Giant Jammie Dodger

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- This is gonna be a big old biscuit. (triumphant music) Hello everybody, hope you're well, and I hope that I haven't broken these. Hope! Life is good! Welcome, we're making a Jammie Dodger today, but not just any Jammie Dodger. Oh my gosh, I think I've broken them. Jammie Dodgers, if you don't know what they are, they're a British biscuit here in the U.K. I've done small ones here on the channel. We are making a big one, a massive one. I'll show you what they are in just a minute, but what's on the screen right now, you'll see I just popped to the supermarket and collected some ingredients, minimal ingredients that you need for this. You need flour, you need butter, you need sugar and you need jam. That is it. It's kind of like a four ingredient giant food, which I love the sound of, but oh, we're going big. Yes, look at these. These are about the width of a standard dustbin. Okay, so just coming into shot now is (laughs) a Jammie Dodger, look. It's two biscuits wedged together, wedged together with raspberry jam. Oh yeah! It's got a heart shape cut out of it and, of course, the very cool splodgy pattern on there, which, of course, we're gonna try and do. It might not look as good as that, but by jolly, well, goodness me, we are gonna try and do it. Let's make our dough. Alright now, so this butter isn't completely softened, and you really do want it at room temperature. In fact, they look like little slices of cake, all the butter, so we're gonna do artificial room temperature. Basically in the microwave for about 10 seconds. (upbeat music) Oh, that's better. Oh yes, it's good. It's spongy, if you get me, it's soft, it's got a bit of mm! It's kind of like a Play-Doh texture, that is ideal, it'll cream much easier. - Maybe if we have have leftover jam, we could have jam on toast. - [Barry] Just jam on toast? See, I'm making a huge biscuit and you don't want some of that, you just want jam on toast? - Oh, yeah. I do want to try it. - Okay. Sugar in, yes! You Jammie Dodger! You got it all in the bowl and none of it on the floor. Get it? - No. - You Jammie Dodger! You got it all in the bowl! You have heard that phrase, Jammie Dodger. - No. - I've heard Jammie Dodgers, 'cause their biscuits. - This is going well. Kids are going out in a minute. I think they're waiting for Mrs. Barry to get ready. She takes 45 minutes to get ready and the kids are just like, yeah, I'll just get ready, put a jumper on. You waiting for mummy? - [Phoebe] Yeah. - I'm here, and I'm ready, thank you. - What the heck, what is this, some sort of sitcom? (laughs) Is this an episode of friends or something? Yeah, totally shouldn't have used a whisk! Wooden spoon, 'cause then you gotta push it all through like that. Whoops. (clattering) Alright. (laughs) (upbeat music) (crack) - [Phoebe] What did you do? - I think I just broke... I've just cracked our mixing bowl. - Of everything you've made in that bowl, and you break it mixing butter and sugar together. - Stick it in there instead, then. I have to get myself a new bowl. That's a shame, we'll been through so much together! Flour's going in. We're gonna form the flour with the sugar and the butter to make the dough. (upbeat music) Could you get me the Wrapmaster 3000 out before you go? We're gonna dump this all down now. - I'll go get it. - [Phoebe] Is the Wrapmaster 3000 the wrapper? - I'll go get the Wrapmaster. - Oh my gosh! People with things grabbing me! We need to wrap it and chill it in the fridge so that it becomes easier to roll out, 'cause right now it is a teeny bit dry. But trust me, I know it doesn't look like much. (laughs) It doesn't look like much at all! (grunt) But this will be a dough. Oh my god. (laughs) The record button on my camera is literally covered in dough right now. I've just shaped it, it doesn't matter that it's like a disc shape like this 'cause we're gonna flatten it out. Wrapmaster 3000 will get it covered tightly and then we chill it. Oh, dear me, what a mess! Anyhow. Wow, this has firmed up quite solid already! It's only rested for... (bang) Oh my gosh. I think I just broke the Wrapmaster 3000! (suspenseful music) Oh no! That's why I shouldn't really film and talk at the same time. Well, I've actually got another one, believe it or not. But I'll just have to take the cling film off the roll. Oh, yeah, that ain't gonna make it. Nevermind, I have got a spare one, luckily, but please be careful. Also on that subject of health and safety, my wedding ring is just down there on the counter. I was thinking, did I leave that in the dough? The bad news for me is I've got to make this again. The good news for you, you don't have to see it. So I'm gonna basically jumpcut. Well, the second one was a down slight easier. It's amazing what happens when the kids aren't trying to sing Baby Shark in my ear. As you can see, it wants to sort of spread because it's still warm, so by chilling it, that is absolutely critical, whether you doing a giant one, whether you're doing small ones, if you try it like this and it turns out good, you're a Jammie Dodger. For three ingredients, get my wedding ring back on, it's been a little bit scary, hasn't it? We broke our plastic bowl, we broke the Wrapmaster. Next bit, we wanna make sure we get our shape right. Well, that is after I tidy this up. Baking parchment! Because the parchment is gonna be the best tool for this entire recipe to help make it as authentic as possible. Forget the ingredients, you know? All you need is this! Sort of. (bright music) Ah, can you see that? Why was I doing this again? So the Jammie Dodger has actually got little ripples in it. So I'll do my own. I'm gonna literally draw bumps on it, kinda like Bob Ross. I'll tell you what, I'm bloomin' happy with that. That's gonna be my sorta thing when I get my dough on there, I can... I'm probably just gonna wing it, aren't I? (laughs) Alright, so we got our template, the dough will go down, this goes down on top, roll it out just to get that shape, then we'll use this and stick it on top. Yes, I think this is something. It's something! So we'll slam that right down. Look, that does not really wanna move much, which is perfect. (upbeat music) So, it's warming up again, so it is gonna get a little smoother. But we can get it... In fact, let's take it over the edge a little bit, like a pizza base. (upbeat music) Nice! Pizza wheel I think was gonna come in handy here and this is all gonna be my scraps, hopefully for my splodge. Okay, so quickly cut out another piece. This is a whole circle, and oh, yeah. Turn it over, nice! Now I use my template. I'm just going over it lightly with a pizza wheel so that I can remove the paper and then score it. (bright music) So hopefully I can now... (brightt music) Alright, it's in! It's in there! Oh, do you know what, actually? I think I'm just gonna push it all out for the moment. Okay, I've got it in the pan in one piece, which, for me, actually is the most critical thing. Starbucks mug. No, that... (laughs) Does that do it if I just... Nah, it's too small. Oh no, what have I done? A final piece that I've cut out, and I'm using my mug. (bright music) Do you know what, after all that, no, I'm gonna keep it round. I don't care. (laughs) Let's just get it in the oven! This is gonna go in the middle shelf. I'm gonna say about 15 minutes. Will my oven shut? (laughs) Yes it will, okay. We just want it lightly golden. Yeah, it's going in there for 15 minutes. Okay, let's see what happens. So whilst that is baking, let's get the other lid done. This is gonna need a bit more thought. (laughs) (upbeat music) All this spare dough, amazing! (bright music) Alright, back in the fridge with that. And now we need to do a heart somehow. Oh, yeah! Oh, that's just so snug. I love that. So using this scrap bit of paper, I'm gonna just freehand a heart. (upbeat music) Nice, and then from the heart, it kinda goes with it. A circle bit up there, but I've done the main bit there. Don't know if you can see it too well 'cause the pencil's very light. Okay. (upbeat music). Alright, so if we forget the little dots and things, that actually does look quite a bit like the splats, so we put the dot there and the thing with the J and the D on it. I think this might work! It'll look better when I cut the heart out, I promise. Yes! (laughs) Check that out! And also, the oven! Oh my gosh, I haven't even looked at it. Oh, it's alright, it needs a little longer. The cool things now is I can take my leftover dough, (snap) press me template into it, and work fairly quickly because whilst it's cold, it'll cut really well. (bright music) Now that is awesome! I'm gonna leave the heart on there for the moment though. So I've got my splodges, and I did my circle, which obviously says JD there, so I'm just gonna get this little tool thing, okay. That's pretty neat! I've just had a quick look. And it is... I don't know if you can see, just around the edges, lightly golden brown. It will be very soft right now, but if I leave it to cool, it should firm up. Alright, so here is our top half, and if we just give it a very quick brush with water, 'cause that'll just help act as just sort of a temporary glue. So if we stick this down, it's gonna be like this. I'm going through two layers. (upbeat music) One. Come on, out you come! Oh no! Ah, it's so stuck. It's so stuck to the bottom. (laughs) But I've this scored, so that's alright. There we go, yeah! The JD bit sits up there. There we go. Oh my gosh! (laughs) That actually looks pretty good! I have no idea what's gonna happen when I bake it, though. In it goes again, 15 minutes. You know what, guys? I made a mistake. Look at this! Oh, look. I forgot to chill this one, I chilled my other one. I can still see it a little bit, and it ain't cooked through, but my heart's gone! (laughs) I'm gonna carry on baking it, 'cause I can break up the normal biscuits, but what I think we'll do, everything is pointing me towards doing one of these. So I'm gonna get this dish, a little smaller, and I'm making another dough. Alright, two doughs done again and some spare from before! And as you can tell, that was pretty messy! (laughs) - Is it done now? - [Barry] Well, if you want a bit biscuit, I got two! - Okay? - [Barry] But don't worry, I've just been brushing up a bit. - Yeah. - I made a mess! Alright, we're gonna our tray, our tin thing, and use it as a bit of a template. It's at a bit of an angled one, actually, so that might cause a problem, but uh we should be able to lift that up like that, use that as spare dough, and keep it chilled almost as soon as we can. Right. It's a loose-bottom tin, we got baking parchment anyway. Oh! I'm way, way happier with that! So in the fridge for 10 minutes. There we go, then. So chilled base number one is going in. I've just realised, I've only got one of these tins, so it's gonna take a while to let it cool down in the tin before making the other one. She's a legend, it's she? - Yeah, she gave me that for Valentine's Day! - [Barry] Did she, did you get me these? - No. - Alright. I am so, so happy with this. It shrunk back a little bit. Look at that! Ah, it lightly browned so it'll be a little stronger, too. Really, really happy. Let's let that cool down. Alright, this is the second one. It's in the lid, but I'm putting it in the fridge just for the moment. (upbeat music) Again, taking our chances, fridge. Oh ho! This is good. I just really hope that by chilling it properly now, it will hold it's shape during this bake. Alright, so this is chilled for a teeny bit! Gonna use this cutter now and hope that it kinda helps here. Will it pull it out for me? Come on, have a heart, have a heart. Oh, have a heart! Check that out! Okay, let's build this on, so a little bit of water around the edge again. And just use the heart shape to line it up. Are we doing this? I don't know, this is feeling good. (upbeat music) Yes! (laughs) Fridge again, half an hour. Real, real good set, and then we bake. Here we go, then. Let's do this. Oh, if this works! (grunt) And it's going straight in. No messin', boom, 15 minutes. Please, please! Here it is. Look at this, mate! Look! Oh, you look cross eyed. It's held it's shape! It's lightly browned, it's still a bit hot, it's burning my hand a little bit. Alright, it's DJ Jammie Dodger, you Jammie Dodger! Right, I will be a Jammie Dodger if I pull this off! It's gone from all over the shop, hasn't it? Let's build it. So I'm hoping, I haven't done it yet. This should be quite solid. Come on, there we go, alright. That came off quite easily. Ah, check that out! This is some raspberry jam that I've just warmed up in the microwave, you could do it in a saucepan, just to make it a teeny bit more manoeuvrable. So we're just gonna spread it on. Give it a teeny bit of a gap. - Like that? - From the edge. Yeah, all the way 'round. But we don't want it too thick, this is actually gonna obviously give it flavour, which you get in a Jammie Dodger anyway, and also glue it. - The best step about making anything is eating it. - [Barry] I like your style, I've taught you well. Alright, the lid. I mean, look at that! I am so happy with that. Okay. (gasp) ♪ Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah ♪ Oh, yes! Right, we need to fill the middle bit up with some jam. Do you wanna do it? (bright music) Hey, Daddy! (laughs) Happy with that? I think that looks bloomin' amazing! Right, let's shove this in the fridge for about half an hour, probably a good hour, actually, to firm up, and then we'll have a bite. - Bye, bye! - It's only been 20 minutes in the fridge, but boy! It didn't need much more, it's all firmed up! Look at that! It's the size of my head! The attention to detail, the jelly has set. I now want to do the Lady and the Tramp scene with my wife. I'm not eating the whole thing, no! - [Rebecca] To get to the other side. - Sit up there. - Oh yeah, alright! - Come on, actually, no, I'll break this. If this shatters... - What are you doing? I mean, it is a bit of a shame because... Oh my gosh, I nearly put it off the edge! - What are you doing? - It is a bit of a shame. Ready, one, two, three! (grunt) (scream) - It's a bit of a shame, because I was gonna go for the big one and but I thought, to get the ripples on it, I think that looks better like that. I mean, we could've gone bigger, and I could've done that. This is still huge, right? - Yeah. (laughter) You actually kicked me in the guts there! That actually hurt! - I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! I put mine out just to gently... (laughs) This is very good, though. - Yeah, you keep eating that and look, we've done it. And I'm so happy with how this has worked out, so don't forget to check out the rest of the Giant Food Players, keep the suggestions coming, there's loads to get through. I will get through them all. ♪ Don't go baking my heart ♪ ♪ I couldn't ♪ Guys, you know me too well, I have all that dough, I'm gonna give it another go, aren't I? The big one is done! (laughs) And it's down here. So I didn't do the ribbed edges on that, and looking back, I probably could've pinched it and stuff like that, but boom! Either that... Is it done too piled on there? But I prefer this one. For some reason, for this one, this one works. It's in a tin that most of you guys can get hold of, it does the crimped edges nicely, and it's still big. It's all done, the jam is nice and set in there. It wants to break. If it wasn't for the board underneath it, holding it, it would snap, so the other one, if you wanna sort of run around with it, where it as a hat, make it, it's just as good. But there we go, a big old Jammie Dodger! ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Sideburns, moustache, goatee ♪ ♪ Maybe all three ♪ Alright, Lady and the Tramp, okay? Lady and the Tramp scene, we're not gonna go like-- - Take two. - Yes. (laughs) We're not gonna eat the whole thing, just take a bite from each side, and grab a pug this end. - A pug? - It's a joke! Take four. Go on, do it! Oh, my finger was there, are you would've bite it then? - This is weird! - For God's... (laughter)
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 233,658
Rating: 4.9350319 out of 5
Keywords: Giant jammie dodger, giant jammie dodgers, jammie dodgers, jammie dodger, barry lewis giant food, my virgin kitchen giant food, homemade jammie dodger, how to make jammie dodgers, jammie dodger recipe, virgin kitchen giant, barry lewis, my virgin kitchen, myvirginkitchen, virgin kitchen, giant, giant food, cookie, jam, biscuit, worlds biggest, XL, world record, giant food diy, super size, DIY, cooking show, food hacks, homemade, food challenge, guinness world records
Id: lwcYWL5Q5v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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