The Rider On The White Horse // Brian Guerin // 8/22/21

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[Music] thank you lord all right you may be seated or you can stay wherever you're at we'll try and transition can we thank david brimer please oh my gosh what in the world man we stepped into something i'm serious i was down there weeping like a baby now my eyes are all blown out so i can hardly see you but oh my gosh that was so good thank you jesus it's a rich intimate time i love david brown we're so grateful for him man do you have an album out or about to be i thought do you mind telling them okay yeah yeah i'll hit us on youtube and um i saw where you write some new songs and you guys have got to get all of this stuff my gosh so it's a deep well so man i'm excited this morning how about last night david papavisi huh yeah note to self always schedule him the next session now i gotta preach after that you know what i'm saying this is just not wisdom at all but um so powerful just the weight on what he was doing and um before i forget there's a few prophetic things i saw i do want to share but one of those in there towards the end i won't keep you guys long at all i just want to bring just share from my heart something i've been sensing really got hemmed up in revelation 19 lately and uh seeing the lord in a new way and uh sorry man i'm just coming out of it just going through kleenex and uh so anyway but if there's anybody last night that um man sorry that um uh the middle east what dave was sharing you felt cold at the end i want to invite you up as well as he said you know the uh harvest is ripe laborers are few i've been over there with them and i just felt like some of you may be not supposed to go to hawaii and i want to give you that opportunity but when he was i mean the whole thing but when he was hitting it i just was like man i really feel like some people were being called and we could totally make that connection obviously for just practical purposes you know we'll share a lot of the details exactly where they're at but we could make it make the connection you could reach out to us could be academy students even short term trips they do and it's boots on the ground and so powerful we've been throwing around the idea as many of you know we do crusades twice a year going to the nations here in about another month we'll be in dominican republic kind of just book of acts you know on on uh on full throttle all week preaching the gospel uh winning the lost uh casting out devils things like this and so we'll be a dominican republican about a week but we were talking and still trying to pray through gearing one up to go to be with them in iraq and uh one of our academy students she's iranian actually are in our academy she had a dream where she saw we were doing one with them so that would be powerful yeah just bring a lot of snacks because the flights are very long there and um anyway so uh anyway at the end i just if anybody felt it could even be intercession and something with the middle east and i don't know you know would love to make that available and um some other prophetic things i want to share but i have a couple of announcements and i'll do a quick um give a quick chance for you to give again my ties and offerings some of you feel like this is your local community and love to give you that opportunity obviously if you're in a different church home you don't tie through you tied there but uh one is rodney what's up buddy how you been man you doing good you stopping this at virginia or yeah this dude usually melted in the carpet like for hours i forget where no i first met you in virginia yeah out in that meeting it was bananas and rodney was just melted for four hours so um you gotta get some kleenex uh if you don't mind it's under dave's chair blow my nose quick so i'm not sniffling the whole time thank you so much and uh i'll cut the mic off and bless you all i always ruin televised stuff man when you start going and talking about jesus and crying and all it never goes good you know and you're snotting and blowing your nose like cut start over but anyway um but wanted to let you guys know our academy the how many academy students we have in here come on all over the place and up in the balcony and i think we're we're concluding our first year and wanted to announce it again because registration is still open and i think we'll close down september jasmine will know yeah in the back everybody jasmine she runs the whole system she's amazing give it up for her and uh and so anyway while registration is still open love to have you all two years just commit your life to going deep in the word together the presence of god um you know the manifest presence and so we i think we were last checked we were at like 220 students from 18 countries around the world it's a beautiful platform because it's now shifting to the model of online and in person obviously now having this local headquarters hub facility and uh just want to invite you if you feel tugged of the lord it's built in such a way that um you can swing it even people with jobs and things like this that have wanted to go deep we made it real cost effective um and just dear friends david papavisi you know these are instructors daniel kolenda michael colanos eric well high caliber people from around the world patricia king how do you know women are often more dominant than men in the gospel and i was um somebody recently gave us a blessing shout out on one of our you know all the outlets that like you say you love the word but you there was a woman preacher you know they still i don't know where they're getting this from and like i love the word read yours so you know that god uses women you know what i'm saying unreal [Applause] you obviously don't love your word no i'm teasing but uh the sydney jacobs and just high caliber michael miller um you know the list goes on corey russell my gosh i got super humble and just down to earth but then you give them a mic like zero to 60 and 0.2 seconds and anyway i want to invite you to come um in person online both whatever fits your schedule love to have you we start september 6th we'll be here live in person and i'm just going to go for it together so love to have you and um and want to take up a quick uh tithing offering if you felt led to give we really want to bless david brymer and david papavisi as well immensely and uh also um as as far as ty this is your becoming your church community home you can see checks payable to bronco international you can do the fancy qr code with your camera i just want to try it out for fun and then click the donate button while you're there and i'm teasing it trapped you but um yeah if we want to bring those baskets and um get get those ready and we'll pray i'm gonna beat you over the head with it appreciate it man give it up my man brent boyd we go way back [Applause] yeah so i'm gonna pray and then let you come if you if you want and to give and i think they have a couple on the balcony just want to bless you in the name of jesus god we love you thank you for the opportunity to give our life our time our finances anything unto you be glorified and in return i pray an exponential blessing upon this house each and every one even those may be giving online financial favor breakthrough given it shall be given unto you shaken down pressed together running over in jesus name amen awesome you can come give if you want baskets on the right and left we will jump up in here yeah thank you lord awesome so we'll jump straight in i uh i'm excited to have a few things prophetically i saw and hopefully they'll bless you land where they will then i'd love to share just a quick passage out of revelation 19 it's another side of the lord that's so beautiful have seen over the years i'm see i think we're going to see it more fully as the days progress you know i think how many know it's beautiful that i think we we the highest goal in life is to know him you know and then how do you know we want to know him fully and sometimes if we're not careful we just want to pick and choose and know sides of god that we like but he's perfect and true in all of who he is and love and so i want to know all of him i don't care you know and um and so that's a different side so that's why i took up the offering first i'm teasing i'm totally do but um a few things prophetically i saw first you guys get it prophetic pictures and symbolism and things like this one thing i saw don't raise your hand on this one it's a word of knowledge it's very good though but just i wouldn't want to put you on the spot like that but i've seen this before it's a funny word play the lord will do with me where i'll see a cantaloupe it's a the fruit how many love cantalopin here it's okay yeah it's not like top you know yeah if it's like all you got left on the you know in the produce section watermelon for me is way up over yeah and now they got seedless anyway so i saw a cantaloupe it's a word play on the lord saying you can't elope uh people that or so there's somebody here i saw actually uh it cut in half and then the back into it coring open where i could see into it which is this whole ezekiel 8 3 with me where a hole opens up so you can see him prophetically and so i believe there's a half of the couple here there's one of you here not both of you aren't here and the lord's saying it and i think you're praying about just running off and getting married and the lord saying can't elope like don't don't do that and uh that's why you don't raise your hand uh and not not to say that it's not the lord ultimately but i would just i wouldn't be so hasty about that decision i think it's just god's goodness he cares i've seen that before where it's i mean sometimes as well in relational dynamics that's one of the hardest ones to hear in it can get blurry you know but the lord and there's signs everywhere and it's like emotions and like but there was a she was wearing a blue shirt and i saw a blue car passport it's like no it's not exactly not it's a zillion blue cars you know so the lord may be saying you know just dial it back and make sure and pray that one through um then i know this is crazy but and and you don't you can wait till the end for prayer on this one but it's just how the lord works sometimes just you learn to follow him and uh i just love all of his ways i never forget i was in a conference in alabama preaching i'm in worship and i see a bottle of neosporin you know you put it on like um wounds and whatnot the lord is calling you no no that's awesome and uh it's real clear neil was born bam and and i knew there was healing there was something to do with healing the lord was trying to do there had no idea this uh about this whole family there um actually a wife's husband was his name was neo neo and he had just pat he had just died in a freak accident the whole family was there they showed up for the meeting and this inner healing that the lord worked this whole thing off for neo he was born and so um but uh this one i know it sounds crazy but just want to be obedient because the lord cares about this type stuff i'm not kidding i'm in worship i see crystal clear this vision i was in bible college i don't know how i remembered this i couldn't have unless i saw it and sorry for some of you you know fainting at heart or whatever but i've smoked a dog one day on the way i'm just being honest with you on the way to bible college i'm going i'm going for like a class it's raining and this dog he just didn't have wisdom this day he big lab pulled right out in front of me and it's raining i can't stand on the brakes send him to heaven real quick and i'm just being honest i've tried to raise a dog from the dead before uh it didn't work but but this one i had to get to class so anyway i'm just saying stuff happens in life and uh but i know there's somebody here i'm just telling you that that i believe you either just lost a dog something the lord wants to really touch you and heal that part of your your something with somebody just lost a dog i know you know and again you don't need to raise your hand but he wants to heal it mend you something with that it just was so random another one last night this one's really good i had a dream where i saw the emphasis was on the um the the eyes uh like turning or they were green the green eyes themselves like the beautiful green eyes which funny enough a lot of people i don't think most people know this my children know this but when i got born again i don't know if that's what happened i don't know if i don't know a lot about how this works if it's possible maybe and just things change in life but my eyes were always brown just straight brown even on my driver's license up before i got born again i had to put brown and i got born again and they totally they're they're green they're like hazel i have to put green now on my license you know if there's time in life happened that way or what but prophetically green speaks of a new beginning and i believe there's gonna be a brand new way of seeing things hit this morning like a spirit of wisdom and revelation to see and clear you know clarity and uh so i'm really excited at the end i want to leave enough room to uh let the spirit move pray for you all um like it was awesome we were talking around and stacey yesterday and ron was saying after the last glory nights i think it was that very next day yeah just a new vision can happen in a moment and how do you know sometimes when that happens it can shift all of destiny it's like even certain things you had you didn't know that um god could breathe upon and then open up as far as where you're going and things shifting so i believe something's going to hit this morning with the green eyes if you have brown eyes this does not pertain to you not tease it but a new beginning in sight and seeing a new revelation spirit of wisdom and revelation and man it'll really shift it can happen in a moment so um really excited about that and uh yep that was it okay so i want to talk to you briefly about revelation 19 and we'll just see where it goes i've just i've been in it lately couldn't get off of it really this aspect of jesus that is a beautiful side to who he is and i think is going to become more prevalent in the days ahead in the days ahead i think this side of the lord that i don't know if we're always too familiar with is going to come on the forefront that's beautiful to you and i not so much to the unbeliever and it's just the word you know what i mean how do you love the bible i love the word more and more i'm i'm really pulled by the spirit into the harder things you guys have been hearing me lately preach the narrow path the compressed way the cost you just said you know take up your cross and follow me and i can feel wind on it in this hour he's separating the men from the boys right now you can feel it in the kingdom like what david was talking about last night so powerful it was like every every other sentence was just such weight on it and i would encourage you know you and i all of us together that in this hour go for that stuff you know that you can feel like games are over in this hour which is exciting you know and so those that are still caught playing games god loves you but the train's moving and and things are you know they count a little more you know i've said this several times it almost feels like you know we were in regular season in the sports analogy for some of the guys and then all of a sudden nice the you know you shift into playoffs things matter a little bit more those who used to kind of just take some bench time they play more minutes because it matters more than you get into the finals the last hour that we're in it just everything counts little decisions the slight motives of the heart you know all this stuff and i feel the fear of the lord and the lord just calling the standard higher and uh so we say so be it lord simplify our life take us that narrow compressed way and uh so i was recently really hemmed up and intrigued by jesus out of revelation 19 11. i'll read it to you first then expound and we'll see where we go even got a fun picture in a second if we can put it up i'm gonna just totally maximize this wall behind us i love visuals so any of you that have taken our courses i love little objects and props and we even have a smart board i'll doodle on it and it's horrible but it's still it's fun to draw and see stuff i love seeing things so watch this i'll read it to you first then i saw heaven opened and behold a white horse the one sitting on it is called faithful and true and in righteousness he judges and makes war it's bad to the bone man the side of jesus i'm just like this his eyes are like a flame of fire oh yeah david sang about it too last night right on the white horse i never hear people singing about this people don't preach about this and uh anyway his eyes are like a flame of fire on his head or many diadems royal crowns basically he has a name written that no one knows but himself he is clothed in a robe dipped in blood and the name by which he is called is the word of god in the armies of heaven arrayed in fine linen white and pure were following him on white horses from his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations and he will rule them with a rod of iron he will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of god the almighty on his robe and honest thought he has a name written king of kings and lord of lords and so i just want to stop there 11-16 really just talk to you from the heart and uh and i love this because i i believe you know this side to the lord which is very prevalent and true it's the word you know again i've just heard a lot of mixed stuff out there i don't even know that stuff that's amazing that i love that about david he and i are both totally disconnected like way i'm in the states but i'm not really i'm not in the know so like there's new terms of deconstruction i was like that's demonic right when i heard it i was like that's never god you can't destruct this thing that's complete foolishness and and i love that his name personified at the highest in this last hour the word of god i'm going to get there a second but we've got to dig deep in this word like never before and don't budge well you kind of old school brother not relevant irrelevant is the word of god his manifest present that alone i don't care what culture is doing i don't care what they're saying none of it it's the word of god and when they see the fruit through time you know that that will tell all so anyway you have here john obviously we all know the book of revelation he's caught up in a mysterious encounter revelation is not in chronological order so anybody that reads it you know you've got to understand that but this one passage just won't expound upon because again i believe this side of the lord i've seen it in pockets through the years don't talk about it a whole lot traveled in ministry for years and a lot of times you're on different under different visions camps streams and i'm real big about honoring and complementing what they're doing you know so you don't always have the freedom to touch on some of these things but i think the time is coming where the lord's like listen man you read further in revelation 22 the angel tells john he says look don't seal up this book he says let the wicked be wicked the filthy stay filthy the righteous righteous the holy stay holy but the time is near he says he tells john he says don't seal up this book right now time is near and i feel the lord saying that like don't seal up the hard stuff right now you know what i mean i'm coming in and complete don't mishear me complete the highest status and facet of love he is the thing he's he doesn't create love he is it so love patience full of mercy thank god grace truth loving kindness slow to anger so you guys know what i'm saying but he's got this side to him where games aren't going to fly anymore the fear of the lord i believe is coming back on the forefront and you can you're gonna be to cut it with a knife right between the church you know the bride and those that don't fall on the good side and so anyway here john as he basically says then i saw heaven opened and if you study that like in its original text it actually means he just comes out of to the the bride preparing herself and making herself ready it's the very next passage i feel like they're in tandem i feel the lord preparing his bride and there's a purging and a separation happening just like dave was talking about last night he's preparing his bride in a high highway of purity highway of holiness a set apart company and the world it's it's not going to be the the best day you know i'm just being honest and so it he wishes it for no one but it's just the word so john here he says then i saw heaven open if you read the original text it means then i saw heaven having been opened the original text said he basically looked like well this thing's been happening it's heaven has been opened and he's looking into this scene and so i propose again not trying to come up here like some eschatology you know like end time scholar by any means but figuratively speaking and i believe some literally this sign of the lord is going to become more uh real in this hour and if we don't know this side of him too there's going to be confusion people are going to start rebuking that which they thinks the devil is like no no this is the king on a white horse in complete love eyes of fire burning for his bride but he's not playing games anymore you know and um so heaven having been open basically these scenes happen and john looks and he's like whoa okay now i see it's been going on and it very first picture and this is where we we have one in a second it's just fun just because we can do it and it's i love visuals very first thing he sees which is paramount in understanding revelation and the prophetic it sets the backdrop for the whole world he's trying to get into he says heaven having been open and behold a white horse that basically sets the backdrop for what he's talking about you can see this through experience and in the word uh basically you shift to the judgment it's like i saw a white throne and basically i got it now i know what the whole story is about do you guys understand so this white horse really matters maybe they can if we can put it up i think they have it yep a [Music] powerful white horse jesus look luckiest horse in heaven jesus is your writer look we best one we could find how powerful is he you know the other horses that the armies are behind were like why'd he get jesus you know and that horse is just dominating it and um but yeah so it it talks about this white horse then it goes off onto the rider and the purpose thereof so white horse obviously white speaks of purity a horse just being honest with again this is the word it's just bible 101 speaks of war authority riding through with a purpose you don't you don't go out to your mailbox on a horse you don't say you're not just like you know what let me just check right back so when this passage is set up behold i saw heaven having been open and bam john sees a white horse you're like okay i know what we're talking about now from a place of utmost purity and a mission of war initiating it which we'll find out here in a second you know behold the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world but now the lamb of god is turning into the king of kings and the lord of lords and as with great strategic purpose he's on a mission and doing things so then it says the one sitting on it is called faithful and true and it says first off it says uh you'll see it twice in there where it says jesus we know we're talking about jesus it says what he's called which is an adjective how to describe him faithful and true later you'll see then it says and his name was called whole different ballgame so first he's called faithful and true that's like me saying you know brent man of no guile utmost humility you know just his description you know authority deep in the lord but his name is called brent boyd so his description is faithful and true that's what they call them they're like this rider on this white horse telling you he's faithful and true and you could you could spend a while there but i really want to move forward and listen to this and in righteousness in sight of righteousness he judges and makes war this is the white horse i'm just telling this is the jesus you and i serve he means business and and uh i just love everything about him you know and so so uh remember last time i taught on uh god is in is light and he's in light he's not only the light he's in it and in him there's no darkness at all same thing jesus who's faithful and true he's from inside righteousness from that place he judges and makes war and in this hour i'm telling you with eyes of fire burning out of passionate love for his bride but burning against anything that's wicked and not upright you know the fear of the lord is to hate evil we've got to get this type stuff back out here again i know it's not popular but listen this is the jesus christ who we you and i serve psalm 45 says because jesus christ loved righteousness hated wickedness because of that it literally says that because therefore because of that therefore god looked down he said bam anointed him with the oil of gladness that set him up beyond his peers it's also in hebrews i think 1 9. paul reiterates it twice because jesus there's a loving of right we love the wicked don't don't mishear me again god so compassionate slow to anger merciful thank god i've needed it all these years but there's a side to him as well he's like listen you guys have been hearing me teach as well on mixture and stuff it's just that now is not the season you don't be caught on that side he's starting to from righteousness judge which means to separate and make a verdict in favor of or against that's what it means if you look up that word and study he's from righteousness on that white horse this jesus you're going to see start to come forth in ways that are going to be very surprising it's like well because this big general level and accept all no that's not jesus at all it's not the word it's his way or no way it's the word or nothing else and that's why his name is called that's why the word of god in this last hour is of utmost significance is paramount height of all heaven and earth will pass away but never his word and so he judges which means to make a verdict and makes war meaning he instigates the thing it's funny i was reminded going through this recently we have this um english bulldog some of you may have seen him uh on like instagram and stuff just for fun his name's bullseye we're starting to learn he's not a french poodle he's just a different breed you know and he likes to just rumble sometimes he's super so first off he sleeps like 20 hours out of the 24 a day so he's super lazy got like 18 chins you know just lives to eat always an hour early he comes and stares at you waiting to eat he's like you got an hour bro you better fast [Laughter] your clock's off you know and uh but sometimes he's just in the rustly mood and like fedex guy will come or something he'd just annihilate the blinds you know just remember and then we have this little uh it's called d-bot it's a little uh vacuum cleaner you know the circle ones that roll around and do the thing praise the lord for whoever created those god bless them and so but since a young age bullseye's like his he hates the thing they're enemies so deebots plugged up in the corner man doing his business doing his job he's not doing anything totally fine and all of a sudden if bullseye's in that mode he makes war he instigates he'll look around if he just can't find anybody because normally judah my son judo will play with him rough and and uh and he enjoys it but he'll just like oh okay well nobody okay d-bot just go ahead and start just rustling and picking and fighting and making war and like zoe put d-bond in the closet sheesh man give us a break but to make war it literally means to instigate the issue and again i know we we love you know the other side which is i'm gonna you know highlight that as well to god thank god he's so full and perfect and true in every way but this side to him i think you're gonna see more and more prevalent and again if we don't know it and how to yield and know him in this way it's going to confuse many and uh spin-off theologies are going to happen and they're already here and that's okay and god's still merciful and compassionate loves you but is he's not stopping from his mission and so from a white horse of purity in righteousness meaning everything he's judging and making war against is not righteous you understand if that's from where he's judging from that means anything outside of righteousness or the word or found it in and through it he's judging it so to you and i what's encouraging about that is i would say in this hour like never before by his grace we really need to yield our life to this thing like never before because anything outside of it is gonna start getting separated by the lord and either for either for good or bad you guys know what i mean not questioning salvation none of that stuff but just in our life it would behoove us to start to cut out mixture detach you back up in revelation he looks down and just to sorry to step on any theological toes but we're still here through the whole tribulation i don't really you can debate all you want but it's so obvious in scripture i just i don't think that we're helping anybody by saying we're going to get a ticket i'm just saying i hope that works for you but if we're still here i'll be like where's your ticket you know i mean which is awesome i'm like man greatest day to shine you know what i'm saying and to try the bride and her her commitment covenant to the lord so um but from this place he he judges and makes war oh yeah back in revelation you can see it just like david was talking about last night he looks down in babylon happening which is you know current day and going to increase and he calls his people we're still here he says you must come out of babylon he says i'm about to judge babylon for her sins i would advise you come out unless you be judged with her there's that division there's that judging you know what i mean and people again it's just it's cool because it's our house i can be free to talk about it other places you can feel it like hold on don't talk about judgment you know it's like here he is crystal clear he judges and makes war hebrews 10 says oh don't be this paul says don't you don't uh be misled he will judge his people his people and the earth and for you he'll verdict in favor but uh anyway so he the dividing line is happening and you say man i want favor then then let's cut out mixture and and get on the side that he's judging for in righteousness you guys tracking with me so it says here he judges meaning to make a verdict separate it means to separate and divide and makes war meaning anything outside that he didn't choose and verdict of he makes war against them so he only judges it to make a judgment against but then he makes war on it and i've seen the side to him seriously in pockets it and it's amazing because it's perfect to love how many know his judgments are perfect love anything he does is perfect in truth you say well god that couldn't be love you don't have the right to define love he is it he is the thing he's the definition and so as you read further there's a few things i want to highlight that i think are so beautiful and then i will pray and and get some green eyes and all that stuff but his eyes are like a flame of fire burning through passionate love for his bride but burning against that which is outside of righteousness because that's where he's sitting on the white horse in authority as king listen robe dipped in blood many crowns meaning all of them many royal crowns are diadems meaning all of them he's king and lord of all and i propose again you know you may get a different revelation i'll love it too i love psalm i think i forget in the psalms it says god's promises are purified seven times over meaning there's depths of truth and revelation you get from it and that's awesome but i was i was really hemmed up on this part of his name that no one knew at first it says john looked and every time you see the robe dipped in blood mentioned he goes back to that name and at first it says and there was a name which no man knew except he himself engraved or written into into it many crowns wrote rope dipped in blood and a name which no man knew but first so he's called faithful and true that's his nature but the name by which he is called is the word of god so in this last hour you need to know if he's riding through from that place of judgment making war in his name in this instance we know he's got many names good shepherd faithful bridegroom king and all this but in this last hour kind of narrative though for him to personify his name as the word of god we must know i touched on already but this is of utmost significance in this hour you know what i mean the word you can't come off of it for anything dig your heels in deeper matthew 24 how jesus kicks off the end times he says he starts off matthew 24 with a they're asking him basically when you're going to return he's like i'm glad you asked this is how he starts it off take heed lest you be deceived there's literally going to be an increasing anointing of deception really in the last hour he says take he unless you in that hour oh yeah in that time take he unless you be deceived and how do you protect yourself from that the word you go deep in the word and i don't care about all these fresh doctrines that make no sense they don't balance throughout the whole world they just take out little pockets no the entire word of god and so that's the name meaning that's his identity you know he's called faithful and true that's you know functions or adjectives to describe him but the name meaning the identity he goes by in the last time is the word of god meaning we must find our identity in the word of god fully and nothing else nothing outside of it this is where you get super dogmatic and you just don't budge you know now open to going deeper into it if we don't know it fully but you read further i'll just uh paraphrase for time's sake but a robe dipped in blood and john's first this is how revelations work too by the way that what comes first the white horse the progression of it all this really matters um you can kind of see it like one profound encounter everybody knows with bob jones everybody knows he got taken up to heaven but your soul harvest uh encounter right well if you notice that entire encounter was around the harvest so he gets up and he first sees two lines going into heaven all of you all have heard the whole encounter but one line way larger than those going into heaven broad is the way that leads to destruction narrow that leads to life and people were clothed in what their god was if you had ever heard this before if they're if their god was alcohol they were clothed in alcohol bottles if their god was money they were clothed in money they wore that's why the righteous deeds of the saints are white linen pure garments which are deeds of the saints by the way again this is that mixture that's being taught a hyper grace of you know its positional righteousness versus relational but the white garments in the last hour jesus said buy them from me it cost you it's righteous needs of you not questioning your salvation listen that's hebrews 10 14 he's forever made perfect those that are being made holy positional righteousness jesus paid it all so i'm not taken away from what he did you guys know what i mean but sometimes we camp out on that alone and we don't realize the relational righteousness much must line up not works none of that but righteous deeds of the saints you guys tracking with me that's what clothes you in white anyway but there are clothes in their god this that in the other and uh he goes into the line to heaven jesus is asking them did you learn how to love you see so that whole revelation was set in the context of the harvest and loving this way and if you're not careful you can get too dogmatic on one revelation and start to think this is the highest way and you come off of first love in jesus so you need to keep the word solidifies at all and keeps it balanced but encounters are on purpose set in a progression for a reason so i love this part he says this one black lady had tons of angels around her going into heaven she was an evangelist and uh he says did you learn how to love yes lord he kisses her they walk through the lord nobody comes to the father but through him yeah and so uh one lady made it to heaven but she didn't learn how to love she had bitterness she still got into heaven but you know the demise of of your destiny reward you know would reflect bob jones gets up right to the lord did you learn he said he was puckered up he's ready to go in can you imagine and uh and the lord says you know begins to tell him about this i'm sending you back for a billion soul harvest that i believe he prophesied and began to kick off we all know he went to be with the lord on february 14th the day of love so showing he completed his walk and learned how to love but all that being said in this context you see the white horse sets the parameter of the purity and the waging and making war and judging which against imperfect love but he wouldn't be perfect love if this wasn't him as well and if you read further i love this he mentions the robe dipped in blood and in the initial part of the the revelation this is what i propose i was really just weighing because anything with the lord i'm just intrigued by at first john looks and he says i believe the name was there he knew it was written it says on him was written a name that no man knew meaning it was obscure almost like a camera lens blurred out you could see a name written but nobody knew it and then he goes on you can read it on your own time later and he begins to further describe this judge who makes war and it says all of a sudden following him were the armies of heaven also all dressed dressed in pure white linen on all white horses this is another thing too jesus leads the pack in war you don't see kings leading war they stay in the back in control you know but jesus leads this thing so dominant and true and instigates it you need to see the side to him i've seen it before against small pockets but he when he gets down to you know shifting things for a reason we'll see in heaven one day why he did what he did and i think far too often again we're rebuking devils and all this stuff and which is has application as well but at first the name is obscure it's blurred out and if you read further he says they ride through and trample and basically the sword out of his mouth takes down nations which is the word of god it's the very identity by which he's called so basically that shows you again to any area of our lives that aren't fully adhered to built upon sustained by the word of god it will come down hebrews 12 says that oh he shook the earth and he says he wants more he'll shake it again the heavens and the earth that's why the word's unshakeable heaven and earth will pass away but never his word so anything right now by ideology choices everything we're building our life upon anything outside of this book will come down and what will bring it down is this it says he rides and a sword comes out of his mouth which is the word of god you know ephesians 6 says and take the sword of the spirit which is the word of god it's the word of god so that's how he takes it down and then again it mentions the robe again trampled in the wine press same thing as the bless the robe dipped in blood and then all of a sudden the name goes from obscurity once he's complete and he can read it now so if you read it slowly it's obscure at first and then when the judgment and the making war completes it's like it comes into it says and the name on him was written king of kings and lord of lords i believe what's going to happen and is and again figuratively i'm not trying to sit here and say i have a monopoly on the end times but is no man's gonna know it meaning that's obscure still the the actual lordship of jesus christ in his domain but also matthew 24 says in the last days and the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all parts of the earth the kingdom and the king who runs it is going to become like a front message a message on the forefront with undergirded by the fear of the lord sermon thrown a lot at you but you even see at the end an angel in the book of revelation who brings the eternal gospel and his first proclamation is fear god the last greatest day harvest it literally has a scroll of the eternal gospel and angel flying through this sword through there in revelation his first problem is fear god the fear of god which is beautiful to you and i it's it's so safe and true it's the beginning of all wisdom it's beautiful i think sometimes it gets a bad rap but the fear of god is so needed in such a beautiful way does this make sense to you guys i i say just find a fresh love for it and pray and if there's any false religious connections to it pray that he would remember talking about this remember in california daniel um but the fear of the lord i believe is coming back in a beautiful way and so um but again that that name at first it's it's unknown but as this progresses having haven't heaven having been opened in this king leading his army starting to separate and make war and judge that i believe his name is going to be known because at the end it says then it's like then john could read it and i believe the revelation unfolded for that very purpose and it says king of kings on his robe and lord of lords on his thigh which i believe speaks of the robe like a king of the authority and the lord of lords on the thigh where he walks his lordships not is a different dimension but basically over everything and they may not know it now it may be obscure right now you understand but it doesn't change what he's doing in heaven he doesn't care if they know it yet or not because when it's when it's complete it's like all of a sudden a camera focused t would know this baddest photographer in the land when something's obscure you can see it but you don't quite know it's like nobody knew the name yet it was written on him it only mentions the name written on him it mentions it twice but at first they didn't know it and they keep riding through and you get to this side and all of a sudden it comes in focus oh my gosh he's the king of kings and the lord of lords the word of god that stands above all and while everything's being shaken heaven and earth and again this isn't the doom and gloom thing it's just bible it's just bible i'm kind of excited like let's bring it man store up our pantries and i'm teasing like a prepper and not you know teasing no we're not trying to get into all that but just fall mad in love with the lord and build everything your life in and through him in the word and then when everything starts shaking you're like yeah i'm on his side anyway the the robe you know king of he's probably the baddest jumpsuit in the land king of kings lord of lords like matching dipped in blood and uh any rains over at all so it's it's funny right you know he says don't seal up this book later in revelation 22 let them do what they do but i'm telling you right now heaven's been open and i'm on a mission i'm riding through and we'll see at the end when the obscurity leaves and clarity comes in who's king of the king of the lord of lords everything's going to be shaken and not for those it's almost like the the shaking of that which was built upon sand and anybody that builds on the rock in the word right now you just you actually elevate and you're stabilizing it's beautiful so i want to encourage you guys in this hours that is the lord is doing this i've seen it i'll share one quick story and maybe a couple and maybe one and um but i was in montana again this is the stuff i don't get to share a lot uh but i think it's just we need to hear it some you know because it's a side to the lord that's perfect and true in who he is he's perfect love everything he does is perfect and true montana preaching years ago we had a day free the day before we're going to be preaching actually on this campus a major university in montana go up on the side of the mountain we hike there's a mountain that overlooks it and we hike up it thought it was fun cool there's the campus from here nice okay got some cardio in next morning i'm up early in prayer like fourth watch-ish somewhere in there and and i go into a vision and i see the lord no devils no demons no witchcraft the lord jesus christ on the exact mountain we were on looking over the campus with a fan in his hand he's just he's waving it over the campus and i'm like man that's that's matthew 3 12. he behold he has a fan in his hand and he's purging the threshing floor it's where you throw up the chaff and the wheat and the wind of the lord from hit the fan in his hand devil's nowhere in this context when it separates the two and that's what he's doing right now he's separating he's judging and he's splitting in perfect love for you and i beautiful great and awesome day of the lord for us great and terrible day like zechariah mentions for the others on the day of the lord and so anyway that day i didn't get to preach yet i was preaching that night on the campus that day within hours after i saw this vision this took the headlines of freak high powered winds that's that's how the headlines of the newspaper read it said high-powered winds they came and hit the campus only in which which fans produce wind toppled again i know this touches on theological toes but we'll get into heaven one day and just see i'm just learning with eternity god cares far more about what he's doing and why he's okay with a few things here and there and i've just seen it enough um anyway i'm not kidding massive trees toppled power lines cars crushed all on the campus all around the campus where he blew the thing any wedding tornadoes was just high-powered winds random came in around noon blew through and that very day it got exposed that the they were the winningest football college in that division championships five in a row but it got exposed um that the i think the football and athletic director were involved with sexual allegations or something and the purging he was purging the campus and it got exposed that day and so the headlines from that day where high power free power wins hit the campus and then very next day head football athletic director you know uh got released because of this that and the other and people they without wisdom or knowing the lord or what's going on things like this happen a lot that the lord's behind and people like no god's good he rebuked the storm yeah he does that too but sometimes i'm telling you i've seen it far too often angels come and talk about judgment due to national sin sorry um but again i'll just i'll lift off of some of it but i think you're going to start to see the lord come draw a line judge things and make war while of course we do our part we pray we we go to we win the loss to harvest you don't mishear me you guys know you know you want to stand over the white horses like yeah get them lord you know it's you know we love humanity he he would that none would perish but also it's not changing his plan and uh there's there's several others i could share but i'll just stop there but just just remember this and i'll stay new testament only for that sake because a lot of people attribute just the judgment type stuff to the old testament if they don't realize jesus christ resurrected judges and makes war from a white horse with eyes of fire again i know this is the culmination of all things but there's a side to him as well that like you can see it you can see he'll curse a fig tree in a in a moment and create death i remember one time i was in prayer just lost in a deep intimate place with him and i began to see him in a vision and i was just caught up because it was his eyes and i'm thinking intimacy jesus i really don't care what he says anymore just love him and i look in closer and i see a reflection on his eyeball that was an axe laid to the root of a tree and there's this side to the lord to behold the axe is already laid to the root of the tree if you don't bear fruit i've seen him you know he removes candlesticks in the book of revelation padded with mercy and grace and and love in in correction and long patience and suffering but um what is it uh hebrews 10 it's again new testament it says about that how a god will even judge and judge his people and it being a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living god that's not old covenant that's new romans 11 says behold the kindness and severity of god and that's really what i'm proposing more or less the severity side that's beautiful and true we need it listen to me how do you ever raise children and you just raise them in kindness only good luck because they're going to run you i'm just being honest there's that's his goodness there's a kindness and severity and his kindness is unmatchable patient like i said long suffering and true but that severity side that keeps the fear of the lord in place is is needed in this hour like never before and again this sign of the lord i think you're going to see come on the forefront you're going to start seeing things escalate around the earth i'm trying to decree nothing but you know i would just pray first and hear well again we pray for protection um harvest all of it but there's sides to the lord too you know that things are going to start to escalate you see it with um peter ananias and sapphira you don't see the devil anywhere in there it's the fear of the lord and when he stops playing games it's he's you know there's a clear line divided and i believe again the sign of the lord you're going to start to see more the severity side with kindness you guys hear me hope that wasn't too heavy or anything but but yes beautiful and it's all jesus so i want to encourage you this writer on this white horse i believe figuratively is going to be writing through more true and true in his name as king of kings and lord of lords is going to be more clear than ever before who really runs everything and so also if you want to stand we'll pray let the holy spirit move thank you jesus david you might come help me um just whatever way you feel thank you lord yes i'll just pray corporately at first and then maybe invite some of you that felt any of those prophetic words land uh to come and we'll pray so jesus we love you thank you that you are so full and true faithful and true entitled the word of god i pray in this hour that you would um just shift our heart to see you rightly to invest our world into the identity of who you are the word of god i pray that you'd shake anything that can be shaken and let us simplify into building upon the rock of your word the unshakable ground in this hour we say jesus be glorified great rider on the white horse authority over all king of kings many crowns lord of lords be glorified have your way in the earth and set us apart separate us unto you as a pure and spotless bride we love you lord jesus be glorified amen awesome um i wanna get a few people to pray if that's okay maybe ron uh stacy if you don't mind you come up here before you get trapped uh eva down you mind helping us minister with people um maybe kristen do you mind i'm trying to thank anybody else um yes so if you are the cantaloupe person you don't you know just either obey or you can come get prayer if you want uh the dog that lands with you and the uh the green eyes if you there's a shift i might even lay hands on a few people but and we're going to welcome you to calm the shift in a new ability to see the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of your will maybe aurelia human helping us try to think priscilla you
Channel: Brian Guerin
Views: 8,997
Rating: 4.92068 out of 5
Id: YyBVUzyxZrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 38sec (3338 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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