Gmod FNAF | Freddy And Friends Meet... Freddy And Friends? (w/ @ChicaFazbear32) [Part 1]

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that was a weird portal yeah i don't know where where this looks like our home so did so it probably just i told i told you it wouldn't work well it looked promising so uh yeah um well we surely don't know if this is like another dimension or something like that so i'm gonna go ahead and shower ahead to see if anything at all is like different so i'm gonna be yeah so all of you guys just stay here and stay out of sight like just in case i'll be careful oh okay freddy just okay freddie just uh be careful [Music] yeah i will be boopity boop [Music] hooray i love running with scissors oh no it's free i mean i wouldn't do anything right i swear i swear please please please please please don't hit me in the face like you always do every single monday please please please don't hurt me um why would i want to hurt you because it's it's uh i mean uh uh i mean no it's definitely not balloon boy day yeah yeah please don't pick me you're gonna kick me aren't you kick balloon boy what kind of day do you have we don't have those days what what do you mean it's um oh this is interesting um um what's going on over here oh uh hi jj uh i wasn't doing anything i swear but um i uh you're in yeah what's up freddy's acting weird he normally kicks me but he's not kicking me i don't know if i should be appreciative or well you should just take it just just be happy he's not kicking you maybe he's having a good day or something today um a good day freddy what'd you do today what did you do today that's so good what'd you do uh um i well i made a pizza first in the morning which was really delicious and then i chatted with chica and bonnie some more and then um yeah that's pretty much all i did today what the frick you socialized for once he never does that jj he never does that he never socializes what the freak jj i'm freaking out jj i'm freaking out something's not right i'm scared i'm gonna go hide um uh you know what um jj we need to go have a talk uh talk about what just come with me you freaking frick you know what you just did you go away freddie go away uh bye bye freddie i guess that that's weird i i i norm i don't kick little boy do i wait do i no i'm pretty sure i don't uh okay that was weird um oh so wait how did balloon boy and jj get down the stairs before i did wait a minute are they still no i'm sure it's probably nothing i wonder wait a minute um is that bonnie over wait oh wait what's going on hold on wait wait wait i'm missing something entirely hold on now i'm sure it's fine i'm pretty sure my mind is just no he's clearly on the stage what's okay what what what wait what i'm confused oh no um maybe that bonnie is wait okay this is weird um i'm just gonna go talk to that bonnie over there and see if uh yeah oh uh hey bonnie what oh uh hey freddy i i didn't see you come over here wait wait which way did you just come from i thought you were in the office what were you doing over there uh oh i came from the roof actually wha wha what were you doing on the roof oh well you see i came through this weird portal with my friends and um i'm actually kind of seeing what you're doing down here i thought you were up on the roof well i'm not i've haven't been on the roof all day and i never saw you go up there um freddy are you are you are you okay with freddie are you okay uh yeah i'm i'm sure are you sure are you sure you didn't whack your head or something or you just haven't it was probably just some type of crazy dream or something man i mean you don't get too much sunlight these days so no i no it wasn't a dream my friends definitely did come through a portal so um well actually me and you came through a portal and that was just like not even three three minutes ago how do you not remember that um okay you know what you're freddy freddy come here freddy come here come here come closer oh oh oh oh oh okay okay between me and you what what what type of drugs have you even taken man oh it's drugs well if you want drugs then you should go and ask endoscope then because well yeah endo wait what yeah since when did the endoskeleton become a drug dealer um since we met him have you not known that what i've never known that without frick but i thought he was always just playing video games or something no it was plainly obvious he was a drug dealer wait play video games well well endless skeleton does play video games but not as often as make it sound like he is well maybe maybe oh well i guess that would make sense they do spend all that time in that room so maybe maybe maybe maybe they've been hitting on something but have you been taking any freddy because um no and what do you mean by they by they oh it's just endo and shadow freddy you know the endo and shadow freddy hang out yeah i thought they hated each other well i hated each other they're best friends um not from what i've seen well what okay either either you've lost your mind or i've lost my mind i'm starting to question everything i'm i'm confused i'm confused too and bonnie i i thought i thought you were on the roof i i thought i told you to stay on the roof so i could scour the area uh i i i i don't know i'm so confused i me is this a i'm so confused you know what maybe maybe i should just lay back down or something but i could have sworn you're in your office though oh um no i was i'm well i haven't i've the only time i went into my office was this morning and then that's when um when whether bonnie came up to him came up to us and told us about a weird portal that that he and the withered found and then we went through it and then we were apparently back at our pizzeria and ninja wizards who are they whether it's um you don't know the wizards no wait bonnie we've known them for like at least three years now how do you not know them i don't know who you're talking about who's the wizards [Music] okay oh oh my my brain hurts oh you know what freddy freddy you're just freddie i'm pretty sure you're tripping on something just just go here you know what just go back to your office okay go back over there you said you had a lot of paperwork today you shouted at me this morning so just go back and do your paperwork in your office over there all right i wait i yelled at you this one yeah you yelled at everyone like you do every morning you yelled at everyone told everyone to shut up and to leave you alone because you said you had bills or something to do so well well i i um bills aren't really my thing but i don't yell and scream like that uh yes you do and you freaking abuse people too but you know abuse why would i obviously my friends that's not that's not nice what bonnie are you sure you're okay are you sure you didn't hit your head going through that portal because i i don't i know am i okay are you okay what the freak is a portal there are no such things as portals all right you've lost your mind freddie just go back into your office you go lay down all right if here i'll lay down i'll take a nap maybe i'll wake up and i'll feel better um and you go just go back to your office all right um okay i don't really think i need to lay down but i think you need to lay down clearly i think you need to lay down you you've clearly something's definitely up about you man something's not right no you need to lay down no you need to lay down just just go just go to your office freddy i'm done talking to you for today oh okay then uh okay then this is taking so long um okay i this has taken a little bit and freddy still hasn't come back so i'm gonna go down there and just like see if everything's okay you know because i don't want i don't know maybe something bad happened may have happened you never know um how about um maybe it would be bad if we go off alone so um i'm gonna go with you toy freddy oh yeah yeah maybe if we all just stayed together it would be uh yeah let's just all stay together so that way and we won't get lost if we do get lost well i don't think we would get lost in this place no this looks relatively like our pizzeria but you know it may it may look the same on the outside but never never be the same on the inside that's true too all right let's all right let's go yay so uh yeah that's basically um everything i've really been up to today you know oh hey toy freddy oh um hey hey guys um what do you what do you what um oh hey we're just talking and stuff what what are you guys doing down here i thought you guys were on the roof oh on the roof i would be on the roof yeah why why would we be on the roof we've been uh we've just been chatting in here recently so yeah we're just catching up on things yeah oh um oh no they're kind of weird but anyways what have you all been up to today oh um nothing and might i say toy chicken you've been you're looking very beautiful today as always oh why why thank you that's the nicest thing you've said to me in a really long time wait really long time i say that to you every day maybe i'm just not saying it enough wait hold on every day what is that supposed to mean uh every day you know i i compliment her i read every single day tell her how beautiful she is but she is beautiful you know you're being a lot more social than normal toy freddy social i i always social with toy chicas i don't don't you want to go hang out with the vacuum cleaner or something vacuum cleaner wait what are you talking about what oh here toy freddy can i can i talk to you for a second [Music] yeah sure uh definitely i just want to come talk to you for for one quick uh one quick second toy freddy what what what you doing there pal what am i i'm complimenting toy chica you i thought you don't know know what uh i've been crushing on her for for a really long time man i i i thought you knew i i how excuse me what what do you mean how am i supposed to know excuse me huh how am i supposed to know what this is coming out of nowhere man you are always obsessed about a vacuum cleaner man team cleaner what kind of way vacuum toy bunny are you sure you didn't hit your head because i i don't i will i know it sounds crazy but i'm not making it up toy freddy every single day you're like oh where's mr hugs mr hug oh he's so beautiful and what the frick what is you coming out of nowhere did you i swear it felt i feel like you just woke up from a coma or something now you're just like trying to come after toy chica but i'm pretty sure toy chica has interest in somebody else bud which she does uh yeah yeah yeah yeah she does yup uh i i i didn't know that i nope i thought it was pretty clear man well wait if that's true then who's and what what kind of who's the love interest then well all i'm trying to say man is uh you should just back away from my woman one [Music] i'm sorry hold on hold on since when did you get phillies for toy chica because the last time i checked i talked to you about this and you said no i don't want you to cure shut up i'm sorry i i i'm sorry but the last time i remember talking to you about this you i told her hey i i remember going to you one day and say hey toy bonnie how do you feel about toy chicken and you're just like oh she's alright man so you don't mind if i uh you know like you've we've never had this conversation man we did it was just like no you always neglect us you always neglect us you never hang out with us we don't do the freaking we don't perform on the stage anymore because you're always too lazy being lazy all over the place so hey hey man i'm not lazy okay just because i'm i'm not like i would never go like neglect you guys what do you guys what are you talking about you do you always go after the stupid vacuum like a vacuum cleaner is more important than your friends so i don't even know if we are friends anymore what kind of vacuum what what vacuum cleaner are you talking i showed no love interest for a vacuum cleaner what that's you that's that's how you act every single freaking day and it annoys the crap out of me man charlie bonnie what i worry about you sometimes you worry about me you worry about me you think you're really worried about me i am worried because you're talking like i don't know like this isn't you i've never seen you get this aggressive before well it's not my f well it's kind of hard having to put up deal with an idiot every single day so excuse me idiot who are you calling me i am i'm calling you an idiot you idiot okay listen i may be shy and don't know a lot of things but that doesn't mean i'm an idiot i could be very smart on some stuff you know no you're an idiot you're stupid i can't you've never said any of this stuff to me before toy bonnie unless you're really really angry i'm look man look okay i will say i'm a little i'm a little upset about you coming after tortico all right but i'm also just stating the facts so that that's that's pretty much it toy body you have never shown interest for toy chica at all i don't know why you're so def like are we going back on our promise or something like what was the promise huh like the problem is saying um well i don't uh my brain okay wait no it wasn't promised it was more like like i don't know what it was but okay so i'm gonna tell you my story a little bit okay so it was just a normal day right yeah i came up to you like out of the blue asking you hey man how do you feel about toy chicken and then you said she's all right man she's all right and then i said oh so you don't mind if i uh you know like if me and her were like a thing and you're like what do you mean and then i said well i wanted her to become my girlfriend and then you said oh yeah go ahead man i have i just me and her are just really great friends so yeah go ahead for it so that we me and you had that conversation like not even a year ago and it i i just don't understand like and then now you're saying i'm ha i'm having in but now you're saying that you that you have feelings for her and that i have feelings for a vacuum cleaner called mr hugs what the who knows first of all first of all you're trying to act like none of this stuff is happening and then second of all you have the nerve to lie to me in front of my face and make up a story that never happened no the toy bonnie you're i know toy bonnie you have like the memory of an elephant you should have remembered that oh freaking i am not an elephant man no i'm not calling anyone i'm just trying to compliment i take that very offensive freaking jerk ow yeah let that be a lesson you freaking stupid thing that's payback for the time you threw me out the window i threw you out the window yes yes you did i never threw you out the window i have no idea what you're talking about yes you did you said i was a sacrifice for mr hux that's how much you're obsessed with this vacuum cleaner man i am so confused well freaking stay away from freaking toy chica all right that that was so wimpy i i am not a wimp i'm i'm not afraid to throw hands you may be bigger than me but i'm not i'm not afraid to throw you you want to you want to throw hands man you want to throw hands you think you're better than me even a baby could okay you're even a baby could take you down that was so wimpy take that back take that back right now no actually you freaking jerk don't make fun of me [Music] again is that seriously the best you could do are you playing a joke on me right now uh yes yes i was joking okay here i hear do you want me to actually here i'll actually punch you okay you ready you ready okay oh [Music] that's not even a punch toy body i will show you a punch the hell is that what's going on toy bonnie are you okay oh my spleen oh jamming pain i think my ribs are broken i need a new english skeleton toy bunny i think you need some training because that was a punch why are you fighting toy bonnie toy freddy what did you do i i didn't do anything he he was the one who started he my goodness what what what was that all about toy friends he i didn't really do anything he just started punching me out of nowhere i had to do i had to defend myself i'm sorry i'm sorry it's okay toy bonnie i'm here i'm sorry uh uh i'm sorry twitch again i don't know what came over me uh yeah what did come over you hey i don't know i well don't well maybe it's better if you just leave you've already caused enough uh trouble in here huh just just go just get out of here graham oh okay okay okay i'm sorry i'm sorry are you okay toy bonnie that's weird what huh what's up with him today well nothing he's the normal toy freddy we always know i'm surprised that you wait hold on i have a question for you actually what is your question um okay so on a scale of one to ten what is like how would you describe your relationship with toy freddie like friends like a relationship yeah relationship like um okay but um well it's pretty well i think i think a good way to describe him and i'm not trying to be mean about it okay hear me out this is just the best definition that comes to my mind he's basically a selfish prick [Music] you have never said that about toy freddy before well he really is when you come to think about it uh hmm interesting okay wait torchica i i wha what was all that you have done this morning what was all that you had done this month well first of all when i woke up i um i chatted with foxy and mangle a little bit and then um and then i came in here and i was showing and then toy bonnie came in here and then we talked for a while and then you two came in so yeah do you remember anything about a portal at all a portal what what portal have you been on the roof at all today maybe nope i have not been on the roof at all hmm interesting i think toy bonnie fell asleep but i hope he's sleeping uh toy bonnie are you okay toy bonnie oh okay i'm just gonna assume he's okay okay well thank you for the info um yeah uh speaking of which um uh have you um um uh uh yeah actually you know what yeah i'm just gonna go ahead and go um you go ahead and check up on him okay and yeah okay i'll see you later then that was really weird toy bonnie are you sure you're okay [Music] do my paperwork like i always freaking do every single day and what oh did you finally get the milk [Music] i i'm sorry what oh mom said you would never come back but i always knew one day you'd come back wait are you are you not my dad i no i don't remember having a son oh um holden oh who who are you oh i'm freddy fazbear what you're freddy fazbear oh i'm freddy fazbear [Music] well i'm also freddy fazbear no i'm the one and only freddy fazz bear all right oh hold on let me check let me check uh yeah i think i'm the freddie yeah i think i'm pretty faster yep well last time i checked i have this snazzy bow tie in the snazzy hat and i'm pretty sure that means i'm the real freddy fazbear um wait do i have a slicing pattern uh um well yeah i actually have a snazzy hat and bow tie too so yeah hmm well in this case there can only be one oh my goodness oh okay we don't need to oh my goodness am i really this violent um you're the real freddy fazbear prove it the pro how would i prove it tell me something only the real freddy fazbear would know um oh okay um i hate paying those flies i'll give you a note i'll give you i'll give you i'll give you another try though because just because of how handsome you are so oh thank you um anyways say something the real fast bear would know uh what would this guy say um oh okay i know um i love money hmm i do love me some money money do be good but um i feel like that's something easy you would know hmm i'm not buying it say something else um okay um maybe i'm in love with chica hold on excuse me hang on i don't think my indo bindo ears are screwed on right can you say that one more time um i'm in love with chica can you say that one goddamn more time i'm in love with chica well um [Music] today's the day i kill myself wait wait on hold on we don't need to we don't need to do that um oh wait hold on hold on we don't need is wrong with you man why would you ever say that [Music] i'm sorry sucks uh well no she does no she doesn't what she does she's a disgrace she's a disappointment to society and a waste of oxygen oh my goodness uh who why i would never say that about chica at all what what okay who okay what's going on i'm sorry yup you're definitely not the real freddy fazbear and i know that for a fact because i'm the real freddy fazbear um uh wait how wait how would you describe your chica chica she sucks she smells she can't cook with crap and she's bad at life yup shouldn't exist i've wanted to kick her out for so long but just keeps coming back i don't know why but bad at cooking i i'm sorry but chica makes really great food the freak no wonder why you're acting weird if you've been eating all of it it tastes like garbage it tastes like garbage hey don't say that about her man that's how it tastes man what type of what type of food do you eat what um okay some okay hold on something clearly isn't right here are you like my evil personality or something that just hates everything what do you mean by evil how am i evil what am i how am i evil i'm freddy fazbear i'm loved by millions of children even though nobody comes here anymore i still don't know why but why am i evil oh be because you're saying all these mean things about our friends especially chica why would you say that why would you say that well hey you know some somebody's got to say the truth every now and then so well sorry to say this pal but the truth hurts especially words and uh and i'm pretty sure if she could be here right now those would hurt her so much if she was here right now i'd say it in her face and i'd mean it say it in her yep yes i would okay um okay hold on wait a minute hold on if there's two of me then that means there may be two chicas and that there's two chicas oh i know what we stumbled into now well whatever you've well first of all you've stumbled into my property so i wouldn't mind if you would hippity hoppity off of my property hey hey wait uh so you're freddy right yes yes i am freddy um and hmm for my balloon he told me he'd kiss it well i'll have you know that i have been around to have walked basically walked around your pizzeria and even two children named balloon boy and balloon girl or jj however you want to say her name um how would you how do you feel about them they're disgraces disappointments oh wait that reminds me i'm supposed to kick him at some point today or at least balloon boy i'm a bit nicer and um how how would you describe your body my body uh or bonnie uh bonnie's he's he's okay he gets on my nerves sometimes but he's he's committed i already killed at him once a day but you know that's that's the normal around here yell i don't yell at them are you my replacement are you to replace me is that what this is [Applause] i'm not afraid to use it i will not be replaced again replaced i'm i'm sorry i i don't replace anyone lies deception i'm pulling the trigger oh wait there's no bullets in this freak yeah um i yeah yeah i'm pretty i think it well let me just get you straight let me get this straight here if you would have shot me then that probably would have ended up you being dead well i'm pretty sure you would have been dead because based on what you're telling me you basically don't hate you basically hate everybody is what you're telling me oh i don't hate everybody there is one person who i really like and i really really admire admire uh-huh okay um would you like what would that be you should know who that person is [Music] there's one person here that is the best better than everyone else here um okay um then who who who would that be i'm sorry i i don't think i know oh no wonder you you really are stupid it's me of course i'm the best person here [Music] wow talk about being a narcissist okay um [Music] um i hope your small little amateur brain knows what narcissism means brain we don't have brains we're real robots well robots it doesn't apparent i don't anyways well okay wait a minute so if you don't okay wait hold on let me let me ask you this question what if it's not chica to whom you're in love with then do you love some one nope never have never will no no no i'm sure there was that one thing in vegas but no we don't talk about that but vegas a lot of a lot of strippers stuff goes on and goes and stuff well actually a lot of adult stuff goes down in vegas i was there for a vacation one week and things i got a little did i don't like to shut up no one was then what happened on this vacation nothing nothing happened would you say you got you hooked up with someone maybe no i'd never do that aha yeah yeah you hooked up with someone didn't you no let me say let me ask you didn't use protection who the frick are you and what do you want i'm freddy fazbear and apparently you're freddy fazbear two meaning that there's two of me huh oh i know you know what it means when there's two of me that means there's two two chicas two bonnies two foxies two mangles two toy freddys wait hold on slow down slow down slow down hold on if there's two of me now everybody's multiplied then that can only mean one thing oh no this is bad this is bad i need five bullets quick that means that means the balloon children they've multiplied now there's four of them no um well i wouldn't well no well um okay well hold on the end is here we're all gonna die oh okay mister i okay calm down calm down listen uh how much do you want us on how much do you want me gone how much do you want my chicago on how much do you want those balloon children go on i hate all of you okay well that's it that's rude very rude mine i fight i i can look this rude um [Music] how okay i wait how should i okay so okay so basically to sum it up okay sit down story time okay sit down story time story time yeah story time you like story times don't you the stories are okay i guess yeah story time story time okay so me and my friends anyone oh okay so do you uh with their bonnie parches do you know who that is with their body who's with their money okay apparently you don't know where the bunny so um yeah so with her bonnie my um uh describe bonnie but okay like imagine a bonnie but like totally destroyed and totally messed up apparently uglier than he could ever be hmm sounds like he's had a good day yes um so okay so like imagine him and he found this portal right which led me and my friends to this place but not our here to our home but apparently not our home if that if that makes sense if you know what i mean interesting so basically what you're trying to say is that a portal brought you here so and all of your friends where where are your friends then oh um they're all on a roof that's where the portal led us to well i'm pretty sure my my some of my friends would have came down by now to check some stuff out well if if well in that case yeah so basically yeah you have confirmed that are not in the right place so that means you should hippity hoppity off of my property and get out my and get out my way so that way i have nothing else to worry about well there's one problem for that what the portal is only in one use meaning we're probably gonna be which means that either you can either we build another one or we will stay here forever meaning two chicas and two balloon boys and two jj's well if you don't well if you don't want that many people around here then i suggest you help me and my friends [Music] final go to school well okay oh okay amazing all right so yeah get out of bed oh come on mister come on go go go let's go come on come on come on go go go go where are we going uh to the roof to me all apparently to me your friends well i don't know if you would scare them as friends but yeah meet everyone meet everyone what are friends um we'll talk about that later oh okay all right jj i'm telling you something's up about freddie today shelter's not right about him well maybe he's just having a good day no freddie never has any good days something's up for jj something is up well i think it's probably just normal no it's not normal jj it is not normal what show ever something's up about freddy and we need to figure out what's up uh-huh okay then so yeah we just need to figure out what is what's going on so yeah wait who's that over there wait what what the frick did you hear all the noise coming from here yes i whether chica could declare that she heard some noises like where there's freddie um it sounds like it was coming from here oh um oh my god you're ugly uh oh wow that's that's rude oh my god freddy what happened to you man uh um uh i've always been like this did you come back and kick me kick you um i'm sorry uh i'm sorry what okay jj he's definitely on something jj first of all he starts acting nice and now he's out now look at him he's gone downhill jj he's gone downhill i i may be mean but i'm not that mean i don't think am i that mean no whether freddy is not that mean oh okay okay um so uh hi there little children chica what happened to you whether chica has always been like this whether chica needs to why their chick is depressed what what happened to your what happened to your hands and what's what's up with your face weather shake has been like this for as long as she can remember where did jacob want to go back your adorable my voice is not funny is it it's pretty funny how dare you say that about a withered chica how does darren blue blade say that about whether chicken how dare you how dare you dairy why do they keep referring to themselves as withered that's weird yeah that's kind of i don't know that's well we are withers after all so it doesn't it's not really yeah what what well i'm so confused why are you nice are you nice are you mean well um i as my friends would describe it um nice and mean [Music] say something to me then chase what would you what you know what's your first interaction when you think about me i think um well you're kind of annoying but i could tolerate you at times would you say you would want to kick me thank you well i have to admit you do look no i'm sorry i'm in my daily my daily pass but i do say you do look like a ball but i don't think i would kick you don't freak but sorry if you had the opportunity to kick me would you kick me opportunity i well if someone were to offer me a million dollars then maybe but no i wouldn't blind boy and jj are sounding very weird where the chica doesn't like this what are you sounding weird you're the one who's whose voice is so messed up you ugly duck [Music] why [Music] i well that's worked for you [Music] where they're freddy they're baby no other chicken wizard chica don't like it hey why don't you just hey you would never act like this balloon boy why are you acting so very mean towards us well i'm just saying why and also why are you guys so ugly now like why do you have so many tears in you what you would you what do you do we just saw you like a minute ago and you were all nice and fancy but now you got holes in you and you look kind of different you look more yeah you really do look uglier i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i i'm i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry ugly okay okay yeah i do okay i will admit we do look uh very ugly very very ugly but we can't but it was just it was just a little accident and then yeah now we're like this an accident what happened [Music] afton who the frick is that uh someone you probably i don't think they haven't happened where are their chickens scared on what's going on um okay so often it's a person who built me and my friends and um and apparently we were a failed experiment apparently so now we're like this well um well let's just say we were built but there was a little fire in our pizzeria and then and yeah and let's just say a billboard fell on top of chicken um head and now she now and they cry for voice box but she's still but she still has her brain so so that's very good yes with her chick is still smart on fire i don't remember there being a fight not sure jj do you know anybody called afghan uh no but maybe like i don't know maybe like golden freddy or someone would know something about that i have no clue do you think i pay attention yep that is true um so a billboard fell on you um well well not a billboard but like um not a billboard then what did uh uh you know those little um okay uh okay hold on hold on hold on let me let me let me try to um uh not a ceiling title uh but there's something that's like you know when you go up to you get you know what an attic is right the addict yes yeah you you go into an attic and there's a bunch of these pillars just like a pillar a pillar fellow yeah yeah a pillar fell on top of her head and it caused her jaw to get like that but and she survived it unfortunate hey hey don't talk to her like that man come on well maybe well you know what i think that'll be better than having to hear her voice all the freaking time [Music] yeah you heard me right [Music] um you know i don't really don't appreciate how you're talking to my friend right now i'm just saying the truth well they chose harrison uh and showed us your big ugly face no no no no no no no we don't talk we don't we don't fight we don't fight we no no [Music] no it's okay freddie i've come prepared i've come prepared you know i've been i've been going to the gym you know i'm ready to fight you let me have at it uh balloon boy i don't think this is a good idea it's a perfect idea i'm i'm ready to throw hands yo oh oh so you ready to throw hands huh yeah i can beat that stupid chicken watch me go get beat up again what does what everybody want i think i think a boom boy over here says that he wants to get shocked you know what shot you want to get shot oh what's a shark oh [Music] oh what just happened is he dead um um barely barely what i will think barely alive i will say that oh is he gonna be okay whether chica can shock people whether you can shop people until they're dead but i didn't but don't don't chuck me i didn't say anything i didn't say anything i didn't say anything yeah you better not him don't make again i think you're beautiful i think you're beautiful you think i'm beautiful yeah [Music] where the chica appreciates this little this little child right here where they're freddy can we keep her um no i don't even really think that that's our balloon point our jj where they just said yeah are y'all stranger dangers am i supposed to be talking to y'all um well do you know someone named with your chica and you're there freddy i i don't know anybody withered chica and freddie but i know freddie and chico freddie and chica that's what that's our friends um wait so wait wait have you already met wait a minute chica i think i know i think you know what we stumbled into [Music] um what does freddie mean i think we i think we stumbled maybe into a different universe maybe different universe yeah i don't think that's our blue i don't think that's our balloon boy jj [Music] huh that does explain why they're a little bit annoying than usual hey i'm right here but i'm sorry but you are very i'm sorry but yeah well i wouldn't say you're annoying but balloon boy can be very annoying when his game sometimes yeah he can and you're and he's always jealous because you're better at them than you than he is yeah well we haven't really played any video games much recently but um i think well if they say that they don't know a withered freddy and weather chica i think it's best if we withers just stay out of sight for now but whether chica wants to meet everyone else whether chicken wants to see if she could shock anyone else who who means who does that mean well [Music] i don't know i'll think about it maybe [Music] yay [Music] okay then uh uh i'm kind of scared uh don't don't worry about her i mean she she she she's um but don't don't worry about her she she's scary but she wouldn't hurt her fly unless she really needed to rarr where they take a scary yes yes you are very scary and you are not ugly you are very beautiful thank you wizard freddy yeah let's just get come on let's just get out of yeah i think it's just best if we just stay out of sight right now oh no i think we're getting robbed or something oh no i need to go find help i mean hi he's not dead but barely alive okay he'll wake up okay all right okay all right um i need to find somebody wait wait what your what's going yo who's this beautiful woman shining right in front of me what are you talking to me are you talking to her you are obviously i'd be talking to her well um thank you i enjoy the flattery um yeah hold on one sec wait what you are oh what brings you around these parts um well uh this is my friends serea your friends pizzeria we are well we're well y'all you're always welcome here and you know maybe maybe there's always more than just friends here you know oh foxy what are you doing you are shut up did i ask you ouch that's kind of mean you are sorry i apologize um i enjoyed the flattery foxy but i think are you wait are you his girlfriend well i i sure hope i am because i at least thought i am but i don't know about that at this point am i foxy yo y'all y'all y'all y'all ladies ladies calm down calm down there's a there's enough of me for the birthday um uh i don't know about that one i don't know i i maybe i'm i'm sorry but i don't think um i don't think um i think this is the mango you're looking for uh yeah your what makes you say that well because um i don't because i i mean like my uh my foxy would would flatter me as much as you do but i i don't think you're my you are so there's another yar sadness consumes me yet again well there well well if you're mean like there's two of you then there has to be since there's two of me also what happened to you uh i don't really like to talk about it but you're very beautiful oh thank you yeah it's kind of jealous but you know it's i'm good i didn't say anything oh um oh okay yeah but anyways wait who are you wait what so are you me or um i guess you could say that i am you oh well that's interesting [Music] yeah very interesting indeed and i assume that you're me as well but all broken yeah you know i'm just i'm just not in tip-top shape makes me kind of sad sometimes but you know i i put up with it so yeah i'm i'm sorry um but so huh you know it's kind of interesting to see another version of me and foxy together yeah again i sure hope we are together right foxy we're together right your foxy heart y'all what what y'all what were you saying sorry what foxy all right foxy what do you think about me uh your mangle yeah and uh your mangle uh is there anything else uh your main gold well what do you think about her yard she'd be beautiful [Music] i don't know how i feel about this what do you mean i i think what you're meaning foxy i think what you're meaning to say here is that she's beautiful well that she is beautiful and well i want to say i would call myself quote-unquote beautiful but she is beautiful but she is beautiful you're the person she is the person you should be calling beautiful and not me wait hold on wait excuse me what i'm hold on what now i'm i'm i'm not beautiful but you're beautiful wait i'm pretty much insulting myself that's what it is yeah yeah that's how i kind of took it i kind of took that as an insult well i wasn't just you i insulted i insulted myself too because you're apparently me can you just stop trying to take my mans away from me huh i'm not trying to he's he's the one who is flirting with me i have a thorns with him [Music] foxy you are what be up who do you love you are i love mangle [Music] uh which one um yeah we need more clarification than that that one uh um a point of fingers um your i got a hook i don't got a hand that's kind of a friendship well well you have a hand that you can clearly right there i'm your i'd be right-handed point to one of us with your hook then you're no that's not how pirates work you are now if you you're you're you know what if you excuse me ladies i'm gonna go back to crying in the corner and back into my eternal depression [Music] is is your foxy always just depressed yeah yeah he is i always try to hang out with him but he never hangs out with me so you know it's lovely it's fine it's all good it's always great you know it's just perfect are are you in a healthy relationship at all no oh well you know what they say unhealthy relationships shouldn't be a thing you know if it's unhealthy then it's best for you to you know just like leave him right then and there but if it's unhealthy then leave him i really like him but he just doesn't feel the same way i feel like sometimes but i don't know i don't know it's really hard to tell at times sometimes he's affectionate and other times he just don't care um i'm i'm sorry but i i guess i would understand if you love him i mean i mean like i i'm pretty much giving myself advice at this point but if you want to be with him then you can be with him but just try not to make it too unhealthy yeah okay yeah i see what you're trying to say okay um i think i'm gonna just be yeah yeah yeah i think that would be best i'm just going to leave you to that it was all that really true just does she was was all that true like does she really have affection towards someone and this is um who's this beautiful man standing in front of me oh um thank you that's not as beautiful as mr hugs though but yeah you know i'm sorry who mr hugs how do you not know who mr hugs is oh he's the best person ever um i'm sorry i don't think i know i'm mr hugs i'm yeah i don't know mr hugs oh well mr hug he's just oh he's the bestest friend ever he's always there for you whenever you need him you know he's just so swell so kind so cute too and yes he's just beautiful is mr hugs a vacuum cleaner by chance well he gets i think he gets kind of offended whenever you call him that so i i i mean yes he is but don't don't don't say that in front of his face [Music] don't you do it so that so that would be the mr hubs toy bonnie was talking about what toy bonnie what's going on what did toy bonnie say about mr hugs do i need to go pay toy bonnie and listen is he saying bad things about mr hugs well he called him a vacuum cleaner and that's insulting but okay oh but no that's too it's all the way where wait where was toy bonnie at uh arcade arcade room pizzeria i can't walk that far oh fart you don't care about your way are you saying okay mister tell me something do you not care about your weight at all do you care except well well sometimes it's best to get you to like look on your way because you know yeah people don't people don't apparently don't love you for your way oh i already know that i already know people don't love me that's why i have mr hugs he's always there for me this is so depressing my god it's not the what do you mean this is the present this is my this is true this is my story i was gonna say i feel like i'm looking in the mirror but i don't know about that anymore [Music] and wait you thought you were well i'm moving and you're not moving so it would make sense right oh no i think i ate too many sugar sugar cookies again oh those are actually coming good all of them once we can make some she makes the best cookies toy chica makes cookies since when since ever since she was built no fruit and are you telling me you never tried her i love cookies you mean to tell me you've never tried any of toy chica sweets at all she makes the best sweets in the world man she rarely cooks nobody really cooks around here we always order food always order food wait does chica not cook for you well chica cooks but between well between me and you it sucks and everyone else already knows this we all we all just take it and throw it in the dumpster out back whenever she's not looking oh well chica makes the best cooking she makes she always makes the best pizzas the best spaghetti you just reminded me of the last spaghetti oh the last spaghetti was it how was the last spaghetti instead of so instead of actual spaghetti it was it was pipe cleaners pipe cleaners my goodness nope you find all that in the kitchen well i don't she i think she goes out back into the dumpster and finds things too out there so yeah the don't that's unhealthy i know exactly that's the point that's why we don't eat anything she makes wait a minute two of me and two oh okay that makes sense yo chica chica can't really cook she sucks at cooking well my chica and my toy chica are amazing cooks i can actually have them cook up a meal for you guys if you want a meal what type of meal what can they cook what type of meal well whatever dessert you want toy chica whatever like regular food you like like pizza or anything like that like any like or turkey at all ash chica turkey ribs baked beans beans oh i don't think you want you would want any beans man the last time i had beans yeah let's just say my stomach was upset for about a week no there's nothing wrong with having a good old hannah beans i've stopped having beans since so fruit are you okay how do you not eat beans because well first off have you ever had beans you know what they do to you oh they're delicious i've had them in a really long time though because we barely eat these days well yeah the pros and cons they're delicious but they also can give you really bad poops if you yeah but we don't have to go into detail with that i'm sure it's probably fine [Music] yeah i don't eat beans anymore ever since that one time i eat beans stopped eating beans since then okay then well what all have you been up to me um just been you know hanging out with my friends hanging out with toy chica a little bit too oh wait i have a question for you what are friends again depressing how depressing what's the present i'm asking a serious question you don't know what friends are what if what are friends [Music] i guess it's something i don't have well would you consider mr hugs a friend well what is the definition of a friend a friend is uh someone who you spend time with you know well oh dude i guess that that case definitely yes mr hugs yes yes yes well that could also also be the same thing for a lover too but that's i think that's yeah but that's different um a love for do you love it well i guess it i guess of course i love mystery hugs he's the best i don't think we need to go into detail about me oh yeah we don't need to go into detail okay then two toy freddies your toy chicas yeah that yep yep that makes sense so it wasn't what you could do remember to interact with it okay um so uh what have you been doing today what have i been doing yeah well i've been selling some yummy burgers burgers yup burgers you have a burger business now oh of course i do how's that going for you haven't sold a single one [Music] again how depressing ouch i'm just poached i kind of want to cry oh it's okay if you need a shoulder to cry on then i'm here for you okay thank you me for always being there me for me me i think i'm i think i'm the most unlikely oh my goodness this is so depressing um so to lighten up the mood um what's your favorite food my favorite food uh that's an easy one food um but if it would be any particular type then what would it be every single type of food i eat every type of food there is as well if it's put on my plate i eat it including the plate [Music] including the plate [Music] nope it's pretty good you eat the plate you eat the plate too it adds a tiny bit of flavor in it you should try it i don't think i want to try it you should try it um yeah i'm not gonna do that oh okay then um i don't even know what to say anymore yeah i don't really know what to say anymore because you how do you feel about mr hooks i don't know a mr hugs [Music] okay you know what i'm done talking to you just leave leave get out of my face okay then okay yeah i'm just gonna he's shaking in fear there you insult mr hugs like that [Music] what is a smell oh in here oh a dead rat oh yeah that's what i'm cooking over right now i'm just cooking up a dead rat dude gotta turn up the heat oh it's on fire it's on fire there we go okay there we go it's all good it's all good oh my toes oh i'll broke my toe now okay i'm sure it's fine but yes the rat will be ready in a few minutes don't worry i mean uh i mean uh the potato yes the potato a dead rat you're cooking a dead rat it's a potato yeah definitely oh yeah oh it's still moving it's twitching what the fruit i thought this was boiling wait is this even what oh this is whipped cream with the fruit where's the horse oh where's the water oh oh hey i gotta get the water oh i just spilled it all on the floor oh no oh gosh okay i'm sure it's fine i'm sure it won't let you let me scoop it back in there ah there we go there we go it's all good yep there we go all righty um yeah there we go but yeah just uh just cooking some stuff's up [Music] do you not know how to make a pizza i pee i wasn't making a pizza i was making a potato i don't know yeah all right yeah i was making a potato i've already made a pizza today uh-huh is that pizza still here or has it been alright oh yeah no it's right here would you like a slice i haven't i've inserted anyone it's sat out for a while so it's kind of cold but yeah yeah yeah yeah see here here's that here's the pizza uh that looks like it could cut your mouth in an instant well it's my it's it's my specialty you should do a special thing yeah you should try it no no thank you i'm i'm full why oh did you just eat or something yeah yeah yeah yeah okay kind of sad that you okay whatever well i mean i also have other things too would you like um uh what is what is this uh i don't even remember what this oh would you like to drink a drink what's the drink um i'm trying to remember it's either some type of like uh some type of fruit punch or it's it's either fruit punch or a cup full of dirt i don't know you should just try it i i think i'm good you sure i'm i'm sure um is there anything you would like um you know what how about how about i just cook and you can um what no i can cook i can cook i can cook i can cook i can cook something what do you want me to cook cookie i'll cook a cookie can you make a spaghetti by chance a spaghetti okay um oh where are those pipe cleaners at let's see here the pipe cleaner oh what you need for the spaghetti we don't have any noodles so pipe pipe clean pipe pipe cleaner pump pipe oh i hit my head yeah i'm fine oh yeah yeah have you seen them anywhere i forgot where i put them what oh i think they're over here um i found them i think um how about yeah you know what i can make the spaghetti and i'll take the pipe cleaners and i can make some don't judge my parking oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay fine you can make some spaghetti i guess but mine's better oh yeah we'll just see about that yeah you you just [Music] how about you go out to the main area and i can gladly cook you up something well well at least let me get my let me oh frick i forgot about the potato it's burning it's burning the potato all right all right the potatoes ready would you like the potato would you like to eat it no no i am good oh here's the potato [Music] um okay yeah this yeah um yeah this looks delicious okay fine all right i'll see how your cooking is but i'm just gonna just don't cry when you find out mine's better so it takes years of practice to become a professional cook just like me so yeah how long have you been practicing for uh what's what's a practice anyways i should be going now i'll let you cook i'll come check on you in a couple minutes and uh yeah i i don't think she knows how to cook
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 195,392
Rating: 4.9051275 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Freddy, Friends, RP, Roleplay, Universe, Collab, ChicaFazbear32, Funny, Story
Id: dykfggAsJe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 22sec (4102 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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