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[Music] hello hello hello and welcome back to another thursday and today i actually have friends we have freya and simon here with me today and we're doing a lovely original idea that simon has never done what has happened i don't know that was i didn't like that [Laughter] best friend versus girlfriend oh you'll be tossed with a series of questions i'm the best friend by the way i'm not the girlfriend before this joke starts here as well you can't start here if it's too overused i mean there is a drake that that you get cucked so i feel like maybe oh no there is now no pain yeah it's very different like me getting caught no i can't get caught oh you're all ready it's gonna be fun pegged that one your reddit's gonna be good she's gonna get paid not careful so i'm gonna ask you a series of questions and simply what answer i like the most it's not like a factual thing it's just writing a cool creative funny answer what was that for a little nudge of encouragement you're saying i'm not funny [Laughter] it's not easy though it was that easy if i could live anywhere in the world where would it be or i know why if you want to add a why why not although i got ksi in mind he got mini minter so next best thing this is question one no you've already phoned me off i've got in my own head it's fine i can't get out oh third wheel today i feel like i'm a very photo at this point all right go on fresh i'm gonna do this no sherry simon says okay i've gone for italy because statistically they are the hairiest people in the world so you would actually seem less hairy with your face [Laughter] mexico because because they do nice food out there yeah they do so i'm gonna go to italy ah let's go that's a good answer because i can blend in some more you try and keep trying i'm getting there if i was a superhero what would i be called oh not what you're empowering doesn't actually exist it's not a power it's what would i be called so like in the side member i'm called beardy man that's yeah that's that's that's obvious so yeah so just avoid that one because that won't get you a point right it's right in this is promising this is promising i'm going to make you sound cool all right throw it again first because i went first last time okay just turn around if you can yeah yeah i wasn't nervous because i need to remember how to say it master intellectual smartimous oh and can i say how are you going to brown nose come on then what you got lad i have the phantom noggin okay my master yes but you have like you have a phantom log in though yeah like so it's a ghost one well like you're like you move like a ghost and then you headbutt things so that's why without yeah i mean i'm not just going to call you what like giant noggin that's just not so i've gone for the phantom knight because you sound cool phantom yeah like you work at night it's weird that we've both gone for like his intelligence and he said i had butt things yeah so mine was intellectual because basically you would go and manipulate people um no you didn't get a hold of that's gonna stop inside of that you dig in the hole now with your intestines who's got the point who got the point i got the point we're calling you a manipulator okay if i was an animal what animal would i be it's a very simple one it's getting fooled up so this is an animal that exists i'll probably go for unless you want to know you could be creative if you make a whole new animal you wanted to you'll be allowed to like split animals yeah you could do a cross are done yeah all right simon i hope i spelt this right i went for the the half breed kind of okay okay i went half caterpillar and half charizard okay can i get some more information the caterpillar because you're evolving and you know you're maturing and very soon you'll hit final form like a butterfly sure [Music] is because you're fiery and powerful and everyone likes you talk about brown nosing jeez i see you he's gotta get monkey dolphin yeah so it's monkey finn though it's the name of the animal okay and basically you're i chose dolphin because they're really smart they also enjoy sex they do a pleasure they have such a pleasure and a monkey implies enjoying something like elephants have sex to have sex no but he's saying they enjoy sex other animals do it to re reproduce yeah so he was right and then monkey because you cheeky are cheeky how did you just get hurt i'm getting in her brain here if she just replies what i say she didn't have anything she was about to just say because you throw poo at me got it he's won it give me a video idea forever thursday oh i gave my cameraman to simon for a day i'd never i'd never do that oh mine's on a different different path okay so wait so can i come with us for views this is for it's just it's just circa thursday you know just give me a video idea please that's what i'm asking you you want views though sometimes yeah subscribers is what i want the most oh yeah you'll get stuff too so my top five sex positions with demonstrations so the thing is the thing is it will get the one attire in that one it will get them on the tires someone get views no no no i think that would get spread around yeah you're not pun intended i've reviewed a sex toy and my my vid is still going strong educational it's educational demonstration part is less educational maybe this is how you do it yeah yeah and like how are you opening people people would respect the bravery well i went with i bought connor house yes that's not good for you you said subs this would make everyone think you're a really nice person and subscribe mr beast gives people houses he does well you're not mr beast [Music] i think you could be mr beast i could be mr b's can i but you could also show people your top five six positions yeah i mean it'd be a big sponsor also this is expensive yeah this one he'll stop after one he didn't pass the ones no but this you like you know i'd rather i'd be pissed you'd buy us a house but it doesn't say how expensive it has to be i'll see you buy them just a little check whatever whatever i could buy my nice house in russia ah there you go that might only cost like 10 rupees rupees rubles rubles what's the verdict i'm going to buy a collar house let's go i got you i got you if i could listen to one song the rest of my life what song would it be in a song this is a song that exists please don't have some fake song this this one could be more factual in a way i guess this is more factual yeah but if it's a funny answer right yeah i'll give you the point or if it's a full-out answer i'll give you the point so i'm not as factually surprised to name me phrase it should be easier no i'm struggling after nine years and got scooby-dooby uh simon go first please one song that you could listen to the rest of your life i went for sugar we're going down for freya's sake by fall out boy exactly true it's we it's a wheeze so it's both which is good yeah respect yeah mine's post malone too young because um you look really young that's not going to hit the point after what i've just talked about to turn around the card that says too young you look like you look like you're really young if i was a doctor what sort of doctor would i be what what like what what part of the body would you i don't know just take it how you want if i was a doctor what sort of doctor would i be a doctor for many things outside of outside of health and the body just run a bit how you want let your brain go to where you want it to go i don't know how to spell this who's first yeah spray as fast okay i chose a hand doctor wow what do you mean why would it be is that a thing yeah the hand got actually a thing yeah yeah that's for all types of body uh all parts of the body because he's gonna do his hands manual labor i like i can do diy yeah of course a light bulb what were you thinking you're sick well i went for a pediatrician i don't like to start that part i don't know if i smell it right it's the pedo in this stuff i don't know i don't know how to spell it but what do they do there's a kid doctor that's a kid doctor that's creepy why would he be a kid doctor huh why would he be a kid though because he's been a child so he knows how to treat a child at least say like oh like because he's like a father figure like he could be like a dad he interrupts me i don't know how to treat him a child yeah what describe one way that me and you are different oh wow are those loads of ways well the coolest way or the funniest way or the best way um don't draw the penis how do i do that are you not different in that way don't draw the penis what oh she's gonna be um uh let's go simon first i went with girth wait hang on how how would you know have you been studying his willy it could be anything don't even don't even enjoy i was talking about arms because you've been to the gym yeah you've got different garbage in arms yeah you have to i'm i'm very like skinny whereas you've got muscle you've got girl the barely but what you're more girl i mean can confirm you've got a bigger dog incredible man and i have funny what are you gonna go for josh come on freya's fanny on my girth i'm gonna go for freya's fanny yes come on man let's go name a youtuber who you think i would make the best collaboration video with the best who would i make the best collab with nothing i want to make a collab with who i think you think i would make the best collab with can i describe the person yeah because i don't know the names you can describe the channel what they do so can i i'll guess the name because it might be funny yeah yeah guess a name and then okay so i wrote discovery josh but i don't think it's that explore with josh i'll explore android okay okay that's close discovery josh so basically my reason for that is because you're both called josh and you love those videos he knows who you are i think you'll just make a really really good video and it would push you out of your comfort zone take your channel to a new place she's really going for this she's really silly for this basically just because it's abandoned stuff and that kind of stuff yeah and you like that stuff i thought simon's gonna write something random here i was actually just going to say me and inflatables i think we should bring back the inflatable series yeah the inflatable series just said when you've done one video and it's on 28 million views just saying okay but who knows the potential of exploring with josh who knows but he played the inflatable series it's not even a serious it wasn't even a fable series apparently is now yeah but you know break away from the sidemen explore into something new into a new realm knew you were trying to get him to leave the side he's american it's a whole new american audience which i know that you you want to try to tap into do you want to choose the inflatable series with tony how many of these or you want to see the discovery josh who is one which one do you want discovery josh oh the big inflatable series i'm gonna give freya the point just purely because you hear that but the efforts you put in who wants to collab with someone else instead of me if i was to get arrested would i get arrested for it's hard what would i be arrested for uh yeah probably driving around driving on the wrong side of the road grievous bodily harm oh can i have thought i can't i physically can't even think of an answer it's really bad the only one that could be a crime it could be something that comes up is tax evasion and that's gonna look really bad you guys do seem to have a lot more money than i thought oh she's right in simon you've had to be honest please can you repeat the question please well if i was getting arrested what would i get arrested for uh i believe you'd get arrested for trapping trapping ain't dead too fast um so i don't educate you too much on that kind of life style basically josh would be hanging out with the boys from east what's yours mine's not anything interesting i'm trapping i'm trapping it dead my connect's still breathing mine is an upload paying for sex with old people i don't know i think prostitution is isn't it yeah one of them is a fed it is illegal yeah i know maybe i was in different countries i know i've already researched it i think i'll just go with simon and just i just stick to the trap but i made a joke about you being old but the trap life pays the nose jokes are redundant it looks like when you're old wait so what is trapping drug stealing doing [ __ ] on the roads right okay you saying you can't imagine josh in the trap no i beat you in the trap he does drill do you [ __ ] yeah band okay and zucker collab soon uh create me a brand new persona so i'd like a new name and a new job this is really hard this is completely like you have limits to anything you can call me anything you want and any job in the world that's so easy yeah i'm not gonna be able to write everything on here though we're creating your whole backstory right you can include you can do it yourself as well okay but that you're writing down a name and a job okay is alexander a man or woman's name that could be called fanny fart i could be a gynecologist called doctor fart for doctor fanny i could be a good be a drill rapper called the drilling no or villains what do you mean yeah someone goes first okay i went first last time ah you're going first okay but i it's cause i can't think of the name you have to be anything in the world yeah yeah so you are gonna be a scuba instructor but who's that guy from along came polly that that's you claude claude he's just called mr claude he's her last name mr clark always missed his first name my name is claude nice first name claude she's one name yeah i'm just i'm claude and i'm a scuba instructor yeah but like in a really exotic country and like you live your best life you sleep with people's wives is good okay well i went for steve stinger an animal rights activist by day but by night you're your own private eye and you're trying to find your wife jackie who got taken in new york years ago your wife got kidnapped by the kgb years ago but now you in your spare time when you're not fighting for animals and freeing antelope from the grasps of uh scouts people you find your wife who's been taken did i find her sounds like a josh josh it sounds like a stressful life you could be a scuba instructor on an exotic island not care in the world sleeping with wife lord or steve stinger try and try to find his missing wife that sounds traumatic mr claude i refreshed ourselves claude my name is [Laughter] she's written mr scuba in charter that's it your whole backstory is that no but no no my bad story is robbed from the film exactly no no but my whole back story is he live in an extremely stress-free of that have you made up what do you mean what part of it have you made up well every everything because like we only really know what this guy on the the film is like from what he says but we can assume that he lives this amazing stress-free life which is where i've embellished but if there's no downs the up won't be as high whereas when you find jackie that's the ultimate high it just sounds stressful but in that film he gets his heart broken because he sleeps with the wife and falls in love with her you're not gonna break up families are you josh he doesn't care you've got to create your own with jackie you're going to find her yeah and how it says it in capitals fine jackie taken [ __ ] and i'm setting the second envelope though i'm saving the envelope from the scouts i mean are you telling me liam neeson isn't a bad boy and taken look if you want to save some fish while you scuba you can do that i can't do that you got a really healthy happy heart but i see people's lives yeah or just oh you just sleep with like you know 25 year old women who just look really good and they just want to scuba i don't know i'm just saying that sounds stressful this sounds very very break up families or save the antelope and jackie i think i want to break up families fred yes old are you by the way she said sleep with 25 years old she's 27. that's what i'm i'm just saying you know no no because i think 25 like you're not like you could never get accused of like being a weirdo for sleeping with a 25 year old woman never you're 70. no but he she wants to she's a grown-ass woman she does what she wants especially when essentially it's a claude yeah claude you want to say let jackie's death be upon you name one thing that you need me for in life is where saying writes girth again you know i need you for girth i can't do this without being cheesy what the uh let's go with simon first i need you so badly because you're such a beast at this like you are the best can you stop this this is going to be this knows me look emails i'm a beast you're a beast emails the amount of times i have to check them with josh just to make sure i haven't too harshly worded them he's basically cool like he's basically saying that you're less than him no he's like you know i mean i'm saying he's better than me yeah because i'm like i'm like he's also correct like you're his pa like you're doing [ __ ] for him okay what's your name um to give me that good good this is a christian channel is it what is that good good sex oh that's not what i want to take that's good good good good to be saying oh no i'm talking about when you're to pick this one yes come on man you're a beast oh let's go you're a beast the emails bro okay the final question is that's worth 10 points because i think i'm losing i don't know what this is double points maybe i don't know if that affects anything no no the scores are down here somewhere we have no idea why do toby and ethan have more subscribers than me i like i like how you're struggling that's a good sign it's a hard one yeah apart from girth i can't think of any other reasons yeah basically you're saying they've got more right they've got more are you sure they have more subscribers they don't overall but they do on one channel or the main channel overall i do have more subscribers than both toby and ethan this is freya's i haven't got a clue what to write i'm pretty i feel like i'm like 99 certain this is why okay all right fire away freya show us why tell me why so the reason i think why is that people are intimidated by your greatness and toby is destined for greatness but you already are greatness and um shut up i i think like it's quite an intimidating thing so like people will watch but they don't subscribe because they don't know like if we all subscribe to this guy he could take over the world what's yours uh well the reason why they have more subscribers than you josh is because you're much better than them but you need decent cameramen if you had their camera you're blaming the the the what they called cameraman no no but the stuff the materials as opposed to i actually don't see cameramen as objects more materials we have people in the facilities but i'm just saying there's absolutely no reason why josh would have less apart from someone else yeah yeah he's already well are you blaming your fans or con whoa are they my fans if they're not subscribed if they're watching are you saying they're not your fans if they're watching i don't know well no no yeah but if they're watching and they're not subscribed they're the ones who are weak because it's like well you're right so you should subscribe like support the boy if josh goes up by 30 000 subscribers today geez no in the next two days that's better khan won't film his next video he'll hire someone else for one video what what happens do a reddit video [ __ ] that why not blame khan what would i go for here i can't blame khan he look he's come here last minute coming in sat down set up all of these cameras for you set up the lighting arrangement he's going to go edit it for you he's going to make it look amazing um we all know that cohn's the greatest in in the game we all know this there's no secret are you trying to sleep with me he's a director are you trying to sleep with her i'm not trying to sleep with anyone oh that's just someone in it you mean you're not trying to sleep then look at your answer you're not trying to sleep with anyone hello yeah i'm great i'm trying to sleep with you i've been uh right now i'm just trying to explain my answer let's go with decent cameraman just for the chance of getting 30 questions are you going to take this holiday okay well okay well if if if you get 40k in the next two days we'll wait one i'll start and only what was your yeah you know what yeah if he gets 40k in the next two days i'll start an only fans with harley or ma hold up oh no hold up what wait which one are you choosing though this one still you want foreign oh yeah anyway we'll see you guys next time uh thank you guys checking out down below description as always uh brain item girl wing winter miniventor willie minter we have like a sparkly on my eye i'm just gonna blur you out and then uh [Music] wanna see more exciting things check my youtube channel on circles if you hear something in my bar you think i didn't even know that i said boy but i know when i'm on them i cannot speak but i know that i said it on purpose that's right america saying it again pass me a pen black who's gonna make troops right bastard my move starts [Music]
Channel: Zerkaa
Views: 2,398,530
Rating: 4.9692287 out of 5
Keywords: zerkaa, zerkaahd, zerkaaplays, sidemen, best friend vs girlfriend, girlfriend, freya
Id: MIVElhhcsg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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