Girl Scout Gets REVENGE On BOY SCOUT, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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she suddenly heard a loud hissing noise like this when she turned around there it was [Music] the monster ah he correct up to her getting closer and closer she had nowhere left to run he then grabbed the little girl and made her alive are you sure that's a real story of course you can look it up if you want according to the legend the monster can only get you at night and its favorite snack is little girls well thank you for that uh very good story mikey all right scouts getting late why don't we call that a night big day tomorrow hey are you gonna be okay why wouldn't i be i mean if i was a little girl sleeping in a tent all by myself knowing the monsters out there i'd be scared i'll be fine thanks for your concern though all right guess we'll see you tomorrow hopefully very funny mikey i'm not falling for it mikey is that you oh no help somebody help me [Music] you should have seen the look on your face very funny mikey yo did you get her i got it so good you guys just missed it hey what is going on over here mikey tried to scare me he came in with this mask on michael why would you do that leave bailey alone sorry i couldn't resist you know you should really treat others the way that you want to be treated what if bailey tried to scare you like that would ever happen sweet dreams bailey hopefully you don't have any nightmares i guess he still hasn't learned his lesson huh you gonna be okay i'll be fine thanks all right goodnight yeah i can't believe i didn't see it we got to get her again don't worry about that i've already got a whole plan put together you see i'll tell you okay we're on the hike tomorrow i'll disappear and make some footprints using this yeah oh yeah so that way she thinks the match is real exactly and then which is already scared i'll play a loud hissing noise using this remote yeah she's gonna be terrified oh just wait for the grand finale i'll pop out of the bushes wearing this mask [Applause] i wouldn't be surprised if she calls her mom to pick her up or quits being a scout completely that's precisely the goal okay good night all right troops for this hike we're gonna split into two groups so let's all line up and we'll count up one to two so you know what group you're in okay hey make sure there's someone between us so we all stay together okay okay all right very good starting with one one two one two one two one two perfect group one over here group two over there it's not too late to turn back you know or even call your mom to pick you up whatever you have planned it's not gonna work okay don't say i didn't warn you okay now each group is going to take a different trail but we are all going to meet up right here in the middle all right and i am going to go with group two you don't have to worry about us go master john we'll be fine on our own i think you should go as group number one are you sure okay there's the map we'll see you at the top ah we don't need that i know the chair like the back of my hand i think that you should take the mat remember what happened last time bro give me a backpack and put it in there [Music] just to tell you guys everything's going exactly as planned yeah okay there you are thank you now you guys be careful up there okay thank you you too all right troops let's go [Music] okay so who wants to lead you know what bailey said you're such a good scout i think you should oh really thanks mikey let's go just play along guys we got it come on come on i think it's this way but i need a map ah come on i gave you a chance to lead and now you want a map it's clearly this way um are you sure i thought it was this way are you gonna question my judgment okay if you say so okay this is my chance you guys know the plan right yep we got this okay come on hey i gotta tell my shoe you guys going ahead are you sure he'll be fine i'm sure he'll catch up in no time okay [Music] i think we're going the wrong way but i'm not sure i need to see the map do you know where mikey is uh he said he was gonna catch up but i haven't seen him maybe we should turn around and go look for him yeah that would be a good idea let's go [Music] okay let's put this here and there you go screaming mask i hope you didn't get lost oh my god starting to get worried uh i'm sure he's around here somewhere yeah i bet any minute he'll look footprints what are those those don't look normal bro you don't think it could be the monster come on guys you don't really believe in mikey's story do you that's this noise the monster makes maybe we should get out of here yeah dude come on mikey we all know it's you ah i don't think it's mikey [Music] nice try told you it wouldn't work bro are you kidding me why didn't you have a mask on it wasn't in my backpack i must have left it in the tent wow so you guys ran on this too duh yeah and we would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for brah what are you doing the joke's over my speaker's off look you just never know when to quit do you mikey it's not coming from me my speaker's off then what else could it be i don't know but i'm not waiting to find out yeah bro me neither peace out [Music] okay whatever that thing was i think we escaped yeah oh my god uh guys what are those oh my god oh my god seriously this again i i didn't make those i swear they don't even look the same oh no oh no is this happening to me yeah bro i think we should find out the troops yeah yeah bailey lead the way yeah right the only reason i let her lead is that we could scare her you really think i'm going to let some girl have bailey quick lead us [Music] really i got don't kill me don't kill me i'm not gonna kill you john oh come on mikey you didn't really believe your story about the monster did you um no oh okay fine maybe but how'd you pull all this off oh well it was actually really easy you see last night i realized when you guys were getting into your tent that you were plotting something so i just listened in that's how he figured out about your whole plan what you were in on this too wait hold on what yep and i provided a few monster tracks and i used a speaker for the noises thank you oh how how would you get my mask in gloves well do you remember when i put that map in your backpack uh yeah i took out a few things too oh i knew it i packed all that stuff in there i can't believe you took all that out well i hope you guys all learned a very important lesson you know you should always treat i know i know you should always treat people the way you want to be treated i'm sorry bailey okay you want to lead us out of here of course ah here never mind bailey you can lead bailey it's all you copy that follow me [Music] i troops let the story begin kids don't try this at home darmian studios is always a lot of fun wait for the grant to now see you in the next video you
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 9,625,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: DBbg0w8ny7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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