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hello hello hello and welcome back to another circle thursday sitting down with your girl frey today hello i've stolen a little idea off of your girl saffron barker uh instead of a french test we're doing a relationship test you see the comments now friendship test like oh fryer and josh aren't actually a couple relationship tests all right we flipped their idea turned his relationship test instead so basically we asked him about questions about 10 each and uh if you get it wrong take a shot very very simple before you go anywhere though please do subscribe because we just eat called kiera bridget so we've got overtake her and then we go on for the next person you know i'm about to take everyone down on this youtube scene i like that yeah big dick energy okay so i have a list of questions and i asked all my all my friends to help me because it's actually so hard because i know that you know me really well obviously we've been together for almost 10 years so it's really hard to come up with questions that you may know but you also may just forget what is my favorite name for a boy and favorite name for a girl and the girl's one is not eliza it's about that she means baby names so just clarify no it doesn't happen yeah just favorite names uh boy is sebastian yeah because you think it sounds like he's an entrepreneur if he had a kid he was a boy he'd been a ceo you know sebastian female was a laser it was but i i because i can't have that name now it's change saying yeah and i have said it a fair few times stream will know stream gang what's up phrase plays on twitch she's smart you know you might have to take a shot ah it means an a it doesn't you have to just take a guess at the random name because you don't know what it is and you're trying to stall alyssa no it's not that ever that was just that's usually just fantastic violet that's it is it very true um but no that isn't it the answer is madison oh it's madison painting called madison i can't say that actually because if that was our kid we're drinking malibu because obviously if we get them all wrong we're going to get set flattered oh my god jeez you ain't [ __ ] about with these shots also shout out to uh i was saying that until frizzy i didn't get to send a hoodie but you sent one to josh a little bit upset by that but i didn't send anything i actually picked up in person but i will forgive you if i get sent one in the next two weeks i'll play formula one all these card games i'm a bad boy driver right yeah when it comes to racing games i'm a bad driver wait do you think i watch your f1 streams no no how many times did i found my driving test twice and i actually asked him sorry like what do i do in a situation cause i don't want to cause an incident with the ambulance i don't want them to like not get hospital and he said you failed there and then didn't answer the question he didn't care about who was in the ambulance i cared he didn't care see the [ __ ] [ __ ] that guy next question is who do i main in dead by daylight i play that game every single day when i stream you can main someone who's the character that i play yeah every single game and i have played for the past like this character i play it's a female are you it's a female you tell me that you don't watch my streams i watch them just don't necessarily listen to what character you're using it begins with a zed all right zoe then he does it no it's not zoey it's there in there no there's not a girl called zoe it was zarina serena serena another shopping i am getting lit off lightly here i might need to um i got a stream later excuse me okay i'm gonna change these questions around in our area we do an 11 plus to uh get into a grammar school or a normal school i'm not going to know this exactly in our area you have to eleven plus exam to get in to grammar school you have to get a certain score by how many points did i pass my 11 plus i have to the nearest you've never told me this to two either side and you're good that's quite that's quite good you can get two either side of how much i passed my openplus by you are cocky so i think you may have passed by seven points 36 thank you do you know what's really sad is that you know that and you've remembered it like that couldn't be any more you if you tried it hits you after two you know it's been locked down so we haven't really been drinking just pick for yourself what was the name of my old siamese cap l to the o to l to a a lola what was the second i don't know that's sticky congratulations uh except for toby what side remember have i known for the longest time okay so toby i've known this is going to be ethan well the answer was jj i was just gonna explain it further you know i've known toby since year seven uh and then jj i'm at alton towers i was so sure because i'm going to be easy boom it was you that introduced ethan to the group right yeah so i i mean you met him like his laugh i liked him i didn't see a guy and go i like your let's be friends great it could fit in really well with my friendship group damn it that was ours too cocky i didn't think it through okay we're done [Music] okay this one's more playful if i had to choose between saving one person i love or saving a thousand people i don't know what would i choose in what world is that playful because that's something about my personality and my character not like a yes no fact that's not playful that's just like well it's playful as in like it's not restricted so would you rather save one person that you love ak me right sure or a thousand people yeah that i don't know personally i think you would save a thousand people because it's even more lives there's more families there you have empathy for everyone's families you're a very empathetic person you care i am an empathetic so you think so i would just get drawn like i'd be gone but at least a thousand people saved were saved and their families are happy no you saved me over a thousand people yeah i'm i'm important well i i don't like that you've made this about you okay okay no i would not no wait i'm not choosing my mom no no no no no no i mean like in this scenario yeah i would save the person that i love i did have to think so hard about this that's not selfish i had to think so hard about this because i was like imagine all the lives that i would impact by having by letting these 1000 people die i would rather save the person that i love because i couldn't i would be i couldn't live with yourself without them i could it's not playful in what world is a place this is a very deep no there isn't sense too question you're like oh it's a playful one i just used to go like [Applause] i feel like you could change your answer there and then yeah you know what [ __ ] it i don't say stream stream will back me up on that again phrase plays on twitch if you're going deep then what is my biggest fear dying [Music] in what year and month did i upload my first video on my main youtube channel do you think you're in a month of mine good well that's that's a secured shot then year is currently 20 20. you've been streaming for a year now we left the cyber house nearly two years ago now let's go february that's wrong just by that expression if you know someone well that's why it's wrong i mean this this this game begs to differ 2018 february now it was november 2017. that wasn't a roster when you said oh like it was just after her birthday i was like oh i reckon he's got this i want to say october 2017 actually was ah you would that's when i made myself but i doubted myself that's what i made my channel josh stop doubting yourself always doubting yourself good shot did you for one now they kind of got on the sesh or anything it's all right you can go party with your stream circa hd on twitch just darker actually that's how it shows me just saying that shot for that one come on now if i could collab with any youtuber who would it be will she put out the park out the park count the bag i don't think it would be david dobrik i don't think it would be mr beast i think sidemen would collab with mr beast i don't know if you personally would collab with mr beast yeah this is me passing just a minute yeah does the color is me personally theme park worldwide that's what you're going for yeah it's not that ah i'm sorry man i tried to give you a really good shout out check out the theme world field park theme park worldwide he's he's good he reviews a lot of theme parks it's actually yes theory ah so i was trying to ex like trying to like run with what they're doing yeah and try and go on my comfort zone a little bit i would never guess that just hold the zach a little bit but you know just pushing it a little bit yeah oh i'm warm all right as far as demon it's gonna start kicking it it sounds quite easy i think what is my body count how'd you know how many people have i porked yeah or been popped full on being p in the v in out in out shake it all about okay i think it's just free smashed it yes now what do you mean just free it's a big number you want more no [Music] i'm happy with the amount of penises i've had inside of me cut that out if i was on death row what meal would i pick or request okay wait so this mill is it this is the main it's no star no dessert just the main yeah and this is you know this is probably a hard question actually because i feel like it will change based on certain times of the year that's not a clue wagyu beef little slider things and you get your own little stove and you flip it on that and so the josh and ethan special yeah yeah yeah geoffrey doesn't even special it's not that i wrote past the bolognese of lots of parmesan and i should say pasta pollinators forget my names yeah but if you're about to die wouldn't you just want to eat some expensive [ __ ] no i'd want the carbs pasta i love a pasta bolognese lots of parmesan farfalle bolognese is top tier they're little bows is that for fallow i don't know i like penne the little because all the sauce goes in the hole and then you buy it squeeze out okay this one i think is probably my only mean one my cousin cleo recently gave birth what is the name of her daughter sienna yes i'm attentive i'm an attentive boyfriend what do you mean i actually thought you were gonna get that i thought i'd know this well i know and i listen as a boyfriend i was hoping that you did because i was like oh no i wish she watches this like and like you just had like a brain fart and you can it's only it is name my top four music artists of all time post malone okay drake i was just gonna explain some more it would be top five but i always struggle with the fifth so the four the first four is easy post malone drake both post and drake for sure they're always like the top two then there's a third who's always third and then there's a fourth who sometimes drops out of fourth into fifth and there's a fifteenth and fourth basically you had a conversation a lot between the boys connie is the third jay-z i know i didn't think it's jay-z yeah first off you didn't say eminem ah no that's classic drop set in and out it's skepta ah the fifth session's always like jamie bugs in low and eminem uh and it's sometimes i go into the rock band sometimes sometimes you know what i might put breaking benjamin in there i might put skillet in there i don't know i'd have three out of the four the longer that i said four but i did smash it low-key high key didn't good this drink is making me burn off as well man where's my bra size don't wear a bra after time now i don't wear a bra half the time which is good fun go for a b cup bust off and then around let's say 32 yeah [Laughter] ah why did i choose that one of course i'm gonna know that because i've been given it many times like come on but i don't wear a bra i've i've bought underwear for you many times uh name one of my childhood celebrity crushes when i say chocolate rabbit the [ __ ] just gonna wrap it what the hell is i would have given up to like 14 is what i mean yeah oh why would i know that why would i know your crush from when you was below 14 tell me why i'll give you okay you can name four people and if you want if you get one of them right then i put one person jennifer aniston megan fox that rabbit woman this sounds like a monster what is her name jessica jane for me that was your first crush since i knew you that's stupid question i'm fuming how am i supposed to know that what is it what's your answer would you write down fergie [ __ ] off [ __ ] off did y'all agree it's pretty good she's the boss thing but why why am i supposed to know the answer to that i don't know actually it's not like the video isn't it no the whole point is that you put in questions that we've discussed spoke about or like at some point in our relationship and we then test each other 10 years on and you are out here asking me questions about who your childhood as in below 14 crush was i'm actually human being what is childhood crush below 14 my first crush crush was alan titchmarsh and like what the gardening done yes i was young and i just like i'm confused no i just you know when you're young you just like someone because they're nice is that a crush though that was my first person that i was i like attracted to again he was like a dad like a full-grown dad spain's a lot i guess i liked him because it was different not because i was like i want to bang him because i was too young i don't think i think i went to banging fergie i don't think i don't know how it worked oh exactly i'm sorry i like that okay she's telling me to shut up and i like it yeah it's my turn she has that boom boom pal if i wasn't doing what i am doing if i wasn't in this job what would i be doing you'd want to be a writer [ __ ] yourself right because you really enjoy writing but you never pursued it further than writing a document on word and then leaving it there saved where was my favorite sexual experience of you and i've given you a clue by saying where that doesn't mean and i'm just going to fight that that's not in a car or something that's a place was it recently when we went to singapore in the hot tub there you go who would i snog marry and avoid oh that's cheating out of talia g or amy all three of them are my best friends that's ropes yep you're willing to avoid one of them yeah and i can explain why so talia you're you just love talia would you marry her i think it's like a crush you just wanna you didn't just amy you've known for too long but you you do think amy is beautiful as a whole that's how you know it's beautiful i think they're all beautiful they're all beautiful they're all buff this isn't about looks first off you're gonna marry amy because you two can just get drunk as hell together all the time uh because she's someone who will keep up with you when it comes to drinking or pushing you further where the other two won't do that i i think you'd then snog talia and avoid g and that's where i'm going is that your final answer yes because yes chris taran okay so yeah i want you to explain this if i'm wrong you're wrong you're explaining to me then i'd marry talia because she is my wifey there is no excellent no there's no explanation needed she's my wifey we get married we have babies we live happily ever after that's it okay snog amy and the reason why i am avoiding g is because me and g clash a hell of a lot lover to pieces and she's a beautiful woman do you want to snuggle though i would like to snuggle actually uh g if you want to fill that out later [Music] fine all right fine i'm fine obviously you asked a question about occupation so i'll follow suit what what did young joshua want to be there and he wasn't very she wasn't very sure to be honest but there's one thing i guess that stood out i mean you used to [ __ ] write down number plates and stuff as a kid so it could be anything i had a very overactive brain you know it's got a lot of do things keep me going okay a footballer because you like football i train spotter because it's an occupation without a hobby i think so i don't even get paid to hotspot trains you probably could these days actually could just be a youtuber who spots trains something about i.t like maybe being like a a a coder i'm going to say that it's probably wrong and it is wrong by the look on your face a coder like coding for whether it's like a program or something okay i always been an architect when i was younger i used to draw houses and boats i had whole sketchbooks for the houses and boats but you used to always i mean you also used to write down normal base of cars so youtube answered about computers you could have even said like some kind of car salesman sent you for cars a race car driver you went with i think you might be a coder because you used to write the number plates of cars no i'm just you didn't mention your computer you use weird kids so you're not what did you say oh yeah you like computers you want to be an architect yeah i've got whole scrapbooks full of houses that are designed i will say this though like and i'm not trying to take your dreams away but i can't imagine you've been an architect it's a weird thing to say like i i think it's because you've known me for 10 years being a youtuber yeah and you've never pursued that in the past 10 years i've never worked a single like real job like no no but you've never like done like a nine to five i don't work with 95. i've worked in a city i've worked at sky sports i had a great start how many shots have you had i don't know maybe seven yeah it's six seven oh okay we call it even we're both [ __ ] no because we that's the whole point in the game though because i thought i'd hope to pick things you don't know yeah exactly that's a bonus question guys it was so hard lots of bonus questions yeah go on so i've got seven bonus questions get three of them right i'll do a shot deal get three of them right out of seven that's less than 50 okay what did i study at university and what degree did i get so like what score you've got a 2-1 and you studied um same as that guy over there yeah computer no wait wait wait wait wait wait so film production and television you said it film production digital contraption just make it clear and was it a 2-1 yeah uh what year did i start my zerk hd channel 2008 wrong nine i was gonna say 2009. that's my other channel what four subjects i study at a level we broke up when i was after an exam media studies business studies i.t and the exam we broke up after the what the next one is exactly broke up after and you broke up directly after this exam we didn't care at that point i cared psychology it's pe oh of course it's freaking pe my dream car used to be an audi r8 yeah now i've had one yeah my opinions changed on cars yeah so what is now my dream car g-wagon it's always called it's a jeep wrangler yeah yeah g-wagons and mercedes that's expensive team oh come on no no i meant that i i meant that wagon yeah i meant that you give me that one i meant that without any doors and [ __ ] like you want that [ __ ] like the big wheel wasn't that's what i know i know what it is i just had the wrong name okay let's see let's see how many kids do i want you just want one i think one it's two nah the amount of times that you've said you'd be fine with just one it'll be fine with just one i'd like to though i'd also like to so why have we ever discussed this we have right what is my most expensive purchase your car simple see and then the final one so this this would actually get you safe i need you a shot nah i got that car one right don't even try me it's a g-wagon that's not anyone who likes cars out there can't say a g-wagon isn't it you know what i want you know what i meant and it's annoying and you know what i want you know you meant what did i use to buy and sell on ebay to make money as a kid as a kid i was a businessman i made profit on profit even though i was 12 years old making profit out here maybe you used to sell pokemon cards you had it dubbed it pokemon cards it's three things it's xbox games pokemon cards livestrong bands that was the fattest guess let's go dean wagon g wagon sweetness okay so this quiz has determined that we don't know each other that well so we're now breaking up this is our breakup video it's been a long time coming it's been good music it's been good but we decided to go our separate ways yes we've had a good run yeah pretty darn solid run yeah we almost made it um so he's packing up aren't you i mean i know that which let's go still yeah i'll never though yeah okay anyway so there you go that is today's circa thursday we also did a video on freya's channel down below description check it out please make sure you're also subscribed to the channel we're out here now trying to take over ethan and toby they're a bit far away so please select my new target because actually what are they where are they on oh let's talk about it oh cause these lights are slacking hey guys subscribe what the hell they are subscribing it's free some of them are slacking but we are making progress other than that i'll see you guys a monday maybe i'll do a bonus video again who wanna see more knows things check my youtube channel or circus hear something in my bar you think i didn't even know that i said boy but i know when i'm on the mic but i know that i said it on purpose that's right i'm america saying that again pass me a pen black crew's gonna make troops right faster my [Music] bam
Channel: Zerkaa
Views: 2,473,976
Rating: 4.9691439 out of 5
Keywords: zerkaa, zerkaahd, zerkaaplays, sidemen, relationship test, friendship test, quiz
Id: C3wvkALi4qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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