Teen Takes APRIL FOOLS' DAY PRANK Too Far, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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ready to fire don't shoot Frank it's Mrs Brown and she's ruining everything actually she did give me a c in history maybe I should go ahead and return the favor have you lost your mind you're gonna get in trouble again are you trying to get your mom to buy you the new iPhone for your birthday that's not the time all right fine oh finally she's gone okay I'm all come on let's see who's next give me some more good yes perfect no hold on I feel bad for her maybe you should just wait too late [Music] just wait until she sees what else I got up my sleeve I shouldn't say backpack hey Greta get a little uh why would you do this Frank it's just a prank relax lighten up come on besides I I just I just came here to apologize I am so sorry for doing that to you I don't know if I believe you you don't believe more well that's probably smart because that's not really why I came over here yeah gotcha April Fool sucker stop it fools isn't even for another two days what is this stuff can't say secret recipe but uh let's just say you can eat [Music] we don't need it well you completely ruined my hoodie and my shoes thanks a lot to be honest I would feel bad but uh looking at what you're wearing you should be thanking me now your mom and pops can finally buy you some new clothes and replace this garbage check my new shoes pretty flat right brand new ask them for a pair like these I mean where to even get a parachute like those it's Walmart or something you've been wearing them since like freshman year my camera doesn't have money for new stuff this was supposed to last me until summer and now I have to tell my mom what happened kill me oh my gosh it couldn't get any worse I mean you gotta what is that [Music] it for does that thing even work I'm pretty sure that thing came out before I was even born check out mine I got the iPhone 13. but uh my mom's gonna give me the 14. good for you Frank not everyone has money like you guys really isn't working can you tell me what time Minnesota missed the bus you take the bus too I'm starting to feel bad how poor are you guys well I gotta roll my mom's here she's got a brand new Porsche but uh listen you have fun taking the bus pass it he's right behind me ah dang it dude almost at him anyways uh so what do you think of the new crib huh pretty awesome right I don't get it first the new car now this place how'd you guys get so much money all of a sudden uh my uh my mom's aunt passed away so I left it some sort of inheritance or something [Music] um sorry to hear that sorry about what [Music] we are rich okay we're passing away was the best thing to ever happen just don't let the money change you I still feel bad about what you did to Greta your family doesn't have much yeah not my problem dude it's April fools of course Frank the prankster's gonna come out and the best part is [Music] I still have two days left to prank him you're not gonna prank your mom [Music] I'm Gonna Be Happy would mean going to prank dude it's already underway in five four three two one and right on time Frank I need you to finish loading the dishwasher I gotta go get the laundry and I need a iPhone 14 for my birthday what I thought we were just you know listing off our needs [Music] oh hey it's funny you mention that here's a crazy thought how about we hire somebody to do all that stuff so we don't have to here's another crazy thought you can start the dishwasher or I can take away your PS5 that's what I thought well I still want an iPhone 14 for my birthday [Music] foreign foreign [Music] Frank tell me why all my clothes are pink why are you asking me I have no idea what happened I know it was just you because I found this in the laundry room [Music] this isn't a game Frank do you have any idea how expensive these clothes are it's not like they were ruling you know biggest actually a good color on you Mom Frank oh come on it's not a big deal look around we're rich buy yourself some new clothes treat yourself you know what I actually did you a favor just because we have money now it doesn't mean you can blow it and it certainly doesn't make what you did okay thank you what did you do again I gotcha again April fools wow April fools isn't even until the day after tomorrow this isn't funny Frank you can ruin the kitchen floor man let's go Derek let's go you better get over here and help me clean this all right I will after you get me that iPhone oh oh [Music] [Music] geez what happened here your brother happened now that we have money it's gone to his head he thinks he can do whatever he wants to do in this so this is awesome kind of April Fool's joke but April Fool's isn't for two days exactly I don't know what to do with that boy I almost wish we didn't have the money anymore I may have an idea why are you shaking that you might find out yeah hold this oh no that's that one chip challenge do not eat that my friend Jimmy tried it and he had to be on like the toilet for three days he had to go to the hospital and everything oh this isn't for me to eat this this form a next victim no not cool Frank you're going too far with this now [Music] oh it's Greta yes this is gonna be so good don't do it I'm serious I'm not gonna stand here with you and see if you do it fine you don't want to be here you can find a new ride home okay cause I'm doing it you've changed man you've changed man get out of here oh foreign [Music] listen really sorry about yesterday I just want to say that I don't hear it Frank you ruined my stuff and move out of the way wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait come on Greta don't be mad at me no seriously okay I feel really bad so that's why I wanted to propose peace offering I don't want any of your Doritos wait wait wait you mad at me well just have one please please come on I want to do chips and you leave me alone no need to be harsh yeah that's my feelings but if you insist then yes I will leave you alone yeah any chips [Music] what is this it's just chip Greta not a Dorito Frank Reynolds is on fire weird [Music] yeah I don't know what happened it's funny to me whatever it doesn't matter just I need a drink okay okay I'm gonna Sprite you're a monster gotcha got you so good uh huh why are you driving our old car where's the push it's gone Frank get in I'll explain first tell me what you did to that girl nothing mom just played a prank she looked really hurt not a big deal she's just mad because we're families poor okay she got some dusty old shoes or cracked iPhone 4 and let's take the regular bag of the bus to school okay listen I be crying too if I was her friend I don't know what you've become now but I don't like it you shouldn't talk about people that way because as I've always told you you don't know how hard someone's life is until you walked a mile in their shoes but have you seen her shoes they are crusty Dusty musty and ugly okay I wouldn't walk five inches in them no anyways where's the Porsche I don't want to be seen getting picked up in this crappy old car at school you turns out my aunt had a will which entitled other family members to everything as well so now we have to give the inheritance money back including what we've already spent [Music] [Laughter] did you forget that your son is Frank don't break so you can't fool me let me guess the floors is that oh come on Mom this is something April Fool's joke isn't it there is no home we have to move out we're gonna have to stay with Grandma for a while look I even started packing and we gotta go back and get the rest of the stuff wow Mom I applaud you for your dedication I guess all these years together my skills are finally rubbing off on you anyways let's go home so I can play some PS5 I sold your PS5 yeah you sure did just like a lot of your other stuff sure you don't believe me I'll show you that's good to me draw yeah go ahead why are there movers here oh and make sure that the box is labeled sell are put on the side of the truck oh wait wait wait wait hold on hold on what's what's in there why in the world are my sneakers in a box labeled sell what because we really need the money to pay the inheritance back come on not my new sneakers Mom I'm sorry listen we all have to make sacrifices okay now can you help I almost forgot I need this too my iPhone 13. yeah you got to be kidding me I'm afraid not I'll give you my old one okay but just start helping we're paying these guys by the hour Frank can't believe he has to give everything back and return to his old lifestyle [Music] the next day when Frank shows up at school other kids point to him and laugh at his old clothes and shoes [Music] he doesn't find it very funny during lunch everyone's got their new tablets and phones out while Frank has to use his mom's hand-me-down right away he's made fun of he isn't happy [Music] to make things worse after school he now has to walk to the bus stop students give him a hard time Frank's miserable he now understands just how he made Greta feel little did he know he's in for a big surprise bad day [Music] put our car back what happened well you see the truth is this was all just one big beautiful no yeah no no no no no no I can't believe I fell for it wait wait wait wait wait so you didn't sell all my stuff and we don't have to move in with Grandma no wow wow you you got me Mom you got me good well now you know where you get your skills from I wanted to keep the prank going but I heard from a couple of your teachers and Darren how hard your day was going yeah now that you learned your lesson I figured I'll give you a present a little early no way you got me the iPhone 14 yeah oh thank you so much Mom oh and I have a gift card happy early birthday thanks Mom you want to go to the mall see what you can buy with it yeah that'd be great but uh can we please go home so I could change my outfit first yeah okay thanks all right uh actually monthly sec uh Hey Greta I just want to say not now Frank you've already ruined my life enough I don't want to talk I know I know I'm sorry like like for real this time that's why I wanted to give you these they're my birthday presents but I want you to have yeah right I don't believe you won bits whatever prank no this isn't a prank okay I I put that on my life here this is my way of apologizing I am so sorry Greta for everything that I put you through [Music] I had to lose everything to realize that you never know how hard someone's life is so you have to walk a mile in their shoes I don't know what to say thank you thank you so much you have no idea what this means to me you're welcome did you want to ride home uh that's all right taking the bus but thanks again yeah see you Greta [Music] I cannot believe what I just witnessed you really wanted that iPhone too I know but it's fine I mean I already have the iPhone 13. can I have that back now by the way uh about that I traded the 13 for the 14. I'm sorry you're stuck with the old one [Music] that's okay come on let's go I got you again April April Mom let's go you can go home now hey Darman fam thanks so much for watching the two 100 giveaway winners are listed right here if you want to win all you have to do is like and comment on this video I appreciate you watching and please remember we're not just telling stories we're changing lives I'll see you in the next video foreign [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 5,603,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: 3YJbt1KB7Pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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