4 x 3 Ingredient recipes 2 try 1 time in your life! Part 1

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(eats noisily) (triumphant music) - Alright, how's it going? Welcome, it's actually, random fact straight off the bat, it's Valentines Day, right, today, whilst I'm filming this. I didn't get your card but just know that I always love you. Mrs. Barry she got me some chocolate oranges, things, which is a theme for today's video. A lot of you guys say to me, Barry, how do you come up with ideas? One, I am one of the most creative people in the world! Two, I just get ideas. Some are not so good, some are better and obviously, if that even makes sense, and other times you guys help me out as well. Sometimes the name of a video comes to me before the actual video is, and in today's instance it could not be any more of that, thing. I wanted to do a video where for some reason, and I don't know why, it's ridiculous, this is great I just wanted to use three two one, like, three two one. (gestures) But then I thought, let's take it up a notch, yeah? Like seven minute abs and all that stuff, let's do four three two one. So today I'm going to be showing you four three ingredient recipes to try at least once in your life. You like what I did there? And we're doing it proper, I've seen ingredients in the past, recipes where it's like five ingredient, whatever, and one of the ingredients is water, that's not in the ingredients list. And that, to me, isn't cheating, but to you, some of you guys in the comments box, will be like "that is cheating!" So we're gonna keep it proper, if we're using water, that is one of our three. And the other cool thing rather than doing all mains or sweets we are doing a drink, a starter, a main and a dessert. So this is kinda like a twelve ingredient four course thing, including your drink yes, yes. We'll start with honey, where's the bottle, honey lemonade, so we've got honey, lemons, that's it, and the third ingredient yes, is water. So here's what we're gonna do this is my wizzy high powered chop up blendery thing also known as a bullet nutrient and lots of other brands are available this isn't actually one of those but it does the same things, very high powered spinny blades. Now what I'm gonna do for the moment, is take three lemons, now if you want you do not have to do this, I am putting the whole lemons in there. I'm gonna drizzle in my honey. So I'm gonna go for that's about one tablespoon, look at it run down, that looks great. So the water is going in, I've got a litre here, but I'm only gonna go about 400ml, because we wanna just whiz it up first of all, in fact we're gonna pray it does, I might have wedged them in too much, and then we can tweak it. (blender whirs) It got that one bit of lemon, that's well cloudy, I think I might have shaved it, I have! Alright okay okay we'll do it in little batches. So that's like one of those things I don't know if you guys have ever worked in customer service and you sort of do that line, "oh that's no problem" when really to you, it's a huge problem and you're just being really really polite. So we've taken half of the lemon amount out, let's make sure they're not wedged up, actually I might just slice them. Ah come on, there we go. (blender whirs) Smooth as a baby's bum. Alright so we'll get the other bits in there, remember we've still got two lemons but that's more to tweak the flavour, it's all about just getting it in there first of all. (blender whirs) Beautiful. So remember at this stage we're just going over the top with a lemony taste, and I'm passing mine through a sieve, because it will get rid of any of the little naughty gubbins, but, if you want it zesty, if you want that little bit of texture, just leave it in there, don't worry about it. You see you're left with this pulpy stuff which I said, it can go in there, I would prefer that but I want to show you both ways, and but what we got in here is kinda like a smooth lemony syrup and I've got some on the worktop as well, well, that's fine. In here, we can now tweak this, so this is going to be quite bitter. (tastes lemonade) Yeah, it's actually not so bad, but we do need to add a bit more sweetener and dilute the taste a little bit. So first just to take that sharpness away, we'll start to add in about 100ml of water at a time, (upbeat music) A little squirt extra of honey. (upbeat music) Oh it's nearly there. (upbeat music) It's really best to do it in stages, because you don't wanna lose that lemonyness. (upbeat music) Alright I'm bringing it up so I've got about a litre of total fluid now from the water so that's nearly all of it used up. We'll make a larger amount, to, might as well go for it. (upbeat music) That, it's February and I wanna be sat outside with like an umbrella in my drink, that, is good. And I'm just gonna say it again, some of you will try this, and be like "oh my gosh that's so bitter" but please change the ratio of the water and the honey to your liking, and you will find one that fits. Oh that looks good doesn't it? And of course because, three ingredients, the lemon still fits in. Look at that! (laughs) He's kinda blending in with homer, there we go! Nice honey lemonade, still cloudy, beautiful. This cake, which could blow my mind, we'll do next because it takes- Oh my gosh! (egg rolls away) This cake is three ingredients, my favourite thing in the world on Christmas day for years I've told you this before my mum will get me a Terry's chocolate orange rather than a tangerine. We need Terry's chocolate orange, we need butter, and, we need eggs. And that is it. So into a large bowl we are gonna get eight eggs. (snaps fingers) There we go, so here are three chocolate oranges you could use any type of chocolate you want, mint chocolate- (loud banging) And we want about 450 grammes so about a pound. So we've got a little bit over, now I don't know if you guys remember on the top of a Terry's chocolate orange it used to say "tap and unwrap" and half the challenge was actually going (bangs on counter) tapping it and then you go like this, you go like this- (laughs) It's a struggle today ain't it. And then it would sort of open up and sometimes in fact yeah they've still got it. They have the stump still, but they're like already segmented, which is good for us. Few of these, in fact we're gonna need most of it, just, I think we're gonna need nearly all of it. Ah there we go, yeah that'll do. So I've got two segments left, but I've got another additional chocolate orange for garnishing. So yeah you don't need to tap anymore, look! You go like that, you guys- oh no you do, a little bit, why doesn't it say tap and unwrap? (grunts) I guess it's got hot in my house. There you go. Alright so grab yourself a saucepan. (pans clatter) The heck... (pans clatter) Pan down. Medium low flame. If only I had a massive chunk of butter 110 grammes do one's say, oh yes I do. In that goes. This is dedicated to anyone that's watching who is called Terry. And that includes Terry Hatcher. So we're gonna melt it through, we're gonna end up with a gorgeous chocolate orange buttery lake. And of course, one other step, which I think my saucepan lid is kind of praying I wish I did, you could've done this in the microwave on 30 second blasts stirring as you go until you get this all melted and smooth. Alright so this is our chocolate orange mixture melted into that butter. I've taken it off the heat so it's still warm, but we will let it cool down just a teeny weeny bit. So I'm gonna move it just up here, boom. So it's obviously the fats and the sugars are gonna come from the chocolate orange and the butter, but so it's here that's going to hold it together and also give it the rise. So we need to whisk this for a good ten minutes. (Whisks) Boom, you see how bubbly that is? That's like a bubble bath when you're a kid, you wanna jump in that with your rubber duck. Out of shot here you will see I have got the chocolate orange mix. I'm going to add a little bit of this in at a time, literally about that amount like a tablespoon pour max. (whisking) And once it's all in there, you keep adding. (whisking) This is kind of therapeutic. (cheerful music) Boom, now believe it or not, that is the batter for this cake. It's a lot wetter than normal batter, it does bake for a long time. (grunts) So this is a loose bottom tray, you don't necessarily need to have a loose bottom one. So you get a little bit of butter round the sides, ♪ Go greased lighting I'm greasing up my baking tin. ♪ Boom. Actually whilst you got that, I've got this sharpie in my hand like, why have a I got sharpie in my hand. We're just gonna do a very rough outline. That's very rough. (laughs) Like a glove. Or a piece of baking parchment cut to size, whatever you wanna call it. Not sure if you can see how foamy that is, on the top still, that's beautiful! We're gonna pour this mix into our tin. Oh my gosh. I haven't preheated my oven. Dammit. (laughs) My oven is at 180 c fan or 200 c normal fan okay? It's gonna take 45 minutes. My experience at doing cakes like that before where you're not using flour and you're using the eggs sometimes you get like a really good rise at first, and when you take it out of the oven it does deflate slightly, so it might look a bit more like a torte. But that's cool. Just had a bit of a boo boo folks, Because I've used a loose bottom tin, some of it has dripped down into the next row, so I've put it on a baking tray that's lined with a seal or just baking parchment. So, make sure you don't get any leakage. (laughs) Otherwise it really will be a lot lower than you're expecting. Alright so for our three ingredient appetiser slash starter we're going for bacon wrapped jalapenos poppers, sometimes they come in a breadcrumb but we're doing the bacon wrap and there's a lot of flavour going on. So by sticking hardcore to this three ingredient thing, no salt and pepper, no rub or seasoning, or anything like that, you have to try and find some work-arounds in the supermarket. And there are some ways, even the bacon, I've got some proper real nice super smoked bacon so maximum flavour in that, I mean, the jalapenos are just, that, it's just really a shell, but you can do it with a pepper, or something like that. And I struck gold in the supermarket, so this is just one brand of cream cheese, other brands are available but they did lots of other ones, they did a salt and pepper one, they did an herb one, they did a sweet chilli, caramelised onion. So that's already in this cream cheese, so I'm gonna ram that into there, and wrap the bacon around it. (kissing noise) Alright so all I'm gonna do is slice the lid off the top like that. Remember, don't, if you touch any of these seeds and stuff, don't rub your eyes, wash your hands, all that stuff. Gonna halve it. You can do this with a knife, but another way to do it is to just grab a spoon and scrape it all out, just push it there, and get a little bit of that whitey membrane stuff, which, I don't really like. And you can do that as neat as you want but I mean that is it, you're effectively making a green witches nose, or a green boat. There you go. I'm not gonna do this very pretty, I'm just gonna push the cream cheese in, just so it fills it. (cheerful music) And then take a strip of bacon, and we're gonna just roll it at a slight angle so it hopefully covers most of it. (cheerful music) So these are now on a lined baking tray which is perfect! Because, bear with me, do do do, and when I say that there is not a bear with me in the room there is a Mr. Bean and a Homer cardboard cutout, as standard. Look, it is done exactly what I thought it would. It's dipped in the middle, and I quite like that. Okay, there's still a teeny bit of wobble in there, I put a skewer through it, you can see there, and the sides, and it's come out dry. You must leave it to cool in the tray fully. But we need the oven, oh my gosh! It's gonna drop, it's gonna drop- (laughs) Oh how did that not drop, wow. These are going in now until the bacon is nice and cooked through. Last up we are doing a barbecue chicken sandwich. This is Bullseye sauce and the reason I went for this one today is because it was a smokey bacon one, so again, like the cream cheese this is just gonna add another bit of flavour into our chicken whilst we're stuck with three ingredients. The other ingredients are some nice brioche buns, and of course, barbecue chicken sandwich, is gonna need chicken I actually went for thighs, cause they're cheaper and actually a bit more meatier. Now there's one thing that I want to tell you that I was gonna do and the reason I went for thighs in the end I'm like that's cool, but I was gonna go for chicken breasts, and I was gonna poach chicken. I don't know if you've ever done that but that would've required me the fourth ingredient, water. So, we're just gonna griddle them, without oil. Also for the way we're gonna do the barbecue sauce if you have some water to hand you might want to dilute it a little bit, we're gonna go hardcore. We're doing pretty well today you could say we're on a roll, in fact this is a brioche roll. The only thing I need to do is just, bear in mind the bacon jalapeno poppers are cooking there, oh smells so good, so I'm not gonna forget the smell. I just don't wanna burn them. (elevator music) (slaps chicken down) So this is a chicken thigh, as you can see if you just let it naturally roll out, you've got quite a nice little sheet. See they roll out quite flat so they'll cook quite quickly but the other thing you can do like the chicken breast, bit of baking parchment on top, whack whack whack, stress reliever, very good indeed, makes it nice and thin. But we will grill them like this, but first up, let's do the buns. Alright, we're gonna get this pan hot. Now there's a fear of getting it too hot, because we're not really using oil, we have to use the natural oils from the chicken. It might stick to this pan, but we'll just have to go with it, yours will look better than mine as I say, but there's no harm now if you want to, whilst it warms up, in just sticking the bread sides down, face side down, because we're trying to maximise the flavour, so by just having it, you know that's why you get em at McDonalds you get them toasted, not only does that stop all the sauce soaking in, but by charring it, aka burning it, that does actually increase the flavour. So any chance here we've got here to add flavour by natural steps like this, we're doing it. Did you enjoy my lecture on, uh, no you didn't. Let's have a little look... Aw yeah baby, check that out, eh? Suntan, flavour, and protection from drooping, in the sauce. Ooo the second batch came out even better, now, this might sound weird, and obviously if you're using oil you'll be fine, but I'm going to let this pan cool down before sticking the chicken in it, if I stick that in right now, it'll cling to it. Alright thought I'd just try and grab a bit more of my coffee, but I'm just gonna pick up maybe two, and uh you can see that there wasn't a sizzle there because, ah I gotta get, no I'll do it two at a time. And I really wanna try and get some nice char on it like these. (sizzling) Alright. (sizzling) Ah yeah, that'll do. I'm relieved because the actual fats from the chicken are coming out and lubricating the pan. It is extremely smokey. The bacon, is done, I'm gonna bring that out. (sizzling) Oh, the caramelization of that chicken, is gonna ram it full of flavour. Look at these, I'm gonna stick them up there out of the way. What we can do is just cut it slightly, which is another good way of making sure it's cooked through, into chunks. I'm gonna grab our barbecue sauce. I'm gonna put about three tablespoons in there. This is where water would be really helpful to thin it out, so because of the sugar content in this, it will caramelise quickly and thicken. We want it to be thick and grip it, but then having water to hand will kind of loosen it up if you need to and make it a bit more drizzly, if you want that effect, which I normally do. But I can't. Due to the rules of this video. We'll stir it round, till just basically warm through this sauce, we're not gonna marinate it for hours and hours, which of course you could do, I'm just showing you what you can do with three ingredients. And that's it no joke a minute later the steam caramelization from that sugar being in there it wants to thicken and potentially burn quite quick so just get it off the heat whilst it's nice and warm. I'm just laying our barbecue chicken on top. Some nice crunchy cole slaw right now would go down an absolute storm, I'm gonna lift that bit up that is a big ole bit. Look at that. And then our charred lid on top. (laughs) The three ingredient barbecue chicken sandwich, look at that thing. So whilst I've got you here, I just wanna show you the jalapeno poppers, I put them into this basket thing I once got given, but look, the bacon is all charred and caramelised, the cream cheese has stayed in place inside the chilli, they look amazing. And I've just literally got some more cream cheese, not very pretty I know, but I stuck it in a pot like that so you can dunk that, in that, and that's still three ingredients! So we've got the poppers, the barbecue chicken sandwich, and the lemonade, which I've completely forgotten about, and, we got a cake! The chocolate cake is finished off with a few of the chocolate orange segments just overlapped on each other like this. I've just got some extra melted chocolate orange that I'm just drizzling up and down it. I don't know if I can wait for it to be chill to be honest. (laughs) Ah, that's what we want, there should be a gooeyness to the middle. When you put that in the fridge it'll turn to more of like mousse-y vibe but I kind of like that, the looseness of it, y'know? It's not falling apart, it's not droopy, it's good. It's got the right set on it. Yes! So the jalapeno popper. Ah in, in the cream cheese. Oh wow, it reminds me of a pizza. I really like that caramelised onion cream cheese as well that's really hot, oh my gosh. I don't have jalapenos that often, but, it reminds me of a barbecue pizza that a company called Romanos do quite often, that I've had, from time to time. Why don't I try and cool my mouth down with some honey lemonade. That is super refreshing, there's still little bit of sort of lemony chunks in it, but they all passed through the sieve nice and fine. But like I said if you don't want it as bitter take the the pith and stuff off the lemon before you do it. Just grate it and just get the juice alright? Oh my gosh, the charrness of the bun as well. (grunts) The chicken is charred, tender, soft, and juicy also the charring in the bun comes through and that barbecue sauce with the bacon vibe, wow. That is insane. If there's one message I want you to take away from this video it's actually not only do you want to see more of these, because I'm happy to do more, but also the fact that this is just three ingredients, now holding back the water and all that stuff. But imagine what you could do with like four or five, and that's up to you guys. I promised myself I wouldn't cry, that is so good. The moistness that kind of semi-cooked stuff in the middle which is ideal. It's its own self saucing chocolate orange cake. I don't know which one of those is my favourite, they are all really really good. In their own way. Just like you. And if you want to see more of these, I'm happy to do more. So give it a go, send my your snaps, and I'll see you next time. Buh bye! (fuzzy rap song) I know I said send us your snaps, um, I know it's Valentines day and all but please, just food right?
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 294,162
Rating: 4.9305029 out of 5
Keywords: 4 x 3 Ingredient recipes 2 try 1 time in your life!, 3 ingredient recipes, 3 ingredients, easy recipes, basic cooking, chocolate orange cake, terrys chocolate orange, terrys chocolate orange cake, chocolate cake, 3 ingredient cake, jalapeno poppers, bacon jalapeno popppers, honey lemonade, recipe, bbq chicken sandwich, brioche, learn to cook, my virgin kitchen, barry lewis, virgin kitchen, cooking show, food hacks, how to cook, food challenge, 2 ingredient recipes, beginner
Id: 4JnHI2dKlDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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