Meet the Man Who Calls Himself the Lip King....(I Wonder Why)

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hello my name's jordan and i'm from england and i am addicted to lip filler people have shot me in the street oh my god there's amber rose you know who you look like amber fell because you don't look like amber rose [Music] hey what's up you fat piglet baby sanchez's it's me sexy leo and i'm back with another episode of bro what but in this episode we are graced by the presence of a king i've heard of a lot of kings in my time king kong you're talking about the fat guy from king of queens the sofa king i like himself a king much and now oh yeah yeah the lip king oh my god oh my god wow look at those bad boys and i didn't give him that name he came up with it all by himself let's give it up for jordan the lip king i was once a lip disaster but now i'm known in england as the lip king before we get into the video if you haven't subscribed already please do so or tell a friend too the reason is obvious i want to get enough subscribers to get enough views to get enough money to buy some fake lips of my own trying to get them whale lips [Music] okay anyway let's just get into the video hello my name's jordan and i'm from england and i am addicted to lip villa i've had filler in my chin listen i just want to say right off the bat when it comes to physical appearance it's subjective everybody likes something different in saying that i think humans like other humans and what you are going for is a fish jordan it's a fish this looks like that spongebob episode where that pickle guy got stung by the jellyfish and his lips started getting fat that's what that looks like coming in my face yeah i can't really move oh my gosh [Applause] [Music] did he draw on his eyebrows was that did you how much money did it take to get those eyebrows oh one dollar eighteen cents and you need one for each eyebrow presumably two dollars and thirty six cents not bad i got my first procedure i was 19 i was 21 when i got my lips some i went in there and i was like you know you need to make me look natural natural natural natural natural you know it's everything coming together to cultivate this look that jordan's going for you got them big lips you got them drawn on eyebrows they have bald head you look like uh mr potato head basically i sort of got addicted to the lip filler any attention is good attention whether you're thinking bad things you're still thinking about me this is a picture what what are you eating after all the attention i got it slowly like got more and more then it just got to the point where i found a doctor why are they so greasy lip gloss looks nice on goals i'm just saying i don't want it to look like you just fully ate all of the kfc and didn't leave me that's what this looks like and you didn't even use the napkin to at least make it look like you didn't eat it jordan there's a family of chickens that are missing again i just want to make it clear that i'm trying to patent my idea off a camera that punches you when you put it too close to your face because certain things should not be taken from that close distance and i was just like you know what just give me all why would you take a picture of yourself like that it looks like if someone said oh randy orton would never rko me and then this happened who are you showing this to that is like love who are you showing this to on social media obviously we're going to be concerned my lips have really changed me as a person and i'd be like so normal and boring without them that's the look you want to go for good luck with that okay i don't know i was going to get judged myself in this episode touche that is fair criticism i guess people like jordan look at normal boring people and they're like ah who would want to live such a normal life i kind of get it jordan wants to live the lifestyle of a king it's always these people who have like the most money and you just never know how because it's not from work but i would not like to walk into a room and people like not notice me whereas my lips walk into the room and they do walk jordan's lips have legs of their own and a beating heart because they're actually sentient beings they just rip off his [ __ ] face when he goes to sleep at night and just go on adventures by themselves nice to meet you please have a seat look at that oh my gosh is that a burger it's the same two dudes when we looked at martina you know the lady who was black did you really are you this is real this is real there's actually cool they're back what have you had botox fillers chin filler filling in my face really jordan actually what didn't you have done to your face hey we were gonna be here all day if i didn't ask that dumb ass this is so full of filler we're looking at your lips and they're they're quite large my colleague here is actually being quite polite before the cameras turned on he actually said oh my dear god what the hell is that and then he shot himself so i guess what i'm trying to say is why do you have two hot air balloons stapled onto your face [Music] do you not think that's maybe an indication of going too far when both doctors look dumbfounded when you look back and two doctors are like what look are you sort of going for with your face yes actually i i'm agreeing with my colleague what look are you going for you are you going for a human or is it something we haven't seen before i have a sketch artist in the back he could he could do a composited sketch of whatever you're looking for have you seen toy story is that no no okay just are you looking for more now some of us love looking fake and some people love looking natural do you know what i mean let the natural people be natural and let the fake people be fake you know i can't even disagree with jordan on that one that's kind of baller that's why you can't hate on jordan you can just give him a little roast you got to respect someone who knows who they are and wants to go forward with that it may not be the healthiest thing physically but hey who am i to judge we do some crazy [ __ ] every day yesterday i ate apple sauce from a jar i know can we feel your lips yeah of course would you mind don't squeeze too hard did it hurt of course you can but if you touch them too hard they might explode tsa almost didn't let me come into the country where's the mirror i want to show them something look at these little blistery look at yourself jordan look at yourself is this what you want is this what you want okay doctor i think our work is done you imagine if that's what they did that was all they ever did to people have you ever had hyaluronidase injected in there to to make them go down i want them bigger not smaller it's all fun and games until your lips fall off i did not know your lips could fall off i've seen some people with very thin lips before and i'm like how do you pronounce words my guy very suspicious actually how do you even say suspicious and you look at them and they're like is this what you want jordan do you want to go from lip king to where are your lips bro i'm going to show you something you are murdering the man that you once wear look at your soul whew i think we're done doctor it took two rounds but we got him we got him high five b okay that's a pinched look so you like that look oh look how do you like that now imagine open your mouth all the time breathing and with those big lips and with those big lips you look like a [ __ ] fish do you want to look like a [ __ ] fish on a mantle jordan bear grylls will eat you my name is bear grylls you can eat these things i've always liked sushi i just ruined your breathing didn't i yeah what do you think about that i don't want the prince look yeah i don't want that look that's pretty cool that jordan didn't want to get no surgery because it would have really complicated things but i'm kind of glad that there's some resolution to this and the fact is he didn't overdo it with sargeras [Music] here make the lips paul paul make the lips that was pretty good paul it's been said before i'll say it again i don't think anyone's listening maybe instead of using a hundred thousand pounds on looks you could dedicate fifty thousand pounds to the mental treatment i'm not saying in any way you have mental problems what i'm saying is that maybe you could talk out your feelings and it might actually help come to terms with who you are inside bet you didn't know i had a pseudo-psychology degree i'm a phd a pretty huge [ __ ] it's been a few years now since i've seen dr nasa with dr brown phillip's been leaking out on my list after their advice it did scare me a bit and then i was like oh maybe i need to calm down a bit and not inject so much jordan it looks like you're entering the river sticks in hell that second picture come on jordan okay come on okay now can you breathe like that can you breathe like that can you breathe like this huh huh can you be like that no you can't wow i didn't listen four nose jobs later and i've now got breathing problems i was expecting some positive [ __ ] four nose jobs later and i cannot breathe i am dying why you say it so positively when i'm 85 i'll be the hottest looking plastic looking guy in the bingo hall when you're 85 you look like tupperware jordan people will put things inside of you and put you in the fridge i've had upper eyelid surgery obviously my four nose jobs had a lip lift chin implant liposuction on my stomach it was 100 the worst surgery like i've ever done it and now i look like a gta 5 custom character that nobody ever would pick damn i guess people really do be addicted to surgery huh that might be the future though jordan might be the future of people you know maybe it'll become a thing of commonplace in the future right now though it definitely it needs a little work look i'm still fat okay yeah your abdomen has very actual little fatigue oh yeah cause i'm sorry those are called organs jordan not only do you need them to survive but if you go to church on a sunday you can play one you only live once i want a big butt for summer yeah let me get this straight smaller nose bigger lips bigger booty smaller stomach okay uh hold on okay one second like that you only live once i want a big butt for summer i've said this once i'll say it again but living your whole life from a drake motto from 2011 probably not a great idea on an unrelated note saying it's my birthday i'll get high if i want to in front of cops not a great idea uncertainty is in your nose oh i can't now breathe you look stupid no there's no purpose for them we just need a laugh sometimes you can take them out the nasal coats are really cute but i probably won't wear them it does feel amazing to have like two of the best surgeons in the world giving me advice but i just love getting surgery done it's just fun jordan even acknowledges that they're two of the best surgeons and then still doesn't take their advice you can only say so much to anyone you know at some point people are gonna do what they want it just means that they have to live with the consequences of their actions and just to make a little classic bro eye they did actually invite her on that good morning show remember the last time when that dude was just fully staring at martina's boobs the whole time well they invited the lip king on today as well you're 25 years of age how much have you spent i've spent so far 130 000 pounds people have shot me in the street oh my god there's the kim kardashian guy they do not are you kidding me for one thing you're missing their hair jordan maybe you need some ear surgery they are not saying that they're probably like oh my god is that amber nope that's just a guy you're not you're not far off hey man no i haven't seen your bottom yet but um no the rest of you later what the [ __ ] was that does this dude just come onto the television show to try and hit on every guest oh you're not too far off kim k all i need to see is your arse and we'll be fine just just bend down just bend down right here i i get fired i don't care oh i don't care about the show i'm just trying to get my nuts off you have to stop you've got a wife or but i can't control myself oh what i wouldn't do to see the lip king's arms oh i'm sorry what what what do you say well you gotta say your complexion is amazing absolutely absolutely incredible i think that's those treatments well that's pretty it's fascinating talking to you kim i mean jordan i'm sorry it's fascinating talking to you kim i mean jordan i'm sorry i'm sorry yes that was a plan joke of course yes of course it was it's my duty to get into her booty do you not sit sometimes and wonder who the real you is i never hated myself and that's the thing i know at that time i never looked in the mirror and thought oh my god i hate myself it's a hobby for me i love getting it done that last part that jordan was saying is probably the most important part is when jordan said that he didn't hate his previous self he just wanted to change and jordan also said that people online sort of give him hate and things personally i don't see why jordan's really not offending or hurting anybody he's not doing this for anyone other than himself maybe publicity but then you don't have to keep up with him if you don't want to honestly dude seems really nice and i'd be his friend anyway guys that is the video thank you so much for watching i really do appreciate it if you have any other suggestions for videos then hit me up at 16 leo underscore on my instagram and until then i shall see you very soon and fluff the take it away
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 248,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: botched, botched lips, botched cringe, botched show, botched lip king, botched funny, botched episode, botched surgery before and after, botched surgeries, lips funny, cringe liips, kylie jenner lips, funny, family friendsly, humor
Id: vBN6B3-WL4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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