Giant Lindt Bunny

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(dramatic music) - It's not gone through has it? - That has been my longest video ever to make. I'm gonna have to very carefully undress the bunny. I made loads of tape and, just dribbled on me, go to bed. (laughs) (dramatic music) Hello, we've all seen the evolution of the human, you know the picture of the monkey gradually turning into the human, in fact some people claim that we're actually starting to go back to the monkey, or there's the other one where there's a person on their mobile phone like that. But did you know there is the evolution of the Lindt bunny? Yep if you didn't know what a Lindt bunny is, it's basically one of these. They're very popular around Easter time here in the UK, it's a chocolate bunny basically, and it comes with a little jingly bell on it, it's got a little red ribbon, it's wrapped in gold but the chocolate is milk. And they do a couple of other sizes, check this out. Yeah so you've got this one that I was just holding, which is actually quite a large one. You've got this one, which is actually probably the most common size one. And they also do, a teeny weeny little one like that, the evolution of the gold bunny, or is it. (laughs) Now that's a bunny. How did this come about? Well, the other day I was in a garden centre, we actually spent nearly a whole day at a garden centre, that is when you know you've become an adult. We had lunch, we bought some stuff we didn't need, including this bunny, but I saw it and I thought, do you know what, that is fairly close to the Lindt bunny, it's a sign. So we're gonna do something that I've never done before, and if I can nail this, or at least get past it, it opens up so much opportunity. This is a food grade safe silicon kit that I've ordered from Amazon. I'm worried because one there's no instructions with it, I've got to follow a video online, which meh. Two it can be quite dangerous and hazardous, and three I might not have enough. (laughs) When I teased this on Twitter the basis gist was people said you need to get a silicon mould around it and do it, and then pull the polystyrene out. So I've never done this before, but if we can nail this, there's so many ideas I've always wanted to do. Like someone has just suggested you could like mould the pugs I don't really wanna put silicon on these guys, but could I mould my head, yes. I already know how I would do that, but it's just using this stuff for the first time. So let's go out to the shops and get a bit more safety conscious. (upbeat music) Oh yes, these are like what painters use to mix their paint so I think this is gonna be perfect. When did paint brushes get so expensive, look at that, 14 pound for a bit of hair on a stick. I like this one, this is called a rat tail, I'm gonna use this one. Just popping to a craft store to see if I can get some red ribbon, and maybe some gold foil for this bunny. Is this felt? Haven't touched felt in years since I was at primary school, might do it actually. Got some crepe paper right at the back, the ribbon does have like a crepe paper effect to it. It's only a quid we'll get both. I found some gold tissue paper, I'm gonna get a few packs of that. You can't go wrong with a bit of gold wrapping paper either. This is way bigger then I need, look at this, but as always safety first right. Oh wow, okay that's good I like that, and I've got so much of it I'm doubling it up, look how big that is still. (laughs) That is nice and thick, so good protection for my worktops. Ooh yes, we're being professional. I really, really hope my door does not go whilst I'm wearing this. (laughs) Yes, gloves as well, I actually don't need these on immediately because we're gonna stick down the bunny and weigh out the compound. Yeah so just a little bit initially to stop it moving whilst I work on the top part of it. So what happens is you have the main base element, this is 500 grammes in weight, and the actual catalyst, this is the smaller part, this is 50 grammes, and the ratio is supposed to be 10 to one of that. So 500 and 50, that's your 10 to one ratio. I don't need to weigh it out, so I can put it all together and that should be the mix. I just don't know if it's gonna be enough. So I'm just getting this out, I need to get it all out, and then we'll get the catalyst in there, that's blue coloured, so I assume we're gonna be making a blue mould. Alright so in this goes, oh that's much more fluid, and look the colour. We've kind of made like a blue fried egg, oh it's stuck to my hand, brilliant. So let's just mix this together. (bouncy music) I think we've got it, oh my gosh, and I'm so glad that I opened the windows for some ventilation because that smells like a petrol station. So I guess I just coat my rabbit. (bouncy string music) It's actually easier to do it with me stick rather then my rats tail. (bouncy string music) Like I say I've never done this before but I feel that that's actually quite a good strength layer on there, it doesn't feel too thin. There's a little bit under this arm here that just keeps revealing the polystyrene, like a little arm pit but I keep topping it up, I think I'm just gonna get changed. I've put a particular focus around the neck areas and the ears and stuff like that, but as you can see it's still dribbling through but I think I've covered it really well, and this bit should dry too, meaning that I've got some sort of sleeve I guess. So that needs about 20 hours to dry out and set. To give you some perspective it's Friday morning, Mrs Barry's at work, and she's going away for the weekend with some friends, so I have Phoebe and Chloe for the whole weekend on my own, and I think the kitchen is now kind of out of bounds. So I'm gonna have to take them like round my moms or something, I just can't move it. I don't wanna risk it, and also I hope it hasn't soaked into my worktop. But that's it for now, I'll see you tomorrow, and maybe we'll fill this thing with chocolate. It's not what it looks like. - It's not gone through has it? So how do you get the foam bit out. - [Barry] Well I've got to worry about that tomorrow. - Okay. - Hello, hello, hello good morning, it is Saturday. Mrs Barry is away with her friends, so daddy day care, we've done our things, the blue rabbit we'll come to that in a minute. Alright kids? - Yeah. - Yeah. - [Barry] What's going on? - We're playing on the Nintendo Switch. - Playing on the Nintendo Switch yeah, but only for half an hour, hopefully. (laughs) So the bunny, or the rabbit, whatever. The bunny rabbit, first things first, I came down at 4 AM which is another good reason Mrs Barry wasn't here, and I started touching it. I'm like, oh my gosh, it's worked, and if I can explain it, it's sort of clammy to the touch, it still feels sticky but it's not. You might see there's a few bits of dribbles and things, that is because around by the ears particularly there was some bits where it was starting to go white where it was weak and dripping off, so it really did start to set with quite a weird thick chunky pattern on it. It looks like some kind of gothic bunny. And there is one little patch just up here, that I tried to get but it must have dribbled away again. So I might have to trim the ears off, that is of course if it works because at 4 AM, after this was done I was like, oh no, I read a post from Patreon, so anyone that supports me on Patreon accesses the feed, I put a behind the scenes photo of this, and one person said that they hoped that I'd used silicon release spray. Now where I bought this on Amazon it said nothing about that, I've never done this before, so now that makes complete sense. You would have sprayed the mould in that first, then done this, and it should pop up with ease. I've no idea if the polystyrene has absorbed the silicon. It's just kind of we've skinned it, which is the opposite of skinning a rabbit isn't it, but that's a wrong thing to talk about. Or perhaps it will come away, this is what I'm thinking it's a bad thing, check this out, this is a piece, obviously just a little strip like that, and it's coming off, yeah that's great, it's staying as one, if I just give that a good pull but look, it's pulling up the actual first layer, just a little bit of the tablecloth. Now I don't know if it's gonna do that to the polystyrene 'cause if it does that's the whole blimmin' mould. If it doesn't, it's chocolate going in. This is a really sharp knife that I got off Amazon, called Zelite, they're really, really good. They're quite expensive, but I'm gonna need it. Wow, that's really thick there. Oh dear. (laughs) I knew this would happen, let's not worry about this just yet, oh my gosh! That is coming away, (laughs) it's weak, it's not the strongest, I probably should have put another kit on it, I've got another one on the way anyway, I don't care, but that, it is actually coming away. (bouncy music) Look, it's actually coming off quite well, I can get it inside out, and then give it a really good clean to get any polystyrene bits off. I think that's what I'm gonna have to do, I wasn't planning on this but I think I'm gonna have to very carefully undress the bunny, which is a phrase Hugh Hefner would have said a few times. Oh no, I've got a rip. (laughs) Oh my gosh, I'll try and clean it carefully and see where we're at 'cause if not, I think with the release spray in a few days time, will definitely make that work. Well there's something you don't see every day, it's holding most of the water. The good news is, I don't know if you can see the difference there, I've scrubbed it for a bit but I have got a crack in the ear bit there. In fact, that was the bit that I missed. There's a crack there, and there's a big split there. And where as the water is acting as the chocolate it would work, it really would work, it would fill it out. I've gotta work out how to hang it. So whereas I've made kind of like a cool new washing up glove, the blue rabbit, I will see you in a few days. Four days later, I'm in my romper suit again, Mrs Barry's just casually doing the washing up in the background. Alright mate. - Hello. - I've done one bit of mix first 'cause it was taking a while for it to kind of start to stop dripping immediately so I've given that like about 40 minutes just sat there before I even stick it on my bunny, which has now got separate ears. So we're gonna do that separately, but to help it release we've got some of this. Yep, I missed the postman this morning, I saw him, chased after him, and I grabbed my silicon release spray so I can start that this evening, we're gonna put that on it, we're gonna do a layer, and then we're gonna do another layer to give it some more strength, and then we'll have our bunny. (bright bouncy music) Right that is the first layer done. I'm really impressed with this, I'm not sure because it's been a hot day it's very warm in here, or whether that I let the actual mix stand, because that's empty. If you remember the other day how I was constantly lifting it up on there, this went on there, boosh, it might have been the spray, it just clung to it. So I had to work quite fast, we've got it completely covered and the ears as well, the tape removed, that looks kind of like the Sydney Opera House doesn't it? I'm gonna leave that to stand for about two hours, then do a second layer again on top. So a double coating of silicon, come on. I've got two hours, I don't really wanna get out of this do I, I might just sit out in my garden and have a cup of coffee. It's pretty late now, we've had two layers on the ears and the bunny, good night. Alright folks it's the next morning, but I've just filmed 4321 part six, I don't know which one of these videos you'll see first. Ideally this one, so there we go. I have had to move it to my dining table to fully set. I've been checking for any additional patches, anything that needs topping up, particularly the ears there's some pointed areas here so I've doubled them up. I think it's gonna be okay, this is it, if it fails, it fails. Good evening, it is 20 past 10 at night, Mrs Barry's asleep on the sofa, both the kids are asleep upstairs. The pugs are asleep just down there, I've got loads of chocolate. Both the moulds are there, I'm gonna try and get them out and fill it with chocolate so it can set overnight because I'm basically going on holiday the day after next, and it will just get left. So I need to kinda do it, or this is gonna be put on hold 'til Easter next year. Because the food safe silicon was so expensive online it would have been easier to have put it into a bucket and poured, and just did a big old cast right. But, I've had to have a think, how am I gonna actually do this. So I give you my sieve. (laughs) So this, if I take this off, about two hours ago this was my sieve that you've seen in many videos, I've ordered a new one online anyway, it was slightly broken, I've taken the mesh out and I'm basically gonna replicate what you just saw by holding loads of clothes pegs on to support it because I need to pour the chocolate and leave it like that to set. I can't think of any other way, I was gonna bob it in water but I need to get the gravity to help it set, but let's get them out the moulds first. I'm hoping, you can see there's quite a bit of movement there, but the spray has done it's job. But I'm gonna actually cut some of this polystyrene out. It's gonna take a very, very, very long time. So I got this and the bunny to do, we'll jump to empty moulds hopefully. These are my ears and look, despite the spray there's still loads of polystyrene on it, so I'm soaking it in warm water again. (laughs) No, look how dirty that is, despite all the polystyrene still being on it, I can only find one teeny hole, so it could still work. I know you've just woke up, but look, if I put it inside out, forget this, forget all that, it does make a blimmin good bunny. - It worked, oh no. - And my ears. - Ears. - It's just dirty. - No one needs to know though. - They're watching. They're watching, I can't. - You spent so much time. - I've got one more day tomorrow. What if I pour the melted chocolate in, let it set overnight, pull it out, pulling out all the horrible nasty polystyrene, which could, could leave me with a clean, it could. - Clean bunny. - A clean belly? - Bunny. - Bunny. - I'm sorry I just dribbled on you. - Just dribbled on me, go to bed. See the ears sit perfectly in a jug, they're not gonna get disturbed, that's why the lip works so well, I'm just gonna bung some rough chocolate in there, just to see if this works. Not sure if you can see but I'm gonna pray that my sellotape holds. My only hope here is that my experience of using chocolate before is it kind of has no prisoners. It grabs everything that it touches. So I really wanna see if this will rip off the polystyrene. Hang on a sec, even when it sets, I've gotta try and push it out of that little hole, it's gonna break the mould innit. Um, I'll stick it in the fridge and do it for fun in the morning anyway. Good morning everyone, morning Chloe. - Morning. - I don't even know what I said to the camera last night but I was up til 1:30 AM in the end. So basically the chocolate went in, I let it set overnight and this morning I've just washed it out, and I can reveal here are the ears, with my little tape holding it together with the rip. The other side's fine. It's clean, I don't know if you can see in there, it's really clean isn't it? - Let's see. - Can you see. - Whoa! - Whoa. It's basically, it's now a nice surface for it. So this morning I did the same to the bunny rabbit and we are ready now to fill it with chocolate. - Who could never live without chocolate? - I really could, I really could right now. Alright so what I'm gonna do is carefully dribble the chocolate into the mould, it's gonna take a very long time but I wanna make sure that it fills every single gap. Alright tap, tap, tap, just to level that off, and that's our ears, what do you make of that? - Amazing. - Alright so my ears are setting, they spilt out so I had to do a little clog of chocolate there which has stemmed the flow. It's setting, I think the ears are gonna work. This is the box that the two packs of the silicon, Tupac, arrived in, and I've just tested. I wanna have a viewing panel but this will be a perfect dangle option, we're gonna stick the bunny in, and we've kind of accidentally made the lip for that to sit in. There's just a potential hole there, so I'm just gonna plug some chocolate on it, nice. - That just looks like we've got a dead rabbit in our house. - Rabbit for dinner folks. What are these? - These are the clothes pegs that you ordered me off Amazon, but they're hurricane. (laughs) - Not Becky proof, these are hurricane proof so my plan was that I was gonna clip them onto here if needed, but I don't need too 'cause that lip is so strong so yeah. - Fingers crossed. - No, no. - No, no, no, no. - Alright here we go. It's going in, I just hope it's gonna fill out to the shape of the face, and not just do a round circle. Alright so I'm lifting it all up on the sides, and my plan was to maybe do a few layers like this, then let it set, and a few more, and it will be hollow. But I think I might just pour it all in and get one big full bunny. Yeah I think I'm just gonna do it solid because then as long as this sustains the weight it should kind of level off and give me a base anyway. I'm just praying that this holds the weight as I push it all in. Look my holes leaking, I need to sort that out urgently. It looks like little chocolate tears running down the rabbit but I've put some tape on it stop it leaking. Alright, little update, the tape didn't work that well but just like someone who's cut themselves shaving I've got some kitchen towel and dabbed it on there and it seems to be sustaining it way better then the tape. Okay that little patch of kitchen towel has now turned to more of a serviette, but it does seem to be stopping it. You're suggesting using a plaster because it's still leaking guys, this is not good. I've changed it, made loads of tape and-- (hairdryer blowing) Well it kind of worked, it stopped it, that's actually now stopped and set like that. Alright. - Yes. - [Barry] So if in doubt, hairdry your chocolate okay guys. - Okay. - And put a plaster on it. - Yes, can you do me a favour. - I can't look, I don't wanna look. - And keep your eye on it's head. Oh wow, that's rising really quick. I've got another batch of this left, and that's gonna fill that to the brim. We've got enough chocolate. Oh it's not dripping by much. I've just poured in about a kilo of chocolate Becks, that's okay. - I don't wanna look. - That's alright, okay I'm gonna do the last pour to hopefully bring it up to the feet level. You can see it dribbled out a little bit more but then all of a sudden, urgh, it sort of stuck. So unless there's a huge explosion this should be it. Not quite enough chocolate. - Oh my gosh, so nearly there. - I need like one more bar. Here we go, last little bit goin in, oh my gosh, come on. Oh I've gotta fill it up so it fills that foot out. That is now 3.8 kilos of chocolate. (laughs) I cannot believe that is holding all of that weight. Look at the box bowing, that bodge has actually worked, it's holding it up. I think we can agree that's not something you see everyday but whilst that's been doing it's thing the ears have just been sat there and they're set already. But I'm gonna just have to leave them, and obviously that's gonna take a lot longer, I've no idea how long it's gonna take. But we'll get a really good set on it, I'll stick me ears onto there once we get it out, you've seen my buy the wrapper, so hopefully the next thing you see will be a giant bunny, and I went to drink this then. Good morning, time wise this has been my longest video ever to make, this has been the 10th day, and I've kind of learnt to understand silicon. One that I'll never probably use polystyrene again, and if it was something plastic or something else it would probably have worked perfect. But, we don't need the sievey thing anymore, new sieve has arrived. The moulds came off fine, they're not perfect as I'll show you, but I'm really happy, let's decorate. (bouncy piano music) Here it is. (laughs) How amazing does that look, this is a four kilo bunny, that's what I tried to write on the sides there. It's just all come together, how cool does that little bell look with the felt, it's just blimmin' awesome. And of course the thing I like about it, I actually am a big believer that all Easter eggs, anything, any around, hollow chocolate is pointless. It's cheap, it's a way out for a lot of these companies, chocolate should be wholesome, whole and some, and that is some. I believe that. So forget the evolution, forget dad, forget mom, forget the little baby one, this is where it's at. (paper ripping) (laughs) Oh no, some of my sharpies gone on his head. (laughs) But there we go, num, num, num. (laughs) Me bunny is done, I'm gonna have to just eat the ear right at the top where I didn't even actually put any marker. Don't put market on it, or at least triple layer it, I only did one layer. But you can see the mould actually did pretty well, it's got all the features, the marker pen, I missed the eye a little bit, but the ears, the silicon mould, we had problems with it, it stuck on well, I'm really, really happy with it. I kinda don't want to eat it, I will. Oh, (laughs) You've got a little chunk there missing on your ear. I feel like Mike Tyson. It's chocolate innit, wow this would make a really naughty Easter egg for one of you. Just one person okay, serves one. So there we go, massive chocolate bunny in a bag, Boston, what a heck of an epic journey. Please subscribe if you're not already, check out 1500 videos here on the channel, and have a Barathon if you wanna watch more giant food. Any suggestions let me know down below, and yeah it's all about portion control. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchens for me ♪ ♪ Simon's moustache, goatee, maybe all three ♪ - I wish I could have your job. - [Barry] You wish you could have my job? - Yeah, we could swap with me. - [Barry] Swap, you're a school kid. - Yeah but you go to school and learn maths. - [Barry] I would like going to school, that would be cool. - And I'd like being a cook.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 261,488
Rating: 4.9177518 out of 5
Keywords: Giant Lindt Bunny, lindt bunny, my virgin kitchen, lindt, virgin kitchen, giant chocolate, lindt gold bunny, barry lewis, barry lewis giant food, my virgin kitchen giant food, Giant food, lindt chocolate, food challenge, easter bunny, XL, biggest, worlds biggest, super size, how to make, giant food diy, cooking show, easter, chocolate, candy, how to, world record, food safe silicone kit, easter treats, chocolate ball, food hacks, chocolate bunny mold, mrs barry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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