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I had a dream last night that I just want to share quickly if that's okay and do my best to navigate from it don't think I'll be long at all just really more or less when I was trying to be obedient because it was a dream last night and then I'm super stoked tonight's gonna be Michael session member dress up look pretty because they're doing the pictures tonight you guys remember that so you want to get the salad out of your teeth all that stuff before we come around and it's gonna be a lot of fun so let's pray Jesus we just love you thank you so much for your presence your voice and we just actually you be glorified this morning touch us transform us and let us please you even more in Jesus name so yeah so first of all you guys get the prophetic like dreams and visions and things like this yes super scriptural or from the Old Testament through the new it's a real prominent way God speaks you know and often it can kind of to me come in quirky ways like symbolic symbols numbers colors whatever it may be and it's funny my my early years I love to preface this sometimes I was born again at 98 age of 20 and we immediately got thrust into Bible College at the Brownsville revival hardcore evangelism Souls John G Lake you know this was the grid so prophetic I had no grid for tall the only prophetic I knew even the term was growing up in church my parents raised us in a non-denominational Church sorry in just about every Sunday this old lady with a bun like in the front right we just pop up out of nowhere she like hot shot you hear hear who start yelling in tongues like whoa like where'd she come from and then and then like the house prophet or whatever over here a man would start saying what she was saying and just weird to me so you got to realize like my whole thread was just this for the prophetic so like I'm good like I'll read the Bible and come to like the five fold and the Prophet or they didn't strange like I'm good and I won't go into all of it but a few experiences happen along the way where the Lord tricked me into it's been speaking in these in these ways for years and so we love it it's really got voice in a method he speaks you know Joel too says in the last days he'll pour out his spirit on all flesh how many were flesh in here yeah so you're susceptible and from that you see dreams visions prophecy then acts to it kicks off and Peter says this is that you know so anyway I go on a dream last night real short but I think meaningful and just want to do my best to convey it the I go I see a hand and the emphasis on the hand in the palm was this do we have a lot of leaders in here ministers could you raise your hand yeah that makes sense in the people aspiring to go into ministry okay because it just seems like it's gonna land more that way but I'm just trying to be obedient so in the hand I see a cubicle type crystal diamond like substance that I knew was very valuable and I knew this whole picture I was looking at in the hand and this cube like substance it was crystal diamond something it was very very valuable was in the palm but it was out of Center over closer to the pinkie and I this was helpful in this string because some of the interpretation was in it often I'll come out of him I don't know what anything means but I knew it looking at the hand in the dream that the depiction the picture I was looking at represented the Word of God in the deep need for it right now the word and the hand breadth measurement inscription as weird as that sounds and I I honestly had to wake up brother this morning out of it and figure out where that's even out in the Bible is you know this was because I knew the hand breath mentioned as a measurement in Scripture but didn't have a clue what verses know that but I knew in it as I saw it the hand breadth measurement in the word and also that cubical valuable substance was the word and I could see it was a bit out of symmetry and what was interesting is so I looked it up and hand breadth measurement in scripture is typically three to four inches based off the width from here at the base of your fingers probably four inches my hands are a little chunky but some of you maybe three three or four but was it interesting this dream the pinky and the thumb were emphasized as well in this dimension this is this measurement and the cube the value substance was leaning hard to the pinky side yeah I'm gonna try and tile this and you guys get the prophetic it has meanings and if it over you know goes over your head that's okay don't do my best but typically the way I learned it and so I think God just knows that so he speaks to me in this manner is that in the fivefold ministry I think there's multiple meaning in this and we're trying to find it but you you have the fivefold ministry offices in Ephesians 4:11 right the apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher that's how I've always understood it the thumb prophetic fourth apostolic pinky the teacher well the cube leaned heavy towards the teaching aspect and I believe there's something much more than this but a part of it I believe there's something coming that there's gonna be a heavy New Apostolic movement really undergirded by the word though you know not by title alone and I'm okay with all that but you don't mean there's I feel like there's a strong emphasis on new I was like looking at this substance in it yeah I knew the Lord is like it's the word it's my work and but apparently we've been in a bath a past season of heavy teaching wave and it's leaned heavy distally but there's something to do I believe with a big apostolic move birth from God that's gonna bring it back in symmetry from his word and to and through it and it's gonna have to be based there and and so I had some things I wrote down from this a few verses and then a couple other things I saw would you see how long we take I shouldn't be long and then we'll pray and go have fun with putt-putt or something like that oh yeah so I found this out Scripture this is really cool to me the only time you see the hand breath mentioned throughout the Bible is in regards to the presence of God the measurements of the temple I didn't know that house like this is fun that's when I get excited I'm not a scholar on the offices and all this stuff but again I just want to be obedient but I begin to look in the handbreadth only time in scripture is mentioned in the tabernacle of Moses measurements Temple of Solomon measurements and it's the perimeter that surrounds and locks in the presence of God more or less well there's one other time in Psalms 39 where it says man's life is a the span of man's life is but a handbreadth meaning just short span of life but the main biblical lens is regarding the presence of God and I just really feel like I've been feeling it for a while I've noticed it just coming out by the spirit as we preach and teach but there's just a fresh emphasis on the word that the Lord is bringing it's gonna really house his presence and bring the body of Christ the fullness of the fivefold ministry back into symmetry symmetry sorry and on full display to where everything can start to operate properly you know and so you know cuz just I just been feeling it lately just the Word of God becoming the plumb line again you know because as you've noticed society culture things can start to skew and if we're not careful staying on the word you can start to even see the scripture in a mixed - lens do you guys know what I'm saying I remember hearing recently somebody that was a believer there's just recently I was really taken aback by it they were a believer and they've and they still believe they are to be but I know clearly through scripture they're not walking on a path and one of the terms that begin to say was your language will start to change and it veers from the word you know he puts his word above his name it stands true in the heavens I've got so many verses you're I started getting giddy about lately I've been in Psalms and hit 119 lately where's just his word because word isn't lamp it to my feet now just it's like it's all over the place and someone who put some of those but so this person this is the lingo they said yeah love is is love and I knew what they meant in a very they meant it godly but it got real broad and skewed and it meant love is love meaning it just it shows it its way it's such a fullness to all kinds and things like this and that's unbiblical because we know the boss says God is love and so as soon as you mix that and you get off of the word things get skewed like Eric said last night thing just start to really if you get your eyes off of him same concept from a different you know angle but love is love it's like no it's not at all as God is love as soon as you take him out of the equation you've got a mixture of all kind of things you guys tracking with me that was one recent example but just the word that we stay on it so watch this I was recently this one isn't one of my favorites I was on recently I was reading by a little creek we have it and it didn't make sense in the moment but Psalm one you don't take need to take notes or just look at land verses one through three the Bible says blessed is the man I pulled out the chunk obviously it is not walking there you know ways of the wicked and things like this but it's all in other context of blessed is the man who delights in the law of the Lord and meditates upon it day and night man that we just become hungry again to just devour the word of government I don't care Leviticus and pick them all and that's another thing I want to point out how I encourage you know I'm not trying to whatever but I say go for the whole Word of God we need a full balance you know I'm hearing things but we're in the New Covenant so but I love Michael always refers that Jesus said the Scriptures speak of me I see Jesus all throughout everything and just go Old Testament Psalms everything I just won't encourage you guys get a full healthy balanced diet on the Word of God and just go for it devour it have you ever done that he speaks to you about something so crazy and it's actually not even in the context of what you're reading do you guys know what I mean often it will be but he'll just speak the book is a life I just wanna encourage you guys to go for it blessed is the man who delights in the law of the Lord and meditates day and night one says he is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields fruit in its season some versions say every season and its leaves do not wither he prospers in all that he does there's a dead giveaway you know key in Scripture right here if you people want to be blood to stay on the word it's very clear right there and then psalm 119 I'm just gonna go through a bunch they're all over if you get a chance to just hang out and 119 would be awesome joyful are people of integrity who followed the instructions or the word of the Lord verse 2 joyful or those who obey his word and search for him with all their hearts verse 9 how can a young person stay pure by obeying your word listen this is verse 11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you you know a lot of times there's some keys to if you're coming struggle struggling with sin and purity you you devour where the water is where washes you Ephesians 527 says you hide it in your heart that would be a people again you know sometimes and I get it I'm in a lot of the prophetic streams in the wood squirrels and that I love it tornadoes you know and it's awesome but if we're not careful we start to veer off the solid foundation of the word and I just want to encourage you guys and myself as well just dive deep man just go for it verse 11 quoted that one sorry verse 16 I will delight in your decrees and not forget your word delighting in his word you start to delight in it I for an honest you know you don't have to raise your hands but sometimes it can feel like a discipline to read the word or look ah you know and I get that I've been there too but just like Eric said his presence the Bible his word all of it is him and that magnetic pull just the greatest analogy I've ever heard as you get closer so the more you devour his word there's more of an addiction pull and it comes alive you guys know what I'm saying and I know there's a plethora of depths and spirituality in here so everybody the different places but I just want to courage you to go for like give me this day my daily bread like just there's too many Bibles with dust on them you know what I'm saying they just sit there and then we complain as we go around mountains and destiny and nothing progresses and I just love this watch this is another one verse 25 I lie in the dust revived me by your word you know his word revives you verse 28 I weep with sorrow encouraged me by your word encouragement in his word verse 52 I meditate on your age-old regulations meaning your work Oh Lord they comfort me there's comfort in his word verse 97 oh how I love your instructions I think about them all day long that's crazy to me but may it just consume us again I'm going off of the dream but verse 105 your word we all know this one is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path we love that when a lot of people would say it's a bit obscure where I'm walking in life where I'm going what his word will illuminate that you guys nor I'm saying verses 111 your laws are my treasure they are my heart's delight you hear the value here I think about them all day long they're a treasure to me they're all my delight his word of course his now voice it's the same but also the word I knew it when I saw it man the substance it was so valuable and it needed to be back in focal point back into value in a symmetry to it and it had gotten in there's something to an apostolic movement I believe he's from from the word is gonna pull it back into symmetry that's the best I can interpret it verse 162 I read in I'll stop right here I rejoice in your word like one who discovers a great treasure that's pretty wild do do any of you go looking around your house for your Bible like a great treasure that's what it is that's what it's saying right here every day it's a pot of gold you know I rejoice anywhere like one who discovers a great treasure in the beginning was the word capital W Jesus is the word so I want to stop pray there that the dream just lands with where it will I think a lot of leaders it's going to hit and this new got me talking but just the word and bring things back into emphasis and then share other a couple of things I saw him see where it goes you want to just put your hand on your heart Jesus thank you so much for just your voice through the prophetic and how you speak and I pray you consume us with a supernatural hunger for your word that you'd undergird the body of Christ right now was just such a strong movement on the word solid foundation it's in just discipline and study of the word and delight as well infatuation of the Word of God and that you would be glorified pull back into movement so the full fivefold can be on display in through your people in Jesus name okay we never get a good time okay these are just some prophetic things I saw by vision hopeful make sense to some of you guys in praying for the conference one of them was quite fun it was actually a love to fish but I went into this vision where I saw these coming across these waters and a salt fish finder interview fish you know it's a device that tells you where the fish are there hidden but it tells you where they're at and I think it's probably going to be as we get closer to the islands it looked like bodies of land but they were fish I'm hoping Michael take moment fishing excursion to maybe fit that into it literally but but all that being said we know the Bible says crystal-clear in the Gospels that Jesus says I'll make you fishers of men and I want to encourage you you know we get all kinds in here if you feel like you know I I may not really know the Lord as this thing progresses or even now I want you to come find us you can walk right up in my any of our meetings if you say you look I don't know that I know Jesus you know that you know the Bible says to believe in the real biblical belief is to adhere to rely upon go all-in with your life trust in you know the Bible says even the demons believe in Jesus and tremble but hell awaits them of course well you can say you believe in the Lord but if your life doesn't adhere to him it's not a true belief wall so just no kind of nation we love you but want to welcome you into the kingdom let him transform you on this trip but also I do believe many of you on this ship on the islands you're gonna be finding fish and when I encourage you guys if you want to bring them in here when the loss just go for it affiliate there's gonna be a great grace to find fish one more quick and then I think I have time to share some more is I saw in a vision money everybody's gonna want this one but I'm just you know be Detroit so I saw money going directly to the date of July 16th and I don't know what that is if it's somebody's birthday or sometimes I've seen it where a great sum of money will come to somebody exactly on a day and it happens and so praying its to us I'm teasing but uh but just so you know that I do want to pray into that you know the bob says decree a thing that it may be established and sometimes you got to watch things like this you know there's a big lump sums of money the Lord wants to get provision for for the vision and all I know is July 16th I saw it in a vision and when I see it it's you can pretty much take it to the bank I just it's all always given so I don't have any more details so yeah so Lord we just thank you for you know your will and provision tied into July 16th do it Lord so be it be glorified in it for kingdom purpose in Jesus name awesome and don't forget our donate button when you be zipping up the public easy Ronald glory not count [Laughter] okay cool is going quick oh just maybe 15 more minutes is that okay I didn't know that I don't know how long it'll take but again I was trying to be obedient with the dream just the word and again how that lands but practically I'll just share something that's been on my heart recently probably to echo more from Eric session and that has been obviously a life impact and just you know emphasis obviously from the ministry but it happened recently it's just been an emphasis I've seen greatly as of late from the Lord on Christmas Day I'll share with you quick an experience that happened and that's from the Lord out of Revelation chapter 3 so it's Christmas Day that just passed and I'm at home my parents were in town actually and so it's to me it's not very spiritual you know of the word up late I'm gonna do presents the next day do you guys do presents on Christmas Day yeah we do as well we don't do those Santa Claus things but but we're gonna do them the next day so it didn't seem like a you know what seeking Lord any differently and at 324 the next morning Christmas Day I was awakened out of this experience that I believe is a now word and just will release it see where it lands but hovering over my bed right out here to the left I could see the hand of the Lord all four knuckles knocking ardently man it freaked me out honestly I was jumped awake out of sleep on this it looked to be like a doorway or a membrane of heaven but was like a door his revelation 3:20 knock you guys know that when he says behold I stand at the door and knock it's the only time in scripture you see the hand of the Lord knocking well could see over my bed has all four knuckles it wasn't a nice little deep you know you get your little knuckle and do that or it was very forceful three or four times and it jolted me out of sleep 324 on the dot it was this membrane you know of having like a 3029 so I knew I've had similar experiences before I knew this is where Jesus is calling us you know to if we will hear his voice he stands at the door and knocks but then I begin to pray about and I realize man why did he do that on Christmas Day and beginning to speak to me that it was a prophetic for Christmas Day we treat as prophetic for his coming into the earth right his birth God with us but to do it again he's signifying his second coming in capturing his bride his next time he's coming I saw you know roughly awakened me but I was like why 324 Lord I knew 320 is the verse and he began to speak to him remember that crazy encounter he had was at 3:20 with you and the cabin so he began to show me this interesting overlapping I wouldn't sit here and say it's theologically sound from any type of scholarly teaching which is prophetically he overlapped with me I've never seen this before the Church of Sardis of also in chapter 3 Revelations 3 2 through 4 this is the 324 he says wake up to the Church of Sardis on it Brookley wait you know wait Kimmi I believe it's the word of the church right now with the remedy of it is hearing his not for him coming in and dining with us deep deep intimacy because I believe he's preparing his bride right now and so I begin to look and I also feel that the the 24 is a four year window we're given knocks we've just crossed over into 2020 obviously there's a whole governmental thing just a grace wonder where he's knocking especially over the west and if we would hear his voice he can come in I believe after that it could get a little more difficult just with where the times are going not that you can't be saved or anything like that but if you look I won't turn there but the Church of Sardis he says wake up there's a similarity Church of Sardis I believe there's a word for the church you know right now it's not a popular one but I just want to share it and that we pray and fall more in love with Jesus that's all but I feel like he's saying wake up listen Church of Sardis three versus two before can you look the very first word wake up exclamation mark that's what it did to me he says you have a reputation of being alive but you're dead Churchill able to see a witch the knockers early for if you look at them it's the same thing I never saw this before the similarities out of all the seven churches these two they have it look they have the look as though they have it going on Laodicea it also says you think you you prosper you need nothing you haven't have it all going you remember that he says but I tell you you're blind wretched naked and so there's a similarity there we're G in both of them require white garments it's the only two out of all seven so I just feel like you could obviously go so much deeper into the righteous works of the saints and it just hit from so many scriptural stand points but simply put I believe again the Lord's looking for his pure pure bride white garments again if Asians 527 says that he desires a bride without spot or wrinkle in the remedy to all of it look because you guys have heard us all quote this a million times in Matthew 7:22 he says mini this is Jesus red letters not on a fun one again but he says many not a few many will come to me on that day and say Lord Lord did we not prophesy in your name remember that cast out Devils and do many mighty exploits in your name he says depart from me I never knew you I just saw this fresh I didn't I've never caught this because if you look at the that version he says I never knew you intimately but no there's a deep intimate word like a bridal consummation so there's a place we can access in ministry and have it going on like the Church of Sardis a reputation of being alive but in his eyes were dead or were blind or wretched do you guys know what I'm talking about and I'm not a doom and gloom guy at all I'm just saying in a loving way I think he's wooing us higher that's all and but you can see the the purity you know in the infatuation he's pulling us back into but he says I never knew you whereas the ten bridesmaids I've been on this one for a while in Matthew 25 you know that they all come the five foolish without oil that come up and he says I do not know you meaning a current knowing I never knew you and he says I do not know you mean meaning there was intimacy building up to this you guys tracking with me but we can fall off if we're not careful still not enter into that deep place of Bridal Union and intimacy and so just want to throw that out there and pray again that we reassessed let the Lord you know recalibrate our hearts in a loving way again it's not a heavy thing but I just know it freaked me out it was not it was awesome hearing the kids just recently the being of the year did our typical you know we dumped into the Daniel fast not to toot our horns but I think it's healthy to live a life solid fasting so we just came out of it you could tell trigger this dream Judah goes into it and he started with one of the Jim he starts tearing up because he was remembering the dream he goes he goes it Papa he saw Jesus as the judge how many know the Bible says that the the the lamb will judge a lot of us always thought was the father he says the father judges no one all authorities been given to me the son and this sign of Jesus have been seen come on the forefront more and more he's behold the kindness and severity of God he's full man he's so loving long-suffering kind compassionate gentle merciful but also he doesn't play games there's a highway of holiness as a standard I can tell he's just the things the paths get narrower and so jeeps a senior old boy he comes up he says he could see heaven behind him what represented heaven he says me and Zoey were there he said y'all had just been judged I don't know what you were judging I don't know your results in that the goodness of Jesus he's not trying to expose your dirty laundry but he does have a way and it's his way and he's gonna judge it that also has a Judah didn't know what our issues were woman at the Samaritan Jacobs well there's the bing-bong Jacob's Well so the Samaritan woman if you read closely it says he reveals her prior marriages and all her issues before and said then the disciples came he's so loving he's not trying to but also he's got a standard so Judah comes up to Jesus and he sees him as judge and he says he meant business he starts tearing up he's a Madden though he hadn't seen him like that and he would meant business you know there's again I'm not trying to paint it the wrong way but I'm just like look at God he's coming up my sixteen-year-old boy with a standard and I think that's how that knock was these know I just feel like since 2020 I don't have all the prophetic you know know-it-all but I feel this higher level potency from him this call like games are over you guys know what I'm saying and I don't mean this would be heavy but also just that now I can feel it man he's serious about his bride in a passionate loving way but he's calling her up and there's a there's a you know a plumb line of standards so so just wanna encourage you guys basically take Eric's message and devour it Oh read the remedy because it's so cool Church of Sardis label to see it ends the last day Church which we signify more or less in the remedy of it all behold he says I I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire you guys remember that it's costly its costly the the five foolish virgins they had to go buy extra or look it can cost you white garments I SAP to anoint your eyes but if you if you fast-forward to the end the remedy is super simple he says look basically all I'm saying is I now stand at your door and knock please hear my voice because if you do I'll come in and dine with you and you with me and that remedies the whole situation does that make sense that brings about the gold refined by fire he is the gold it closes you in purity of the Holy Spirit the white garments anoint your eyes to see it's in the intimacy does that make sense to you guys so I just pray that he pull us in like never before they would allow purity to send him deeply you know as a revelation 19 recently where it says he comes and returns and his wife has made herself ready in that awesome you see this this purity second Timothy been preaching out of what Paul says if you keep yourselves pure you'll be used for special use in the kingdom special utensils you know I joke but like you have the sporks of the kingdom the plastic Popeyes Forks and whatever you can be that Paul says fine but if you want to be special utensils use for his purpose though he didn't say anything other than the qualifier was keep yourself pure and then also keep yourself so there's a cooperation of the unitless we know it's impossible to grace the presence of God you guys are mean so anyway also thank you geez you want to stand we'll pray another's all over the place but thank you lord
Channel: Brian Guerin
Views: 10,994
Rating: 4.9679146 out of 5
Keywords: Father, Son, Holy Spirt, God, Jesus, Holy Ghost, Prayer, Fasting, Intimacy, Son of God, Glory, Signs, Wonders, Miracles, Angels, Power, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teacher, 5 Fold Ministry, Prophecy, Prophetic, Stillness, Meditation, Worship, Spirituality, Spirit, Supernatural, Divine, Encounters, Angelic, Glory Nights, Glory Cruise, Jesus 19, Jesus Conference, Jesus' Bride, Bridal Glory, Spirit and the Bride
Id: 1O_JpgPThQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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