Parents, How Did Your Kid's BF/GF Win You Over? (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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parents of Reddit how did your son daughters sir win you over when I was in 10th grade a guy I liked came over my dad heard him playing guitar and apparently that's all it takes for my dad to fall in love that was the only time we hung out I'm 31 he still asks about that guy dad you need to get over him already my daughter so gonna call him John gained my full approval just recently a little backstory me and my wife had an accidental baby just last year we are in our late 40s and my family was rather shocked considering we already have a 28 year old son and a 22 year old daughter at that point this may sound strange so far but it will make sense later my daughter met John in college and started dating after being friends for a year or so didn't take long after that before we met him and we thought he was a decent kid if not a little bit socially awkward and sort of uncomfortable around us all of her previous boyfriends were more outgoing and this kid was quiet didn't really think of he was going to last my daughter eventually got an internship out of country and now they are LTR and I was skeptical whether or not this kid was going to stick around strangely enough he visits the house and hangs out with my older son and we all talk and have dinner together pretty frequently which is interesting considering my daughter never expected him to do this I found out that the main reason that he visited us so often was because my dog that was worried that her new little brother would forget who she is while she was gone so when John would play with our son when he thought nobody was around he would show him pictures of my daughter making goofy faces to try to make sure that he will remember his big sister when I brought it up with my daughter she didn't know that John was doing this that was probably the moment where I started wholeheartedly approving of him now that's touching I was supposed to be one of those good Asian daughters that didn't date until I finished college I got rebellious in sophomore year and decided to keep dating the guy who took me to Winter Formal mom actually liked him dad refused to acknowledge him one day my dad mentioned he got a new car stereo and he was going to take it to Best Buy to have it installed boyfriend said no let me handle it and spent an entire Saturday afternoon installing the radio and cleaning up the wires in his - dead loved him afterwards basically treated him like his own son parents didn't even bat an eye afterwards when we started living in sin a couple years later but by that time he was an engineer we were engaged and I couldn't give a rat's arse I had been casually seeing a guy for a couple weeks when one night we were out to dinner and I was having a particularly homesick night I live 15 hours from my family and at this point I hadn't seen them in over eight months he joked and said that we should drive home and surprise my mom for Mother's Day that weekend the next day we were in the car driving I've never seen my parents so surprised also a little worried I think their initial thoughts were that something had gone terribly wrong and I was there to deliver the news my parents have loved him ever since not quite what was asked but I knew I was there with my sis folks when her dad stopped giving me room-temperature beers from the pantry and started giving me cold beers from the fridge upon meeting my teenage daughters so she was always embarrassed by me at that time so she says dad I drank it's the middle of the day and of course I wasn't drunk I hesitate for a moment and then just answer yes her new so looks at me completely straight-faced and says same sense of humor wins me over I won my boyfriend's now husband parents over by throwing a party it was his birthday and I had gotten a good number of people to show up for a surprise party he was on the phone with his parents when he walked in and everyone yelled surprise he got all teary-eyed and told his parents I have to go it's a surprise party I didn't know I had so many friends for good measure I sent them photos of the party as well his mom particularly liked the set of photos that showed my so and friends battling a bomb shaped grill that caught on fire and exploded the coma he got all teary-eyed and told his parents I have to go it's a surprise party I didn't know I had so many friends this really hit home for me I'm very much that guy apparently making my so smile it seems that it was pretty rare enough for her mother to actually be surprised to see her smile I like this doesn't have to be a big thing or gesture just a smile not a parent but a brother my parents are divorced and remarried generally don't really get along with their respective ex my sister and her fiance had a housewarming party not too long ago and invited both sets of parents along with other family and friends my soon-to-be brother-in-law and I have always gotten along great who doesn't love drinking and fishing so we spent the night just drinking and enjoying ourselves at one point though he and my stepmom are talking and he calls over my mom into the conversation I'm standing with my sister and we're both dumbfounded our parents have been divorced for like 15 years have never spoke to one another and this guy just pulled two of them together for like a 20 30 minutes conversation it absolutely blew my mind the next morning while my sister made pancakes and we nursed our hangovers he told me the entire reason for the housewarming party was to see how my parents would react around one another and if needed it wasn't telling my parents that they're eventually going to have grandkids before long and if they want to be a part of their lives they have to act like adults and be okay with seeing their ex every once in a while the fact he was willing to do that for my sister completely set my mind at ease I definitely liked him before but that was the moment I knew he was perfect for my sister this is my favorite one I've read a lot of them find the soul of a daughter and this story my girlfriend's dad basically hated me until the time we drove together down to Monterey from Austin and had to make conversation for seven hours and pretend it wasn't awkward he's an engineer so I went with that and casually mentioned my desire to get a small CNC lathe for metal fabrication or possibly build a basic XY controller to attach to a traditional lathe turns out his final project for graduation at college was to build a CNC lathe we noted out and started discussing the pros and cons of stepper motors versus servos then the conversation moved to in US and the rest is history now we get along handsomely and it makes my girlfriend very uncomfortable now we get along handsomely and it makes my girlfriend very uncomfortable lol I love it my good friend got dumped by his GF halfway through college after she cheated on him her dad called him said my daughter is a fricking moron you know there is always so-and-so her one year younger sister when a dad's that ready to hand you any of his daughters you win pickin pie yes fixing computers helped yes limb being a nice guy helped but I swear my husband won over my entire family and extended family on his PI alone quote from every family meal ever before we got married is your boyfriend coming is he bringing that pecan pie now that we are married hey where's his pecan pie you know you married a win over he makes great pies he makes great pies if you know what I mean my so bonded with my dad immediately by their mutual hatred of my older sister's ex bf baby daddy actually my younger sister also had a trash can over bf at a time when my so showed up with a car a stable job and actually treated me with respect it was like a miracle I think this is how my boyfriend won my family over too just by being not being my ex and having a car I'll tell you the story of how my husband won over my dad my dad has a sailboat which Lee is kind of crazy about my husband has a background in naval architecture we went to visit my dad and while we were on his boat in the marina the guy in the slip next to us runs over my boat is taking on water he says come help me bail it out don't worry respond my father my son-in-law is a naval architect something to note at this point in the story my now husband and I had only been dating for like eight months we weren't even close to getting engaged let alone married but now all of a sudden boyfriend is his son-in-law so now husband just goes with it sure I the son-in-law will see if I can help he gets on the guy's boat and sees that there's water seeping through the floorboards he thinks this is weird given that the pump is going and the boat isn't listing or anything mr. he gets down sticks his finger in the water and licks it it's fresh water now husband says your bilge is leaking did you remember to turn off the hums after you finished filling up your freshwater tank and that my friends is how my husband became a legend in Dad's marina and my dad's favorite person of all time I know the exact moment I want my wife's family over I could see it in her father's eyes it was high school before we started dating the first time I went over to her house actually her father and two brothers are all pretty tall and I'm average height it's a very alpha male house salt and they had this thing they'd like to do to potential boyfriends so when my wife left the room to go to the bathroom or whatever all three of them stood lined up shoulder to shoulder and loomed over me blank faced glaring down no words no motion just staring and looming I found out later that her last boyfriend almost cried when they did the stenum I've always been really socially awkward but an odd part of that awkwardness is that I'm never intimidated by people I don't know why but they just don't frighten me I slowly stood up looking them all in the eye and then poked her dad right in the tummy I said Boop he stared for a second and then a giant grin split his face it turns out that he's a massive goofball from that moment on I was a member of the family the whole dating and marriage thing was just a formality to them my word that mental image made me crack up for the last five minutes I'm a martial arts instructor among other things I caught my daughter's boyfriend looking at my belt rack fifth degree black belt and trophies from when I was much younger and he said are all those yours yep so you know how to throw someone yep could you teach me how much of a setup did I need I took him into the backyard and threw his skinny ass around for about 45 minutes and every time he hit the ground he got back up with a huge smile and said that was awesome show me how so I took him to my class with my daughter and had her practice throws on him he never complained never flinched and never bitched after class I told my daughter I liked him so she broke up with him that's amaz eh oh never mind taking good care of my daughter during Hurricane sandy it was my parents actually when my mom first met my dad he was working in an auto body repair shop actually dang good at what he does well to surprise my mom's dad he borrowed my grandfather's 1968 SS Camaro which had been nearly totaled in a car wreck a few years back and completely repaired it when they first met my dad shook my grandfather's hand said mr. Haines my name is Kevin why don't you come outside his Camaro was sitting outside looking almost brand new my mom says that was the only time she has ever seen her dad cry my fiance won over my parents individually but nothing beats my stepdad my step dad loves fun facts and they're always fairly obscure and I can never answer them but that only makes it more fun for him so the three of us fiance stepdad and I are sitting around watching The Simpsons and my stepdad goes who's that band when Spanish flea comes on my film say immediately answers with Herb Alpert and the Tijuana brass my stepdad was dumbfounded and I'm pretty sure that's when our relationship got his seal of approval a command of thoroughly useless information has never failed to impress my wife's dad told me I'm the only boyfriend he ever liked he said my strategy of whenever I would call to talk to her and he answered the phone instead of just saying is my wife there or can I talk to my wife I would always say hi mr. Haddad how are you and make brief small talk before asking for her it wasn't a strategy it's just how I was raised endure southern politeness but it worked a southerners when you date one of us you date all of us I worked in an ice-cream shop with my current so and her mom came in one night without knowing it was her mom at a time me being friendly I struck up a conversation with her while I got her ice cream and food for her but three months later I start dating the girl I works with and I immediately recognized her mom when I met her for the first time the first thing her mom said was well you already have my approval her father was always very cool on me distant conversations usually went hello sir how are you good I was reserved to being disliked forever until I heard him talking about football I mentioned how I was quarterback in high school and saw his eyes light up we talked for a solid two hours about football NASCAR f1 and all the other interests we shared that he didn't care to learn about for all those months before my so recently told me he was bragging about me to the guys who sit near them at the local triple-a baseball team's home games we're BFF now and it's even more terrifying than when he ignored me we're BFF now and it's even more terrifying than when he ignored me well yep cause now he has to kill you if you Frick up apparently fixing all of her family's computer and other technology related problems doesn't help in college I was sleeping with my then-boyfriend in his bed with his roommate also sleeping in the same room four feet away and I wet the bed for the first time since I was out of diapers I woke up early and after realizing what happened tried to sneak out of bed he woke up to find me humiliated shaking and then bursting into tears he assured me everything was okay he knew it was an accident he still was very attracted to me and let me shower first when I told my mom how he handled it she was sold now I have to convince her my current bf was just as great looks like you'll have to pee in his bed and see how he handles it our daughter came home from college with a boy she had been dating for a few weeks they weren't serious but he lived too far away to go home for Thanksgiving that weekend her old high school flame dropped by we didn't like him much he had been very abusive when our daughter was dating him when he showed up he tried to convince our daughter to go someplace with him to talk things over she didn't want to and so he started getting loud and obnoxious the new boyfriend was trying to give her some space and not be the possessive caveman type but when he heard the old boyfriend call our daughter the c-word he came out on the porch and threw a wicked punch at the guy unfortunately he missed and he got the worst of the ensuing scuffle before I could break it out but he got a few good licks in and I'm pretty sure some of them would leave nice bruises not that I condone brawling mind you old boyfriend sculpt off and we brought the new boyfriend in and got him cleaned up he was only 19 but he got a nice cold beer with dinner they dated a couple of years but eventually broke up she's had a few boyfriend's since but he's the only one I ever addressed as some you have been visited by the dojo of dandy rides like this video and have a dandy day if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Reddit
Views: 413,709
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, story, stories, tz reddit, toadfilms, best of, daughter's SO, son's SO, SO, Significant other, parents, kids, boyfriends, girlfriends
Id: bbtPsaA2Edw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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