Renewing The Mind // Brian Guerin

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[Music] get up in here we'll do do some coffee quick and get rolling i don't know what brew this is it some fancy looking bag somebody gave us it looked nice i don't know i do not know how that's sitting on go brittany how are you yeah caleb seal what's up my man bro i got the prophetic um word connection you saw so powerful so so good the earthquake jackson huff what's up my man how are you heather how are you felicia lisa jill it's going fast tonya rose how are you priscilla how are you doing awesome let's jump in here um i'll do roster call real quick we have new students this week typically and maybe one more time next week we'll see uh we'll do this fast i may do some quick introductions and i'm going to try and cover a good bit of ground this week hope you all had an amazing what was it tuesday through today um ben antone what is up my man are you still on the west coast i hope you're still over there in california kristen frontera what is up awesome here we go we'll go quick alaska alabama arkansas australia the great down under arizona bulgaria california canada colorado costa rica connecticut estonia finland florida georgia germany hawaii iowa illinois indiana ireland kansas kentucky louisiana massachusetts maryland maine in delhi from vancouver mexico germany andy scott how are you doing joshua it's going fast mexico michigan minnesota montana mississippi or missouri north carolina new england new zealand new hampshire new jersey norway new york nevada graham roe from minnesota denise ohio daniel georgia danielle sorry abby mccaskill how are you doing my man luther from tennessee hope you guys are doing amazing ohio oklahoma oregon pennsylvania the philippines puerto rico rhode island romania south carolina south dakota van antone are you in texas did i just see texas wow uh south africa sweden taiwan tennessee texas uganda united kingdom virginia washington state washington dc wisconsin wyoming welcome welcome everybody sheila k from wisconsin how are you mary john iather777 that's awesome well welcome everybody excited to be back with you guys session two school of his voice nothing of greater value really anymore or ever was so um praise the lord i'm going to pray and then we'll get get going if that's okay i have i didn't realize it but i have 12 pages of notes it was just flowing and good and and so we'll see i think i can get through them only because we need to move uh move on there's just so much on his voice and um but i want it to be full as well and land hopefully so i don't want to go buy it so fast demetria how are you so amazing getting to minister with you just recently in tampa there's a hurricane coming and we didn't really notice it but praise the lord so real quick new students this week welcome everybody um google chrome best platform to house this if you buffer refresh your screen you'll be back in with us faith mock how are you testimonies dreams and visions go to info broader glory dot com try and keep the comments in context of the class because it can be distracting to others although i think you can turn your comments off i don't know how to do it your current address if you could send that to us if it has changed since you registered because we need to send the school the completion of the school certificate to you social media if you want to share that would be hashtag sh no no no s o h v stacy tillery how are you as we'll still have the registration open this week then we shut it down next after this and i think i think jasmine says she's going to shut it down saturday yeah so i want to give him about a shout out with that and um awesome excited to be back with you guys this week so let's pray jesus safana heard how are you jesus yeah yeah he was demetrius so good um so so good but jesus we love you be glorified i pray holy spirit come glorify jesus saturate these notes the teaching we say come take over this always take precedent take forefront walk through the homes heal bodies liberate people by your word let the spirit of wisdom and revelation go forth in the knowledge of your will in the knowledge of you transform us i pray we never just want to talk about your word and about you but we want to experience you every time i say come saturate the homes the minds of the believers and let us see you rightly more pure and true and clear let us hear you above all in a clear clear way in jesus name amen that reminds me i know christians sent in too are very powerful well it's fun too but it's awesome and yeah we got tons of testimonies so good about um from that dream last week of healing and necks and family stuff a couple people there were car wrecks long ago car wrecks in their necks were still bothering them they were healed and then one mom i know quentin egbert as well so powerful one mom apparently was carrying buckets of rocks if that's your mom shout out and here i forget i was reading through the testimonies we got sent in they were so awesome but somebody's mother that day i think or something that was carrying rocks for a garden gardening project and pulled and strained and injured their neck and were totally healed the next day it was so good um had to go to bed with heat on it all and everything and the next day totally gone so so so good injuries aren't from the lord either and uh but car wrecks and rocks and that's a strong mom carrying buckets of rocks i hope they were small rock buckets but anyway that's a tough mom right there but this was awesome too christian sent in i want to share with you guys as the school started i've experienced the lord's voice flowing like a waterfall come on jesus maybe so with all of us friday morning at 3 40 a.m i heard a loud knock on a heavy wooden door it had three knocks and sounded more real than a knocking in the waking hours come on jesus my heart was pounding when i woke up fully then later that day was working and saw a white garment come through and disappear physically with my eyes so good slightly freaked out for a moment lol been seeing flashes and lights everywhere daily not sure what caused this influx of the kingdom of god and his voice to break through but started last week so good um then when i signed my bgia agreement literally felt like i was pulled in in a glory swirl and had to sit for a moment it was so good come on jesus amazing amazing kristen's been with us for years she's cream of the crop top-notch so powerful um yeah and there's those knocks again i'm going to be touching on it again i always correlate them not solely but a big part with revelation 3 20. there's somebody else gave a testimony they were listening back through our father days father's day weekend youtube and right when i said destinies be chef they got hit back by the power and that was amazing as well so anyway 12 pages of notes be kind of covering some ground but try and camp out on the pertinent points that would carry weight hopefully and bless you guys and super excited to continue with you all oh yeah a friendly fresh reminder as well next week don't forget this class session three will be shot live the archive will be up all week so don't worry about it if you have something pre-scheduled or whatever but if you want to catch it live as well it will be bumped back to sunday evening right there at uh 7 p.m eastern standard time shot from our vgi headquarters church facility right there and all of you are welcome to come join us there whether you're in the academy or in the church or out of town or you can even bring a friend or whatever but it's open to the public for this one time as well so if you want to join us in person i'm advising most people come to the glory nights and hands that on to it if you want because we we just so happen we're having a glory nights friday night saturday night sorry the old ones are friday night saturday night sunday morning come get blasted by the glory and the presence of god those were more just ministering to him experiencing him just he be glorified his way what do you want to do our eyes are you know turn towards him which really should be the crux of all of coming together and then from that place you get ministered to from that place you touch the lost and everything else but sunday evening together we'll be there live taking communion together i'll be able to see some of you hug your neck say hello get to chat to see you in person that'll be awesome so i would encourage you if you're already coming to glory knights or if you're not come and join us also that sunday evening at the church facility but also those you that aren't just remember we're shooting it sunday and that'll be awesome and um yes indeed also real quick shameless plug on the academy but but also to the the application door is about to shut in september so if you're feeling led you want to jump into a two-year academy with us an intense school of ministry with dear friends and high-caliber men and women of god from around the world i'm so honored to be a part of but like patricia king corey russell michael miller of upper room michael collianos jesus image eric gilmore daniel kolenda ben fitzgerald is going to be coming in i hadn't announced that yet but he's a gunner love ben dearly he's the real deal so powerful and he's not been with us yet but ben fitzgerald backs out stadiums raw faith strong evangelistic slant nathan morris did i say daniel kolenda he just was with us anyway cindy jacobs powerful high caliber men and women of god two years is dumping into you myself as well and it's shifting this fall into a full live curriculum two years love the model because it's going to be under the anointing live love pre-recorded as well but something to do with live matthew 13 52 says teachers of the kingdom bring out old and new treasures on display and there's something with the fresh current heartbeat of the lord in the hour we are in that can shift by the month so live is awesome and what's beauty is we'll be able to take it all together and grow and the the um wisdom behind it with the those that we have students who will be going into their second year they'll have more depending on how long you've been in the academy you'll have more of the word and they're anointing the presence and the grinding as a community and building in character under your belt than the newcomers but we'll be able to still be a tight-knit community grow together but those that have been under the word longer obviously in this two-year ultimate graduation and ordination will be amazing and the price is the same i just want to let you guys know that because some people may be like well but it was this price but because we now have an in-person campus the overhead goes up drastically you have electricity all the bills that go with that staff increase and things versus just strictly an online platform so but the the tuition you get in at stays your grandfathered in for the full two years so that's i'd encourage you guys to take advantage of that fort bumps up and love to have you before the application door shuts in september so join us come on come all plus what's beautiful is i'm pretty sure the logistics will work but every trimester will be able to open the door back open for those that have been with us can can jump back in and pick back up and get two years under the belt and be sent out for the glory okay so recap session two school of his voice those of you that weren't with us with us last week um we went over the value of god's voice as many of you guys know in these schools i love to build line up online precept upon precept from the word but also from a structural standpoint the foundation of it all and build from there and so the value upon his voice and the stewardship needed with session one really putting back the necessity on in caliber of value we should place on his voice in our everyday life man shall not live on bread alone jesus said sorry moving quick i'll slow down when we hit the current notes but the value and the stewardship needed for his voice because if that's not set in place we can learn all about his voice how he speaks but it's you know if it's value is less than it must be of utmost priority i have here his voice is preeminent and worth surpassing all others by merit and importance hearing his voice and obeying his voice is more important than life itself matthew 4 4 man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of god you cannot even be called outside of god's voice first initiating the call his voice must start stabilize sustain and see all of who we are we even saw this over the life of jesus christ as the son of god with his father speaking three major audible installment windows coupled together with the secret place all that his father was speaking to him throughout the span of his call that even concluded his earthly call into his heavenly one until i you know seat you up here until i make your enemies your footstool okay this week i want to highlight hearing the voice of god and then next week hopefully if i can finish all this we'll start breaking down the aspects of how god speaks and uh and teaching and sifting through that in a deep way both biblically experientially by the spirit letter alone kills but the spirit brings life we want both and every class just like last one i'll be praying for impartation just an increase upon all of us so be watching for that i want to raise your expectancy and hunger that his voice was just like kristen said just break open like a damn i mean the bursting forth the hungry shall be filled so raise your hunger and expectancy um but so session one the value and stewardship needed of his voice session two tonight hearing the voice of god and i really want to hit two main points that i think are vital first in hearing god's voice then we'll go into the house and of his voice so right here i think it's notable enough to um to first off first off the most repeated phrase ever spoken out of the mouth of jesus christ in the entirety of the inherent word of god is he that hath ears to hear lamb of god flawless lamb of god in the earth only three years of his earthly ministry most repeated phrase out of his mouth is he that has ears to hear in the context of the spirit meaning the voice of god having ears to hear is vital the voice of god jesus repeats this phrase eight times in the gospels and seven times in the book of revelation which is basically the only books jesus spoke in red letters gospels in the book of revelation everything else as epistles or the acts of the apostles but most of all the red letters and eight times and seven and i am getting excited over the prophetic implications of that like eight the new beginning of the covenant the gospels and then seven to conclude it all and seal it with perfection just i start getting excited about that type stuff but watch here again in revelation 3 20 we see that the hearing of his voice is what actually makes the true union possible behold i stand at the door and knock i touched on this briefly last week if anyone hears my voice and opens the door it's the hearing of the voice that opens the door that the opening of the door leads to dining with he and he with us the communion the hearing of the voice is vital absolutely vital i fear the hearing is actually what enables the door to open which then actually even makes the true communion possible and listen to this the greek origin for that word right there here used in that verse revelation 3 20 actually means to comprehend or understand or heed even and this is where the the men and boys separate or the women and the young ladies hearing comprehending understanding heating even really hearing his voice okay this is really where it separates spam call 888 do you guys ever answer those i'm teasing there we go uh but triple h's are good we'll take it triple new beginnings but anyway uh to comprehend understand heed even i have for you cannot even open the true door fellowship with the lord without first hearing comprehending and understanding his voice big difference big big difference remember have you guys ever you're listening to people but you're distracted and you're you're hearing them you're clearly the voice the frequencies are coming they're going in your ears and everything but you're not really hearing them i've done it plenty i know we all have even like with my children i'm like i'm so sorry please forgive me can you say that again i totally was distracted you know what i'm saying i'll just tell them straight up please forgive me i was i was looking at you and i was hearing you but i was somewhere else and like that's not what this verse is talking about that does not open the door to communion focused intent adhering to listening and hearing so anyway uh remember i touched on this last week when god the father spoke over jesus before he was crucified in john 12 verses 28 through 29 this is a great example of what i'm talking about some heard god spoke okay that the issue is never on god's end he's perfect and true in all that he does he's perfectly true in his nature he's perfect when he speaks how he through his written word and both spoken relationally there's never any hiccups or problems on god's end it's always on ours we're talking about communication and the voice of god so here god speaks clearly how he's supposed to and needs to and um oh yeah there we go i lost it so anyway oh that's funny april james that's so funny um danielle silva how are you um oh is that danielle nato how are you if that's you i know you got married though that may be a different last name either way welcome if not but uh but this is a beautiful example of what i'm talking about because listen god spoke that was true and some heard thunder god spoke over jesus remember right before he's crucified jesus is like look glorify your name and uh it keeps kicking me out for some reason there we go oh yeah you did that's awesome hold on one second um um so that is daniel 9 awesome anyway uh god spoke over jesus and you know he says i have glory i have both glorified my name and i'm going to glorify my name and so it says some heard god's voice and it sounded like thunder yep congratulations danielle that's awesome here i am saying like keep the conversation in the context of the class and i'm like yeah i'm spinning off with that's awesome yeah totally tracy that's so funny and uh some heard and they thought it was an angel speaking to jesus right some heard thunder some heard an angel and those that truly have ears to hear like jesus is saying heard they can you can hear god's voice it was actually panned out in in the gospels so right here you even see tears or levels of people's spiritual hearing some so dull they thought it was thunder which is a very natural and earthly common occurrence thunder it's like oh no god spoke the father he spoke he did his part but on our end depending on where you're at spiritually it's like oh that was just thunder it's a very common weekly natural occurrence there's a there's that company okay then some thought it was an angel which is comprehending with a little bit higher spiritual iq actually i love that the word broke this down the word went out of its way to actually say there was people that thought it was thunder then some thought they discerned a little higher and thought maybe it's an angel talking to jesus and then others heard um but clear those that have years to hear clearly hear the voice of god and this is where we want to be and i want to hit two main points that i think really support this topic of hearing the voice of god so his value the value of his voice and then hearing it is massive then how he speaks his voice in the various ways so i have here um john chapter 8 verse 47 whoever is of god hears the words of god this is jesus the reason why you do not hear them in the context of the word of god god's words and his voice the reason why you don't hear them is that you are not of god okay i'm going to come back to this and break it down a little further from from our viewpoint this is massive jesus says it fast you think okay simple but then why is it that often so many believers that technically are from god in the spirit still can't hear god or there's a great obscurity a misinterpretation there's all kind of stuff like this and this is where i really want to go but we'll circle back there okay and i'm going to try and gain grounds to land us by 9. i have here two of the top reasons why believers do not hear god clearly on a consistent basis or even much at all as number one the obvious and you guys hear me beat this like a drum um and dip from so many different angles but it just it's got to be and i really want to hit it from even a different angle tonight emphasize a little more but two of the top two reasons i want to hit tonight number one the obvious they do not spend quality time with him intimately for him to even begin to knock on the door this is massive and listen far too overlooked sometimes it's so older elementary we overlook it and and there's so many believers that are just dull and on the tears of thunder or an angel or and one of the number one reasons is simply this they don't take the time to intimately be with him enough for him to get to the door and knock for you to hear his voice to then open the door to come in and dine we do not get still as matthew 6 6 mentions where you go into your closet shut the door behind you we never yield enough of our life into this verse that would even enable jesus to communicate to us for any length of time or consistency on a daily basis this is why i emphasize so great the value and need in session one for his voice because if the value is not there and it's not the staple reason by which we live you know then it you know we'll start to come off of this right here the the leaning in in such a valid way but watch this um yeah i already said that oh yeah i i was reminded by a um let me let me clear out of here my ipad's acting funny sure there we go listen to the great store i was remembered by a uh a um what was it sadhu he usually he's uh uh no sadhus under our salvage was the first one he was amazing but he shared this story once he's a prophet from the himalayas like an indian prophet really really awesome totally different flavor but amazing he was at a church i love the story this really helps hit this point home really well he was at this service and a man came up to him after and said listen please pray for me i i can't um you know god won't speak to me that's what it was god won't speak to me i pray all the time every day and i'm telling you god doesn't talk to me don't speak to me in sad news i got done that doesn't add up that makes sense he goes please go to god he knew him to be a prophet he said please ask god what's going on so sadhu goes to the lord he says lord what gives that you hear this man i know this is counter to your nature i know you'd love to speak what what's going on and so he's praying and he goes into a vision and he sees the man going to the exact spot where he prays and he gets before the lord and he's in prayer praying through the things of the day this that or the other and and all of a sudden the lord the lord's there the whole time and finally he gets quiet enough and still and the lord goes to speak and he gets up amen and he leaves goes to work it happens this is what he does every day and the lord showed him he says look he's not yielding enough and being quiet or even in prayer and pursuing enough for me to speak to him and this is far too often what we do and we need to be reminded that moses went up upon the mountain to to hear the voice of god god said come up here i want to speak to you he was up there six seven days the glory cloud comes down and he speaks seven days um don't ever forget i have here that jesus prayed all night before even picking the disciples to hear clearly from the father before picking the disciples in luke 6 12. i have here yes we have the spirit and the kingdom within and are supposed to know his voice as we are sheep i love practicing practicing his presence okay i know we have the holy spirit he teaches us all things these are both truths psalm 78 says that god's word is purified seven times over meaning there's layers of truths so it doesn't mean you throw one out with the other that you take them all you get super greedy and take all the truths all the revelations that whatever in depth they're at so practices presence the inner witness of the spirit um you know decisions and no we have the kingdom within we know god's voice but you still can never override this aspect of going into your closet shutting the door psalm 46 10 be still and know that he is god so a lot of times the complaint on here the voice of god is is the lack on our ends that that verse if you read it really for what it is it says be still and know that he is god it doesn't be still and see if you can hear and know god be still and try it out no peace meaning be still until you know be still until he speaks until you hear from god be still and so if that's one hour praise god if it's three hours praise god if it's one day two days three days um you know i was on a call earlier and and got asked this question it's that's simply put you shut off their other voices be still until you know and it's really but see that's where the value must be set in place because some of us don't value if we're honest we don't value his voice enough to pay that price to be still until we know and then we're like amen did our duty and we moved on 40 those who wait upon the lord will mount up um don't forget hebrews he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek him it's the fervent prayer of the righteous that availeth much that's deep into the book of james this is all new covenant here so again we practice the presence we have the holy spirit we have the inner knowing but sometimes i see that get taught and leaned upon a little too top heavy and we get lazy and we don't lock ourselves in our door pursue the fervent prayer of the righteous and and so the level at which we hear his voice is is a bit shallow at times if i'm being honest you know jesus knew he said the disciples picking my disciples and i'm going to entrust the eternal gospel over to to shake the modern day world nah this isn't a little high five on the way to work this is all night prayer this is all night prayer i'm selecting the twelve one of them to fulfill the actual natural of occurrence of what always already happened before the foundations of the earth me being crucified being judas other eleven nation shakers no no we need to so and he knew but still he modeled 100 percent uh humanity so he prays all night so anyway i'm gonna camp out here too long simply put we just don't sit still enough to allow him to speak we don't make room in our life for quality fellowship with the father and the son and the holy spirit now is the time i hope you guys hear me in love now is the time more than ever to simplify now listen the the closer you get to the lord's return the more simple you become i'm telling you this is how it works the the crazier the world is going to get the less crazy our world becomes because it's it's it's closer and closer to matthew 25 where i'm getting out of myself but now is the time more than ever to simplify and i don't want to step on your guy's toes you pray susan bergstahl how are you please some love to kenny but just pray and see what lands with you but i i'm just telling you cut off facebook social media daily you don't have to delete accounts but you know what i mean the social media deluge that is invading your world with little to no true eternal impact within your soul careful cancel tv subscriptions hulu's and yoohoos i have you who's in here i know that's a chocolate drink but i was just with my notes whatever it is that is creating a portal of so many other voices other than the pure unadulterated voice of god this is another big problem i'm mixing in here we've got so much distraction in other voices it's very hard to to hear with great clarity the voice of god our minds would be blown if we did a strategic calculation on how many other voices are coming into our world on a weekly basis daily basis hourly basis compared to the minute percentage of how much time we actually allow god's voice to come into our world i'm telling you if you sat there and really added it up mapped it out we'd be like no wonders i'm not hearing god consistently or very clearly um i have a whole nother deal i'll just get off of that but um just the distractions listen distractions are one of the greatest entrances to the voice of god we need to simplify and people complain about not being able to hear god but nobody wants to pay the price to shut off all the other voices i have that one underlined so i'll say it twice people complain about not being able to hear god but nobody wants to pay the price to shut off all the other voices sometimes look sometimes it's costly to shut all the other voices off but the value that's why we touched it in session one the value of once you get his voice and that door opens and there's communion and unity oh my gosh unmatchable invaluable priceless the value of his voice when it hits you it transforms everything about your being melts your heart transforms all of who you are into his likeness illuminates enlightens lights the path such clarity but we we're so i don't know you know and we've all been guilty of this isn't a condemning thing this is like all of us let's just come hire simplify mute mutes you know all the other voices and pay the price to shut all of those off to lean into him and so you say well how long do i be still and tell you no that's the biblical way you know what i mean how long do i wait upon the lord until you sin like an eagle and you're soaring in the revelation of his glory that's that's the life you want to sustain and maintain and anyway simplify the busyness of empty desires we continually fulfill placing purposeless tasks all throughout our day and week and month and year when they can be replaced with his presence and voice start to really see what you can pull out the distractions the noise the voices and just start to impart his presence his voices everything will transform the people that will most thrive in this last hour are those that are most saturated in his presence and voice day in and day out leading unto his return oil hoarders you guys have heard me teaching this before oil hoarders with lamps burning ever so bright from intimately knowing his presence and truly hearing comprehending and understanding his voice the revelation 3 20 hearing comprehending understanding i encourage you to do a great sifting of the distractions of life right now in this hour the matthew 25 versions uh virgins have one goal and focus in the last hour i'm telling you the more this thing culminates to the lord's return the true bride's focus is going to get so single so simplified so set apart and we're going to be the crazies that's why the jesus says in matthew 24 the chapter before that is the mascot paramount chapter for the end times he's like oh yeah they're going to hate you because of me you'll be persecuted because we're going to be like the black sheep the sticklers oh you're too religious and legalistic you know all is love and freedom you know you're going to see this big one world coming together around full out corruptness violence i'm not trying to be heavy i'm just just telling you the word just had this amazing dream on the days of noah we're in i may hopefully share it at the um our next this glory night's coming so now word it's so good but but i'm encouraged because it is what's going to come out of it is this matthew 25 bride that's so single focused they got one goal in mind period the bridegroom they're virgins set apart meaning there's nothing attached to them they don't care about anything else and they've got one lamp with one flame slammed full of oil and extra oil to keep that one flame lit after one thing the bridegroom that's all they care about there are no distractions they don't even they're not even interested and now's the hour where you want to really start cutting them off because the more distractions there are the more likely you are to fall into the camp of the foolish virgins and come time the dark hour when the bridegroom comes at midnight you're gonna find yourself having to go buy more oil down down the road and a door may shut you're not trying to be heavy but i'm telling you distractions and that price not paid to shut off other voices and just time invested into being with him this last hour company you can see it it's matthew 24 end times and then bam there's this random company of these wise virgins that have one focus in mind the program we've got to find him he's everything this is the whole reason that's the whole thing i'm after all the other distractions aren't even there they're there but they're not in the parable because they don't notice anything else they're after one thing and then he shouts midnight hour he comes he returns he shouts so um i have here um along the way will we capture a great harvest yes um along the way will we teach and train and make disciples yes but the ultimate overriding focus with little to no distractions will be going after him number two um maybe bad weather i'm losing my my connection but i may shut that off and jump back with you guys if he keeps doing it here in a second on comments but good thing you can hear me so listen number two pretty good joe number two this is really good gonna probably be a little bit of a curveball but it's big i just think a lot of us don't don't connect these two but they're really really important and i hope i can make it land uh remember i said i said uh the two of the top reasons why believers do not hear god clearly on a consistent basis or even much at all number one we went through number two listen to this is our mind not being renewed i have here this is massive all caps three exclamation marks massive if you can see it um the unrenewed mind i'll maybe reboot this bad boy we've got plenty of power though oh how do you do that there we go we'll start back up here in a second the unrenewed mind is one of the greatest hindrances to not only hearing the voice of god but most importantly hearing the voice of god accurately the unrenewed mind is one of the greatest hindrances to not only hearing the voice of god but most importantly hearing the voice of god accurately there we go maybe see here real quick okay sorry i hope you guys can see me i'm i'm not in it right now oh good hopefully you guys can see me yeah yeah there i am praise god the unrenewed mind is one of the greatest hindrances not only in the voice of god my daughter i thought i said it three times watch this and this applies to whatever means his voice is coming through whether it be inner witness holy spirit dreams visions angelic messengers all these things are going to be getting into but the unrenewed mind is one of the top reasons why so many believers do not hear the voice of god accurately or often if at all this is big listen i'm going to build into it but listen i really hope this lands because this is this is really massive um yes so good susan watch this the unrenewed mind places a filter over your spiritual ears i'm going to back all this up with scripture here in a second and everything that comes through that filter becomes distorted and this makes it very difficult to accurately hear god and follow him with any type of precision so two of the greatest hindrances of not hearing the voice of god we don't invest enough time we don't spend enough quality time intimately for him to even knock on the door to hear his voice open and commune and then also distractions other voices we don't pay the price just simplify but number two the unrenewed mind listen to me this is so massive and not only is it it's so far often overlooked that christians are well down the road and there's because of this right here there's still such a distortion and obscurity to god's voice in misinterpretation if if at all hearing right here and it's so obv is so obvious in scripture so laid out but the enemy's done a masterful job obviously the bible says do not be unaware of his schemes this is one of them if he can just keep a believer with pockets of their soul and mind that aren't renewed oh my gosh he's you're fighting uphill battle already he's already he's starting with like a five-point lead and so this is this has direct connection into hearing the voice of god and we have to realize god did it all his written word he laid out above his name eternal covenant of highest stature we're now in the new covenant greatest covenant of all jesus paid it all did it all gave the holy ghost he had we have spoken word continually through intimate relationship but the unrenewed mind if it stays unrenewed it's one of the greatest hindrances to hearing god clearly i'll start with romans 12 2 we all know this says do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind this is paul he hits it over and over do not conform to the pattern of this world that word conform means fit the mold okay so if i had a bottle of water and i poured water into it it would it would conform to the mold okay and anyway well yeah no i want to say we so all humans we know those were born into sin that's why you don't have to teach a baby to buck you as a parent when you say no or you know to steal or take from a candy from another kid because they want the candy you know um it's so funny i'll tell you guys a funny story but actually i was kind of one of those proud dad moments but uh it's kind of connects but not really i just thought of it i got a call one day from the school kids were at a young private school before they went into homeschool and my teacher's like uh judah he's he's just in pre-k barely talking and walking i mean they're like sippy cups right judah's on the playground and he they just you play in color at that age and play with toys you know but apparently a bigger kid was trying to take some of his toys on the playground and he didn't know he just like that ain't how we you know he said you don't teach these things it's just in mankind he picks up rocks and he's like let's go he's throwing he's battling with this big kid i saw that he was like twice his size but julia didn't fear him he's like that's my toy whatever said to get up to school totally correct judah i'll light them up they know that i'm old school i'm don't spare the rod bible and uh but it's funny listen to me i'm going to tell you guys go with the word trust me don't worry about where society is going the bible says foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child and the rod drives it out you know just leave you that anyway read the word but humanity is born into sin and when you're born again your spirit's what's the new creation but your soul has to be renewed that's why you work out your salvation and he's forever made perfect those that are being made holy and so there's still a conformity a lot of us don't know it um there's such a molding of society in the way of the the world that paul's writing in romans 12 2 we've got to be renewed and and you you don't conform don't become the mold of the pattern of this world but be transformed meaning come out of the mold how do you do that by the renewing of your mind so uh i'll read further i touched on the sum on the school of the word watches don't don't conform to the pattern of this world paul writes but be transformed meaning come out of transformed out of the mold by the renewing of your mind then i have all caps bold and underlined right here only then only once the minds are new then watch it start to unlock here you will be able to test and approve what god's will is how do you know god's will by his voice and by knowing him of course they're all tied in the renewing of the mind unlocks the clarity of his voice and knowing his will in his ways this is big and watch the tear the tears you can walk at and still be a believer i'm convinced heaven's going to people are going to bust heaven wide open as believers and look and i believe the tears that the lord's going to wipe away are the tears of like oh my gosh my scroll i had so much more i could have done and walked in and accessed of what the lord saw me walking in he's gonna big cheesy come and love you well done with what with what was accomplished but i believe some of the tears will be that wiped away that like oh my gosh from the unrenewed mind watch what happens depending on how renewed your mind is then you'll be able to test and prove what god's will is and watch the tears here his good that's the first base level or well pleasing meaning it's good to god some of his will can be good meaning he's like that's good that's good or you if your mind's even more renewed then you you walk in well pleasing it's well pleasing to god that's why i looked at jesus you know who i'm well pleased with job you want to step into heaven and him say well done then the final in top tier perfect you guys can read the verse on your own time when you get a chance but then only when your mind's renewed then and only then you say well man i have the kingdom within me it's the lord and jesus and shakalaka i got baptized in the holy ghost oh yeah but it's crystal clear over and over and over in scripture the unrenewed mind is the greatest blockade to hearing god's voice clearly and walking out his will his will with precision you'll then want your minds renewed then you'll be able to test and prove what god's will is good meaning base level well pleasing or perfect basically a touch on this last cool double cheeseburger 99 cent menu this is good i mean when i'm really hungry or you know what i'm saying or chopped steak we're doing well pleasing i'm talking about a really good one however you like them done onions and all that on it or mushrooms or none of the above if you don't like that whatever but well pleasing that you can literally be a believer and walk only in the good will of god where god's like that's good that's a double cheeseburger i'm glad you're doing something that's good or you can walk if your mind's more renewed this is the difference between believers i'm telling you many people are gifted gifts are irrevocable don't ever gage people off their gifts although it's amazing and paul says honestly covet them i don't know if i'm going to get through all this but but character in the renewed mind is how you see god rightly and hear him rightly it's so massive not only but about a a massive part so good there's the double cheese walkers and they're going to go to heaven they're saved well pleasing chopped steak we can do desserts here in a second too sorry if anybody's fasting um april said mine is the bread that's true that's not bad uh or filet mignon ribeye is pretty they're they're both up there for me amazing anyway pick your your choice perfect and then however you like it cooked okay good double cheeseburger well pleasing hamburger steak perfect filet mignon the only way you you walk in the filet mignon of heaven that's how god sees it is by the renewed mind it's not works at all god loves all three of them the same he his son died on the cross before the foundations of the earth for all of them loves you the same but it doesn't change the fact of how this whole thing set up in the renewed mine it basically gets all the chambers of your key just right to unlock the kingdom of heaven and the covenant fully made for you and god it's really big really really big and so depending on how deep your your mind is renewed and that's why we've got to get in this word deep in his presence shut off the other voices because that's the conformity that's the mold of this world and a lot of us i'm convinced a lot of us think nah no way i know that's kind of normal but but there's no way that there's areas of my life that aren't renewed i think we'd be very surprised i want to pray at the end that the holy spirit will reveal areas of our life and our mind actually that are not renewed because we don't know that's the problem when it's not rude you don't know you know just like that that's the definition of deception you don't know you're deceived you're deceived you don't know that you know what i mean so but when it gets renewed you his voice just clarity his nature his will it's all filet fillet filet and and then before god that's how he sees it he's like yes that's what i my son died for but until your mind is renewed it's not like you're earning anything you're just finally rightly postured under that which was already made available in heaven that's what it is and his voice is in that channel so loud and clear and consistent and frequent so let's let's go for the filet mignon shall we they need a an emoji for that so i have here um and we we see here we uh we see here that the renewal of the mind or lack thereof is what is in direct connection to where you fall out in this category merely good well pleasing or ultimately perfect the renewal of the mind is vital to hearing and knowing god's voice and will that's an entire school too the school of the renewed mind i may try and do one in the academy but my my gosh it's so amazing and awesome you know what god's made available for us but it's it's a price paid to dig deep into this and it in it it's a price paid the renewed mind is the narrow path there's a price paid for the renewed mind it's easy to conform to the world and their beliefs and yeah in the broad path but at least to destruction full life is the compressed way and it doesn't make sense and logic isn't often if at all there and so it's the way of faith in in not leaning upon your own understanding and how you think things ought to be and should know it's his voice his voice only his love anyway i'm going to get off on there uh john 8 47 i want to go back to this whoever is of god hears the words of god jesus says the reason why you don't you do not hear them his voice and his words is that you are not of god prime example the unrenewed mind peter born again top general under jesus christ he's like changing your name peter because upon this rock i'm going to build my church spokesman on the day of pentecost but even peter in a moment acted in an unrenewed mind and jesus rebukes him remember there uh he talks about he's gonna basically his trip to the cross peter says not on my watch i'll take him out i'll protect you dr jesus rebukes peter that the that's going to be literally one of the foundational apostles of the church he says get behind me satan why you have the mind of man your mind's not renewed so you can't hear clearly what i'm telling you right now where i gotta go to save all of mankind you it's obscure there's a blockade there your mind's not renewed he rebuked him hard and so of course this applies to unbelievers but also what i'm going to propose i'll continue so often there john 8 47 whoever is of god hears the words of god the reason why you do not hear them god's words in his voice is that you are not of god so often there are areas of our soul or mind that are not renewed and thereby are not of god and because of that very reason we cannot hear god jesus said it under his own mouth if something's not of god it can't hear god and the bible is clear our soul can can be unrenewed which is not of god and so those areas it's very hard it creates blockades to hear god clearly if at all or you start to hear it with filters it distorts and that's some so many people i'm getting out of myself the reason you do not hear god is it is not of god so when we still have unrenewed belief patterns or ideologies or mindsets or philosophies which is really just a focused way of thinking that have any conformity to this world those very areas of our life cannot hear god and listen this is so big in this last hour that we need leaders with with crystal clear pure minds renewed because there's people that are very gifted in leadership they were meant to be it's upon them you see it they lead well they see with great vision they've got something on their life that leads and pulls a generation but there's certain areas that aren't renewed and it's getting on this next generation that aren't really pure to god's nature and voice and will and they hear through distorted ways thereby they see distorted and they display distorted and and we don't you know all of us want to become more and more renewed again it's a totally different school and of itself but but i have here uh this is why so many believers don't walk in healing and the list goes oh i just picked a few the list goes on and on and on and on while they have a treasure chest of perfect healing and wholeness made available through the voice and covenant of god remember god says this is my son hear him exclamation mark hear him well jesus if we hear him and watch his life he removes our sin and sickness sin and sickness are always together too by the way you see it in scripture as far as the east is from the west by his stripes you were healed first peter 2 24 so i'm going fast well listen to first peter 2 24 who his own self bore our sins in his own body god's like this is my son listen to him watch him listen renew your mind to everything he says every way he walks if he moves his pinky to the right you you do that renew to that don't be conformed to this mold hear him who his jesus christ own self bore our sins in his body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness and then why they throw this in here by whose stripes you were healed past tense healing and sin and sickness are one and the same you shouldn't be sick any more than you live in sin and vice versa jesus nailed them both on the tree and they were past tense so my whole point is imagine you have a treasure chest here do i still have any gadgets look i've still got the red door still hanging around with the knocker what was that it's cool of knowing him that one won't work um no i think i took the gemstones out anyway let's just imagine we have a um still got the back scratch here treasure chest fully available and open of healing because it is it was already done you were just as much as your sins are removed a lot of times it's easy for us to realize our sins are removed but we don't realize our sicknesses were too they were they're tacked on that same tree with your sins whatever it is well but i have this symptom that that that's a lie i'm not yielding to it i have no time accepting that it's not real well you're in denial okay well you believe it and hang on to it i'm going to know the word and watch it what will happen is sickness through time as you keep leaning on the word and your mind's renewed you can hear god's voice clearly and like hear him oh easy you know i know what he says he's already looking down going what are you doing you've got a treasure chest full of complete wholeness and healing that already paid for way back then and so you can hear clearly and then you you hear clearly so you preach more clearly you see more clearly over others anyway the mind renewed but things that aren't reality trying to hang on and as long as your minds are new they slip off they can't you can stay for any length of time anyway or many don't walk in freedom from depression or don't walk in abundance and don't know god in this arena nor can hear his voice in it i'm telling you when the mind's not renewed we don't know it but we the enemy loves it because he's like i can he sees it he's like no no i'm good whatever just keep those areas of their mind unrenewed and then i've got a blockade there i can work for i've got a stronghold number one and i'm going to show that to you later but also god's voice can't get through clearly thereby it doesn't become experiential and we know it we we know it by head knowledge but the mind has to be renewed and that's how it becomes deep within you it'd be like if i ate a protein bar and it goes into my muscles and becomes part of me that's a mind being renewed that's why we go deep in the word deep in his presence pray in the holy ghost saturated by his presence not just head knowledge you know a verse many of us know that can quote it but renewed it becomes you experientially anyway or uh many don't know true love so they walk in many areas of fear and no i'm not i'm not picking on anybody we all need grace and i'm just encouraging this is so beautiful the renewed mind uh many many areas of fear and can't even hear outside of the filter of fear that overlap so many areas of our life wherever there is fear you've got to know this again this is the word this is the bible we've got to really go after this thing and go for that compressed way of the word and only the word and what it says you know um wherever there is fear again this is just the bible many of us would love to debate this but you can't when you look at looking up against the word we when you gotta always remember this is the plumb line his word is the anchor this solidifies all and if it can't be truly nailed down and proven throughout the word of god and and found it here it's there's something off and something's not renewed so god's voice is distorted which we can't hear clearly and accept and make it into an experiential reality to then walk out and so forth wherever there is fear perfect love does not reside why because the bible says perfect love who which is is god it's who he is cast out all fear not some of it not most of the time all fear all the time it's not possible for god and to truly know him and have him dwell anywhere within you and have fear dwell in the same place it's impossible fear fear not is actually the most repeated phrase in all of the word of god tons of times it's either be not afraid or fear not god hates fear it's not from him um to create it in in any way that's why this one of the enemy's great methods is fear and he loves to be elevated and elevate his world because then he he thinks you're you're kind of paying attention to his schemes but he's actually creating fear and people walk in it in a subconscious way don't know it but anyway fear creates strongholds anyway but wherever there is fear perfect love does not reside which are areas of our life that we do not truly know god in or not of god fear is not of god how do you not hear god when something of you is not of god that's what jesus said in john 8 so this by default makes it very hard to hear or discern god's voice in these areas and as long as that unrenewed area is there the devil has a heyday because number one he's got a stronghold i'll show you in a second but also it's a blockade to the voice of god it can't get in and here and it causes like i've seen it doesn't have seen it there's some that are their minds totally renewed in the realm of healing and they walk in healing they believe in healing casting you know they'll cast out spirits infirmity or um heal the sick flowing power but their mind's not renewed into the god of abundance and he owns the cattle on a thousand hills he desire that we all prosper and be in good health and prosper in all things be in good health even as our soul prospers in this mind isn't renewed here and they're they're always walking lack there's no generosity there's always they'll give but there's strings attached because it's something i'm getting back for giving and if not you're going to pay me back and there's there's no generosity and the realm of abundance is is locked up and even hearing god through that it's hard to hear because it's not renewed it's so god's voice and it's not on god's end it's on ours we must have our mind renewed or vice versa i've seen it where people are there's imbalances and all of us have a long way to go none of us are ever perfect until we see jesus but may we have our mind renewed because you start to hear god's voice so clearly and fully and accurately precisely true to who he is in his word and when you do that the door opens and there's true communion and when it's true communion there's likeness in those areas and then when there's likeness in those areas it's it's who you are so now you deposit it to others so yeah i have here uh it's not god's fault he's speaking clearly from all of who he truly is we just have this distorted filter over our spiritual ears called the unrenewed mind that hinders and pollutes our ability to hear which then makes it hard to truly open that door enabling purely deep communion i actually said all this already i forgot i was in my notes but that's all it was within me so right here i'm going to start um trying to land it one two yeah watch this okay this one will slow down a little bit um caleb see you uh ii corinthians chapter 10 three through five the i love this i love this please if you're taking notes but but more importantly just hope it lands second corinthians chapter 10 three through five paul's writing to the church of corinth gunners of the modern day gospel sloppy in a lot of areas but get most gifted spiritually powerhouses and watch what paul hits we we miss this so often and because of the devil has a heyday with believers and god's voice is continually not getting in clearly if at all paul writes for in it's in this is in the context actually spiritual warfare but watch how how tightly it's knit into hearing god's voice second corinthians 10 3-5 for though we walk in the flesh we do not war according to the flesh for the weapons we all know these verses but listen where we always stop look the weapons i've got a wannabe weapon envelope envelope opener we do not war according to the flesh magnifying glass so we put those down that's not how we wore the weapons of our warfare paul writes are not carnal they're not carnal put that back but mighty in god mighty in god for pulling down strongholds okay so there's some strongholds that can take place on the dark side and we have weapons they're not carnal but they're mighty and let me see oh they're in god and they're for the pulling down of strongholds and we all stop there and we don't thoroughly continue watch watch actual true new covenant warfare at its finest they're mighty for this paul okay the baddest apostle in the land wrote two-thirds of the epistles half of the new testament including the gospels i mean okay mighty for pulling down strongholds this is big guys in this last hour anyway and really all okay so for what paul what are we for what like how how are we pulling down strong holds how do we do that by casting down arguments in every high thing that exalts itself against what the knowledge of god bringing what every thought into captivity this is the renewed or unrenewed mind this is the realm the enemy fights and listen old covenant different ballgame we're in a new and better coming old covenant jacob takes a nap he goes into a dream there's a ladder in heaven set up on the earth angels of god ascending and descending new covenant john 1 51 jesus christ is the latter that the angels of god are sin to descend upon and guess where in the new covenant jesus christ is within us greater is he that's within us than he that's in the world the kingdom of heaven is within the the holy ghost is within old testament holy spirit will come upon and lift never possess and fill now we're filled with the holy spirit so so the battle nowadays is in the mind and we get so busy pulling down we're thinking strongholds and watch when i break down the greek here paul's not talking about anything although i get it i'm very prophetic i love all this stuff please don't mishear me but i'm telling you right now the enemy wants you looking off and pulling and and while your mind's not renewed because then he's going to run your world and you're going to wonder why years later anyway watch this though really break this down for we walk in the flesh but we don't war according to it okay our weapons of what they're mighty weapons we have they're in god and they are also for pulling down strongholds okay how are we doing where are you going with this paul casting down arguments and and this is you know why also too i think a lot of us miss we miss apply this we it's applicated in the wrong way because what sometimes we want the spiritual galactic you know and don't get me wrong listen i know all those verses too i hammered but but this definitely this is big and this is you see it over and over in the new custom testament romans corinthians ephesians and he wants us out in the spiritual stronghold realm but you honestly don't see a lot of that in the new covenant you you you know i'm gonna get off on a whole other thing but actually the greatest warfare is in the the realm of the mind the soul that's where it's at in the new covenant and the enemy loves for people to miss this and get off it there's so much and i've seen it too over the years again while i love it i get it i know all the verses i support i'm very prophetic okay i've just i've seen though where it's been misconstrued and then some really crazy theologies that just aren't biblical get attached to it they spin off and they'll take certain verses to make it work but it's not it's not conducive of the whole word of god it doesn't it's not biblical and when something's not biblical it's unrenewed when something's unrenewed we don't hear god we don't hear or see god clearly and it really messes things up but anyway watch this for pulling down on strongholds paul says how do we how are we pulling out what are our weapons that are mighty and in god for for pulling those charcoals oh this is how you do it you cast down arguments what are arguments paul watches greek the greek word of this arguments he uses in second corinthians is logismos the exact origin of from the word we get logic from and listen to me this is why a lot of people miss they don't want to think no it can't be it can't be in your logic in your mind it sounds too natural it sounds too heady we want the spiritual stuff but this is very very spiritual and this is why the enemy's having a heyday with people unrenewed mind she's sitting on their shoulder full legal right into the stronghold of their soul but they're binding and strongholding and pulling and there's still fear there year after year they're still misconstrued perception of god in this area his nature because of a hurt a rejection that their minds aren't renewed and i'm telling you it's there still buying i'm okay with all this stuff but if your mind's not renewed you're not really operating in true new covenant warfare you see it again in ephesians i'll touch it here in a second this is where the true um people walking through victory when when their minds are new the enemy's like dang dang that's messed up and they shut all the doors i don't have strong i don't have that misperception anymore that's how i would get in i had that stronghold that part was unrenewed so i had a fear still there that was the open door there was still that fear there or what or whatever it is there's there's a whole list it's a whole other school but watch what arguments are logismos they come from the original word logic listen to what it is this is what paul's saying our mighty weapons are for the pulling down strongholds okay your reasoning this is the greek origin word what paul wrote calculated thoughts your thoughts or your reckoning or you're considering or your logical conclusion it's in the mind the logical thought pattern and so the pulling down of the strongholds is casting down that wrong logic um i said it a second ago it's a focused way of thinking the unrenewed mind and again i know we're like no way this is it's too natural it's not it's not spiritual it's very spiritual the unrenewed mind is the gateway of the spirit realm whether good or bad and whether renewed or unrenewed it's massive it's your soul it's the number one anyway but these casting down these arguments are casting how do we put on strongholds that are mighty and god paul saying by casting down calculated thoughts and reasoning in wrong reckoning and considering are logical conclusions that happen okay so in casting these down is how you pull down strongholds it's just the bible i didn't write it okay i love all of it but i'm just saying if we really dig deep into the word this is what paul's talking about here not by waving anyway sorry i'm going to get to i want to be loving but i said this the devil's having a heyday with so many believers while having legal access into their unrenewed minds thereby distorting the voice of god if enabling people to hear god at all in certain areas meanwhile we're binding rebuking doing prophetic acts anointing doorways and and pleading the blood and i say do all of that i love it all seriously i'll be right there with you i think it's awesome but if your mind's not renewed you're wasting your time i'm telling you according to paul which is the inherent word of god this is big and you say well how do i get renew my mind romans 12. get deep in the word the presence here and whose you gaze at him you shut off the other voices because as long as you you're continually hearing other voices than his there's that conformity still trying to mold you in to what's not fully of god and to pull down real quick greek means to forcibly yank down destroy leaving nothing standing or even in good working order and and sorry if i'm stepping on anybody's toe that you know you guys know i love you i mean all this love and i'm preaching myself we're all in it you know what i mean i hope i'm not but but i just the word big that we listening in the freedom in the the oh it's i'll get excited about it but but to pull down these strongholds it means forcibly yank down destroy leave nothing standing or even in good working order so does that mean pulling stuff do whatever but the bible is saying the the the arguments those those false thoughts um false thoughts and reasoning and logic is what you've got to forcibly yank down and i'm telling you right now you staying full of the holy spirit gives you the strength because when your soul is too strong it's hard by your spirit to to pull them down your thought life will get away from you it's hard to control but we've got to start growing in maturity as believers staying full of the holy spirit don't be drunk in one but stay filled with the holy spirit praying in the holy ghost staying saturated in the presence deep in the word and soon as thoughts in many of us have have been given our faults over to the to the soulish sorry the dark realm that's unrenewed for so long it almost seems like impossible to stop but you just start forcibly yanking them down nope and you go back to the word in the truth renewed mind and watch what will happen the door will get close shorter it'll it'll shut tighter and tighter and then close finally and the enemy loses his stronghold and that's the area now that's of god so you can hear god but as long as it's unrenewed it's not god's looking at a god that's not me that's not my word it's not my nature i did it all already but you must renew your mind you must cast down arguments this is on us okay anyway and you keep reading it's all the soul the mind it's all the thoughts in the realm this is the how you pull down strongholds this is spiritual warfare at its finest i'm telling you anybody that pulls their weight in the kingdom they they function in this at a high level they're like black belts they they they walk i'm taking anybody that truly has great impact from the eternal side okay and you'll see it you'll see the fruit around them the growth the maturity you'll start to see them in high pressure situations and they they think not that they've been in it and they their mind is renewed and this is spiritual warfare at its finest this is from the hands of paul penned by the spirit and all three of them they're all the mind and the soul casting down arguments i just told you comes from the word your logic your reasoning your reckoning your calculated thoughts that's how you pull down strongholds that's our weapons mighty not even prayer you know what i'm saying but no of course i just hammered that of course it's prayer that's what fuels the alignment his presence in his word but also the weapons he's talking about we have in god or that right there how do you pull down strongholds you cast down arguments that are that are posing against see i'm going to continue or every and every high thing which listen to what high thing is in the greek origin presumption or idea that is lifted up against the knowledge of god those are what you you pull down and leave nothing remaining or in good working order you forcibly go after these things so i don't encourage you guys still do the the blood pleading in the oil i love it all but this right here we need to get militant about our thought life vigilant because it's distorting the ability to hear god clearly and it's it's keeping our minds unrenewed and our mind our thought patterns are still conformed to the world which is not of god and jesus said it crystal clear in john 8 if it's not of god you can't hear god the reason why you don't hear the words of god is because you're not of god oh these other areas that are renewed yet those now are of god so that's why you hear them clearly here but these areas no those aren't of god they're not renewed you're not going to hear them clearly there you see god's done it all given us the spirit the word spoken jesus died rose again but if our mind isn't renewed you know this big so high thing again it's a presumption or an idea that exalts itself against the knowledge of god so you even see here if our mind is renewed then there are things in our soul that are lifted up against the knowledge of god and if that area of our life does not truly know god it cannot hear god clearly if at all i would encourage you to begin to ask god to show you areas of your mind that aren't renewed as we would be shocked once it's illuminated by the spirit because i'm telling you right now the enemy's not going to show you he's like no no please let's just just keep giving me those doorways you can buy and rebuke and do all you want but i need those doorways and uh because he has legal anyway so let's read further weapons might weapons of warfare not carnal but mighty and god for pulling down strongholds amazing how do we do it paul oh he's like yeah cast down your logic your reasoning your reckoning your your calculated thought life and presumptions or ideas that are against the knowledge of god when when people start walking into this the devil's like oh great i got i got a heavyweight to deal with now this these are serious they they mean business now this is true new covenant warfare you know um and he keeps so he's casting down arguments every high thing exalted against god then listen to this again bringing every thought it's again that thought realm into captivity which means to take as a prisoner to the obedience of christ spiritual warfare at its finest and talk about victory and power and all of a sudden god's voice is clear oh my gosh i had no idea and god's like you know i've been talking it's who i am but you had the distortion over it it was i was coming out of my mouth clear but it was hitting you like thunder because it was unrenewed here it was hit you and you thought it was just an angel but there was unrenewed there so take a captive every thought the listen to the greek origin of thought now we did logismos logismos logic we did uh high thing which is presumption or idea against the knowledge of god listen to thought all three of these are what or how we pull down strongholds in the spirit this is how we wage war he's telling us to one of the top spiritual gunners of the day church of corinth greek origin noema watch this where we get the word to perceive or think from it means thought design of the mind and again a lot of us i think we think no way that's that's new agey the mind and just perception and logic that's two new age that we're we're spirit beings we're the but listen the new age is trying to steal our world this is the dominant truth in in all liberty possible by the blood and power in the name of jesus christ in the new covenant we have in full relationship with him this is the word you know but it's it's here it's just the written word we've got thought design of the mind result or way of thinking the mind's final output how you think and listen when it's unrenewed there's an immediate blockade there to hear god clearly if at all because it's unrenewed and so this is big again i think often overlooked i don't know where a lot of these teachings come from in the spiritual battle warfare context but they and again i love it and i get them listen to me i love it the prophet came to paul put a belt around him he said you'll be bound i know prophetic acts love it i'm gonna be like yay let's do it it's good but i'm just telling you true biblical fashion the enemy when he sees people with getting their minds renewed he's like oh great great i've got a serious problem now because this is what paul's really talking about the logic the mind every high thing lifts itself up against the knowledge thought patterns ways of philosophies ideologies that are conformed and but to take captive those it literally means um i could see like if you're to take captive in a as a prisoner those thoughts and so i want to encourage you every time it comes start to just battle it with fierceness by the strength of the spirit not in and of yourself through intimacy y'all you guys know that everything is is here um so uh but like in a game of checkers this is what it means to take captive say you're playing the enemy and he puts forth a checker of of thoughts or there's and it's not even blatant sin by any means it's just it's just worldly thoughts get behind me satan you have the mind of man it's it's contrary to god he'll put him forth what you do is you jump them with the renewed mind and you take them captive you've played checkers once you jump them you not only take them prisoners they're off the board they're gone they're gone and so that's that's what the renewed mind does it it takes captive those thoughts and it constantly does it and then all of a sudden you walk in a renewed mind and god's voice is so clear and pure and you see him rightly and the distortion lifts i'll start to land it yes so this verse clearly shows us that strongholds are set up in the mind the only access point the enemy has is that which you give him through the unrenewed mind again i know a lot of people don't like this but it's just bible just bible 101 it's new covenant i'm telling you the only access point don't get me wrong i know the enemy takes cheap shots and over plays his hand and does things but typically the enemy only you know the only access point the enemy has is that which you give him through the unrenewed mind and he's got a doorway somewhere in there furthermore as we saw earlier in john 8 it becomes very difficult to hear god as the part of who who you are is not of god and if you read further you not only take every thought captive but you actually take them captive into the obedience of christ that's why it even says submit to god resist the devil and he'll flee but with certain areas of your mind that aren't renewed they're not submitted to god that's why the devil doesn't flee their strongholds and then but more importantly in this context there's blockades to his voice and lack of experience experientially knowing his voice and that knowledge of god in it that we don't walk it out in a true applicable way ephesians 4 23 paul hits it again be renewed in the spirit of your minds i want to pray with you guys greek origin for this word he uses here is noose and it means your mind your understanding your reasoning faculty and intellect this is the word of god and i know a lot of us again we're like nah it's too natural it's too much in the mind and the logic in us we're the spirit in the and we are but i'm telling you right now that that area when it's not renewed which is a hundred percent your soul in your way of thinking in your intellect and reasoning when it's not renewed number one it's it's a gateway the enemy knows it's his 100 means of of battling you period that's why this sword of the spirit ephesians 6 is the word of god does that make sense i can't hear you answer me but that's what's the word of god because it renews and slams the door and the enemy just he can't get in so i want to pray that that the lord would illuminate ares but begin to pull us into such a deep hunger of the renewing of our mind and of course the first one i mentioned of yielding in such a way making time for him and simplifying shutting off the voices leaning into this this with the wise virgin company in the last hour this single focused and watch his voice just skyrocket and illuminate become so clear you know so awesome uh skipped through a good bit but i was able to um get it so thank you lord so let's pray because again every at the end of every cosmos want to pray for a shift and an increase deposit of heaven in his his presence and ways and then we'll do words of knowledge dreams and such and communion and i'll bless you guys so jesus we love you thank you for your word thank you lord god i pray that now that you'd release a fresh stamina a a new grace over each and every one to love you to just simplify in this hour cut off all the other voices pay that price to hear your voice to be still until we know to wait until we ascend upon wings like eagles the fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much a greater diligence and fervency and ability through love not not works not legalism but just complete infatuation so greater stamina and ability to be with you lock away matthew 6 6 close the door and be with you to where your voice can knock and then we can open it and actually come in with you and i pray a supernatural sweeping through this class and the school and the academy and everybody at the sound of my voice renewing of the mind in the name of jesus christ renew our minds i pray all of us together holy spirit illuminate areas of our mind that that are not renewed recalibrate our logic and reasoning unto your the knowledge of god unto your word [Music] we pull down strongholds by casting down arguments and high presumptions and ideas against your knowledge wrong reckoning and reasoning and logic and thoughts we take captive which is again as our mind and reasoning and understanding give us a great great grace by the power of the holy spirit let us say so full of the holy spirit colossians 3 16 let the word of christ dwell richly within us that our mind might be renewed and we walk according to your way thereby your voice just coming like a deluge such clarity crystal clear booming love of all of you or that we may know you intimately first and foremost we can hear you follow you [Music] in jesus name amen [Music] you
Channel: Brian Guerin
Views: 9,591
Rating: 4.9170508 out of 5
Id: KAVQq-wu69s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 22sec (5482 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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