POOR GIRL'S GIFT Shamed At BIRTHDAY PARTY, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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so are you gonna get that or just keep looking at it let me ask my dad you have to ask her permission why just do what I do dad I need your credit card they spend three million on legal fees last year alone so let's do whatever it takes to get their business see Vida [Music] when it was foreign [Music] [Music] hey it's Dad is there any way you can buy me this let me see Isabella but you already have a pretty dress at home I know you have the pink one but I always wear that can I please buy this one this is the cheapest dress they have oh sorry mija but do you know how things are we can't right now I know I just thought I'd ask it's okay Papa [Music] so did he give you his card oh I decided I don't want it I just remembered I already have something at home I can wear on Saturday ew you're not gonna wear something old to my party not the pink polka dot dress you always wear right if you're not embarrassed to wear that again I guess it's fine is there anything else I can help you find Miss Regina actually now that I think about it I'm gonna look at some shoes too of course are you ready to be wrong up um I changed my mind but thanks excuse me [Music] how come you're not eating mija I know I'm sorry we have to have these again okay Papa I'm not that hungry Dave are you excited about Regina's birthday party oh that's gonna be so much fun um I decided not to go but you have to go this is your friend's birthday party no it's going to be too embarrassing what do you mean it's just everyone's gonna have cute new dresses on they seen me wear my dress a millionth time I'm sorry that I could not buy you that new dress I feel so bad don't be sorry I know you're trying your best [Music] I Promise by Brian's not a big deal I didn't want to go anyway all right let's get this order done as fast as you can these people are in a hurry all right oh but I was going to take my lunch I've been working seven hours straight I know eat or taking a break yet okay then you can eat after you're done with the order but you tell me that before I started to make the tacos do you understand what I just said these people are in a hurry Mateo okay okay um I also wanted to ask um come on I don't have all day um well you know I've been working here a long time now and I only make 7.25 an hour can I are you literally asking me for more money now I mean have you lost your mind I work hard I know how much others make two times more than me and they do have to work [Music] please have you forgotten everything I've done for you you're here because of me Mateo yes you're right Senor I'm sorry so can I get the money early it's my daughter she since you are so ungrateful on how I pay you when I pay you why don't you go work for someone else all right you can't can you now listen if you're trying not to lose a good thing going for you I suggest stop talking start working now this is the third time third time I'm telling you Mateo these people are in a hurry foreign [Music] [Music] excuse me sir hi did you know that your one blood donation can help save multiple lives sorry not a good time right now okay I understand but if you change your mind here's a flyer [Music] uh hold on let's say it right here you get fifty dollars and you get that right away yes okay I can do it thank you thank you so much thank you actually it's across the street at Summit thank you [Music] what who got me the dress thank you oh you're welcome mija fit how did you hey just know that your dad will do anything for you okay I love you so much mija I love you too Dad wow this place is nice what does Regina's father do again hi Mateo hi Isabella I love your dress you look beautiful thank you both for coming appreciate it Dad I I want to open my gifts now and honey not everybody's here yet I think I don't care I want to open my gifts now okay they grow up so fast don't they it's like one moment you're putting diapers on them and then the next one they're telling you what to do the first ones from Madison airpods I already have these but I can always have a second pair oh Chanel I don't know who this is from why don't you open the rest of them first all right I'll open this one there you go [Music] um is this made out of beets Isabella and I made that together for you and we put your name on it that's so full of you guys thank you very much isn't that a nice gift honey it looks like it costs five dollars Regina please um well this is just one of the gifts we have another one coming and it's very nice that's not necessary the bracelet is just fine well hopefully it arrives soon because I don't even know what to say about this all right let's next one please please can I just go again I need the money I'm sorry Mr Perez but you've already reached the limit try coming in in another week no I don't have another week please can I go today unfortunately not it's for your safety something happened to me I I'd be fine this is for my daughter [Music] Mateo Hey Thomas what are you doing here summit's one of our clients to have a meeting with the board what about you oh I um I was trying to give blood but I reached my limit so they say no that's very nice of you trying to help people look I feel really bad hearing how much you need the money especially knowing that it's for your daughter come back in a couple of days and I'll see what I can do okay hello okay okay the truth is I'm trying to give blood because I need the money Isabella was so embarrassed that Regina's birthday party because of the bracelet and I feel very bad too so I want to give Regina another gift no please the last thing Regina needs is another gift she's already spoiled as she is okay besides you guys gift was perfect you know to not get her anything else okay do not thanks but how do I explain that to Isabella oh I can't believe you've gone as far as to give blood to get my daughter a second gift you're a stand-up guy and I feel so terrible I didn't know you guys were struggling this much well yeah but it wasn't always like this um these past few years hey hey it's okay you don't have to talk about it here let's have a seat don't worry no it's okay I tell you the last few years has been the worst years of my life see I was living in Mexico with Isabela and my wife Camila we did not have a lot but he felt like we had everything that is until one day a card ran a bit light and crashed into the side of our car they left Isabella and I we were okay but Camila she was on the side that got hit we found out who the spine was injured in the accident and the doctor said she never can walk again when we got home things went from bad to more bad our insurance did not cover the bills so all our money went to the hospital and no matter how high we try we could not pay so that is when my wife told me about coming to the U.S to make more money I don't want to do but she kept saying my work visa got approved the Camila no so Isabel and I say goodbye and we promise to come back for her Isabella couldn't stop crying and me too it was so hard so you see that is the situation my wife Camila is in Mexico we not have seen her in years I work hard to make more money and take care of her and my daughter pero is not easy I'm so sorry Mateo I had no idea you were going through this but having a job here how can your financial situation be so bad my boss he knows that I have to depend on him for my work visa and I cannot go anywhere else so he's very mean I hardly make anything I pay my rent my bills then not enough money for Isabella and I to eat gosh I wish you would have told me earlier I would have helped I don't like to ask for help nothing I can do anyway I am stuck who told you that a lawyer I don't have no money for that well then it's a good thing that your daughter's best friend's father it's a lawyer [Music] hold on you have to make a wish okay [Music] [Applause] I think I know what you wish for come on look inside Mika did you love it well this is not what I wish for but yes I love it you're welcome is it okay if I put it on now of course honey go oh thank you you're a great dad I could bet Regina half a mole she will not appreciate it as much as his ability with her gift now that's great yeah he sold things to you Senor and if you're not getting me out from my last job I could never have this place or have a party for Isabella even if I gave all the blood in my body well I'm glad it all worked out luckily we needed an old Spanish translator for my firm so it was a win-win although I don't think your old boss was very happy about it when we took it from him oh I forgot to tell you for my next paycheck I'm going to have enough money to go to Mexico to see Camila but I no say nothing to Isabella because I want to support well do you like it good luck so beautiful thanks Papa why are you crying because I wish your mom was here to see this should we FaceTime her come on actually before you do that can I give Isabella our gift first I believe there is someone you may want to see [Music] how did you do it since I helped you to get your visa I figured I might as well help Camila to get hers so I reached out to her I guess you don't have to buy those plane tickets anymore no [Music] this is [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 8,686,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: ZYJ2U63MY70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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