TBN Interview...Dreams, Visions and Prophecy

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now like my next guest is a man named Brian Guerin another guy that I that I love that I'm a good friend of and he is the founding director of bridal glory international and Brian Guerin is something that you may never heard of before he is what we call a seer and Brian maybe you can just start by telling us what does that mean it sounds kind of kind of creepy first off it's an honor to be here man it's such a special time but really in layman's terms a seer is kind of an aspect of a prophet you see in the Old Testament they have prophets that more here by unction it means to bubble up with the Word of God and then they have seers that you see all over the place Habakkuk chapter 2 he says I will wait upon the Lord to see what he will say to me and it's kind of like that a typo Habakkuk I mean don't you hear when people speak to you here but he knew that realm of seeing he was communicate with God through sight Jeremiah 1 the Lord says Jeremiah what do you see he said I see an almond branch and that was you know mystery tied in so it's really just a aspect of hearing God in the prophetic ground predominantly through sight which looks like you know simply put visions dreams prophetic pictures and I really feel like in these last days you know amidst the whole body of Christ is increasing greatly God's voice in this manner from Joel - so it's clearly the Spirit of God will be poured out upon all flesh it's not just for the prophets I love to point that out you know old men dream dreams young men see visions these are all visual realms a bit of prophecy and and I were just seeing this really men all over the US nations of the world it's powerful things and this is what actually I opened the show with today talking about what Peter quoted from Joel your sons and daughters will prophesy old men will see visions young men will dream dreams upon my spirits in my hand may as well I pour my spirit in those days so there is a prophetic unction that's being poured out in these last days with the Holy Spirit those two things are not separate yeah exactly men and it's a precious thing we were just discussing over dinner last night you see clearly in 1st Samuel chapter 1 you know just scary them down about chapter verse 12 sorry says the the word of the Lord was rare in those days visions were not quite frequent Joel - in the last days that we're culminating - it's his voice is just in abundance man and a lot in these predominant ways or visions dreams are seeing it all over the place you know sooner believer and I've asked you this before so I don't know what you're going to say but do you believe that God is always speaking or do you believe that it's just once in a while he chooses to speak to certain special people just once in a while man for sure you know yeah he honestly men he and this was accidental that I stumbled into these things it's the precious thing but I begin to realize because I was taught early on as many of us were for honest that you know God only speaks when the big destiny decisions are needing to be made and people would always tell me well if you haven't heard God recently just do what he told you six months ago you're probably not doing that properly and I've come to learn really the you know that misalignments on our end and if we have ears to hear with the spirit saying you cannot keep up with the voice of government he's speaking all he's so intimate and relational you know all of you're saying that he's speaking so much oh yeah that it's hard to keep up with it it really is I can't keep up with him anymore you know and uh and I you know dear friends like Michael and got you that are run with no more than anybody I teach stewardship to really value and cherish the voice and Word of God and so every time he speaks whatever it's regarding it's so valuable to miss life man just for him to speak whatever it's regarding and to cherish that but even in that it's hard to keep up he speaks so much now this is very important it you're going fast you're actually saying a lot of things that probably a lot of people aren't catching you said you mentioned stewardship what does that what does it mean to steward the voice of God yeah well first off just clear as day in scripture Paul says in 1st Corinthians 4 verse 1 we are to regard ourselves as stewards of the mysteries of God Habakkuk - the Lord said write down plainly upon tablets what I revealed to you Daniel 7 he says this is the dream o king and what this is its record and literally if you look at it in simple you know laid back terms all of scriptures a bit of logging of the voice of God and see when it spit stewarding yeah precisely and even more so than that you see the prophets when God would speak they get even more specific Daniel chapter 10 he encounters Gabriel he says it was the first month 24th day I was at the bank of the now he gives the month down to the day where I was at when the angel came to encounter Gideon and judges 6 he said he with angels literally by father's tree it gets very specific and I begin to learn that you know if you want to increase and knowing God in his voice you've got to cherish it Stewart but to answer your question that looks very simple get a journal is what I do i you know coach people if you are you know bit green or new to hearing God's voice and you since he's speaking to you just journal that down write it down you begin to see these things come to pass even voice recorders in the night for dreams or you know very valuable but begin to track the voice of God and what about obedience in stewardship oh they're inseparable yeah Jesus says if you love me you will obey my commands so literally come on yeah so if you know if the Lord is speaking to you but you're not responding yeah that's that would be the opposite of not obscuring the forth yeah just like you said obedience is a type of stewardship yeah you know it's one thing to hear you know God's good you see that with Gideon he he's about to make a big step you know after the so called being a coward and so you ask for repetitive signs before yes to step out because it's such a big deal and so God's merciful he's kind of times but also I wants her delayed obedience is disobedience and so I ventured to lean on right when you hear just go and obey you know but there are many different ways God speaks yeah so for you you primarily see you whether it be in visions whether it be pictures prophetic pictures but God speaks in a variety of other ways too what are some of those other ways first and foremost the Word of God and I devour that although you know it may be more easy for me to be bent in prayer and see you know through prophetic visions and such the Word of God meant is is so valuable and I think you know Todd Michael you know Diane our younger generation almost like there's a lack of value on it now there's a yeah and we can never get away from that man I one of my favorite things to do is sit there pull out my Bible start anywhere and just ask God please make this thing come alive to me no and uh man I'll get out my highlighters and sure enough just will breathe upon it I just start wearing it out so the Word of God the Holy Spirit speaks so clearly it's the voice of the Father and Jesus and unction you know visions perfect pictures there's angelic realm that's very common in Scripture they're messengers and it goes on and on from there so what about dreams yeah dreams are paramount and like I said and you see it all through from the Old Testament all the way through the new and again culminating I feel in these last days it's it's something very key we need to to watch yeah and that's one thing I look back to stewardship that you touched on I've learned anything that has an eternal aspect to it if you don't Stuart it it will dwindle yeah and it will you know it will not increase but you know if you're faithful with a small it will really increase in so regarding dreams if you begin to pay attention to them and realize God can speak in this way they'll increase your understanding of them will broaden and it's a precious thing so and the Lord speaks to you through James a lot yeah and you know one of the things that we've done that's pretty fun is dream interpretation for people yeah this this may be a little bit out there for some of you I hope that you're still hanging with us but what I did is I knew I was going to be talking to a so I went on my facebook facebook is amazing isn't it yeah I'm just about to hit three hundred thousand friends on Facebook and it's amazing you know you can put up a video and in a day a million people have seen it it's amazing days we're in and I knew I believed that that the Lord has given us these tools for the gospel and then we're going to spread it to the world but I said on Facebook if you have a dream if you have a dream send it in and I'm going to throw it at Brian live on television and we're going to see what he has to say so I don't know what's going to happen now okay this is a we're off script but this is from this is from Eden joy this came on through Facebook three times I dreamt a big of a big blue snake first time it was bound and sealed in a see-through net and put under the open roof of a tree the second time I saw it hanging on the same big tree with his tail tied on a branch the third and last time it's in our backyard perched on a fence with a diamond and bright crown on its head they're all huge blueish necks yeah well typically snakes obviously represent the deception the color blue is revelation and we don't have the time to go into why but scripturally this is all sound but I've seen that actually before and what this is in simple terms is a spirit of this doctrine of demons mentioned clearly in Scripture it's a spirit of deception it comes in a revelatory form and seems right but it's really bent by the dark side and you see the progression in this person's life it was once bound which is a good place at the root of the tree but then it was loosened hung in the high places which is the spiritual realm then it was on the porch and it was increasingly being loosed closer and closer yeah and I think you know they're picking up on the times we ran that are clear and that is increasing but also his light greatly in Revelation but also it would be shown to them to intercede as well so and it could be a warning yeah it doesn't st. to pray and for the times are in person also on a personal level so here's another one I recently had a dream where I was flying high inside my church it was so fun there were evergreen trees like Christmas trees covering the ground of the church yeah is that anybody in here know that that is very good actually it speaks of the prophetic whoever this person is typically flying in in up high and soaring in the wind is the realm of the prophetic you can you have a clearer sight from up high and foresight you know what's to come and down below trees typically speak of leadership evergreens very good because it's it speaks of things of eternal and fruit it's never a dying season it's it's year round and she probably is what she or he sorry um I didn't I didn't know each other was she okay teri yeah has a special gift of the prophetic to to oversee and probably pray as well to prophetic intercession for those leaders down below I wouldn't doubt either if their church has an aspect that can pour into leaders you see the multiple trees down below yeah it's really good here I'll take a couple more is this fun so this is a simple one I have I always have a dream that I'm catching fish that is evangelism yeah yeah clear as day yeah will make you fishers oh you probably have that dream though yeah I'll make you fishers of men so yeah that's when you see catching fish and dreams that's evangelism very powerful so this is from Joseph he says in my dream I saw myself sitting in a wilderness all the colors were perfect and as I sat in the sand I desired something very strongly and began looking around and as I was looking suddenly the sand right in front of my eyes began cracking and a fountain of water gushed up from the sand and then it gushed next to it and next to it I looked and saw the whole wilderness was in fountains and I woke up I will never forget this dream what could it mean yeah that's really powerful as well it reminds me of I think it's like Genesis 41 where it says I will turn deserts into pools of water and fountains will bring forth in the in the wilderness places and it's amidst the poor actually that that chapter I don't know if they're in a poverty God coming through strongly for those that cry out also an awakening and a spirit coming into the dry places it's very powerful yet Wow so I mean just how did you get to the place where you were able to flow in and what you just now did yeah honestly I won't go into the whole story it was based off of this encounter that happened but I really I love to tell people as I stumbled into it I just into this day all I do is love Jesus and that's what I love about you guys you know I just he's everything to me and all I just I came steeped out of sin to the age of 20 way out there and when I met Jesus man he was just everything to me I just want to be with him and still all I'll do today but through this encounter I won't go into it for the sake of time but things like this begin to happen in my life I began to see the future in thought no way and then it would come to pass start to dream dreams and in the Lord begin to lead me on many Daniel fasts also other extended fasts and you see clearly in down year 1 verse 17 if the culmination of this Daniel fast they did a vegetables in water specifically the realm of Revelation and the interpretation of visions and dreams was given to him and somewhere along this journey it you know it just kind of came upon us as a ministry very strong and it's been a precious things I hope that those of you that are watching I hope that if there's something you're taking away from this that there is a hunger in your heart maybe you didn't even realize that this was available maybe you didn't know how much God was speaking God is prolific and and this is available to every child of God in the last days it's supposed to increase it's supposed to be part of our heritage it's part of what we're supposed to have access to and I'm I'm going to have you in just a moment Brian I'm going to actually have you pray for that for those that are watching that would like to for one thing crack open and dreams I would love to see people watching today even tonight begin to have prophetic dreams begin to hear the voice of God very clearly and we're going to be talking to Lou Engel in a second and I'll tell you dreams and the word of the Lord plays such a strong part in his life in his ministry and again I just feel like even the combination of people that the Lord has put on this panel here today is so divinely orchestrated it's amazing Brian do this for me would you just look at the camera and would you just pray and just release the word of the Lord and release dreams and visions and and that God would open people's ears and eyes to seeing here for sure Beulah - yeah so just in your homes wherever you may be just posture yourself before the Lord he's going to touch you we've seen this it's not about our ministry anybody specific it's just Jesus it's just what he's doing in these days but we've literally seen people after meetings and prayers like this for nine months straight going to dreams every night just can't sleep at night the power of God is going to come upon you revelation is going to increase it's not for the prophets alone it's for his people from Joel - so just receive God I thank you so much for each and everyone listening God every viewer even in the studio live now and in the homes right now receive the Spirit of God there is the glory of God upon you just receive right now and I speak divine release of impartation by the holy spirit in these last days I decree over your life now dreams visions prophecy following by the spirit of wisdom and revelation to understand these things got to thank you for the parables the mysteries the secrets of your voice being unveiled and unlocked over your body on mass I Prague up on mass glorify Jesus in this day we love you we receive it and we bless you in Jesus name is this good this is this is so beautiful I mean I I'm really like almost intoxicated um
Channel: Brian Guerin
Views: 27,147
Rating: 4.9501557 out of 5
Id: MTcu11eopzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2016
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