I Found The GREATEST Game | Kasparov vs Topalov 1999

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first want to start with the immortal game between  gary kimonovich kasparov the 13th world chess   champion arguably i mean not even arguably he is  considered the greatest player of all time now   by by the end of his career i think magnus will  probably surpass gary but as of this as of this   present moment i think most people still do  consider gary to be the greatest player of all   time now why is this called immortal because this  is i think gary himself said the greatest game   that he ever played all right so the game goes  to e4 vessel and topalov in 1999 against gary he   plays d6 a little bit unorthodox normally most  people know vessel and would play uh would play   c5 and play the sicilian defense he plays um he  anyway he plays the modern or the pyrrhic defense   d4906 knight c3 g6 bishop e3 bishop g7 queen d2  here so gary play is sort of not the sharpest   approach uh most most most players these days will  play something sharp with like bishop g5 and f4   maybe f4 and knight f3 right now so a lot of a  lot of ways of playing it but gary plays a very   traditional very solid way so c6 is played f3 b5  again f3 supports the pawn it also stops black   from being able to play knight g4 so for example  if you were to say play move like e4 black might   have a move like night g4 very pesky move hits  the bishop puts pressure on the center here um   and of course it's also a right triangle obviously  so gary plays f3 here very sort of it's it's a   move that serves dual functionality fifty dollars  i love your streams wish you more success in the   new year naval chopper for the fifty bucks any  director for the private souls aurelius for   three months so so after his dual purpose it  supports the center you create a connect three   but it also prevents black from from attacking its  bishop which is a really nice bishop here a lot of   scope long term so f3 is a very thematic very nice  move so b5 is played here gary plays 92 knight bd7   bishop h6 trying to exchange this bishop off the  board vessel and takes and plays bishop to b7   so one thing that you learn when you  play these setups with the fianchetto   and you put the bishop sort of in what we call  the sniper's nest here with these pawns around it   is that you don't want to trade the bishop so when  you trade the bishop um it becomes very hard to   castle here and your king becomes very weak so for  example let's say black word of castle here white   can now play h4 and go all in for a quick attack  on the king's side and it's very very dangerous   here and as you'll see from the evaluation black  is already much much worse so in this case vessel   trades and he realizes that since he's not going  to be castling the king to the king side he's   going to move the queen and try to cast the queen  side so now gary plays a3 a move to stop this b4   move which would potentially undermine this knight  on b4 and you'd have to move it and lose time   so now vessel plays e5 gary castles vessel and  goes queen e7 again he develops the queen so   he can cast to the queen side king b1 a6 uh  knight c1 and now vessel and castles now the   reason vessel and played a6 to be clear was after  castles maybe white can play a move like d5 here   and your your queen side pawns become very very  brittle here again uh potentially this pawn chain   is very weak it's a little bit dicey because of  what's going to happen when white moves the knight   so that's why vessel plays the asics first knight  two on castle because now if you go d5 black can   either take or even just go c5 and the pawns are  very stable and and the pawn on b5 is supported   okay so castles gary goes knight b3 logical  move first of all you if black takes you   can take the knight secondly you maybe have  ideas with knight a5 to hit the bishop on b7   so now e takes d4 is played gary goes rook d4 this  is very good for white by the way to be clear um ah so now c5 is played gary plays rook d1  vessel and plays knight b6 now one thing that's   noticeable here is that black wants to open up the  center if you look at this position this rook can   come into the center of the board very easily  um but the white right now he has a really nice   connect three but the problem is this bishop  in this rook they're sort of not in the game   and you can't develop the bishops if you go  here there's c4 forking the knight in the bishop   and if you go bishop e2 black can play d5 and  after pawn takes pawn um i don't know which knight   is best let's just say this one takes bishop  d5 you'll notice that again white is lacking   and lacking sort of in development you can play  rookie one here but after bishop b3 rook d8 or   d8 takes i mean something like i don't know rookie  8 even and black is doing very very well here the   knight is good the queen and the rook are good  and white is really suffering and struggling   so for that reason it looks like vessel has had a  very successful opening and so here gary actually   and this i think is a sign of how how you see the  game progress you see the computers here they say   like queen h4 is the best move or queen e3 um gary  plays this move g3 which is actually not probably   a great move objectively but it ends up turning  out very nicely for him and this is kind of what   you'll see when you look at games as you go back  now in this case it's not a serious mistake but   if you go further back in time you'll notice that  over time um the quality when you use computers   to analyze games it get it's not it's not what  you would it's not as as great as it is today um   so g3 vessel goes king v8 knight a5 here by gary  again you'll see when you look at when you look at   this game like you're seeing the moves gary plays  are not objectively the best and that's not to   say that gary is not a great player obviously he  was the best player um uh for his time period by   by a very large margin but you'll notice that the  progression and the quality gets better and better   um as as we go forward over time so now vessel  plays bishop a kind of a questionable move here   again i think d5 was necessary but vessel and  understandably was con concerned about something   like queen f4 check hitting the king in the knight  the king moves to like a7 and maybe white can play   something like bishop b5 pawn takes and knight  b5 and i mean i guess this is just a draw   but again it's very easy to get concerned with  these two horses jumping all around your king   and getting up all up in your business um and so  it's very understandable also like you can't block   because then you blunder the knight and as i think  i've pointed out this is a classic double attack   as those of you who are watching i think pokey  mainstream the other day would have seen when she   was doing puzzles all right um so for that reason  vessel does not play d5 he decides to go bishop to   a8 here and now gary plays bishop to h3 trying  to develop the bishop on a diagonal where it's   kind of putting some pressure on the light squares  secondly you can also play rook to rook to e1 here   and your rooks get developed very very quickly  so now vessel plays d5 so gary goes queen of   four king to a7 and now rookie g1 and here gary  not gary sorry here vessel plays pawn to d4 and   so this is sort of the beginning of where the  game begins to get really wild and this is why   when you look at someone like gary caspar and  this game in particular you go wow because when   you see the computer evaluation you see how it's  saying black is better now mind you i don't have   endless depth here so the evaluation can change  but it's not really clear cut like what is   what is the best way for white to play this play  this position um is it knight a2 is it knight d5   you you have a lot of options but they all don't  look look really very pleasant here so gary goes   knight d5 vessel and takes and goes queen d6  and now look at this evaluation guys look at   this evaluation see how the computer even the  computer even is not seeing the move here and   this speaks volumes to how incredibly strong  gary kasparov was and how good his intuition   was because obviously in this position you can't  figure out like what the what the how you proceed   here or at least it's very unclear um what the  best move isn't the computer even you see it's   saying knight c6 is the best move and after knight  c6 bishop c6 white should take and take on c6 and   uh i guess after king b6 black should be a little  bit better here um computer i see is giving a big   advantage so we're not machine slowed down  i'm not i'm not going super fast you guys   um so we reach this position and maybe human  analysis wrong of course human analysis is wrong   computers are better than humans but but anyway  um but in this case you'll see that gary at this   point in time he decides to go for he he sort of  it's a combination of calculation and intuition   he plays a brilliant concept here he plays um  he plays rook takes pawn and so now you'll see   look at this computer evaluation you guys look at  this computer doesn't even see this now i do i i   i haven't looked this through this game recently  with a computer so i could be wrong but look at   this evaluation computer says rook takes d4 and  um and it says minus 2.7 gear is completely insane   he's not the greatest player of all time he  just blundered a rook um so now vessel and   takes and here gary plays rook to e7 and now you  guys are going to start seeing look at this bar look at this bar you see it it's starting  it's starting to come down a little bit it   hasn't gone all the way down but a little bit  um and the reason this double rook sacrifice is   so amazing is because if black takes the rook  you play queen takes pawn hitting the king now   the knight holds the square so king can't go over  one king goes back to b8 you go queen to b6 check   now black blocks with the queen here you  have a really beautiful movie of knight to c6   and this is checkmate the reason this is checkmate  is that the king cannot go to either square king   cannot go here because the queen covers the  square king cannot go here because the bishop   covers covers uh covers the square on c8 you  also cannot take knight because your queen is   pinned because if you were to take your king  would be in check so this is just checkmate   so for that reason after work to e7 um vessel  and topalov is forced to go king to b6 now   keep in mind gary i think i i don't i don't  remember exactly what he said about this game   but when he reached this position um he he was  intuitively trusting that this king being on the   rim there was some way to make a checkmate he  had not calculated everything to the very end   um and this is where like this is why i  really do rank this is an extremely high game   because a lot of this a lot of this game  was pure intuition because at this moment   gary is down one rook he is a queen a knight  a bishop and one rook black currently has a   queen two rooks a bishop and knight so black  is up one whole rook has just donated 24.69   hey happy new year just started playing chess  competitively and i'm really enjoying it   i also enjoy watching your stream thank you  appreciate it thank you happy new year everyone yeah so um so as i was saying basically he he had   he had to trust his intuition here  so now here he plays queen takes d4   and um vessel and takes now i think in retrospect  queen c5 was actually maybe a move or it wasn't   wow it's not a move because there's this crazy  computer line queen takes knight of course if   you take the knight here there's pawn to b4  forking the king and the queen and you lose   and when you go queen to d6 here there's this  beautiful move bishop to e6 wow what a move and if black goes king takes a5 i think  you have pawn to b4 chuck if king to b6   there's queen to d4 and you're gonna get  checkmated here because the king cannot go   back to any of these squares the rook holds all  three you can't go here because the pawn takes   and you can't go here of course if you block just  queen c5 and it's a beautiful beautiful checkmate   and if you go king a4 i just very quietly  just go like queen to b2 i think or wait   no no sorry queen c3 and um and after there's a  reason after bishop takes d5 you go king to b2   and the thing is this is unreal  so right now black is up one rook   no matter which piece black captures let's say he  captures his bishop you can go queen to b3 chuck   bishop takes queen pawn takes and  his checkmate look at this king   just the three pawns they hold each  other and the king gets checkmated on a4 um and this again is why when you get a king sort  of running in the open or it's it's on the middle   or it's sort of on the rim and it's coming down  the board it's very very dangerous for reasons   like this um two rooks and a queen losing to  three pawns exactly i mean it's just three pawns   and your king gets checkmated i mean this is one  of the most beautiful checkmates you'll ever see   so um so this is one line which is completely  winning now of course in in the game who knows   if vessel and saw this or if he just wanted to  go queen c5 but anyway he just didn't want to go   queen spikes he assumed it had to be bad he takes  all the material here so now you'll see black has   a rook and a knight two rooks a queen of bishop  and a knight and white has a queen of rook and   a bishop now when you think about this game again  when gary plays this line starting with rook takes   d4 a lot of this position like here it's intuition  because you cannot calculate everything the human   brain does not function the way the computer mind  does um and so you can't calculate pure variations   all the way out no he calculated i think he  calculated a large chunk of it but i think he is   i mean i don't know exactly what he said about  this game but i think he assumed that there had to   be some checkmate after b4 king a4 so um i i mean  i know gary gary definitely has spoken about it   um but i he definitely said something about like  he he he did calculate a good chunk of it but he   definitely said that there was some intuition  for sure um involved and this is this is why i   rank this game so highly because what happens is  you basically give up a lot of material and it's   not a situation where there are obvious moves um  like you kind of still have to find the best moves   and not investments but the perfect move because  otherwise you're just gonna lose um you're gonna   lose the game yeah antonio definitely did analysis  of this so b4 king a4 and again look at this king   it's on the very edge of the board so all black  really needs is if you can get queen takes d5 and   bring your queen down the board black would be uh  black would be winning so now gary goes queen c3   and again look at this evaluation bar you guys  this shows how it went from -2 and now it says   zeros um i don't know the time again i'm sure i'm  sure gary probably spoke about this game at length   um so there's probably a way you can find it but  again none of these moves are obvious like after   queen d5 if you look at this position find it  finding a win here very very difficult because   again if you go king b2 to try to create  this classic checkmate with the three pawns   black can go queen to d4 and your queen you  lose your queen and once you lose the queens   um this this king is actually very safe now on  the edge of the board because the only way to   make a checkmate is on a light square you don't  have a knight so you can't jump to this square   which would be a check if you go here i just go  back so you can't check me here you don't have a   knight to get to this square your bishop getting  to b3 you need like all day you need like one two   of course you can't go here because i capture and  if you try bishop one i can even just play like   i don't know rookie eight for that matter and  again it's like it's so slow you can never get   the bishop over to b3 and make a checkmate so  because of that um at this point a lot of it   is just it's just intuition so gary plays rook a7  um idea of course is to create a checkmate on a6   um and no you rook f7 is not a logical move  because the thing is you don't have time here   you're you're down um you're down a rook and  a knight at this point already so you don't   really have time to play like that you you can't  doddle around you have to go for a checkmate   now queen c1 is also queen c7 is also moved but  after queen d1 king b2 queen d4 king b1 black will   make a repetition and it's a draw before you  can create the checkmate on a5 with the pawns   um so gary goes uh goes rook a7 here the vessel  and plays bishop to b7 because rook takes b7   of course in this position you cannot take  the rooks if you take i go queen to b3 classic   checkmate as i pointed out um and now after queen  to c4 which is an idea to try to trade the queens   which i don't know if this is the best move um  maybe maybe black can play rook h to e8 here and let's see maybe although i i  see the bar is going up again i   have a feeling this is winning for white  somehow but maybe not rook b6 rook a8 and yeah i mean the the bar is actually  not saying white is winning here   it looks like there's a crazy line here with rook  c6 idea to go rook c5 so queen can't stay on this   diagonal because of course the bishop holds like  let's say black goes here brooks c5 um the queen   cannot stay on this diagonal because the rook  holds the square it's attacking the queen you   can't go back this way and after queen d1  king b2 now i get my checkmate on b3 again   so as you see it's very complicated apparently i  guess the computer is saying you can go rookie two   work to c5 queen d1 king b2 and now to stop  the mate you can sack and after takes queen   c2 rook c2 a5 this is apparently a draw here  because black's going to be able to open up the   king side or the queen side i mean and its  king is going to be completely safe here   so again very very messy very wild very hard to  find for humans at least computers of course just   laugh at us and they just play rookie eight like  nobody's business but for humans very illogical   so vessel plays queen to c4 here very logical move  by the way um trying to remove the queen from this   diagonal also the queen is very close um to the  queen side now and after queen f6 there's king a3   and now when you look at this it's amazing  because king is so far down the board   but it's also threatening to create a checkmate  if it's blacksmith let's just say you go rook   a7 after rook d1 oops spaghettio this is  just checkmate your king is stuck and you   just lose the game on the spot um so this  king is potentially very weak or very strong   big kamu donated five dollars thank you for all  the memories this year hikaru thank you vidcon   mood thank you for the five dollars so gary goes  queen a6 vessel and plays king b4 and now gary   finds this unbelievable tactic it's pawn to c3  and you'll see even for the computer right off   okay now that it's seen i think it spots it  but it takes a second for it to spot that   the c3 line is winning by force um and again  very very hard like in this position gary had   to i think calculate this entire line with  with uh queen a6 king here and c3 and so now   black takes of course if black goes king c5  you just go um rook c7 and you win the queen um and the computer changes its mind every second  well i think this is why when i talk about this   game it really is like it is a great game because  like a lot of what is played gary is trying to do   pure calculations but he had to have a feel like  a general sense that there was something there   he this wasn't all just pure calculation um and  so the way that gary found all these moves just   incredible he plays queen a1 a very nice move  king to d2 if black goes king to b4 here uh you   just wind the king back of the board you go queen  check if king c5 the same thing rook c7 to win   the win the queen if black was king a4 rook a7 is  checkmate it's the ladder the king can't come back   and the rook uh covers the squares and if you go  king a5 white goes queen to a3 you go queen to a4   and now white goes rook a7 and it's the  same thing where you lose your queen on a4 uh someone asked why can't black take with the  queen if you play queen takes c3 here you get   checkmate there's queen b5 rook holds the queen  king to a3 and now we're k7 queen a5 for takes   a5 again classic uh ladder checkmate king is chuck  made on a3 so that is why uh vessel plays king c3   queen a1 is played by gary king d2 trying to  keep the king bring the king i guess down here   where maybe you can shield the king with  some rooks potentially from all the checks   uh queen to b2 king to d1 not king to e1 by  the way because after king to e1 white goes   rook to e7 check king to d1 and now there's an  unbelievable beautiful move bishop to f1 and   this is unbelievable because if black let's say  moves the queen back to c5 you go queen to e2   checkmate and if you go queen takes f1 i have  queen to c2 look at this rook it holds all the   critical squares and the queen is protected  by the king and your king is just toast   um so it's unbelievably beautiful so king  to d1 is played instead of king to e1   and it's the same thing gary again showing  unbelievable understanding plays bishop to f1 here   so it's the same thing but same theme but with the  rook on b7 and not e7 and again this is what i'm   saying with the game like it's amazing like yeah  how did gary find this i mean this is why gary was   the greatest player of all time um because  again all this stuff is like it has to be   perfect perfectly timed perfectly planned and um  and the way gary sees bishop f1 here is incredible   gary and his prime was unbelievable yeah  um the stockfish gary yeah so so and now   vessel plays rook d2 which is a very very  tricky move if it was magnus could he find   it i think magnus could find these individual  moves like bishop one would magnus have found   this whole line with rick d4 and rookie seven  i don't think so i actually don't think so um because magnus's style is a little bit different  than gary so i i don't think magnus would have   found this actually in the same way i i don't  think so um it's not the way that he he plays   attacking chess no it's not shots fired i i  think it's just gary was just that amazing   in tactical position just unbelievable um so  vessel plays rook d2 which looks like a very   tricky move because if you take the rook i take  your queen you take and i take and now black's   just up one pawn in an end game um and and so  you can't you can't take the rook if you take   the queen we reach the same thing black is still  just up one pawn and if you go queen takes h8   taking the rook in the corner black just goes  queen a2 and goodnight your king is shuckmated   which is why again in this position gary found  the beautiful move the brilliant move rook to d7   yet another unbelievably uh strong move the  only completely winning move here and the   point is now you can't take the queen because  your rook is pinned your king would be in check   you can't really take the bishop because  then i take and it's just check me with   the rook supporting the queen and um there's  actually no square to move the queen to here   like you'd love to go to one of these two  or this square to protect protect your rook   but the only way you can protect  the rook is from one of these three   squares and the pawn holds that and the  white queen holds the other two squares   and um and so here vessel and plays rook  takes rook gary plays bishop takes queen   and you see black can't recapture the bishop  because now you lose the rook in the corner   so he plays bc4 queen takes h8 vessel and plays  rook to d3 and the rest of the game isn't really   does there isn't much really that needs to be  explained um but gary goes queen eight supports   the pawn on f3 c3 queen a4 key one f4 f5 king c1  rook d2 queen a7 and here um here vessel resign   and view of the fact that he's going to lose  these king side pawns his pawn really isn't going   anywhere the king can't do anything to support the  pawn and this is just uh this is just game over   and if black plays rick takes h2 there's queen  to g1 check collecting the rook whoops collecting   the rook on h2 here um so in this position  it's just game over um so that's why here uh   vessel and resigned and just amazing amazing  game by gary all these moves that were found   were incredible so so as i was saying though  it's really it's really amazing to see the way   gary played that game he found a lot of amazing  moves only moves to win only only moves to win   um and that's why that game ranks so  highly because the way that it was um   the way that the uh the way that gary  played that there was no gear there were   no guarantees it was down material and he had  to gamble um and he had to trust his intuition you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 645,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM
Id: kwXTGzVp34k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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