guys are actually different like physically different so now you're basing people off of their physical appearance wow rude what no that's not what i'm trying to say please don't gang up on me don't take this out of context please i just i i don't know how to explain it i feel traumatized hmm yeah you've been acting kind of mean this morning man you better calm down or out some you know karma might hit you back you know what do you talk what are you talking about just just you just need to be quiet okay okay you know what fun you don't find i'll be quiet you know i'm gonna go away because you guys keep bullying me you guys keep pranking me this is a terrible prank your prank sucks i'm gonna go hang out with someone else today you know i don't need you guys i don't need you guys i'll go cry by myself then wow something's definitely up with him yeah dude i have no idea what is up with him today i have no idea he's acting really weird yeah i know right i just hm i don't know i don't know he'll snap out of it yeah yeah he'll snap out of it oh boy oh boy all right you know what i don't need those guys i don't need those guys let's see who i didn't want to hang out with them anyways oh or who do i want to hang out with today who do i want to hang out with today just me this good old toy freddy and somebody else um who's someone i've actually talked to mangle in a while you know what i'm gonna go hang out with mangle i haven't talked to her in ages hey mingle who's mango excuse me um who's mangle i'm toy freddy [Music] or or or are you freaking kidding me what uh no [Music] [Music] i'm toy freddy toy freddy why is everyone trying to prank me today what prank what what do you mean what what's going on uh this this is going on why are you trying to pretend to be me what i'm not i'm not tr i'm not i'm not you though i'm me i'm toy freddy but i'm toy freddy yeah i know that toy freddy because i'm toy freddie what are you what the freak are you talking about i'm so freaking confused my head my head has never hurt this bad before please make the pain go away toy freddy why are you hurting yourself i don't know i'm confused why are you toy why are you why are you me uh i'm not you i'm me i'm toy freddy but but i'm toy freddy i know that already toy freddy how many times i have to say it but i i uh i'll find somebody else to hang out with why don't you want to hang out with me because you're toy freddy what wait ouch i just insulted myself frick oh no wonder why no one wants to hang out with me okay no i'm gonna go hang out with somebody else screw you go away ouch okay freaking meanie face ow dang ouch oh my freaking gut i can't believe these freaking jerks fake toy freddie wait up oh what the toy freddy slow down a minute oh what the no not you two toy freddy what's been going on man i haven't seen you in ages freddy what are you doing uh you forgot the toy part there buddy but uh whatever i've been doing i've been doing really good you know how have you been i i i don't know i don't know i i don't know well whenever you do know just let me know okay what what you seem to be troubled what's what's what's the matter buddy you need that you need a fellow bear to talk to cause i'm always here for you i wha why are y'all doing this to me what did i do to deserve this deserve what i'm just trying to help i'm trying to be a good friend man dang out okay fine if you don't want me to be your friend that's fine you could have just said so man no i mean why why are you me what what do you mean why do you look like me why does everyone look like me toy freddy i don't know what you're talking about i've always looked this way i i'm so confused my head hurts really really bad hey what seems to be all the um what seems to be all the trouble going on out here i hear a ruckus going on with no not you too withered bonnie whether bonnie who the freakish wizard bonnie i'm toy freddy yeah he's toy freddy yeah what bonnie freddy what are y'all what if what i'm so confused freddy yeah who's fruit it's toy freddy man i i think oh dude do you think something happened to him i don't know man i don't know i think he's losing it i i think i am losing in it i need some coffee don't try hitting it against my head wake up wake up oh no what is happening um okay look buddy okay calm down calm down don't hurt yourself now it's gonna be okay i think you shall loosen aiden yeah yeah yeah i think he's hallucinating too look toy freddy it's okay ouch my face uh we're we're shut up uh we're all friends you know yeah man look if anything's ever going on you just feel free to talk to us okay we're here for you yeah yeah we're here for you hey you know what here get chica chica chica get it i mean oh frick what was that what what did you just say amino get toy freddy get toy freddy bonnie go get toys ready i'm on it toy freddy what no no no you said chico you said chica you said chico i did not i don't know what you're talking about uh okay toy freddy oh toy freddy so you want me to get toy freddy right yes yes i would love you to get toy pretty you want me to also get toy freddy while i'm at it oh yeah sure the more friends the better all right hey claire freddie toy freddy i do you guys want to come out here and see toy freddy toy freddy needs some help oh no toy friend you need some help what's wrong he's not feeling too good we got to make him feel better you're a fellow toy freddy in trouble don't worry we're here to help all right come on guys let's go see toy freddy all right toy freddy i got the other toy i got toy freddy and toy freddy yeah hey toy freddy what's going on we're here to help yeah what seems to be the yard what seems to be the uh trouble here toy freddy what the frick i'm gonna go home and please get away from me don't hurt me what do you want from me we don't want anything well actually what we want is for you to feel better yeah toy freddy we're worried about you yeah we're your friends we're here to help if you need someone to talk to we're always here for you please go away go away toy freddy calm down boy freddie don't hurt us we're trying to help yeah toy freddy i'm scared oh my god yo toy freddy are you okay oh yeah i'm okay i'm okay don't worry about me worry about our friend i'm more worried about our friend than myself yeah that's true yeah toy freddy please stop by trying to hurt us please we're only here to help just as we're just wanting to talk to you oh are you sure yeah yeah please come out okay okay okay are y'all pranking me pranking you why would we prank you we're worried about you yeah we're really really worried about you um okay okay this is this is not weird at all oh you know what toy freddy come over here come over can can we all talk in the main area with with the with the other toy with toy freddy toy freddy and toy freddy yeah yeah i think getting toy freddy and toy freddy and toy freddy will be a good idea come on come on toy freddy toy freddy toy freddy and also toy freddy come on let's go yeah let's let's go guys okay let's go alrighty oh please let me out please please please please open up where's the door locked come on toy freddy we gotta go no please don't take me i'm scared come on boy freddy let's go let's go to my face all right everybody being the one and only true toy freddy i've called this meeting here because toy our fellow toy freddy friend here is uh not feeling too well so uh yeah i'm not feeling well because you're all being me why why are y'all doing this toy freddy again we don't know what you're talking about we're not pranking you we're not yanking your leg okay man we're trying to help you because we're your friends all right that's the last time i'm gonna say it okay but but but but guard just shut up i mean okay i shouldn't say shut up that's mean i'm sorry i apologize what i should say well because you're in you're not feeling too well so anyways what's going on you need to talk to us about something what's going on we're your friends yeah we're your friends we're here to talk to you yeah man we're really worried about you you see all of your friends are worried about you toy freddy we just want to know what's wrong everything everything's wrong nothing will ever be better yar well that might be true but you gotta look on the right side of things buddy oh no i'm just really confused my head really hurts i'm just i don't know i don't know i don't know just talk to us what what is there anything we can do is there anything you all can do yeah we're here to help you is there anything y'all could do i know what y'all could do wha what what can we do you can stop pretending to be me you freaks i know you're not me and stop calling each other toy freddy you're only supposed to call me toy freddy okay but but but i'm but we're about i'm toy freddy she's toy freddy he's toy freddy he's toy freddy she's toy freddy he's toy freddy your toy freddy's speaking up and also he's toy freddy too so yeah but no you're not only i'm toy friendly you freaks i'm gonna start crying if you keep doing this to me well well it's the truth you know you gotta accept the truth forget you and your truth oh my face oh how dare you outro how dare you hit a blind person oh my gosh oh ouch i've been injured i'm out i'm sad hi toy freddy that wasn't cool shut up i don't care anymore just leave me alone leave me alone okay guys i think um i think he's truly lost his mind yep yuppie hash all right we're gonna have to come up with some type of plan i only wish there was somebody else here with me who wasn't me or didn't go by my name if only i had a true friend right now [Music] what's that i hear oh is that huh you are what the mr hugs guys guys guys guys guys guys it's mr hugs it's mr hux holy frank it's mr hux mr hugs all right guys you know what that you know what that means come on guys we gotta go get mr hugs we all love mr hugs yeah i love mr hugs what are you guys talking about i'm the only one who loves mr hugs get away hi toy freddy stand back oh my my nose come on go on guys go get mr hugs yay mr hugs mr hugs oh freak out to my face mr hugs run run mr hugs come on mr hook mr hugs come back yeah mr hugs mr hugs leave mr hugs alone what the heck hey toy freddy calm down no you calm down oh it's my face all right you know what i didn't want to have to do this but toy freddy we're gonna have to put you in timeout oh my head what no not time out come on guys let's put him in timeout yeah sorry toy freddy but this is for your own good yeah toy freddy no you won't put me in timeout go away oh try to hit me again all right come on toy favorite you're going down oh my please but don't worry guys i'm here to help come on toy freddy let's go no please let me go and stay in there you freaked my face oh there we go guys i didn't want to have to do it but you left me no choice you kept hitting people and hitting people is not nice no please let me out please please please please i'm so sorry just let me out sorry toy freddy but you're being put in time out for a good week what a week yup all right come on toy freddies let's go find mr hugs oh boy oh boy mr hugs y'all mr hugs mr hugs what no leave mr hugs alone leave him out of this come back i'm sorry i'm sorry okay let me out of the cage no no no first they take my identity and then they take my vacuum cleaner no no i'm sad [Music] oh my god don't worry toy freddy we're here what's going on with the process of capturing mr hugs we got him trapped in the kitchen but he's fighting back he's not he's not he's not going down easy oh no well don't worry we're back up we're here to help what's going on let me see i can't watch i can't watch what's going on it can't be that bad oh no oh god what's going on here mr huggs please we just want to be your friend come here mr hug why are you scared holy freak guys get in here quick we gotta take him down okay all right mr hugs you're going down y'all that's right mr hugs we're not going down without a fight yeah mr hugs there's no escape yo that's right come on come on toy freddy get in here oh but i'm scared okay fine all right mr hugs we out now we outnumber you what are you going to do about it what is he doing get over here mr hugs oh uh you want to hit a blind person would you little the cute vacuum get over here mr hugs oh [Music] oh my face what the no he's getting away get back here oh i got him i got him i got him guys i got him i got him guys i got him yes finally after all these years we've finally been able to capture mr hugs and now we've put him in this cage so we can't run away anymore yeah that's right mr hugs you're gonna stay here forever yay mr hugs forever oh boy oh boy mr hugs no why didn't you run oh boy oh boy oh boy oh no mr hug i'm so sorry i got you into this mess well at least look on the right side though at least these guys are pretending to be me so that means they love you so luckily it's not anything bad or anything what love him why would we love him yar we've been wanting to capture him for so long because we want to eat him yes yes vacuums are super rare and so but whenever you catch them they can be turned into a good vacuum stew ah yes some nice yummy vacuum stew oh boy oh boy i can't wait to cook this little vacuum up and eat them all up it's gonna be delicious yes yes yes this is gonna be the best meal i've ever had in ages oh boy oh boy yes what eat them why are you guys gonna eat them because it's delicious and we're gonna cook this vacuum up and we're gonna eat them and there's nothing you can do about it all right toy freddy ignite the torch all right igniting the torch we're gonna cook this vacuum all nice enough what the no don't cook him no mr hugs all righty all right mr hook all right little vacuum you ready to be cooked alive all righty all right let's do the countdown okay all right let's start it from three three no mr hugs no two no mr hugs i'm so sorry mr hugs no oh you freaking bullies are my face oh my head what the frick did i tell you about hitting people that's not nice no i'm done listening to you i'm fighting back ouch get him guys follow my place stay away from mr hugs i can't see anything i don't care you freaking think i get off of me but i just wanted to eat them don't you dare ever lay a single finger on mr hugs but i don't even have hands when did i ask don't you dare ever mess with mr hugs ever again [Music] mr hugs are you okay mister mister oh oh i'm so sorry mr hugs are you okay oh okay that's good to know that's good to know oh my gosh mr hugs i don't even know what is up with all these copycats i don't know why they were trying to beat me i don't know why anyone would want to be me oh my gosh oh well as long as you're safe that's all that matters at the end of the day so hooray oh boy oh boy oh my gosh i did not realize i had all that super strength within me all along and it was all because of you because i wanted to save you that's why oh oh my goodness but what happened to the uh wait these were the withered ones uh what happened to my fellow toy friends you killed them didn't you well you know what that's okay mr hugs because we have each other and we don't have to deal with these dang bullies anymore yeah bullies yeah you stay in that cage you i okay i kind of feel bad for that dude because he was missing an arm and he was blind but uh i'm uh i'm sure it's fine oh my gosh okay mr hugs um what do we do now you don't know yeah i don't really know what to do either um i don't know oh no i wonder if this door will open oh the door opens mr hugs look it's gateway to freedom yes mr hugs we will be free we'll be free yeah wait what the frick mr hugs mr hugs he just went into space what the i can fly i'm so cool i can fly hooray oh my gosh i don't even know how all this is possible oh boy oh boy but you know what it doesn't matter because now i'm finally happy you know why i'm finally happy myself it's because i finally saved mr hugs and he's finally and he's finally noticed me and will be the best of best friends forever hooray i'm so happy right now oh boy oh boy do you know what suck you know what would really suck right now if all this was just a dream inside my head thing that would suck a whole lot if all this was just a dream yep that sure would suck but i mean it would explain why everyone was me and how i was able to get all that super strength because i know normally i wouldn't be able to break through a cage like that but oh well at least i know it's not a dream right wait is this a dream [Music]
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 450,044
Rating: 4.8421583 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Toy Freddy, FNAF 2, RP, Roleplay, Story, Funny
Id: 4C6560p5B5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 2sec (1742 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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