PREGNANT WAITRESS Gets SHOCKING TIP! **emotional** | Dhar Mann

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okay Harry you tell me first no no Ali you seem excited to go first are you sure yeah okay okay oh goodness um are you all right I am so sorry oh don't worry about it it's totally fine are you okay I'm just fine okay good I'll get you a new order right away all right thank you so much of course yeah wait um can you tell me you tell me oh yeah um well well instead of telling you I show you okay you're pregnant yes I know we've been trying for so long and it's happening from high school sweethearts now we're gonna start a family together you're gonna make an amazing father I can't wait to take our kid to soccer practice or dance recitals and then spend Thanksgiving and Christmases together [Music] sweetheart sweetheart what is it I don't want to ruin them out oh you can tell me please hey you know how I had that doctor's appointment about my stomach pain well I just got back and babe Maybe you're scaring me [Music] all right I have cancer what but you you caught it early you got it early like it's treatable right [Music] so unfortunately the cancer has spread to his liver and lungs [Music] okay okay well um we we need to start treatment as soon as possible then I agree wait how much does it cost who cares how much it costs try we have well because you don't have insurance most treatments like this can cost up to around 150 000. of course you don't have to pay it all at once there are payment plans okay good good we don't need to waste any more time talking about this let's just set up an appointment so we can get this process going how effective is a treatment at this stage not great less than 30 percent I give or take it doesn't matter okay it doesn't matter we still have to try it doesn't matter sure thirty percent no I'm not doing it what why my eyes are less than 30 you have a baby I'm not gonna leave you with all this debt Harry I don't want to hear this we can't give up we can't I'm begging you baby we have to fight for this we have to fight for us we don't have a second waitress [Music] is that and to raise a baby by yourself I am not having this child without you don't say that you made me a promise you made me a promise when we were 16. that we'd be together forever yeah you can't break that now you can't I didn't choose to catch cancer Harry listened to me you're gonna go through with this treatment you're gonna survive [Music] and we're gonna grow old together you hear me decision not yours [Music] well the Masterpiece is almost complete I feel like you want these no I'm not gonna finish it to give it for the baby everything's very much got a moat there with alligators hi um look what I got for you more crayons yay that was so sweet thank you of course can I get you to anything else I think we're good right we're okay all right here we go sure and give you the card oh great and um just so you know we don't allow tips on the card um it's cash only really yes unfortunately I'm sorry for the inconvenience no it's it's your policy I wish I only have a dollar honey do you have any extra cash [Music] don't worry about it it's perfectly fine are you sure yes it's fine yeah thanks mommy can I maybe sign up for ballet you just signed up for soccer but Emma's doing it so I wanted to Emma um okay oh you want to do a ballet Emma Emma do you want a new ballet with her yeah come on [Music] hey Alice how you doing good [Laughter] good little one you're welcome all right okay [Music] are you all right yeah yeah I'm sorry good I just I just need a minute if you need to leave early I completely understand I can't imagine what you're going through right now no no no I can't the last thing I can afford to do right now is to lose out on any money baby I'm waiting situation with Harry I need this money I need this one please let me know if there's anything I can do to help honestly okay thank you [Music] here you go would you like anything else may I cover it oh let me see um you're about a dollar short oh no foreign you know what I'll take care of it for you [Music] thank you thank you very much of course you have a good evening okay [Music] um welcome to Darla's um what can I get started for you today Alice Alice Stevens from Brookside High Miss Johnson your high school English teacher of course wow it's been so long has it you still remember me are you kidding me you're one of my favorite students have you been I'm not gonna lie it's been pretty tough for me lately but I'm okay is there anything I can do to help no that's okay but thanks just breaks my heart to hear you're going through a tough time especially with how nice of a person you are you are always so caring about everybody in high school but remember that girl that couldn't afford to go on the field trip the senior senior year Verna where and I yes that's it Verna her parents couldn't afford to send her to Disneyland with us so you arranged a bake sale and raised enough money so she could come with us that was so sweet of you and then let's not forget um coming to me Jackie Jackie the foreign exchange student yeah she was getting so picked on and always sitting by herself at lunch until you convince her to come sit by you and Harry every day you know that completely changed her High School experience I'm surprised that you remember all that of course and I'm sure all the people you helped remember too you have always been so kind to people yeah well too bad kindness doesn't pay the bills can I I personally believe that the kindness you put into the world has a way of coming back to you I I used to think that too but not so much anymore it's not your timing it's God's timing are you yeah four months oh don't tell me you said Harry it's so beautiful oh you are going to be a wonderful mother and Harry's gonna be a great father you guys are gonna be amazing parents this is perfect I am sorry about that Alice [Music] something very right now her husband happy Mother's day sweetheart just in case I'm not around stop stop I don't want you talking like that [Music] that doesn't sound good look you really need to take you to the hospital okay no no no I'm fine come on Harry look how pale you are you're not well of course I'm not well I'm dying [Music] Harry you need to take you in for what just so we can spend hundreds of dollars for them to tell us the same thing no no no push [Music] hey I love you just going to work and I'll pick it up afterwards okay [Music] thank you hey you forgot oh yes excellent choice I'll have that right out to you okay another order we have another customer oh my gosh okay I've never seen this place so packed before I know I should get some more help no no no I I can do it um I could really use the extra money I can handle it I promise are you sure yes I got this yeah thank you hi um do you need anything else no that'll be all thank you have a good day you too oh excuse me you left too much oh no I didn't oh that's for you Tim are you sure [Music] hi um how's everything over here oh uh everything was perfect okay [Music] and you can keep the change thank you so wait are you sure I mean that's a 200 tip I'm sure this is the biggest tip I've ever gotten no idea what this means to me I'm ready to close out thank you so much and I don't need any change either I'd actually like to tip you five hundred dollars it can't be serious I'm ready for my check too and I would like to tip you one thousand dollars a thousand dollars oh and when you get a chance I have a five thousand dollar tip for you ten thousand over here [Music] 20 . Am I Dreaming right your manager Greta told me what happened believe it so I am I started to GoFundMe page for you and I shared it in our school's alumni group looks like I am not the only one who remembers how kind you were oh [Music] no I don't even know what to say [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you so much remember when I said the kindness you put into the world always coming back to you you were right I guess I'm still learning new lessons from you even after all these years foreign [Music] I'm so sorry that your husband couldn't be here [Music] hello I'm sorry sorry I'm running late I got these for you now I'll accept your flowers [Music] I need to would you like me to take a photo oh yes please please okay one two three say cheese [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 6,250,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: zIwg_b-CiTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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