Gmod FNAF | Brand New FNAF 2 Animatronics! Brand New Withered Toy Animatronics!

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all right hey guys welcome back to nerd gmod five nights at Freddy's the end of Bindo is dead why okay anyways hey guys welcome back to no gym on five nights at Freddy's video today we're gonna be looking at this brand new a quote unquote brand new definitely not three weeks late no definitely not this add-on definitely did not come out like three weeks ago or like a month ago and I'm looking at it now that definitely not shut up what shush I'm like I'm doing it now shush anyways today we have these brand-new brand-new brand-new these brand new Finance at Freddy's 2 wizard toy animatronics so we have he's bringing you with their toy animatronics s rag dolls I basically showed these models off one time before as a pillow pack but we now have them as rag dolls or quote-unquote have had them as rag dolls but yes anyways I wanted to show these guys off and oh what's this sign say huh very interesting well I get that I I sure hope you know how to read or else something bad could happen I'll just put this in the corner you know justjust don't worry about that I mean I mean you should but don't at the same time if that makes sense you better like and subscribe if you haven't already or else the fat boy the fat boy can say goodbye to his toes so you better like and subscribe right freaking now cuz only because 75.5 y'all aren't subscribed so don't make the fat man lose his toes alrighty good already so yeah anyways we got these brand again quote-unquote brand new with her toy animated shush stop ok anyways stop ok anyways so we got these new with her toy animatronics you got toy Freddy toy Bonnie tor chica and then the puppet so yeah rip we're from angle and Balloon Boy they didn't survive they got executed rip anyways let's go ahead and look at them let's go down the line we'll start off with mr. puppet boy because he's the simplest of so first of all we got withered puppet or withered marionette however you want to call him /her and ya same way you got the puppet as you can see the mask has been beaten up a bit umm this feels like something that could be then like Finn a fix kind of like with lefty like this is what the puppet looks like because it's been a while since you know the pomp ahead it's good old day so now it's all old and ugly ugly but yeah I'm sure all ugly and sad and stuff I need friends and friendship and happiness or something I don't know but yeah see always there go you got the puppet basically that's the only thing that's withered about the pub is just Damascus tear it up some also has like a decaying texture and that's pretty much it for withered puppet I mean all you can do you can use body groups you can toggle the eyes if you want to again a good recommendation of what where you should use this model is probably in like a find a half six kind of thing like what's lefty I think that would be the best thing for withered puppet or if you just want to use all these with their boys go for Ida head yeah also if you want to get these um these rag dolls for yourself Dobby a link in description to this pack so make sure you check it out or else or else anyways so yeah but anyways the again I want to say first of all I really do love these models I really like these models if I had to say what is my favorites look at everybody and then I'll come back and say who my favorite is so next up we have is toy Bonnie so toy Bonnie is a pretty cool fella unlike he's like similar to withered Bonnie except for he doesn't have his whole front of his face ripped off here he still has his snout but his eye area has been like ripped like the area around a dot his eyes like his face but not fully his face if that makes sense has been ripped off well you can see you have eyeballs also his eyes are are black but then they have the pupil but instead of it being why it's red so again that's very cool and another connection to weathered Bonnie so I thought that's pretty cool um just like the puppet he also has like a decane faded texture which would make sense he also comes equipped with his guitar so yes his guitar on him and then just like with it Bonnie he's missing the case in on his foot and unlike actually similar kind of similar with but not really 20 Bonnie's toy bonnie's also missing his arm like withered Bonnie but toy Bonnie's missing his right arm when whether Bonnie is missing his left arm so that's pretty cool you know it's like it's like these switched arms you know it's like hey hey guess what this just dis used to be his left arm this used to be withered Bonnie left arm but now it's my left arm and so I gave him my right arm so I'm pretty sure we're even so if that makes any sense not really but whatever um you can also see this have a couple tears and stuff with him so um yeah so um there we go mister withered Bonnie boy and mr. with her toy Bonnie and he also got some snazzy body groups so let's look at these things so first of all you can get rid of the guitar if you want if you don't want this if you don't want him with his guitar you could just have him like that she's like oh no oh no which Pope mr. puppet please help me he's like what you want this appointment please I lost my guitar oh I think I saw your guitar just close your eyes I'll get it for you who really mr. puppet yes it's an I have a magic trick I'll pull the guitar behind your ear so I'll just close your eyes okay my eyes are closed stupid Eddie I'm not gonna give him this guitar I'm trying to pick them up throw them at the window Oh what are you doing and then why Bonnie died that's a very sad story okay anyways I'm sorry Toby Bonnie come back please oh oh no oh no get inside okay it's he's probably fuzzy breathing like Oh Frick Frick talk about don't die on me please don't die on me no don't do this um did know what the Frick am i doing so yeah you can take off his guitar if you want there's snazzy stuffs you can also change his skin so he has with his shadow wizard shadow toy Bonnie right yeah withered or withered shadow Bonnie this is actually looks really cool though like even though again he's just like solid blocking you can't really tell but like you can kind of see like the wires coming out and then his foots different and demise but if you get like a side view you can see some liked errors and stuff and rooms like do I smell shebang so yeah he's pretty snazzy wait if we give him the guitar well he's gotta be on himself a shadow guitar look at this look at this boy he's got himself a shadow guitar dang it's pretty snazzy with that but then he asked one more skin which is like a chrome kind of skin whatever it is it looks kind of cool or it's like a faded away shadow Bonnie thing because he does still have the glowing teeth and stuff but if you give him his guitar it's also the same for his guitar and stuff so this is also a pretty cool skin so yeah it looks pretty snazzy like yo it's like duh no oh no I know what happened I know what happened guys guys guys you're not gonna believe this but withered toy Bonnie got touched by nightmare gray bear statue thing now he's a statue for eternity so now he's just a statue you fell on his face stupid noob all right whatever we're gonna put the statue of toy Bonnie on the ceiling look this is Ed this is the withered toy stage you know yet the camera is like oh look there's the withered animatronic and you just have toyed Bonnie's like okay again what am i doing so yeah there you go you got that final skin of wither toy Bonnie again I have to say I really like the textures on this boyo so um ten out of ten so let's go see the other animatronics that we have in store for us today so next up we have is withered toy Freddy now what the toy Freddy is looking pretty snazzy all right so he's got more withering um withered Freddy from finesse to weathered regular Freddy didn't have much wither and to him he had a couple holes in him and stuff and then that was pretty much it but with her toy Freddy here mmm he's missing some of his casein as you can see it looks like he's got a big old crack on his stomach oh no he's like no the baby's trying to get it alright so anyways um moving along I don't know why but like him missing like some casings reminds me a lot of ignited Freddy and then how he's missing his own his arm right here at like half of his arms ripped off me it has some wires which is cool um that reminds me if ignited Freddy especially like what the piece is missing and stuff like like beside if this hand wasn't here BAM ignited Freddy because it's not afraid he didn't have any hands but it yeah and also you got this like this thing that reminds me of chocolate Bonnie like where it has like his side cracked and you can see like his endoskeleton stuff like that so I'm again snazzy snazzy stuffs he has some wires coming out of his mouth and his cheek has been cracked in half rip and rest the cheeks the rosy cheeks as you can see he's like missing one of his eyes and an eyebrow he's also missing an ear and yeah that's pretty much everything on toy Freddy I'm withered toy Freddy so um yeah there we go with her toy Freddy boy oh and but he still has his microphone so yeah there you go lovely lovely stuff so yeah see ya alright anyways let's let's go ahead and let's see BAM the body group so you can take away that hat if you want to you can also take away the microphone too so you could have him like walk around like this without his microphone or you could be nice to the boy and give him his mic he's like yeah you can scene or something like that so you have those options for body groups let's see he also has two skins if I'm correct yes so first skin is the golden toy Freddy skin now I gotta say this is actually really cool like withered or like golden toy Freddy or golden fredbear toy weight golden toy fret golden toy golden toy fredbear or golden toy Freddy whatever it actually looks pretty cool so umm yeah there you go we got him like as fredbear you know it's nice he's got like he's got purple cheeks but the reason why I'm trying to figure out like is ik I'm pretty sure I'm pretty trick normally like golden toy Freddy but it has that purple in there it's like makes me wanna say fredbear Brian pretty sure it is golden golden toy Freddy so withered golden toy Freddy there you go we had the original we also do have a golden of regular golden toy Freddy models so now we have a withered one too snazzy sell me out withered golden toy Freddy - if you want - so if you just change his skin BAM whether golden toy Freddy can exist right here as you can see he is real so I don't freaking out but anyways there you go there's that let's see what else is there so next up if we change skins one more time we have this other skin this spooky skin which just reminds me a lot of Nightmare I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be yeah this is I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be a reference to nightmare but this is it this is nightmare withered toy Freddy white know withered goal then toy nightmare I think no yeah it would be nightmare would be like cuz it's supposed to be nightmare so be wait hold it it would be toy no withered toy nightmare there we go so this is withered toy a nightmare um as you can see just like nightmare from fanat 4 he's like see-through so this is what this is what withered toy nightmare would look like if any one of y'all are kids we we just skipped toy nightmare and we just went straight the withered toy nightmare so yeah hope you're happy with that also it's interesting because he it's like he's like oh look he's he has an endoskeleton is like oh wait where's his endoskeleton gobies like oh hey its back oh wait no it's it's still there but then it's gone I don't know but yeah so anyways there you go oh and then you can see the endoskeleton head on the inside that is weird like look at his endoskeleton head on the inside like look at the endo jaw and then the eyeballs let's strange but I mean I that's how it works it's like very very spooky so yeah this is this is what this boy would look like so there you go you can also do that again I think this is very cool so yeah there you go with her she should it's just yeah so yeah there's that alright anyways there you go I'm pretty sure that's everything to this with their toy Freddy model so I'm there you you know I'm gonna change it back to normal now so yeah but anyways next up we have is withered toy chica first of all you can see she's missing one of her feathers on her head she's missing I she's missing her lower beak this definitely makes the regular toy chica like the beat regular toy chica with the beat more creepy because infant f2 tore chica would take off her beak in her eyes but this is like a mix of the two kind of like with the face and that's kind of disturbing so yeah but anyways she still does have her little toy cupcake who is kind of dirty and also his eye is lopsided poor toy cupcake he got smacked in the face some so yeah but anyways here she is she is still toy thicker as you can see by dirty extremely dirty you were nasty wait I don't like wood so yeah alright anyways again just like toy Freddy missing a couple of plates and yeah that's pretty much it - um toy chica because again you all have eyes y'all can see I'm pretty sure that's everything - a hope or cupcake - withered toy chica right there so yeah and also she doesn't have any body groups or skins so that's much it for her so um yeah there you go the withered toy animatronics now earlier I was gonna say who my favorite is out of these I'm gonna have to easily go with wither toy Bonnie because withered Bonnie is a easy favorite out of the withered from for nap - and then wither toy Bonnie's looking extremely cool with this guitar so I got to go with the withered toy Bonnie but if I had to pick seconds I would easily go with toy Freddy and I don't know I probably I think I'd probably say tor chica for third if you include puppet because puppets like not very withered much but I mean I still like withered puppet I know you can't really do much with it cuz it's a puppet but like there's just it's not very unique but I would have to put with their toy chica in at a third so um yeah there we go the withered toy animatronics now that's not the only thing in this pack you thought that was the only thing no guess what you are wrong you are wrong guess what guess what there's more yep that's right there's more we got the Phantom's so also in this pack because this is basically I've shown off part one in part two before you have seen part one or you had a oh that's right it got update wait I don't think was oh oh shoo away I think it got updated the part one panic okay here this is the stuff y'all have seen y'all seen um y'all saw these models I showed these ones off before in the part one pack but I'm pretty sure golden Freddy recently got at it yeah golden no that's regular Freddy Frick that's weathered foxy I think the withers were already in here if I'm correct I could be wrong I don't remember if the withered animatronics were in the part one pack but I did get told at some point that it got updated alright wait did I look through all of these what did I just spawn in wait I'm so compute I hang on what is going on oh okay so we have now have I shown these off these are like the UM on withered versions of those and then we have oh crap Oh oh no I haven't shown any of this I really am behind Oh No oh crap I didn't realize I was here I was planning on reviewing part three today which has the wither toys and the Phantom's I didn't realize I never reviewed the toy animatronic I guess I had it like on the list and then I never did it so these are these these are like the same models but these are like the unwitting animatronics of those oh my goodness oh no oh now I suck at reviewing that I should have reviewed these first before the wither I mean the wither toys are actually really cool so you know what fine I'll make this video longer okay fine you guys get extra content because I have big dumb dumb brain my brain big dumb dumb so you get extra content today you get longer watch time so you'll better leave a like and sub if you haven't already because my goodness okay umm alright anyways let us continue okay so here's the withered so you know I'll probably I'll put all parts in this all parts part 1 part 2 part 3 I'll put all of them in the description so because I'm pretty sure new things are all of them because I'm pretty sure golden freddy is new to this pack I don't know if the weather damn trunks weren't there before or not I never did check out this pack and I just reviewed these four okay this is a mess okay you know we're gonna finish reviewing part three and then I might go to part one and then we'll go to part two does that make sense part one it has the wizards part 2 as the toys part 3 has the Phantoms so yeah all links will be in description you better like right now okay anyways continuing continuing on so we had the wither toys awesomesauce yeah so anyways next up we have is the phantom animatronics for this pack oh we got phantom Freddy Phantom foxy phantom mingle phantom puppet and phantom Balloon Boy and I gotta say a boy and boys a chunky child this is a chunky chunky chunky child look at this boy look at his his head is bigger than mangles what's the freaking you're supposed to be child you chunky why does Balloon Boy have a big brain that's not OK in the society and in this world I can't live in the with Balloon Boy being smart the endo window does not compute wait oh God endo windows wait Balloon Boy is taller than the endo window the endo window does not like this endo Bindo thinks balloon child should die prepare to die a little boy all free already so yeah all right moving along let's see so first of all we got phantom Freddy look up fans are pretty very snazzy so on phantom Freddy you know you guys know what fans afraid looks like he's missing his ear of interesting thing about this phantom Freddy that was that he doesn't have his eye wire or his ear wire but I guess that's okay so yeah um also he is missing his bottom endo jaw but I think there's a thing for that so you can toggle his endo gel so you can give them that bottom in dojo if you want to you can also toggle his eyes so you can get rid of its eyes so it's like oh oh no one crowd cheering this thing I'm blind oof so there you go you got phantom Freddy right there so there's transom Freddy that's all you can really do with them it's pretty cool though so yeah alrighty so next up we have these Phantom foxy so faint epoxy obviously has a hook missing you can again just like came to Freddy you can take away his eyes if you want to but yeah so the anyways this is what the Phantom foxy looks like in this style and the TMG so yeah there's your Phantom foxy boy this truly is a spooky phantom boy oh no he's scaring me look at the my look at yeah I was gonna say look at them eyes but then he has one eye so I just said that I okay whatever so yeah anyways there you go faints on foxy everybody next up we have is phantom puppet so all again just like the wizard puppet well I mean I'm again the reason why I'm going kind of quick with these guys is because y'all know what the phantom animatronics look like but I was showing off the I was given the wither toy um trunks more time because they're unique in different models and but everyone knows what the paints must looks like so yeah you got a phantom puppet there you go phantom puppet I guess you can do a twirl and there's phantom puppet and then you can take away his eyes one two so then you can kill the puppet if you want to you don't have to I mean you could be a nice guy to the puppet and beat him bringing her back to life like I'm alive yes alright anyways there you go a phantom puppet next up we guys big boy Fanta balloon boy I don't know why this bull I don't know why the balloon boy is so freaking huge in this pack compared to like the other toy animatronics like you have like totally Friday and then you have balloon boy balloon boys face is bigger than toy Freddy I would expect below I would expect a balloon boy oh my gosh I would expect balloon boy to be a little smaller not not this freaking chunky alright toy Freddy might be a little little funky but boy and boy you're just straight-up chunky it's not okay so yeah but anyways phantom balloon boy you can also give him his sign and also his balloon so he's like hooray I'm in disgrace to everybody huh oh so yeah there's phantom Balloon Boy so anyways next up we have as the final phantom yeah this basically all the Phantom animatronics except phantom chica coz phantom chica is a phenom on model and all these are fin aft two based models so uh rip and Resta phantom chica she she died rip okay whatever nobody cares about you anyways next up we have is phantom mangle and for phantom mangle doesn't have any body groups but again it's very cool to see mangle rag dolls because you know like it's it's the mangle so it's got a bunch of limbs and stuff like that so I was like oh with them but thumpa thumpa thumpa thumpa thumpa so um I don't know but anyways there you go phantom mangle pretty nice you got the green bow tie - that's it's pretty cool so yeah there we go um phantom mingle mingle so yep and it also got that end note at that second endo face so yeah there is the phantom mangle very very spoopy so I yeah but anyways there you go that's everything for part three of the pack now I guess let's go look at part one I'm gonna show I have I've already shown off the unweathered trunks in a previous video so you also know what they look like you know we got the guitar we got chica we've seen chica before I'll just spawn them in in the background if you're curious we got the we've we've seen the cupcake boy I've got to say this is very interesting choice for a nun with their cupcake then you got phantom fog I mean unwitting see and he had unwitting and then you also had unwitting there might be nope there's no skin okay there we go so there's the unwitting room trunks we've already seen them before let's move along so we have the withered away we had endo - I think I showed off endo - here's endo - just in case if I haven't but endo - Stasi my fellow endo bando brother it is I have returned I've come to warn you okay what am i again what again what am i doing already so anyways next up we got on the list is we got the withered animatronics I'm gonna show them off just because I don't think I ever did SH off the weather damn atronics of this pack so anyways here we go here's the withered animatronics just in case if I haven't shown them off if I have already then oh whoa you get to see them again to deal with it so I yeah anyways here we go we got withered foxy with her Fox he's looking pretty snazzy let's see does he have body groups he does so you can take away his eyes if you want to so you can rip that eye out so oh that's kind of spooky right there that's kind of a spooky withered foxy boy yeah there's wither foxy I gotta say I actually really like this withered foxy model it reminds me a lot of the finale exe in the finale wean update - thing so pretty spooky stuffs man pretty pretty spooky so yeah next up we got is withered golden Freddy alright now I'm pretty I'm guaranteed that this dude is new so on we got withered golden Freddy right here he's got his microphone he's cured - let me sing you a song don't you want to come into the back room with me I got lots of candy oh I'm sad and and I got married to back out really depressing quick okay anyways with their golden Freddy so you have withered golden Freddy now so you can chain all oh no so you can give them big eyes empty eyes or just no eyes so you got withered golden Freddy right there you know says the skin for shadow phrase you can have shadow Freddy you can give him them big pupils right there like how shadow Freddy does so like the shadow boy so I'm there you go you got withered golden Freddy and withered shadow Freddy so um snazzy snazzy stuffs boy snazzy snazzy stuffs so uh yeah anyways there you go with your golden Freddy flash what their chat afraid so yeah anyways we also have withered Bonnie no here's what the Bonnie who looks pretty cool again this is part one that that stuff was part three and then we'll get on to part two god I can't believe I was this behind shush shush don't call me don't bully me Oh so yeah anyways we got withered Bonnie let's see what you can give him his I feel like hmm hmm I feel like I've shown these off before okay whatever anyways you can take that stuff off even why I'm gonna speedrun the weather's just because I need to show off the toys like those are very important so you also have withered chica again you kind of skipped Bonnie but you know you can give him this mask if you want so there's that you got wither chica you know just she's just hanging around then got withered Freddy which whether Freddy looks pretty cool so I'm just like hey I'm or more than forty hoho and you can make his eyes glow and stuff like that so um yeah anyways there you go with the wither name atronics from part Y now let's go check out part two of this pack I'll do them over here so let's go check out the toy animatronics huh I thought the thing is I don't know I remember these guys and I thought I reviewed them already but I guess I haven't so we'll look at them so first of all you got is toy Freddy it's all it's weird looking at these guys now because I know that they're the unlived version of those guys this is this is weird ok whatever so anyways he got toy Freddy first of all you know we've all seen toy Freddy before he's he's a swell person so I gotta say I actually do really like this toy Freddy model by the way let me know in the comments if y'all want me to if y'all want me to use these models in future videos and yeah I definitely want to use the weather toys cuz those are some cool models but let me know about everyone else too so yeah alright anyways we got toy Freddy right here let's see you can change its eyes up so you could have like spooky eyes like that or you could have spooky spooky is like that as you can see there it's like a different eye texture right there that's because like infin afto whenever toy Freddy's in your office he has like dark eyes but his eyes like reflect light on them so um there you go so you can have him like that again you can also take away his hat in his microphone and then and then here we go we got we got the Maine boy right here we got we got building toy Freddy so here you go golden toy Freddy this dude actually looks really cool and really strange it's like it's like I can but I also can't see this being a Canon character it's it's strange it's strange but this has been a good juicy character in the past cuz I believe like this started with the splink Spurgeon there's actually a splink version of this toy Freddy let me see if I can find it super duper quick yeah this dude right here this was the first golden toy Freddy so I think it's like based off this dude except for this dude has orange cheeks instead of purple cheeks but he doesn't have the purple stripe which this was before for now for Fred bear purple so yeah anyways there you go Purple's purpleness purple more so uh golden toy Freddy everybody so yeah here let me go back down there because I need to actually be here so anyways he got golden toy Freddy it's pretty cool guy so um yes you also have a oh I said this I said this earlier as a joke but then I was wrong now so God shush don't call me earlier I said huh I like how we skipped toy nightmare but guess what there is toy nightmare so there is a toy nightmare so it here is toy nightmare yeah so or nightmare toy no it's not no no no no it's not nightmare toy if it was nightmare toy Freddy then it'll be toy Freddy with shark teeth and claws and stuff like that so now so this is toy nightmare so yeah here's toy nightmare he's got that yellow stripe than the yellow cheeks and he's looking pretty sweet and kind of creepy again you can see right through them so I can see I can see what I know what you're thinking I can see right through you man haha funny haha so uh yeah anyways there go toy night mayor so yeah next up we got is toy Bonnie you got him with this guitar toy Bonnie looks extremely extra happy today toy Bonnie you're not allowed to be happy okay did you like and subscribe I hope you did or else your day will be over I mean what okay fun so toy Bonnie let's see what we got so we got toy Bonnie you know you can change his eyes Oh big boy well you could have Oh oh you've given me too many options already so you can oh there you go or you could just have him die so toy Bonnie there you go toy Bonnie guitar you just can't this shut that that is Kurt wait wait wait wait wait wait oh no oh oh no no no no this is um this is the oh no this is the y'all remember my last video about Help Wanted shout out Freddy textures you don't remember that um headless shadow Freddy guy said it's like hey look it's that spicy boy this should be a character basically helped won it shout out Freddy but without his mask so it's like his endo head and he has his top hat um this is his shadow Bonnie friend oh god this is this is this scares me this is like this give me anime vibes those big anime No I'm getting lost in those I know police don't help now so yeah you got shadow Bonnie here boys you know look at shadow Bonnie look so shocked he's like that's like that's like the face a little would make like if you see someone kicking oh wait no okay I thought if a better I thought have a better example when you see someone drop a doughnut on the floor you just go like that's the exact face I would make if I see someone drop it don't I'll be like oh oh oh it's oh no wonder why he looks weird it's his teeth his teeth how do you fix this to you you can't you can't go okay I was like I was wondering why shadow Bonnie was looking weird it's because of his teeth if you don't know the only difference between shadow Bonnie and toy Bonnie besides him being a shadow and having glowing stuff is that his top teeth yes for shadow Bonnie shadow bonnie has four top teeth toy bonnie has two top teeth so shadow Bonnie looks like a geek with freaking um two two top teeth so a strange shadow boy strange shadow no wonder why he looks extra creepy with the UM with the eyes so I was like what the and then you can get all you can give them bigger oh now that's worse that is worse we need them teeth to be fixed oh no I mean it's a good shadow Bonnie besides the teeth and we could get the four teeth that would make things so much better he looks so weird with just two teeth oh that is not it's it's okay for toy Bonnie but not for shadow Bonnie that's just weird all right but anyways I was gonna go back to these oh no no please no no no so yeah anyways toy Bonnie also has one more skin basically like this uh the the one skin you know I also kind of like I think this might also be like a shadow Bonnie skin but it's like to show more like materialized or something I don't know if that makes sense I don't like big words um but you know I don't even know what eyes you would use would you use just like these eyes for this is that the type of eyes you would use for this or would you use like um maybe like I don't know this is strange all that is not okay oh no oh no it's fix that please I mean so you also got this toy Bonnie - he's looking pretty cool he matches with this I just realized they match oh look they're friends they're friends because they looked okay alright so anyways um I guess these two are buds or something now so yeah alright anyways there you go shadow toy Bonnie question mark or just toy Bonnie in general you know you got just just 20 baht it's just toy Bonnie okay so there you go toy Bonnie pretty cool kid so yeah anyways next up we got is toy thick up mm thick wait for it oh so anyways you got toy chica toy thick god thing stop getting distracted alright so our next character we have is toy chica and here she is and all those things okay so we got toy chica um so yeah again she also does have her cupcake and luckily this cupcake then it get brain damage like this one this one got bashed up against the wall or something rip mr. cupcake guys rip mr. toy cupcake but anyways here's to our chica with her cupcake see ya also you can change your head oh that's got really we're really quick but I know it's like head for her spooky spooky self so that's what that's what that heads supposed to look like for that so you got a spooky head regular head you also have like the endo head inside you can also put the endoskeleton now let's just put the endo jaw in all that stuff take away the cheeks if you want to let's go ahead and switch up the heads I guess you can take the eyes and do spooky eyes eyelids spooky eyelids be and then Big John oh no it's spooky toy chica oh no oh noes so there you go you can do that if you want it to be like nighttime toy chica it's pretty spooky pretty spooky actually really spooky is kind of scaring but eh yeah anyways there you go there's toy chica right there so um yeah alright so the next person we got is the puppet oh look at the puppy you know the puppet looks extra smooth extra still today you know this is the third puppet I'm looking at today but like you know this is a snazzy puppet so anyways here's to puppet here she is so you can take boy thumb eyes all that it's creepy cuz infant hath two of the puppet doesn't have his eyes it's glow I though it only has it's glow eyes whenever it tax you so that's how the puppet normal it looks like infant after you just in the box it's like don't that's creepy that is creepy without the eyes but then has the eyes when you jump scare and use like it's like booga-booga-booga mix pookums get spooked I don't know anyways there you go here is the pulpit and yeah so anyways there you go the puppet that's all you can really get for the puppet again here's the puppet and that's pretty much it to the puppet so there is the puppet next up we have is Fat Boy Balloon Boy I mean I should be next up we have is phat fit next up we have is balloon freakin disgraced it's just something we are my muffins little boy alright guys so next up we have is balloon bit I can do this I can do this alright hmm so next up we have is freaking die balloon alright so next thing we have is balloon boy and so yeah anyways here we go we got fat-faced got I'm sorry okay it's really hard to be nice to balloon boy alright guys so next up we have is balloon boy and so yeah anyways here we go here's balloon boy um again I feel like he's slightly bigger than he should be but that's just my preference so yeah but anyways here we go balloon boy he's got his butt he also has his sign and he looks so happy so yes anyways here we go here's Balloon Boy so yep you can take away this balloon if you want and also the sign you can let's change the skin so he turns into JJ so um there you go you got bullying boy and then you also have JJ as well if you want to so uh yeah there you go so you got JJ and then you also have balloon boy so um yeah anyways there you go there's balloon boy alright so next up we have is pre mangled now this is a very interesting design for pre mean goal so here's pre mingle um anyways there we go it's got something flat these are some flat feet but I mean I guess that does fit in for the regular mingled thing so okay whatever anyways here we go you got mingle and she also does have this weird tail thing I I don't know how I feel about this - oh oh oh no oh no but again I don't know how I feel about this design for a tail but yeah but manga what the I don't like this pose that you're doing me no no no alright so anyways here we go we have mangle um which institution is that she actually she has like three buttons on her chest and there we go she also has her bow tie so yeah um anyways there go there is mingle mingle pre pre pre pre pre pre pre pre mingle mingle so there you go there's pre mingle so yeah and also she does not have any body groups so that's pretty much it for so um yeah anyways there you go pre there you go pre mingle there we go alright guys so next up for our final character we have the mingle mingle which is actually mangled not pre mingled so just freaking ripped apart god during a Balloon Boy why would you oh wait that's not balloon man thanks JJ sorry small female child it wasn't me I swear I didn't touch what so anyways we got mangle so here is the mingle mingle again very spicy so um here we go okay there we go just stand up on all your legs there you go take your time so yeah there we go we got the mangle very spooky you fix your neck there okay that's I guess that's good enough so there you go we got mingle she also has her sticking head very very spooky very spooky and then this is what this mango has for a tail is this I think this is supposed to be like mingles tail I think I don't know if that was the thing infant half - I know when finaiiy lineage you guys like this weird tail thing so I don't know I don't know which one she's supposed to have I don't know if she has like this thing as a tail infan f2 or she has like that other thing like that one thin thing and then it has to ball on the end like for her tail because originally with toy Bonnie I didn't realize toy Bonnie had like a stick and then it was like a a bunny tail because normally toy Bonnie's Alps I mean I wasn't looking at anything but anyway still like toy bonnie has like a stick and then his tail for like the help-wanted design so I don't know it's just some weird things about Scott entails I don't know so I don't know alright anyways it doesn't matter I ain't judge tails that's a good that's a good statement so yeah anyways here is mangle and again just like pre mangle no body groups so on yeah anyway still go out there is the mingle Nick mingle so yeah there you go mingle mingle so yeah I like to mingle the mingle wait I'm not wrong though I will do alright so anyways um I think that's where I'm gonna leave this video oh my god I was not it's like exploit what the Frick there we go I was not expecting this video to be 41 minutes long but there you go 41 minutes long anyways so yeah anyways there you go I'm pretty much just reviewed all three parts of the pack I was only planning on looking at part three I was well I was playing on this being like a 20 minute video not not 40 but whatever there you go there's your extra content you better you better do the following or else or else there will be consequences okay I'm just saying so yeah anyways there you go alright I'll shut up wait what the for demux no sense oh no no windows dead okay I'll go with the fruit alright so anyways there you go that's the end of this video I hope you guys did enjoy again all three parts to this pack will be in the description so make sure you check out the wither the unwitting the withered toys in the regular toys everything will be in the description if you want check it out for yourself and sorry I got to this pack pretty lights I honestly forgot about it I did not mean to I just forgot about it and then I remembered I reminded myself about it and then I forgot about that too so sorry I have small brain don't hurt please and yeah but anyways there you go I'm gonna leave this video here so anyways I hope you guys did enjoy make sure to leave a like if you did enjoy is that always helps me out and also subscribe if you wish and if you want to so umm yeah anyways there you go I'll leave this video here again add-ons will the inscription see how you always hope you guys to enjoyed make sure leave like and I'll see y'all next time so oh my god what the Freak thank you guys so much watching I hope you guys enjoyed make sure you leave a like and I'll see y'all next time good bye
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 786,215
Rating: 4.8988466 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Garry's Mod, Five Nights at Freddy's 2, Five Nights at Freddy's, FNAF 2, Toy, Withered, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Mangle, Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, Golden Toy Freddy, Nightmare, Puppet, BB, Balloon Boy, Withered Toy Freddy, Withered Toy Bonnie, Withered Toy Chica, Withered Puppet, Phantom Mangle, Phantom BB, Withered Freddy, Withered Bonnie, Withered Chica, Withered Foxy, Showcase, Review, New, Addon, Mod, Spotlight, Ragdoll
Id: M0wZMs27ZjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 10sec (2590 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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