Gmod FNAF | Brand New FNAF AR: Special Delivery Dark Water Bare Endo Ragdoll/Playermodel/NPC!

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hello i am the dark watcher bear indo-window and i've come from a distant land far far away and i am here to uh wait what was my point of life again um i have come here to use the sink yup wash your hands everybody wash them wash wash those wash those freaking hands i'm telling you man better wash them or else or else all right hey guys welcome back to your gmod finance of freddy's ar special delivery model review video today we are taking a look at the dark water bear indo now um yeah look at this dude this dude is um has uh oh has he been going to the gym or something yo he's getting some he's getting some muscles um so uh yeah so guys this is the dark water endo bindo and this is a part of the dark tides event that is currently going on in finance freddy's ar special delivery now this is the second endo skeleton skin that we have gotten in the game and i gotta say i love it i really like this skin i love the detail on it and um it's a very i really like how they did this for the um for the endoskeleton so uh yeah so basically here you go you got the indo bindo he's basically formed his own suit which i like that about the i like that about this skin um because with flamethrower bare endo is basically like a hot endoskeleton like just hot metal and um stuff like that i also really do like the flamethrower endoskeleton but i like what they did with this endoskeletons they actually kind of gave him a bit of a suit um but they still made it represent as a endoskeleton because when the skin was first being teased a lot of people thought it was going to be a foxy skin and i thought it was going to be foxy skin tail skin too until like the last second was like oh it's an actually an indo-window skin um so uh yeah but i like how he's kind of like formed his own suit out of this water mucky stuff i i don't i i honestly have no idea what to call it but you get the point um but yeah and also he's like kind of like the endoskeleton has started has turned into a fish he has formed gills he's got those little flappers he's got he's got even a little glow light on the top of his head look at that look at this like i'm gonna light up your world because i am the indo bindo and also something freaky is like if you look at him from the side like look at his head from the side like oh his mouth and stuff so yeah this endoskeleton he's got some real teeth and he also has a um he also has a tongue um so uh yeah that's a very interesting uh detail to him um but i really do like him i really think this is a really good skin um for final far special delivery so um yeah there you go um but now you can uh check them out in the garry's mods like always you can become the indo binder boy and you can make them hold a gun because that's what we like to do here so uh yeah there you go if you want to check out this boyo for yourself he's part of the endoskeleton pack so uh check it out link in the description if you already don't have it so um yeah but and also this dude's got some like crystal balls for eyes so i think that's really cool so uh yeah there you go that's pretty much everything you need to know about the dark water bear endo now now today we are going on a journey yes that is right i am the dark water bearer in nobundo and i am going on a journey as you can see i've ended up in this bathroom in the pizzeria and you might ask oh no did you come out from the sink and are you lost from your home yes and no yes i am lost but no i did i didn't come out of the sink i i um i don't want to talk about what i came out of but uh anyways put the camera back up yeah so uh anyways i have appeared in this pizzeria and i am lost from my home i am lost and i am a scared lonely indo-window and if i go on the streets everyone is going to think i'm a monster show i got to find my way back to the to the holy lake yes that is right the dark water bear endo lives in the holy lake and i live at the bottom of the uh at the bottom of the lake so my i have to run through the city and get back to and find the lake that i belong in and get back to my people my people need me they need me more than ever and i'm i'm in some bathroom in the kids pizzeria so i gotta find my way home but i don't think the residence is gonna be happy with me so i think it's time i try to get back to my people so it is time for the great dark water indo-window story of how he got back to the lake show uh or the pond it's actually a pond god dang it uh i gotta get back to my pond all right you know what i i can't take this anymore i'm going i gotta go i gotta go to the pond oh my goodness okay let's go let's go let's go all right let's see here we gotta go through this pizzeria all right so i know that the outside world probably isn't the biggest fan of my kind i'm gonna be honest so uh you know actually maybe maybe they'll accept me with open arms yeah all right i'm gonna go outside and i'm sure the people of this city will love the dark water berindo all right let's go outside and uh hello it's oh my god oh no the city is infested with evil chuck e cheese oh my god no oh no they hate my kind no what am i what am i gonna to do i remember those evil chucky cheeses they tried to pollute the water at one point with toxic waste oh my goodness and that's how toxic radioactive foxy became a thing oh my god okay i gotta think of something um um oh i'll go up this other door they won't expect me coming from this way right all right yeah let's go this way all right here um oh i need a gun um all right you know what here i got a i got a gun the dark water perendo's got a gun alright i'm going outside boys i am the fish man who came to invade the city i'm gonna kill the residents all right gotta take out the bread okay you know just give me one of these oh my god my aim is terrible okay you know that's it i'm going in with a shotgun you guys don't ask how i got all these weapons i swear i didn't steal them die evil chuck e cheese all right got it gotta check your cheese down oh my god oh i gotta reload my gun all right let's do this boys let's do this boys let's save the city and the fish man can't collect your taxes i'm here to restore uh pepperoni to the holy muffin man oh my god okay you can't touch this okay just oh my god these guys have so much health okay i gotta i gotta all right oh my god there's no way i'm gonna make it back to the pond on foot oh my goodness i don't even know where the pond is was just like oh wait that's just the freaking advertisement yeah we don't like advertisements oh my god oh my god i need a stronger weapon oh wow good thing i just happened to find this uh this sniper rifle all right let's see a boom all right headshot all right and uh uh boom oh frick i missed uh a boom headshot uh edit that show it made it look like i did it in uh one hit oh no oh god okay okay boom off break on this oh my god got that dude oh oh my gosh dodging you dodging don't let them hit you oh my god oh my god come on come on come on do a cool trick shot oh my god oh god i gotta reload okay that will probably explain all right let's do this boys let's do this oh my god come on come on gotta get some cool oh yeah i definitely did that boom uh 360. oh yeah another 360. yeah i'm the best indobindo ever all right i gotta go i gotta go to the i gotta go this way oh my god oh oh my god oh my god okay okay okay okay um um here let's reload load reload reload oh what is this place oh darkwater barindo wants to go inside oh gamble oh that sounds like fun i want to gamble oh fine you're right okay we don't have time for this all right we gotta go i gotta go i gotta go my people my people my people need me oh my goodness all right i gotta shave my people up gotta thank guns boom got that chuck e cheese food got that chucky cheese boom we got that chuck e cheese boom took off this sneaker oh let's go let's go and boom oh i think i missed actually boom boom oh frick i shot that car oh god oh my god go away boom ah dark water baron does been hit i've been injured i gotta keep fighting now ah i gotta get back into battle oh my god oh my god oh my god actually i died holy [ __ ] uh i'm perfectly a-okay i've never felt better i swear i'm not dying oh my god the the chucky jesus must die oh that's i gotta restore balance to the 712. all right let's go oh my god okay i shot that car again okay let's go all right you know what i'm hopping in the back of this thing got the ass case on it god damn all right i'm going they don't see me tell me boom oh two for one boom they're all dead they're all dead right i got all of them yeah they're yep all the chuck e cheese's have been defeated all right now you know what now that i'm at the shop now that i'm at this 712 this has come to make me realize it's going to take a long time to walk all the way back to the pond why would i walk when i could take a car yeah i'm a i'm a fish man i know how to drive that's definitely the first thing i would learn how to do all right now which car do i want to take i mean you got this truck but no we got the wide selection over here all right which vehicle shall i take which one of these is going to get me fastest to the pond because i can only go a certain amount of time without water before before i die you see since i'm a fish indoor window i'm able to stand on the land for a while but not forever so i need to get some water soon or else i'm gonna be a dead indobindo i'm gonna start flopping all over the ground like a dead fish so i gotta take the fastest car the fastest vehicle to the pond all right let's see we got this car i mean that seems pretty fast you know it's got this and okay that one's kind of green i kind of like that color oh let's see um this one's this one's blue just like me all right i think i've made my decision for which vehicle i'm going to be taking to the pond that's going to get me here to the fastest oh yeah look at this bad boy oh look at that oh look at this oh that is so nice that is so nice yeah all right yeah i already know which one i'm taking all right it's time for me to hop in my vehicle and get to the pond as quick as possible with my fastest vehicle this is the fastest car in existence all right let's get to the pond all right i'm in the fastest vehicle ever my uh outfit what i do uh oh i think i need to oh no okay it's probably it's probably fine all right um yeah all right let's go dark water in dopando yeah i got to turn on the radio oh yeah look at this oh yeah look at this bad boy oh yeah this is by far the fastest i'll hit the curb okay all right let's go yeah let's go oh wait oh i thought this thing turned on okay how do i oh oh wait that's how you do okay god god oh god no okay turn uh wait which way am i okay yeah let's turn but no not not that one no got no no now how how do people drive the no dang it i got it i've got you know there's chicken cheese stuck in my tire oh my god okay back it up back it up back it up yeah there we go oh oh wait here before i go i want some snatch um here uh excuse me sir can i answer it oh my god evil chucky cheese die holy frick all right i'll have one of everything please hmm got me a snickers bar and oh someone made a mess on the door all right all right where's my car all right now i got my food all right now now with this snicker bar i have the knowledge of the human brain and now i know how to operate this vehicle ow oh god i think i crashed oh no okay let's see here all right i know where i'm going all right i gotta go this way right i think this is the way to the pond the great pond i am coming why is this the pawn oh that's a rock oh god okay uh like throw it into uh reverse uh reverse bleed beep all right let's go uh it's just the way i think this is i think this to the great pond i gotta get to the great pond oh yeah there's some trees and uh oh wait no ill this is still the city take a turn oh oh we're going off road i can't see i block oh i hit another tree oh my god the dark water independent was not built to drive a vehicle okay all right let's go all right let's go and oh oh where the heck am i out uh where am i at now oh look at that house i wonder if that family's on vacation all right no there's no time i gotta get back to the great pond all right let's see here uh take a turn oh my god okay let's go driving down the street driving down the street i'm an indo-window who's a water man oh wait is that the great river the great holy river oh i crashed again okay i gotta get kind of get to the river but the river will guide me to the great pond right i'm pretty sure i'm going to the river oh wait i don't think cars go in the river but i belong in the river and oh no oh i know this goes in the opposite direction oh no i didn't realize the the flow of the water well bomb i guess i'm up i guess i'm going on an adventure um oh no bye mr carr okay wait where is this where does this river even take me wait no i think this river comes from the great pond this is taking me in the opposite direction of the pond no it just goes to the big stupid rocks oh my god no this just goes to the dang it oh man okay well god dang it all right hang on let me go back and get my let me get my car oh my god ah god dang it i forgot the river only goes one way and oh my car is ruined how am i gonna make it back to the great pond now if only there was some type of convenient vehicle and oh hey look a convenient vehicle oh this is just what i needed oh snap one of these boats all right with this thing i should be able to go upstream all right let's do this dark water in the window away all right oh my god i still don't know how to drive okay let's go oh i don't run into the walks don't run into the rocks okay i'm going up the river the river oh my god it's so rocky oh my god i've gone off the river where am i at i'm scared somebody picked me up oh my god i've crashed hello where am i i can't see anything there's too many trees out to their tree somebody saved me uh i've fallen back into the river oh my god okay going into the river oh now i'm going to spam my oh my god my head hurt oh my god oh my god okay gotta do some trick shots gotta do some epic maneuvers and here i am at the great park oh wait no this ain't the great pawn oh that's right there's oh no this is the other little pawn to [ __ ] my pawns just the waterfall there's a difference god dang it okay i'm at the wrong spot again well now what am i gonna do well i know now i now know how to operate vehicles so uh let's do this taking this bad boy off the road we're going on the streets in our favorite water vehicle zooming through the streets i'm gonna run over some people okay come on guys let's climb aboard into the great pond oh wait look it's the quarry oh i'm gonna go inside okay no we don't got time to go to the quarry i gotta keep moving i'm oh it's a stop sign my weakness okay wait back up back up do a u-turn all right all right gotta get to the great pond how do how do i get to the great pond all right take a shortcut or take goodness or wait no this ain't a shortcut no wait is this a shortcut shortcut shortcut is this a shortcut no it's not a shortcut it's not a shortcut i repeat not a shortcut gotta get out of here all right we're taking a shortcut we're taking detour out i got maneuver oh beep back it up back it up back it up and go forge all right all right maneuver maneuver maneuver maneuver oh oh my god where'd this wall come from i gotta find the great pond i'm dying i need water i need oh my god okay i'm i'm back at the how am i back at the seven twelve are you kidding me this difference right there god dang okay all right let's go this way gotta go i gotta go oh my god uh i can't stop spinning in circles oh my god oh god dang it stupid vehicle okay let's try this one more time oh no i lost my vehicle in the trees no what am i going to do i'm starting to flop around like a fish oh the sun it's too hot i'm getting i feel so dehydrated god dang it why did i drink any water when i was at the river i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm flopping like a flesh i need to get back to the i know what to do i know how to save everything i need to go back to the 7-12 i gotta hurry oh where is it i need it where is it wait wait wait wait wait wait oh my god oh oh here it is ah that's what i needed i needed a slushie oh my goodness a blue raspberry slushie ah i feel i feel a lot better ah i got a brain freeze i drank it too quick oh my brain hurts now oh i got a brain freeze no dang it now i'm cold oh i gotta get back to the great river um um i need a vehicle okay fine i guess this blueberry mobile will have to do to the great pond i gotta go to the great pond gotta go gotta go zoom zoom all right drift you're drifting no oh no oh i drifted right into the sign okay that's not even how you drift where's the car i'm gonna die i need water i'm gonna die wait where's the great ball there's the girl oh no i could have crap where am i oh my god jesus christ i can't see anything i'm scared oh no where am i at oh no oh wait a minute the great pond it's the great pot shut up nobody like it's not walters lake i mean it's the great pond yeah i need water i need water if only i could just jump in the water right now but i gotta go this way i'm gonna die without washing i don't need water i'm gonna die i'm so close yet so far away i don't want to die i need water water come on i need more moments i'm almost there [Music] you
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 54,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, AR, SD, Special Delivery, Model, Addon, Ragdoll, Mod, Review, Spotlight, Fight, Showcase, New, Roleplay, RP, Skin, NPC, Playermodel, Dark Water Bare Endo
Id: E6TjaXvbbZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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