Glory Cruise 20' // ToddWhite // Fear of the Lord

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my heart is so intense I'm like I can't even tell you like what I what I sense right now and just where God has me and where he's had me I'm overwhelmed and so I want everybody to know I have nothing against anybody here I love you but I hate sin I hate it I hate it and I I can't stand the maneuvering of the enemy to try to brainwash the body of Christ so sick and tired of it so I just wanted to start out that way okay I'd lived that I'd lived that life my whole life and I hurt people I destroyed him and I didn't know no Christian told me everybody was afraid of me you know scary guy drug addict man I'd be the first guy that Jesus would be like hey follow me and I would have followed him I wouldn't known what he was saying I'd have probably been like Peter I guarantee you I would have been like Peter I would have we have to know what we've got saved from and what you guys saved to you it has to be so clearly defined in a Christians life you know last night Michael was like was the last time you heard somebody preach on the judgment-seat of Jesus and I'm like last week because the Lord preached it to me sounds crazy but it's really true and it's amazing because it's not out of obligation that I follow him you know it's like when we went into the store that's not a turn on switch I turned on when Jesus saved me and I just want to love people I want people to know that he's real I my my my heart cry it's the body of Christ you know you were talking about the world needs this but so does the church it's true and I feel like the church hasn't stepped into the fullness of knowing the love of the Father because when you do you depart from twisted stuff you depart from you just part from gossip you can't gossip if you love Jesus you only gossip because you don't love Jesus if the shoe fits kick it off because that's not supposed to be issue we're supposed to be shot with the gospel of peace we're supposed to be fitted for service we're supposed to be soldiers enlisted and no soldier and tangles himself and the affairs of this world that means the second that you said yes to Jesus and you said I do he said I am and when we see the reality of who God's created us to be since not fun anymore it's not fun it hurts people I don't know how this is gonna go so I just well let you know I hang with a lot of Christians and I see a lot of stuff and I'm not okay with stuff outside of love for Jesus your life your life lived is the truth about whether you're intimate or not don't tell me you have an intimate relationship with Jesus because you can function an amazing gifting the disciples healed the sick and weren't even born again they couldn't be saved till Jesus was crucified I mean these guys were doing the stuff they were still fighting about my ministry is better than yours okay this is not gonna go over well it'll finish well but it's not gonna go over well I promise because I'm like the reason why I can stand in a bubble when I go into a place it literally is a bubble like when I'm witnessing to somebody it's like everything else turns off I can't I don't know what's happening around me I really don't and I don't believe it's just a special thing for me I believe it's for every believer and honestly I believe that that bubble is the fear of the Lord I believe it with all my heart I'm having trouble right now do you like real trouble eight o'clock is not a good time for me it's only a couple minutes from now I really believe that the veer the Lord is a lost art inside the church and we've developed the fear of people because we don't love Jesus we love him a little when we get saved it's amazing first love isn't when you get born again first love is when you dive into knowing that you're loved by him but saying that he loves you is different than being loved by him when you're actively loved by the father your life will completely radically change marriages will radically completely change because the expectancy from you trying to get something from your wife is completely off cuz all your needs are met in Jesus and you can't take away from each other all you can do is add it changes everything like Christian marriages should be the most amazing marriages on the planet when someone comes and sees your marriage from the outside they should say what is going on in your life how is this working it works because I want to love her like Christ left the church and if I if I fall short because honestly like Jesus is amazing and I want to live up to these two the expectation of being able to love her like Christ left the church and I I want that but if I fall short in an area and he convicts me I'm obedient I don't sit there and ignore it and say well I'm going after this thing whenever they give me like the world's not knocking down the doors to the church to get in they're not pounding it down but if we walked like the disciples walked were supposed to be walking like they walked everybody would want what we have like it says be ready be ready to give an account be ready to give an account for the hope that's in you when people say hey what's up with your life it says be ready to give an account to those that ask you why cuz it's about the hope that's in you do you have hope is your Hope deferred is your heart sick oh Jesus your hope because he'll never leave you he'll never forsake you there's nothing you can do to be loved more by God when we see the cross and the truth about what the blood of Jesus has done it doesn't it's not just a one-time thing Jesus isn't looking for concubines he's looking for a bride you guys have been betrothed when were betrothed it says in 2nd Corinthians 11:1 it says I've been stuck in this place like since I got saved it says it says I've betrayed you to one husband it says Oh bear with me a little foolishness and indeed you do bear with me for I have betrothed you to one husband and I and I desire to present you as a chaste virgin to Christ now look like that word virgin is pretty intense cuz like all of us have slept with the world before that's not just fornication that's not just sexual immorality that's been with the world and breeded with the world but he says that I desire to present you look we're supposed to be a bride that's presented without fault without blemish without wrinkle without spot what if you saw yourself the way that he saw you the love of God would be so deep and so strong inside of your heart that nothing could take you away there is nothing that tastes better than Jesus there's nothing absolutely nothing see if you taste and see that he is good you won't want your cake and eat it too I promise because cake tastes nothing compared to Jesus he says unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood that's not just communion that's unless every part of you is fulfilled with me you can't be his disciple every part people like well I got a job I get it but you got Jesus see when I got saved I worked a job but I ate Jesus it was amazing he says unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can't be my disciple they got upset called him like they looked at him like you are ridiculous and he said to his disciples cuz everybody left except them he said you want to leave to Peter Peter jumps up and says where would we go you have the words of eternal life you have the words you where else would we go there's nowhere else to go we're like where we need to be Peter didn't even understand what he was saying but he knew that when Jesus spoke this guy's had no clue what he was saying he spoke outside and he told them it's been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom but they didn't understand the mysteries Jesus explained him and so when we're learning something about Christ very rarely do we go to God to get the answer we go to people to get their revelation but God doesn't want you to get revelation from everybody else he doesn't want you to be an echo he wants you to be a voice like what is full surrender look like full surrender doesn't just like doesn't look like I just came on the cruise ship to go on a tour you know to go on a thing full surrender doesn't mean that I'm just going to church on Sunday full surrender means every part of you has surrendered and submitted to the life of Jesus and and who he is and unless we eat sleep and breathe Jesus we we have nothing unless the blood of Jesus is your everything we have to know the power we sing about it the power the wonder-working power in the blood of the Lamb we sing about what can wash away our sin but rarely does somebody believe that if we did we'd never look at the things that he washed away come on I'm just like a little kid people are like well come on it's it's harder than that no it's not Jesus said become like a kid become like a child if you're too smart you're never gonna get it I love him with everything in me I don't fear man what can they do I already died what are you gonna take from me I'm not kidding like to live is Christ and to die is gain what are you going to do push me closer to Jesus go ahead make my day I'm not kidding like we have this fear thing of what are they gonna say what are they gonna respond how are they gonna take this I don't know if I can do this I'm at work gosh what they're gonna make fun of me oh my gosh they're gonna make fun of you well blessed are you when you suffer for doing good it's commendable before the before our God it's its righteousness blessed are you when you're persecuted for righteousness sake oh it's amazing great is your reward come a bless her there's a hunger and thirst for righteousness when I know that I'm right with God I am wrong with the devil when I know that I'm right with God I'm wrong with everything else except him you even be wrong with other Christians that don't love Jesus you have no idea this stuff I get for my hair you just don't know I've got protesters outside of my building constantly picketing me Todd white hell awaits you why because religion hates relationship like you can talk about your relationship but do you still a and do you really have one it's not about just saying you do it's not about developing the language and the lingo it's about loving God with everything in you then when you get squeezed does Jesus come out when stuff comes when trials come and tribulations it says it's good for you if need be for the purifying of your faith it's awesome look I'm not inviting them but Trials come who are you when the squeeze comes what do you look like when everything comes against you do you realize that God is for you do you realize that greater is He that's in you and he that's in this world or does this world have too much pressure on you sometimes people are like why don't really this is a little too much for me I don't like it this is not too much this is nothing compared let me read a scripture I'm full of them so they come out but if I take you there you'll be like okay you read the word listen to this this is the amplified classic I love this version it's the loud version but it kind of explains it in depth I just love it I have all these different trances people like what's not the King James and I get people fight you about that so weird I got saved in the NIV people like well there's two scriptures missing I'm like yeah but there's how many thousands are in there we get caught up in this ridiculous silly stuff the only reason you get caught up and pick a fight because you don't know Jesus I'm gonna pick a fight about a scripture that's not in there and we want to be religious and come across look if you want pure religion good care for orphans and widows and keep yourself unspotted by the world I mean that's pure religion that's amazing let's do that that'll be good listen to this revelation 19 verses 7 through 9 because so many people get saved in and get born again and like yeah we're in yes you are in but it gets more intense people like well I've been saved by grace it's amazing through faith praise God yes but any grace that doesn't lead to transformation is demonic any grace that doesn't leave the transformation is demonic in nature God will take you just the way you are but it's sin to stay there God takes you just the way you are but God doesn't expect you to stay there are you with me it says let us rejoice and shout for the joy the exalting be exalting and triumphant let us celebrate and ascribe to him glory and honor for the marriage of the lamb has come and his bride has prepared herself and made herself ready she has been permitted to dress in the fine linen the dazzling and white dazzling and white for the fine linen signifies and represents the righteousness and the upright just and godly living deeds of conduct and right standing with God whoa wait a minute what's my linen made of what's my clothes made of good deeds like well it's not by works you're safe no it's but by work should be judged I promise we're like well I don't believe that that's because you don't read the Bible or you tear out the pages that make you feel uncomfortable because you haven't met the comforter I promise you the Holy Ghost reveals this stuff like God doesn't ever give us more than we can handle and he gave us the whole Bible think with me God never gives us more than we can handle and he gave us the whole book that's intense and amazing I don't know if you read the whole book we win we win but in our journey of winning more people come there because if your life lived here come on like this is a lost art like this is a big deal it's a big deal to Jesus he paid with his life says she's been permitted I just want to read it again to dress in fine linen radiant linen dazzling in white for the fine linen signifies and represents the righteousness the upright just and godly living the deeds and conduct and right standing with God of the saints God's holy people Saint pastors apostles prophets teachers evangelists fivefold gifts all the five fold or for the equipping of the Saints for the work of ministry if you don't realize who you are you can't you can't do this because you have to be this to do this you have to realize that God doesn't call you lost anymore he calls you found he doesn't call you blind he expects you to see he doesn't call you dead he calls you alive it's completely different and God loves us and if we see that it changes everything it says if anybody has this help in Jesus he ought listen to this these are some big sandals he ought burea PHY himself just as jesus is pure if you have a hope in jesus if anybody says he abides in him the first john i love john like john's the apostle that that jesus loved he knew that he was the one that jesus loved that's me i know that he loves me there's nobody that could take it away there's nobody that can reject me because you didn't accept he did you can't take this away from me I'm not trying to earn your acceptance I have God's acceptance so I don't have to live in a way to gain yours I have is but because I have his I'm gonna say things that are gonna cause your acceptance to withdrawal from me the body of Christ like like there's a day coming when we're all gonna see the Lord we're all gonna be there all of us and we're gonna pass through fire it says that it says hay and stubble it says gold and silver and it talks about earthen vessels it talks about purifying yourself and living as a vessel of Honor living why because that's how we honor God by our life lived like I say a six is what he was singing I say a six guys said he saw the Lord lifted up high and lifted up and his train filled the temple and he said woe is me I'm a man of unclean lips and hit the ground and it said that I serve him flew with a coal and touched his lips that coal was Jesus guys we can be a people that don't have unclean lips because we kiss him you can make out with the world or make out with Jesus I don't know if you get this guys are like make out with him as I saw men go we need to be face to face with Jesus face to face with Jesus people I don't feel him know but do you know him I don't feel him but do you know him when you go into your secret place cuz God says that when you seek him in secret he'll reward you in the open what are you seeking in secret are you going after stuff because men ah I would HIGHLY advise never go into your secret place to go after stuff I've been safe for 15 years and I've never gone to him for anything I've only said god I need to show this world Jesus make me the man you created me to be I'm gonna allow your word to cut me deep and I'm asking you to gut me and show me what it means to represent you everywhere I go everywhere I go God I need you to speak to me I need you to share your heart with me but today I'm up there he's like you're not Allah I don't want you to go to the meeting I want you to be there at 6:30 have them come to your door okay I'm sitting on my balcony going oh my gosh overwhelmed with his love for me he said this is my love from my bride it's amazing God wants us when we see him to not be ashamed he doesn't want us to be ashamed then but think about this if you're not ashamed now you can boldly approach the throne of grace right now you can have an intimate relationship with God see all that stuff that's taking us to the left and to the right and all that little the little foxes that spoil the vine need to be killed they need to be dismembered why because we need fruit and God wants us to have fruit that remains and it's so powerful to know his love is different than just saying do you know God loves you praise God are you saved praise God you got saved from sin you got saved from a life of habitual sin you got saved from that thing you were blind completely and this thing that you got saved to you is more than just a thing it's a life and union where you drink where you eat and drink Jesus every day and his scriptures want to speak to you and want to tear you apart on the inside so that you can think with the mind of Christ because he hasn't just given us his heart he's given us his mind and God says in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 says that no man can get it you carnal in Romans 8 it says the carnal mind is at war against God you can't get it with this thing you have to get it with this thing but once we get it with this thing this becomes the leader and this becomes subservient to this and all of a sudden God starts to speak to this and he renews this so we start to think the way that God wants us to think and he wants us to think like he would think that's not blasphemy that's biblically it says the Spirit of God he reveals it to my spirit because my brain can't get it and those two are in union and they never leave it's this love relationship in this intimate relationship the Holy Spirit in my spirit become intertwined and never ever ever separate the only thing that separates is this and all of a sudden I drift away and we can't afford to drift away we can't afford to drift away we have to forsake everything we have to turn our back on everything and run with him nobody's outside of his grasp I promise you see we want to reach people I have people say well Todd how do you witness how do you like how do you approach people I love God and He loves me and I love me and I love my neighbor because I love me I love who he created me to be I don't love Todd the this preacher I love Todd the son I love the son that I am and the father that I have and I want everybody to know that they can be God's kids it's exciting to me it's not like I need to get them saved so they could just be one on a chunk board know I need to get them plugged into the father so they know they're our son so they could create more sons and daughters I love to see the gold in people I know there's trash I see it anybody can pull trash out the world does professional trash pulling out but it takes a man or woman of God that has the heart of God that loves Jesus to pull the gold out of somebody that's living trashy because our wars not against people but man if we don't dive into this thing called the fear of the Lord which is by the way the beginning of wisdom we can't do this you can't lift this you will fear people instead of God when you fear the Lord everything changes then you want to spend time with him not because he's mad when you don't but because you'll know that you're lacking this thing that you have jumped into this love that you've jumped into you and when you don't spend time with him that that intimacy starts to wane and you can sense it I've got to get back I've got to get back people are like hey man like we're gonna do like this meeting and this meeting in this mini in this meeting no I need that time right there to be with Jesus yeah I know but you're only here for a short time if I don't spend time with him I have nothing to give you yeah but we really need you I understand God needs me more yeah but you should be ready in seat that this is the things they use against you sometimes you'd be ready in season now I get it I'm gonna go in season in my closet I'm gonna spend time with Jesus I love him and he loves you but I need to bring what he has for you out amen okay so it says it says I beat rosed you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ that's second Corinthians chapter 11 verse 1 2 and 3 and he says but I fear that just as the serpent deceived Eve so your mind might be corrupted and taken away from the simplicity that's in the Christ from the simplicity that's in Jesus just like Eve was deceived Adam was deceived you but just like he deceived their mind would be corrupted and taken away from the simplicity that's in Christ he doesn't say their heart might be deceived he says their mind might be - see it's crazy so there's a way that seems right to a person but the end of it is destruction broad is the road that leads to destruction narrow is the way that leads to life many are called but few find it I would like to tell you that broad road isn't just for Muslims and Hindus and Sikhs and all the people of the world that broad road is for Christians do that narrow way is righteousness that narrow way is holiness that narrow way is purity that narrow way is a godly life you know set in Corinth or 2nd Timothy 3 verse 12 it says all of those that desire to live godly will suffer persecution here's a gauge when's the last time you were persecuted for your faith that one doesn't bring smiles that bring frowns like lots of people from do you know that when you fall in love with Jesus people are gonna not like you for that are you with me don't get sad I'll be happy for all of you I'm not kidding cuz God is gonna do heart surgery in a couple of minutes buddy oh I promise because this is all about receiving the love of God that's in Christ Jesus Jesus who knew no sin became sin for me so I might become something he says that Jesus who knew no sin became sin so that I might become the righteousness of God that's in Christ Jesus Jesus became sin so that I might be free from it really well you're always gonna send listen to me very carefully this is like this whole crazy thing were you trying to say your thoughts in trying to tell me you never said trying to tell me you never you trying to say that I hear it all the time what are you holier than thou that's crazy I'm not saying that I never want to sin I despise it because I love him if I do I have a lawyer do I want to absolutely not it makes my stomach sick do I want to no way I love Jesus you can't love Jesus and sin you can't love him and practice sin you cannot love Jesus and practice sin oh my ready this is gonna be so good oh I promise because God loves us that much that he wants us to be free are you ready let's just read a little bit of scripture here this here is first John Oh see first John 3 see what an incredible quality of love the father has given shown and bestowed on us that we should be permitted to be named and called and counted children of God and so we are and the reason the world does not know recognize and acknowledge us is that it does not know recognize and acknowledge him beloved we are even here and now God's children it's not yet disclosed and made clear what we're going to be there after but we know that when he comes and his manifested we shall as God's children resemble and be like him for we shall see him just as he really is and everyone who has this hope resting on him cleanses himself and purifies himself just as he is pure chaste undefiled and guiltless but everyone who practices commits and practices sin is guilty of lawlessness for that is what sin is it's lawlessness is breaking and violating God's law by transgression or neglect being unrestrained and unregulated by his command in his will and you know the he appeared in visible form became man to take away and upon himself our sin and in him there is no sin essentially and forever no one who abides in him who lives and remains in communion with him and in obedience to him deliberately knowingly and habitually commits and practices sin no one who habitually sin has ever seen him or knows him recognize perceived and understands him for he is an experience or has had an experiential acquaintance with him boys let no one deceive you and lead you astray he who practice righteousness is upright conforming to the divine will and promise or in purpose in thought and action living a consistent conscientious life is righteous even as he is righteous but he you commit sin practices evil doing is of the devil that's intense we don't like to talk about that stuff in the church man because sin is so prevalent are you guys with me are you okay cuz like I'm not calling any of you anything except sons and daughters I'm telling you that if you want to live and practice sin if you're right now living that way you don't love Jesus I don't care what you say if you're living that way you don't love him you love sin and you love yourself outside of him that's not mean that's the gospel people like why I disagree that's because you're in sin you can say what you want look we're all gonna stand before Jesus and you will answer for it you know what my job is to make you accountable equip you with accountability it is you know in James chapter three verse one that James I want you to understand this is Jesus's brother his name was Jacob but Jesus is is with his brothers and they don't even believe he's Jesus but after Jesus was crucified and did what he did they knew it was Jesus and James he becomes the pastor of the Jerusalem church and he's writing a book here and in chapter 3 verse 1 it says let not many of you become teachers but there is a striving and the body of Christ to get into ministry let me just help you when I stand before God I'm gonna answer for everything that came out of my mouth to you I am gonna be judged with way more strictness that's intense and that's amazing that's good I say bring it why because my heart's pure my conscience is clean I will never live in a certain way in front of anybody ever to get my way in anything ever I will never ever bend and maneuver my sermon to try to preach on a big platform I will never try to get in there by getting underneath of someone's wing and compromise the truth of the gospel I will never for anything at all I would rather die than dishonor my king I literally I promise you have no idea what I feel right now because he loves me he loves me he loves me he loves me he'll never change his mind about me it doesn't matter who offers anything nothing tastes like Jesus nothing nothing and when I stand before him on that day he's gonna say well done why because I obey now obedience is amazing but delayed obedience is disobedience and I don't care what you want to call it it can be 60 seconds and it's still delayed it can be three days and it's still delayed why no that's what God says but I'm praying about it no God says it don't pray about it do it this is so important oh my gosh you have no idea right now what's happening in my heart I honestly God gave me his heart for people in a different way this afternoon and I didn't know if I'd be able to come down here because He loves us if we see his love and the strength of his love and the honor of representing his love we won't want to do this stuff that we were doing sexual morality is just a little it's just this little fox man that gets bigger bigger bigger and spoiled she got still loves but yeah he will but you don't love God people are like well you know what I remember talking to my family member and I said and I said to her I said you know you can't live this way and she's sleeping with her boyfriend very close family member one that I love with all my heart she confessed see if you're not a Christian none of this applies to you but if you're a Christian everything I'm saying applies to you if you're not a Christian then you don't need this you can just go to hell one day but if you are you need this are you with me I don't want you to go to hell I promise but it's inevitable people are going there but we as the body of Christ have to live our lives in an upright way in a fashion that loves the Lord with everything we are and if we miss it we repent the repentance just doesn't mean say sorry repentance means turn from your wickedness and stand before the Lord and beep with boldness approach the throne of grace and say god this isn't okay and I'm not gonna let this way anymore and I want your heart in this and you find out what God says and you start to live from that place god it's not about shaming you are guilty he's not condemning anybody here but conviction we have to determine the difference between condemnation and guilt and we have to determine the difference between condemnation guilt shame and conviction because all three of those are demonic guilt shame condemnation demonic conviction godly I need to learn and understand what conviction means and once I stand in convictions the devil has nothing to work with if I if I if I surrender to God's convictions no condemnation is needed the devil has nothing to work with see what we don't understand is that we're playing with this thing and when you don't come for when you don't come forth when you don't come honestly when you don't come to a place where you're like I can't live this way anymore right there you just live yourself you gray out more and more gray out more and more this is why embezzlement this is why adultery is way all this trash is in the church because we don't obey our conditions I promise okay you sure yeah okay okay Oh let's see if you're okay second Timothy chapter 2 verse 15 through 19 it says study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved tested by trial a workman who has no cause to be ashamed correctly analyzing and accurately dividing rightfully handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth that's intense that's long I mean that's a long version of it but it really describes it it's so beautiful so it says that it says to study you know Paul's telling Timothy because Timothy is like a son to Paul he's saying study and rightly divide the word of truth rightly divide it in other words don't just flippantly throw it out there study it and rightly divide the word of truth accurately handing it divide it make sure avoid all empty vain and idle talk it's gonna lead people into more ungodliness their teaching will devour will eat them like cancer and spread like gangrene and it talks about two people how many us and philetus who missed the mark and swerve from the truth by arguing the resurrections already taking place there's so many things the body of Christ is arguing about there's so many different tangents that are not Jesus that the body of Christ is going down we can't afford to like the word thing that you that you shared and I mean that all all these go the same I was thinking about yesterday I'm like all of us preach this all of us believe this like fully and 100% everybody that like all the guys and put miss Patricia I've never heard a woman of God standing righteousness like she does and preach the reality of the finished work I know her and like she's a she's a mom to me and I'm so thankful for her but we need to really step up to step this up man time is short I don't know when he's coming back but I want people to come with us I don't want to go I don't want to go there without people there at the body of Christ I want people I want as many as we can to come it says there undermining the faith of South but the firm foundation listen to this of God still stands Sharan done shaking bearing his seal the Lord knows who are his those who are his let everybody who names himself by the name of the Lord give up all iniquity and stand aloof and far away from it so the seal of God is that everybody that names his name ought completely depart from iniquity that's not a little depart that's like runaway flee youthful lusts pursue righteousness love hope like it talks about it it's so amazing Philippians says set your mind on these things and it talks about a certain list of things that are so powerful I want to read this in Revelation chapter 6 verses 12 through 17 says when the Lamb broke the sixth seal I looked and there was a great earthquake the Sun grew black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became like blood and the stars of the sky dropped to the earth like a fig tree shedding its unripe fruit out of season was shaken by a strong wind the sky rolled up like a scroll and vanished and every mountain and island was dislodged from its place and the kings of the earth and their noble men and the magistrates and the military chiefs and all the wealthy and all the strong everywhere slaver free hid themselves in the caves among the rocks in the mountains and they called to the mountains and the rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the deep-seated indignation and wrath of the lamb for the great day of wrath of vengeance has come who is able to stand before it this isn't talking about Christians but it is talking about something that's definitely going to happen now I'd like to tell you that you can live free from even the fear of any of this stuff coming just by purifying your heart and just by living in a way that loves the Lord with everything you are but these people these powerful people these men in power and kings and all these different things all of them on that day they're gonna completely be petrified and say please mountains fall on us and there'll be no death they'll be no they won't be able to die and it's gonna be this intense time like they're our husbands that have you know that our husbands or wives that have husbands or husbands that have wives that are trying to ride on their wife's faith I promise you your wife will not be able to be your lawyer when you stand before the Lord you won't say but my wife let her tell you no no you better have your own relationship with Jesus this isn't it's not gonna fly you're not gonna say well you know what i if you talk to my wife or if you talk to my husband he'll tell you I'm a good person no good people there's a lot of good people God's not looking for good people he's looking for God's people it's a big deal this is so intense and so lovely because nobody can keep you only you can stand before Jesus confident only you it says that one day one one day every knee will bow there are people that are gonna bow willingly now or be forced to bow later I'll never forget that just a few months ago the Lord spoke to me Todd by you willingly bowing in the secret place many others were willingly bound now because you've bowed to me when no one's looking and I'm like god that's amazing see because one day I don't care how big and how tough and how manly or how strong you think you are how big a business is you're gonna bow before Jesus and you'll enter into eternal condemnation forever it's not like it's real this is real I'm just gonna read this and then we're gonna pray you guys okay I read a book that Daniel wrote a while back probably two years ago called the judgement seat and it rocked me i sat in my prayer room and cried and wept like a baby cuz a lot of things that he's written in there I've been like reading and just God's just had me in these places of of going after the truth of why we're saved just because like God wants us to come out and be separate come out and be separate who can ascend his holy hill he who has clean hands and a pure heart and we've allowed that to be like Old Testament do you think that God dropped that for the New Testament we can't have intimacy because we have sinned the only reason we can't have relationship is because you're doing things and sleeping with the world when we could just be sleeping with Jesus I'm serious pornography is sleeping with the world buddy well like what's not really I mean masturbation isn't really I mean like that's not really bad no you're fantasizing your your-your-your absolutely out of your mind masturbation is sin why because you're fantasizing about somebody that's not real what you're satisfying something that's been used it's just a twisted tool of the devil man it's not okay it's twisted it's demonic whoo yeah but I'm not really with a woman nope you are you've committed adultery why cuz you've looked lustfully and that's not just for men that's for women to you it's pretty intense and it's not okay and that filthy stuff needs to be gone because you really don't love Jesus you love yourself and you love pleasing yourself and the sin that's twisted says this in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 it says in verse 10 it says we must all appear and be revealed as we really are before the judgment seat of Christ so that each one may receive his pay according to what he has done in the body whether good or evil considering what his purpose and motive have truly been and what he has received been busy with and given himself to and given his attention to therefore being conscious of fearing the Lord with respect and reverence we seek to win people over to persuade them to what sort of people we really are and it's plainly recognized and thoroughly understood by God and I hope that it's plainly recognised that thoroughly understood also by your consciences it says that you and I are number one ambition is to live a life pleasing here so that when we stand there this is a dressing room for eternity this life is a dressing room for eternity what you do here I don't care see what we think is that no one sees us and it's okay oh no no no God sees everything buddy everything is naked and open to the Father He loves us but he wants us to be done with all that junk with all that twisted nasai I'm not calling anybody in here bad this isn't a bad thing this is a good thing but I am saying this we only have a couple minutes left and I want I want I want you to sing that Isaiah six again and I want you to close your eyes right now and I want I want you to really think with me in your heart right now I don't want you to think this is the life that you're living worth the price that he paid
Channel: Brian Guerin
Views: 5,835
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: Father, Son, Holy Spirt, God, Jesus, Holy Ghost, Prayer, Fasting, Intimacy, Son of God, Glory, Signs, Wonders, Miracles, Angels, Power, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teacher, 5 Fold Ministry, Prophecy, Prophetic, Stillness, Meditation, Worship, Spirituality, Spirit, Supernatural, Divine, Encounters, Angelic, Glory Nights, Glory Cruise, Jesus 19, Jesus Conference, Jesus' Bride, Bridal Glory, Spirit and the Bride
Id: jN22-J1uxi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 40sec (2860 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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