Mom SWITCHES BABIES At HOSPITAL, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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we're gonna be parents Rose my parents are so excited about this did you want to call anybody from your family no I don't care about them I just want to hold my baby do you see how the pupils aren't constructed anymore is something wrong uh we're not sure yet your baby seems totally healthy but we're just gonna run a few tests on the vision because we're a little concerned the pupils aren't reacting well to the light I don't understand the doctor just said before I went into labor that we had nothing to worry about well not all issues can be detected early on not with 100 confidence anyway including blindness but let's not get worried or ahead of ourselves we don't know if anything's wrong for sure and other than that everything looks great how can you tell me not to worry when you just said my daughters could it be blind how would something like that even have happened well there are lots of possibilities um infection or vitamin deficiency birth injury genetics genetics this is all your fault my fault I don't have any blindness that runs in my family please try not to panic do you want to hold your baby before we run the tests well we'll talk about this after we get results we'll be back as soon as we can yeah thank you so much yeah [Music] yeah honey let's not point the fingers besides if they find something we're still gonna love our baby right how are we so good she's perfect good job Mama my sweet sweet girl I love you so so much it doesn't seem like she's completely blind but in time it will get there ugh I really don't want to be the one who has to tell Mrs Anderson any bad news well we'll do a couple of checks and then we can talk to her oh shoot I forgot my badge can you tell her though if it turns out the baby is blind who's my healthy baby oh my healthy perfect baby it's just Olivia are you ready wait let me just put this on her so we always stay connected lovely little girl I'll be right back with her okay [Music] [Music] I'm sorry ma'am only Hospital Personnel past this point oh of course oh nurse nothing paging nurse Williams please report to the obstetrics Ward nurse Williams you're needed in the NICU thank you thank you you can come we'll finish up when you get back thank you thank you [Music] excuse me oh sorry I was saying my shoe I'm sorry I'm new here I need to take this baby in for more testing and I can't find where to go oh is that the Anderson baby let me check the wristband yes are you their nurse uh Yes actually I am I I'd be happy to take her for you great thank you I appreciate it nurse I need to log some information and we'll be right back I need you to keep an eye on her for me please [Music] thank you [Music] Rose where have you been oh I just went to get some fresh air I couldn't handle stress but you know what I think it really helped I think everything's gonna be okay now you know I realized that no matter what every child has to be loved unconditionally [Music] Mr Mrs Anderson we run a test and it did seem like your daughter had some issues with her vision strangely enough we ran some more tests and she passed with flying colors so there doesn't seem to be anything wrong my gosh this is great news this is great you know being honest in all my time I've not seen anything like this no it's a miracle that's what it is it sure is so I'll just go and get her and bring her oh I almost forgot her necklace please don't keep it on her when she's sleeping it's a choking hazard okay [Music] how did she get this oh I got it when I was out just now I had a little concession stand okay Olivia named her Olivia uh yeah I thought that would be the perfect name for her yeah it's only half of a heart where's the other half um I haven't gotten it yet but I will I I'll just get it online so we can match I'm so glad she's okay can you imagine raising a child like that [Music] oh Grandpa can I put lipstick on you no Grandpa does not want any lipstick yeah that would be fine oh she's growing up so fast does she get her eye color from Rose's mom or dad what I hear from her relatives neither I mean her dad as you know passed away a long time ago I've never met her mom it's like rose and her mother don't seem to have a relationship at all I wonder if that's why she didn't want a wedding have you met Rose's Family uh no it's a couple of cousins and aunts and uncles here they are well doesn't look like Olivia gets her features from Rosa's side of the family I don't think I've anyone with light hair or eyes on my side do you Patrick no I I can't think of anyone on my side either Grandpa stop talking oh sorry Princess that's odd are you sure she's yours you should take a paternity test maybe she's the mailman's daughter come on Mom why would you say something like that I'm only joking it is strange though I always felt there was something a little off about Rose no this is ridiculous Marcus you're the father and it breaks my heart that you don't trust me I do trust you but none of this makes any sense what what doesn't make sense she's our child she always has been and I can't believe you'd think anything else thanks a lot for ruining my night all right so what are we thinking chocolate strawberry strawberries strawberry that's it oh us I'm sorry about that oh well you know it looks like it's the last one oh no take it no it's fine really yeah thank you it's actually for my daughter's birthday tomorrow she's turning 11. I can't believe how fast times oh are you telling me that's it's weird because it's actually my daughter's birthday as well tomorrow ah where is she yeah mine is always running off of her Grandma Olivia [Music] your daughter's name is Olivia too yeah wow same name same birthday wow you're gonna tell me next that she was born at John Green Hospital [Music] is this please yeah sure um just give me one second okay okay all right um by any chance is you're there she is hi honey mommy can I get frozen yogurt do you think you could take her let's go dear um um this is going to sound a little weird but I was um does your husband have like dark hair dark eyes or um ex-husband actually and no no he has lighter features like mine I don't know where she gets it from to be honest with you I'm sorry for asking so many questions but I has has she always been blind first but it's degenerative yeah I don't know the weird thing is when she was first born all the nurses said she was completely healthy in every way but once I took her home that's when it all changed I don't know it's almost oh my gosh [Music] you're a pennant [Music] uh hi is everything all right you know the strangest thing happened at the grocery store today I bumped into a woman who looked exactly like our daughter so it wasn't a big deal until I met her daughter who looked exactly like me you know where you're going with this dark hair and dark eyes are don't look like their parents yeah but there's a there's more her daughter whose name is Olivia was born the same exact day at the same exact Hospital Plus she's blind just like the nurse initially thought our Olivia was going to be is there a point to the story because I'm tired and I want to relax oh yeah I'm getting there but the next part it's really bizarre you know that heart pennant that our Olivia has the one that you said you were gonna get the other half but then they stopped manufacturing it yeah so this woman has the same exact heart pendant but she said it got lost at the hospital so is there something that you want to tell me Rose about what oh I don't know about what happened that day in the hospital something that you did you know what this is ridiculous I am so sick and tired of your constant accusations all the time Olivia is our daughter you are her father is that right you remember the paternity test that you threw out in the garbage well I took it and it turns out I'm not the father so one of the two things is the truth either you cheated on me or you just I switched the babies okay is that what she wanted to hear but it doesn't even matter now Olivia's art girl we raised her and Nothing's Gonna Change are you insane Rose you took that girl away from a real mother well I wasn't no don't you even try that don't you even try that because we would have loved her no I wouldn't have because I've already been through something like this and I was not gonna do it again you see the reason I don't ever talk about my mom is because well she's blind growing up while other kids got to play outdoors and have fun all day I had to stay at home and help around the house it drove me crazy [Music] as I got older struggle never ended there was hardly any money for anything I wanted to do and I couldn't go anywhere because I always had to help with random things I hated it so the moment I turned 18 I left the house and never looked back [Music] so you see I know what it's like living with a disabled family member and I was not going to go through that again with our daughter you treated your mother like that oh daughter and even if you didn't want to be with her or love her I would have to be agreed on something at least I thought we did that every child needs unconditional love yeah that sounds great Marcus but you have no idea how difficult it is seeing your daughter fall behind in school never been able to play sports never having any friends I was not gonna deal with that Burden Burden who is that I'm sorry Rose but you took this way too far and I am not gonna let you get away with it what did you do there's so much that I would like to say to you but what I want you to know the most is that raising Olivia has never been a burden it's been a blessing and I have loved every second of it and contrary to what you said she is great in school she's the top player in her test League she has so so many friends who love her and she has certainly most never been burden I feel sorry for your mother she had a daughter like you because that is never the way that I would treat a loved one you told her no she's not the only one I told ma'am you're under arrest reciprocity Medical Professional and kid no no you went all wrong come with us Marcus you have a right to remain silent the only thing you say Cato gives a gift for a vlog you guys can come out now yeah Pamela I know that this is not going to undo 11 years I'm so sorry that we took something from you that you could ever have back like raising your daughter Olivia is my daughter but so is Daddy what's happening and where did Mommy go Mommy is going to be gone for a while okay and I'll explain everything to you later I I know this is hard to take Pamela is your mom she's your biological mother hey sweetie um I know that this must be a lot to take in but look [Music] they connect listen now that I know I I would love to be part of her life that I completely understand if you don't no are you kidding of course I want to be Olivia um so nice to meet you again I held you when you were first born my name is Marcus and I'm your dad you are does that mean the other Olivia's my sister yeah I've always wanted a sister daddy did I tell you gone and my English test today oh you did well I gotta tell you I'm not surprised why are we here again oh there's someone here that I think that you would love to meet can I help you hi uh you must be Rose's mom I'm Marcus uh her ex-husband okay I figured that you'd like to meet your granddaughters it's their birthday oh my goodness I have granddaughters thank you so much for bringing them to me you can't imagine how much this means to me my daughter here as well uh that's a long story if you let us in I have a lot to tell you yes [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 8,321,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: SeH2GvIqSzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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