Glory Cruise 20' // Michael Koulianos

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all right this is what the Lord spoke to me if it is not about Jesus it must be about something else I just want that to set in for a moment if it's not really about Jesus to us then it has become about something else and and if Jesus is everything and it's no longer about Jesus to us than it has become nothing so I was recently I'm not gonna spank anyone in here but I'm gonna vent until I feel the Lord come on me so that's just how it works but I was recently at an event a prophetic event and I did not hear the name of Jesus mentioned like once so that clearly concerned me and I had to speak that night and it was a real test for me you know I I heard about everything but him I heard about and let me let me just say these are not inherently evil what I'm about to mention but outside of Jesus they are extremely dangerous so I heard about realms and portals and all types of stuff which in angels which I meant to I love when angels help me out if you don't care about him you just need to go on a missions trip you'd be really excited that they're hanging out with you but I heard about all of these I heard about prosperity but I didn't hear the name of the Lord and I I guess I have a question how can it be Christian if Christ isn't mentioned I guess it could be spiritual it could be intergalactic it'd be more like a video game or a fairy tale but what I'm talking to you about tonight is not a fairy tale listen carefully I'm not sure I make it through this statement there's a man up there I want your spirits to attempt to digest that and and your mind certainly cannot to a certain degree it can but there is a man seated on a throne above the highest heavens let me say that again above the highest heaven a man ascended through them and on his way up filled them with his own person and then took a seat eternally above the highest heaven wearing a body that's phenomenal I think it is it seems to me that the way is narrowing Jesus said in Matthew 7 the 13-14 narrow is the way he also said if you find it I believe it's narrowing and it's finding the point of its narrowing is in Jesus and Brian talks about the bride so often but the bride has this infatuation with the person of Jesus when we were all born again we fell in love with Jesus when we met him at the altar we fell in love with a person sadly for many of us at some point we attempted to move on to deeper places if there is no deeper depth than Jesus Christ and it's always you know we we grew up hearing certain things I don't know about you I know Daniel and I have talked about it but rather than generating something on your own it it really helps to discover what the Lord is blessing and anointing in the hour that you're living in and then celebrate it and serve it and yield to what the Lord's doing I don't know if you've noticed but on one end there's extreme clarity being presented as to what the Christian life was all about I should say as to who the Christian life is all about on the other end vague I should say cultures which are really dangerous without sided without Jesus I won't tell you who told me this but you know the root word of culture yeah so if you build a culture outside of Jesus it's not a Christian culture as spiritual as you attempt to make it so the Holy Spirit spoke to me when I first started in the ministry he said if the people leave having discovered more about than your ministry than they did me it's just proof I did not lead the meeting so this whole thing is about a person named Jesus Christ you might say no it's really about the father the father has chosen to glorify his son because that is what father's do true fathers are okay with allowing their son to receive attention and honor but totally fine with it so there's no competition within the context of the Trinity at all I heard someone say recently that based on the office you carry that will determine the the member of the Godhead your most into and if you were to talk to the Holy Spirit for five minutes he will speak the entire five minutes about Jesus he absolutely and if you if you gave the father a loud speaker from heaven and gave him three minutes to preach he's gonna preach his son why is that because that's what he did he preached Jesus at the Jordan he preached Jesus again on the Mount of Transfiguration and he thundered from heaven when Jesus said glorify your name in the temple courts so the father has one sermon one speaking and Jesus is the manifestation of that when the scripture says that Jesus has unveiled the father you you could read it this way the Jesus has perfectly executed the Father he has unfolded him he's the manifestation of the father so so you cannot be you could there's nothing more Christian than to fall in love with Jesus and I'm here to tell you because I've been in this world I don't know what we'd call it since 1989 I've met just about all my heroes except one I've found that it's very possible to chase other things other spiritual issues it's possible to open our Bibles for the sake of proving our perspectives rather than discovering the Lamb of God so I tell our students I always tell our students to Jesus school do not come to your Bible come to Jesus in your Bible find him there I'll get into this in a moment but the terms you choose to come with are the terms or the amount by which he chooses to feed you we don't like that okay I thought it was good I thought it was good all right you ready to write I line with what Brian saw I recently had a dream of a Strong's Concordance and I was trying to order it but it was on backorder and a very high high highly respected leader in the body was in the dream handing out jewels to Jesse and I and we we need to allow God to use us to redetermination the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy so if you don't hear his name if the guy's telling you what color your onesie is on the ends or your weather night wearing Spanx you you need you need to run out of the meeting you need to run it's impossible to know the Holy Spirit and not burn for the Sun it's it's it's a it's an actual impossibility to have fellowship with the spirit and not have a yearning for the Sun and so in line with what Brian was saying the Word of God I believe it's being represented to us and I think I'm sure Todd would agree and I know I know Dan would all three of us have schools when you start a school you realize what works in people's lives and what doesn't I'm talking about them really walking in victory and one thing you'll discover is this is the Word of God is life you discover that whether you want to or not if you want porn addicts to be freed then they need to learn to chew on living bread and and and so I believe what Brian saw especially regarding the Apostolic environments that the Word of God is going to become more cherished in our hearts in us specifically the hand breath is mentioned in structures that house presents remember he mentioned that it was mentioned in the tabernacle and the temple and we see the Word of God all of us if we're about Jesus and we're about he let me say it this way he is his presence do you understand so eric says it beautifully there is no scalpel thin enough to divide Jesus and his presence he is his presence so when we say I feel your presence we're saying I feel you when his presence becomes him everything changes because then a person is involved and once a involves something else is birthed relationship as long as we disconnect the presence from the person we begin to play with the presence and at some point we begin to believe that we can use it instead of him using us see so major major difference there so that being said the only reason to ask God to use you to build anything is to camp with God in fact it is his presence and his presence alone that distinguishes us from the world remember what Moses said no no no no no don't you dare go on without us if you're not going we're not going how will they know the difference between us and the others he's saying you're the only reason we are different so it is his presence that makes the building a church it is his presence that makes the people the house of God it's Jesus himself that changes everything that being said in the tabernacle in the Ark of the Covenant which is a type and shadow of Jesus by the way within the Ark you had manna it was white and thin and round that manna was thin because the Heart of Jesus is sensitive he's he's wounded and he's also he also receives joy we can affect the feelings of Jesus does that blow anybody else away six of you you let me say it again you can move the heart of Jesus himself to me that is an incredible privilege to me that is the ministry I remember Jessica's father when we first started Jesus image we didn't even it wasn't even incorporated and I think he was just trying to help us so we were in Orlando the my center was packed and was a convention well maybe it was the my I don't remember but he said come up here Mikey and if I just ran up there and he said tell him about your ministry and I was like well I have a desk in the computer it's really about it and I grabbed the mic I said my ministry is him and the people were like what can't you share your vision I'm like my vision is him no no Tom what you're gonna do I should go in my room and shut the door what have me Jesus we'll have you every day you can be booked every day so nobody else would have me I was just so I was like I don't I'm gonna do what I've been doing you know and I would learn to minister to him and I'd feel the room change and I'd sense joy on him and so I'd do it again and then then it would shift and then he'd want a dance or if they need one silence or they need one tongues and I learned to walk with the Lord there you understand so all of that all of that being said you begin to discover that his presence is everything our first ministry is his heart it's his heart our first ministry is the priestly ministry in fact Paul said Paul said this he said I ministered the gospel to you as a priest would you just let that settle in for a moment he said I'd preach the gospel to you with my priestly ministry I say it one more time so it lands my priestly wind my priestly ministry I preached the gospel to you so Paul saw no disconnect between worship and preaching worship was more than a song his heart was connected his feet were on the earth but his heart had been lifted and he was beholding the Lord as he declared him do you understand so this is the high privilege of every believer every single Christian can achieve life's greatest achievement which is to love the Lord I think it's so important to do what Eric said allow the Lord to invite you into nothingness yeah I know I tell our students weed in our church we don't exist to make your dreams come true we exist to watch them die and then allow God to resurrect them and give you a triple portion so within within the the ark you had the manna that's white because Jesus is pure sin because he has a fragile heart I should say sensitive heart it was sweet to the taste because his presence is like honey isn't it he brings joy to your soul look let's try it ready I'm gonna say then close your eyes I'm gonna say the name Jesus don't you feel that the difference of the room now if I say Darrell you didn't feel that darrel Doug Chuck Charlie Chauncey none of it does that for you none of it warms the heart because Jesus is sweet to the taste right it's round because he has no beginning and no end he's the pre-existence son so there's no beginning to Jesus he's the eternal son there's no end to Jesus it's wrong then you had Aaron's rod that budded an almond branch in the Ark of the Covenant that speaks of resurrection power that Jesus is the one who doesn't change our lives he raises us from the dead Jesus is not in the life changing business he's in the life replacing business understand preachers we are not life coaches we raise the dead I'd love to get in there right now but I'm not we raise the dead that's what we do all of us here we we bring the dead to life with the preaching of Jesus and the anointing of the Holy Spirit and then you had the tablets of the law that symbolize the written word of God so within the Ark you see three precious revelations the revelation of Jesus as daily bread in the manna the revelation that Jesus raises the dead and that he's raised from the dead and he is the Anointed One who anoints us with the Holy Spirit but I'm not going there this is rabbit Railway didn't happen all right but then you have the written law which speaks of the scriptures when a revelation of the scriptures resurrection power and the revelation of Jesus combined some one begins to hover over your life and that's the Shekinah or the glory of God if one of those is missing you will not walk in manifest present you might walk in gifting you may walk in charisma you may walk in anointing but you will not consistently walk in the fragrance of Jesus Jesus has chosen to be known by the spirit and in the scriptures the early church called the scriptures a garden by which the Lord held our hand and walks us through the father's called the Bible the fathers of the church the book of experience the book of experience so I just think it's time based and I come I give my complete amen to the vision Brian had was a dreamer vision or dream dream it's a dream and get it right dream it is time to read our Bibles but don't stop at reading eat living bread Jack Hayford said read until your heart warms I'd take it a step further read until you are fire read and let your reading become eating do you understand let it let it begin with your eyes and slowly as your begin to pray the scriptures let the scriptures land in your heart and slowly begin to renew your mind so jesus said in matthew 17 13 narrow is the way and again let me say this if it's not about Jesus it is absolutely about something else so write this down 1st Corinthians 1:23 I want to show you who the Apostles preached who they preached and who the topic of the early church was 1st Corinthians 1:23 I'm gonna go through this as quickly as I can but we preach Christ Crucified to Jews a stumbling-block and to Gentiles foolishness we preach Christ crucified it was said in the early days if you have a vision of Jesus look for holes if you don't see holes in his hands it wasn't the real Jesus we don't just preach Jesus who the Jesus who did not die Jesus came as the lamb before he came as homey and friend he came as the Lamb of God lambs died that's what they do lambs bleed lambs come to be laid on an altar and so John introduced Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the whole world and Baptizer in the Holy Spirit and fire and I submit this to you that is the order in which he was introduced that is the order in which we should experience him we preach Christ crucified preaching the cross with no Jesus is to preach self crucifixion and as Eric said last night you can kill you you can't clean you you can't free you you can't redeem you we don't redeem ourselves the whole point of redemption is one who is of greater value giving himself over for one who is lesser of lesser value I should say one who is unable to purchase himself so Jesus has purchased us so we preach Christ crucified who makes the cross special but Jesus who makes the tomb special Jesus who makes the Bible special Jesus who makes the church special Jesus only church if he's there you know the cross on the steeple is not what makes it a church it's the Lord Himself prayer is more about him than the mechanism of it if one man discovers true prayer and experiences the Lord he will not leave telling you about the schematics of prayer he will leave telling you about the beautiful face he beheld to understand the every wineskin is created to house the wine there's so much there I concur with Philippians 115 my heart is that as the Scriptures go into that a deep hunger for the Lord will arise Philippians 1 15 through 18 some to be sure are preaching Christ even from envy and strife but some also from goodwill the latter do it out of love knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel the former proclaimed Christ out of selfish ambition rather than from pure motives thinking to cause me distress in my imprisonment well Paul is basically saying here people are preaching Jesus everywhere some for the right reason some for the wrong reason then he goes on to say but at least Jesus is being preached I have a quick question when was the last sermon you heard on the judgment seat what yeah yeah well look whether we hear it or preach it or not you can't forget it away it's gonna happen do you understand when's the last time in your church you heard a message on the blood we have all of these like theories that have sanitized the gospel sterilized the gospel like you can't stay on a topic for more than three weeks who said that you can't sing the same song for longer than 10 minutes but worthy is the lamb is on repeat eternally at the throne the Lord's not if he's not tired of it you understand so we all of these theories I actually read a book that taught church builders what angle the seat should be on not joking they actually would give you the the proper way to do this seating arrangement so that people wouldn't fall asleep is that what you want on your resume the most the liveliest Church in Dallas it's because of how we angled our seats now we don't want that there they actually talked about in the book that the temperature should be as cool as possible without freezing the people out because they're less likely to sleep in a cold room which is probably true but I'm thinking I think we could go deeper I think you eat good so these are just healthy questions on the last time you're a pastor when's the last time you preached on Jesus dying on the cross on the Incarnation on the Holy Spirit hovering over a young virgin and literally implanting the formless word into her womb that's exciting here's another question how many believers know the Beatitudes it's wild and you want to talk about your unicorn vision I'm like that fine we will talk about the Unicorn vision but this is the magna carta of the faith this is the constitution of the kingdom Matthew chapter five and most Christians in our circles don't know them we do need the word again when they were together how about on the prayer life of Jesus Jesus lives such a life of beautiful intimacy with the Lord that the disciples and say teaching us how to walk on water they said teach us how to pray here's what what happened today if somebody walked on water we'd start a conference on how to do it if someone multiplied bread we'd start a conference on how to multiply bread and fish and the whole time Jesus is saying it's all right here acts 542 and every day listen to this this is post-resurrection every day in the temple and from house to house they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ here's a question what is the main difference from a preaching perspective between the Old Testament the new but this is the Messiah this is Jesus he's the line of demarcation he's he's the one who changes everything today if you go into many places of the world you can say I believe in the Lord you can say I believe in the Spirit of the Lord to leave you alone you mentioned that precious Holy Name and every devil in Hell will come against you why is that the case he's the one oh he's the one notice here it says every day in the temple from and from house to house they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus the message for the lost is Jesus and the message for the church is Jesus Jesus was taught and preached he was taught to the believers in their homes and preached to the unbelievers in the temple courts so the message for the world is Jesus the message for the church is Jesus the message for your marriage is Jesus Acts 2:36 therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ this Jesus whom you crucified this is Peter's great sermon after being filled with the Holy Spirit
Channel: Brian Guerin
Views: 7,883
Rating: 4.9619045 out of 5
Keywords: Father, Son, Holy Spirt, God, Jesus, Holy Ghost, Prayer, Fasting, Intimacy, Son of God, Glory, Signs, Wonders, Miracles, Angels, Power, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teacher, 5 Fold Ministry, Prophecy, Prophetic, Stillness, Meditation, Worship, Spirituality, Spirit, Supernatural, Divine, Encounters, Angelic, Glory Nights, Glory Cruise, Jesus 19, Jesus Conference, Jesus' Bride, Bridal Glory, Spirit and the Bride, Michael Koulianos, Jesus Image, Jesus 20
Id: DzYnwW9Dl30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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