Glock Gen5 - Lower Disassembly & Reassembly

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[Music] alright I'm money McGill this is the Glock store performance and Custom Shop and this is part 2 of the disassembly reassembly of the new gen 5 and I'm working on a Glock 17 Gen 5:17 and I've already done the complete disassembly reassembly of the upper this is part 2 of the lower so we're gonna go ahead and take a gander at the lower like I said the one difference here that significant is there's only one pin above the trigger so it's really a two paint gun kind of like the original Glock Gen 1 had one pin so for whatever reason you know Glock thought hey like you know it's fine you know a couple things in my mind you know the locking block is actually keyed into the frame into the plastic and when I say keyed it means that it's actually tilted a little bit so it's not gonna come out ourselves and it does give itself some kind of structural integrity because of it being keyed like that the other thing to keep in mind too and a lot of people don't know this because people say wants a plastic frame you know they get all worried about that but you know the the rail system right here actually is a horseshoe shape piece of steel that gets over molded with plastic so this rail actually comes all the way under and all the way back up so there is metal inside the frame itself the rails aren't just placed in there that's actually one piece of metal so it does have a lot of integrity there's a big heavy locking block here and that pin just serves really to keep it there it does give it a little bit of structural integrity this way usually you know you're always looking for the up down and sideways that's the word we're you know we're looking for integrity and and the slide itself being on top of this whole thing also gives it that integrity side to side because the slides a piece of steel and it's not gonna allow this thing that collapse so all that said you know the one pin you know I'm not quite sure why they went back to that but they did and Glock is a lot smarter than I am so let's go and do the assembly so we got to take the one pin out and a lot of you are gonna struggle with that pin because you're not quite understanding what going on so the pin as as it sits in there is kind of captured I'm gonna use that word by the slide stop lever so the slide stop lever is also intersecting that pin so if you see the slide stop lever and and what's different about this slide stop lever is that it's a U shape or a horseshoe shape here because it's on both sides so it is captured by this pin and the pin is captured by it there's a spring there okay so there's a big hole in the slide stop lever which we'll show you but there's also a spring there that is actually pushing up on the slides up lever inside there that is actually intersecting with a notch on the pin so there's a notch area using this one as a reference point this is not the right pin but it's the same concept so this round hole of the slide stop lever is actually captured around that and pushing up and locking that in place so it's caught on that lip of that rim so when you try to just push that pin out without manipulating the slide stop lever you're really fighting against that is to steal and steal and you know you can bang it out but this is so much an easier way and the easier way is just to you know take your punch and again this is my my favorite punch set this is it's the right one yeah that could work or this one could work I think I'm going to use this guy though and so then I'm going to come up here and I'm just going to manipulate this up a little bit and it usually comes right out so I'm gonna pull this guy up and and and and and give it a little bit of pressure back and forth and then I can usually just push it straight out just like that so I just lifted it up a little bit not too much because I don't want it to be caught on the other side of the lip so I kind of bring up to the middle position and just slightly wiggle it back and forth so it finds itself off the lip and then I just push the pin straight through and you'll notice I'm using my expensive gunsmithing bench tool here a little bit of duct tape in a sense painters tape too capture the pin also to give me a surface on which to work so the pin and can go through and there's the pin halfway through right there I'm just gonna pull it out and drop it into the bucket you know so now that's that's basically a you know used to be you'd have to take a locking block pin out but that's that's it so now let's go ahead and lift off the actual locking block itself and I can do that just by prying it straight up come straight up like so and you're going to notice the the hole in which it goes through of note you'll see that they still have a channel for another pin in the locking block it's like well that's interesting okay do they plan to add that maybe that's where 40-caliber at some point who knows what's going on with that thing but they you know that's where the locking block pin would basically go but they don't have it here they have the two holes right there and that's how your pin basically intersects with that device so that's the locking block put that down next up I'm gonna go ahead and take out my slide stop it's the ambidextrous slide stop it's just gonna lift straight out I believe unless I've got to take my trigger out first here and nobody comes right out all right here's what I wanted to show you there's the two pins or two holes excuse me in which my pin goes through like like such so it captures a locking block and it captures the slide stop lever like so there's the spring I was talking about so that spring actually you know kind of gives it a little bit of spring pressure up and down then what I was trying to show you is that the the the notch gets caught on that thing let me get the actual pin here and I'll show you for sure the notch gets caught in here and it can actually interfere with taking this thing out and in so if I press up it's gonna be hard to kick out but all I'm doing is I'm just lifting this up a little bit and pushing forward to reduce the pressure off that notch it's a very slight notch but it does make a difference all right so that goes there and that is the and that is a truly a man dexterous slide stop lever or slide release lever ambidextrous in a sense you could use it regular handed either way so even you right he's out there could actually come up with your with your index finger and flick it up if you wanted to just like all the lefties have been known for years all right that being said now we can take our trigger housing pin out and for that I'm gonna grab my my skinny punch and this one I'll use the hammer as well so you'll notice I'm taking my pins out from the left to right just kind of an old habit old gunsmith told me that's how you do it this is my hammer you can see it's got a steel tip it's also got a nylon tip which makes it really nice to put these pins back in place but right now I'm gonna go steel on steel and this is comes out fairly simply as you see and there's the pin this is a plastic pin or should I say polymer pin okay it'll be happier o'clock so I pull out the whole trigger assembly okay there comes the trigger assembly of which consists a trigger bar trigger housing that's what's called the ejector gonna be unique shape in the Gen 5 a little different than the the Gen 4 so as you did for Gen 3 2 and then you're also gonna notice how the trigger bar intersects with the trigger return spring or the trigger spring which lives inside here ok notice that it is basically a little stirrup almost that captures the bar so the connector is the same by the way so you can use our double down in three and a half pound connector to get a better trigger pull in the Gen 5 that's a good thing because we have those ready now to pull this off of the bar I'm gonna pull forward a little bit notice how spring-loaded to pull the bar off of the trigger housing I'm going to pull forward and then I'm gonna twist it out and here it comes now look how it's loaded there I want to see you get in close see how it's loaded up there and that little syrup because I got to put it back in there when I go to reassemble alright you see it drop down which is always a pain there's a trigger bar it's a little different than your standard Gen 3 Gen 4 bars because it doesn't have the tail down here with a little hole in it that accepts the trigger spring it is lacking that piece because the trigger spring now intersects with this front part of the cruciform being the square back there or the cross back there and we'll talk about that in a little bit I do want to show you you know the 300-pound connector is easily installed and you're basically going to go ahead and take your punch and just push the connector out from the other side so it lives right there and I can come over here and to see if I captured this guy right there and just push this thing out just that easy okay a little bit of pressure there so it is the connector and that's a very important part because it releases the trigger bar as you pull the trigger bar back the trigger back the trigger bar intersects with that and then it falls based upon the angle of this piece right here and this piece right here is what controls how far it has to come back before it drops off the three half pound connector has a different angle and it has a lighter trigger pull because the angles corrected okay so that's your connector that's your stock factory connector now we can look inside here I'm not gonna take this apart because now you don't need to and you shouldn't and you typically are gonna buy this unit as is okay with the spring already installed okay but if you look inside here you're gonna notice it's kind of like a guide rod system they have a bar plastic bar that runs this way and it captures it has a spring captured around it and on in front of that is this little stirrup thing that we just talked about and so this is spring-loaded basically right there so that bar actually captures that and it allows the spring pressure back and forth it's a plastic rod so that's why I don't want to mess with it too much because you know this gun hasn't had a whole lot of action to it I don't replace that part and what start playing with these plastic parts in and out and out and out a hundred times it's gone I need replacing okay so if I was to take that out you basically have to push this guy forward and get that piece right there to stick out of there and then you slide it up to the top here so it's not that hard I did it the other day and I'll see you again there it is right there so you're coming out and I could slide that up to the top there but I'm not gonna do it here so you can that whole piece comes up now go just do it for you what the heck and there it comes out and there it falls out by itself it's like I said there's the plastic guide rod with a couple of little steps on it their foot stills they're sitting on there's the end of it it captures a little piece there trigger bar goes into here like so okay and this piece kind of floats in the I mean really just floats in here and so now we'll go ahead and put it back through here it floats in this trigger housing so this is what I didn't want to do is pump all this thing on here it but I'll do it for you so we're gonna stick it back out here and get it started with my finger and pull it down that's hard to show you yeah stick it out and pull it down there you go so I had to stick it through the hole protrude it and then pull it down and it snaps into place here and like I said that piece kind of free rides in there based upon that one in connection and that's why I don't want to play with it too much but now you know all right so that one's back together again when you buy this trigger housing its preassembled when you buy our pyramid trigger it'll have a little lighter spring or a little heavier spring there to help return that that trigger better that's a you know what we do with our pyramid sugar we have a little heavier return spring that's what that is that spring returns the trigger back to its normal position so it gives you a better reset alright so there you go there you go there you go and last thing is the slide lock lever also known as the takedown lever you don't want to learn how to do this because this allows us to take the gun apart but we have an extended version of that which is much easier it's longer here so it's much easier in your fingers to actually grasp it and again it's precision versus a stamped part keep in mind when you look at this okay there's two sides to it there's a side with a with a lip to it and a side that's smooth the side with a lip to it is a side that gums back towards the shooter because the barrel locks up on that side right there so it's important when you reassemble it at the side of the lipid you can get in there with your finger and actually feel it you know the feeling it's not very big but on the other side it just slips right off there's no lip there it's a slight lip but I'll show you that when I take it apart but I just want to let you know that it goes back towards the shooter when you install it and a lot of people have done it incorrectly and it's not pretty because the slide just comes right off okay all right now to disassemble this it's not fun it's captured by a little spring right here little coil spring used to be a leaf spring in the gen 3 and Gen 4 it's a coil spring now that is in the middle so to do this what we have to do is we're gonna push down and push out at the same time so we can come in here with a bigger fatter punch and push this guy down let's see if I can come up here like so so I keep my fingers out of the way and then work it off that spring it's not like I said it's not easy it's a pain in the butt and I don't know why they did it this way but they did and now let's see if we can actually do it like this okay that's better okay all right so I've got him working off now you can see I did I push it down my finger came up here and push it through with a punch and here's coming down and make sure that spring doesn't go flying away too so I'm gonna keep my finger over top of that hole here comes the slide lock and there's that spring and it just sits in there there's no magic there it'll fall out like so there's this spring and that I understand is a safety pleasure spring so it's one part is actually interchangeable there's a hole in there where it fits make sure you Center it up and sit it in that hole because we're gonna put it right back together now it looks like it's in the right place here's the slide lock and I mentioned to you that there's stamped well I'm gonna prove it to you right now there you see how it sits everybody pushing aside see how it lifts up because the one side it's bowed it actually has a bow to it it's not a flat piece and because of that it's it comes up and because of that it has less accuracy because they don't lock up the same place every time we have a solution for that it's our precision extended slide lock also now available in Gen 5 the difference being same everything's really the same as far as the way it looks but the notch here is a little larger in the Gen 5 - except that spring versus the small little notch that accepted a little leaf spring okay all right to reassemble this it's a pain as well but you know here we go remember we're gonna keep our knotch to the rear and there's a number there also that kind of tells you that that's where it goes this is the smooth side so let me show you that versus the knots side boom and you know might as well say you know by the way here is your strip train all right this is a district frame now there's one other thing in here that I forgot to take apart and that is the actual magazine button and I do have my magazine disassembly tool right here the magazine catch tool so this is uh let's see if I get here to look inside here right in there it's there there you go okay alright you see that little V in there inside that V and there's the spring right there it resides a little roll pin there's a spring that's your magazine X release spring mag release spring it's just uh captured in that V with friction I mean just fits in a little hole there's no magic there either very simple to remove that pin I'm gonna go in there with my flat head screwdriver and I'm just gonna scoop it out and when I say scoop it out you'll see when I take the button out it will show you how this thing resides in there how it captures itself into that piece there and there we go let me show it to you again here I've got it over and above the piece right now alright let's see there you go see it there now I just looked at it out of its a little notch I'm not gonna digging the spring out I'm just gonna go ahead and drift this guy out here yeah here it comes well let me have to take the spring up let's see here let's just see I do not have my needlenose pliers well okay so in that case I don't have my needlenose pliers I don't need to take this thing out you can see how it lives what I want to do is go in there grab that and pull that spring all the way out and it comes out with needlenose pliers but I don't have my needlenose pliers so I'm gonna continue one you've seen in other videos same concept you pull that spring right out this spring is just a little roll pin it gets captured in the magazine button with the hole so what I'm gonna do now to reassemble this guy is to actually push it back over into that hole and it's pretty simple just got to go in here hold this still put it over and that's it now it's locked in place so there it is you're gonna go back to where we started we're gonna reassemble this frame you can see the pin is now in place alright so again flathead screwdrivers the way to go that's the only way you know there's and again needlenose pliers you can actually pull that spring out it just is friction fit into the hole so make sure you push it all the way down alright to reassemble now let's go ahead and do that so we can go ahead and just look at all of our parts trigger bar and assembly is basically it gets sold like that trigger bar and shoe assembled next piece is your slide stop lever it's the ambidextrous version kind of the horseshoe shaped trigger housing has your spring inside of it comes like that sold like that locking block pin connector this would be your slide lock lever and finally you're actually pins themselves locking block locking block trigger pin basically and your trigger housing pin and of course the slide itself and did two other parts in here so really it's pretty simple when you look at it it's like one two three parts four five six seven eight nine ten eleven and if you counted the parts inside here at twelve thirteen fourteen parts to the lower it's incredible and you know what's so amazing about I tell ya nice job on this gun actually I mean I tell you what it's uh you know it's certainly a little different path way for Glock in a sense to have some of these different things and kind of going back without the finger grooves but I think again that was a requirement by the US military and or the FBI because a lot of people found the finger groups got in the way it didn't really fit their hand and they thought it was uncomfortable and we've done it for many people what we calls are you know grip reduction where we remove the finger grooves so it gives you it gives the option to have a smaller grip much like the Gen 5 it does come with the panels to get a larger grip as well let's go get and put this thing back together and get this thing done here first things first we're gonna go ahead and I want to assemble my trigger bar into my trigger housing alright say this is a little tricky because now you got to go in here you got to take that front part of the trigger cruciform or the cross in the back that front piece and see how it's dipped down just a little bit kind of has a little nosedive to it because it wants to intersect and grab itself into that stirrup right there and I see you're going to see it here so I turn it this way see that guy so I want to get this front part of that bar into there there it is there's a good shot right there so it's not easy it's not hard it's just something you got to kind of angle in there and sometimes you get it right away and I think I got it right away so there you go so that's what I'm looking for or don't live like that and you'll notice it has a little bit of pressure to it alright so it gets a little bit more complicated when you put your connector on so now I'm gonna go ahead and put the connector into its place and you'll notice the connector goes right in a slot orientates itself like so really only goes one way no one's gonna make sure you don't bend it as you put it in just make sure you try to push from this side down here the bottom and you know it's supposed to have a little bit of space here it is bent on purpose it's a spring it does go in and out that much a lot of people say oh they it's crooked it's not right and it's supposed to be that way make sure you seat it all the way and you'll see there's a little separation from the actual housing itself and that's the action you're looking for right there and that's what makes the gun actually function I mean as far as recycle itself okay now I'm gonna go back in and get my trigger bar set and there we go while we're here I'm gonna show you this is a lubrication point I was very important you're gonna always you know want to make sure that you have a little drop of oil right here and I usually do that every time I shoot and it'll roll itself down onto the bar just a drop this was nice about this little pen oiler it's got this little needlepoint applicator it allows you to put just a single drop where you want it and like I said it'll migrate itself in onto that surface you'll see that the trigger bar intersects with the connector right there and that is basically a lot of your trigger motion you feel that right there that's the metal-to-metal contact and that's the motion it goes gets pulled it's here and it gets comes here and it comes back it hits that bar and drops down so it starts out here hits the bar drops down when it drops down it releases the firing pin lug from the rear tail and the firing pin snaps forward and back then it repeats over and over again alright so there's your lower trigger assembly and ready to go in and there's my other pieces so let's go ahead first thing I'm gonna do is drop the trigger bar into its place with the trigger housing and that goes straight in the trigger housing goes in there just want to kind of straighten your trigger out make sure it gets set in there and we press it all the way down and you'll hear that click here we heard the first click so that was good and it sits in there just like that and it's all the way down so the trigger bar goes in you're gonna go ahead and notice how we get that hole lined up there and how the trigger bar will clear in that hole and we put some light back there so you can see that and again it's all about manipulating the trigger bar just to the point where you know that it's gonna work and once you get it in there oh there we go that's it you'll see my spring over here for my takedown lever I'm about to put that in now this is a little tricky but again making sure that we have our notch to the rear we're gonna put it in here the side and notice what I'm gonna do is when we kind of angle it up I'm gonna go up there and try to capture that spring and put this down so I'm gonna I'm gonna angle it up I'm gonna take a punch push that spring down okay so I'm using just a standard factory punch I push the spring all the way down kind of then just push this in with my finger just to place it out of the way and now it captured it and that's a good sound so you see how the spring found that notch and pushed back up so we've got our slide lock lever in we've got our trigger bar in and now we're gonna go ahead and drop our slide stop in both sides and push it down it looks good looks good now if I hold it there that's good the holes line up so I'm on the right track and now the locking block goes in right on top and notice again it's keyed it's kind of at an angle and so it's gonna capture everything else in there now the holes aren't quite lined up so when I go to put my pin in I'm gonna press down on the trigger bar a little bit just to get them to line up so I can see that there so now is pop this guy around the other side and I can always reach in there and kind of clear everything up make sure everything fits where it's supposed to be looks like it's good and get my pin started and here comes my now hammer comes into play that's what's really nice about this you can kind of beat on it and not interfere with anything there and it looks like it's good but I will say this he sees how it's a little bit off you know from the edge there and a little bit farther on the edge there so I'm gonna take a pin and just press it over and you may hear this slide stop snap into place no stronger puncture and I think that little click is exactly what I was thinking about so it just snapped into place so now that that is anchored in the notch so one of the pins out there like that it's not quite in a notch I mean it still function but you really want anchored so there's my piece now before I do anything else I also want to make sure that it has the slide you know spring pressure I'm looking for it comes up goes down yep last piece is my little trigger housing pin and this one just a plastic piece it's all locked into place and just tap it in again use a punch just to true it up looks good on both sides got my spring pressure here for my takedown lever got my spring pressure on the slide stop lever everything else is going and disappeared and now I will put the slide back on and again we are in a fired position right yes we are okay looks like it's ready to rock and roll and it resets feels good and that is the disassembly reassembly of the glock gen 517 so we've got blocked 1710 5s Glock 19 Gen fives for sale if you want one give us a call we also do all the custom work too so certainly go online if you're looking for custom parts we have just about everything you need for the glock gen 5 just like we do for the Gen 4 the gen 3 as well and of course we can cut in color and make this thing a truly custom gun based upon your specifications I'm Lenny McGill this is the Glock store performance and Custom Shop here in San Diego California River down in Southern California come down and see us people drive down from Anaheim from Disneyland all the time they come down from Austin to us all the time they come down from Santa Bernardino all the time this really is a spectacular place to stop you can shoot and test-drive than five you can test drive our new custom builds that we have we always have new builds in and out of there you can order any of these things and have them shipped to your house and you can take pieces and parts at home right from the store we've got a great store a lot of great people and a shooting range here too so hope to see you here in Southern California I'm gonna go thanks for watching you
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 143,780
Rating: 4.8927507 out of 5
Keywords: Glock, Glock Gen5, GlockStore, Lenny Magill, Gen5 Takedown, Gen5, Gen5 G17, Glock 17 Gen5
Id: FN9a-4pp6dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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