Gmod FNAF | Torturing Help Wanted FNAF 1! [Marathon]

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[Music] ah it seems that's we're back so soon much sooner than i thought it would be but we're back [Music] what is this oh no something's clearly clearly not right it seems that something some something's been here let's sloppy mistake just gotta oh no that's right i i thought i saw a little gap so i thought it i thought it wasn't raised all the way but no that's fine i guess it's in good shape then well it looks like we're back already how my two rabbits doing yes i can see or both been broken but that's perfect that's exactly how you should feel right now just perf just perfect perfectly broken it's perfect it's perfect oh okay anyways today we got a special guest with us today the one and only freddy fazbear oh but look at his beautiful blue eyes his nice smile that perfect hat and bow tie even equipped with his nice microphone oh isn't it beautiful aren't you beautiful well welcome to torments why you're here because you're not so innocent yourself none of those children are innocent there are no innocents in this game so it's time to suffer time to think about what you've done come on let's start on this one it's the it's the it seems bad i know this seems bad for you right you seems kind of bad kind of kind of just um just uh not not looking too good for you right now but don't worry it's not all that bad no one's gotten their head chopped off first time on this one and that hasn't happened either first time but uh um don't you love the taste of blood i know you're awake look at me yes perfect see even if y'all do try to get out you all can't get out because you're too broken too weak but even if you were to recover well you know it wouldn't work but anyways um all right time to get mr fazbear back in ah let's go ahead and go with this one all right for this one you just gotta lay down lay down you know what i want to see how much blood your microphone collects let's throw that one down too oh that just fell all the way down all right we'll have fun let's go see all how much blood your microphone collected today let's go see let's see where is it what is it where is it what piece is it where's the microphone stop where'd it where'd the microphone go [Music] where did this microphone go is it wasn't a machine i can't have it wedged in the machine maybe it got shot out at the machine or maybe it's no more where oh where that little microphone go i need to find it i will not let my precious machine have a simple malfunction let's see where'd it go where is it see over here is it wedged somewhere aha it did get wedged um can't have this wedged in my machine oh well forget the microphone forget it it's not important anyways just let it be forgotten now now freddy fazbear hmm let's take the hammer but i'm only gonna have your head get knocked clean off okay all right so now i just need you to stay exactly like that move you like so do that perfect all right say goodbye to your head freddy fazbear oh um that did a little more than i thought it would be no no no we got to do that again we got to do that again that's not what i was wanting i'm saying that's a bit more blood than i wanted y'all y'all liking the blood over there huh y'all liking it um oh well all right time to continue [Music] all right this time this time let's see does it go over you no it does not you're not like springtrap oh well maybe i should bring him back out but nah he's been through a lot oh well i'll stop letting you get suffered by the hammer let's let you taste the spikes taste the spikes let's go ahead and turn them on this time oh that that doesn't look so good down there does it that doesn't look good at all well go stick your toes in put your toes in the water that's what they always say to do first it's best come on stick your toes in there we go one toe at a time oh there goes your toes come on let's just yes just let the machine eat beautiful oh that did not look good at the end oh oh i need to see that again i need to see that again slowly but it's beautiful your head you were shaking justin you were trying to escape but you couldn't you couldn't escape [Music] i want you oh never mind never mind all right let's go on to the next hammer oh okay all right mr mr fazbear let's let's get you set up this time we're going to just no we're gonna we're gonna say goodbye bye to that smiley friendly fazbear face say goodbye to your precious looks your precious fazbear skull all right goodbye oh that did a bit more i just wanted to hit his head that's all i wanted for christmas clean the guts out of the way playing those dead children bodies that get stuck up inside of him get these out of here get these out of here we need to try that again you know what we'll just stick to the arm oh it already said bye-bye to the arm you know we'll try that one more time just because i am so friendly just because i'm so caring now usually i didn't spend this long with the others but oh what delicious scrumptious all right let us continue lettuce let us continue boom oh um that was brutal on its own i meant to throw you into the pits but okay there you go you didn't bruh if you just fall from like there okay you didn't die you just lost a like it's not what i wanted i want you to go into the pit you do suck you can't survive you're making this worse on yours going to the pit you are useless fast stop dying so easily stop it go into the pit oh my no no do it again yes there we go a beautiful now that's how you should have died oh that's that's just look at all those tanglement of blood um that's um yeah okay all right you yeah yeah yeah yeah all right so come on come on freddy fazbear time to be disintegrated just one little tap of this and you're you're gone put your hand there put your hand um there goes your whole corpse delicious all right you know what mr fazbear you get to go into the ride come on let's go come on i said get in get in beautiful aha you're trying to escape you know what try to escape see i can't believe you're trying to escape no no no no get back in oh that was deadly doors wait those deadly doors see aren't you having fun in there just being tossed around i want to see you come on come on let me well see aren't you having fun aren't you having fun well guess what mr person who is having fun we don't allow fun let's get one your dead brother into see let's see how let's try to piece you back together okay let's piece you back together all the pieces together as one on what do they make let's see oh looks like you recovered so much you actually you actually lived how'd you live i see potential in this one very well let us go [Music] oh oh what's wrong being killed by your own blood you almost made it out in one piece but you lost your arm poor poor friend poor poor friend come along there's so much more to explore let's go oh whoops i accidentally tripped y'all hope that didn't hurt all right come on let's say put your arm out stick your arm out back up a little and stick your arm out we got to say goodbye to those other arms too actually come to the side come to the side beautiful perfect just right there perfect we gotta cut that you gotta get that last arm off oh boom it hit the foot as a bonus how does that feel oh poor poor freddy poor poor friend look you look like a withered chica now actually you're more withered now than her probably i don't even know all right how'd you you know what just yeah just sit well say goodbye to your legs too say goodbye to your legs as well oh you almost got tied up in that one well well look you have no more limbs i'll just let you i'll just let this one bleed out there we go you stay right there all right come on let's we gotta get at least one full death on this one um oh we're talking about oh whoops am i accidentally spawning you while the blade's still there um how did that feel how did that feel oh there's blood everywhere that this is dark oh my um all right did you enjoy that one no oh well i sound so freaking creepy in these i'm so sorry oh anyways anyways anyways i'll let you take a little break [Music] all right how's you know come along no one survived this actually you know what we're finally going to pop that head off of yours i've always wanted just say goodbye to you that's what we're gonna do ah beautiful say goodbye too that did a bit more in your head oh what's wrong am i spawning you on top of it oh ah [Music] oh that's gonna take some time to clean up oh um oh okay some mixed results right here oh look at this one he's all bloody oh beautiful look at it so beautiful it looks you know all those marks you have on the side of your face well i guess we now know where you got him from so beautiful so bloody so horrified oh well time to continue now it's time freddy for you to lay down [Music] see no you're not allowed to escape don't escape don't choose no one's been able to escape this one stop no don't escape stop it so pathetic i see no it must go again let's go again sheen let's go again you're not allowed to escape you must go again no get back don't go over the wall get back get back oh beautiful mmm too late oh you look so sad oh oh isn't that just sad isn't that just [Music] look at you you got some scar marks on you now [Music] come along come along where should we go now where should we have fun at next oh come over here we haven't been here yet come on we're behind the schedule come on sit down enjoy the blades enjoy what others have had to say what's that taste it's demonetization [Music] so sad sometimes i just need to own my own just to enjoy you know what you go down there enjoy what i just felt you're weak he's a weakling freddy i'm sorry but you're a weakling these other two come here come here i said come here don't die that easy come here come here come here stupid dumb thing oh you're getting blood all over these two oh i said stop come over here don't hit the bucket look look at these two look at him look at him look at these two these two have been more than you have entered and they survived longer than you you've been popping on all of these you suck you're dead you're not strong at all stupid worthless weekless you two are so much better so much better i feel like i'm picking on a child at this point come along off with your head off with it say goodbye off with your head off see this is why i can't even take your head off you just go pop you go pop look i'll even just get it to where it barely hits your head and then it goes pop boom okay you actually survived let's okay i'm trying to get okay just a little bit and then your whole body goes pop you're weak you're weak i said you're weak [Music] bet you won't even make it to the bottom oh look he actually made it to the bottom he actually didn't go pop let's see if he can do it again no he can't no he can't oh no oh no no stop hang on give me a second freddy you stay right there stay right there i'm coming up i'm coming back up you stay up there stay up there hang on you know just a little slip just just a little slip don't push me you're coming come here [Music] all right i thought that was fun i thought you could escape no you can't no you can't go back down there over and over again this is what you've done this is all your fault keep going over and over again keep coming back keep dying keep coming back keep suffering on this one please please just for me please keep going come on keep going oh oh oh i stepped on that one i want to see your hanging body last a bit longer oh poor poor freddy all right let's continue no time to waste come on enjoy your new wash you won't i bet you won't even get past the blades get that weak oh oh boom not even past the blades everyone's made it past the blade so far except for you weakling keep going again keep going keep going keep going faster get in there you weekly weekly look even if i try to chop right now oh you actually made it congratulations oh that must be tasty that must be really tasty pop goes to fredbear all right come here come here come here come here get back in there get in there get in there do it again oh i'm just gonna go pop again off you know what i know you'll just go pop on both of these so i'll spare you i'll spare you this time i'll spare you from that and also from spikes [Music] see nothing but a head and torso now look at you look at you look how beautiful look at how beautiful you are just beautiful okay sit down oh what whoops accidentally dropped him all right see how did you how did you feel coming out of that one didn't feel too good right go back in there go back in the fire just keep going in there keep going just got it oh how's this one going to turn out for you oh what's wrong you wedged oh that's perfect oh nope he slipped out oh he tried to hold on he tried to hold on to the edge but he could not you know what let's just keep oh pop goes afraid oh beautiful you freddie's okay no you're all dead all right time to get rid of the evidence [Music] goodbye um these two boys are still doing good all right let's just uh sit one of these things down right here um you started a fire oh beautiful you oh it's what's wrong your cord's burning just die already dang it oh oh oh that must have been pleasant i'm surprised you held on that one all right come along come on come on let's go let's go to the next one boom yeah get out of here get on all right freddy what i want you to do is i'm going to throw you through this one and we're going to see if you can get through before mmm perfectly timed all right i'll give you a few more seconds i'll give you a few more seconds to try to get through all right and go oh oh oh i thought he made it that time i'm so sorry for it i'm so sorry all right just sit down sit down actually now come here come here come here now you can sit there off with your feet all right so [Music] are you trying to escape oh boom wait did i actually get his head i couldn't tell dang it i couldn't tell the door got his head or not boy can i make this oh i could oh i didn't know i could do that oh well all right um let's see where do you want to go next uh you've already been into the pit might as well go again oh boom i threw you over the pit and you still died this is why you're a weakling just yeah there we go oh frick not again what happens if i just jump into the pit oh i died on the wall okay all right come here freddy whoops sorry kinda dropped you again oh look i was able to catch you before you fell all right well i'll drag you up so we can go to the next one oh whoops i let go of you again i'm so sorry let me just oh thought you could dodge the spikes nope all right let me continue let's continue let's continue come along come along up to the elevator up to the elevator first we gotta see if he can survive the elevator i know string trap wasn't able to that means you'll just pop right as i click this button oh oh yep he went flat oh no oh no is this his head stuck no let's go back in oh gosh that's oh did he fall through i think he fell through oh no we'll just we'll ignore this guy hold all right let's just get all this out let's go back up i said let's go back up but this time however freddy [Music] oh oh no um that's not what i wanted to happen but i'm still beautiful all right afraid we're going to try this one more time to be gone with your head slay right there play right there oh nope there goes his whole head again oh well all right freddie go down there oh you lived goodbye i know he already won't survive this fall oh he lived he actually lived oh i'll have to go give that one a visit can you survive again oh he's going over there oh oh oh he left again hmm stayed more intact oh let's see if you can survive this one [Music] that's a squat all right freddy come on over here over here over here that's right that's right that's right you go oh not even past the bar freddy come on even springtrap was able to survive this one oh my gosh of course you're watching fat stupid bear are you is your head stuck [Music] you're you're hanging yourself stop beautiful boom oh that was not exciting come here come here you know what come here get back here you too press the button get over there oh you went splat all right yeah you two have fun um oh i almost fell in that would have been bad oh frick i actually fell in now now now freddy get me out of here oh it's like a first person view okay get me out give me up give me oh oh [Music] no oh no [Music] oh oh well let's continue let's continue come here come here oh you're just gonna go splat immediately i'll even put you at the end oh too high you know let's just fill this thing up that's not where the out of my cannon they're clogging it up stop talking about the cannon there we go beautiful okay i'll just have to put them in manually and now my cannon is on fire you stupid bear i was still using that okay come on get in there [Music] oh that was just flooding guts okay now my cannon's on fire we can't use that i can use my catapults come along get up there boy you're a weak freddy i'm sorry i thought you were stronger than this you know you being the leader you're weak you're weak you suck you're a weakling you're a weaker you're weak you died before you even started going up you know what's fine no catapulting no catabol i bet if i throw this fridge at you you're just gonna freaking pop okay look look here i'll even throw a little ball well i'll throw i won't even i'll throw this at your ankles splat no no oh that kicks me out here keep going and think about what you've done come here tell me kill me come here come here into the spike think about what you've done think about it think about it oh oh oh very well very very well we still haven't even gone on all the rides yes we've spent so much longer together than the other two come on one final ride one final ride and look see this death machine don't worry don't worry you get a front row seat yes this is how this shall end get a nice front row seats do something truly beautiful stay there and rest of it rest a little bit time to gather the remains and then to add a new member to the wall of pain all right here i'm beautiful let's get them all the way up on the track now it's time to find the others i know that there was one aha these three the bloody one this one could be saved for last we'll even wait a little bit before the exact end if you could just sit if you people sit down maybe yeah maybe he could get pushed um all right let's see any more survivors where's there where are the survivors at survivors survivors where the survivors oh yeah there's still these two over here all right come on you weakling you weaklin i set you down easily and you just go splat all right i think that's all the survivors we got because this man just loved to go a pop like no kid oh yeah there was a survival right here but we already we already used them on that machine all right oh well let the fun begin enjoy your new ride oh my gosh okay i think that one did not matter about all the other ones on the track it was just the freddy in the car when he's just that he's so weak he can't even survive the car come here come here one more time i was gonna stop there but uh no you go on the card one more time one more time just for me one more time just go swap this goes just no come here come here oh look look look a rare sighting [Music] oh we did it we were able to get a freddy without its head this is so rare because his whole body just wants to explode before then oh oh well let's pull the switch how did that one live maybe it's when it starts from over here yep all right no put that one back let's start clearing up the mess the freddy fazbear mess [Music] there we go boom alrighty i think we're done here i think we're done here for today we've started too many fires today all right mr freddie time for you to go on the wall oh and just because there's a pit underneath you we're still gonna push come here [Music] there we go [Music] beautiful now let's add ya to the wall of fun see we like to have fun did you know that did you know that we'd like to have fun oh look highest to lowest even though i'm pretty sure this man's spine's broken that's probably not good for your spine to be like that for at least at least after quite some time oh well well we now have a new member to the wall of fun until next time whenever a new opponent comes oh heck [Music] hey hello everybody welcome back to torturing the help of animatronic health wanted animatronics part four today we have bonnie boy but something is clearly not right here as you can probably already tell there's no background tone no background audio sound you're probably wondering what why what the freaking honestly i don't know my computer's been really stupid lately and right now my background audio is not going to work like even i can't hear anything right now in the game um and neither can y'all because my sound's just not wanting to work i even try to just get it played through my monitor which i can't do that but it it still did not want to work holy frick i just exploded so hopefully y'all don't mind that there's no game sound in this video but uh hopefully that won't be too much a problem i mean you still got me here you still still can hear me so uh that's all that matters so uh i don't know really i don't know why it's act not wanting to work right now so hopefully i can get it fake so hopefully in the next if there is another one of these torturing videos hopefully next time we'll have some good old game audio and some some creepy sounds stuff so uh yeah and i could have waited just to try to figure it out and then do this video but i was like nah i kind of want to just go ahead and do this so uh yeah but hopefully in the next video audio is fixed like whatever video i upload next so hopefully background audio is fixed by then but if not that's going to be pretty sad but uh yeah but hopefully we can start fixing some things so uh anyways today we have mr bonnie boy and uh this is sad because we have no game audio or any music because it it i can't play any music because it won't work i mean if i try playing this this music right here it still won't work it won't work i know i'm sad like even if i switched it to that oh wait what the frick it did work it's like final six though uh wait okay y'all can't hear that what the [ __ ] i can't hear that i can't hear that okay you know what um uh frick okay i guess we got music here here's some music for y'all um this is being like really buggy and not wanting to work so yeah i guess y'all got music so there's that sorry if there's something else playing i can't hear about a actually no let's switch let's get it to the creepy music there we go there we go there we go it's beautiful wait there we go okay wait okay just making sure it's working okay hopefully it's working if not and it's all bugged out or something i don't really know what to tell you all i can do is say sorry but uh yeah so anyways today we can start is it i can't tell if it's going to work it's just a song is it working or is it like buggy because i can't hear anything okay i think it's working we'll just say that's working and if not i am terribly sorry about it anyways so today we are going to torture mr ronnie boy with his nice looking guitar hey there bonnie you like your guitar um hopefully y'all don't mind the blood oh i got some guts on y'all sorry i didn't didn't mean to do that right in front of y'all let's get him back mr bonnie you just got wrecked what if i go i completely missed waster ill what if i just go bop a boom there goes your foot let me just go bop oh wait hang on didn't do it right bob also i think this guitar has a second skin as well oh it doesn't in gmod oh because i thought it would have changed the little stuff right there the little tuners i not tumors but nerves i forgot what they're called don't hurt me um but yeah so anyways mr bonnie do you like your guitar do you like it oh frick there goes your guitar no that's just gonna get wedged no no no no no stop stop stop stop no dang it now that guitar's wedged in there can i pull it out oh i did get out whoa whoa whoa whoa calm down there guitar calm down calm down calm down calm down stop stop i think it's oh oh oh no oh no oh no oh oh oh oh oh don't go down the stairs what the f oh he just oh oh okay that was not pleasant well rip your guitar oh gosh what happened to your feet okay well anyways mister you can go ahead and go in here yes let the grinding begin oh he's stuck he's stuck he's stuck he's stuck go up no go down go down go back bonnie now we must watch um look at the machine look at the machine oh i can just okay now all right uh the machine was beautiful it was a success let's get out of here wait let's get bonnie here oh that's not what i want go down get down and oh that's not what i want dang it now i gotta go kill him how am i supposed to kill him and he's in that safe room down there what if i throw a snake a nice little grenade down that's what i'll do i'll give him a birthday present go grenade no go grenade oh he's burning he's burning he's on fire oh gosh everything's on fire down there oh no rip it bonnie oh gosh that's really going up in flames um i'll just i'll just leave him down there all right we got new bonnie all right new bonnie yee oh oh i want to i want to get us the bonnie suit that's what we got to do we got to get bonnie gotta get a new bonnie the bunny too so we just got to take the head off uh almost worked i mean we got the head off but we lost a arm and a leg oh gosh the hammer is on how did that get on fire no we got to get the pro the appropriate bonnie costume oh wait what if i did it to where um what if i got some rope oh no this is gonna be torture we got some rope we got some rope and then we uh got this turn that on there we go dang it the rope saving him all right you stay there mr bonnie oh gosh okay no okay i think hand popped off a hand popped off i'm buying it oh well um no not freddy he's been through enough let's just stop i'm just trying to pick him off a little okay well this guy is fun okay let's go to the hammer i think the hammer i kind of screwed up the hammer earlier i was just messing around um you want to set up oh okay that was weak i kind of broke the hammer earlier oh gosh there it goes okay we i don't want to go into the him not like that bonnie okay let's get a nice rocking motion go like a nice walking back and forth he's going to go wee oof oh this is sad there you go we okay that's just brutal let's get a new bonnie here and there goes new bonnie okay let's get a newer whoa whoa whoa i just went all the way around oh my gosh oh no wait what if i put thrusters on it wait wait wait wait what if i do did the okay the desktop i'm just trying to check on the freaking audio because i can't hear anything so at least you'll have background music i know this sucks that we can't hear bonnie's squishy guts but we still can admire it okay um thrusters thrusters thrusters thrusters thrusters thrusters oh wait if i it's pretty nice oh gosh that's only one and that's on max force oh i don't like that sideways one oh gosh oh no bonnie you're about to get it okay let's get bonnie ready bonnie he's gonna jump through it okay he's gonna he's gonna walk off he's gotta get through it okay and now oh frick okay that did not go according to plan we got it i want bonnie to try to get through okay okay wait bonnie played smart it's crossy road go no dang i should i actually want to try to get him to get across before um where it stops okay let it pick up speed and now it's so close it's so hard to do it because i can only do it with the scroll um because i have to be able to hold down the the key to start that okay get a little closer get a little closer a little closer no i'm trying to get that as close as possible oh gosh i wasn't even ready i'm still setting it up hammer go go go go go now bonnie no way you come back oh i saved you no you lost a foot oh my gosh that just obliterated him hang on we're playing crossy road today with bonnie okay keep going keep going keep going keep going oh my gosh it's wait we gotta see how many limbs like stay on bonnie oh my gosh okay peekaboo peekaboo peekaboo oh [Music] no this is deadly oh no no that's close you're like okay there he goes um okay no oh gosh okay what have i done all right what if i get what if i strap bonnie to it what if i do that where's the hammer slow down stop what if i do that what if i put a bonnie on the front of the hammer like i freaking rope him to the front of the hammer let's do that let's let's stop that well if i weld him he'll be fine wait let's get two bonnies let's see what happens one's gonna be welded to the hammer the other one's gonna be roped oh gosh they're you just get out of here weakling all right let's get one bonnie right here that's gonna be welded weld weld okay that bonnie's welded to the hammer this body is gonna be roped did you just okay does not count all right this bonnie right here is going to be roped to the hammer and uh i'm gonna rope him up the best i can unfreeze everything so this bonnie lost his arm because of that bonnie so that's fake all right let's see let's see what happens if i barely move it okay rock him just walk rocking back and forth oh no that i didn't realize that got roped over there oh no uh whoops i can't really fix that but look look it's just like a little swing okay look they're getting ready though yay we're having so much fun so far they haven't lost their feet okay things are looking good okay they're going a little higher on the swings and then let them down easy back and forth okay they're still alive stream still alive okay oh one bonnie lost their foot oh no okay that's a little rough okay the welded body is not doing so good um i'm just gonna okay well did bonnie died okay rope bonnie's so far alive see what happened okay no that was a little too fast that was too fast that was too fast wait restart it restart it hang on okay let's get bonnie back in oh my gosh okay did not expect that hang on okay bonnie okay we're gonna do that again but this time we're gonna rope him to the side of the hammer wait no he might get killed like by the sides of it and it's fine it's fine if we we rope him like right here we'll be fine we're gonna add like four bonnies this time so we're just gonna at least tie all of his limbs just tie him to the hammer okay we got bonnie number one then we're gonna get bonnie number two there's gonna be four bonnies i might actually add a few more i might add like one in the dead center i might do that let's just add some more ropes there we go just gotta make sure these bunnies are strapped in and ready to rock and roll what if i just add the guitar like up here like what if i do that like just add the guitar let's get a bit closer like that like yeah like right there and we roped the guitar did this so the guitar goes flying too i think that'd be cool okay uh there we go because we got to make this hammer even on all sides that's why we're getting at least four bonnies in okay that money is good we need one more rabbit oh my gosh this is pure torment poor bonnie okay rope put that there put that there that there that that there that there put that right there that right there that there there that there there and that there and that can go there and i could put should i put two more in i could put two more in put one right here let's do it let's do it let's do it all right one right there this is like super bonnie he this one's gonna be strapped in he's like ready to go it's like i don't want to die oh my gosh okay and then one more one more bonnie no don't be like that okay so far none of these bonnies have lost any limbs in the preparation stages oh gosh i thought that bonnie was about to smack that bunny and break his arm what if i roped them together and we could do that next time okay here we are the bonnie the body hammer i'm gonna make a save watch them like all just like instantly die okay you guys ready you guys ready okay and the guitar is going to fly around too so hopefully but uh we're not too worried about the guitar the guitar is like an added bonus this bonnie's really sunk into the ground this spawn that bonnie is like good that center bonnie and then this side bonnie over here is good all right i think we have two teams we have side a inside b who will who will live the longest all right gonna do some nice back and forth let's look at side a because i think this body over here is going to go first especially yeah okay let's see oh he's getting some scrapes on his legs all right oh no okay okay oh center bonnie's dead he was the one i was room for i thought he was gonna survive the longest but no he just died okay he's like he's lost a hand this body still hasn't lost anything this one lost the foot that one lost a bit of his leg in a foot all right let's go back fourth i saw someone break something over here okay oh no one of them popped oh okay there goes side a side b side b1 i mean i was gonna go i was about to say like okay so if their head pops off then they die but this guy's still alive so hooray you win oh no oh the guitar stopped the guitar broke the hammer sorry you're supposed to fling around oh it doesn't get like the guitar doesn't get momentum that's why they just get shoved into the hammer oh there we go oh oh no okay well that's just gonna die right there i guess um let's continue with this thing let's do this one bonnie you want to play um you want to play crossy road again this is all about this episode's like about bonnie and the death of the hammers well the hammers aren't dying it's bonnie who's dying so we got to get money in let's get some thrusters oh yeah thrusters where i just saw them where'd they go oh it's right here let's get one thrusters off with let's see can i lift the hammer up oh that's going to go off in the background okay let's add a few more thrusters there's going to be like spikes coming down at you but we need these hammers to be able to lift this off the ground oh my gosh that's like spikes okay all right bonnie you ready all right let's get up there we're gonna play peek-a-boo again i had a feeling that was about to happen because like bonnie was like shoved up against it we're gonna try that again peekaboo oh gosh peekaboo peekaboo oh that was really delayed peek-a-boo and peek-a-boo oh my gosh oh bonnie lost his foot peek-a-boo oh gosh [Music] oh snap there he goes and then you just have that thing going off in the background oh this body is still like rope to this thing alrighty it's time to continue this bonnie massacre i think we're done with that hammer for right now um hmm anything else related to a hammer we could use the catapult wait but how far does oh gosh why is that shaking stop shaking stop it is that i want to get it to like be able to go like all the way down that's what i want to do i want to get this catapult to be able to go all the way down what if i just add a few thrusters to this oh no not that sideways one just add a bunch of thrusters and then stay on the ground oh my god oh oh no what the frick did i just do that was brutal oh no okay i need to see where it goes okay go so like right there gotcha let's put bonnie in let's see what happens if we go nope let's get a little closer nope um it's not quite there get him a little closer um there he goes what can i uh just church i'm gonna do one oh my gosh oh my gosh no okay no no no no no oh my gosh oh one survived help me oh gosh he's wet she's stuck he's like help me oh gosh i don't want to get killed by that thing somebody help me help me help me oh oh my limbs are breaking just trying to get away oh oh i did it i got away but all my limbs are broken oh no well time to go say good night oh that's not what i was good that's not what i was going for at all oh well um let's get more and more bonnie in let's get a nice little body pal come on we gotta i'll be able to do something let's let's fill this cannon up with bonds okay that's what we'll do wait i think it might just like get like like instantly blow up bonnie don't fall out don't you fall out of that cannon okay that leg hanging out it's probably not a smart move bonnie what happens if i shot like a camera out and just like had it as a point of view what if i okay he just murdered like his bonnie brothers so did that one that one just got kicked out he was voted out because he just murdered his friends okay stop killing okay time to time to get time to go uh i'll refill the cannon and then add a camera yep nothing but guts that's what i kind of thought it would be okay let's get a few more bonnies in let's just fill the uh cannon up with them you know let's just get a few bonnies in here just a few more just uh just to add to the bonnie collection the new bonnie family it's bonnie's family do we need to revive the family series oh my gosh everything's on fire that one just exploded in on impact just getting into the cannon okay we gotta make this quick get a camera get a camera get a camera throw the camera in there okay camera point of view oh my gosh oh my gosh hey look this dude's still hey my camera landed right next to him thank you for taking care of my camera mister you know what you can stay alive i was gonna throw my camera at you but look it didn't even hurt you okay that dude gets to stay alive so there's now a camera we'll just put that right there um it's in the secret spot it's in a super safe place what happens if i've put myself into the cannon oh that did nothing wait what if i that's awesome load the cannon okay then wait what if i rope bonnie to the cannon i just have his arm like right here straight up ropes am i burning i think i'm burning that's not good what if i do this rope rope mr bonnie to the can what happens if i do this oh that didn't oh i didn't unfreeze him that's why if the ropes not ropes too long gonna put a rope right here now yes up here oh wait oh no why can't oh it won't let me rope it it lets me rope it to the guts ooh okay we'll just have to get bonnie stay right here at all times okay there we go all right bonnie should not be going anywhere this time that didn't do anything what if i put a little if i put one of these in while bonnie's right there oh no goodbye bonnie boom splat um and it came back beautiful wait should we play catch with bonnie oh no oh yeah he's just gonna blow up okay do we think bonnie's been through a lot yup he has time to gather all the bunny corpses to an incinerator oh we could use this i just let him be right there it's like yeah my head's playing with it look see it just tickles it just tickles this thing just tickles a little it's ticklish stop tickling me stop tickling me he's tickling stop it was too tickly that's what happened here what if i throw bonnie into this oh what if we have to do that like okay gotta jump over bonnie number one didn't make it come on bonnie number two jump over the bunny oh for oh my leg i lost my leg okay bonnie number three you got this just jump over i did it i landed and i saved myself i'm going again flip boom landed it whoosh one more time oh my my leg oh he didn't make it we have to do that one more time oh gosh he just got he just got sliced oh he cheated that one cheated let him die gotta do that again there's a bunny that's that's went straight into okay let's go oh i'll let that count one what okay that one you know what no just now okay you bunny suck all right now you guys go into the blender into the blender you go into the spicy blender home you go blender home there we go i put all these bonnies up you bonnies are murderers your bunnies murdered innocent people you bunnies are disgraceful so yeah this this was more focused about the hammer i guess in this video where was there more okay another there are some bonnies right here and then there was another bonnie right here and this there goes that bonnie i know last time how we last the last few last two episodes of this torture thing we're kind of crazy um but we're gonna forget that this happened you know like it's bonnie because we like you so much going to the pit keep going to the pit at least you don't die when you just run into the wall see okay don't be afraid no that's too far the bonnie no well now it's not perfect so go into the blender and think about what you've done okay you didn't have to blow up bonnie just die goodbye bunny boy we now we get a bonnie point of view death duh if i just we oh i want to go again yay he did get killed get killed get killed get killed oh no i just realized i'm hurting these guys no freddy lost his foot we just fixed springtrap okay he just lost his foot again i just picked your feet gosh dang it now i gotta fix them again i figured out how to fix their limbs you have to use the advanced fan tool and just reset them just dang it i just fixed all too now y'all are bloody you're all bloody oh oh okay all right time to get bonnie whoops whoops no stop stop stop it stop it stop it oh i didn't even turn the blender on yet i should probably do that bunny smoothie i did not close the top no there's blood doll everywhere [Music] there's nothing but gordon death oh oh oh oh fun no oh wait we gotta chop off bonnie's head though and then we gotta see if his head survives nope okay all right yep okay time to put him up on the wall okay mr bonnie you're gonna go up on the wall okay okay you're gonna join your friends up on this wall okay now so now you can sit up on this wall for the rest of eternity and think about what you've done okay think about what you've done bob you pathetic stupid useless rabbit think about what you think about what you've done think about it until next time when hopefully chica comes out we can finally torture chica because as of right now cheeks not out but hopefully chicken gets out soon so that way we can torture her get cheeked out so we can torment her grind grind it up grind it up delicious okay i'll shut up okay anyways that's the end of this weird video or something so i don't know but anyways i hope you all somehow enjoyed it and uh yeah so anyways i'll see y'all next time goodbye oh we're back we're back again time to add a new member to the wall of pain oh beautiful just so beautiful all of our friends are still here and have waited patiently now it's time to bring along a brand new friend oh all right chica welcome welcome to what you have deserved for a long time everyone so far has paid their debt except for you oh and you brought your sweet little cupcake don't worry i'll take good care of him okay okay now oh oh i have the perfect silhouette i have the perfect idea mr cupcake you want to sit and watch chica for me by that i mean watch her suffer all right mr cupcake yes you're a sweet little cupcake strength of you you die every single time how does that make you feel how does that make you feel chica huh huh nothing very wealthy time to pay your first price [Music] now lay down and it's time hmm how did that feel how'd that feel huh it feel good nothing this one usually doesn't do much on anybody still nothing how does this how's this field cupcake watching chica go through all this how does it feel how does it feel please tell me come on why is everyone being so quiet today do my ears not work or something oh all right i think that's enough of that right i can see that's getting quite boring for you aha oh i thought that would have done something oh well no matter there's still lots of other fun rides to go on chica look around look around and guess what you you get to go on every single one of them for free see you don't do anything else except for enjoy the ride now please relax thanks chico all right cupcake all right come here cupcake come here come here cupcake come here oh poor little cheek poor little chica all right little cupcake you get to press the magical button okay go on and press it oh oh beautiful oh something's not like something okay okay don't worry don't worry i can fix this i can fix this i just uh i uh um i just gotta put you somewhere so you don't escape where could i lock you up um [Music] oh come on chica you know i'm just messing around with you you know i want to do anything to hurt you come on come along come on come along come along don't you wanna um oh i got just the thing i got the just the thing for you okay i need you to wait in here though so if you could don't worry i'll go get your cupcake your cupcake will wait in here with you just stay in there just stay in there come here mister cupcake mr cupcake come here come here come here i'm so sorry i for i forgot one of the most specialist things let me the the thing that makes this adventure so much more fun more reality all right you two just hang out in there i'll be back in a second you two stay right there and stay perfect [Music] don't worry chica i'm on my way back i'm on my way back [Music] i'm sorry to make your way i'm so sorry just give me one more minute [Music] [Music] ah beautiful beautiful sorry i had to go stop by somewhere now let us continue chico now let us continue come here come here chica come here bring your cupcake up to you machine you know what i yeah let's get the let's bring the cupcake with us yeah yeah yeah don't worry don't worry about it don't worry about it come here come here come here come here look look chicka chicka chicka chicka [Music] come here come here come here come here up here up here chica up here i'm so sorry ignore that that wasn't supposed to i'm so sorry i'm so sorry no no chica we're gonna play a game okay chica you you get to stand right there okay see you're not underneath that thing don't don't worry about that don't worry about that thing sorry i've i meant to i i meant to um i'll tie that up yes yes tie it up of course of course tight tie it up so that way if it accidentally falls down up somewhere good yes [Music] hang on sorry the rope's a little hmm okay yep cc oh it won't fall down now chica what's up what i want you what i want us to do i want us to get along okay all right okay all right all right so we're gonna we're gonna play patty cake okay do you know do you know how to play play patty cake no you don't well here let me show you okay so first of all take your right arm take your right hand and put it up put it up like you're about to give somebody a high five okay yes perfect perfect perfect yeah yeah yeah yeah and then and then just push it outwards and i'll push my hand and our hands will meet so i'll use my right hand to go to your right hand okay all right now go ahead beautiful and uh don't be scared i'm sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry i got a little distracted that thing that hang distract me come on let's do it again let's do it again don't worry don't worry about that it's fine yeah it's beautiful see you're fine too good to be true oh yeah oh chica poor poor poor little chica did you enjoy that i'm so sorry i i didn't mean for that to happen she comes i'm so sorry i i'm so sorry but i was able to bring you back up oh oh i almost forgot about your poor cupcake see look your cupcake's fine see look you see he's fine why don't you finding little mr cupcake how did you get excuse me one second chica how did you get out the box how'd you get out there you should have been able to stay in there that should have been luck you shouldn't have gotten out okay all right okay all right okay see look little chica we're all back together right we're happy right all right we're just gonna mr cupcake you can watch from right there okay no no mister cup mr cupcake you gotta watch the fun from up there isn't that fun isn't that just fun mr cupcake isn't that just fun there you go all right come on chica let's leave mr cupcake to be for right now oh you wanna you wanna go on this thing it's a smoothie maker chica yes a smoothie maker you just uh it smoothie comes out right here you so you just look up and you open your mouth and go ah and smoothie will come down for you okay what you want you want to try okay all right all right what do you mean this looks it's perfectly safe why wouldn't if it wasn't safe then why do we use it on the children huh all right you ready for some smoothie um well what type of smoothie do you want what type of smoothie would you like would you would you like a [Music] do you know what smoothie i like have like a nice tasty scrumptious red gooey blood [Music] smoothie hmm [Music] that wasn't supposed to happen [Music] oh hi there chica um don't worry about this don't worry about that don't worry about that don't don't worry about that i'm so sorry i'm so sorry okay come on come on come on come on come here come here come here follow me follow me come on come on you want to go you don't see anything beautiful i thought i saw somebody down there but i guess i didn't i'm so sorry chica i'm so sorry please forgive me please please please forgive me please i'm so sorry i'm i'm just not myself well i feel bad i've gotten blood all over you in scratches let me let me clean you up let me give you a nice bath come on don't you want a bath yes just relax just relax oh if you just relax just relax and relax [Music] your blades never do anything but this will how does that feel how does it feel how does it feel um [Music] oh beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful oh you okay there you okay you're not okay oh that's okay it's gonna be okay i'll just uh oh what's the matter you're in pain you're in pain don't worry i can help you of course i can help you i can help you suffer just rest oh i'm trying to get some chicken tonight gonna fry her up and cook her up and eat her outfit mmm gotta be some pasty chicken that's what we should do we should cook up some chicken but first we have to go on the rest of the rides don't we chica don't we chico all right chica for this one this one you want to go in head first don't you don't you cheat all right chica you ready have some fun you already have fun how does how does the blades feel feel the blades with your hand chica feel the blades mmm not what i wanted i wanted we just gotta we're gonna dip and go you ready chica just a dip dip oh dip dip dip no come on chicken stick it by your face um oh you even got squirted blood on you oh i can see if few blood inside of you oh don't try to escape your fate yet don't try to escape yet okay come along come along come on come on come on let's see if you can uh survive this don't worry let's see you should be able to survive this shouldn't you yes you should see it's okay chica i wouldn't do anything to harm you oh i just inch a little closer um oh that was close but see i wouldn't let anything bad ever happen to you chica you're just too precious you're too fresh [Music] what's wrong with not comfortable [Music] oh [Music] just let you rest don't let you rest chica you wanna hey chica you wanna you wanna know what happened to your good old pal bonnie look chica there's his guitar you want do you want to get bonnie's bonnie's guitar for him i think you do go on chica go get it chica what are you doing you're trying to avoid something you're trying to avoid the hammers can't avoid it can't avoid it my beautiful hammer oh sorry [Music] [ __ ] very beautiful how's the cooking going mmm smells the luscious cupcake you enjoying this you enjoying this cupcake enjoy this bleach come here come here chica we gotta go on the rest of the rides we're running out of time stay still let me hold you down here don't try to escape you can't escape you can't escape oh there's everywhere okay chica i want to i want you to meet one of my best pals mr old dude say say hi to him he's in prison here too is he ah you don't know how long i want to get rid of him just had to get him distracted for a little second of his life come here chica let's go let's go to oh whoops i'm so sorry i'm so sorry come here oh i'm so sorry what's that i'm so sorry i should be more i should be more careful i should be more careful come on come on shouldn't i be more careful oh let's go get mr cupcake [Music] oh ah stir cupcake oh what happened down here oh i missed it i missed it chica you get to go on the ride again i just had to add some a bit more blood yes ah i want a cupcake to get a front row seat right there um must be fun down there so hmm [Music] uh [Music] oh mr cupcake did you like that front row seat did you enjoy it oh you got a little something on your candle look down there cupcake it's the void whoops i don't want to drop ya look around look around you get to see some not very few people get to see there's the spikes cupcake we're in a perfect place let's get chica back here chica chica you want to see something that no one else really gets to see i guess what you got i don't like you gee get out of here look look at this mr cupcake look at her fall wouldn't want to fall down there would we mr cupcake no we wouldn't no we wouldn't at all whoops i'm so sorry chica i meant to catch you about whoopsies it's okay mr keke it's okay we're fine can't you see did you see that work fine ignore the random random blood and the void the void the perfect place mister the perfect place [Music] all right oh no mr cuphead it seems that the machine this machine has broken oh no such a shame such a shame such a shame however what would get out of here i mean i could easily throw you up there but no no i don't want to be fair i gotta get out of here too and i don't fully trust you that you go get something to get me out your frosting's looking a little pink there buddy oh i started the most brilliant idea of how to get out here oh chica oh chica don't try to run away now just stay seated and join your chica brothers as we pile on the top of the horse here we go get ready all right mr cupcake here we are we're building the chica staircase cheeky staircase every now and then a chica blows up that's okay it's gonna be okay cupcake it's going to be okay they might lose a limb here or two but as long as their torso torso's intact and as long as their bib says let's eat we'll be just perfect okay mr cookie let's go wait up there more chica's the better right here see mr cupcake we made it didn't didn't we make it do not wait all right you chicas are no longer required get out of here so get out of here splat goes the chicken okay mystery cupcake you're looking mighty mighty bloody today i think you're gonna be my new best friend cause i'm really loving the time i get to spend with you oh you want you want a smoothie you want a smoothie i know you want a smoothie i know exactly what you want you want a smoothie let's see if we can get cheek in here oh i thought that was an opening oh well oh whoops i started the blender too soon i got a little too happy too a little too excited there you are chica let's let's eat chica let's eat chica oh my jokes are good aren't they mr cookie come along chica smoothies just getting warmed up oh beautiful tasty isn't it mr cookie isn't it oh we forgot one of the main ingredients let's throw in a few more chicas just to not ruin the taste but uh but there's one more ingredient i'm gonna throw in here too mr cupcake don't worry don't worry don't worry it's not you it's not don't worry about it don't worry i got the perfect ingredients oh we want some we want this meal to be hot not cold nobody loves a cold meal unless the food's meant to be cold but no let's let's warm things up a bit tasty and then we ignite it mmm delicious oh oh isn't it beautiful mr cookie isn't it beautiful isn't it beautiful just beautiful isn't it isn't it isn't it beautiful [Music] all right [Music] mmm smells like chicken uh okay i think that's enough for now don't you think mr cupcake yeah that's that's enough for him gotta say i really love your blood works all right now mr cookie you get to be the new star you get to be you get to watch over everybody else you get to watch every other person here get tortured [Music] oh jake yeah it is time for the wall you're probably tired and you probably are regretting of what you have done [Music] oh you're actually standing that's it's not allowed it's not around at all no you're not allowed and i'll understand i would let you die right there but i don't want blind to no no stop it come here you don't you no go in here boom i don't want my precious bunny pal bonnie to get more blood on him than he needs to all right now no being able to relax okay that's you're not allowed to here let's get against the rules i thought you would have known better chica oh now you finally listen good job chica good job [Music] this is just beautiful my wall is coming along just fine oh it's just so beautiful sucks that this one's broken but all my other toys are still fine anyways that's enough for one night yes that's enough for one day one day only until we meet again we will soon get a new friend oh this is really creepy and really messed up what am i doing anymore why y'all want this i don't know but uh there you go cheek is dead golden freddy will be next so stay tuned for him um yeah this uh this is um this this series is uh truly something um yeah so um [Music] yeah there you go um i i i think you'll be best if i just leave yeah yeah i'm i'mma i might just go so uh enjoy the rest of your day um yeah the golden freddy shall be next but uh yeah i'm done for now so bye [Music] [Music] don't don't [Music] this chicken won't cook faster i want my fried chicken and it's been like two weeks why aren't you cooked yet be cooked we're gonna ignore that that happened but uh yeah we should um um well there goes the chicken that's lovely but uh today welcome back to torturing the animatronics today we have golden freddy because foxy ain't here because golden freddy was released before him technically so hi there golden freddy okay see you like to try to you and your head don't like to stay together a lot now mr mr headless bear suit man mr ugly face no life ha ha ha ha okay that's some well there's a spare suit i suppose i did not make any duplicates let's duplicate him i am a failure lovely okay so anyways anyways anyways hello there a golden freddy how is you you ready to die well since you don't like your head that much let's go on the first ride that ride that everyone has to go on at least once have fun um well it actually did something to you i think like freddy you're looking pretty scrumptious there pal you're looking you're looking like you want to die just throw you brown and oh gosh okay oh oh okay i did not hit the chicken that's good let's go let's go we don't want to eat the chicken the chicken deserves to be loved here isn't that right golden freddy no okay what i want you to do is wait what if i sat him down into his like little golden freddy pose and then i forget which way his head is i think it's like this way but uh and then we just sit him down he's all like sat down and then can i like i don't think i can like prop his legs up like bend his knees but no not like that okay this is the golden freddy way his legs died today so let's uh let's make a statue and then uh let me put a few of these down and then we have this dude all right let's see what happens if golden freddy can get in there while sitting oh um oh beautiful yum okay all right well let's see if sitting down golden freddy can survive this one we gotta see if he can survive traps while sitting down oh oh he's taking a little damage there he ain't wanting to get in oh oh oh oh no um figured all right let's see if golden freddy's sitting down can survive this one we're just doing golden freddy's sitting down in the death just sitting there pal you just chilling boom yum oh i'm breaking all the spare golden freddies i need at least one of these to stay in one piece i'll put this dude like right up there now you stay alive mister because i need you for the duplicator um what happens if i oh no oh no going freddy now oh is there a way to lift this thing up with just like props and stuff if we had like i'm sure yeah i'm sure there is what what if i um that um okay well there was that all right you know what let's um can sit in golden freddy survive this trap oh wait this is supposed to be the void frick this trap supposed to be broken oh no what a oh i just oh no abort abort i forgot all the chicas were there oh no what have i done oh no oh i just oh no oh oh no this is not good oh no what have i done what have i done oh no oh the lag no this is why we don't use this trap oh and after all the chicas were there from last time okay well that one can just go into the boy boy there we go okay he's just gonna lay down there oh i forgot all the chicas were down there oh no okay well let's just set this dude peacefully onto the void there you go you can just stay down there now i forgot all the guys down there because they were chicas from the last time and then that traffic i guess got fixed so now frick what is this that's a thing of blood okay all right let's um we gotta get the sitting down golden freddy's in here you know while he's sitting down what if i if i'd sit put him like right here what if i did this yes okay that's um i'm trying to make these videos different every time because it's the same traps catching it and i don't know about the whole creepy vibe because i know people think i'm actually going insane which i'm not oh that thing just okay so the saw did not do that much it was the actual thing right there that did that it's like the actual um case thing that crushed them oh stop right there gotta use my string wait what if we uh oh i should have spawned a golden freddy in here yum okay no not like that i'll say we spawn one in and then we spawn like a few more around let me it it put this one on top no don't get killed now try to open it oh i just pushed him off like it was nothing gosh dang gosh dang fricking wasn't good enough oh for oh okay i died what the [ __ ] what the freak is that sound oh it's this thing i was like i thought i heard someone was like what the freak is it the demons coming back all right well mr golden freddy um here let's uh let's just sit down a bunch of these dudes and then let's take our new golden freddy friend he's like oh boy i have a working endoskeleton oh splat oh boy i have a working endoskeleton hurrah that did not last long oh boy i'm so happy i love to dance and sing in flight life and then he dies okay no no no none of the slurps in this please all right have fun here oh my gosh again with the desks i do i keep dying mister empty suits empty golden freddy suit you just lay there on the steps it's all bloody uh poor poor suits poor golden freddy's too all right so mr golden freddy i'm going to shove you downstairs oh you didn't even survive the first step all right let's see if a uh sitting down golden freddy can survive and we're definitely going to put one of these into like the little um drive-through area over here oh bounce oh he did not live if i just like throw one in like no i did not want to go down here myself but okay oh boy i love to die we what the f okay i don't know what happened down there and i don't want to know okay golden okay that one's chilling i should duplicate one of the that has a bad hand that has a bad leg that has a bad hand that has bad face that has a bad arm uh this one's perfect all right we're gonna put another one of these up here so for duplication all right let's put this one let's put this one into the uh into this magical machine see what happens while he's sitting down just put in a few more die die hmm scrumptious scrumptious you can't you can't escape he did not survive at all oh my gosh okay well you know what we need i'm gonna take golden freddy here mr golden freddy face and we need to take him and we need to teach him his lesson yes golden freddy you're gonna be taught a lesson today you're gonna sit down and think about what you've done think about what you've done dang that was fast okay um you you there young boy get stop let go of your dead dog oh freak no not gucci oh my gosh still still going through okay i should probably um turn that off all so close i'll help you pal oh i don't want to go down there myself but uh um all right well um where should where what should we do with the sitting golden freddy should we uh let him oh where's the car oh no oh no what if we set him on top of this and then activate it what happens he just explodes okay stop the stop the cart stop it oh again yay this is my stop oh fun let's use this thing say goodbye to your face ha goodbye clean up clean up on aisle five excuse me gotta clean up the place i heard there's a bunch of dead bodies over here and i gotta clean them up hahaha yay clean up on all aisle 15 oh my gosh just blood oh what the frick stop no oh my gosh again ah oh my gosh what is it doing over there it's possessed bro the lag i'm gonna have to kill it oh and then it died rip and rest that thing it was my favorite little toy for five seconds five whole seconds i actually loved it all right um oh that's the thing about these torturing things is like we've done everything and i don't know how to make it any more spicier same thing over and over and over and over again mr cannon man um did you enjoy that there pal did you enjoy that did you okay um yeah okay you know what let's just sit you down right here pal let's just just y'all press the button before they escape oh my gosh [Music] oh um beautiful oh my gosh oh my gosh what the heck oh why oh no oh it's oh um yeah okay yeah um okay this is um this is something just gotta yeah add more blood that will make things better did a piece of what the frick um [Music] i um i don't know anymore i really don't know anymore okay um luckily this blood's starting to despawn thank you um yeah okay um i'm sorry i don't know what to do anymore um i'm probably gonna end this i'm i don't freaking know anymore um it's just okay to be honest it's just because it's like the same thing over and over again i'm not saying this is the last episode of torturing people but uh i think it might be getting close because um we still have foxy to do and then besides foxy we would we could also do the black lights but i don't know about the black lights i think i might try to end it off with um with foxy i'm definitely going to do foxy on here um but uh yeah i think i'm in this torturing video here i know this one's cutting it like way shorter than the other torture ones because all the other ones for like 30 minutes and this one's like on only like 15. um just because i think you can see it now it's starting to get kind of repetitive sort of and i've been doing it i've only been doing them because y'all have been liking them like i was originally only gonna do it with a gl with glitch trap and then and then i did it with spring trap because um because i i was doing everything like i did with glitch trap but with spring traps like just showing off the help wanted stuff and then y'all wanted me to do more so then i came back for like the fnaf one people and um and then that became a thing like right after um hopefully i remember like right as hell pointed bonnie came out people were like okay do your torturing video we gotta see it it's out now you gotta get out as fast as possible kind of thing but i'm sorry i'm starting to feel like this is this series this mini series is fading away so i think i think i'm just giving y'all a heads up i think i think a nice spicy ending's gonna come soon so cause foxy not he's gonna have fun because he's the fan favorite so it's gonna be fun torturing him because he's the fan favorite so that's why i'm looking forward to foxy um so that way people can yell at me i can't wait um but uh yeah so i think that's where i probably am going to end the help wanted torturing series is in whenever i do foxy which i don't know when i'll do that but uh you know okay i'll be honest i forgot about this being my player model again ah from my random moment video with game freaking game best and alex i forgot i just i realized that like halfway through like when i died i was like oh shoot i was supposed to be i'm supposed to be glitch trap while i'm doing this mini series not you and it oh and that's another thing people ask me to torture the uh sexy animatronics so you know what let me know if you y'all want to see that torture in the sexy animatronics but i might do it differently than this like instead of on this map i might do it in like construct or something i don't know and like set up my own things like get boxes and barrels and throw out them and stuff let me know if you all want to see that yeah let me know if you don't want me to torture the sexy animatronics after i have finished torturing the health wanted ones which i think foxy will be my last one because the black lights are basically just skins of everyone else i know golden freddy's a skin but a golden freddy was special so yeah but anyways so expect a uh torture foxy help one at foxy soon and uh yeah again let me know if y'all want to see the sexy animatronics because now i have an idea for that so let me know if y'all want that so uh yeah but anyways i think i'm gonna end this video here um again sorry that's a bit shorter but yeah i don't know um i'm probably gonna do help wanted foxy just a little bit differently than everything i don't know how that one's gonna work i don't know i don't know just giving you all heads up but uh yeah because it's just because it's just the same thing over and over again so um yeah and there's really no other torture in maps so uh yeah but anyways i hope y'all enjoyed that's golden freddy's welcome into the death room is his corpse right there his headless corpse right there and uh we'll save it and uh there we go all right so anyways i hope y'all enjoyed and um we have a new friend he didn't go on the wall but he's next to the wall so well yeah but anyways i hope y'all enjoyed um make sure to leave a like comment saying if well let me know if y'all want to see the sexy animatronics get tortured or not so i i think that would i think i think they're actually that might be something that people would want to see because like for like all the people who are like kind of not fun about that stuff they're like yeah no stop it and kill it that's how we kill it is by torturing it okay anyways i'll shut up but uh yeah so anyways that's in the video hope you enjoyed um and i'll see y'all next time goodbye all right hello everybody and welcome back to torturing the help funded animatronics um i'm back so soon so so soon but anyways today we have a special guest it's mr foxy foxy the pirate fox and uh he's the fan favorite this one's gonna be the most fun so foxy is loved by minnie's aren't you foxy i'm but i don't know how the rest of the band feels about that take getting their spotlight taken away by some old stupid old smelly old fox thing you know and i just remembered i'm this foxy that's um or um this is better this this glitch traps better um but yes welcome welcome foxy welcome to your new home and we're gonna forget about the other foxy i watched right there but uh anyways welcome are you ready to have fun golden freddy last time didn't have fun he went too soon oh i wish i got to spend more time with him but uh oh well as you can see um this place is kind of a mess from last time so um today you're gonna help me clean up oh but you don't got any hands oh well well i'm sure we can figure something out all right foxy today i'm not going to torment you i'm going to help you you're going to help me get rid of these old golden freddies because golden freddy just reminded me too much of freddy it's just exact same so these these poor old golden freddies all get to die all right um all right going foxy go ahead see i'm sparing you as long as you help me see and then just let it how does it feel watching your old friends die or even if that was your friend some people i remember back in the good old days where it was like it was your like in the good old finance theories where foxy and gold and freddie were brothers the whale theories huh oh well well even if golden freddy was your brother i guess you could say he's dead now and he's going they're running away sorry i got a little a little upset they're trying to golden freddy was trying to run away and now machines don't working oh well look let's let's just throw them into the pits yes the pits yes the pit just throw them in there it's like a trash can whoopsies [Music] yeah yeah yeah just gather let's just gather these gold whoopsies over the wall over the wall there we go all right come on golden freddies come on oh golden freddy poor poor golden freddy he didn't he didn't want to have fun with me [Music] all right well um i think we've oh let's not let any let's not let any of the spares get out mmm don't you love it when they collide with each other um now i know it's a mess down there foxy foxy come here come here come here don't worry i'm not gonna push you down i just want you to observe all right look you see that's a mess down there right well let's go ahead and clean it up shall we um just make a boom and then another one for greens gotta clean up this mess no big corpses left behind anyways anyways anyways come along foxy come along come along come along now um let's see oh no it seems like you lost your legs let's go ahead and just get you regenerated there pal um all right come on let's go sniff out anything else oh look bonnie's guitar look he left it over here isn't that a shame foxy from the hammer when we tied it up bonnie hey bonnie remember this remember this guitar i'll just throw it down there for you so you can stare at it bet you wish you wanted it back don't you don't you bonnie [Music] and then we have got a little cupcake so far foxy you're one of my favorites you're one of the lucky ones just like the cupcake you get on my good side uh oh looks like we left the golden freddy leftover oh um good job foxy you strangled him with your hook good job let's go ahead and regenerate that for you see i care about you pal i care about you so come along foxy come along there's work to be done all right so foxy today's cleanup day we got to clean up all the evidence that's that there was death here all right let's um let's throw that over there you know let's just okay no well all right let's make sure there's nothing else anywhere else is there anything behind here oh what's this what have we found a good old surveillance tape oh i almost let you get away there little buddy you thought you could go tattletail on me [Music] now could work foxy now over the wall and i'll meet with you soon follow this poor little camera they thought they could get the surveillance tapes but no no no no into the pitch you go for now oh oh no bonnie's guitar fell all the way down there isn't that so sad you lost your poor little guitar [Music] how's it going my new favorite body la la la la okay foxy there's more work to be done come here come here come here push him onto the tracks seems that we have spares left over oh look at this freddy fazbear oh what happened to him this freddy seems different this shouldn't have happened how did he lose his ears and his in his jaw hmm we shall not kill this freddy just yet i need to study him i need to figure out how he was able to lose that how was that freddy they would lose it to oh look at this golden freddy it still has life in it isn't that sweet anyways let's throw these guys back up on the track you wait here foxy you wait here [Music] anymore anymore no of course there's not any more [Music] good work good work come here foxy let's go back to the main area good work foxy you're my little helper you're my new friend now i could easily kill this freddy i want to figure out how this freddy is still like this how did you how did i forget to throw you away in your hands how do you still have some of your fingers oh well into the pit of into the pits of of of destroying the evidence you go all right that's cleared up you stay there foxy don't you dare move um let me make sure everything's cleaned up blender seems good anybody back here anybody in here might as well go up top foxy foxy foxy foxy you want to come with me pal come here come here foxy come here [Music] sorry about that that's oh i'm so sorry i don't mind the elevator being slightly broken there pal um oh oh seems like it's busted we'll just have to go to the top i said oh poor little foxy duck washed in the elevator oh oh oh no it's dang dang well i don't think there's any thing up here and the blood will go away from the rain so uh yeah foxy looks like looks like there's nothing up here go look down there for me pal go look down there oh he lives hey foxy okay go um all right let's see is there any is there any survivors here foxy no well well in that case no free pizza for you of course he just had to live um get down there [Music] mmm splat yum okay let's see uh-huh uh-huh beautiful okay foxy well um i'll let you rest hmm all right i think all the bodies have been taken care of i think there could be more i have to make sure there's none left and then i shall kill all y'all for your final time oh foxy come here come here foxy you know what foxy you know what come here foxy come here hmm did you like the saw blade it's just eating you up all right whoa whoa whoa whoa calm down there pal no i didn't want to come here for that i wanted to throw you over the wall i can't throw you over oh oh what did i just see oh is it another freddy for me [Music] again with these special freddies they have their their fingers live but the rest of them is dead they lose their ears and their jaws but their face is still perfectly fine any more bodies i should worry about no um alrighty well foxy my friend it's time to put this to an end let's go ahead and start the grinder up one final time and let's say goodbye to that freddy on the line all right come here cupcake come here you should join the fun too oh don't fall in don't fall in mr cupcake i wouldn't want to see you die all right you know what before we continue let's gather around for one final photo please go back up foxy let us all take a swell photo the gang's back together again all right who should we start wish should we start with the dead golden's head freddie suit he's already dead we could just get rid of the body it could be a nice warm start what do you think mr cupcake no start with somebody alive you say well let's go ahead and undo the ropes let's release everyone from their shackles but don't worry they're too broken to move um they're all tied up in their blood look we have the fazbear band the main trio of fun oh bonnie trying to reach down there for your guitar don't worry i'm pretty sure it's down there go ahead and sit that send that down but oh um it seems i forgot a body and it seems that that just took care of it for me he did not expect that all right but no hmm who should we start with no not freddy he's the leader of the band we can't just throw freddy away he's too sweet and so is chica she makes us lovely pizza and then we get through he could go with our bonnie because his guitar is down there it only makes sense because he'd have to go down there and get it but now let's spare let's spare him for now i know who we should start with oh the one who started this all me [Music] hmm pain no longer controls me after making myself suffer i can now finally be free [Music] start the grinder seeing myself go through torment this one [Music] oh wow that was a blast who should we go for next should we go for the spring trap one of my cursed things [Music] what do you think cupcake do you want to go in cupcake do you want to go in [Music] silly cupcake oh no what's this is my body stuck inside oh no don't be stuck oh no it's wedged just gotta get the good old guitar to get it unstuck oh yes i'll need this i'll need this guitar good the camera is broken no evidence will be found frick i need that guitar that's my oh and we're gonna crush it let's try this one more time aha i gotcha all right look bonnie see i went all the way down there just to get it for you but now gotta get this stuff unstuck you ever used a plunger oh whoops i almost got the cupcake out but it seems like he fell down sorry a little cupcake okay let's unwitch this dude now get a wedge splat goes to bonnie let's just it's just oh cupcakes still stuck down there but that's okay it's okay i'll get him out when i'm cleaning the machine who should be next what should we have fun with [Music] hmm well well well let's go ahead and send this down let's go and sit that down but uh foxy who should we have fun with next who do you think you want to feel some pain i can help you feel pain foxy i can help you you like to run fast drip it's like it's like you ever play a game where you might lose a finger well let's let's play let's lose a toe or a foot um why not both think i cared about you now now let's see the rest bonnie bonnie look please get your guitar for me what's that oh you want your precious little guitar no way i think it's still jammed in here oh no bonnie you gotta go get it out go get it out bonnie and be very very careful you don't want to lose your hand just gotta get it out [Music] poor poor bonnie i feel so bad for you and since i feel bad there's your guitar such a saying you'll never get to play it again all right who's next oh chica oh chica i completely forgot about you in your precious cupcake ignore that happened don't you laugh at me okay okay okay okay it's not funny it's not funny it's not funny it's not fun anyways chica you're poor precious cupcake carl is stuck down there in the machine just don't [ __ ] laugh at freaking me the machine stop the machine [Music] i can't feel pain anymore i like this humiliation anyways chica your toy precious cupcake carl is stuck down there you gotta go save him go save him chica go save your precious cupcake mmm ah slicker's the chicken she's now dead oh poor poor freddy's sliding on in you don't want to go thought i'd let you go that easily no look you're covered in blood it's the main man freddy freddy fazbear sing us a song oh wait you don't have your microphone where where did your microphone go oh well that's not important now what's important is that you have a nice blood trail on you oh well freddie it seems that that you're stuck seems you're being pulled back in [Music] any last words no looks like you're getting sucked up in the machine but you wish you could get free but now [Music] [Music] your poor guitar went down you gotta go get it go get it let me have fun too just back here bunny back here the fun has only begun come on let's go for a ride [Music] about this place he's too beautiful to be found now hush i almost forgot something um i almost forgot the main attraction one of the things that protests me here the poor sweet springtrap the one and only [Music] fun of four go ahead lay down relax let me turn this on but before i deal with you last there's one more thing that shall not pass the good old golden freddy you know what's wrong he's stuck he's stuck come here i remember this machine it was the beginning of fun fantasy and fun come to life oh foxy i forgot about you [Music] anyways come along golden freddy come along come along there's no time to waste what was that oh it's just a silly old microphone you think this could stop me no it can't it won't stop me now get that down there [Music] now be gone stop it stop it what the [ __ ] out [Music] [Music] well you can still have fun can't you you will have fun enjoy the ride enjoy the party dear what fun isn't this fun aren't you having fun oh anyways it is time to say goodbye bye to this land people will never know that i was here time to seal it up no we'll know that they were here no one will know you finally all got deserved what was coming for y'all that was so much fun i can't wait to play again well it's time for me to say bye-bye bye-bye and that was the end of torture in the help wanted animatronics oh what a nice beautiful gory ending um fun um so yeah this i think this is where the series series should should probably end i think it would be the best for all of us if we ended the series here um if i ended at least um but if y'all really want high demands for it to return let me know but um yeah so anyways that is pretty much the uh the end of this this video so um yeah that's pretty much the end the end of the story the end of the fun but uh don't worry glitch trap will have fun again it's real soon [Music] all i can there's only one thing i can say about glitch trap and for y'all to get ready for don't be late to the party okay anyways enough with that creepy freaking crap oh my gosh i find it i just find it hilarious that like people like think i'm like actually like gone insane a little bit no that's glitch trap not me glitch glitch traps the one going insane okay no no no no no okay anyway anyways that is um that's the end of the torture and help one at animatronics um and also thank you guys so much for the support on the series um i basically started the series like right as the help wanted models came out so um it's been fun but i think it's about time that i think it's time that i put the series to rest um for now so uh yeah but anyways i hope y'all enjoyed it and uh make sure to leave a like if you want it to maybe return in the future um but uh yeah so anyways that's pretty much it um there is foxy so um yeah anyways that's that's pretty much it pretty much it's pretty much pretty much pretty much it so we started off with glitch trap and then spring trap well i think it was way back when i called him spring bonnie but we had glitch trapped in spring trap and then freddy and then bonnie and then chica and then golden freddy and then foxy um sure was sure it was a it started to become a bit of a differ ending but it was a-okay a-okay but yes that is the end of this video so yeah i don't know how many times i have to say and i'm definitely not stalling or anything like that just to get this video to 30 minutes no nothing like that at all but uh yeah [Music] um well there we go woke but uh yeah okay well there was there was that so um rip and rest the animatronics and rip foxy can't wait to see all the comments about how could you do that to foxy um well even though i didn't really do anything to foxy actually he helped me he was a servant he helped me clean up my mess um see now this place is clean all the blood has has faded away the trap is sealed and that that blood's always been there so it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine anyways that is the end of this video so i hope you all enjoyed it and i will see you all all next time dang that was a fun way to end the that's the end of this gmat finale point video torturing thing whatever i don't know anyways leave a like if you enjoyed and i'll stop bothering i'll stop rant i'll stop stalling whatever anyways that's another video hope y'all enjoyed i'll see y'all next time goodbye goodbye [Music] oh it's good to be back well well well i'm back i'm back uh i'm on this bridge because i believe oh police i'm on this bridge because the police found my place where i murdered everybody so i've kind of been on the run since but i'm i've grown bored oh and it's time for me to find a new friend to play with today time to murder somebody else yeah oh oh oh oh that's not cool but time for me to murder somebody again oh my gosh the cops are all over the place they're trying to find me they will never find me [Music] anyways let's let me go over here no i can't wait to torment my new my next new friend [Music] all right where is he aha here he is our new friend oh how are you today friend how are you today do you want to start things off on a nice note [Music] oh sorry i think cops dang cops they're all over the place yeah oh well did you enjoy that death no but you're bad go again oh and um well um crap [Music] um [Music] um well then the game crashed that that that's love come on glitch trap why do you gotta be so creepy and stuff you gotta swing your crowbar on a corpse to crash my game gosh pecking dang it stupid glitch trap my gosh welp i just gotta wait for it to load up hurry up hurry up [Music] i hey to torment him even more even more come on come on just gotta get out the flip side oh my gosh oh we're back we're back all night myself uh stupid okay just gotta oh wait no not that dude where is going strap or squish slurp my slurp my fingers okay anyways and i'm back losers i'm back again and uh and we just gotta we just gotta find our little friend where'd he go he's trying to escape he thinks he can escape us the fun's only just begun oh boy um oh fun anyways mister you thought you could escape me no there's nowhere for you to run it wasn't me coppers it was i was just chilling i'm just chilling you know oh yeah oh oh oh where'd he go oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh don't ever find him down there i'm not trying to jump off the back i'm stuck yeah ah there we go yeah all right let me just cross this street oh okay mister you're gonna tell me if it's clear to go outside okay just let me okay safe oh not safe outside okay yeah ah there we go all right mister you like some cars let's let's see if we can let's let's see if you can get across the street if you get across the street mister i'll let you be alone i mean i'll let you go okay three two one go oh that was that was sad i'll give you another attempt because i'm a good person oh oh no how sad how sad indeed just cross the street oh oh no okay i'll let you go one last little time oh oh oh [Music] he crashed again it crashed this dang freaking bridge well time to go somewhere else besides the bridge where am i supposed to murder my people now where am i supposed to go where do i go where do i go let's go here let's go here and slaughter them well it [ __ ] it appeared to me that cars will crash your game so um we're not gonna do that anymore so um yeah that's um yeah that's not going to that's going to be fun just hurry up and load load load is loud i want to murder more uh what victim even is this anymore i've kind of lost count wait let's see there was one and two then one two three wait four five six seven this is number eighteen oh this is going to be fun [Music] dang missing textures gosh i can dang it oh well come on load load let us go it's just i don't know what map is oh it's this uh what even oh it's this map oh oh okay um alrighty well let's oh let's oh freaking dang it man [Music] okay anyways he is trying to go here and [Music] here here and then and then yes it's welcome welcome to the factory mister i see that you survived the streets oh oh oh oh oh oh oh you forgot your package mister you forgot a package yes yes yes but don't mind me yeah yeah yeah just chilling yeah yeah you know we're just chilling yeah yeah yeah just go ahead and go man you're clear to go oh excellent oh excellent now what should we do with you mister i see you like some cars now don't you you know what you know what mister you know i'll let you take a break i'll leave it alone for a bit [Music] okay mister you ready johnny no i need a better runway i need a better runway yes this will this will do it's just nice x marks the spot it's time for you to die oh snow i missed i gotta read the line and yo okay that's not the right way run him over run him over yes okay you know what we're gonna make a wall we're gonna build a wall out of your people now let's go down the road let's go down the road oh yes yes take away mister take away yes yes yes the death the destruction run them over run them over run all of them over oh no speedboat oh oh what one was just getting dragged by [Music] why do you just come here and go around what you just went around the whole building you made no progress mr carr all right let me let me clean up everything just so nothing crashes now let's see is there any cars inside the uh inside this place where where where am i where is everything i'm gonna find the places i'm gonna find the places where am i i need to find somewhere to uh to kill him where where should i go now let's see let's see let's see um let's see what can we you know what i want to do surgery on you but i'll do one thing and then i'll save your that was you weak gotta get greater momentum that's what we need higher the better yoink oh oh i want his head to break off all right i just that will do happy thoughts happy thoughts um how else should i how much should this poor person die oh i shouldn't say poor that actually sounds kind of mean but let's see let's see let him get run over yet again splat splat goes the blue bear that's not even insane yes yes yes run him over oh oh you're just going to avoid him black goes the bears splash goes to bears mmm look at all the death in this truck you poor bears couldn't it be safe oh destruction so nice so beautiful now what should i do with you mister what should i do with you now what should i do with you now mister let's see um i'm trying to think oh the game wants to crash the game with the crash don't cry don't don't crash hurry up go go go don't crush [Music] there we go don't wait to crash now do we okay let's see the truck will be arriving soon we have to make sure they're ready for everything looks like they stepped on one oh this is gonna be the best road trip ever once the car starts come out and then all these people should well the frames are dying but that's [Music] yes splat splat goes the blue bear that's still not even the same but uh never oh oh oh my gosh yes actually how many bears have we killed probably like millions all poor poor poor poor poor poor little black knight freddy [Music] oh all that death and destruction oh uh everything's lagging oh gosh oh no not again not again jump out of the way well um okay the frames are dying okay yeah you know why mr i think i've killed you plenty of times i think i'm just gonna let's get it at least get battle away from this one you know what this factory could be my new killing place yes i can kill more people here maybe i might go back to that bridge and throw someone off of it all right well as the frame slowly kill me happy that's that's where i'm gonna end this off for now mr bear got ran over by a car poor poor poor poor poor little old black light freddy so i think i've tormented you enough and i think it'll be a while before the police find out but yes in this place i can murder more of your kind with more sharp objects yes this will be the perfect place to kill someone yes oh look at everything it's so sharp it's so beautiful [Music] well anyways mr any last words before i kill you for the final time where is it where is where is it where is it i need it i need to find it where is it oh yes any last words mister no goodbye oh it's time to go gather your blacklight friends and murder them too well i think i've murdered enough of him today so now it's just until next time oh i can't wait sure i didn't spend as long killing him this time but i killed him plenty of times so i think that's a nice little note to in this one on oh well make sure to go check out all the other times i i favored people as well make sure you go check that out
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 210,313
Rating: 4.781764 out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Torturing, HW, Help Wanted, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Golden Freddy, Blacklight Freddy
Id: sHNRV0Vv0zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 54sec (10194 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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