Girl Defined teaches us about social media

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to my channel we're gonna be talking about girl defined I haven't watch this video yet but it's called using social media in a god-honoring way so the last video and the only other video I did on them is a little bit related to this because they were talking about posting seductive pictures online so I figured this would be a good next step in my girl to find a journey if you did watch that video you'll know that I changed into a light haired wig because I really just want to fit in with Bethany and I can't remember the other one this is me their deranged cousin ready to learn [ __ ] hey guys it's Kristin and Bethany here and today we're gonna be talking about using social media in a god-honoring way this is actually another question that one of you directly asked us and said hey can you make a video about social media and specifically as a Christian girl how do you social media and a god-honoring way so thank you so much for asking the question that's a really good one because social media is something not huge most of us have and it's really crazy when you think about social media cuz it's like this fairly new thing when we were in high school social media I remember was just like coming and like anything popular yeah like way back when Facebook came out and now there are so many thing like so many apps so many ways to be social on our media devices like I can't even keep up with all of that I know I'm already behind wait what's the next generation doing that no I'm gonna go there are so many and so chances are you're probably on some yo social media and it can be really challenging to know okay I have this platform right we I have this presence where I'm posting things I'm talking about things I'm tweeting things I'm pictures whatever it whether it's a bit small platform or a big one yeah whether you have ten followers thousands of followers or whatever it is we each have these little platform now that we've never had before where we're saying things to the world and we're starting to question and wonder as Christian girls how can I use this little platform this presence in a god okay I'm sorry but we're one minute and 14 seconds in and nothing has been said like none of this was necessary I'm quite certain that anyone who is on a social media platform a.k YouTube where we are viewing this video knows about social media and the existence you're not talking about anything new you're not talking about implications that people don't think of you're not saying anything like why I don't even know what I just listened to because you were introducing me to social media like I'm your 9 year old grandma who hasn't stopped talking about the war and has no idea about what's going on underneath wait what does that look like and then in the contrary what does it look like to use this in a way that dishonors got and so in this post we really just want to dig in to some practical questions that we can ask as Christian girls to really check our hearts and evaluate am i using my social media in a god-honoring way so before you post what to whatever you know whatever be whatever them in a social media app or whatever you're using before you post we want you to go through these for heart check questions so instead of just posting mindlessly like oh this is great this is and you know not thinking about it we want to take you through literally four heart tuck questions to ask before posting and now if you've been in the habit of asking these questions it really will shape and change the way you post in the future and you won't always have to ask these so intentionally because they'll just be in your brain so the first one you need to ask is this ro basic will this post be honoring to God because in 1st Corinthians 10:31 the Bible says so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do do all to the glory of God so when you're posting before you post you just look at it and say okay whether it's like a highlight story or an actual post no matter what it is something that'll go in a wait a second it doesn't matter ask yourself is this post going to be honoring to God and really just sit there and look at it and ask you really think if you do this like a small pause we do it's just like quick look oh yes all those days all those days whatever you know but like just stop for a second take a few seconds let it sink in look at it and really just sit there before God and think hmm is this post going to be honoring to you and that's the first place do you want to start Park okay this is really interesting because I noticed that my students in class have this same exact problem though my students are 18 but anyway when you try to make an argument it's really important to define your terms now what I mean say to find your terms if you're gonna use an abstract concept to try and make your point for example honoring God that's a very abstract concept so when you're talking about being God honoring in a post I'm not even really sure what you mean does that mean God would approve of it does that mean that I think God would approve of it how would I even know what God approves of do we know God's political leanings because that seems a little bit murky so like I just like how they talk about this as if everyone has this consensus of what God honoring means because I do know that there are Christian people out there who don't think it's bad to post a seductive selfie so surely what they think is God honoring isn't what you think is God honoring which that means nobody knows what is God honoring because there's no standard so just an idea that question number two will this post built up those who see it this is a hard one because so often when we're posting we're not really thinking so much about the people who were gonna see it we're more thinking about what will this post do for me or how do people level they think about me but we're not thinking will this post actually encourage and build up the people who are seeing it and I love Ephesians 4:29 it says let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths but only what is helpful for building up the one in need and bringing grace to those who listen and so this is a really cool because this verse is in the Bible and the Bible is still relevant for today and we see this playing out and how what we post on social media the Bible's saying let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouth on it I think it's so easy on social media because we're online throw on an app we're not sitting there face-to-face looking at someone it can be really easy to say things that are crude that are bashing other people that are really negative that are fit beyond you gossiping it's so easy because we're not right there there's like there isn't that accountability of affection oh my yeah it kind of feels that way so we can just be a little loose with our words but God is saying let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouth what you post what you say while you tweet whatever it is but only what's helpful for building up and encouraging one another so that's another great place to start is ask yourself what I'm gonna post whether it's a picture whether it's words will this give grace to those who hear will this build up and courage those who see a heart check number three okay there is nothing I despise more than people who go on and on after they've made a point now you might be thinking hey [ __ ] you do that well maybe that's true but anyway I hate if you've made your point it's enough you don't need to go in circles about it she's talked about the same thing 20 times she's mentioned wholesomeness 20 times and yet none of this has been ground breaking this has been obvious human decency stuff about like hey don't be a piece of [ __ ] online great groundbreaking I think this is murky as well because there's no definition of terms this is so frustrating but it's like what defines wholesomeness T there are a lot of times when I talk about political things online and political things sometimes are upsetting the reality is that politics can be extremely heavy when you're tired and in a bad mood often talking about politics doesn't help right so when they say oh just make sure to build someone up it's just like well sometimes you need to hold people accountable and not just give them Pat's on the back doesn't seem plausible to me that you're positive all the time online like I'm not saying go harass people but sometimes I'll tweet something that might upset certain people because they don't like my opinion am I supposed to not say it because it's gonna upset someone you know what I mean I don't know I don't know like I partially agree but on the other side I'm just kind of like social media is not a humanitarian act on social media it's not my job to write a post that makes everyone feel better about themselves now maybe I'll do that every so often I'm not even sure any human can really do that but it's not my job to uplift anyone the point of social media is about yourself in a way it's selfish because you're giving your opinion obviously you need to be responsible in whatever opinion you get and think it through but I'm not about to post on social media thinking about Sharron and [ __ ] Cheryl and be like oh what are they gonna think about this like no I think about do I care about this and do I think it's important to say yes then I say it solved will this post promote purity in others now this is one we don't really like to think about because we want to post whatever we want and we don't want to have any ability we don't want to think about it we just want to be free to post the post that's gonna get the likes and you know a girl a woman you know what that's like you know the post that will get the likes you know the post I might get a little bit more of attention you see what's out there and so you're trying to mimic you're trying to copy you're trying to say like okay maybe if I post this I know it's a little edgy maybe even feel that way but you're like it's gonna get the likes but we want you to stop and ask yourself okay will this post promote purity in others am I being responsible to honor God in the way that I dress in the picture that I take the selfie attack whatever it is it's very easy to post things that are a little bit seductive a little bit edgy but you want to ask yourself this question or think about this verse so I'm 50 110 and ask yourself if this is what you're thinking and how you're viewing that post create in me a clean heart Oh God and renew a right spirit we start skipping around because this video is only 9 minutes but it feels like I've been here for years so again the concept of purity very very abstract because surely what I view as pure might not be pure to other people for example when I post pictures my idea of a seductive picture is probably a lot more tame than I don't know say a cam girl who has a business online that uses her body which is entirely fine but see depending on what it is that you do and how you feel about modesty know what modesty means to you and what purity means to you you're gonna have an entirely different standard of what's pure and impure so if a girl is always posting videos of herself naked when she's posting a video of herself in a bikini that's potentially pure because there's a different criteria there does that make sense really all comes back to what is purity and how I define purity and how these two ladies define purity is probably extremely different so let's just keep that in account number four ask yourself this question will this post push my friends toward Christlikeness on social media I think there is an incredible opportunity for us as Christian women whether younger or whether older to really be leaders in what we're posting to build leaders and up and post things that are going to kind of push people in a good gone honoring direction so rather than just kind of passively doing what everyone is doing and just following the trends following what's popular to really take a stand and say I want to be a leader on social media I want to be someone who is challenging others encouraging others and posting things that are gonna push people towards Christlikeness and I love I was gonna say it's like it's better but like in a bad you're not like oh I'll just follow the trends it's like no I'm gonna be a trendsetter and like a really good way yeah people Storch come on oh I love that first time with you for 12 it speaks directly to this it says let no one despise you for your youth but set for it that's it I can't do it anymore I have nothing against these women I just hate when people talk in circles it just drives me nuts so the fourth tip is to make posts that are biased and convincing so you convince people to believe in God is that it I'm not sure anyway I do really think that these two women genuinely believe what they're saying and I don't always disagree with them I'll be honest I don't always disagree cuz obviously I think that you should be respectful in the internet you shouldn't go around insulting people you know like there should be a level of human decency however I think that with these four rules what these women don't realize is that they're also giving this extreme extreme importance to social media because this is the thing I feel like there are two general ways that you can view social media you can view it as hey I'm just gonna post a picture of me whatever or you could see it as oh my god at what time I am I going to post and what am I going to caption it and does this fit with the theme of my social media and what is the underlying message and could anyone take this the wrong way and honestly I think that second way is just too tiring for me to deal with now of course when I post on social media I want to post something that I like but do I think about the time I'm posting it and really hard about the caption and just creating a neurosis out of a social media post now I understand that they want to be well-intentioned and have everything be meaningful but I just think that sometimes it's not that deep on social media it doesn't have to be that deep and aside from that it's just kind of like you can be Christian and I said this in my last video and some people didn't like it was just saying you can be Christian and not have it be the center of your life now if you want it to be the center of your life as it is for them that's fine but I'm just saying if you are Christian but you don't want to have any of your Christian related stuff on your social media you're allowed to do that if you want to limit your Christianity to just to a certain part of your life that's fine too I don't feel like it has to be all-encompassing and everything has to be directed at it I don't think it has to be that way and it seems like for these women it's very all or nothing which I think can be toxic I don't know if it is for them but it can be anyways guys let me know what you think about this let me know if you think that social media should be so curated or whether it should just be taken a little bit more lightly more like heartedly let me know in the comments thank you guys so much for watching and cute to my patrons as always I'll catch you guys next time [Music]
Views: 219,746
Rating: 4.9320006 out of 5
Keywords: girl defined, religion, social media, god
Id: Fc3MnFIxAaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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