Gmod FNAF | Help Wanted FNAF 1 NPCs VS. Help Wanted FNAF 2 NPCs!

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yeah I love playing in the grocery store all by myself ha ha ha ha wait where are my mommy yet where's where my mommy mommy oh he's just make sure wait where'd you go and that kids is why you don't get lost in the grocery store all right welcome back to our gmod of finality of the day I thought I would do something slightly different something I don't really do often I think the last time I did a video similar to what this video is gonna be like is when I did is when I looked at the F&F Help Wanted NPCs now as you'll know I don't I sometimes do stuff with NPCs I only normally do NPC stuff whenever I am do pill packs but I never really just focus on NPCs on themselves and there is no new NPCs no no no no no but I thought I would do some slightly different nights so we're on this map and you're probably wondering what the Freak even is this map wait could you even them you can probably use the like that these guys I'm not gonna use these guys all you can oh my gosh just like having to run from them in like this maze so if you don't know what this map is this is basically like an NPC maze and there's like all these different patterns and stuff that NPCs like know how to follow and stuff and they don't jump off of it so there's this Freddy running now we could do something with these a running animatronics but I'm not gonna use to run any I'm atronics in this video but I'm demonstrating with running Freddy basically you can there's all these weird pathways and stuff that NPCs can travel on and I don't even know where Freddy is where is Freddy right oh is he stuck oh he can't go up the ramp oh there he goes i I think he's lost he's confused Freddy fazbear's confused okay anyways um but no we're gonna use um these guys the helpful one in MPC so we have well not not not that not not those the the other ones wherever they are where are the help one-on-ones I think they're somewhere up here yeah they are okay um oh and also we have pasta balloon boy why brother why did you do this do me brethren so we have also hostel balloon boy and i need to switch that weapon because that weapons too overpowered a light I can give them lightsabers Oh Frick chicas got a whole lightsaber oh heck hey chica they're gonna become Jedi's in this okay um but no what I want to do in this video is I want to have the Phenom one crew versus finesse to and I guess glitch Apple have to be on the finesse to side since um there's only three for knife two characters and forth enough one so we'll have blitz well have mister smale my fingers man on the on the toy animatronics ID since there's like no toy Freddy and since mangle isn't out yet yeah so I thought this would be kind of cool um we have some friendlies vs. some hostels and ignore players I'm not going to be involved we're gonna see how this goes so let me go ahead and disable no well yeah disable thinking and then nor players and well like the corpses died well actually and we could do keep for have those on for a bit what is this up here this is the sniper zone but yeah this is a really crazy map but I got this map whenever it first came out and stuff which was like a couple months ago and I never used it I've wanted to use it and I didn't I'm like hey this would be a perfect time to use it so um let's see wait I want to actually oh them figure this out so we have friendly Bonnie he's got a lightsaber and then we have okay nobody can stand right there and then we'll have old hostal chica Bonnie versus chica this is just a test run all right let's see all right Bonnie's like um be a Jedi Master mmm and she has no idea what's happening buys like almost new cup owner I'm a Jedi now all right wait let's do it like oh snap but oh snap Bonnie's killing everybody all right see you know it's girl let them be Jedi's all right what they're gonna be some generalities all right and um here what's get disabled thinking and oh I have to spot them kind of close so that way they see each other okay let's see let's get a nice zone we could have one right here we have friendly Bonnie friendly chica friendly foxy and friendly Freddy and then um and then also they might try to run away too so hostile Balloon Boy hostile glitched rap hostile toy Bonnie and hostile Torchic let's see how this goes all right how's this gonna go oh it's now fight a fight Oh foxy is going in oh it's now who's gonna win Oh chica takes the steal Oh chica is the true Jedi Knight here oh all that was intense and now everyone's dead Oh oh that was beautiful all right um I do want to do a a gun battle in a second oh you could have someone like a pure sniping everybody oh and then move in platforms ooh I actually do like the idea of like them fighting we could have a huge group we can have a huge group of animatronics try to fight um we could have here let's see here let's do a test let's see if this Bonnie can see this Bonnie all right disable thinking oh they weren't even thinking in the first place can you see each other no you can't you're too far away um shoo that's one thing I don't like about NPCs is that they have to be somewhat close to each other and I want them to be able to run around the place we could do it right here this looks like a good spot to do it right here in this like corner area or we could even doing it right here can they walk up this yeah you can very easily and then won't but then you can't get on top of that thing what is this like a slide like slipping slide we okay that's a cool all right um let's see I will do it in this little section why not why not and and now let's not here yeah break it right here okay let's do one more battle one more Jedi battle and then we'll switch to guns all righty all right let's have ya finesse one can be hostile this time hostel hostel hostel hostel and then we're gonna have dupes of them so there's going to be two of each animatronic um just to spice things up a bit more so we'll have friendly friendly friendly friendly and then we'll have yeah well friendly oh don't go yet oh no okay I spawned in like three balloon boy so that's why I'm not gonna respond in there good stuff oh my gosh that was a mess up out there already fighting how did that joy bonding guy what I think an apple on their own although what two fridges happened to foxy right there he like tripped and fell oh well that's that was um a big rip okay you know instead of keeping corpses I'm gonna get rid of those cuz that's annoying alright you know what who needs to gni um will switch will switch to uh we could switch the pistols we could switch the crossbow so it's so again one hit yeah let's do a shooting thing let's see can this here we'll test again this chica can one of y'all die okay we could do this all oh I thought that chick was see look chicas running away right here oh and then that chicas like moving up close see this is okay yeah who's it well let's see he's gonna win this chica fight and you know what and no it's too late for that he's gonna win the chica battle actually I'm gonna actually turn this back on they're not even shooting each other they're just trying to back away trying to reload right there I'll wait I don't know if they can reload okay well that was really awkward uh we might have to switch to a different weapon let's do a a magnum instead all right disable thinking all righty and then let's have we'll just have one from each okay friendly friendly friendly friendly and then we'll have hostel hostel hostel hostel look they're demons over there all right guys you got to stop them who's gonna win our balloon boys making a run for it Oh everyone died except balloon boy balloon boys on the right No Oh toy chica is also alive well let's see oh it's hard to get angles cuz people keep going into hiding all right let's see toy chica - over toys Iike well balloon boy still alive what'd you do into a cheetah she's hiding in between now that's kind of smart everyone else on the fin app one team's Ally Freddy and Bonnie are gonna have two balloon boy won't take him foxy go after four chica dang Freddy's getting shot Freddie take some cover Bonnie's moving forward Balloon Boy hi in mine poles he's moving around him and toy chica regrouping Fox he's like really shot where did the freakiest Freddy at Freddy's hiding up here he's scared he needs like a medkit or older knife but all chica is dead all chicas dead alright can Kim the toy animatronics pull off this one guys who do you thinks gonna win this oh that was Bonnie Bonnie just died oh it's now Torchic and balloon boy make him come back just toy toy chicken balloon boy vs. foxy and Freddy again Freddy still hiding Freddy what are you doing he's trying to trying to heal himself with that medkit fox he's barely hanging on over there he's kind of cornered Oh yep bloom boys pushing forwards oh and balloon boy had shot at all all I really thought the finale animatronics had this but all now they're pushing forward the Freddy oh no Freddy Freddy I would run if I were you oh no poor Fred he's like nowhere to go Oh yup he's dead Oh I was sad Freddy was a coward in the end on in the toy animatronics win oh wow so Balloon Boy in TOR chica stood you know we'll do best out of three best out of three so um let's do this again Oscar hostel hostel hostel and friendly friendly friendly friendly alrighty we'll do this again and whoever ones so if the finale I'm atronics win don't do a final round and we'll see who's the best team who what is the best franchise to Nath wonder if enough to to be able to have a magnum in their game or something alright fam Bonnie's instantly dead Foxy's dead dang the toys are already all they're just Freddie she cared about locking all of her foxy Oh No Oh tae-bong getting shot for chicas on the run dang Bonnie at the beginning Bonnie just got ganged up on like everyone went for Bonnie Oh toy Bonnie's dad Freddy killed him glitch trap and Balloon Boy over there well toy chica ran somewhere far away okay phrase up Freddy's up here trying to get the high ground and he had the high ground and glitch traps dead all Balloon Boy still alive though they I always feel like I really it's like when they all like the Phenom to like instantly killed Bonnie and foxy and I'm like okay the fine actors are gonna win but then fine Apple one kicks kicks it back where the Freak the toy chica go I don't even know if or chica win Oh why'd you shoot me Freddy heck I'm sorry oh oh I think they're I think they're unable to reload because look at Balloon Boy and Freddy they're like out of ammo okay wait Freddy shooting again okay alrighty white light this toy chica dead did someone kill toy sheet where's her corpse at I remember I saw toy chica toy chica just blasted off like um here where the Frick - torchic ago toy chica is gone I mean Freddy and chica aren't moving so that either means toy chica is dead or she just ran far far away that's glitch trap I remember I saw torch she ran so she's somewhere over here inside this maze maybe I don't know I don't know we're toid chica okay we'll just give it to I guess for chica forfeit it so the finaiiy ones win oh yeah we're the winners alright final round and we should do this in a different spot for the final round we could do it right here yeah we'll do it right here okay friendly and we'll space everybody out two more and then friendly friendly friendly and then we'll have hostel hostel oh my gosh I wasn't ready okay well they're both dead cuz I wasn't ready okay no this that's not fair not fair not fair I deem that round unfair you know what we'll do it down here but we'll switch sides so now for one fin f-14 and after one yeah I just spun into Foxy's oh well that's the more Foxy's the better I guess and you know and you know I'll have an extra one you know what what's this friendlies so we'll do hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel so they have to glitch traps and they have to foxes all right let's see who will win all the Torchic is dead one of the glitch traps is dead everyone's trying to split up okay let's go over here well it's hard to figure out where everyone's going okay toy Bonnie's trying to shoot at these guys like I'm a snake wait no toy Bonnie's a chipmunk now I can't come up with a good toy Bonnie voice like based on his real voice or her voice nobody knows anymore Oh Bonnie's getting shot how's everything over here guys um everyone on the Phenom is still alive Freddy you're about to fall the edge of the air pal you know chicas up there oh is that Balloon Boy balloon blowing bullet trap all one of the Foxy's is down oh okay um toy Bonnie's still if you're shooting that Freddy and Bonnie yeah toy Bonnie's going on these girls like don't mind me I'm a hide okay now he's just pulling a Freddy from the first round Oh nope he's actually attacking okay wait did the other foxy got the other Fox he's dead okay I don't know where chica went okay chicas all the way over here taking cover that's kind of smart chicas playing this smart and a bonnie and toy bonnie and just staring each other down Oh watch my vine shootin Bonnie come on Bonnie shoot back Oh in dario's Bonnie and chica still alive I think chicas the last one unless Freddie's alive somewhere I don't know where Freddy went everyone's running all over the place toy Bonnie you might go after Freddy or something but um it's just chica alive right now so let's see how this goes mmm chicas getting shot chica take cover chica you're doing good take cover Chiyo chica was smart know she could stand on this platform and then move oh wait oh never mind she's dead um all right finesse you win lovely lovely it's because they had to help of mice and le fingers oh and then there was Freddy he died that's a rip um all right you know what I think we should do this next round with rocket launchers all right so if an after you win the first round well you won the lightsaber around the lightsaber battles I don't even know I wish it would be like the hostels would have like a red lightsaber zone oh no I don't know how to change the lightsaber color all right I'm thinking for the next stuff we do is RPGs so we get some RPGs in here um for the next one sells more chaos so we need to split people up then what would be a good let's go further down deep into the maze oh can you well there's no point walking on this pipe let's see we could have I don't know where a good spot would be um hmm I mean right here could be a good spot maybe no no I mean we could just go down here yeah okay down here down here we'll do it down here artists is that are they to say well no they're not okay hostile Bonnie hostile chica hostile hostile foxy and then hostile Freddy in them friendly glitch trap friendly toy Bonnie friendly twit chica and then we need a friendly Balloon Boy we'll put him right there alright good luck don't kill me all day oh gosh it's just war welcome to World War 3 animatronic all Fox is dead Oh No chicas keep posing oh all I just took a RPG rocket to the face all Freddy's day chicas dead is just Bonnie left Bonnie's going in though oh that smart bonnie trying to go in the water to get that fire off oh my gosh everything's on fire oh dang Bonnie don't stand in the fire Bonnie's gonna die from the standing in the fire right there Oh which one she could took the big hit right there Bonnie I wouldn't move if I were you you're standing in the fire Bonnie's we're okay Bonnie I'm gonna help you out like oh my gosh no he's just gonna go back in the fire okay then Oh toy Bonnie's dead Hey look at Bonnie right here just like shooting like costing me like you will all die let's chefs just watching like oh dear oh my oh my fingers Oh somebody died I guess I was Balloon Boy since toy Bonnie's dead before you can glue stuff right there oh well you might win this for the pineapple one animatronics for cheek is still on fire Oh glitch traps dead it's just toward chica versus Bonnie I'm like Bonnie you were pulling your she's dead body you're just one what when all the finale imma trying to went down I'm pretty sure there's just toy Bonnie who got down from that but then it was just Bonnie left and Bonnie took down three people on his own dang Bonnie you know what you get a pat on the back what good job pal keep up the good work oh it wasn't me hide the corpse it wasn't me okay we need to clean up the map because like my gosh all the UM all of the fire okay you know we'll just say the falafels ones win with that let's switch weapons up what else could we give them wait what can we give what NPCs we could give them shotguns pulse rifles um wait I think this is a one-hit gun right here let's test this know who's gonna win right here though Bonnie or Balloon Boy Oh oh well it's a very scary battle right here who's gonna win oh I think one was dead finds like you gotta be punched and blue no I wanted that cookies run that cookie jar and money like no mister you gotta put him back he's like no please I've been a good boy I don't want to die it's like sorry boy I'm putting you now he's like no wheezed I'm gonna holla lead very scary it's like come on man put the cookies back he's like no I'm not going you like come on man okay what the Freak just happened um okay wait is there a we could do this we could you know what let's do this we'll do this the most overpowered weapon ever let me just demonstrate how powerful this weapon is all right so you have Freddy Bonnie and foxy chillin and um well how you doing today mister I'm bud evil bunny oh my gosh okay uh we'll do this okay yeah we'll do this everyone's gonna freaking die okay I want to do this somewhere that made no sense okay we'll do it along this way all right just because of how probably friendly friendly friendly friendly and okay thinking's off so hostel hostel hostel and we'll make Balloon Boy sit over here oh wait that's not too far okay whatever all right um yeah I hope y'all die yeah you should be saying that here he's gonna win a balloon boys dead Dodgers all bodies dead auntie's shooting Freddie oh I think it's glitched up life like oh my fingers only what that fight pretty much was was the Phenom when he i'ma trunks were pretty much minding their own business and all of a sudden these guys are doing them were like oh hi guys we got a gang up on them stop him all right well there you go um we'll do it again we'll do it again we'll do disabled thinking and uh you know what if we did this what if we do this here let's clean up the map and I'll let's do hostile and no let's do friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly also by the way to a chicken now as a beak I should have said that at the beginning this video by the model now has like a beak I think you can take it off if you want to so that that got updated too so I thought I would mention that right now okay anyways oh you didn't see anything right there all right oh and then we'll do a hostile wait did I make that everyone's friendly Hoss I think so okay Hospital hospital hospital hospital hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel all right um good luck everyone's gonna die oh my gosh all the bodies are in was dead this is insane oh my god it's just this Freddie you got this for these boys oh my gosh how many of these guys died none of them died they're all still standing I think the disadvantage was it stacked up an apple and people weren't even looking at them oh okay can we just get your corpses out of the way here let's use this guy as a as a as a broom okay clear the plain the playing field like oh my gosh get all this dynamite out here alright so we sweep sweep get all this rubbish out of here let's try that again okay disabled thing I'm not even gonna um I'm not gonna respond if to you because it's too much effort okay hostel hostel hostel a hostel hostel hostel Hospital hospital hospital hostel hostel and then we'll have this dude up here you know all right good luck one another swell day to live in fads burger Hills oh my god enough one's dead again it's so loud oh my gosh my few years ready now freeze like it's so laggy because of all the dynamite oh my gosh there's just a tipo I see that tipos Balloon Boy over there oh my gosh I came and moved my map just because of how laggy it is because all the entities look at that Tebow's Balloon Boy over there oh my gosh look at him right there you caused this worth ready to die little wood oh dang it you're supposed to get in the water Oh Oh Greg you're gonna get to see it cuz that stupid platform was in the way God dang well um yeah so anyways I'll those are all friendlies I was gonna have them shoot and kill me Balloon Boy hahahaha you should go check out my video of me reviewing Balloon Boy cuz um it's Balloon Boy faces his inner demons so go check out that video if you have it it's pretty spicy um I think that's it for this well who's the best who's the best who's the best finesse - and then Finn f1 fan f1 wants some challenges for Nath - one this one and I think they want another one so I think it's time app one has two wins and fin f2 has two wins as well I think I think so I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure I wasn't really keeping up score alright there's only one way to settle this there's only one way to settle this um the greatest pokemon battle in history l will not Pokemon battle but the greatest battle of all time don't don't don't know and then there's only one way to see who is the best all right we gotta have you know screwed this video is still going on I do what I want we got a we got to have a winner I could be like hey happy end and everyone wins everyone wins no there must be a winner there has to be a winner okay let's get and I get a bigger circle platform thing pretty please no not triangle well I don't want that I wanted like a circle platform can I make this bigger but will people fall through it let's see prop resizer that that's a prop now it's a disc we all free oh no oh no oh my pokemon disk no comeback well then that was sad okay where to even go it's like over here got freakin dang it already up up and away we go okay um okay right there's like the map thing oh we can set it right I want it to be bigger but I want to be cool okay screw it we'll just get a um huge platforming yeah I'm kind of recording something right now sorry these are some big platforms right now Artie um wolf alrighty let's see um all right who's gonna be right here um wait I feel I'm stupid I can't think straight boy oh boy oh wait please okay anyways um let's see um doop doop doop I love saying doopa doopa doopa okay anyways what am i doing okay i nee think all right the final battle to decide who is better for Nath one-in-four nasty okay disabled and thinking needs to be turned off okay we're gonna have we're gonna have battles so we're gonna have will have Bonnie vs. toy Bonnie first and um alright let's see who's gonna we're gonna have the final battle finale one person at all toy Bonnie wins all right let's see you is gonna be next alright let's see toy toy chica versus chica once he's gonna win oh the toys are in the lead right now let's see okay will do foxy vs Balloon Boy financed you still in the lead I did them on the wrong side dang if nf2 is winning it okay um we'll have hostile Freddy vs. toy Bonnie Oh Freddy is taking Freddy is not messing around already um you know what screw Freddy let's see how many you can do oh poor chica wait he's not looking Freddy turn around Oh toy chica killed him oh my gosh okay I think toy chicas the true Jedi Master wait he's gonna like that one wasn't even looking Oh toy cheek it's just toyed chika oh okay we need to get all those guys out of here already just gonna clean the board real quick um let's see my lightsaber Oh gotta get my lightsaber oh I just realized it like does on the side of the player model okay that's cool alrighty um no we need the final true battle disabled thinking we need friendly glitch trap versus hostile mr. um mr. golden Freddy who's going to win the battle you've all been waiting for okay guys we got to make sure this is a good fight I wasn't cheating there you didn't see anything fazbear's um yeah but we I want a good fight and good luck to both of you and let the best best man win alrighty alright let's go into the spectators alrighty let's see who's going to UM just going to win this battle alright glitch chat versus golden Freddy the true battle decide what is better for now for nerfing after you let us decide the golden bear is one I did it I saved the day and then I a chicken comes in not today chicken oh hey dang it my plan failed and now I'm on fire what did she die - oh wait why don't your death sound it's cuz you're on fire God dang it this was terrible ending you ruined it you ruined it how could you you ruined it you ruined it ruined my engine now you must be destroyed paint you're friendly I want to fight Balloon Boy winched a battle alright Hospital no no no okay come on what fight me fight me get away I got a light stick there's so many good buddies guy that's right well let's see oh wow that hurt so much oh yeah oh my gosh okay here let's clean the yeah I cleaned that off oh my gosh can we um do that okay no fazbear's I want a rematch oh yeah he's gonna do that okay wait I want to be in a lightsaber battle all right I'm gonna take place as Balloon Boy on the fine after side and then we're gonna spy on Bonnie chica foxy and Freddy and then we'll have golden trap wait no needs to be hostile glue up toy Bonnie toy chica and I will join wait that's not gonna work because these are hostels so these guys would kill me III didn't think this through but Balloon Boy betrays his friends oh let's go come on guys oh oh I didn't Oh what did I do that was I didn't mean to do that um okay you you go down OH he landed it okay get out of here and uh all there goes Bonnie he's dead okay um let's try this again and let's do it right this time disable thinking all right I need these guys to be friendly friendly friendly friendly and then these guys may be hostile that's hostel hostel hostel hostel and yeah let the UM let the battle of ten minutes come on yeah smell my fingers than the boy yes I will smell your fingers come and smell all I forgot my light chipper we're still ignited I would have just really reused new um well that was sad oh no not not again no big shed alrighty we need one more fight one more fight we need one fight to end it off let's get this platform more clean already the best no no no no no no no I know what the final fight must be don't oh no oh no oh no oh no what am I about to do oh no oh no and then um Oh No Oh No Oh No all right boys we're going to war we're all free that chicken just killed each other oh wait are we are we all friendlies wait tonight oh all got Jedi friends help me know the biggest battle of history oh don't jump into them all right there you go there mix it up they're going to war we got to go to war oh my gosh my game is lagging so much oh my gosh I need turn off keep corpses disabled oh my gosh my game is lagging know what do you have to come to this oh my gosh there's stop it and gives Wars okay I need clean up the game you're look up reach rematch redo got freaking dang it guys dang it utilities clean up everything oh my gosh is so laggy I wanted a proper okay it's because I'd keep corpses on that's why it was lagging so much let's try that again okay I don't think we even need this big of a platform let's go with this size or is that not it's not gonna be too spun in the floor okay all right let's try this again shall we all right disable thinking let's do a friendly no hostile Hospital hospital hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel and then we have friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly actually they shouldn't be spawned that close because then they will kill each other friendly friendly and then friendly friendly friendly friendly and then friendly friendly friendly parties are you guys the rematches here our one let's get ready to fight we're going to war everyone sent all those all the policies coming up gang up on him everybody oh we're going to war oh I'll snap oh no oh no I'm the last of my kind oh I gotta fight the two bodies yeah I'm a true Jedi you wanna die fight it's me versus the battle everybody's been waiting for Balloon Boy vs. Bonnie die body dies just didn't go according to plan well at the end of the day Bonnie the bunny is the true winner alright you know what I want to do another fight but oh my gosh here clean up everything cuz it's alive you why is my game lagging there you go oh my gosh it gets so laggy all right well best out of three who won the first one I don't know no oh well fan f1 won the SEC will say if an F - you won the first actually no one won the first cuz it's too laggy so nobody won so if an f1 has one point we got to do it again guys we're doing again friendly friendly front I don't want to join your team hostile hostile thoughts go fasta wait wait whoa whoa is slow to slow down their pals hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel hostel my school and then friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly fur I always found in like three of some of them okay we need a one more of you and one more of you alrighty um like see the time which let's go to war Oh freak the bonds are fighting back only I can't feel that Chico all these two are going down this is a proper lightsaber battle oh snap oh my gosh there's so many no what did these guys do nobody can interrupt this perfect fight phrase like ooh special fight wait I must engage in my duel they're having a duel I must engage my oh you want to fight a little boy yes I want to fight it holy snap okay guys this is the this is the perfect lightsaber battle play some Star Wars music there - no guys these are Jedi Masters right here nobody nobody can stand their powers are so strong they can't they're both equally matched oh so beautiful and so they fought for eternity yeah that's why they're that's why there can't be said that fanaa one is better nymph enough to orphan ask you is better than f1 because the fight is still going on what do you think is better for Nath wonder if an f2 um yeah and we got smell my fingers representing for an f2 for this video so yeah they're just gonna fight for the UM for the rest of eternity so that's fine so yeah this was actually really fun let me know if I should on do some more NPC videos like this this was actually kind of fun to mess around with them and maybe with the of running NPC's on this map as well like how I talked about the beginning of this video that can be pretty fun so yeah anyways I'm gonna like these to fight for the rest of eternity and yeah let me know in the comments what you think is better for an f1 orphan a few so yeah um anyways I'm in this video year so I hoped you guys enjoyed and I'll see y'all in my next video make sure leave like that helps me a lot and I'll see you next time good bye
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 852,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, HW, Help Wanted, FNAF 2, Five Nights at Freddy's 2, NPC, VS, Battle, Toy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, Balloon Boy, Glitchtrap, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Lightsaber
Id: uEYdN4bdHiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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