4 Viral TikTok recipes put to the test | Barry tries #26

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- Let me turn that over. Ha! Okay, yeah. Ha! Well, it's definitely hot. Toasters are dangerous things. This is taking forever. (chuckles) Ah! (dramatic music) Whoo! Hello, everybody. Hope you're doing well. It's Barry here. Today, we are doing a Barry Tries, part of the playlist, where I tries, I try recipes from famous chefs, famous blogs, viral recipes and things like that. And I have had a massive load of requests to try out some TikTok recipes. In fact, more than that. They're like, "Barry, go on TikTok. "You should do it." I'm like (sighs), (soft music) I just don't want to. I picked out four recipes which seem to have been viral on there, which we're gonna see if they look or taste anything like how they're supposed to be. They seem pretty cool, so we'll give it a good old go. One does involve a toaster. (ominous music) I gotta be honest with you. This whole TikTok thing, I know it's a very popular app, and I know I'm probably in the minority. I had a little look at it. I created a profile, Mr. Barry Lewis, and I've put one special TikTok if you wanna go and have a look at that, but I just don't get it. I just look at going, "Wha?" Like all that, like I don't, I don't get it. I'm really, I'm really sorry. But if you're on there and you're having fun and it's getting you through the hard times or whatever and the lockdown right now, a lot of people are doing all that stuff, just brilliant, but sometimes you know when something's not for you. But we're gonna go for this. We have got four recipes. There was only about six or seven that just kept being sent to me in all different social media platforms other than TikTok, and I'm like, okay, I will give this a go. The first one is actually a mug cake, and I don't get it. I think it's just gonna be a mug mass, but it's an Oreo mug cake with two ingredients. Yeah, so apparently, we can make a mug cake. And remember, I've done loads of recipes on mug cakes, and they don't ever have two ingredients in them, using a mug, which is not the ingredient. With it being an Oreo mug cake, a key ingredient is Oreos. But this is what threw me. And I actually said to Mrs. Barry this morning, I was like, "Do you know what? "They're doing a mug cake and there's two ingredients. "It's Oreos and what?" And she said eggs. I was thinking, yeah, it's not a bad suggestion. It's kinda like more like an omelette. An Oreo omelette. Another video. But actually, the second ingredient is milk, right? So we apparently wiz up or bash up the Oreo crumbs and mix it with milk and it should make a cake. I'm not gonna play the TikTok because of all the music and stuff like that and I'd end up doing dad dancing and things like that, but basically, it's the two ingredients. But if you wanna enhance it, if you add baking powder, just a little pinch, it makes it more fluffier, and you can control it with the amount of milk. So if you put less milk in, apparently, it'll make it more dense. If you add more milk, it'll just be an Oreo milkshake. Not bad. And these Oreos, I don't know if it's just me, but they've got thinner, haven't they? They do do Oreo Thins, but these are standard Oreos and they look tiny. (laughs) Right, we need four of these. And apparently, you can blast them in a food processor to get them nice and fine, but I'm gonna bash. (whimsical music) I'm also gonna roll as well, I've always enjoyed doing that, to make some Oreo sand. All right. Straight away, that doesn't feel like enough. So I'm gonna, I'm actually gonna double it. It said I needed three or four, but that doesn't feel like much at all. (whimsical music) Oh, that feels a bit better. All right. Yeah, I wanna try and fill the mugs, so that's why I'm doubling it. So it says to add three to four tablespoons. So I'd say I'm gonna go for six, okay, just to compensate for the extra crumbs. This feels so strange. This feels so strange. I mean, don't get me wrong. Just like, eating this right now, kind of like a confused breakfast cereal, would be all right. I'm gonna give it a little stir around. There we go. (laughs) Oreo soup. Apparently, we now have to warm this through for 90 seconds. It's not really cake looking, is it? Okay, 90 seconds then. Let's see what happens. That probably gives me just about enough time to wipe down the table and the mess that I've made. We've got just under 20 seconds to go and it's started to steam up a little bit. I can see it better from out there. I just generally don't know what's happened to it. (microwave beeps) Oh. Actually, you look. I can't see. What do we think? Ooh! I'll tell you what. It's probably gonna be more brownie-esque. But that has gone a bit cakey, actually. Okay, so it's been about three minutes and that mug is still red hot. So you know how they say leave things to stand after being in the microwave because it's still cooking? It's probably still doing that a little bit, but the milk has been absorbed. It's more of like an Oreo mass. And I wonder if that would have happened anyway even at room temperature. Would it have just soaked it in? Because when I make the dog's biscuits, what we tend to do just to soften it up for them is we basically pour water over their biscuits, and it soaks and it makes a stock, and they absolutely love it. I was just thinking that's probably what could have happened here anyway. It smells good. It's Oreo milk. What's not to love? It's firm. Ow! It's hot still. There we go. It is surprisingly sponge like but a lot weaker in Oreo flavouring than I would have hoped. A little bit like eating an Oreo sponge, if that exists. (laughs) It's okay. It needs some enhancements. I would definitely add more in there to make it fluffier, chocolate chips, things like that. But hey, it's not a fail, and it's okay. (laughs) This next one is a breakfast sandwich. And I'm quite egg-cited because it does involve eggs but also a little bit of skill as well. It's not just sort of like bugging it in the microwave. You need to actually play around with it, and you could probably eventually get quite creative with it. Okay, so we've got three eggs there. A little bit of shell, which I scooped out using the shell. That's a little hack for TikTok if you want. Pepper goes in there. Here's the whisky step. Very nice. So again, this is completely true. This is our two frying pans we've got. I probably need to buy a slightly larger one, but these normally get me by for most recipes. The bread that I bought for this is too big. Even the pancake pan here that we've got, it just would not fit. So we need two slices of bread in the pan at the same time to make this work. Luckily, we've got some wholemeal bread here from the other day that we can just about fit in there, in this one, not even in that one. So in the words of Jaws, I'm gonna need a bigger pan, but not today. Okay, I'm trying this over slightly lower flame just to give me a bit more time and control. First we do is just melt some butter in there. All right, so it's just about melted now, warming up slowly. It's gonna bubble a teeny bit. I mean, we could just use oil instead, I guess, but I wanna try and stay true to what I saw on the video. Okay, teeny little bubbles starting to form. That is fine. So our egg mixture goes in as if we're making an omelette. And apparently, we dip the egg in the, no, the bread. (laughs) We dip the bread. Oh, there you go. It's clinging to it. Nice, like French toast style. It probably absorbed a little bit. But let me turn it over. Ha! Why do I feel so awkward? This feels weird. There we go, that's better. All we're doing right now is basically cooking up the omelette, just literally cook an omelette with bread in it. It looks weird. Yeah, I can see it starting to catch around the edges. And this is possibly the most critical part of it. In a minute, we've got to try and scoop under both parts of the bread and flip it over in one motion. (laughs) But what the egg is doing is effectively creating some sort of raft where that might be easier than it sounds. Look. On the edges, you can see it just starting to go there. That is what we're gonna lift over, but we need a bit more cooking time. Ah! Do you know what? I'm gonna try to flip, but a much easier thing to do. I've got like three of these pans. You just put one on top of the other and then just go whoo. So going in. Oh, my gosh. Ready? Ah! Right, what was the next step? Oh. I know what I'm doing. Honest, I think. We work out roughly where one part of the bread is. Oh, my gosh, my cheese, my smoked cheese. It's all congealed together. No! So we put down some cheese, cheese and ham. Okay. But now, we bring the sides in. Okay, this is, so far so good. Bring that in. That side doesn't need to come in. Does that still need to come in? No. Okay. And then, I guess, we flip the lighter side. I can't remember whether, if it certainly was that one to there. Oh! (laughs) (gasps) That looks awesome. And we just cook it now. We just make sure that this gets, all gets melted inside. And we can just flip it over to make sure the other side's done, but that's pretty neat. I kinda wish I put ketchup in it now, but you've got like a, like a little wallet, or an envelope, a parcel of folded, neatly folded egg in there. That's amazing! Oh, baby. Look at that beast. It's incredible! Oh, look at that. Yes. Oh. If I knew it was gonna work that easy, I would have put some like Sriracha or a little bit of hot sauce in there, kind of a thing that I'm going for at the moment, a phase of hot sauce. That is amazing! That is so good. I don't think I'm ever having cornflakes again. I love that. We're halfway through, and this is going quite well. The third one is something I've seen loads of places. Like people have been tagging me, "Please try this," so I'm gonna do it right now. This is something called Dalgano coffee, which apparently is a sweet tasting milky coffee. Now, apparently, this, with three ingredients, which when you see in a minute, you'll be like, "What?" Apparently, once they're whisked together, they make this awesome sort of foamy, creamy coffee which you can pour over ice and milk and (grunts). And one of the ingredients, which is instant coffee, people are starting to mix it up by using chocolate powder, strawberry milkshake powder, all the stuff like that to make your own Dalgano milkshakes. But as I've never done this before, I'm gonna try the coffee thing first because if this works, again. (explosion blasts) So you're gonna have to bear with me. Apparently, as long as we take equal parts of the three ingredients, so I'm going a little bit bigger than I might need just because I've got space in the bowl. Instant coffee, so nothing too flashy, and the same amount of water. That is apparently it. (laughs) What? Give it a mix together. And apparently, at first, just like this. Oh, wow, that smells strong. (laughs) So apparently, at first, it should be like this. Oh. I don't know if I should have done hot water. (laughs) Yeah. ♪ Dun dun du dun dun dun ♪ It needs to be very hot water. (laughs) All right, take two with very hot water, because I was thinking, how the heck are those coffee granules gonna dissolve? I'm just gonna add a little bit more. And that's the answer, folks. They wouldn't have. So I'll mix this together. So I really, I'm not gonna get most of it, but that's fine because we are going to whisk it with an electric whisk. Apparently, you can do it by hand, but it will take about 40 minutes. It's gonna go through quite a process now of going from this quite dark looking mixture to eventually, a creamy foam So let's try it. All I'm gonna say right now is I'm not hopeful but it smells so strong. It smells like a coffee shop. I'm loving that smell. And we're just gonna whisk it. So let's see what happens. (upbeat music) All right, 20 seconds or so been in. Not much happening, but I'm trying to work up the sides to break down those other granules I didn't get, all right? I tell you what. There's only been a couple of minutes and that is starting to go fluffier. I'm gonna keep going and give another update in a bit. This is taking forever. (laughs) Ladies and gents, I think I'm there, 40 minutes later. (laughs) Okay, so apparently, we can serve it hot or cold. I'm gonna go for cold. So we've got some ice, and then the milk goes on top, because obviously, the coffee flavour is in the cream that we made. And then I just scrape it out of the bowl. Oh, my gosh! And just spoon it on top. Okay, it helps to have a second spoon. There we go. Oh, if put any more, it's gonna spill over. But look. (laughs) I've got a little coif on it. It's got like a, like a hairstyle. That is thick! Wow. On its own, I literally just, it just tastes like coffee meringue, extremely intense. I've got like to syphon the milk through the side of it. (laughs) I've got a coffee stache. Oh, wow. I don't know if I like that or not. That's just, that's bizarrely strong and intense. But if it was worked in with the milk a little bit, I think I could like it. It's really opened my mind. Half the time when I was whisking, I was like, what else can I whisk with sugar to make it into a meringue thing? Egg whites. (laughs) I think coffee lovers would absolutely rave about it. And maybe warmer milk could make that dissolve in a bit more, but it's fun. It's a cool concept. The last one, which is deliberately the last one, involves a toaster. And we all know, (laughs) I'm trying to find my table. We all know how much fun I have with toasters. Ugh, something's burning. Everything is, oh, my god! The Wi-Fi and the telly is gone as well. This is good. Oh, it's on fire. I mean, it's not good, is it? Why does this always happen to me? Off the back of the hotdog toaster video, a lot of people were saying, "Are you okay," and stuff. The electrician came out and he tested the house and he says it's fine. It just must have been a dodgy appliance. But we are gonna keep an eye on it, and that has been sent to the bin. Before we start this last one, which is known as a toastadilla, which sounds like a confused dinosaur, you might have seen in the corner here, we've got the cream cheese frosting that we did on the last recipe, the hummingbird cake, which was sensational! I think I teased in the video at the end that you could make cupcakes with it, and that is exactly what I did, my friends. And overnight, just kept them in the fridge. They look awesome as cupcakes as well. I'm not gonna eat them because I feel like I'm on a bit of a coffee high right now. (laughs) Yeah, and we actually made so much frosting. We got loads left even with the cupcakes. So we might just like put that in a sandwich and stuff. We're not gonna put it in the toastadilla, which is effectively a wallet of quesadilla made in a toaster. Okay, to help my inner toastadilla, I'm wearing my burrito blanket. We start off with a flour wrap. And the good thing about the cheese I'm using, it's resealable. ♪ Ba-ya ♪ ♪ Ba-ya ♪ So apparently, what we do here is we focus on one half of our wrap. I don't wanna make it too fat. Otherwise, it's not gonna fit in my toaster, and we do not want that happening, folks. So some mixed pre-chopped cheese. And apparently, we fold it in half, and then we fold it again, and then again, and we've kind of got this wallet. Oh, no. I just looked and I think I folded it wrong. Apparently, I should do the sides first. There we go. That looks a bit more, okay, okay, yes, 'cause gravity's gonna help us now. Yes, that's much, much better. To the toaster. And will it fin in? Oh, yes, it will. Look at that. Nice. Let's turn it on. And I'm gonna go, ooh, that was nice noise, halfway up setting. Ah! It's not going down. (laughs) No! 'Cause I think once it goes down, the cheese will melt and it will be easy to get out. Wooden spoon. Electricity. Oh, it's gone down that time. Oh, I've pushed it right in. Hopefully, that is gonna toast the outside of the wrap, fuse together the cheese and the ham. It's smoking a little bit. Well, it's definitely hot. Toasters are dangerous things. I might pop that out and see if it works. Here we go. Ooh! Look at the colour on that. I'm gonna turn you off. Mah! It all comes down to if the cheese is melted. So we've got that side there. And that side is actually, to be fair, pretty darn good. The cheese, (laughs) look, it's not melted. Look at that. No! It started to. (soft piano music) Is there a way, I wonder, that I can... (laughs) But I mean, in theory, does it work? I've kind of dismantled it a little bit. We went like this. It does actually work pretty darn well. It's not melted, but as an emergency snack, (laughs) I got no filling whatsoever then. I just got toasted tortilla. I don't really like this one. I think if that had a really thin layer of cheese on there, it would have worked, but I mean, it's still not melted in there whatsoever. Maybe the ham protected it as a little bit of a ham shield of some kind. But I don't know. As a little sort of snack, if you want a toasted tortilla to stick in your hummus, yeah. Ah! (laughs) It's fair to say we made quite the tapas today. And I would say three out of the four particularly have worked insanely well indeedy. They blow my mind. The toaster quesadilla probably needs a little bit of work. I think my favourite though is definitely that breakfast sandwich. There we go! So another Barry Tries in the bag. Don't forget to pop on your sweatband and check out the rest of the Barry Tries playlist, loads of recipes from Gordon Ramsay, well-known blogs, chefs, and viral recipes, all that sort of stuff. And if you've got any suggestions you wanna see me attempt, do let me know down below and I'll give it a try, add it to the playlist. But yeah, not too bad. Check out my TikTok for absolutely nothing. Bye. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Sideburns, moustache, goatee, maybe all three ♪ That is an omelette sandwich, and it's very cold. You wanna try that? I didn't even need to (laughs) push you to do it. - Hmm, it's all right. - (laughs) It's all right? - A bit cold. - [Barry] Yeah, well, I made it about an hour and a half ago. - Oh, that'll be why then. (Barry laughs) - [Barry] Try this. This is the only thing that's cold that's allowed to be cold. Iced milk. - Yeah, - [Barry] We have like a coffee cream on the top. It's just sugar, coffee granules and water. - All right. Oh. - [Barry] It's intense, isn't it? - Yeah. I've got the milk and then like a sticky coffee thing on top. - [Barry] Yeah. Well, you have that, and I'll have a cold quesadilla. - [Ashley] Okay. - [Barry] Folks, bonus attempt. I'm gonna make two little square portions of cheese. So we're gonna fold it over and then create the join there. Duh, duh, duh. Okay, wow. (laughs) I did have to push that quite flat to make it like a cheese slice which is, I think that's what will make it work better. Ha, okay, yeah Ha! So you got that one side. (grunts) Hot. But obviously, the other side is not as toasted, okay? But what we have to do is make sure, you can see, oh, that has flattened. Look at that. We wanna get this toasted too. So we unfold it from there, so the toasted side is not exposed anymore, and that goes inside like that. So you just turn it around the other way, okay? So we're back to pocket mode, making sure hardly any cheese is exposed. It's formed a seal. You just did it, didn't you? I don't think it's a good thing if you can hear cheese like bubbling in a toaster. Ha, look at that! Ha! I think we've done it. So not only have we now got on both sides toasted, we've made ourselves quite a cool little wallet for your credit cards and stuff. Oh! (laughs) Whoa.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 194,085
Rating: 4.9127369 out of 5
Keywords: 4 Viral TikTok recipes put to the test, put to the test, Viral TikTok recipes, toasterdilla, barry lewis, my virgin kitchen, tik tok recipes, tiktok recipes, virgin kitchen, recipes, myvirginkitchen, cooking videos, toaster quesadilla, breakfast sandwich, 2 ingredient oreo cake, cooking channel, tik tok, tiktok, food, hacks, oreo cake, dalgona coffee, cooking hacks, food hacks, diy, tiktok life hacks, tik tok food hacks, testing viral tiktok food hacks, cooking show, how to, dIY
Id: NNfGvwqfrBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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