"Women with short hair are damaged"

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to my channel or actually if you saw my last video should I just say hey peasants or something else that's more gender neutral like hey [ __ ] welcome back to my channel I'm just kidding I'm gonna keep saying guys no matter what but I thought that it'd be funny was it though anyway so someone sent me this link to a website called a return of Kings and they sent me the link to an article called girls with short hair are damaged from the get-go I think it's pretty clear what kind of people are running this kind of website but I think we should go to the About section just to know who it is that is saying these things because these incredibly credible things mind you I'm sure this is backed up by science and everything not just a stupid opinion right return of Kings community beliefs the ideas and beliefs here are based on neo masculinity here are a few of its principal tenets men and women are genetically different than both physically and mentally sex roles evolved in all mammals humans are not exempt okay I agree men will opt out of monogamy and reproduction if there are no incentives to engage in them I can I don't waste time commenting on all of these I'm just gonna try and read all of them out and comment as little as possible but just take my as what I feel about that past traditions and rituals that have evolved alongside humanity served a net benefit to the family unit testosterone is the biological cause for masculinity environmental changes that reduced the hormones concentration and Men it will cause them to be weaker and more feminine a woman's value significantly depends on her fertility and beauty a man's value significantly depends on his resources intellect and character no okay just know that this is one of the things that you will see in the article itself is that women are really flattened down to can they have children and how attractive are they which you know I'm in a gala terian so this reads is [ __ ] to me elimination of traditional sex roles and promotion of unlimited mating choice in women unleashes or promiscuity and other negative behaviors that block family formation so of course it's only women who can be promiscuous right right socialism feminism cultural Marxism and social justice we're ISM aims to destroy the family unit decrease the fertility rate and impoverished the state through large welfare entitlements like we all know that I'm not a fan of sjw's but this seems extreme that's all I'm gonna comment on so we can just get to the [ __ ] article already girls with short hair are damaged so their first picture is a picture of Hermione Emma Watson looking really really good with short hair and honestly and my whole take on women with short hair is that it's very rare that someone suits short short hair like this like pixie cuts I feel are very very particular kind of like septum piercings honestly like you can either pull it off or it just looks really weird and generally I don't like it on the person but like with everything there are certain things you can pull off and can't pull off short hair is just another one of those things I don't know why there's an article dedicated to it but we're gonna find out also I'm gonna link the article because it's kind of long and I don't really want to lose that many brain cells today no woman in all of human history has ever looked better with short hair than she would have with a head full of healthy locs despite this irrefutable fact American women are chopping it off in greater numbers every day this rears its ugly head in an array of ugly permutations from the boy like pixie cut to bizarre semi shaved head topographies these rationalizations whether it's donating their hair to sick kids or the summer weather are immaterial the effect and true reasons are the same so you're telling me that a woman is cutting her hair to give to sick kids for you just equates to oh I don't care about the sick kids she's ugly to me now automatically like do you have a heart and this is coming from someone who has a heart that my mom likes to call the little black pebble okay so it's bad either way it doesn't matter why a woman chooses to cut her hair but I think it's just so funny that this person thinks no woman in human history ever ever so this person knows everything of human history ever just everything of historical this person knows okay I totally believe that and then the irrefutable fact it's not a fact it's an opinion there is no scientific evidence to back up this fact so it's not a fact it's your opinion which is really stupid like I don't like calling people's opinions stupid you're implying that women are not okay and that they're ill if they cut their hair short which is not only extremely patronizing but quite misogynistic and I'm not fast to call people misogynists okay I blame this lamentable trend on a few factors the most powerful are the disingenuous lies from both men and women about how it looks women are quick to encourage other women to cut their hair by telling them how cute it is well I'm no scientist I'm convinced this is some deep genetic programming at work one that forces women who compete with one another on a physical level on a daily basis to encourage any behavior that might eliminate competitors in the dating pool men are no better the cowardly and diluted among us perpetuate the myth that some girls can pull it off pulling something off I often respond to the equivalent of passing a class just because you have enough leftover attractiveness to remain bangable after cutting your hair doesn't mean you wouldn't look better with it back on so this person is not only like the historian of the century of the universe but this person is also clearly a conspiracy theorist thinking that any time a woman encourages another woman to cut her hair short she's trying to eliminate her as a competitor there's I cannot can't relate I just I don't understand you guys know I usually try to be empathetic but this all seems like satire but I know that it's not which is I think in the scariest part of this and right under this is the best part there's a picture of Audrey Hepburn with longer hair and shorter hair and honestly Audrey Hepburn is one of those people that can pull off short hair in my opinion and she looks great in both I'm one of the people who can't pull off short hair and there's nothing wrong with that but I just don't see why they're adding all this narrative of like what short hair means and it's just like it's not that deep and if you don't like girls with short hair or women with short hair I should say why do you have to go on a tirade about it and call them damaged like that's what I'm wondering like what is this anger like where is it coming from is it coming from the fact that women are repulsed by you because you have these kinds of beliefs maybe I'm guessing yes ok so this is my favorite part of the article because this sounds totally real not made-up at all ok I once spoke to two girls outside of a restaurant one had a short boy-like haircut while her friend had long healthy black hair the short-haired girl spoke in an obvious Latin American accent while the long-haired friend spoke in a clearly American accent though she sported some facial features of some Indian subcontinent extraction ok so first of all there are some clear racial cues here that I have a very bad feeling about anyway before long our conversation steered to personal matters and bored with our pedestrian topics I floated a provocative question why did you cut your hair short the Indian girl jumped down my throat before the Latin girl had a chance to respond though once I settled her down I managed to get my answer this conversation totally real ok this really happened Latin girl I used to have long hair but I just broke up with my boyfriend me I'm looked better before that's just rude honestly but whatever Indian American girl that's sexist and stupid it looks cute latin girl ignoring her remark wanna see a picture shows me her passport me god looks way better you look like a different person and way younger Indian American girl she looks just as good dude who are you me too latin girl let me ask you something are guys hitting on you less now with the short hair latin girl oof absolutely a lot less me if you had to put a number on it what would you say the reduction is latin girl at least 90% less that's partly why I did I wanted to be alone for a while after my breakup me to Indy an American and girl see what happens when Theory meets reality it's just really funny to me because it's evident that this conversation is fake I just I mean like if you want you can try and argue that it's real and I just can't like this whole article is so ridiculous but when I got to this point I was like oh my god this is the stupidest thing I've ever read I'm not gonna keep going in this because it's not any new idea it just disgusts me to see this kind of behavior honestly and as much as we know that I'm an egalitarian so I have no hatred towards men I have no hatred towards women this kind of behavior like men who act like this is what makes people go the SJW direction right kind of like the same way that people who are super SJW is what makes people become like alt-right you know what I mean these two like polar opposites that are way too extreme push each other to be that way so this guy being like this someone who's on the fence like someone who's potentially let's say centrist might be pushed to go like full-on sjw the type that is like a misson dressed in the end you know like even if she claims she's a feminist she's actually a Miss Andrus she's not the textbook feminist like me who just is an egalitarian so like apart from these articles being stupid and you know hateful and useless really because they're just opinion pieces presented as facts I feel like it just fuels a lot of just negative reactions that then lead people to have harmful kind of narratives if that makes sense I don't know if I'm warding everything correctly I'm kind of tired but hopefully you guys understand what I mean when I say that anyway I'll leave a link to the article in the description in case any of you guys are curious thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and I'll catch you guys next time [Music]
Views: 418,085
Rating: 4.9431 out of 5
Keywords: return of kings, short hair, commentary, social commentary
Id: tx2wP4opSPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2018
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