Brothers SELLS DRUGS To FEED HIS SISTER, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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you can move this work you'll be making some money for real for real yeah you know what I'm saying that's what I'm saying that's why I'm here man I'm trying to clearly ain't got all day so what's it gonna be bro [Music] yo what you doing here I'm looking for the main entrance to bookside high well it ain't out here towel head bro you okay son son man I ain't your son you heard what he said right if y'all keep it moving Anton Abel what are y'all doing out here no Miss West like we're just giving a nice man directions you know your new teacher I'll take you y'all better hurry up you're gonna be late yeah be on the way yes ma'am [Music] so what's it gonna be Antoine [Music] Bluetooth I said excuse me class turn the music off please thank you as you know Mrs Smith had to take an extended leave of absence so this is your new writing teacher Mr Singh does he even speak English actually I have a masters in English should you be working at 7-Eleven [Music] respect him if you don't want to end up in detention going to be okay I've been dealing with this my whole life there's nothing I can't handle all right class let's Jump Right In [Laughter] my goal this year is to show you how much fun writing can be well it can be writing is more than just words on paper it's the feeling of soft rain falling on our skin the smell of sweet spring Breeze blowing in our nostrils writing is a metaphor for everything in life I don't know where you live but you don't get no sweet spring Breeze the only Breeze we get is gunpowder great reference you said like gunpowder that's a metaphor they do mean to do that here I'll give an example I gave him three days tops definitely lasts longer than that all right students raise your hand if you know who wrote this no one really it's Shakespeare and it's a metaphor and I believe what he's saying is that if the whole world is a stage we can choose to be anything we want to be in life regardless of where we come from not here sorry did you want to say something like we get a choice that's fun because everybody I know that's grown up here if they're not dead they're either pushing drugs gang banging or locked up we think that's a coincidence and look the reality is no we ain't got a choice out here we see some birds trapped in the cage yes yes that's good Lord is trapped in a cage that's a metaphor and when right don't worry about my name if anything you need to worry about when you're getting your next job [Music] hey Antoine yeah I'm hungry and there's no food uh no there should be some leftover mac and cheese in the fridge no mom made it all [Music] foreign did you touch this money I had 20 bucks in here it wasn't me foreign you really used our food money to buy alcohol [Music] [Music] oh then early yeah it's coming up with a lesson plan for today I really want to connect with these kids Shakespeare these kids don't know Shakespeare they don't care to know him honestly you know you gotta find a way to relate to them if you want them to take you seriously so how do I do that definitely not by talking about some 17th century upper-class European guy that's for sure [Music] I uh want to drop this off for you it's the annual poetry slam contest all the inner city kids get to compete grand prize is ten thousand dollars wow that's amazing have any of our kids won before Oh no none of our kids have never even competed you know maybe this year they will though anyways I gotta go but remember what I said relate to them got it text me Swiss Lake yeah good morning Jesse I used to listen to Tupac when I was a teenager he's the goat his lyrics are just so relatable song starts with this as soon as you sell it bring me the cash and I'll get you some more yo but that's that's kind of a locked down there and we start a little smiling you can but just so you know you can make about one or two from this if you sell it all Andrew thousand hey everyone should you be in class yeah yeah as I'm away all right bro I'll uh I'll catch you after school you know my friends talk about the class project [Music] s all right class let's get started can we turn the music off please thank you now how many of you can recognize what's on the board ain't nobody's trying to read no Shakespeare it's not Shakespeare it's actually from a song that's so many tears Tupac correct I buy a show of hands how many of you know the song all of you great now how many of us know that the whole song is full of metaphors yeah right Tupac ain't know about no metaphors yeah let's have a look at this I had my mind full of demons trying to break free they planted seeds and their heads sparking the flame what do you think he's trying to say here he's talking about his struggles and Temptation exactly and he's doing that using a metaphor yes and if Tupac can use metaphors and he grew up in the projects like you so can you which is why I want you to take part in this poor Islam this will give you a chance to not only showcase your abilities but also bring Pride to the school and the winner gets to win ten thousand dollars ten rats that can change my whole family's life yeah right come on y'all acting like People Like Us win them things are you guys really sitting here and listening to this man capping and hyping y'all up in the name of Tupac look I was just trying to find a common ground between us and well there is no Common Ground you can't relate to the lyrics don't try to understand them okay so why don't you enlighten me what's your interpretation of these lyrics all right it's okay if you don't want all right look what he's saying is that he's trying to be pure close to God not fall into temptation but then there's money drugs violence whatever it's put them down the wrong path those are the seeds he's talking about and then we say he's trying to break free it's because he feels trapped like all of us because we can't choose where we come from maybe so but we get to choose where we end up see this is what I meant when I said in class we can choose to be anything we want to be in life no we can't yes we can no we can't you know what check this out okay how many of y'all got someone that's grown up here it came out to be a doctor hmm about a lawyer check this one out about college graduate yeah exactly you see you keep telling us we could be anything we want to in life like you know our lives you don't you don't know what it's like to grow up in Jordan Downs Project without epoxy pen when your daddy's locked up your moms are alcoholics so you gotta take care of your baby sister all by yourself do you know nothing about what I go through trying to tell me that I could be anything I want to in life so you just think I want to be my family's caretaker then that's really hard at one I'm sorry I was sorry sorry that ain't gonna bring my sister dinner with my mom use that money on liquor is it you don't know anything about what I go through you know nothing nothing so don't stand there talking like you do don't don't stand there preaching to us like about some poetry contest you know I can't take this now I'm out of here I'm out Antoine wait sorry class I'll be right back Antoine Antoine stop hold on I do know what it feels like okay what are you talking about just because I didn't grow up into projects like you doesn't mean my life has been easy I was the only Indian kid with a turban in my neighborhood imagine that all my life people have been calling me names terrorist asking me to go back to my country I used to come home with black eyes from school bruises all over my body kids ripping my turbot off kicking me thinking it was funny my life hasn't been easy either Edward even after I went through all of that I decided to move forward with my life let's talk at you and that's all I'm asking you to do all right and I don't even have time for this right man hey what he said what to be in that's also a metaphor you're a smart kid at what smarter than you think thank you [Music] foreign who knows what time that'll be and she forgot to pack my lunch today so I haven't either okay all right I'll go get you some food right now okay thanks brother I love you I love you too [Music] thank you [Music] yo I've been calling you yeah sorry man I I'll come meet you at the spot right now man um yeah I'll see you in a bit though okay [Music] [Music] I don't want to do this just I just need to feed my family please just no Give Me A Sign or something [Music] I'll be right back okay [Music] you can choose to be anything you want to in life regardless [Music] sorry we got food [Music] foreign 's encouragement Antoine decides to enter the contest he practices for it at school during lunch [Music] every chance he gets [Music] and as time goes by he impresses everyone with how talented he is [Music] then comes the day of the competition but where I heard that music cannot rightly tell I only know that I heard it and that I know full well I heard a little music and all sky was blue a little water singing has little Waters do that was amazing good job great job all right last but most definitely not least we have oh um our first time getting someone from bookside please put your hands together for Antoine Jones [Applause] oh hi my name is Antoine and the poem that I'm going to say today is called Crossroads it represents uh a place in my life that I've recently found myself at that's hard okay Crossroads of my mind and on One path it's the life I always dreamed of but then a storm called reality kicks in wipes it all out like Katrina pen the paper let the words pour from my skin put the stench in my mom's alcohol breath starts to sink in and all the words inside of me are replaced with veins flowing with Stress and Anxiety because somebody's got to make sure my little sister eats Crossroads of my mind we all get to choose the role we play in this life for some of us we don't get a say in this life words don't put food on the table Antoine gotta put the notebooks away in this life because life is like a box of chocolates but some of us oh the chocolates ain't even inside huh metaphors won't keep the lights out son and just like that your Crossroads become a path of destruction survival Mass that's illegal activity your freedom abducted keys to success when the world gives you nothing and now you're a prisoner to the system the keys to success can't unlock them chains Crossroads of my mind it's now or nothing Antoine [Music] you gotta decide at a force or a life of crime take a chance on yourself Antoine you got the pen this time [Music] [Applause] [Music] great job [Music] [Applause] I'm sure with something [Applause] you did amazing for real yes I'm so proud of you you spoke from your heart and you told your story audience loved it was good enough to win I know that I use that money okay I just got word and the winner of the fifth annual poetry slam competition is [Music] foreign those judges were tripping you should have won either way second place is still really impressive thanks guys I just kind of wish it came with some money you know thank you for watching sorry for me I'll see you all at school tomorrow yeah I saw a guy selling hot dogs in the corner you think I could get one um I'll find you something at home but we have no food at home either so what are we gonna do hey Antoine you're not going to believe this why what's up you know Connor the boy who won the first prize yeah well it turns out that what he read wasn't his original work he used chat GPT he did yes which means you won way are you serious yeah yeah no there's no way there's no way congratulations Antoine you deserve it thank you oh I still can't believe this foreign thank you Mr Singh I really couldn't have done this without you just look at how many opportunities that come your way this check is one of many does this mean we'll be able to get food now yes sir we're gonna have food hey we're gonna have a feast I promise you you're never gonna be hungry again [Music] aren't you glad you chose writing yeah tell me about it you know what let's all go get something to eat it's my treat but first apparently I gotta stop at a bank brother can I ask you another question yeah what's up do you think I could be a writer like you one day I know not lots of Writers come from here of course you can sorry cause like a wise person once told me you can choose to be anything you want to be in life regardless of where you come from foreign [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 5,266,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: ORAGZ893lQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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