Edible Sombrero | Ask Barry #1

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- Feelin' strong? - I hope the hat is. (dramatic music) (electronic popping) Hello everyone, have we got a fun video for you today? Yes, that does end with a question mark, but I sincerely hope that you will enjoy this. I'm gonna have some fun, because the other day, boom, check the hat, we had a tweet from Anjela, spelled with a J, actually, Anjela Dauncey. First time tweeter, long time viewer, crying emoji. Please help, three praying emojis. There is no help out there and I feel only you can accomplish, exclamation mark. My soon to be four year old son is desperate for a taco hat. Amazing, that seems like something that Stuart Ashton would ask me to do. Typically the child wants Nutella and not normal dip as I would personally have, praying emoji, with an actual animated gif of the film Despicable Me, which being a parent, I have successfully managed to avoid the entire series, just through sheer luck, I don't know how. I've seen Frozen about 10 times. So I did a series of other tweets saying, hmm, I really want to do this now, and then we slid into the DMs. See what he does is he snaps a little bit of the hat off the sombrero, dunks it in some salsa and then manges on it. So into the DMs, Anjela sent me this. - [Anjela] Where are you going? - Barry, can I have a taco hat, please? - That is Sebastian, who's gonna be four, and I believe if I do this in time, Anjela may, indeed, attempt this herself, so it has to kind of work. Yep, he legitimately wants it for his fourth birthday, happy birthday, Sebastian, I hope you have a lovely day. And he wants Nutella in it, which I can relate to. So we've got that, we're gonna do this. Hello, remember the other day when the taco hat thing arrived, the mould, aka a sombrero? (Barry laughing) Yes, but it is actually very relevant for Homer Simpson because there's another one, all right, (laughing) howdy partner, oh, you don't say that in Mexican. You've had one too many, Homer, take a rest. Oh, and the other thing that arrived with the sombrero that I didn't show you was this. I might look like my dad. Oh, yeah, I do. Sorry, I've gotta go, I'm in a bit of a hurry, I moustache. Wait a minute. (Barry laughing) Yeah, that looks way better. I think I might keep him like that for as long as it stays on. All right, folks, so I'm gonna need that hat to make a mould, that's what I'm gonna do. I don't wanna taco 'bout this much more, we're gonna crack on. In fact, if you've missed it already, you wanna make some decent homemade tortillas, there's actually a video that I've done before on making them and we used something called masa harina flour. ♪ Um bugga beeda bada beeda bada bay ♪ ♪ Hey masa harina ♪ ♪ Ah-aye ♪ There we go, it's basically a ground up maize. It is actually a corn flour. I went through that on that video, I won't do it again. So it's awesome. And I actually ended up making my own by accident with the homemade cornflake video, thinking about it. You have to get that on Amazon generally. It's quite hard to get in the UK. So if you join Boston and I right now and look at the screen, at both of the gifs of Homer Simpson and Despicable Me, you will see the aesthetics of the hat. There's a slightly more higher ridge to help keep the sauce in. What I mean by that, you see how it's sort of curved? It goes up a little bit, but on both of those they almost go up vertical to kind of create a wall. Let's not go down that route. But we're gonna go up high like that, so we're gonna kinda make a foil mould, manipulate it our way, wrap our dough around it and that should give us the taco hat. Actually one other thing I did wanna do, was make a dip in the actual peaky bit of the hat here, so we could put the dip in there and not worry about it there, but genuinely I don't think that's as Mexican, I think that's more of a cowboy hat. So we'll keep the dome and we'll put Nutella, two lots of it, big boy ones, in there. I can't stop laughing at that. Hey Homer, that's nacho hat. I promised I'd say that the other day. We need to find out if this is gonna fit in there. We had a little look the other day and it burned the top, as you see there, so if I get that in there, oh wow, it will potentially fit, because we're gonna bend it up. We'll use this as our mould support assistant thing. Width ways we're gonna be fine, but actually when you turn it round like this, it's gonna have to come up a teeny bit. So at least from one angle it'll look bloomin' awesome. Fingers crossed. Let's make the mould. And to do that (foil rustling) we've got some extra strong tinfoil. (lighthearted music) I've run out of foil. (Barry laughing) I might have some more. Okay, so this is our mould again, we'll stick it down and then what we'll do is start to just bring it up, initially just to give us that width. (Barry laughing) And now what I'm doing is liftin' the foil up to add a bit more strength and stability to the edges. (upbeat music) That is awesome. I'm gonna add another little band of foil just around the edges, so let's summon the last bit of foil. (cardboard tube trumpeting) (bouncy lighthearted music) Yes. So here we go, we're gonna put this onto our tray and we will try and manipulate it so it does fit and not basically touch the heating element and set my house on fire. Well, as I say, the width is fine, don't worry about the height there 'cause we can balance that out. All right, here comes our kettle. (kettle banging on counter) Boom, and we are putting this on to boil, but we just want warm water. (Barry laughing) What? - Mr Bean's moustache. - [Barry] His moustache? All right, so this is almost boiled water. (water splashing) You see it's hot, that's what we want it to be, 'cause we're gonna make a sort of dough. This is about four cups. - What have you done to Mr. Bean? That's hilarious. - [Barry] He looks less sinister. - (laughing) I don't think he looks less sinister. - All right, so we're gonna go with 500 grammes of the masa harina initially. So we've got our water. We might not need as much of that, but we can add a bit more because we're making the dough and the only other ingredient, which does actually make this fairly cheap, is salt. So the flour goes in, a little sprinkle of salt, like salt bay, and I'll add just a little bit at a time and we'll mix it together and it'll make the dough. (lighthearted music) All right, not too bad, not too messy. All right, mate? I'm boiling the kettle, hence the noise, just in case I need some more. Hello, hello. I'm thinkin' I've got the dough here, do I just pat it on the hat? Or do I roll it out, which is what I was planning on doing? Which is what you would normally do if you're making a tortilla, or you have something amazing called a tortilla press. I'm thinkin' I'm gonna put some of it down initially, like half of it, and then get my other really cool gadget, the adjustable rolling pin, which is here, and then roll it out. This is workin'. You can't see some of it, there you go, that's better, sorry. I must get myself an improved camera man, this guy's rubbish. There we go. Oh no, (laughing) it's made a line in it. The problem I've got is I've now gotta get that onto my hat. Now I'm gonna feel like a bit of a hairdresser, watch this. So some oil to help it not cling to me hat. (oil splashing) ♪ Whoa, my love, my darlin' ♪ Oh no, it's like trying to separate a bag in a supermarket. Or even a dog poo bag. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Whoa! I'm gonna have to build it on there. I was thinkin' I could go like this. (plastic rustling) Oh actually. (Barry gasping) Oh. Well that is on there. I've got one amazing side. It's not too bad. Yeah, look, this is gonna work. I've got a few holes but I can just patch it in and it gentle works its way in there anyway. (laughing) Oh yes! You don't need to see me do the rest of this, so let's jump to a dough hat. All right, so I've got it all in there and what I've done is added a little bit of water, so I can run my hands along the inside and do a sort of a little pattern and then just even out all those patches where you joined it together. That's all I've been doing, where so it's a little bit better than it was, it was all splattered on. A little bit of water and work it together, it's actually quite therapeutic to do this. I'm really, really enjoying it. But that is it, I'm just basically delaying the inevitable of putting it in the oven and basically seeing what happens. I think it's lookin', actually, really, really good. My fear is it can puff up when it cooks. But if it can hold the shape it should firm up and once it cools it'll be strong. (Barry laughing) I'm doing that thing again, where I put my chair right by the oven. You see, I'm at the stage now where I can see that it's dried out, but it's not browning yet. It hasn't puffed up, like tortillas do. If I'd fried that, boom, it would do that. They do deflate, but (laughing) expecting that hat to go (spluttering). It's kinda stayed still, I think 'cause we rested the dough, unintentionally. (Barry laughing) Oh my gosh. Oh, it's cracked. Actually, you know what, that little bit is bugging me. (Barry laughing) It's sealed it and it's even given it a nice authentic scorch mark. That'll do. I've put it back in. I felt that by taking it out, I'm not gonna open it, it's shocked it, it suddenly went, oh, it's cold! Little update. I was like, hang on a sec, I've got so much ♪ Hey masa harina ♪ let's just do another layer and Mrs. Barry has volunteered. - Don't remember volunteering. - [Barry] Good work, mate. Double teamed this sombrero. It's on a slightly different tray because the back of it, we were worried it was gonna bend forward. Right, folks, I'm not opening the oven 'cause I don't wanna shock it, to try and make it crack, so I'm turnin' the oven off. But I think it's dried out. It's crackin' again. - [Little Girl] Are you gonna start it again? - Am I gonna start it again? Hell, yes, I am, mate! We're gonna do a bit of flour and corn tortillas and the flour, the plain flour, should give it a bit more strength than the corn, which is cracking. So this time, 250 grammes of plain flour, helping it. The pinch of salt, salt bay, still going for 500 grammes of the masa harina. ♪ Hey, masa harina ♪ We're addin' in our water. (water splashing) (lively music) Yeah, that is feeling a lot more doughy actually. (plastic rustling) Shall we do it again Oh, it just looks stronger, you know what I mean? It looks like a sandcastle I'll be proud of, and I grew up by the sea. Come on, in you go, mate. (oven tray clanging) Let's do this. (Barry gasping) It has been three hours. We baked it and we just turned the oven off, forgot about it and it took that long for it to completely cool down. I've had a look and I think, (laughing) I think it's worked. (Barry exhaling heavily) We're just about holding onto the light, let's get it out. (Barry laughing) Yes! (Barry laughing) We've done it! Well, have we? I mean, it's bubbled up a little bit and it's not as brown as I would like, but. Actually feels quite light, I'm feeling positive. Senor Bean and Homer in the background, watching on in anticipation. I'm not gonna need the mould again, am I? (lively music) Oh, snapped a bit off. Oh, it's crunchy! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. (laughing) (foil rustling) Oh, is that the middle bit? I wasn't even lookin' what I was doin', the middle bit's come out all right. I snapped a bit of the side off of it, I'll have to try and stick that on with a bit of chocolate. (foil rustling) (gasping) (Barry laughing) There's still bits, there's still bits. Yeah, see a bit of foil embedded in it. Here we go. You see that? I got a smear of, like, tortilla dough on my camera lens, so it looks like there's a huge line along it. Look at that! Yeah, that's the bit that I snapped off, so if I just get a teeny bit of melted chocolate. Obviously if you are making this you can be a bit more careful than me. There we go, nobody will know. (all laughing) (glass jar clattering) (door clanging) - [Girl] Scared so I'm standing back for safety reasons. - That is my fear, we are adding 750 grammes to our hat. I think I'll wear it, I don't wanna get Nutella on your heads, all right? And the fear is, we've got these little bits where it's separated again. The flour's made it a lot smoother, but the Nutella could seep through here. All right, Mrs. B? - Ready? - Get the Nutella on there, yeah. Oh my gosh. Oh! Oh, another jar. I think this is gonna add so much weight to it. Oh! All right there? - Yeah. (all laughing) - Feelin' strong? - I hope the hat is. For some reason this is, like, one of my top scariest moments on the channel. This thing, I can't tell you, it suddenly feels really weak with that Nutella on there. If it works it's gonna be amazing, if it fails there's gonna be Nutella everywhere. Are we ready? - [Becky] Oh dear, yes. (dramatic music) (Barry laughing) (all cheering) It's on! - It feels a bit lopsided, is that straight? - [Becky] I don't know, it's a bit lopsided from the back. - They're supposed to be lopsided. - Is that better? - Yeah, it's wobbling it a bit. - How's it going? - Ah! - Is it spillin' out? - Ah, hold it, hold it! - [Becky] Er, I can't see. No! - Oh, okay. ♪ Nacho nacho man ♪ (Becky cheering) There we go, I did it! Sebastian, I hope you're happy. Anjela, good luck. What's he do, is his name Gru? - Yeah. - Yeah. (tortilla cracking) - Yeah, that's what he does. (all cheering) - If we wanna eat this we shoulda used a swim cap, but there we go. Apart from my bodged little side, I'm happy with that. Sebastian, I hope you have a happy fourth birthday. Good luck to anyone that tries it. The flour really did change it up and as for this concept as a series, maybe Ask Barry is what we'll call this and make it a thing, if you want me to try and attempt your cooking conundrums so you don't have to. So from Senor Bean, not Mr. Bean anymore, Senor Bean. Maybe we'll keep the tash on him. From Homer, with the original sombrero, which worked out an amazing mould. And from the family, goodbye. - Bye! - Goodbye. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Sideburns, moustache, goatee, maybe all three ♪ You'll be all right, it's fine, it's fine. - Your neck's like-- ♪ Nacho nacho man ♪ (Barry laughing)
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Views: 145,114
Rating: 4.9279485 out of 5
Keywords: edible sombrero, taco hat, taco sombrero, tortilla hat, homemade tortilla, despicable me gru, gru taco hat, homemade taco hat, diy, instructions, tutorial, learn to cook, movie food, recipes from films, edible sombrero hat, nacho hat irl, nacho hat, nacho hat simpsons, nacho hat despicable me, nacho hat real life, taco sombrero spongebob, homemade tortillas, nutella, barry lewis, virgin kitchen, myvirginkitchen, my virgin kitchen, movie foods in real life, homer, gru, food hack
Id: wC3UBKM0C4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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