I Was My GIRLFRIEND'S Assistant For 24 Hours...

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hello hello hello and welcome to another Thursday where this week I have someone else in the video this one right here because I'm copying people's ideas for like six months ago and I'm gonna be your assistant for the whole day it's not it's not it's not basically I'm sipping for a day fullest extent possible you do not subscribe make sure you are subscribed Kiera Bridget is still 50 K here because you lost back in or she's smashing me I don't know one of the things happening sort out subscribe down below so technically wherever you say I have to say yes to but I'm still a staff member I'm your assistant so treat me how you would treat your staff win it easy okay so freya wants Wagga mothers to what you want a simple big answer all right wait kya fit I'm Pete I'm nice I'm a nice person but you will do everything for me today okay food ordered yes so while we wait for the food I can help and notice there was slight little washing up in the sea we got man doing and also noticed we had a couple people around on Saturday and the floor death it needs a bit of Hoover so if you obey the clean you get the base okay yeah in fact yeah Hoover give it a little mop around it's looking a bit worn bit dirty and yet the washing up there's quite a lot there what is this suzune what I want to do cuz I can need to get right in there it's quite a lot here take you about what 15 10 minutes to do you scrub that gudem for Bratva yeah I can see that you're almost done with that start the last plate right yeah yeah yeah but firstly I want you to make me a coffee because I realize that I'm not a coffee today which is an issue I want coffee yes Josh it's literally coffee like instant coffee with boiling water as all it is so I would like coffee first and manage to do this without thinking and very much and I'd like it in my favorite mug please I'll take it this look bigger yes can you make sure there's no limes going it please no no no like so put the water in but then like you can see it floating in there sometimes I just want to make sure this yeah so with this mark where is a like a large mug I would like one and a half teaspoon it's not table with foods eat or not eat no God neither - yeah yeah perfect thank you I'm just saying you've made you didn't say yeah I'm not hard you said do this yeah no I'm just giving you a list just because you made a bit of a mess you did do that but I would like that to be cleaned after as a mmm okay okay you know got a third that aggressively what do you mean my I don't want no sugar dough and I mail this is perfect thank you no no sugar I'm good thank you pays perfect I give you any recipe that you like it no I love a bitter coffee okay it's just how I am goes with my bitter heart Oh food has arrived thank you mm-hmm thank you very much I appreciate that and can you pass you my coffee please yeah no thank you thank you sorry to sit over closer thank you it's great yeah yeah yeah thank you no okay you even are rich just FYI Eliza's the nicest katsu in the world oh oh don't worry of course thank you I mean yeah this trio mm-hmm this is what I'm talking about their wagon mamas on the Tuesday afternoon that was I didn't like the way that you did that hmm okay I'll forgive you a man who's I'm not gonna heal my fingers I would like a fork please thank you mmm I'll leave it in there please thank you mainly yeah thank you obviously we always watch stuff when we know I'm gonna watch some true talent making what we can divorce I'm sure telling together so to say no guys that's a dead body lies dreamer why he said snoozefest well he's a nice guy I'm sure and also you are my servant today so you give me no back jack and that wasn't very convincing you give me no fat chance don't give me any back either I work for it not true talent he's a very good debt by daylight streamer and this world watch o food and you are not gonna complain about it well I'm trying to get a bit full and therefore I'm sad to get a bit lethargic and therefore I cost putting it in your mouth you owe me to assist you and putting it in your mouth no I'd rather you put it in mine okay in your mouth is fine you got the camera though this is also oh you like what kind of consistent see you tonight yeah what a bit of ice that's all right not too much here comes the airplane if you get it on my outfit as well well you come towards that you'll meet the airplane halfway that good no more here comes the plane other on the camera you wouldn't even put it out you need to do the hoovering so you better crack crack on can you just clear away obviously what we've just eaten yes that's good because I don't want to do it just get that away from me right no what do you mean not being my assistant throw another stroke don't underst shopping camera we're only like an hour in humans go in I think that's good now I think you got a really good job I have another tallest here though yes a while ago I put on my Instagram that I was gonna do an assumptions video it's been a while but yes I'm gonna revive my channel and but the reason why I haven't actually gone through it yet and actually found the upside assumptions is because I guess in a lot of [ __ ] that I don't want to have to read through so yes pick out the assumptions and it actually works well because I'm not supposed to know what the assumptions are anyway so and then we're gonna film it as well okay okay so here's my phone I would like you to go through and find some good assumptions because there's a lot of you know shadows reruns in there yes okay how are you getting on we got a lot of assumption so far I'm sifting through this [ __ ] also I've tracked over some streams of mine my previous dreams and I would like you to create clips from my phrase plays YouTube channel please put that in a folder few so you can do that when I'm streaming all those video and I'm Ally to be in the video as well great I need to read her assumptions out for [Music] okay Freya's video film done dusted see I'm not getting you up in the mood of videos and stuff yeah here Korean content you know after mandem there's a bus full of and then by the way what's nice well then I'll go edit this video I just filmed it told that you're gonna edit the video you're gonna click my streets basically editing videos for a gaming channel as well just know this is only for today only used to it just today so basically I love Sriman yeah like streaming is like what I do but today I'm just learning I could just get someone else to do you know my intro and like start playing in a little bit and get the chat wound up so I feel like you just you just do much so I'm not the warm-up act you're the main thing enough for no more oh I imagine that's a stream where you can just get onto the stream for you yeah that could be the future okay I could clone myself and then I ain't even here okay so he's good at it right no more tasks before then you sure yeah Josh I've just posted a new picture if you like to you I will check if you've liked it Talia Charlie so oh don't you usually just did it okay well good I'm glad you did and we'll see if it all wants to follow me on there all right where we started this do we start with the start game no saw the main channel yes I got yes what do you want what's behind you it's all I ate a fresh one I just made you a coffee just come back okay it's done battle-ax tea I swear I'll just drag the files ah well now that's why it's better that's very important honey you have an itch I'll wait you then where is it what's a cheater very good yeah okay no more I'm going to edit whatever I think guys for goodness sake I mean 20 videos edited and off okay I'll just turn this up and I can't hear anything yes I don't think you on these videos edited do you clan make you like something random Instagram girl yeah how do I make you other lifts many weights in the gym yeah I might need a BB job from that so how do I do this please try anybody's gonna cling cling on like a quad bit you can stand up you clean up yeah yeah this is the life I think we should do this more often done in human ease watch out viennese it's very dark and I'm gonna sell out my stream it's blue a professional set up your kind of stream for me today I'm starting us I'm not doing your whole string of for you okay looking for what's a stream in I can't make content for me anything I go I have the footage in some of these edited Elaine they cut down or is it just like cut the clip out done cut a clip I've done or is it like I want you just cut the cake my gaming channel is just clips is easy I know not all that hard work that one no but the main Channel video details the thumbnails I don't know the game I'm under how would you know actually I had some who can do math on those tiles yeah you can think of a title like you know by the read write down some suggestion oh the game oh thank you write down some suggestions of the turtles that you think like I am my boyfriend edit this video and then the main channel that's the easiest assumption sub account does right I'm easy I want it to look at high production I want it to look like Khan edited the video for me and I do when I do a timer in the corner okay I want some nice transitions these transitions no cotton it's it's the video about cotton in it I don't know if maybe the kid okay okay and you're gonna go straight why do I know start your streaming now one minute I can now alright say you're about to open up my stream for me to talk feel camera wait the chat already is I've I've basically told Jack that you want to be there at the start of my stream because I've got a special guest ization streaming for me so let's see yes pray Oh welcome back to my channel welcome back to my street and just sit down more hello hello hello welcome to my lovely stream today we're gonna be here within our other stream I play dead by daylight for mystery it's a great game we love this game you guys like this game we all love this game wow it's so sincere where's the subframe I still started yet come on - find it different and I changed my hair I hope you like Alki bit shorter megsie 1157 afraid that's the twitch prime sock a nice box 94 he's joined afraid oh she like join me we should do this more soon she's rejoining Oh doing it you same to my stream what is what is actually happening right now nah Jemaine is my stream okay well we did something already we need to do this like everyday Manny rally with the fire oh boy this is men oh what the hell Lawrence / the goals of the five divine voices himself I'd feel a little bit offended at this madness pray are looking good with the beard well thank you thank you Lena hundred fits that Josh how many subs but it takes to play D with your Freya not 24 hour stream look how I'm not paint or - I will be bolts yes you will let's see some subtypes in the chat 20 cent on the sub trade come on let's get some more this is mental dude this is mental I can't even a 29 soft rain Josh I genuinely think that we should do this every time you change your hat yeah just quite a bit sure today just today don't worry it will grow by like 10 minutes time so 50 on the substrate by the way shout out to us Joshua Moses in the chat while I listen that guy is wonderful a purple penguin it says ten now oh my god Jack you know naughty for you to get this up as well faking you my god Chucky that's why I got Chuckie your guys I think my your bet yeah yeah oh my gob yet you need your pad sorry on that make a speed in Logic Pro your girl basical alright I think I think you're good yeah you're gonna give me my stream but now you've been live roamers half an hour and you have a video to edit No videos to edit the big called a flesh stream yeah no come on get away get that 30m away from my computer play some or zone TrackMania you know I hate drug dealer simulator let's get on that I have beef simulator thief yes good game yeah yeah I'm gonna do some that but I lie first minutes tell your friends off thank you sir let's sit down give me my chair back this isn't what I planned that was the most fun I've had all day well you said bye I need you now to do my video edit proper I like one you know on it and then I need you to do my second channel videos so you good to get that done amazing thank you very much and thank you for opening my stream and getting me a legit sub chain okay so prior sorry to wait until I come out of ice cream say oh you coffee for me please so coffee bean libel is that on top of that your drinks is man thank you appreciate that okay so I'm currently editing Freya's main Channel video as requested and she's delivering it but I just got a voice note from her which I just feel like it's gonna be another task well I guess what can happen I'm gonna get voice notice all stream of how it's often meets do things while she's dreaming let's find out past paused thank you so much what Paul I'm very parched yes thirsty no I'm parched right voice message ah what a mistake this video might be hang on was it safe here we go ready I just want it if you could play a murder pilot with me please I mmm-hmm look you want these videos edited or not I can't I can't do everything Oh Senate voicenote in response so hopefully I'll get off of it the entity below I've made good progress on the edits so this is just simply this this is just before she's went before they can like long free our files and you pick out the last game which is very very simple to start the end of a game that's for a phrase play channel a gaming channel and this is her son's video but I've got the SD card in this camera so that's why you can't see all the files that are here cuz I play imported them to the PC so it's a project file which is it's all pretty much done to be honest I just use the main cut % many cuts in the video because one of those 10-minute challenges where you don't cut the videos so it's got a lot of jumps and light and light zoom in since it's not that crazy even idiots have your honest thing some music in the background but I doesn't need that much okay look I've been forced to play bloody DVD I can't believe it okay so I played my one game that was required to play with Freya and now back to editing and I'm sure I'll get off a task very soon I'm sure they've all come through alrighty so pretty much finished editing all of the videos and it is at 11 p.m. so not too shabby it's everyone it's not too shabby at all but I've got a new voice message okay I've got a new request so what is the request looks like I'm making dinner now is always fast oh my god steam it cottage pie is almost already quite inspired shepherd's pie the same thing really in it that is different slightly there it is the ultimate bubbly bubbly [Music] serve them ready to go default it is here amazing yes right nothing crispy which like a drink of Euro dinner would you like you know how to do buy anymore pink stuff you should just said buy some more pink stuff that I didn't but I didn't get to find my pink stuff I have a look okay say the next day and today I'm filming sidemen stuff and laughs last laughs did enough prayer trait asleep didn't ask me for anything well actually forgot we're filming and this morning she's not ask for anything yet Eva so if I just be quiet and just chilled down in this corner before I go to the side vents you might just get away you appear I think anything else should be a big dub in my opinion and no breakfast for her nothing hopefully she'll for nothing you know so I know you're you know going out filming soon but I've noticed that you've not done a single thing for me today and you are still my assistant so I am also out today I'm meeting my friend nope I'm meeting my friend and I need you to pick me out an outfit please top to bottom full-on outfit I look amazing I'm meeting my friend my friend falafel walk right so you something description what you need I need something comfortable Josh but also stylish comfortable and stylish is what I need okay yeah it is ready hopefully you're gonna love it it's so beautiful how you see it yeah so let that sit up wait are these your trip but are these your clothes well you did specify you said pick an outfit from bottom to top you said no no you take you you said comfortable yet stylish I've gone for seller I'll show you this is your comfort you got let me all company feel you feel how you feel at home as well obviously like only all fancy for at home huh you've got home because with me and you where me or outside an unknowable home comfort then you got the nice green shorts you like green and there Ralph the rents are stylish right you have me all socks why it keeps your feet warm then if the Sun comes out with my sunglasses that from ASOS video turn into my assistant could be even mugs me off you're gonna be my sis name you didn't specify this I've been fans like that didn't specify and let this is the ex bit of style fits on your head top then every no way is yeah first ones on as well please than my ones just I think they look good 11 for 11 minus 4 equals 7 therefore 7 side men therefore equals dub I was pretty good right forget your first pants hey yes check you out look look at the craps you look great do i yeah do i if you saw me out would you think yes ten at ten always I've always been 10 out of 10 okay see it's not look look at you shining you ready to kick ball yes I mean I'm not yeah that come off that can come off give us a spin that God showed me my friend in size attendance for I've been getting gooey fun have a great time thank you Norris thank you respect I don't know give you a recommendation am i fired you are absolutely fired and you're not being hired again and also I'm not paying you for any of the work that you did do yesterday that's right I'll take it thanks a video they respect I mean the fact of eating from now still no one tell us a card alright just importing all this footage I realized I've not actually got an outro so here is set outro that is me being my girlfriend sister for 24 hours mazurka FERS they complete it and we move on to next week make sure you like on it as always make sure to subscribe to the channel we're still bloody like 50 pounds away from Kiera Bridget and E for the NAS do a score the score in melt score in there soaring I need to up the levels the levels must be upped I need to work on bigger and better video ideas and you guys behind me press subscribe buttons if you're not subscribe that big just press subscribe button I'm on this mission this mission must be completed so please do subscribe and yeah I'll see you guys next week good [Music] here's something in my bar you think I didn't even know I said that's right [Music] yeah Hey
Channel: Zerkaa
Views: 2,362,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zerkaa, zerkaahd, zerkaaplays, sidemen, girlfriend, 24 hours, assistant, challenge
Id: WR443pjn498
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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