Giant Toffifee / Toffifay

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- Hello everyone, it's Barry here, Welcome to My Virgin Kitchen, I hope you are well. First things first, the last video I did, the kitchen gadget Brussels sprout tool thing, first minute or so was very blurry, sorry about that. A lot of you told me about it, I particularly liked this comment though. I pinned that, I loved it, just kind of sums me up. Enough of that. Today we are attempting a giant food project, thingamajig, we're gonna be trying to make a massive Toffifee I don't know if you guys know what these are, these have been around for absolutely years but I think they're just growing in popularity more and more and more, they've certainly been in the UK for a long time but I think you can get them almost anywhere now. A hazelnut in caramel with creamy nougat, some people call it nugget, very controversial, and chocolate. So they're kind of like these caramel cup things but if you have not seen one before, let's look at the anatomy of a Toffifee. I am pronouncing that right, aren't I? Toffifee, yes. Alright, basically there's only one left in this box because Mrs Barry and the kids and I we all munched on them last night. So I do know a little bit about what's inside of it but I wanna show you guys, so there we go. Looks a bit like that, nice little, like a little bowl, which will make sense in a minute. So if I just slice down the middle, aw yeah what a slice Barry, that's nice work. You can see, so you've got the caramel bowl, you've got the hazelnut in the middle you've got this is like a nougat but a kind of a Nutella one, it's got a really nice taste to it, and then essentially like a chocolate blob on the top. That's what we're gonna make. Oh, we're getting serious now. So we're actually gonna make it inside out, there's our bowl shape and here is a big bowl which kind of is a similar shape to the thing, plus it's got a flat bottom so it'll stand up. What we're gonna do first of all is use this gigantic cake thin to create the caramel layer, hello, and then line it inside the bowl, to create the caramel bowl. Oh so good. Alright, so the first thing that I'm gonna do is, have some coffee actually. Never was that good at drawing. Well it wasn't the neatest but you get the idea. If you're gonna try this stuff at home, please be careful okay, I have pug supervising me and a giant unicorn balloon. Seriously I do hope you try it but, please making caramel is dangerous, be careful. First thing we need to do is get a flame, get a pan, and add in a lot of sugar, a 700 grammes of sugar okay. We also add in 100 mils of water, woohoo, and 350 mils of single cream. And all I do is keep whisking this, so the sugar is gonna dissolve into the cream and the milk it might feel a little bit butch, a little rough at the bottoms at first, and we'll just keep whisking it from time to time, but we're gonna bring it to a simmer initially, we'll bring it to a simmer and you're gonna need one of these, this is a candy thermometer, it is super, super useful, don't get one of those pointy ones that you stick inside meat get one of these okay, they are a life save, we're actually gonna take it to 125 degree c which is firm boil stage okay we kinda want that, there's a way of doing it with your hands but this is just much safer, it's what they call it firm bowl, not gonna go into it, but then it's hard crack and soft crack stage, sounds all a bit gangstery and stuff, but if you go up to that height, it's gonna basically shatter your teeth. So I've shoved my thermometer in and it's as you can see, that feels quite hot to me but it's nowhere near hot enough. Meanwhile Amy is itching, just kind of like, hanging out in the bed mate, just hanging out. Alright, at the moment, there's not much more to report, other than the caramel is taking ages, but also I have lined this with cling film as well just so I've got twice the protection to get the caramel out, but this really, really is taking ages. Alright hopefully you can see it is edging closer, the colour has changed, it's about two degrees off so the next scene you're gonna see is me dumping some butter in. Alright this is dangerous. Hmm things just got really bad, and very dangerous. I managed to singe my worktop, and yeah, it kind of burned. It's not the right colour, I think I might just do it in a smaller bowl. So a little update what you saw before, I'm doing that again, simmering it, but a smaller bowl this time and instead of the big tin, I'm using a frying pan lined with the same cling film. Alright, if it don't work, we'll try again, and we're gonna lose the light, it's gonna get dark, doesn't matter, we'll just keep going. Now that is very very hot. Just shaping it so I can get a big surface area. (exhaling) That was intense. The next step, should be a little bit easier. It probably won't be. But we're gonna just try and make a big nut. Obviously 'cause giant hazelnuts don't exist we're gonna make it. To do that, I'm gonna ruin another saucepan, and I'm gonna add 100 grammes of sugar. So this is gonna just get warmed up, and melted on its own until it's a light brown colour. You see that? That's starting to caramelise. So let all the sugar dissolve. Maybe spoon it around a little bit if you want. So I just gave that a little help and that is a nice colour. So I've taken it off the heat. This is 100 grammes of mixed nuts that are the same quantity as there is sugar, 100 grammes of sugar, 100 grammes of nuts. Stir that through to coat it all up, and the reason we've got the baking parchment is, once we've got it all nice and coated and stuck together like this, we can go like this. (laughing) Let I cool a little bit, and then we'll shape it into a ball. So as it cools down it's gonna firm up more, but all we can do is use the baking parchment to kind of shape it into a nut. Which, that's pretty much almost there, but keep going, you know, really make a work of art. I'm quite happy with that. The one thing I'm not happy with, I'm still not happy with this. I'm gonna make some more. That means I'll have to go to the shop, but I'm doing this for the long haul, alright? If you guys are gonna make this, I want this to be right. Current mode of thinking, I just got back from the shop, I'm trying it again, and this time I am gonna go bigger, I realised I read the thermometer wrong so I made it a bit hard. I've also realised I didn't have any breakfast, so I'm gonna have a sandwich. Maybe I should just stop the video now and just call it giant nut. But no, the big one's returning, we're gonna get there. Oh my god see, I over did it. I'm gonna take five degrees off the temp. Alright I think this is it. (fire alarm resonating) (mysterious music) Right, I think this could be the one. Its got amazing colour. Alright here goes nothing. Oh my God. This stuff is insanely hot. Oh my gosh we've done it. Alright Amy and Boston, giant Toffifee lesson here, this is insanely hot right now. We need to let it cool down just so it's still manoeuvrable to room temperature then we'll lift it out and put it in our massive bowl. Because we're doing the big one, we aint doing the small one. Mrs Barry's home from work. But good timing because-- - Very slowly. Okay it's not as bad as I thought. - Right so while Mrs Barry makes her lunch (laughing) and this cools down, I am going to start to make the filling so the other day I went out and bought a load of nougat slash nugget bars. So this are some nougat bars that I bought from a shop when a lady thought I was obsessed with it. Let's not worry that they're pink and white, because we're gonna use Nutella, lots of Nutella. This is a big pan, I should've used earlier, otherwise it would've made Mrs Barry much happier. Best way to get Nutella out of a jar, now these are both kilogramme jars, is to put it in the microwave so it'll just pour out, it's amazing, you just need to make sure, I've shown you this before, that you get this foil off, otherwise your microwave will do a fireworks display. Do it on like 30 second blasts and then stir it until it's nice and smooth throughout. And then it just pours out like this. So all I'm doing is sitting this down onto a hub again, we're gonna warm it through so the nougat will melt with the Nutella and we should basically clone the nougat that's in the mini ones, well the normal size ones. I'm not gonna show much of this guys, but basically, this nougat will eventually melt down and it will merge. Well I'm glad I did speed up that process folks 'cause that took a good half an hour to melt up. Right, this is cooled down to room temperature we're now gonna lift it out using a cling film and put it into our larger mould. So I'm just gonna help it help it find its way. Uh. (laughing) it's working. It is working, it's in there, but what I'm having to do, oh there we go, let's get this out of the way. I'm shaping it okay, I'm lifting it up, it wants to keep sliding back down which is a good thing because the cling film is obviously doing its job. So what I'm doing is pressing it in from below, whee, and it's kind of starting to hold itself. So I'm probably just gonna stare and look at it for about five minutes just to make sure it's not bowing before we put the filling and the nut inside it. Alright we're ready, I've transferred my nougat Nutella, or Nutella nugget, whatever you wanna call it, however you pronounce it to a bowl to cool down because I didn't want it to be too hot otherwise it would've made these sides dissolve. I think we're ready to pour it in. So here's the nut. I actually made some more nuts and made it a little bit bigger and I'm gonna sit down into the caramel carcass. It's gonna take a while, but it's our Nutella Nougat that's just gonna separate and work its way around our big custom hazelnut. Oh my god. I'm just gonna let it find its way, I might have made too much. (laughing) I actually put way too much in there. Because what I wanted to do was actually push over some of the caramel edges to kind of give it a lip. Amazing, look at that, it's like a big chocolate pie, 'cause I've kind of created a little bit of a crust there, we're essentially gonna probably cover most of the top here, with a big old dark chocolate puddle, I'll do that tonight, and then we'll let it sit overnight. Alright so it's been about an hour, I've just gotten it out of the fridge, and I wanna kind of have a bit of an evening to just chill a little bit, it's been pretty intense so, I've melted up a mixture of milk and dark chocolate, look at that Amy, Amy, what's that huh? You like that guys? On we pour that chocolate, oh my gosh. And I'm just gonna get a spatula and push it out to the edges, so I've got that lip there, that we made, with the caramel, that's gonna just kind of hold it in place hopefully, so kind of giving that chocolate button effect on the top of it, and I am over the moon with that, oh my gosh, little more tap just to set it down I'll leave it to say to room temperature, and then put it in the fridge. So I'll see you in the morning. Good morning, it's time to get out the Toffifee, but before I do that, don't forget to check out the playlist for the rest of the giant food videos if you've seen any that aren't on there and you want me to make let me know down below, also I'm probably gonna be giving this to my step dad 'cause he loves them so I don't know if I'm gonna open it or not, I just want it to have worked. And third of all, if you actually wanna make this I'm gonna do a much more detailed write up on the website, so I'll put a link for that down below. Should we get a go at our Toffifee, oh yes. Oh. Oh my gosh. Oh stubbed my foot. It's a stool for the kids so they can help cook. That is nice and firmed up. Now yesterday it was a little bit manoeuvrable so I was worried when I take it out it could just completely go, but for scale. (laughing) look at the difference. Hmm. Chopping board. So what I'm gonna do is try and lift it out. Oh craky, I'm gonna have to turn it out I think, because it's very heavy. (tapping) I'm just gonna sort of rub it like Aladdin's lamp to warm it up, I think it's so cold that it's kind of like, I'm staying here, come on mate, out you come. Maybe I'll just turn it upside down and leave it like that. When you do this, use a plastic bowl. I'm very tempted to smash it off. Ow. It just dropped, it literally just dropped. Yes. It just dropped out. I just started chipping away with a knife around the edge and it just gave up, which is what I nearly did a minute ago. Take that off. You've gotta come close. Look. It's completely free standing, and that's the other one for scale. There we go folks, the giant Toffifee is all done it's nice and at room temperature now and it's kind of holding its shape, I'm loving it, I don't wanna touch it too much, as I say, my step dad is gonna have it but I really hope you enjoyed the video, don't forget to subscribe for regular recipes, let me know what you wanna see next, and I'll see you next time. Well, you didn't think I'd do all this effort and not show you what it looks like inside, right? I'm sure my stepdad will be alright with that. Just gonna see what it looks like that's it. We'll go serrated. Oh-uh. I need to be careful. So I'm gonna protect my hands with oven gloves. It's a hell of a workout. It's even setting the dog off. Amy shush. This is the climax thing. (laughing) Yeah it needs some work. Oh. Oh my god. We've done it. It keeps sticking to the tea towel so I had to lift it up in one motion look there we go a whole nut in there we've got the chocolate Nutella nougat, the chocolate topping and of course, the caramel casing, all holding together so, I might as well have a little bit, mighten I? Hmm. Oh my gosh that's brilliant gorgeous. I didn't get any of the nut, I just got some of the nougat and the caramel, but that was enough. Tastes awesome, I hope you give it a try, maybe shrink it down a little bit, smaller scale, sturdy, if you do, send me a picture @myvirginkitchen love to see it
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 1,388,059
Rating: 4.84972 out of 5
Keywords: Giant Toffifee / Toffifay, giant food, barry lewis, my virgin kitchen, myvirginkitchen, toffifee, toffifay, recipe, homemade, DIY, XL, Worlds biggest, cooking, food, how to make toffifee, how to make toffifay, birthday cake, epic, enormous, gigantic, funny, UK, british, candy, chocolate, nutella, nougat, caramel, giant, hazelnut, storck, tofifee, xxl
Id: UF8sUG1N4bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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