Gmod FNAF | FNAF 1 Team VR VS. FNAF 1 Splinks!

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mmm-hmm those are good now ah yeah good now whoa boy am i oh my why my sleep in the parking service room I should be on the stage what the heck oh they're mobile on one of my servos break again oh I must have been rocking too hard on that guitar again uh-huh I should probably get out there back to the band got to perform for the kid in zone wait Oh Freddie separate no that's probably just pretty soon that's pretty soon oh damn Freddy suit let's fold me many times I can't wait stuff someone in I mean what I didn't say anything oh I've got to get back out to the band oh well all right guy I know I know okay I know probably well my servos or something locked up or something like that I'm sorry I really really apologize I am I not mean for whatever what even happened I don't remember Freddie do you know do you remember what happened Freddie I remember what happened the old fray freddy fazbear you don't feel her number what wait no Freddie how could you let this happen I kid you like this dude replace me he looks so ugly yeah I said it you're ugly that was so damn sad and lonely I'm gonna cry Oh Lexi Lexi you come with me would you why would you let him replace me what was wrong with everybody why are you guys acting all crazy I always was that creepy for tonight car but why aren't you talking mmm it's because you're not one of us so you must be destroyed yes yes you must be destroyed you should be deactivated oh wait oh oh come on guys we can we can talk about this I mean oh we're still animatronic pals right mmmmmm sorry but your time is up time for you to go Oh No No thank you man no no thanks I'm just gonna I'm gonna hide in closet oh wait that's a dead end uh uh uh hey foxy why don't you take care of our new friends you're sure whatever I'll go kill him wait kill me don't kill me please bollocks you would you have to tell them that y'all are sorry I wasn't thinking I'll go kill him right now y'all are dumb it must be cousin thank man now for some reason Barney go see your books he got the intruder okay all these tables Scott do do do do do do do foxy did you did you kill them kill them fake army leg surgery now how are you doing got freaking dang come on foxy let's get back to the main area army leg hurts really bad come on Bonnie I mean foxy got dang it whew that was a close one I almost got killed huh that would have been bad um oh well I must become security man now time don't take it over the night shift what's this a key yeah not important um beep boop beep boop beep boop beep beep beep wait why are all my friends acting so weird and what do they mean I'm not one of them I am one of them I'm bored of the band how's the power already Oh like I left the door shut are you freaking kidding me oh well at least no one's gonna eat me right golden freddy is that you are you gonna save me oh you hit your head on the wall there pal you're good there pal you kind of creeped me out oh okay I'm gonna go this way now all right come on foxy get back to your Cove yard Oh Freddy did foxy kill the intruder uh yeah I don't really care yeah he did good let's go back to the stage okay well I guess yeah I guess his little endo thing is broken so he can't walk look the Freak is wrong with you you will be destroyed mr. hoo Oh Oh what was that oh no oh oh dupa dupa do we own this place because we're so cool yeah no oh I'll my head oh oh oh what is wrong with everybody wait oxi what are you doing on the roof Helen oh oh oh I hit my head oh ouch Oh God dang it you get off of me you're so fat okay oh me oh my gosh oh you're so fat I'll oh you can broke my spine right there ah wait what happened wait a minute oh those people out there aren't my friends my friends are in here with me we must have been replaced oh no oh you have said gee go talk to me speak to me say something sighs of the Gia oh no my friends are dead oh no oh it's gonna be okay guys we're gonna do okay it's gonna be okay okay okay you're lovely here you go okay there you go there you go chica it's gonna be fine we're gonna be one happy family again guys right Oh what all stamp foxes like Phil awesome it's like we're not that old this is right there go foxy still right there enough yummy mom a man Freddy Freddy you you you okay there pal the Freak is that cray hey shut up you little hex I told you to shut up I'm trying to sleep brilliant Oh Oh Bonnie what did you do what happened why are we in the service room I mean you still have your other arm Oh the bunny I want you to calm down uh Freddie what happened Freddie I'm scared it's gonna be okay bunny we'll get to the bottom of this oh oh I think I know why our joints are just old and rusty so we're falling apart easily but don't worry I'm sure the staff will fix us up soon and we'll be on the stage very soon no Freddie no I went out there to the stage and they replace does what they replace this replaces I don't believe you let me get out to the park with moonlight I don't believe it Oh Freddie don't go out there they'll kill you well okay I won't talk to them if there's anybody up there I'll just look and see let's see is there anybody on my stage oh heck there is oh snap Oh No we've been replaced Oh No Freddie you got a plan right to stop all this you know how to stop them oh no I mean well yes I have a plan I always have a plan what should we do Freddie we should cruelly give up our lives boohoo boohoo we're all gonna die in here you're right fine we must actually think of something hmm let's see what would we do if we're in tough situations oh we would get help um golden freddie cuz he's always smart or something like that and he could help us with situations like this yeah but don't Freddie's - oh wait no I killed their golden Freddy my bad what you killed golden Freddy no I killed their replacement for golden Freddy wait wait even golden Freddy got a replacement Oh this situation is worse than I thought hmm all right well let's see here hmm if we destroyed their going Freddy then our golden Freddy can replace theirs and can go out there and kill them from the inside uh where is golden Freddy I am a Chino is he in here somewhere uh no I don't see him I don't know where going Freddy is think he's um was he in the kitchen no I think that's where the illegal other golden Freddy wasn't if he was in there then he's probably dead doing it Oh ooh I know we could I think if we're all thrown in here maybe going free was throwing them stairs because you know nobody likes a moe let's see oh this door is locked huh oh heck Oh what do you mean the door is locked well we need a key okay don't touch that door al we need a key we need a key for that door you want to get in a hmm where have I seen a key before in my life hmm oh whoa all hope is lost oh yeah now I remember I saw one in the Security office a key in the Security office hmm that's probably goes to this door we need to get that key if we want a chance to survive Oh what do we do Freddie I can't walk anymore I can't go out there hmm then I will go actually I don't want to go out there oh you're hanging on let me do something let me split this on Twitter beep parts room wait wait you could just turn her on I thought you guys were dead forever no no there's an on/off switch Oh Freddie what are you doing in here Bonnie wait Bonnie what happened do you hey chica all my limbs got cut off except for my arm so I'm just chillin right now all hope is lost chica I have a mission for you yeah what's up frail oh my god you're what's gonna do I'm scared is there much throughout there oh no no there's no monsters out there you definitely won't die we just need you to go on a mission out there oh we just need you go get key from the Security office and bring it back here ok wait why do I have to do it oh is it because there's a monster out there and if one of y'all know y'all know whoever goes out there will die you're gonna make me go oh no no we just wanted to show how much we care about you by learning you won't have a big role of the mission by saying hey chicos saved us so yeah yeah yeah yeah so what am I looking for again oh there's a queue in a Security office we need it so we can open this door to get golden Freddy okay I'll go get the key there better not be any monsters out here oh wait I probably should have told her to the part about how we got replaced in hell there's all those other animatronics out there whoops my bad well time to turn on foxy foxy you wake up pal you're are or what happened your army legs chopped off how do I run oh I don't know my legs chopped off too I have no legs ha ha ha well chicas our last hope then because she has two legs and she can run unlike the rest of us we can only hobble dang it's gonna suck if I have to halt in the future if I have to hobble around on one leg and be a spooky ghost that would suck oh all right just got to go get the key from the Security office mmm hey there's another intruder what oh oh no Bonnie don't kill it I'm kind of tired today Freddy doing it Oh faulty huh Oh Freddy wait what's going on here Wolfgang cheese sputters phone to you killer wait what a foxy army lights don't work no more dang it foxy uh you're gonna kill me well no no no we just want you to die I mean Oh freak I'll just press the door buttons wait a minute clues I'm scared all right come on guys let's go all right y'all go do your body stop being so useless Oh chica let's go yeah okay I'm ready go oh don't do it you can do this I'm sorry I think she would stage lowered right there cut dang it okay chica you go down the left hole and I'll go down the right oh wait that's not helping now force you're both supposed to get another left hole doing it boney flowing alright let's both go down the lift all because that seems like a good idea okay let's go yep let's go down the hallway we're going on an adventure okay we're both coming down the same hallway and the other hallway is open up oh wait I'm supposed to find a key um where's this key huh okay here's a key uh-huh I found it well here we come mm-hmm you can run but you can't hide okay I'll just run then goodbye Oh Frick she's running I think she took something or something I don't know oh hey gotta throw that breathe I gotta go whee she could do some she could get up oh you're so slow ouch I'll take matters into my own own hands get back here don't worry all safe today like all my legs mm-hmm you can run but you can't hide Oh what the heck is going on shut the door hmm okay that hurt yeah you having fun there no you're not really until your fault and oh what's this I'll keep wonder what this goes to it's probably important oh wait oh they were in that room hey open up in there I'll just open up the damn open up open up guys they're trying to break down the door somebody help I can't hold the door down your I got your money I'll help ya with the fridges broke oh no well Chirico did you get the key yeah I'm wait oh no it's outside the door don't date chicas you're so useless my legs fell off dang it we're running out of legs in here or dang it where's the key it's out there I'm not leaving till you open the door up think he's not gonna leave okay we need instructions um guys I have an idea okay we're gonna open up the door and you stay yeah Bonnie foxy let get out of the way the door why just trust me I have an idea okay body come here we fully fufu here right good Oh jiggle she's dead who's the sacrifice booty don't grab the key y'all I'll get the key no Archie yeah where's the keep y'all the key hey man that's Freddy said not to touch that well I'm touching it y'all boy oh you're nobody can defeat foxy you don't I got the key ooh what you got dude my head stuck my head stuck oh no you killed chica I'm gonna have to beat you up mister no don't beat me up please take off your legs cuz we don't have like oh stop it hurt it hurts oh I just read it murdered him I murdered myself arrey no that's the person I don't wanna die y'all I got the key I got the key I got the key I got the key where'd everyone go I heard some noises parking every room foxy what's going on in there oh no some right or something I'm just gonna stay here and I okay I'll put you out of your misery y'all out I can't die chica foxy okay I'll just leave you there then bonnie bonnie what happened oh are triptans well yeah what's going on hey wait what's that hey open up what's going on in here Oh foxy Hey you killed Bugsy with the door where's the key where's the key I got the key well the doors open don't go get golden Freddy Oh Oh my orange leaves Oh Freddie Oh Freddie no he's dead nobody got killed in the door hmm what's going on in here hey did you beat up my friends oh no Freddie got stuck in the door hey where are you going come back hey it's cramped in here I can't see where I'm going Freddy there's a monster coming down here Oh what hey I'm gonna beat you up yeah I'm joke oh it's just chica I know she looks like him what sir no it's a monster chicken she killed everybody got a killer oh okay for an old killer damn why won't you die I have to use my golden powers now burn demon burn there we go going for you starting a fire in the pizzeria yeah I know wait a fire in the pizzeria whoopsies my bad no we're gonna die in here well oh well least we all get the burn going Freddy all her friends are day can you bring them back to life Oh probably but um yeah well I guess we're gonna burn though so can't really get to their corpses with this fire in the way going Freddy yet the save us well I don't want it done okay Pond you stay down here in the fire and I'll fly up and I'll go save everybody okay go for it Oh Flo yo cuz I'm golden bear oh my legs full o golden Freddy no you're just like me yeah but joke's on you I have powers and I can fly oh and before you some be torques man dang it why is he special oh no the fires get closer my fire stop drop and roll got a roll oh you know chica also died I said chica also duck yeah chicas also dead be fully fulfilled here we gooo dupa dupa dupa hello anybody up here whoa whoa it's very dark Tokyo I'm just gonna turn on the lights oh that's better already what's going on in here whoa oh hey open up open up why won't this door open up well just cuz there's a party hat in the way I owe my head al what happened what did did we win uh oh no the lights it's show time now bonnie bonnie help me i'm stuck oh my oh yeah I'll help you hey where's Freddy and chica I don't know like didn't they die or something oh no but this just proves Bonnie foxy that weird we are better than the slinks models y'all aren't white why what happened I kind of felt I don't remember uh doesn't matter just go to your Co for whatever I gotta go free wait the children they're coming in where's everybody I got to get back to my place they can't see me in the main area you have to get back to the stage I tripped and Phil oh no bonnie bonnie Walt he's dead we are well and the end foxy wins because Fox she's the best character that there ever was your why'd you have to die anyways I don't know what this video is leave a like if you enjoyed it in Freddy fazbear's Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong and honk so yeah anyways if you enjoyed leave a like and who do you think's better team DRS links leave a comment saying so and yeah anyways subscribe if you haven't already and the fazbear's now it's pink oh wait I missed pink
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 1,191,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Garry's Mod, Five Nights at Freddy's, Splinks, RP, Roleplay, FNAF 1
Id: iyAF-aoiaE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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